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11 Morphology and Phylogeny of Ascomycete Lichens

S. OTT l and H.T. LUMBSCH 2

CONTENTS define these terms is made in Table 1, following

1. Introduction ............................ . 189 Hawksworth (1988a). An exhaustive treatment on
II Morphology and Anatomy ................ . 189 fungal-algal associations in the large order
A. Thallus Morphology and Growth Forms .... . 190 Lecanorales can be found in Rambold and Triebel
B. Thallus Anatomy ........................ . 191
C. Vegetative Reproduction .................. . 192 (1992). This chapter concentrates on the morphol-
D. Ascoma Morphology and Anatomy ......... . 193 ogy, phylogeny and classification of lichen-forming
E. Anamorph .............................. . 195 ascomycetes. Only a brief treatment can be given
III. Chemistry .............................. . 196 here and the reader is referred to other recent
IV. Molecular Investigations .................. . 197
V. Classification ............................ . 197 books for more information (e.g., Ahmadjian
A. Agyriales ............................... . 198 1993; Nash 1996). Lichens are symbiotic organisms
B. Arthoniales ............................. . 198 typically composed of a fungus and a photosyn-
C. Dothideales s. lat. ........................ . 198
thetic partner, which may be a cyanobacterium, a
D. Gyalectales .............................. . 199
E. Icmadophilales ad int. .................... . 199 green alga or both. It is now generally accepted
F. Lecanorales s. lat. (inc!. Caliciales, that lichens are a nutritional group of fungi
Lichinales, Peltigerales, Teloschistales) ...... . 200 associated with photosynthetic organisms and not
G. Ostropales (inc!. Graphidales) ............. . 201
H. Patellariales ............................. . 202
a monophyletic group. This knowledge has been
I. Pertusariales ............................ . 202 recently supported by molecular data as well
J. Pyrenulales ............................. . 203 (Gargas et al. 1995a). The name of a lichen refers
K. Trichotheliales ........................... . 203 to its mycobiont, and approximately 15000-20000
L. Verrucariales ............................ . 203
M. Incertae sedis ........................... . 203
species are known. Most of the fungal partners
References ............................. . 204 belong to the Ascomycetes and only few are
Basidiomycetes, Chapter 12, this volume by Ober-
winkler deals with the latter.
I. Introduction
II. Morphology and Anatomy
A wide range of taxa in the higher ascomycetes
(Pezizomycotina sensu Eriksson and Wink a 1997)
forms some sort of symbiosis with algae and The symbiotic relationship of fungi and algae or
cyanobacteria. These associations include fungal cyanobacteria in lichens is often so well estab-
parasites on algae (Hawksworth 1987; Lewin lished that a special morphological structure, the
1995), mycophycobioses (Kohlmeyer 1967; lichen thallus, is formed. The lichen thallus is quite
Kohlmeyer and Kohlmeyer 1972), lichenicolous different in appearance from the single bionts.
fungi (Hawksworth 1983, 1988a; Clauzade et al. Thus it is understandable that the dual nature
1989) and lichens (Nash 1996). Naturally, the of these organisms was not discovered before
delimitation of these associations is not clear and Schwendener (1869). Usually lichens are inter-
intermediate forms exist. However, an attempt to preted as fungi which have aquired a special type
of nutrition in form of a symbiosis with algae
or cyanobacteria. Although this is true, such a
somewhat restrictive view may hinder a full
I Heinrich Heine Universitat, Botanisches Institut, Uni-
understanding of morphological and physiological
versitatsstraBe 1,40225 Dusseldorf, Germany
2 Universitat Essen, Fachbereich 9/Botanik, 45117 Essen,
adaptations of these dual organisms. The morpho-
Germany genetic influence of the photobiont is strong, as

The Mycota IX
Fungal Associations
Hock (Ed.)
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001
190 S. Ott and H.T. Lumbsch

Table 1. Definitions of different associations between higher ascomycetes and algae orland cyanobacteria

