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Name student: Tahani ALmuqbali

ID Number: 17901335
Group: F23
Name of module: Research skills

Smartphone is one of the modern greatest inventions nowadays. It has a historical root
because telephone first appeared in 1876 by American inventor, Graham Bell. Then it
improved step by step to be smarter nowadays. Although, it is very advanced but
technologists still improved it more and more to be more helpful. AAs everyone know
technology especially smartphone like a weapon with two limit, so everyone must be
very careful while using smartphone it. Firstly, smartphone have a lot of advantages. It
have different programmer that make us contact with our relatives and our friends
wherever they are. According to Marilyn Vos Savant (2017)”Email, instant messaging,
and cell phones give us fabulous communication ability, but because we live and work in
our own little worlds, that communication is totally disorganized”.


A set of questions were designed about the usage of smartphone and l gave it to
respondents, five of them were female hostel and five males from college campus. I left it
with them for a few minutes to answer the questions, and then I took it from them to help
me collect data information for my assignment.
Discussion of Results
The data is shows in the form of tables and the results are discussed below.

Table 1

Gender Age
Male female 18-20 21-23 24-26
5 5 6 4 0

Illustrates the demographic information of the respondents. Out of the 10respondents 5of
them were male and others 5 were female. The questionnaire was given to student of
different age to collect different opinions.

Table 2
Hawawi iPhone Galaxy others
Q 1: Which type
of smartphone you
2 6 2 0
like to use?

Table 2 shows that 20% of the respondents choosing Hawawi which the types of
smartphone like to use it, others 20% respondents prefer to use galaxy. The high
percentage of choosing respondent is iPhone which is because one modern type of

Table 3
Q2: How many Less than five More than five Six hours More than six hours
hours do you use hours hours
your smartphone? 5 3 0 2
Table 3 show that 50% of the respondents use smartphone less than five hours, 30% more
than five hours and 20% more than six hours. So that highest percentage of the number of
hour that respondents use it is less than five hours.

Table 4
Q3: Where do For For taking photo For research All of the a
you use communication information above
1 1 0 8

Table 4 shows that 10% of the respondents use smartphone for communication and
taking photo and, 80% use smartphone for all of the above. From this table we notice
that the highest percentage of where respondents use smartphone is all of the above.

Table 5
Q4: which type of Whatsapp Instagram youTub Others
3 3 2 2
social media you
use it in

Table 5 shows that 30%of the respondents use Whatsapp and Instagram in their
smartphone and 20%use YouTube and other program. We notice that WhatsApp and
Instagrame which is type of social media is more used than other programs.

Table 6
Q5:uesing Completel Agree Neutral disagree Completely
smartphone help y agree disagree
you to
5 0 0 5 0
with others?
Table 6 shows that 50%of the respondents are completely agree that smartphone help
them to communication with others and the same percent age for the respondents who are
disagree that smartphone help them to communication with others.

Table 7

Q6: Do you use yes No

smartphone when you
7 3
are at working?

Table 7 shows that 70% of the

respondents use smartphone at the
working and 30% of them don’t do
that. The highest is respondents who
use smartphone at the working. So
smartphone is important at the
working. But also they should
managing their time when the and use

Table 8

Q7: Do you use Yes No

smartphone to
10 0
sending email?

Table 8 shows that 10%of the respondents use smartphone for sending email. In addition,
that’s mean smartphone is a best more than laptop to sending email.

Table 9

Q8:It is possible for Yes No

you to give up the 5 5
Table 9 shows that 50%of the respondents it is possible for them to give up the
smartphone. On other hand 50%of the respondents isn’t possible to them to give up the
smartphone and its mean they can’t be without smartphone at all which is same time
effect of their live.

Table 10
Q9: Dose the Yes No
smartphone take 9 1
much time?

Table 10 shows that 90%of the respondents are agree that smartphone take much time.
And the other 10%disagree for that. The highest percentage show that smartphone take
much time and much use.

Table 11

Q10.Do you think smartphone is important for you?

The responses to question 10 were not the same. While nine of the respondents believed
that smartphone is important for them, they use it to communicate with friend and family
because some of them study very far from there so smartphone help them to send
messages and now a day people can call other by video call. However, one of them had
two different views. According to him, it is important but at the same time it isn’t because
people use it in a wrong way.

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