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1o Commandments of

Online Training

Who Else Wants To make $10,000 a Month In The Next 12 Weeks And Have The
Freedom To Work From Anywhere?
Congratulations on getting your hands on, “The 10 Commandments of Online
Training”. In this cheat sheet, I'm going to outline 10 unbreakable rules that are
proven to build your online fitness business fast.

These commandments are what I use to teach my students how to make $10,000
a month, within the next 90 days! And, of course, I have more successful students
than anyone else who teaches this.

Commandment #1: Count Money, Not Followers

“Online Trainer
A big misconception that people have about me is that they think that I have a
Formula”. successful online fitness business because I have a huge following online, and
millions of fans all around the world (over 1 Million FB fans, over 800,000 YouTube
subs, and 150,000+ IG Followers)

The truth is that it's the other way around.

I have millions of followers because I have a successful business.

Building a HUGE FOLLOWING is a FULL TIME JOB. You wont have time to do it if you
are working a 9-5. So you have to make enough money to quit your job BEFORE you
work on building a huge following.

That’s what I did - I build my business, THEN built my following.

The good news is, you DON’T NEED A BIG FOLLOWING to make enough money to quit
your job.

Here's the “Online Trainer Formula”.

1. 25 Clients
25 clients
2. Paying you $80 a week Paying you $80 a week

3. For 52 weeks For 52 weeks…

...Equals $104,000 a year!!!

4. Equals $104,000 a
year! You only need 25 clients, bro. Do you need millions of followers, or millions of fans, to
make 25 sales? Of course not. All you need is 25.

CLICK HERE to see an example of one of my students who I helped make over $100,000 from his Online
Fitness Business. He started with only 100 Instagram Followers!
Commandment #2: Don't Worry About Competition
When I talk to trainers about building their online fitness business, one of the problems they claim to have is that
there is too much competition in the fitness industry. Guess what? They're right! That's why I teach my students how
to not compete with the whole fucking industry.

Here's the thing, you only need 25 clients to make six figures.

Here's the “Online Trainer Formula”.

25 clients

Paying me $80 a week for 52 weeks…

...Equals over $104,000 a year!!!

So while there are millions of trainers online marketing to EVERYONE… My students are only trying to get their first 25
clients. Granted, I have many students with well over 25 clients; some with over 60! But right now, I want you to focus
on the first 25, because that's going to give you the freedom to do other things.

So if you only need 25 clients, then who are you going to market to in order to get those 25? Here's a hint. It's not
“EVERYONE”. You're only looking for 25. 25 is a lot different than “EVERYONE”.

The key to getting your first 25 clients fast, is

to pick a “Target Market” and ONLY focus on them. So while every
asshole with “Trainer” in his bio is marketing to EVERYONE, my students ONLY market to their “Target Market” (We're
going to talk about how to pick your “Target Market” in the upcoming commandments; but you want to narrow your

You don't need to compete with EVERYONE, because you're not trying to get EVERYONE to be your client. You're only
trying to get 25 people.

CLICK HERE to see how I helped one of my students go from ZERO to $80,000 in just 8 Months by picking the right
target market!

1. Don’t try to market to

You must be EVERYONE

a “specialist” 2. Pick a “Target Market and

Focus ONLY on them
not a
3. Remember, you only need 25
“generalist” clients to make over $100,000
a year!
Commandment #3: You Must Become A “Specialist”
You must be a specialist and not a generalist. How many fitness guys or girls do you see on Instagram selling bullshit every day?
Countless. Most of them don't stand out, do they? No, they're pretty much the same.
They're “generalists”. They're just “Fitness Guys” or “Fitness Girls”. They don't really specialize in anything and because they are
kind of just like everyone else. They are all offering similar shit.

As a result, they have to compete with all the other “Fitness Guys” or “Fitness Girls” online. And the only way they can compete
is with price. They all try to be the cheapest or have the cheapest programs. This is why you see people selling $7 e-books or
$10 e-books all the time or in some cases $20-$50 programs.
They're all trying to be the cheapest because that's the only way they can compete - it's a race to the bottom. The problem with
racing to the bottom is... you might win!
Making yourself “the cheapest” is the stupidest way to attempt to build your business.

However, if you are a specialist, you specialize in something.

If you specialize in something you can actually charge MORE than everyone else!

Sounds crazy, right?

Let me explain...
Lets say we have two doctors.
Doctor #1 is a regular ass, general practice Doctor. You can go to this guy if you have an ear infection, if you hurt your toe, or if
you catch an STD. He'll work with any asshole who walks in his office and has insurance. He works with kids, children, old
people, everyone! His focus is just general health for everyone.

Doctor #2. He is a heart surgeon. All he does is operate on hearts. He's one of the best at what he does, and is known for it. He
will only work with certain people with a particular Heart issue. NOBODY is better at working with those kinds of people with that
kind of problem.