Term Definition Example

Fungal parasites on algae Parasitic association in which the Epigloea spp. on Coccomyxa (Dbbbeler
mycobiont is inhabitant 1984)
Mycophyobioses Mutualistic association in which the Mycosphaerella ascophylli Cotton on
mycobiont is inhabitant Ascophyllum or Pelvetia (Kohlmeyer and
Kohlmeyer 1972)
Lichenicolous fungi Fungi growing on lichens forming a Phacopsis huuskonenii Rasanen on Letharia
parasitic, commensalistic or mutualistic spp. (Hawksworth 1982; Triebel et al. 1995)
association with them
Lichens Stable self-supporting association in which Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd. containing
the mycobiont is exhabitant Coccomyxa and Nostoc (Honegger 1982b)

shown in the case of photosymbiodemes (see be supplied with water and nutrient salts by the
below), and at least some of the bionts rarely fungus. The fungus, on its part, receives photosyn-
occur in nature as single bionts. Species of the thesis products from the algae and - in cyanobac-
genus Trebouxia, the most common phycobiont in teria - nitrogen compounds (Feige and Jensen
lichens, are seldom reported free-living (e.g., 1992). Further, there is evidence for the exchange
Tschermak-Woess 1978; Mukhtar et al. 1994; of additional substances (e.g., phytohormones) in
Matthes-Sears et al. 1997), as is also the case with connection with a largely unexplored regulation of
mycobionts (e.g., Hale 1957; Bubrick et al. 1984). the symbiosis (Ott and Zwoch 1992; Schieleit and
However, other photobionts occurring in lichens, Ott 1996). Beside the adaptations in the contact
such as Trentepohlia or Nostoc, are very common, zone between the bionts, there exist numerous
free-living (Tschermak-Woess 1988; Nash 1996). morphological and anatomical adaptations to
Lichens are complex systems of interacting sym- life on land and especially to survival in extreme
biotic partners which have evolved in processes of environments.
coevolution. The nature of lichens and the prin-
ciples of their construction may be more easily
understood and interpreted when these symbiotic A. Thallus Morphology and Growth Forms
organisms are understood as an evolution parallel
to higher plants (Jahns and Ott 1997). Both groups The growth forms of lichens primarily reflect the
had to manage similar problems regarding the necessity to expose a sufficient area with algae to
adaptation to living on land. In morphology and light for photosynthesis. The simplest growth form
anatomy some striking convergent solutions to in this respect is a thin crust which covers the
these problems can be found in lichens and higher substrate. However, such crustose lichens are only
plants. These are, especially, structures which superficially simple in structure and some anatom-
involve photosynthesis, water regime, and stabi- ical variations can be observed which are discussed
lization (Jahns and Ott 1997). below. In crustose lichens a general growth princi-
The close contact between both partners in ple of lichens can already be observed which dif-
the lichen symbiosis goes beyond an attack of a fers from growth in non-lichenised ascomycetes.
parasite to its host. The fungus produces hyphae Since the lichen thallus has a long life span and
which form appressoria or haustoria which reaches, especially in crustose forms (e.g., Rhizo-
penetrate the cell wall but usually not the plas- carpon), an age of at least several decades, a con-
malemma of the photobiont (Honegger 1985b, tinuous exchange of nutrients and a controlled
1986a, 1988; Blidel and Rhiel 1987). With the growth of both bionts over a long period of time
exception of very few poorly adapted lichens, only must be guaranteed. The mycobiont of most spe-
dead algal cells are digested. It is important to cies produces the main part of the biomass. In a few
note that the fungus secretes a hydrophobic cases, such as filamentous lichens (e.g., Racodium)
matrix on the hyphal surface (Honegger 1991). In or gelatinous lichens (e.g., Collema), the algal par-
this way, fungus and alga produce a structural and tner produces the larger amount of biomass. In fil-
functional unit in which the algal partner can only amentous lichens, a filamentous alga is surrounded
Morphology and Phylogeny of Ascomycete Lichens 191

