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My daily routine

Presentado por: Manuela Montoya Martínez

ID 598507
NRC 12017

Administración de empresas
Hello, my name is Manuela Montoya, my day starts early,
my cell phone alarm sounds at 6.20 am, I wake up at 6.30
am from Monday to Saturday, but on Sunday I sleep until
10.0, after getting up I make my bed , then I go to the
bathroom, where I take a shower, then I comb my hair and
get dressed, I usually wear casual clothes mainly jeans,
blouses and boots or valetas. My mother makes me
breakfast in the morning or on occasion I don't have
breakfast, usually breakfast is cereal with milk or bread
with coffee and sometimes fried eggs. Then I brush my
teeth, my mom always packs the lunch that was usually
made last night.
I leave my house at 7.00 o'clock, I walk approximately two
blocks, to get to the bus stop, the bus passes at 7.15 is route
number 17, sometimes it is delayed, I live very far from work, I
arrive approximately in 45 minutes or rarely in 50 minutes,
when I get off the bus I have to walk about 2 or 3 blocks, once I
get to my job, I buy a small or often sweet coffee in the cafeteria,
then I go to the lockers, I look for my locker that It is 188, I keep
my bag and my locker, then I go to the office and I place myself
in my bucket, I turn on my computer, usually on Tuesdays and
Fridays there is a preturn so I turn to listen to the information,
at 8 o'clock I connect to receive calls, at 10 o'clock or usually
earlier, I go to the bathroom and then I go to the cafeteria I
always drink coffee with milk, such as empanadas or arepa with
sausage, after 10 minutes have passed, admission back to the
At 12.30 I go out for lunch, take out my bag from the locker and
heat my lunch in the microwave, lunch with my friends, then
brush my teeth and keep my bag, again I enter at 1.0 o'clock and
connect to receive calls, then to At 4.0 I go to the break I check
my cell phone and again enter to answer calls, at 5.30 my turn
ends, I take my things out of the locker, on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday I must go to the university to have a class from 6
o'clock to 8 in Point of the night, after leaving class, I get on the
bus and it takes 20 minutes to get home, when I arrive
sometimes this dinner is ready, after I do the university tasks, I
enter Facebook from my cell phone to see memes, then I change
my clothes and wear my pajamas, I look for the clothes I will
wear the next morning, I play with my dog, I help my sister with
her homework, then I go to bed and at 11 o'clock I fall asleep.

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