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The United Kingdom’s divorce with the European Union —

better known as Brexit — has become a drawn-out,
contentious affair without an obvious resolution.
The UK is deeply and bitterly divided on how it should exit the
EU, and what its future relationship with the bloc should look
like. And in many ways, the split between those who want to
leave the EU and those who want to remain within it has only
hardened since the 2016 referendum, tearing apart traditional
party loyalties within the UK.
Former British Prime Minister Theresa May’s government and
her counterparts in the European Union negotiated a
withdrawal agreement last year, but opposition to the deal
from the UK Parliament killed it three times.
May’s Brexit defeats led to her political downfall, and
she resigned her premiership in June. The race to replace her
was surprisingly smooth: Boris Johnson, the bombastic,
outspoken champion of Brexit, handily won the Conservative
leadership contest and took over in July.

Johnson promised that he would deliver Brexit for the United

Kingdom, “do or die,” by the current deadline of October 31.
Johnson has said he’ll achieve what May failed to do: get a
Brexit deal that can win the support of Parliament. And if he
can’t, well, the UK would be totally fine breaking away from
Europe without a deal.

Leaving the EU without any deal promises chaos for both the

UK and the rest of Europe — yet some Brexit devotees are
willing to take the risk because they believe it would deliver a
swift and decisive end to the UK’s relationship with the EU.

Johnson’s strategy hasn’t quite worked out as planned.

He attempted to suspend Parliament to sideline lawmakers,
and it backfired in a big way. Johnson lost his majority in
Parliament as members of his own party defied him, partnering
with the opposition to pass a law that would force Johnson to
ask the EU for an extension if he couldn’t bring back a new
deal. Oh, and the UK’s Supreme Court said he’d suspended
Parliament unlawfully.

Negotiations with the EU haven’t gone much better.

Johnson proposed tweaks to the Brexit deal, which the
European Union looked ready to reject outright.

That said, there are some positive signals coming out of both

the UK and the EU as this week wraps up, which has buoyed
the prospect that an agreement just might be possible by the
end of the month.

There hasn’t been a breakthrough yet, though — and it

wouldn’t be the first time in the Brexit process that talks fell
apart. Johnson is supposed to ask the EU for an extension if he
doesn’t have a deal by mid-October, but it’s not all that clear if
he’ll actually do it in good faith, or if he does, the EU will even
agree to it.

The EU has already granted the UK two extensions. The EU

first offered a short delay from the original Brexit date of
March 29 to April 12. The UK couldn’t find a resolution in that
time, so it asked for another extension. The EU agreed to
postpone Brexit again, but this time for a much longer
period: until October 31, 2019.

At the time, the European Council President Donald Tusk

pleaded with the UK: “Please don’t waste this time.” Now,
just a few weeks until Brexit’s final reckoning, Tusk’s warning
feels more like a prediction.

That hasn’t stopped the flurry of news out of the UK, and it’s
hard to keep up with each new development — or understand
what it all means, especially since Brexit has introduced a
whole new vocabulary, from “Irish backstop” to “second
Vox has received a lot of reader questions, and my colleagues
on the Worldly podcast have answered a bunch, which you
can check out here. Here’s another attempt to explain some of
the big questions we get from readers, along with others that
might help you understand what in the holy hell is going on.

1) What is Brexit?

I know, I know — if we’re asking this question now, we’re all in

a lot of trouble. But it’s worth going back to the beginning to
understand how and why the UK and the EU ended up here.

“Brexit” is the term we’ve all decided to use to describe

Britain’s exit from the European Union. The EU is a political
and economic organization of 28 European countries, or
member states, with its own bureaucracy and legislative body
— the European Parliament — which is headquartered in

The EU’s predecessor, the European Coal and Steel

Community, was founded in the aftermath of World War II with
the idea that economic cooperation would prevent another
devastating European conflict.

The union has had different iterations and evolved since,

adding members and introducing its own common currency,
the euro. Central to the EU is its single market, which allows
for the free and frictionless movement of goods, services,
capital, and people within its borders. They’re known as the
“four freedoms.”

The UK joined the European Economic Community in 1973,

which became part of the European Union when it formed in

But the UK has always had a degree of distance from the EU. It
maintains its own currency, the sterling pound, and never
joined the Schengen agreement, which eliminates internal
border controls within the EU. But the UK is still required to
embrace the movement of people, as part of those four

And, as my colleague Zack Beauchamp has written, “British

politics has always included a faction that’s skeptical of
deeper integration with the rest of Europe.”

