9 - Promotion Strategy Anu Kavita

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TEAM # 6
SEC # 14

Discussion among all group members should take place and answer the following questions This is your
last Worksheet. Hopefully you have found merit in the process of completing the sheets and to
stimulate conversation among your team members.

Promotional Mix – Describe the promotional mix that will be used for your product(s) globally. The
promotional mix will normally involve more than one element to reach the target market. Bullet points
can be used – however, details will need to be within the report. Ensure you list any differences
between this promotional strategy and the current country promotional strategy.

Advertising : a: (Internet: social media, search engine, pay per click, display advertising, banner ads)
b: (Traditional media : television, newspapers, magazines, radio, out of home)

Goibibo has strong promotional strategy. In existing countries, companies heavily depend on the
radio, television channels. It also uses print media banners, hoardings, newspaper and travel
magazines. It has approximately 1.5 million users of Facebook. Whereas, innew target country,
displaying advertising on Facebook and across the web and showing ads on those websites where
people visit on the regular use that will useful for new targeting market

Public Relations: PR Tools (press releases, press conferences, special events, company reports,
social media release)

As earlier told, Goibio will come in global market with strong strategy. Public relation is significant
when an industry want to developed its arena. So, in order to expand our industry social media is the
good tool to promote it as it is the only tool that can make more and more links with the individuals
as compare to other strategies. Besides, doing promotion on special events will make more relation
with the people of that country as well.

Direct Response: Direct mail, face to face selling, email campaigns

In order to promote services, direct response is the most considerable tool as this can helps to appeal
individuals to get services of goibibo. For this purpose, email campaign or direct mail would be
appropriate as face to face selling is impossible in this industry.

Sales Promotions: Online: ads, blogs, images Traditional: coupons, contests, point of sale
Goibibo provides coupons and promotion codes that is useful for getting discount before successful
enter when making a booking. In the new country, Goibibo will give extra discount whenmaking a
booking of flights as well as hotels inclusive tax.

Personal Selling: Sales Force (What type?), Incentivized employees within a retail store?

For personal selling sale force is good idea for promoting about its services within the company .This
company will create a software for personal selling where every kind of content related to its
promotion will be upload with special offers for the use of its employees

Event Marketing & Sponsorship

Event marketing helps to get more customers in any kind of industry. Giving special offers on special
events will attract people toward Goibibo industry because these events will provide offers on the
services of Goibibo

Social Media (This may have been identified throughout)

As this company is a service company and work through online platform, social media will play big
role to promote it as social media is good source to create chain marketing.

Will the same slogan be used in the new Global Country? Why?

Yes, it will use the same slogan in the global country as it is popular in India that will get fame at the
global level.

The Promotional Mix defined above – does this have the same feel, appeal as the current promotional
mix? Why?

The promotional mix defined above has same appeal in current country to some extent. There are
some new tactics that will helpful for Goibibo to get success at global

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