Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Dahlia Chandrahasan
Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. First Days
a. Name tags and name tents
b. All-about-me poster
c. Classroom rules and procedures
d. Ice-Breaker Games
3. Classroom Environment
a. Student Work wall and Important Information
b. Classroom Layout
4. Classroom procedures
a. Bathroom passes
b. Stations
c. Callbacks
d. Classroom Jobs
5. Discipline System
a. Behavior chart
b. Tickets and Rewards
c. Calm-Down Corner
d. Think Sheets
6. Student Motivation
a. Whole Class Rewards
b. Encouragement Notes
7. Classroom Engagement
a. Treat People With Kindness wall
b. Snack Bowl

Hello, and welcome to my Classroom Management Plan. My name is Dahlia

Chandrahasan and I am pursuing a degree in early childhood through sixth grade education

with a specialization in special education. I hope to teach upper elementary or sixth grade

special education. I created this Classroom Management Plan with the intention of planning

for an environment that will be comfortable, safe, and conducive to learning for my future

students. As a future educator, I would hope that if things ever get difficult in the field, I can

look back on this Classroom Management Plan as inspiration for things that might work for

different groups of students. I am creating this for myself in order to promise my future

students that I am here for them to make their learning experience the best ever.

Good, well-planned, carefully thought out classroom management is the key to

having a classroom that runs efficiently. As a future educator, I believe that every student

deserves to be in a classroom where they feel safe and excited to learn. I want my students

to be able to grow academically, socially, and emotionally at school, and especially in my

classroom. As a special education teacher, I have a responsibility to advocate for my

students and work with other school personnel to meet their needs. It is important that my

students feel comfortable with asking for help from me with anything they may need. As a

teacher I will not only be helping my students learn academically, but learn how to manage

their time, teach them social skills, and encourage them to work hard and achieve their

dreams. It is important to me that I create relationships with my students, their families,

their other teachers, and the various school personnel that work with them in order to

create effective plans for my students’ learning.

First Days

The first days of school are exciting for teachers and students alike. Teachers must use the

first days of school to establish rules, procedures, and the tone of the classroom for the rest

of the year. The teacher needs to start building relationships with their students as early as

the first day by doing things such as planning activities in order to get to know the

students. The first days of school can also be incredibly hectic which is why it is important

for teachers to establish their rules and procedures starting on the first day. In order for a

teacher to stay organized on their first days of school, theorists Wong and Wong suggest

utilizing a script. A script will help guide teachers, especially new teachers, and ensure that

they are using their time wisely during the chaos of the first day of school. On the first day, I

plan on already having a seating chart ready and having my students create their own

name tents. The name tents will help me associate faces to names while the students are

sitting, and help the students get to know each other. I also plan on spending time

introducing rules and routines in the classroom and having students help model the

routines. Alongside the routines, I will involve the class in making a classroom contract

with me, which is something that Rudolf Dreikurs believes in.

Name Tents

On the first day of school, I

will have the students come

in, sit down, and have

materials set up on their

tables for them to make

name tents. The name tents

will help me associate names

with faces and also help the

students get to know each

other as well.
All-About-ME Poster

Having the students create an All-About-ME poster will be an easy way to get to know the

students. The students can work on their posters and color them, and when everyone is

done students who would like to share about their posters will be able to. The All-About-

ME posters will be the first

things to go up on the Student

Work Wall.
Classroom Rules and Procedures

I will have the students assist me in creating rules for the classroom. After we create the

rules, I will sign the rules and have all of the students sign them as well. I will go over the

procedures for the classroom and have them clearly posted where everyone can see.

Sometimes standing up and saying three interesting things about yourself is nerve-

wrecking, so instead I would prefer if my students got the chance to get up and walk

around and talk to each other. By playing icebreaker games, students are less nervous

about speaking in front of big crowds and also get a chance to get to know one another.

Classroom Environment

It is important that the classroom environment is comfortable and neat, but not

overwhelming to students. In the classroom, everything that is posted on the walls will

have a purpose. For example, my classroom will include an information board where I will

post things such as birthdays, upcoming school events, and important things to remember.

Another thing that I want to include in my classroom is a student work wall where I display

projects, student artwork, and other things that they are comfortable with sharing.