This intensified in the past decade with the 2008 financial

crisis and the eurozone economic crisis that followed it.
The influx of immigrants from poorer EU states and, later,
fears over refugees and migrants from Syria and other parts
of Africa and the Middle East helped galvanize voters in the UK
and tapped into a larger skepticism about EU membership.

In 2013, Britain’s then-Prime Minister David

Cameron promised that if his Conservative Party won
elections, he would hold a referendum on whether the UK
should remain in the EU or leave. Cameron partly caved to
pressure from the right flank of his party and the UK
Independent Party (UKIP), the right-wing party that
was peeling away some Conservative voters.

Cameron won, and kept his promise. The UK held the Brexit
referendum on June 23, 2016. There were two choices: Leave
(the EU) or Remain.

There is certainly a case against the EU and its regulations,

but emotion and nostalgia largely fueled the referendum
campaign, especially among Leave proponents. Prominent
Leave campaigners played up immigration fears and
made promises about the UK reclaiming its
sovereignty, taking control of its borders, laws, and trade,
and securing more money for domestic programs like the
National Health Service.
The Leave campaign won by a close 52 to 48 percent vote,
largely because of England. Wales also voted to leave, while
Northern Ireland and Scotland both voted to remain.

Cameron, who supported the Remain

campaign, resigned after the referendum. Theresa May won
the Conservative leadership contest to succeed him as
prime minister in 2016. She was a Remainer, though not
exactly an enthusiastic one. In a divided party, she was able to
position herself between hardline pro-Brexit Conservatives and
more moderate members of her party by promising to fulfill
the results of the referendum and deliver on Brexit.

What “deliver on Brexit” meant in practical terms, though,

turned out to be far more complicated.

2) Why is all this happening right now?

The UK had to formally give the EU notice that it wanted out

by triggering Article 50 — the provision in the EU’s Lisbon
Treaty that gives countries the power to withdraw from the

May did not trigger Article 50 immediately. In January 2017, in

what’s often referred to as her “Lancaster speech,” May laid
out her Brexit negotiating priorities, including her “red lines”:
The UK would leave the EU customs union and single market,
and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) would no longer have
jurisdiction over the UK.

May eventually won the overwhelming support of Parliament

to trigger Article 50 and formally notified the European
Council in March 2017 of the UK’s intention to leave the EU.
This set off a two-year countdown to the official exit date:
March 29, 2019.
That UK was supposed to leave on that date whether or not it
had a deal. A “no-deal” Brexit — in which the UK crashes out of
the EU overnight and ends up outside all the EU institutions it
once belonged to — is the default (more on this later).

It was up to May and the EU negotiators to come to an

acceptable agreement to ensure an orderly breakup.

The EU agreed to begin negotiating such a deal after May

formally invoked Article 50. Negotiations started in the
summer of 2017, and May and the EU agreed to the divorce
deal in November 2018.

But May was unable to win the support of the UK Parliament

for that deal.

Which is why, as you might have noticed, May no longer has

her job (more on that, later) and the original deadline of March
29, 2019, has come and gone without the UK leaving the
European Union. The UK successfully won a short
extension of Article 50 from EU leaders, moving the date from
March 29 to April 12 to get more time to win approval for the
Brexit deal.

May was still unable to get her deal through Parliament even
with a delay. She reached out to the opposition Labour
Party to find a compromise to break the impasse, but
she again had to ask the EU for another extension until June

EU leaders, after much debate, agreed to postpone Brexit

again, this time until October 31. The months-long delay
removed some of the urgency from the current Brexit
discussion. But it wasn’t a huge amount of time, especially
given the UK hasn’t been able to solve Brexit in almost three
We’ll touch on this a bit later, but the UK did a lot of things in
those intervening months, including changing up its prime
minister. But finding a Brexit solution was not one of them.

3) What kind of Brexit does the UK want?

The UK still hasn’t been able to figure that out, nearly three
years after it voted to leave. That’s in large part due to the
lack of clarity in the 2016 referendum on what “leave” actually

But it’s helpful to look at the two broad categories of Brexit:

“hard” Brexit and “soft” Brexit.

Now, even those terms mean different things to different

people. But usually, the distinction between them has to do
with the UK’s relationship with two major EU institutions: the
customs union and the single market.

The EU customs union eliminates tariffs as well as non-tariff

barriers (quotas, for example) among EU member states, and it
forces the bloc to operate as a single unit when trading with
countries outside the EU. This also means that individual
countries are largely restricted from striking their own,
country-specific trade deals.

The single market ensures free and frictionless movement of

goods, services, capital, and labor (people) among EU
countries, so the EU operates without hard borders, as if it
were all one country. Four other non-EU states, including
Norway, have negotiated access to the single market.