Who do you think makes more money?

Of course, it’s Doctor # 2.
He makes more money because he's a “specialist”So when “Joe Blow Fitness” is offering anything to EVERYONE, and he says
he can do your thing too, no one is going to take him as seriously. Even if Joe Blow Crazy Fitness says that he'll do it cheaper, in
your heart - you'll know it's not as good.
When you specialize in something, people can't ‘price shop’ because you're one of the few specialists in that field. Now you're
not competing with EVERYONE. You're only competing with other people specializing in what you specialize in.

You must be When you specialize in

a “specialist” something people can't
‘price shop’ because you're
not a one of the few specialists in
“generalist” that field.

CLICK HERE to see an example of how one of my students was able to build a huge business and following by becoming a
Commandment #3: Ignore Everyone Else

Here is an example from one of my star students, who makes well over $10,000 a month with her online fitness
business, Mattie Conklin.

Mattie is a stay at home Mom from Pittsburg, PA.

Mattie had NEVER been a trainer before in her life.

She definitely did not know anything about how to run a business.

Mattie had no following on social media at all, she did not even know what a “hashtag” is.

I met Mattie because she entered one of my KETO Challenges as a client.

Mattie got in AMAZING SHAPE during the challenge and won the grand prize of $1,000.00

When I talked to Mattie, she told me how much the Challenge changed her life. She wanted to become a
coach and start helping other people accomplish their fitness goals the same way I helped her.

Mattie was nervous at first because she had NEVER started her own business before and had ZERO following
on social media.

She also worried that she would not have the time to do this because the majority of her time was spent taking
care of her two young toddlers.

However, Mattie took the plunge and joined my mentorship program “High Ticket Trainer”
First thing we did was narrow her target market down.

We decided that it would be best for Mattie to focus 100% on “Moms who want to lose fat with Keto”

Within a few short months, Mattie was making over $18,000 a month with her Online Fitness Business!

CLICK HERE to learn more about Mattie’s story

Commandment #5: Charge What You Are Worth

A big problem I see with online trainers once we build their business on the internet, is that they don't charge enough for
their services.

They try to put out cheap eBooks and courses because they see big influencers doing that. The problem is - unless you
have a huge fan base, or you are a Facebook advertising wizard, it's very difficult to make money on eBooks and courses.

This is because the math doesn't add up. I'll explain that in a minute.

As a result of trainers trying to sell cheap shit on the internet, they don’t end up making a lot of money.

They end up getting frustrated, and never really getting the freedom that they want.

This leads to them giving up, and not really being able to help as many people as they’d like.

Here's the “Online Trainer Formula”.

25 clients

Paying you $80 a week for 52 weeks…

...Equals $104,000 a year!!!
So basically, you only need 25 clients, or 25 sales
If you're trying to sell cheap ass bullshit eBooks, you’d need 1,000 sales every month!

If you're trying to sell courses, or pieces of fitness equipment, you're going to have to sell hundreds every month.

If you're doing online training, you only need 25 total to make over $100,000 a year!
Are you getting it? Are you seeing how the math actually adds up?

Here's the thing, online training is more valuable than your bullshit eBook or fucking course.

You're actually providing a better service, because you're giving them workout AND meal plans, you're checking in with them
once a week, and you're keeping them accountable, helping them actually accomplish their goals.

You're giving personal training, but you're doing it online. It's cheaper for them than in-person personal training in a gym.

I've seen this work countless times…

CLICK HERE to see an example from one of my students who I helped make over $5,000 IN HIS FIRST 2 WEEKS
Commandment #6: Sell RESULTS, Not TIME
In person trainers don't make a ton of money and they don’t have freedom. This is because the literally sell their “TIME”

When you've trained people in person, you are literally saying, "Hey, I will train you for an hour, and this is my hourly rate."
There are major problems with this business model.

First of all, you can only work so many hours each day. So this puts a hard limit on how much money you can make.

More importantly, when you sell off your time, you sell your freedom. Now you are what I like to call a “GYM SLAVE”.
You literally HAVE to be in the gym to make any money! So, you can’t travel or spend more time with your family…

Fuck that! As a “GYM SLAVE”, you can’t even take off work if you get SICK because you only make money when you
are in the gym training people.

“Online Trainer
But when you start ONLINE training, you don’t charge for “TIME”, you charge for the
Formula”. “RESULTS”.

What do I mean?

With online training, people ONLY care about the RESULTS you can get for them, and
they don’t care how long or how much time YOU put in to get them that result…

…as long as they get it.

I have students who have between 50, and 100 online clients. How much time do you
think they spend on all of their clients?

spend 3-4 hours a day on ALL OF THERE CLIENTS COMBINED! That’s right, they
are making more than 6-figures a year and only working 3-4 hours a day! And they
are working either from home, or wherever they are - traveling around the world.

