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Group 4

Ainun Qholbi 18018040

Dimas Ashariyadi 18018051
Lidya Nitami 18018065
Nadia Agustina 18018073


A. Background

“Language Assessment” is one of the subjects which is learned by

students of English Language Teaching program. In assessing, students
learn about the principles of language assessment and the way to design
language tests. In order to know and learn more about them, we are group
4 have to interview a teacher in Senior High School about the principles
of assessment and the constructions of language tests.

B. Purposes

1. To fulfill an assignment of Language Assessment subject.

2. To comprehend the principles and construction of tests which is
applied in English teaching..
3. To get information about the topic.

C. Time and place

The interview was done on:

Day/Date : Monday/February 24th, 2020
Time : 2.00 P.M. – Finish
Place : SMA Negeri 7 Padang

D. Result of Interview
Interviewee : Azizah Batubara, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Interviewer : Group 4
N Questions (Group 4) Answer (Mrs. Azizah)
1 What model of the test is given to Generally, the model of the test used is a
students in daily test and examination? written test. In specific, the model test used
in daily test or examination is
Achievement test.
2 In your opinion, what are characteristics The characteristics of a good test are
of a good test? varied. First, a test can be said good if it is
relevant with the syllabus. Next, it is stated
as a good test if it can evaluate the
students’ competence and comprehension.
Last, the result of test can be applied in the
daily life as well as possible.
3 What are the targets/learning outcomes The learning outcomes that want to be
that want to be reached in daily test and reached depend refer to the basic
examination? competence, core competence, and SKL.
4 What are the benefits of the test given to Daily test and exam are made to evaluate
students? and measure the comprehension of
students, what they have absorb related the
learning materials. As teacher, we can see
what students understand and what
obstacles that students got. We also have a
remedial class in order to improve the
students’ mistake in a test.
5 How much money is spent to design the As a teacher, I’m not sure how much
tests? money spent to design the tests like UAS,
USBN, or UNBK because they are
designed by ministry of education. For
daily test, on the other hand, I only provide
the master of the test and then students
copy the tests with their own money.

E. Conclusion

Based on the result of interview, we conclude that the general model of

test used in SMA Negeri 7 Padang is written test, while the specific type of the
test used is the Achievement Test. The characteristics of a good test are;
relevant with syllabus, can evaluate students’ comprehension, and can be
applied in the daily life. The learning outcomes refer to basic competence,
core competence, and SKL. In constructing an examination, the teacher don’t
spend money for UAS, USBN, and USBK, while for a daily test, the teacher
only provide the master copy of test and can be copied by the students.

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