Now, back to “hard” versus “soft” Brexit.

People who favor a hard Brexit want to get out of the customs
union so that Britain can pursue an independent trade policy.
They also want out of the single market to gain control over
issues such as immigration. Those who favor this approach
want a clean break with the EU and would replace these
current partnerships with a free trade deal or a series of
trade agreements with the EU.

Those who support this approach are sometimes dubbed

“Brexiteers,” and they tend to hail from the original pro-Leave
campaign. They want to put as much distance as possible
between Brussels and the UK.

And as the Brexit process has worn on, members of this camp
have become more and more willing to risk a no-deal
Brexit to get the UK out of the EU immediately and, in their
minds, avoid any lingering entanglements. Such a precise
break is more wishful thinking than reality, mostly because
the UK just can’t replace its largest trading partner
overnight. But this has become a more attractive option for a
growing number of Brexiteers who just “get on” with it.

On the other side are those who favor a softer Brexit. This
camp wants to keep closer ties with the EU. There are also
divisions within the “soft” Brexit camp. Some just want
customs union membership, others want full access to the
single market, some want both — basically as close as
possible tole to staying in the EU without actually being in the
EU. This would soften the blow to the British economy when
Brexit becomes official.

The caveat, though, is that the UK would also have to abide by

many of the EU laws and regulations that govern the single
market and customs union. And since it would no longer
officially be an EU member, the UK would have little or no say
in what those rules are or how they’re applied.

This group also includes many Remainers, who’d prefer not to

Brexit at all. Some Remainers also support a second
referendum to revote on the Brexit question, and many
would prefer the government revoke Article 50 and just halt
Brexit altogether. A lot of these folks are still holding out hope
that Brexit can be reversed — but if that’s dashed, they’d opt
for the next best thing, which is staying in a tight relationship
with the EU.

These splits underscore why the UK Parliament couldn’t get

behind the Brexit deal May negotiated — or really make a
decision at all.

And while we’re on the subject, let’s talk about that deal.

4) What is in the current Brexit deal?

May, when triggering Article 50, told the EU that she wanted
the UK and the bloc to agree to a “deep and special
partnership that takes in both economic and security
cooperation.” In order to do this, she said, the two sides
should “agree to the terms of our future partnerships,
alongside those of our withdrawal from the EU.”

The EU said no — the negotiating would take place in

phases. The first phase would focus on the divorce: all the
legal, political, and economic issues involving the UK-EU
breakup. This covered things like how much the UK would pay
the EU to settle its financial obligations to the bloc, what
would happen to EU citizens living in the UK and vice versa,
and how to close out treaties and cooperation agreements
after Brexit.

Phase two would focus on the transitional period, specifically

how the UK and the EU would adjust to the breakup. The final
phase would focus on the details of the “special and deep”
future relationship, where the EU and UK would decide how to
trade and cooperate on security and other issues. This future
relationship could involve those free trade agreements and a
lot more distance between the two; or it could involve the UK
sticking around, maybe having a still-pretty-close relationship.
The negotiations over this divorce settlement and transition
period were complex. The EU and UK made some
breakthroughs early but got stalled on major issues, most
notably over the issue of preventing a hard border between
Northern Ireland (part of the UK) and the Republic of Ireland
(an EU member state).

In November 2018, the EU and May’s government reached a

final deal. It came in two parts: a 585-page withdrawal
agreement and a short (and not particularly specific) political
declaration, which was basically a promise that the EU and UK
would negotiate their future relationship. The final phase, in
other words.

This withdrawal agreement tackled a lot of those issues

mentioned above, including the divorce settlement (how much
the UK must pay the EU, which is likely at least £39 billion,
or about $50 billion) and protecting the status of UK citizens
and EU nationals living in the EU and UK, respectively, post-
Brexit and providing a means for those individuals to apply for
permanent residency in those host countries.

The withdrawal agreement also calls for a 21-month transition

period until December 31, 2020, to give the EU and the UK
time to figure out that future partnership. It can be renewed
once, up to December 2022. During this time, the UK would
formally leave the EU and give up its decision-making power,
but not much else would change.

The withdrawal agreement also included an “Irish

backstop,” a guarantee that a “hard” border — meaning
actual physical checkpoints for goods — won’t be put in place
when the EU and UK break up.

This question, which barely came up in the 2016

referendum, ended up becoming a central issue in the Brexit
negotiations. And it’s the one issue that’s continued to derail
any chance of a Brexit breakthrough.

5) Okay, so what is the “Irish backstop”?