5. 25 Clients It would be impossible to do that with in-person training because there's a cap on how
many people you can train.
6. Paying you $80 a week
With an online personal training model, you can actually help more people. You can
charge less, and make more money, all while spending less time. It's way different.
7. For 52 weeks
It’s way better. It's a different business model.

8. Equals $104,000 a
CLICK HERE to see an example of one of my students who I helped make
over $30,000 in his FIRST MONTH working with me!
Commandment #7: You Don’t Need Money To Start!

I actually don’t want Dan Lok, one of my

business mentors, once told
my students me, “If you can’t make
spending ANY money without spending
MONEY until they money, you will waist money
are already making when you spend it.”

A lot of people, they think they need a bunch of money, to start an online fitness business, and they think they need a big, fancy
website, or the best camera in the world, or something like that.

You don't need any of that shit...

Definitely not for online training.

Now, if you're going to start a supplement company, a clothing line, or a meal prep delivery company, yeah, you DO need money
for that. I have started each of those business and I needed a lot of money to start them. But how did I GET THE MONEY to start
those business? I got that money by doing ONLINE TRAINING!

The thing is, online personal training is the only kind of fitness business you can start with no money. You don't need a fancy
website, especially if you work with me, because my students have built 6 Figure business for next to nothing.
You definitely don't need a lot of money, because you don't need a lot of clients.
All you need is 25 clients, paying around $80 a week, for 52 weeks. That’s $104,000 a year.
You don't need a crazy amount of money to get those 25 clients. All you need to know is the system, and the protocol to get
them, and that's what I'm teaching my students.

A lot of times, you can just do it through social media.

Even if you don't have a big social media following, it doesn't matter, because you only need 25. I teach my students different
tactics to get clients even if they have ZERO followers. I show them how they can get clients from other people's followers. You
can get clients from other people's Facebook pages, Popular Facebook Groups, and from other people's Instagram.

We have tactics to show you how to do that, so if you're starting with nothing, no fans, no money - we can show you how to do it.
Now, I DO teach my student how to run successful Facebook and Instagram ads..

But I don’t like them to spend ANY money on advertising until they are making at least $3000 - $4000 dollars per month.
Why? Because I think of ads like gasoline. When you already have a spark, and you pore gas on it, what do you get? You get an

But what happens if you just poor gas on the ground where there is no spark?
That’s right, NOTHING! Sure, it smells good, but you wasted your gas and just made a fucking mess.

So I actually don’t want my students spending ANY MONEY until they are already making money. That way, when they do start
spending money, we KNOW for a fact that that it will be profitable.

CLICK HERE to see how one of my students got three High Ticket Online Clients in his first three days of joining
my program with NO Paid ads, and a SMALL FOLLOWING!
Commandment #8: You Have To BE THE PRODUCT

People buy online personal training because they aspire to be something, whether it's a certain look, or a certain level
of energy.

They want to change how they are, and most of the time, how they look and feel to a better version of themselves.

You have to give them that image. If you're not in the best shape, you're not gonna make as much money doing
personal training.

I'm just being honest with you. It's going to be difficult for you. If you're not walking the walk, it's gonna be very difficult.

If I didn't have multiple seven figure online fitness businesses, and I was trying to teach this, what would you call me?
A con-artist, a fraud.

If a homeless person tried to teach you how to be a millionaire, you would say it was a scam.

You Have To
WALK THE WALK If you're not in great shape, if you yourself aren't aspirational in some
capacity, whatever that means to your target market…if you don't exemplify
what they want, what does that say about you? Are you running a scam? I
don't know, you tell me.

It's important that you get in the best shape that you can be, so when your
potential clients look at you they think, "Yo, I want to look like that. I want
that person's body. I want that person's energy. I want that..."
Whatever it is you have, whatever it is you're selling, you want to exemplify
it, and you'll do way better.

I wish I could tell you, you could just be out of shape, and still make money
in online personal training, but I would be lying to you.

However, I do teach my students this one tactic that helps them make
money even if they are not in the best shape.
You can’t be a FAT ASS
and be a successful I have a tactic where they go through their own transformation, and they use
Online Trainer. that to actually get more clients.
But if you ARE a FAT
I teach them how to document their own transformation.
ASS now, you can get in
shape, and sell training
teaching how you did it! They get in the best shape they can within a month or two, and they used
that whole transformation, the whole experience, to get a bunch of clients. It
works exquisitely well.

CLICK HERE to see how one of my students made over $18,000 IN HIS
FIRST MONTH working with me!
Commandment #9: You Have To Be A Proffessional

A lot of people want to start their online fitness business, and maybe they have another job, or maybe they have something else going
on and they think that they don’t have time.

Then I ask them, "How many hours a week are you spending on your business?", and they can never give me a straight answer.


