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: Air Hostess

Air hostess is one of the high profile professions in India

desired by many young graduates. Air hostess profession is
. like a dream come true for young girls
In this profession you not only get good pay but you
meet different people from around the world, you get to
see different locations, you get chance to meet
celebrities, business tycoons and also learn a lot
Air Hostess job seems as an easy job but she has many
responsibilities at the plane and it’s not an easy job
She has to greet every passenger, coordinate with
security, make air travel comfortable of the passenger, to
guide passenger during their seat settlement and much
more Also Air Hostess has to handle some difficult
.passenger and remain patient and calm
Mostly women choose the career of air hostess but those
.’men who choose the career are called ‘Stewards
An Air Hostess can be later on promoted as Senior Flight
Attendant and then Head Attendant. Air Hostess has an
average career span of eight to ten years, later she can
move to the ground duties which include the job of a
Check Hostess, training of air hostess, Ground hostess or
work or work with the management level
To get a job as an Air Hostess your personality is more
important than the education

Following Eligibility required for becoming Air Hostess

She has to be 12th pass
Some airlines prefer graduates with specialization in Hotel
. Management and Tourism
Should be in between group age 18 to 25 years
Should have minimum height of 157.5
Should have weight proportion to height
Mastery in spoken in English and any other foreign
language will be an added advantage
Should be unmarried but most airlines doesn’t commit to
this condition
Normal eyesight is 6/6 uncorrected in both eyes
Fair to clear complexion
Good health and physically fit
Pleasing personality
Skills required to become an Air Hostess
Pleasing personality•
Positive attitude•
Pleasant voice•
Common sense•
Friendly outgoing Personality•
Presence of mind•
Language proficiency•
Good Communication skills•
Presence of mind•
Team Spirit•
Ready to work for long hours•
Good appearance•
Sense of responsibility
: Chef
A chef is a highly trained and skilled professional cook
who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation of a
particular cuisine. The word "chef" is derived (and
shortened) from the term chef de cuisine " The director
or head of a kitchen " . Chefs can receive both formal
training from an institution, as well as through
apprenticeship with an experienced chef . Chefs oversee
food production at places where food is served. They
might work in restaurants, private homes, or hotels. Chefs
are responsible for directing the cooking staff and making
numerous decisions related to everything from food
. .production to administrative issues
Chefs have to develop a variety of skills, ranging from
hard skills related to cooking to soft skills related to
working with and sometimes managing a team

: Required skills
Attention to Detail
Business Sense


Commitment to Quality•


Time Efficient•


One of the most famous Egyptian chefs is Chef Sherbiny
The presenter of "The CHEF " cooking program on CBC
. channel
He is well known for his proficiency in food preparation
and his creativity in making remarkable dishes from
ordinary ingredients and also for his amazing personality
.in the kitchen
: Tour Guide
A tour guide or a tourist guide provides assistance,
information and cultural, historical and contemporary
heritage interpretation to people on organized tours and
individual clients at educational establishments, religious
and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other
significant interest . According to the CEN "The European
committee for standardization " a tour guide is a person
who guides visitors in the language of their choice and "
interprets the cultural and natural heritage of an area,
which person normally possesses an area-specific
. qualification usually issued and/or recognize

: Skills required

Understandable - 1
Ideally, your tour guide should speak a range of languages,
including your own, as well as the local lingo. They should also
speak clearly, audibly and with confidence. Depending on the
type of tour, you might be asked to wear earphones or use other
types of audio equipment

Punctual- 2
Your tour leader should be waiting for you when you arrive,
rather than the other way around. Ideally, they should also
ensure that other tour members arrive and depart on time, and
.don’t cause delays for the group as a whole

-Friendly 3
A relaxed and friendly manner is key to a great tour guide. They
also need to have a certain level of authority, and be able to keep
tour members together and focused without coming across as
intimidating, patronising or arrogant – not a good look in a tour
. guide

Knowledgeable -4
A good tour guide has an in-depth knowledge of the site, its
history and importance. A great tour guide has a passion for their
subject and can convey their enthusiasm to the group. Such
passion can be contagious and inspiring, and make the site really
come alive. Being able to convey a sense of the overall cultural
background is also important, as it can greatly enhance each tour
. member’s overall understanding of the site as a whole

Engaging -5

Great tour guides share their knowledge in an engaging,

illuminating and entertaining way, rather than repeating a list of
facts by rote

Interactive- 6
Effective tour guides also invite questions and interaction from
tour members, rather than treating the tour as a one-person
. show or a ‘be quiet and listen’ school lesson

-Observant 7
The tour needs to be relevant to a broad range of people,
including different age groups. A good tour leader also needs to
.be aware of tour members with special needs

Good Pacing-9
Whether the speed of the narrative or the pace of a walking tour,
it should be neither too fast nor too slow. Like Goldilocks, it
.should be just right
-Flexible 10
When appropriate, a flexible approach can make the difference
between a good and a great tour guide. Being flexible means
being open to serendipity, taking a moment to enjoy
spontaneous moments like a particularly perfect sunset

A certain level of friendly humour is essential. Equally, a good
tour guide also knows when to include a little quiet time, and
..when to let the site speak for itself

Alexandria University

Faculty of Tourism and Hotels

First year
" " Important jobs in tourism and hotels sector

: Done by

Maria osama

Youstina Nabil

Monica Matter

Miryam Hakim

Ghalia abdel naeam

Under the supervision of doctor

osman saed

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