by fungal hyphae and in gelatinous lichens a gelati- Cladina, the thallus grows on older and decaying
nous matrix is produced by the cyanobiont. parts which form a water reservoir.
Most lichens are stratified and also show a differ-
entiation in their morphology. Crustose lichens are
often separated into areoles which may be effi- B. Thallus Anatomy
gurate and then form some sort of lobes at the
margins with apical growth. Such marginally A small number of species consists of a largely
lobate forms may have a foliose appearance, but undifferentiated layer of fungal hyphae and algae
can be distinguished by being completely adnate (homoiomerous thallus). However, in several
to the substrate. Foliose lichens form rhizines or lichens with homoiomerous thallus there is some
other forms of attachment organs with which they sort of differentiation. The genus Leptogium, for
are connected to their substrate. Foliose lichens example, has a pseudoparenchymatous cortex. In
are more competetive than crustose forms since most cases, the anatomy is more complex and a
they usually cannot be overgrown, as crustose well-defined algal layer can be distinguished (het-
lichens often are (Degelius 1940). There are also eromerous thallus). The algae occur in areas with
advantages regarding the water regime in foliose appropriate insolation. Taxa occurring in environ-
lichens. A water film may occur between the ments with high insolation have a thick cortex or
thallus and the substrate which is gradually taken reduce high radiation by secondary metabolites
up by the lower surface of the lichen. However, a localised in the upper cortex. The medulla below
loosely attached thallus requires anatomical adap- the algal layer consists only of fungal hyphae. In
tations concerning the stability and gas exchange. some crustose lichens, such as Placynthiella spp.,
Some forms show marginal growth with meris- the thallus consists of globose corticate structures
tematic margins and a central part which dies off. which enclose the photobiont. These structures are
This is especially conspicuous in Arctoparmelia called goniocysts.
centrifuga. Other lichens which are only con- The mycobionts are usually quite specific in
nected by a holdfast to their substrate obviously their choice of a photobiont. Related species may
need to be able to live longer in order to prevent have different photobionts, such as Peltigera
them from falling from their substrate. Umbilicate spp. with green algae or cyanobacteria, but a fungal
lichens, such as Dermatiscum or Umbilicaria, are species usually forms a symbiosis with only one
examples for this growth form or fruticose lichens, or few algal species (Hawksworth 1988a; Friedl
such as Ramalina spp. 1989). Some species with green algae as primary
Fruticose lichens grow erect or pendulous on photobionts additionally form symbioses with
their substrate. Supportive and border tissues are cyanobionts. These secondary photobionts are
of special importance for this group, which have to usually included in special structures which are
ensure bending strength in erect forms and tensile called cephalodia. Cephalodia may grow on the
strength in pendulous forms. The development of thallus surface and are visible as small verrucae
these tissues is correlated with further complex (external cephalodia; e.g., Peltigera aphthosa) or
adaptations regarding the water regime and gas occur in the medulla (internal cephalodia; e.g.,
exchange. Phyllocladia are small lobules at erect Nephroma arcticum). The cephalodia improve the
thallus parts (e.g., in Cladonia) and represent a supply of nitrogen for the mycobiont by N2 fixation
convergence to phanerogams and increase the of the cyanobacteria which show a high percentage
photosynthetically active surface (Jahns 1988; of heterocyst frequency (Hitch and Millbank
Jahns and Ott 1997). 1975b; Englund 1977). In some Peltigerineae a
Water uptake occurs over the whole surface of mycobiont forms different thalli with a phycobiont
the lichen. However, some parts of the cortex may and cyanobiont. These cases are called photosym-
be hydrophobic due to the presence of secondary biodemes (Tonsberg and Holtan-Hartwig 1983;
metabolites. The growth form plays an important Ott 1988; Armaleo and Clerc 1991). In some of
role for the adaptation of water uptake in different these photosymbiodemes the mycobiont even
habitats. Deeply divided fruticose lichens are able forms morphologically very different thalli with
to use fog, snow or dew very efficiently (e.g., Lange the different photobionts (James and Henssen
et al. 1990), while foliose lichens can collect rain- 1976), such as foliose and fruticose morphs. This
water on the their lower surfaces (Ott 1989). In indicates a large morphogenetic influence of the
some lichens, such as the reindeer lichen genus photobionts in lichen symbioses.
192 S. Ott and H.T. Lumbsch

