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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)

Name of Teacher Candidate Andrea Jaime

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 3rd
Estimated Time Needed 50 min.
Lesson Description Students explore the solar system and its planets.
3(8)(D) - identify the planets in Earth's solar system and their position in
Content Area Standards
relation to the Sun.
Technology Standards
TSW be able to identify the planets in our solar system and their relation to
the Sun.

Gira/ translación
Orbita solar
Technology Resources Smart board
Virtual tour website
Other Resources

Lesson Procedures
TTW state the objective of the
class. https://www.elm
TTW start leading the class s/2009/06/cienci
Engage discussion with the following - Students will be a/astronomia/sist
in the in the
(Engage student thinking, guided question. ema_solar/index.h
carpet towards
access prior knowledge) the smart board. tml
¿Ustedes han visto nuestro
Universo? ¿Galaxia? ¿Vía https://nineplane
Láctea? ¿Sistema solar?
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
¿Dónde estamos localizados?

TTW lead on the students to

an interactive virtual activity
trip to visually demonstrate the
planets of our solar system
and our relation to the sun.

TTW model the making of an

interactive movable 2D model
of our solar system through
the virtual solar system trip.

TTW provide materials for - Students will be

each student to build as they in their seats for
(Collaborative and hands-
follow along with the teacher this interactive
on) group activity.
through the virtual trip.

TTW navigate through the

virtual solar system as she
models how build the solar
system piece by piece.

(student and teacher TTW create a foldable with the - Students will be
discourse, teacher class with important facts of guided through
modeling, vocabulary the planets and its relation to this foldable by
instruction, clarify the sun from the virtual trip. the teacher.

TTW announce and

demonstrate how to play an
interactive planet guessing

TTW ask a question and TSW

Elaborate - Students will be
be able to use their foldable
(Extend or apply the participating in
review to be able to guess the
learning to a new setting; an interactive
correct planet. activity.
active and collaborative)
TSW be able to physically
demonstrate, visualize and
identify the solar system as
they complete the guessing
game with the guidance of TT.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)

Evaluate TSW be given an exit ticket

(Students demonstrate where they will have to - Students will be
their understanding. How arrange the solar system working
will you know what they’ve correctly to its relationship with independently.
learned?) the sun.

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations

Special Education
Assisted and extra time would be given and adjusted as needed.
ELPS C.4c Develop basic sign vocabulary, derive meaning of environmental
print, and comprehend English vocabulary and language structures used
routinely in written classroom materials
English Language
Learners ELPS C.1c Use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping,
drawing, memorizing, comparing, contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic
and grade-level vocabulary.

If the students show signs of mastering not only would I implement plant b but
Gifted and Talented
would also brin gin the concept of seasons due to the earth’s axis

Potential Challenges/Plan B
If students are not able to grasp the lesson, I plan to level down to their previous year TEKS. In this case their last
year TEKS was 2.8 D ) and focuses on objects in the sky such as sun, moon, and earth.

If the students show signs of mastering the concept, I plan to add part of the next years standards, 4.8. I plan to
introduce the Sun’s role in weather due to Earths axis.

Notes and Credits
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)


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