The Irish backstop is an insurance policy that says no matter

what happens in the future negotiations between the UK and
the EU, the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic
of Ireland will remain free of physical checks and

That border was heavily militarized during the Troubles, a

decades-long conflict in Northern Ireland between
“nationalists,” who identified more closely with Ireland and
sought a united Ireland, and “unionists,” who identified more
closely with Britain and wanted to remain part of the UK.

During that period, the border became both a symbol of the

divide and a very real target for nationalist paramilitary
groups, such as the Irish Republican Army (IRA).

A 1998 peace deal, known as the Good Friday Agreement,

formally ended the conflict. That agreement included greater
cooperation between Northern Ireland and Ireland, which
meant softening the border between the two.

The European Union strengthened this truce, as its rules on

trade and free movement created the conditions for closer ties
between the UK and Ireland and so made an open border
possible. Today, the border is all but invisible.

Brexit threatened to interrupt this altogether, as the UK’s

decision to leave the EU meant that the border between
Northern Ireland and Ireland would become an international

But early on in the Brexit negotiations, former prime minister

May set out those “red lines” — which said no customs union
membership, no single market. In other words, the UK wanted
to get out of the very institutions that had helped preserve and
sustain that open border.

But both the EU and the UK agreed they must honor the

commitments of the 1998 peace process and protect the open,
frictionless border on the island of Ireland. How to do so was
much more fraught. The UK and the EU both had different
proposals, but eventually they reached a compromise. This is
the “backstop.”

The backstop says that if the UK and the EU haven’t figured

out how to avoid physical checks on the Irish border by the
end of the transition period (lasting until 2022, at the latest),
the entire UK will stay in the EU customs union. Northern
Ireland will also have a slightly closer alignment with the EU’s
trade rules.

The backstop ends when both sides agree to a permanent

arrangement that keeps the border open, and the UK can’t pull
out of it unilaterally.

The EU bolstered this promise — that the backstop was

intended to be a temporary fallback plan — by adding legal
force to this backstop in negotiations in March. These
addendums gave the UK recourse to seek arbitration if it felt
the EU wasn’t negotiating in good faith.

So all in all, May negotiated a comprehensive Brexit deal.

Nothing left for her to do but get UK Parliament’s approval.

Except that never happened. Because pretty much everyone,

from hardcore Brexiteers to staunch Remainers, absolutely
hates this version of the Brexit deal.

6) So why did everyone hate May’s deal?

The Irish backstop was a big part of it, at least for the hardline

Brexiteers, most of whom were in May’s own Conservative

Party, saw the backstop as treachery: a betrayal of the UK’s
promise to get out of the EU and break free of its rules and
regulations, because the backstop could potentially keep the
UK entrapped indefinitely in the customs union.

Another important faction in the UK Parliament also hated the

Irish backstop: the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), a
conservative party in Northern Ireland. They previously had an
outsize voice in this debate because their 10 votes in
Parliament kept May’s Conservative government in power. (In
2017, May called snap elections, an attempt to strengthen her
majority to negotiate Brexit; Conservatives instead lost seats
in Parliament and needed the DUP’s support to govern.) The
DUP’s influence is muted now that the current UK prime
minister, Boris Johnson, has lost his majority in Parliament
by other means — but the buy-in of the DUP still matters in
the backstop debate.

The DUP opposed the backstop because it requires Northern

Ireland to more closely follow EU single-market rules. The
DUP believes very strongly in the union and sees Northern
Ireland’s unequal treatment compared to the rest of the UK
(even if it might offer a financial benefit) as a threat.

And remember, those two factions were supposed to be May’s

allies. So you can probably imagine how unsupportive her
political enemies were of her deal.

The Labour Party, the main opposition party, objected to May’s

deal because, well, it’s May’s deal. Labour is divided on
whether to follow through on Brexit, and it had no incentive to
back an agreement negotiated by a Conservative government,
especially one the party sees as lacking labor
protections and a close EU relationship. If May couldn’t get
her own party behind her, why would Labour do her the favor?

Labour’s ultimate goal is to retake power; party leaders want

be the ones negotiating with the EU — and to hold another
referendum on any deal. Bolstering May wasn’t going to help
them achieve that end.

And then there are the other, smaller (yet still influential)
parties, including the Scottish National Party (SNP) and the
Liberal Democrats, who say they want to remain in the EU.

This opposition led to three extremely embarrassing defeats

for Theresa May in Parliament. Parliament rejected May’s
deal by 230 votes in January, the worst defeat for a British
government in modern history. Parliament voted down the
deal in March by 149 votes.

On Friday, March 29 — the original date the UK was supposed

to leave the EU — May put forward just the withdrawal
agreement (without the political declaration). Parliament
rejected it still, by a margin of 58, despite May’s promise to
her Conservative Party that she would resign if MPs passed
the deal.