The thallus of numerous crustose lichens is indication is the large number of lichens produc-
covered by an ahyphal polysaccharide layer which ing ascomata. Some lichens have developed spe-
is called the epinecrallayer. In most macrolichens cial strategies as adaptation to this. A few species,
and some crustose lichens a cortex is developed by such as Endocarpon or Sporopodium, possess
the mycobiont. Such a cortex may be restricted to hymenial algae which are simultaneously distrib-
the upper side or may occur on the lower side uted with the fungal spores. Other lichens are
of the thallus as wei!. The cortex is often covered juvenile parasites and may take over the photo-
by a polysaccharide layer, the epicortex. The cortex biont of their hosts (Ott 1987b; Hawksworth
in lichens plays only a limited role against water 1988a; Ott et a!. 1995). Further, there is evidence
loss, in contrast to the epidermis in higher plants. In that mycobionts can survive for some time as
fact, the poikilohydric thalli are dependent on saprophytes or in loose association with algae
losing water rapidly under extreme environmental unsuitable for a close symbiosis (Ott 1987a).
conditions. Despite this, numerous lichens form vegetative
The importance of supportive and border propagules which distribute both partners. The
tissues for the stability of foliose and fruticose simplest form of vegetative propagation is by frag-
lichens has already been mentioned. In some mentation. Several special vegetative diaspores
species this is ensured by a thick and multi-layered are formed by numerous lichens.
cortex (e.g., in Sphaerophorus). Different orienta- Small groups of algae surrounded by fungal
tion of cortical hyphae is another way of lichens hyphae separated from the algal layer are called
to stabilize their thalli. In some Cladonia spp. a soredia. These soredia may be granular or farinose
cylindrical supportive tissue is formed around a and occur in cracks of the thallus surface which are
central medullary hole. In other genera, such as called soralia. Usually, several soredia fuse to form
Usnea, a central cord is formed to ensure stability a new thallus. In some cases soredia may have a
and may be interpreted as a convergence to lianes. cortex and are then called schizidia (Poelt 1995).
However, central cords are also found in lichens However, there are numerous variations of soredia
in arid regions, such as Seirophora or Simonyella, and intermediate forms, and thus it does not seem
and are there interpreted as water reservoirs appropriate to use every special form with sepa-
(Poelt 1983; Feige et a!. 1992). rate terms.
Within the lichen thallus, water is transported Several different types of soralia can be dis-
apoplastically through the fungal hyphae tinguished. Their form is often species-specific.
(Honegger 1991). The capillary cavities in the They may be globose, labiate or split-like and may
medulla in higher-developed lichens are free of be marginal or lamina!. In some lichens the whole
water, which is important for the gas exchange. To surface is sorediate and no definite soralia can be
ensure this, the surface of the fungal hyphae is distinguished.
hydrophobic due to hydrophobins and lichens Isidia are the other most common type of
substances (Honegger 1986b). When soaked, the amphigenous diaspores occurring in lichens. They
gelatinous cortices do not have capillary cavities are corticate outgrowths of the thallus which
and thus special structures are formed by lichens break off and function as a single propagule. Ecor-
to ensure gas exchange in these situations with ticate outgrowths are called pseudoisidia. The
high photosynthetic activity (Lange et al. 1993). morphology of isidia is very diverse and usually a
Numerous lichens form pores which can be of dif- good taxonomic character at the species level.
ferent structure. Pseudocyphellae are cracks in the They may be simple or branched, globose or cylin-
cortex, while cyphellae are corticate hollows. Both drical. Some isidia resemble small foliose lobules
types of structures are functionally involved to and may be called phyllidia. There are intermedi-
increase gas exchange in the thallus. ate forms between soredia and isidia, including
sorediate isidia. In some cases isidia do not func-
tion as propagules, but increase the photosynthet-
c. Vegetative Reproduction ically active surface or almost replace the thallus,
as in some terricolous arctic-boreal Pertusaria spp.
Sexual reproduction in lichen-forming fungi req- In other cases, isidia may germinate on decaying
uires a subsequent relichenization. This is pro- mother thalli and are available for regeneration,
bably not as uncommon as usually supposed. An thus forming a new thallus on the mother thallus,
Morphology and Phylogeny of Ascomycete Lichens 193

