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Practice: Identify whether the sentences are simple, complex, compound or

compound-complex. Please underline dependent clauses where it applies.

1. Vampires Dairies is my favorite television show, but I also love True Blood.
2. The student wiped the white board that was filthy with last week’s notes.
3. The trendy fashion designer released her new line on Wednesday.
4. Trina and Hareem went to a bar in Hollywood to celebrate their anniversary.
5. Wicked Regina cast a spell on the entire city, so the citizens decided to rebel.
6. While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to Home Depot, and Martin
organized the kitchen appliances.
7. After listening to the Kanye West CD, I have new respect for his music.
8. After the teacher chose groups, John and Sara were selected as partners for a
project, yet Sarah did most of the work.
9. We have to go to bed when the clock chimes ten o’clock.
10. Jennifer liked William’s friend, and she also liked his cousin.
11. The big brown dog ran after the blue and red ball.
12. James and Eve rode their bicycles after they ate lunch.
13. The teacher and the principal met in the hall near the library.
14. Many brave soldiers fought in the war, and they received medals.
15. The drummers played a long time, but the piano players stopped early.
16. Before the queen rode in the parade, she gave a speech.
17. After midnight the ghosts will come out of the haunted attic.
18. She dropped the pan and the plate, but she held on to the spoon.
19. I made an airplane out of stone.
20. I put a piece of cantaloupe underneath the microscope.
21. Oaties stay oaty, and Wheat Chex stay floaty, and nothing can take the puff out
of Puffed Rice.
22. While fishing in the blue lagoon, I caught a lovely silverfish.
23. They say if you step on a crack, you will break your mother's back.
24. They just had a contest for scariest mask, and I was the wild and daring one
who won the contest for scariest mask—and I'm not even wearing one.
25. My voice was raspy, rough, and cracked.
26. I opened my eyes and looked up at the rain, and it dripped in my head and flowed
into my brain.
27. They say that once in Zanzibar a boy stuck out his tongue so far that it reached
the heavens and touched a star, which burned him rather badly.
28. I'm going to Camp Wonderful beside Lake Paradise across from Blissful
Mountain in the Valley of the Nice.
29. I joke with the bats and have intimate chats with the cooties who crawl through
my hair.
30. The animals snarled and screeched and growled and whinnied and whimpered
and hooted and howled and gobbled up the whole ice cream stand.
31. The antlers of a standing moose, as everybody knows, are just the perfect place
to hang your wet and drippy clothes.
32. We'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, and we'll go where the chalk-
white arrows go.
33. If I had a brontosaurus, I would name him Horace or Morris.
34. I am writing these poems from inside a lion, and it's rather dark in here.
35. A piece of sky broke off and fell through the crack in the ceiling right into my
36. The grungy, grumpy, grouchy Giant grew tired of his frowny pout and hired me
and Lee to lift the corners of his crumblin' mouth.
37. If you were only one inch tall, you'd ride a worm to school.
38. The traffic light simply would not turn green, so the people stopped to wait as the
traffic rolled and the wind blew cold, and the hour grew dark and late.

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