May insisted that any orderly Brexit will require Parliament

passing her deal in some form. After her third defeat, and
later the EU’s extension until October 31, May engaged in
cross-party talks with Labour to see if they could come up
with a compromise Brexit plan. In May 2019, she offered a
“new” plan, a sort of last-ditch effort to try to win support in
Parliament and from the EU.

But Theresa May’s new Brexit plan was mostly the same. The
few concessions she did offer mostly appealed to Remainers,
not the hardcore Brexiteers she needed to win over to
successfully get anything through Parliament. With no chance
of bringing her deal for a fourth vote, and support from her own
party failing, May had no choice but to resign.

She did so, officially, in June. Which eventually brought Boris

Johnson to power.

7) Who is Boris Johnson and will he deliver Brexit?

Boris Johnson rose to political prominence as the mayor of

London, and capitalized on that fame by becoming the public
face of the Leave campaign in the 2016 referendum. Though
Johnson has a reputation for having squishy convictions
— except, his critics would say, when it comes to himself —
he remained a vocal cheerleader for a hard Brexit throughout
May’s tenure. So much so that he quit his post as foreign
minister in 2018 to protest her handling of the negotiations.

Johnson was immediately the frontrunner in the race to

replace May as leader of the Conservative Party. He ran on a
very simple promise: that he would deliver Brexit, “do or die”
by the October 31 deadline. He vowed to renegotiate a brand-
new and better Brexit deal, and if the EU wouldn’t budge, then
he’d take the UK out of the EU at the end of October without a

Johnson cruised to victory on that promise. He took over on

July 24, four months before the Brexit deadline.

But Johnson faced the exact same dilemma that May had: a
divided Parliament that hated May’s Brexit deal, and an EU
leadership that continued to say it was the only deal on offer.

And when it comes to Parliament, Johnson’s attempts have

backfired spectacularly. He suspended — or “prorogued” —
Parliament for five weeks in an attempt to sideline his
opposition from blocking his Brexit plan, or attempts to leave
the EU without a deal.
That infuriated opposition members of Parliament and those
opposed to a no-deal Brexit. It created such an uproar that
Johnson ended up losing his majority after a group of
Conservatives rebelled and voted for the exact legislation
Johnson didn’t want: a law that said Johnson would need to go
back to the EU and ask for an extension if he failed to get a
new deal by October 19.

Johnson doesn’t want to get that extension, so he

tried twice to dissolve Parliament and hold new elections,
which could produce a legislature more favorable to his
agenda. But Johnson needs two-thirds of MPs to vote in favor
of this, and opposition MPs have, so far, refused to give in.
They want an election, but not just yet. Instead, they want to
force him to ask for that extension from the EU in hopes of
preventing a no-deal exit — and to damage his support among
hardline Brexit supporters.

Meanwhile, the UK’s highest court ruled Johnson’s

suspension of Parliament unlawful, making the prorogation
null and void. (Johnson has suspended Parliament again this
week, but just for six days, so it’s not all that controversial.)

Johnson’s dealings with the EU haven’t gone all that much

better. The prime minister wants to scrap the Irish backstop in
its current form, but the EU has insisted that the provision
stays — and so the current Brexit deal remains intact — unless
Johnson can bring back a viable replacement that would
protect peace in Ireland and preserve the integrity of the EU’s
single market and customs union.

It very much looked as if negotiations were totally doomed.

Then Johnson put forward an actual proposal on the Irish

Johnson’s plan has a few components (and if you want a really

detailed look at it, I recommend reading this or this), but the
gist of what the public has seen would involve the UK fully
leaving the customs union at the end of the transition period,
although Northern Ireland would remain aligned with the EU
rules when it came to goods.

This would mean checks on the Irish Sea (so goods moving
from the rest of the UK into Northern Ireland), and will also
require some sort of customs checks in both Northern Ireland
and Ireland, but just away from the border.

This arrangement is subject to the consent of Northern

Ireland’s government, whose executive and assembly would
need to approve whether it wanted to stay aligned with the EU
on goods every four years. At that juncture, the Northern
Ireland government could decide to get out of the scheme.

The EU is extraordinarily skeptical of Johnson’s plan, with

good reason. Johnson’s proposal avoids physical infrastructure
at the actual border, but it still requires customs checks and
doesn’t exactly yield frictionless trade and would disrupt the
interconnected Irish economies. It’s not surprising
that Northern Irish businesses are not on board with this

The other huge issue is approval from the government in

Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland hasn’t had a functioning
government since 2017, after the power-sharing arrangement
between the two major parties representing both the unionists
and nationalists collapsed. That’s a good gauge for how
divisive Northern Ireland’s politics remain, and Johnson’s plan
would effectively hand unionists veto power over this special
arrangement. If that happened, there’s no obvious replacement
— which means Johnson’s plan isn’t exactly the insurance
policy to preserve an open border that it’s supposed to be.