e.g., in Parmelia saxatilis (Jahns 1984; Ott et al. ascomycetes as a character set at family and higher
1993). The decaying old thallus serves as a water levels. Several review papers give an overview of
reservoir. the developmental patterns observed in groups of
Some groups of lichens have special forms of lichen-forming fungi and discuss the taxonomic
vegetative propagules, including hormocystangia relevance of this character set (Henssen and Jahns
in the genus Lempholemma (Henssen 1968), para- 1974; Henssen 1976; Henssen et al. 1981; Parguey-
soredia in Umbilicaria (Codogno et al. 1989), Leduc and Janex-Favre 1981; Letrouit-Galinou
thlasidia in Gyalideopsis (Poelt 1986), or blastidia and Bellemere 1989; Doring and Lumbsch 1998).
in different genera (Poelt and Petutschnig 1992; Two different principal types of ascoma ontogeny
Poelt 1995). can be observed; the ascohymenial and the
The determination of vegetative structures is ascolocularous development. In the ascolocu-
much lower in lichens than in higher plants. The larous development type the asci arise in cavities
number of specialised cells and pseudotissues is of an initially developed stroma. This stroma will
low. However, this disadvantage is compensated form the monokaryotic parts of the mature
by a high flexibility of the structures (Jahns and ascoma. In the ascohymenial type, the ascomata
Ott 1994). For example, cortices may grow out and are formed after the dikaryotisation. The
include algae and thus form an apothecial margin. monokaryotic hyphae which surround the ascogo-
These apothecial margins show a large amount of nia and later form the fruiting body are called gen-
variation as discussed below. Due to the high flex- erative tissue (Henssen 1969a). The generative
ibility of thallus structures, the taxonomic impor- tissue can be distinguished from other parts of the
tance of these characters is limited and usually not thallus through its thin-walled meristematic
suitable for classification at higher ranks. hyphae which stain deeper blue in lactophenol
cotton-blue. The concept of the generative tissue
is controversially disputed (Hammer 1993), since
D. Ascoma Morphology and Anatomy its hyphae do not differ qualitatively from other
hyphae of the vegetative thallus. This is generally
The ascomata of lichenised ascomycetes do not true, but it seems appropriate to distinguish the
principally differ from those of non-lichenised generative tissue, since it is the first anatomically
ascomycetes. They are usually long-lasting and observable part of the ascoma primordium (Jahns
thus have often well-developed supportive tissues. et al. 1995b). The mode of fertilization is not
In some ascomata the photobiont is included in a resolved yet, but there is evidence that it does
thalline margin. In general, the fruiting body is a not differ from the different modes occurring
structure formed by the mycobiont, and its induc- in non-lichenised ascomycetes. The significance of
tion and development are independent of the ascolocularous and ascohymenial ascoma devel-
presence of photobionts (Jahns et al. 1995a; opment was discovered by Nannfeldt (1932) and
Jorgensen and Jahns 1987). used by him for the distinction of supraordinal
The same ascoma types as in non-lichenised taxa in the ascomycetes. Fungi with ascolocularous
ascomycetes can be found in lichens, such as ascoma development are currently placed in the
apothecia, perithecia, pseudothecia or hysterothe- order Dothideales s. lat. and only few lichenised
cia. Cleistothecia do not occur in lichen-forming taxa occur in this group. The large majority of
fungi. The morphologically defined fruiting body lichen fungi belongs to the group of ascohymenial
types occur in separate clades of ascomycetes fungi.
(Berbee and Taylor 1995), but some intermediate There are several types of ascohymenial
forms exist as well. In some groups, such as The- ascoma development. In the gymnocarpous devel-
locarpon (Poelt and Hafellner 1975), the opening opment the hymenium arises at the upper part of
of the ascomata varies. Thus, the systematic im- the primordium, while a development with an
portance of the ascoma types is limited in some enclosed hymenium in the centre of a primordium
cases. Further, molecular results suggest that dis- which only opens with an ostiolum is called angio-
comycetes are at least a paraphyletic group carpous development. In the hemiangiocarpous
(Gargas and Taylor 1995). development, the initially closed hymenium bursts
The ontogeny of the ascomata is used in sys- open at a later stage. Within these three types,
tematics of both non-lichenised and lichenised numerous variants of the development can be
194 s. Ott and H.T. Lumbsch