Because they are not scheduling there work time like a fucking professional. Instead, they are just trying to “fit it in” around their other

So, I want to break something down for you. There are 168 hours in evey week.

Let's say you sleep eight hours a night. That's 56 hours per week of sleep.
Let's say you have a regular 9:00 to 5:00 job. That's 40 hours a week, but if you count your commute on everything, and getting ready,
and maybe working, it might be a little bit more, so I'm going to give you 56 hours at work.
Here's the thing. There's 56 more hours left!
This is the time you should be building your business, and you should actually schedule this time in your calendar!

You HAVE to schedule the time you're going to be working on your business, because you've got enough time, man.
You're probably just bullshitting this time away with Netflix, movies, social media, and going out or having fun.

Why the FUCK are you having “fun”, if you haven't accomplished your goals yet, man? What's the fuck is wrong with you?

I schedule every hour of my day. I use “Google Calendar” (It’s FREE) and I suggest you do the same.
I know exactly how much time I will work on my business every month.
I know exactly how much time I will spend with my family every month.
I know exactly how much time I will spend working out every month.
I know exactly how much time I will sleep every month.
Time is your most valuable asset…
It’s totally irresponsible to spend your time haphazardly.

I can look at your

calendar and tell you
You only need 25 total clients to make
your future. over $100,000 a yeah!
Commandment #10: Have A Plan

A lot of guys or girls, when they're trying to build their online personal training business, are just winging it, trying to
figure it out on the fly, and they don't really have a solid plan. Maybe that’s you too?

Let's say, me and you were driving from here (NYC), to California.
It would be stupid to just just get in the car and start driving, with out a plan or a map.

We’d get lost along the way. We’d get frusterated. And if you get lucky and do reach your destination, it is no doubt
going to be a lot more dificult and take A LOT longer than it needed to.

Wouldn't it be easier and more effective to just put our destination into the GPS?
If we put our destination into the GPS and just followed it, we would reach our goal a lot faster right? OF COURSE!

Following the GPS would be a lot easier than tjust trying to figer it out on our own.

If we tell the GPS our curent location, and then we tell the GPS where we want to go, it's gonna give us what?

A plan! The Right Plan. A plan that guarantees our success!

“Online Trainer
If you're going do that with your travel, why aren't you doing that with your business?
Formula”. Why are you trying to wing it? Do you like struggling? I sure as hell don’t.
A lot of you guys are just going down random roads, "Oh, maybe we're gonna be on
this highway, maybe we're gonna be on that highway, who knows!" And you’re
wondering why you are not reaching your destination,

What you need to have is, a solid plan, a roadmap. You probably need to get it from
someone who's already done it.

I act as the GPS for my students.

I help my students go from $0 to $10,000 within 12 Weeks!
If you were to go about this on your own, it’s going to take YEARS! I know this because
it took me YEARS to do it. But because I have already gone down that long hard
journey, I can help you get there much FASTER!

I made all of the mistakes already, so you don’t have to. Not only that, I have helped
25 Clients hundreds of other students do the same from nothing. I have actually been down this
road hundreds of times with my students...
Paying you $80 a week
I am the GPS for them. I tell them the quickest path to their goals, and I correct them
For 52 weeks if they get off course. Doesn’t that sound WAY easer that trying to figure it all out
alone? That’s because it is!
Equals $104,000 a
year! But I don’t work with just anyone.
You have to be focused and dedicated.

CLICK HERE to see an example of one of my students who I helped make

over $3,000 in his FIRST 5 DAYS working with me!
Build A Business Make More
You Can Be Money
Proud of Without
Having To
Spend More
Of Your Time
Doing It

The best part of building your online fitness business if the FREEDOM you get
from it.

Imagine waking up whenever you want.

Join My FREE Imagine being able to travel as much as you want.

FACEBOOK GROUP Imagine never having to worry about bills again.

I Put together A FREE
Imagine being able to take care of your family.
Facebook Group for people
who are trying to build their Why Don’t You Have It Now?
Online Fitness Business.
The ONLY reason you don’t have the FREEDOM you want now, is because you have not learned how to get it.

Once you learn what others have don’t to get the same freedom you want, if
you do what they did, you can achieve the same thing.

The FASTEST Way To Live The Life Of Your DREAMS!

The fastest way to learn how to do something you’ve never did before, is to
learn from someone who has done it.

Trying to figure it out all on your own is stupid. Why would you put yourself
though the pain of trial and error if you don’t have to?

It took me 20 Years to learn how to do this! Now, I am so good at it that I have

been able to teach other how to do the same

Are You Ready To Finally Live The Life You Desire And
If so, maybe YOU can be my next success story?

But I don’t work with just anyone. If you think you have what it takes,

CLICK HERE jump on a strategy call with me or someone from my team

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