These are just some of the objections Ireland and the

European Union have raised to Johnson’s plan. The European
Council president Donald Tusk described the EU as “open but
unconvinced” last week.

There have been a few signs that Johnson might be able to win
a majority in Parliament with this deal — something the EU
also wants assurance of, if it’s going to make concessions.
But some leaks from 10 Downing Street this week made it
look as if the prime minister was trying to blame the EU for
being intractable and sidelining negotiations.

So it all looked ready to implode, once again. But then, on late

Thursday, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and Prime
Minister Boris Johnson met, and the mood shifted. Varadkar
said there was a possible “pathway to a deal.” It’s not clear,
exactly, what that pathway might be — or whether it has more
potholes along the way — but EU and UK negotiators are
expected to take the weekend to conduct marathon talks.

Which means, maybe, just maybe, a breakthrough is possible.

8) Why is the EU being so stubborn?

The United Kingdom learned a hard lesson in Brexit

negotiations — the country had strength within the European
Union, but once it decided to leave, it lost a lot of that

The EU has had to navigate a careful balance in these

negotiations with Brexit. It has tried to operate on a unified
platform, while representing the interests of all remaining 27
member states, each of which has its own domestic political

EU negotiators had to stick to their principles — refusing to

budge on the four freedoms, for example — while also trying to
stay out of UK politics. That hasn’t always been successful.
But despite the long-held belief among some that the EU
would cave at the last minute and give in to UK demands, it
hasn’t really yet.

The EU, once it negotiated the Brexit deal compromise with

May, insisted that it was final: Take the deal on offer, cancel
Brexit, or risk a no-deal Brexit, EU leaders told the
UK over and over again.

That position is partly for practicality, because if the UK tries

to make new demands, there’s the possibility that 27 other
European countries will also try to make tweaks.

The firm stance serves another purpose: signaling to other,

more skeptical EU countries that the EU as a whole defends
its members and looks out for its interests. Specifically,
Ireland has a huge stake in the backstop and the guarantee of
an open Irish border. The EU has defended Ireland’s interests
and remained unified on this issue. And that unity, especially
in the face of political fractures in the UK, has bolstered its
negotiating position.

The EU also doesn’t want to make Brexit particularly easy; it

wants to make a point that leaving the EU has legitimate risks
and serious fallout. Skepticism of the EU propelled the
referendum in the UK, but other countries in the bloc also have
resurgent populist leaders or parties who are also deeply
skeptical of the EU. But the EU’s position on Brexit has
dampened plans for similar exists across Europe, as it’s
become increasingly clear the costs of leaving outweigh the

The EU hasn’t been intractable, though. It offered additional

legal assurances on the Irish backstop. It has
also suggested it would be open to tweaking the political
declaration governing the future relationship if that will help
the Brexit deal get majority support in the UK. The
EU approved two Brexit extensions. And, even to Johnson,
EU leaders have said they’re willing to negotiate if he can
bring forward a plan that will offer a legitimate and workable
alternative for the backstop. Though they’ve essentially
rejected Johnson’s plan in its current form, EU officials are
still negotiating.

The EU also wants to avoid a no-deal Brexit, which will be

incredibly disruptive for the continent. And even though the
UK’s political dysfunction is largely to blame right now for the
Brexit stalemate, the EU doesn’t want to be seen as being
responsible for the chaos that a no-deal breakup would

Which is why their stance has always been that it’s willing to
negotiate — but never at the expense of the integrity of EU
institutions or peace on the island of Ireland.

9) Why can’t the UK just hold another public referendum on


A second referendum, or “confirmatory public vote” as it’s

also being called, would put the Brexit question back to the
people. Advocates for a second referendum say that during the
2016 referendum, the consequences and realities of Brexit
were opaque. Leave campaigners promised grand trade deals
and more money for domestic programs, but that didn’t match
up with reality.

“We think this really resonates with people: What’s being

delivered to you is completely different than what was
promised,” Barney Scholes, a spokesperson for the People’s
Vote UK, the main referendum advocacy group, told me in
December. “And I think everybody is in agreement about that,
both Remainers and Leavers.”

May’s deal — or whatever Johnson’s turns out to be — is the

reality of Brexit, supporters argue. Now that the British public
knows this, shouldn’t they get to vote again on whether they
want that Brexit reality?