found. The type of ascohymenial can be of sys- which are apically free hyphae. Paraphysoids are
tematic importance; e.g., the members of the reticulately branched hyphae which are primarily
Peltigerineae are characterised by a hemiangio- not free apically. They may occur in mature asco-
carpous ontogeny. However, in other groups, taxa mata (e.g., Pertusaria) or be superceded by para-
with different ascoma development can be found, physes (e.g., Trapelia). In other groups no
as in the Agyriales, which contain the gymnocar- paraphysoids are formed, but true paraphyses
pous Anamylopsoraceae and hemiangiocarpous grow into the primordium (e.g., Coccotrema). In
Agyriaceae (Lumbsch 1997a). As with other char- ascolocularous fungi, pseudoparaphyses may be
acters, ascoma ontogeny is useful as a taxonomic present or an interthecial tissue is formed. Beside
discriminator only when it correlates with other the sterile hyphae in the hymenium, there are
characters. further sterile hyphae in the ascomatal centre
Different types of ascomatal margins can be which also belong to the hamathecium. In perithe-
distinguished. The margin may consist either of cial forms often sterile hyphae occur near the
purely fungal hyphae and then it does not differ ostiolum and are called periphyses. A special form
from ascomatal margins in other ascomycetes. of sterile hyphae are the lateral paraphyses (peri-
As in these, the margin is called either exciple in physoids sensu Henssen and Jahns 1974) occurring
discomycetes, peridium in pyrenomycetes or in the Gyalectales and Ostropales which grow hor-
pseudoperidium in loculascomycetes. In numer- izontally into the ascomatal centre at the hymenial
ous lichens, the ascomatal margin may contain level (Hens sen 1995c). The upper part of the
algae. This margin may be an addition to the hymenium often differs in pigmentation, granula-
exciple and the ascoma is then called zeorine. tion or other characters from the rest of the hyme-
In several lichens the thalline margin almost nium and is called epihymenium. In some taxa,
completely replaces the true exciple, especially such as the Pertusariales, a compact epithecium is
in apotheciate forms. Such apothecia are called formed (Hens sen 1976).
lecanorine, while apothecia with a true exciple Beside the ascoma ontogeny, the type of
only are called biatorine, or lecideine, when car- meiosporangium, the ascus, is used as a primary
bonaceous. The true exciple may be present at character to distinguish different groups among
the margin (annular) or completely surround the ascomycetes. There are three main types of asci,
hymenium (cupulate). The different apothecial i.e., prototunicate, unitunicate and bitunicate,
margin types are descriptive and often have low which all occur in lichen-forming fungi. In proto-
taxonomic significance, since numerous interme- tunicate asci there is no mechanism for spore ejac-
diate forms exist. An algae-containing apothecial ulation and the spores are released by decay of the
margin may be simply a continuation of the vege- ascus wall. In lichenised ascomycetes prototuni-
tative thallus which is raised with the growing cate asci are secondarily reduced, as molecular
fruiting body. In other cases, the generative tissue studies support (Wedin and Tibell 1997; Wedin et
raises algae upwards or incorporates them secon- al. 1998). Unitunicate asci may either open with
darily during the ascoma development. The an operculum (operculate) or are inoperculate.
number of possible convergencies and special Operculate asci do not occur in lichenised fungi.
types is very high and it is often impossible to Unitunicate asci in the Lecanorales have two walls
conclude from the mature ascoma as to its devel- which do not separate, or only slightly, when
opment. Thus, the taxonomic importance of opening (Honegger 1978,1980, 1982c). In bituni-
characters of the mature ascomatal margin is cate asci the two walls are separated in the spore
limited, if the development of these structures is release. The outer wall or exoascus is not flexible
not examined. and bursts open, the inner wall or endoascus pro-
Below the hymenium, which consists of asci longs until or above the upper surface of the
and sterile hyphae, a thin layer with ascogenous hymenium and releases the ascospores. Since most
hyphae can be observed which is called the sub- unitunicate asci in lichenized ascomycetes also
hymenium. Below the subhymenium, a further have two walls, it was proposed to use the term fis-
part can be distinguished, the hypothecium, which situnicate and non-fissitunicate instead of bituni-
mayor may not be pigmented. cate and unitunicate. In unitunicate asci different
The hymenium consists of asci and vegetative opening mechanisms were observed. The most
hyphae which are called hamathecium (Eriksson common is the rostrate type of most Lecanorales.
1981). The hamathecium can consist of paraphyses The ascus prolongs above the hymenium surface
Morphology and Phylogeny of Ascomycete Lichens 195