According to Fred Jones, teachers should create an efficient and effective learning

environment so that their students are able to thrive. I want to make sure that my

classroom is a comfortable environment for my students. I believe the ambiance of an

environment has the power to influence a person’s experiences, thus creating a welcoming

classroom environment will positively influence my students.

Student Work Wall and

Important Information


The Student Work wall

will keep the students

enthusiastic to learn

because they see their

work is being displayed

and they are proud of it.

The information board is

also helpful for the classroom because it keeps the students informed, and any parents who

visit the


Classroom Blueprint

The classroom blueprint I have included is a rough layout of how I intend to set up my

classroom. The students will be seated in groups and there will be procedures set in place

on how they will move about the classroom. The “Reading Center” will double as the Calm

Down Corner space. The classroom is set up to promote a sense of community and

collaboration between students, and also allow me to maintain an overview of everything

at all times.
Classroom Procedures

Because I do intend to teach special education, one of the most crucial parts of maintaining

a class full of happy children is creating a routine and following it as closely as possible.

Most people are generally habitual and have routines set in place for themselves, and when

those routines are not followed closely, it can throw someone’s groove off. Routines are a

very large part of helping students with special needs go through the day, and adhering to

those routines is even more important. Jacob Kounin states that an effective instructor

maintains an appropriate instructional momentum, meaning that they are able to keep a

steady pace when teaching and throughout the day. The classroom routine should be

predictable for the most part so that students know what they should be doing. Students

must be notified ahead of time if there is going to be a disruption in their schedule.

Establishing procedures will allow students to have independence when doing certain

things such as going to the bathroom or rotating through stations.

Hall Passes

When going to the bathroom, nurse, or hallway, students will take the lanyard with the

pass that corresponds to their destination and go. The lanyards will be hanging next to the

white board and a student must sign their name on the white board next to the space of the

lanyard they are taking. During instructional time students will not be able to leave the

classroom, but during independent work time or whenever the teacher is not lecturing,

students must notify the teacher of where they are going and then will be able to go.

Before going to stations, the students will be reminded of what groups they are in. A chart

such as the one included will be posted on the board for the students to look at for

reference. I would not include the labels beneath the group numbers (at-risk, emerging, on

level, advanced), but I do think it is important that the students have a point of reference

addressing where they should be at what time. A chart like this is helpful because students

do not have to keep asking their teacher where they should be.

Callbacks are important because they are a fast way to get students’ attention. Verbal

callbacks are fun and a couple different ones can be used for the class. Aside from verbal

callbacks, I think I would also use clapping if the students are too loud to hear my voice at

Class Jobs

Another thing that I plan to implement in my classroom is assigning classroom jobs to my

students. Giving my students jobs makes them feel important and needed in the classroom

and also helps me, as a teacher, because things get taken care of in the classroom and the

students have something to do if they are finished with their work. Assigning students jobs

in the classroom will help keep things in order for myself and my students.
Discipline System

One of the things that I believe is non-negotiable for me is that I do not want to yell at my

students. I do not think yelling is a method of effective classroom management. Even

though I plan on not yelling at my students, I know I must implement some sort of

discipline system in my classroom so that my classroom will run smoothly and stay safe. I

plan on having a personal behavior clip chart where students are able to move their clip on

the chart according to how they have been performing during the course of the day so they

can monitor themselves and their own behavior. Based on B.F. Skinner’s theory, I also plan

on giving out rewards for good behavior through a token system where students can earn

stamps, stickers, or tickets, in exchange for things that would be valuable to them. In my

classroom I think it is important that students have somewhere they can go to calm down if

they are distracted, frustrated, or distracting others. Based off of John Nelson’s think time, I

will have a Calm Down Corner where there will be pillows, books, papers, or sensory

objects. If the behavior clip chart or the Calm Down Corner do not help reduce a student’s

behavior, they will have to fill out a Think Sheet where they will reflect on their behavior

and it will need to be sent home and signed by the student’s parents.
Behavior Clip Chart

Each student will have their own behavior chart with their name on it. If a student is doing

exceptionally well, there is a possibility that they will be able to move their clip up on their

chart. If a student is having a difficult time that day, they may have to move their clip down

and that will come with consequences. Every day, each student will start over with their

clips on “Ready to Learn” and they will return their charts to me at the end of the day. By

having a personal behavioral

chart for each student, it reduces

the possibility of embarrassment

that a student may experience if

they have to move their clip


Aside from rewarding students with words of encouragement, I will also offer tangible

rewards to students. When students exhibit good behavior, I will give them tickets they can

save up to exchange for rewards. The rewards will be privileges that students can have in

the classroom in exchange for different amounts of tickets.

