Swartz Creek High School: Location: Hetherton's Room, 101 Time: 2:25-3:20

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MTSS/SLT Monthly Meeting

Location: Hetherton’s Room, 101
Time: 2:25-3:20

Team Agenda

Date Topic Objective Time Allocation

2.11.20 *Note-Taker:
2 minutes
Assign Roles *Time Keeper:

Celebrations Team Celebrations 5 minutes

20 minutes
SWIS School Improvement & Grading

MTSS Handbook & 31a requirements 10 minutes


10 minutes
Special Education Disproportionality Data

Dept. Updates 5 minutes

Dept. heads

Team Celebrations-

Anthony-Shout out to Teaching staff for support

Coach T. - Thanks counselors

School Improvement team and grading practices-

● Making practices better
● Several different philosophies
● Given last meeting and feedback (retake-on own, room 200 during day, test delivered by teacher, all classwork and homework must
● One retake for quiz one retake for assessment
● Work that needs to be done needs to be done 1 week prior to exam
● However, don’t want to hinder the teachers ability to work with individual students
● Handbook-retake 1 week prior to exam
● Remove opt out choice
● CREEK rubric- what is the easiest way to do this? Working out kinks
● Not going to be perfect/workable/kinks
● Best of the situation and thank you

● County meeting-we need a handbook
● Katie and Kevin will be working on that with resources for MTSS
● Trainings coming up
● Improving systems and communication
● How do we scale up practices to the next level?

Disproporionality Data:
● We’ve seen the numbers from our central office administration.
● What trends can we identify? *Team discussion
● Looking at the big 5, can we find patterns where staff can be present in areas of high referrals?

Communication, Visuals, Identifying systems, how do we identify, SAT team-SOC (student of concern) team.

Coach T- Gap in electives, departments lack there is a big group left out from MTSS, lack common knowledge

Bierman- Are elective teachers being represented? Could it be contractual? Would need 5. Department head is lacking and you need 5 to have a
department head. For sure on an island.

Data Meetings- Compiled a list of students of concern, some may need testing

Restorative Circle-come back to at a later date

Big 5- January

1. Bus, hallway, classroom

Stan- busing staff may need training in de-escalation, riding the bus is a privilege- engagement with the students.
Training was postponed due to a previous snow day
Coach T- visual in place has negative language
Inconsistent bus rules,
-reteaching bus behaviors

December- see graphs- Technology on rise, skipping on rise, inconsistent with teachers

Provide all staff with pocket charts- for taking attendance with charts. Hats, hoods, phones. Same students. Will take the District team and
make recommendations for phone pouches. Make sure parent expectations are implemented in order to decrease pushback. Provide
research based articles to parents to show the benefit of no cell phone.

Time-January-lunch and end of day 9:30 and 12:30. Reminder-be in the hall and be present.


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