with an apical apparatus. The apical tips of the asci (Tibe1l1991). In some cases, conidia are produced
have different structures which show different directly from single hyphae rather than aggre-
amyloid reactions. With the help of these amyloid gated hyphae. Such anamorphs occur for example
reactions, different ascus types were distinguished in the Coniocybaceae (Honegger 1985a; Tibell
and used in the classification (e.g., Hafellner 1984). 1997). In the cases mentioned above, conidia are
Although these types are generally of much produced by conidiogenous cells. The conidio-
importance, a considerable amount of variation in genous cells can be simple or branched and anas-
ascus types within natural groups has also been tomosing. Different types of conidiophores,
demonstrated (Rambold et al. 1994). Further, it according to the ramification of the conidiogenous
was emphasized (Baral 1992) that structures may cells, were distinguished by Vobis (1980). Vobis
alter in herbarium material and that there is a (1980) also studied the ontogeny of the pycnidia
danger of misinterpretations due to artefacts. and distinguished several types.
As in non-lichenized ascomycetes, the most There exist further types of asexual spores in
common number of ascospores per ascus is eight. lichenised ascomycetes which do not arise from
The number, however, can be reduced to one, two conidiophores. These are thallospores (or thallo-
or four. Polyspored asci occur in numerous groups conidia) which occur in the Umbilicariaceae
and recent studies show that this character has (Hestmark 1990, 1991a,b,c) and a variety of crus-
been largely overestimated in previous studies tose lichens (Poelt and Obermayer 1990).
(Hafellner and Casares-Porcel 1992; Hafellner In certain groups of lichenised fungi more
1995). The form of ascospores is usually species- than one type of conidia is known in a single
specific. Beside simple spores, one-septate, trans- species. This is well documented in the genus
versally septate and muriform spores occur. The Micarea where three different conidial types are
form of the cell lumen also differs. while most taxa known in some species (e.g., M. denigrata) and
have spores with rectangular cells, lenticular cells have been termed micro-, meso- and macroconi-
are characteristic for the ascospores in such groups dia according to their size (Coppins 1983). Differ-
as Pyrenulaceae or Thelotremataceae. A special ent conidia are known from several groups of
type of ascospore is bipolarous to plurilocularous lichens, including the Gyalectaceae, Lecanoraceae
spores in the Teloschistaceae. The ascospores may and Strigulaceae (Letrouit-Galinou 1973; Etayo
be surrounded by a gelatinous perispore and are and Diederich 1993; Roux and Bricaud 1993).
then called halonate, as in Rhizocarpon spp. They The role of conidia in lichens has been dis-
mayor may not show amyloid reactions, such as in puted for many years and there is some confusion
members of the Thelotremataceae. concerning the terminology for conidiomata and
conidia - some authors prefer to use the term
spermatia and spermogonia (Johnson 1954; Poelt
E. Anamorph 1980; TheIl 1995). Although there are indications
that at least some of the conidia may function as
Almost 60% of the known lichen-forming fungi spermatia (Honegger 1984), there is no definite
are known to produce conidial anamorphs (Vobis proof for this. Some conidia were shown to grow
and Hawksworth 1981; Hawksworth 1988b). In out and thus obviously function as vegetative
most cases these propagules complement the propagules (Vobis 1977). Both roles cannot be
ascomycetous teleomorphs, but some species and assumed to be mutually exclusive, and thus it
also genera are not known to produce teleo- seems unfortunate to link terms with functions in
morphs, such as Siphula (Mathey 1971; Kantvilas these cases. The neutral terms conidia and conid-
1987,1994). The conidia are usually produced in iomata, which are commonly used in mycology,
conidiomata, which are in most cases globose to should be applied here.
pyriform in shape opening with a single pore, the Conidiomata and conidia have also been used
ostiolum. These structures are called pycnidia in the taxonomy of lichens. Conidial differences
(Vobis 1980). However, other forms of conid- provided help in distinguishing two morphologi-
iomata occur in lichen-forming fungi as well, cally similar Punctelia spp. (Culberson and
including helmet-shaped campylidia (Serusiaux Culberson 1980). Also the size and shape of
1986; Vezda 1986; Aptroot and Sipman 1993b; conidia was used as a character for the circum-
Malcolm and Vezda 1994), erect hyphophores scription of genera, for example in the Parmeli-
(Vezda 1979), and cushion-like sporodochia aceae (Elix 1993) or Physciaceae (Moberg 1977).
196 S. Ott and H.T. Lumbsch