May and Johnson both resisted a second referendum, saying

the people spoke loudly in 2016 and voted to leave. It would be
“undemocratic” to reverse this process, they claim. (May did
soften her stance in a concession to Labour right before she
was forced to resign.) Referendum supporters counter that
more democracy isn’t undemocratic, and that Brexit is so
divisive that the only way to legitimize the process is to offer a
public vote.

But there are a lot of issues here. One is timing: Estimates say
it would take at least 22 weeks to hold a referendum, which
means the UK would have to ask the EU for more time, again.

Another issue is what the referendum should ask. Should it be

a clean 2016 do-over? A Brexit deal versus Remain? Should
there be multiple options, including the offer of a “no-deal
Brexit”? Or will this risk splitting the vote, offering an outcome
that no one really wants?

One of the big criticisms of the first referendum hinged on the

idea that people didn’t really understand what they were
voting on, that the public didn’t fully grasp the complexities of
the EU-UK relationship. That same argument thus applies to a
second referendum: I mean, how many Brits have actually read
the 585-page withdrawal agreement?

A second referendum wouldn’t be guaranteed to produce a

different result, either. Polls show that if a referendum were
held now, Remain would win by a small margin. That’s not
necessarily because people have changed their minds.
Instead, it’s because it would attract new voters, specifically
young people who were not eligible to vote in 2016 (and who
generally skew toward being pro-EU) and Remainers who sat
out the 2016 vote. But remember, polls suggested Remain
would win in 2016, too. And now here we are.

Still, a second referendum may be the only way to break the

stalemate. Support for a public vote lost by 12 votes, 292 to
280, in Parliament in April. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has
said in the past that the party would support a second
referendum to avoid “a damaging Tory Brexit.” But his party
is split on whether to campaign in a referendum against any
Brexit deal, and Corbyn himself isn’t exactly an enthusiastic

At a party conference in September, Labour said it wouldn’t

make a decision until after any general election. And the
Liberal Democrats, a pro-Remain party that originally backed a
second referendum, recently said at their party conference
that now their stance is to revoke Article 50 altogether and
cancel Brexit.

A second referendum has faded for other reasons —

specifically, by putting the Brexit question back to the people
another way: a general election.

10) Will the UK have a general election?

Most likely, yes. The question is when.

But, I know what you’re thinking: Johnson tried to call an

election twice, and Parliament said “no,” twice.

This is true. And this is partly because everyone is trying to do

a lot of complicated maneuvers to best position themselves for
an eventual general election.

Johnson, as we’ve noted, said he would take the UK out of the

EU by October 31, do or die, deal or no-deal. The problem?
Right now, he’s legally bound to ask the EU for an extension
if he doesn’t have a deal by October 19. Now, it’s still possible
Johnson could get a deal by then, but there are no guarantees
just yet. (Johnson’s government has given mixed signals about
how it intends to go forward, but the government confirmed
last Friday that he would send a letter to the EU to seek an
extension if no deal is reached.)

All 27 EU members-states must approve that extension, but

Ireland’s made it clear that any extension is preferred to a no-
deal scenario, so it seems likely that the EU will acquiesce.
Though for how long — three months, which is what the UK
wants, or something longer — is still undecided.

This is not a great look for Johnson, seeing as he would

basically break his October 31 promise. This is exactly what
the opposition parties wanted: to dent Johnson’s pro-Brexit
base who might turn against him and opt for the more
aggressively pro-Brexit Brexit Party, thus splitting the vote
and giving the opposition a boost. Labour and other opposition
parties have also hinted that no-deal is taken off the table (at
least in the immediate future), they’ll agree to elections.

But it’s also not totally bad news for Johnson. His argument is
going to be pretty simple: Give me a Parliament that will
support me taking the UK out of the EU, and I’ll get it done.
Sure, the extension is a hiccup, but it’s probably not fatal for
him, and will bolster the case he’s been trying to make all
along: It’s not me, it’s Parliament.

And Labour, the main opposition party, has its own problems.
Jeremy Corbyn — the guy most likely to challenge Johnson for
the prime ministership — is unpopular right now. Like, really
unpopular. More Brits said they’d support a no-deal Brexit
over having Corbyn as prime minister in a recent poll.

The reasons for this are complicated. Corbyn’s basically a

socialist. There are Conservatives who are less enthusiastic
about Brexit and dislike Johnson — but are positively terrified
of a Corbyn government.

Corbyn is also at odds with many of the more moderate voters

in his party. He’s always been skeptical of the EU, and while
there are definitely Labour voters who agree with him on that,
the core of his party opposes Brexit.