Calm Down Corner

The Calm Down Corner will be for students who are distracting themselves or others,

students who are frustrated, or students who might just need a short break. Students will

be sent to the Calm Down corner and the teacher will give them an amount of time they

need to go there. The student will go, set the timer him/herself, and then will be able to sit

there and read, color, draw, or just chill for a little bit. When the timer goes off, the teacher

will invite the student to return to the activity they were doing prior to going to the corner.
Think Sheet

There are times when behavior charts, breaks, and the inaccessibility of rewards will not

curb a student’s negative behavior. By assigning a student a Think Sheet, they are asked to

reflect on their negative behaviors and think about what things they could do better. The

Think Sheet details at the bottom that if it is not returned, students will have a loss of

privileges. By sending the

Think Sheet home it keeps the

student and the student’s

parents accountable for the

student’s behaviors.
Student Motivation

In order to keep students motivated in class, I cannot expect them all to be driven by

intrinsic motivation. Each day I will assign the class a goal that the students will work

together toward meeting. Alongside meeting their daily goal, having my students work

together creates a better sense of community in the classroom. According to Jacob Kounin,

when students cooperate with each other and work toward a common goal, students are

able to learn better. Another thing that I want to implement in my classroom is sending

home notes of encouragement to students’ parents. B.F. Skinner talks about rewards as

motivators, but rewards do not have to be tangible objects. I think it is important to

communicate with the students’ parents when the student is exhibiting consistent problem

behavior or if the student is not acting like themselves. While it is important to address

concerns about a student, it is also important to let parents know when their students are

doing well in class. Encouraging the students and letting their parents know how proud

you are of them will make them so excited and motivated to do well and be at school.
Class Goals

At the beginning of each day, I will select, or have a student select, a ping pong ball at

random from a jar. On the ping pong balls, I will have written a common goal that the

students must work together to meet by the end of the day. The goal will be something such

as: “Turn in all of our group work by the end of the day” or “Clean our work areas in five

minutes or less”. The students will

work together and try to meet the

goal by the end of the day. If the

students meet the goal, the ping pong

ball goes into a different jar. If the

students fill up the other jar with

completed goals, they will get a class

prize. Goals that are not met will be

placed back into the jar so the

students can try again a different day.
Encouragement Notes

Notes of encouragement are great self-esteem boosters for students because it lets them

know they did so well that their teacher wanted their parents to know. So many parents get

phone calls and emails about when their children misbehave, so it is nice to get a message

about their children doing well. This also shows the parents that I am committed to

building a relationship with them and

I am here to support their children’s

learning endeavors.
Classroom Engagement

To keep students engaged in the classroom, I will post non-academic things such as random

acts of kindness. Inspired by Harry Styles, I will create a kindness wall titled “Treat People

With Kindness”. I will encourage students fill out some sort of leaf, cupcake, umbrella, or

seasonal emblem to talk about kind things that their classmates have done. The kindness

wall will serve as an inspiration for my students to stay kind to each other, and also show

classroom visitors how awesome my students are. Another thing I would like to implement

in my class room is a snack bowl. Personally, it is very difficult for me to stay on task and

stay focused if I am hungry. If it is difficult for me to do things when I am hungry, I cannot

imagine how it may feel for my students to be hungry and have to do assignments. Because

of this and William Glasser’s theory that all students have five basic needs that need to be

met, I plan on having an open and stocked snack bowl in my classroom. The snack bowl will

be available for students who have not eaten, or who just need something to snack on while

they are working. I want my students to be engaged in the material and that starts with

meeting their basic needs first.

“Treat People With Kindness” Wall

Having a place in the classroom to openly share acts of kindness helps keep the students

engaged by encouraging them to help each other. I would have my students post the notes

anonymously so students feel more comfortable with writing the notes. I would also write

anonymous notes of kindness if

I saw a student doing

something kind. I want my

students to see the wall and be

happy about the kindness

being shared in the classroom.
Snack Bowl

Trying to do classwork on an empty stomach is a difficult task. By providing my students

with snacks, one of their basic needs (survival) is met and they are able to focus. I also

think that providing my students with snacks will show them that I care about their well-

being beyond solely their academics.

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