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Introduction to computer science

Grammar G is a 4-tuple: G =< V, T, P, S >

— V - a finite set of terminals, disjoint from V , which make up the ac-
tual content of the sentence.The set of terminals is the alphabet of the
language defined by the grammar,
— T - a finite set of non-terminal characters or variables. They represent
different types of phrase or clause in the sentence.Each variable repre-
sents a language,
— P - productions – a relation from V to(V ∪Σ)∗ such that ∃ w ∈ (V ∪Σ)∗ :
(S, w) ∈ R. These relations called productions or rewrite rules,
— S - the start variable (or start symbol), used to represent the whole
sentence (or program). It must be an element of V .
Example: G = {V, T, P, S}
V = {0, 1},
T = {<binary number>, <digit>},
P = {<binary number> ::=<binary number><digit>;
<binary number> ::=<digit> ;
<digit> ::= 0|1},
S =<binary number>.

The function g(n) is the upper bound of rank of order of the function
f (n):
f (n) = O(g(n)) ⇔ ∃c>0 ∃n0 ∀n­n0 |f (n)| ¬ c · |g(n)|
We can also say that |f (n)| ¬ c · |g(n)| holds for almost every n ∈ N. Set
of function for which g(n) is the upper bound of rank of order is denoted by
The function g(n) is the lower bound of rank of order of the function
f (n):
f (n) = Ω(g(n)) ⇔ ∃c>0 ∃n0 ∀n­n0 c · |g(n)| ¬ |f (n)|
We can also say that c · |g(n)| ¬ |f (n)| holds for almost every n ∈ N. Set
of function for which g(n) is the lower bound of rank of order is denoted by
The function f (n) has the same rank of order as the function g(n):

f (n) = Θ(g(n)) ⇔ f (n) = O(g(n)) ∧ g(n) = O(f (n))

In the other words ∃c0 , c1 > 0, ∃n0 ∈ N, such that c0 · |g(n)| 6 |f (n)| ¬
c1 · |g(n)| for all n ­ n0 .
Set of function for which g(n) has the same rank of order is denoted by

Examples: log n ∈ O(n) , n2 ∈ Ω(n) , n ∈ O(n) , n ∈ Ω(n) , n ∈ Θ(n) ,

20n ∈ Θ(n).

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