As a result of these tensions, Labour hasn’t handled Brexit

particularly well. Corbyn’s strategy was to muddle through,
attack Conservatives where he could, stop any no-deal Brexit
plans, and get to elections so he could get to power and be the
one to negotiate Brexit.

Corbyn’s fence-sitting created an opening for the very pro-

Remain Liberal Democrats, a smaller and more centrist party.
They’re staunchly anti-Brexit and their new leader, Jo
Swinson, declared at their party conference last month that if
they take power (which they won’t, but still), they’ll cancel
Brexit altogether.

Labour and Lib Dems will have to decide if they’ll fight for the
same votes or make difficult compromises to work together in
any election. That also doesn’t solve the problem of Corbyn

Which means, despite the continued Brexit drama, Johnson

and the Conservatives are still in a good position to win the
majority, according to recent polls. Ask Theresa May,
and she’ll probably tell you polls can change, but Johnson is
probably feeling good about his chances right now.

An election might also be the closest thing to a second

referendum, giving people the chance to elect MPs who will
commit to pursuing voters’ preferred outcome, be it a no-deal
exit, or no Brexit at all. That’s assuming, of course, the UK
gets an extension and hasn’t left the EU by the time these
elections happen. Because though it looks less likely than it
did just a few weeks ago, the possibility of a no-deal Brexit
still exists.

11) Why would a no-deal Brexit be so bad?

In a no-deal Brexit, the UK will cease to be a member of the EU

overnight. All the trade and regulatory arrangements that the
UK once shared as part of the EU will evaporate.

Experts warn that would create chaos that could be

catastrophic for the UK economy, leading to
potential food and medicine shortages, major travel
disruptions, massive gridlock at ports of entry, and a plunge
in the value of the British currency. Actually, it’s not just
experts — this is the Johnson government’s own

This happens because suddenly the UK and the EU may be

following different regulatory schemes. For example, goods
and people that would normally cross the UK’s border
unimpeded may now be subject to customs checks. Delays and
backlogs could mean foods rot and medicines expire.

There are also issues with differing regulations. For example,

the EU requires a certain size wooden pallet to import and
export goods. If you’re an EU member state in the customs
union, the EU waives this requirement, which is essentially a
non-tariff trade barrier. Now that the UK is out, it would now
have to use this EU-approved pallet.

Other issues potentially abound. The European Health

Insurance Card provides coverage to EU citizens traveling
outside their home state; that coverage will disappear in a
no-deal Brexit. British people traveling to EU countries may
suddenly see a spike in cellphone roaming charges.
Just the threat of a no-deal Brexit has taken a toll on the
British economy, as the uncertainty has forced companies to
stockpile goods and inventory or relocate some operations
to EU countries. No deal preparations have intensified under
Johnson, but the uncertainty (if you were stockpiling in March
of last year, it probably doesn’t help you in October) has
already hurt the economy in both the UK and the EU.

Critics of the no-deal doomsayers or advocates of a no-

deal have dismissed the risks, derisively labeling it “Project
Fear,” a scare tactic by those who oppose Brexit altogether.
And they may have a point: A no-deal might not be as bad as it
sounds. Or it could be much worse. It’s all unpredictable,
because there is no precedent for this.

The UK has allocated about 6.3 billion pounds (about $7.6

billion) for Brexit planning. The UK and the EU have
contingency plans, and it’s possible these will mitigate some
of the worst outcomes. But the short-term solutions aren’t
totally sustainable.

Either way, there are a lot of apocalyptic-sounding no-

deal stories out there. Britain might not be able to get
bananas, the UK government bought 5,000 fridges to hold
medicines, and the National Health Service is stockpiling
body bags. Troops are on standby.

For all these reasons, this is an outcome that both the UK and
the EU want to avoid. (Although the EU is more prepared —
and slightly more insulated — from the effects of a no-deal, it’s
still going be disruptive for EU countries.)

A no-deal Brexit also breeds a potential political crisis,

especially in the UK. If a no-deal were to happen on October 31
(and it remains the default), can Johnson — who has no
functional majority in Parliament — actually deal with it?
“Clearly, there will be economic damage done in the short term
from a no-deal,” Stephen Booth, the director of policy and
research at the think tank Open Europe, told earlier this year.
“But the bigger concern is actually the lack of political
resilience we would have in the very short term.”

That’s why the EU keeps granting the UK extension, and will

probably do so again in October if asked. The EU wants to
avoid a no-deal scenario, even as they’re also fed up with the
UK’s dithering. But offering more time never eliminates the
possibility of a no-deal Brexit, just postpones it once more.

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