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You will learn to:

 Describe a place CITY
 Tell where you in the city

1. look at the picture and write the number.

10 1 5 u 6 4

8 9 7 2 3
1. post office 2. pet shop 3. bakery 4. library
6. sports center 7. record shop 8. newsagents 9. hotel 10. restaurant

2. Choose the best place from the box.

a) Nicols hasn’t got any food for his dog. Pet shop
b) Kelly is sleeping in a nice bed. Hotel
c) Pablo is buying a magazine. Library
d) Mrs Trujillo is walking with her dog. Park
e) Laura is sending a present to her friend in France. Post office
f) Martin is playing basketball. Sports center
g) Mr and Mrs Smith are eating Chinese food. Restaurant
h) Kattie is buying some bread and six cakes. Bakery
i) David is reading about the history of his town. Newsagents
j) David is buying a CD for his sister. Record shp


 yesterday
Time expressions usually go at the
 last week/ week/ year/ last end or at the beginning of a
 an hour ago sentence
 recently
 a long time ago
 this morning
“Yesterday I went to school.” OR “I went to school yesterday.”
3. Complete the sentences with the time expressions in the box.

Last night an hour ago when I was a little recently yesterday

a) I had lunch at 1p.m, now it’s 2p.m. I had lunch….

An hour ago
b) Jack started school on Monday. Today is Tuesday. He started school…
c) Helen was at home this weekend. She was at home…
d) I watched the film yesterday at 8 p.m. I watched the film…
Last night
e) We moved here in 2006. I was 4 years old. We moved here…
When I was a little


Say in a loud voice the highlighted verbs from the previous exercise:
With most verbs the past tense There are a lot of irregular Time expressions usually go at the
is formed by adding - ed: past tenses in English. end or at the beginning of a
call -> called; sentence
like -> liked; Be -> was / were Speak ->
want -> wanted; spoke Drive -> drove
work -> worked

4. Match the verbs with their past simple form.

go talked
talk didn’t like
do went
like gave
give didn’t drink
visit didn’t do
drink didn’t walk
walk visited

5. Write the past simple of the verb in (brackets) to complete the sentences.
a. Yesterday I went to the park. (go)
b. My grandparents visited us last week. (visit)
c. Last weekend I wrote an email to my friend. (write)
d. My brother did not play any computer games last night. (not play)
e. We ate cereal and drank juice for breakfast. (eat, drink)
f. I did not watch my favorite TV programme yesterday. (not watch)
g. My friend gave me a new pencil case for my birthday. (give)
h. Yesterday I walked to school, did not do wen by car. (walk, not go)
i. Choose three sentences and write them in questions:
a) We did ate cereal?
b) My cousin did visited us last week?
c) I did went to the park?


6. Listen and complete with the corresponding past verbs. Use the verbs from the box
Yesterday I got up (1) at half past six. First, I went (2) to the kitchen had x 3
and had (3) a cupof tea and toast for breakfast. Then I brushed
went (4) to the bathroom and cleaned (5) my teeth. After that, I got (6) dressed and brushed arrived
7) my hair. At half past seven I went (8) to work. I took(9) the bus to Bogotá. I arrived(10) was
at work at ten to eight. At twelve o'clock I had(11) lunch and at four o'clock I went (12) home got up
At seven o'clock I had (13) dinner with my family and then we watched(14) TV. went x 5
At a quarter past eleven I went(15) to bed. cleaned


When I woke up this morning, I found my dog, Fox, waiting for me. He wanted me to take him for a walk.

I was too hungry, so first I had breakfast. I had a glass of milk and a piece of toast. Then I washed my

teeth and put on a track- suit and a heavy coat, because it was really cold outside. Fox was already

impatient. We both went out, and walked to the park near home. He ran and jumped, and pursued some

passers-by. He also destroyed some pieces of furniture

somebody left on the road. I sat on a bench all the time,

wishing I could be inside my warm bed. When my hands were

frozen, I decided it was time to go back home. Fox didn’t

want to, but I pulled hard and I managed to take him back.

When we arrived at the front door, I realized I didn’t hate

my keys with me, so we stayed out in the cold for more than

an hour! Fox was happy, but I was late for work!

Answer the questions:

a. Who was happy to stay outside?

Fox was happy

b. What did Ben do in the park?

He was sat on a bench all the time

c. What did Fox do in the park?

Fox was ran and jumped, and pursued some passers-by

d. What did Ben have for breakfast?

Ben had a glass of milk and a piece of toast

e. What was Ben wearing?

Ben was put on a track- suit and a heavy coat, because it was really cold outside

f. When did Ben decide it was time to go home?

When was hands were frozen, I decided it was time to go back home.

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