III. Chemistry Table 2. Major classes of lichen substances

I. Acetate-polymalonate pathway
A. Fatty acids and related compounds
The investigation of secondary metabolites plays B. Phenolic compounds
an important part in taxonomic and biological 1. Anthraquinones
studies in lichenised ascomycetes. This method has 2. Benzyl esters
3. Chromones
had a long tradition in lichenology since differ- 4. Depsides
ences in thallus coloration due to lichen sub- 5. Depsidones
stances have always been used to distinguish 6. Depsones
7. Dibenzofuranes, usnic acids and
species (e.g., Parmeliopsis ambigua, P. hyperopta). related compounds
The first chemical tests were introduced by 8. Diphenyl ethers
Nylander (1866), who employed spot tests with 9. Monocyclic compounds
reagents to produce characteristic colour changes 10. Naphthoquinones
11. Napthopyran
in the lichen tissue. Later, more reagents and other 12. Tridepsides
methods such as microcrystallisation or paper 13. Xanthones
chromatography were used. The investigation of II. Mevalonic acid pathway
lichen substances was vastly improved by the A. Steroids
introduction of thin-layer chromatography, for B. Terpenoids
which Culberson and colleagues developed Ill. Shikimic acid pathway
standardised methodologies (Culberson 1972; A. Pulvinic acid derivatives
Culberson and Johnson 1976, 1982; Culberson et B. Terphenylquinoncs
al. 1981), and - more recently - high performance
liquid chromatography, for which Feige et al.
(1993) developed a standardised method for the Chemical data can be used as taxonomic char-
identification of phenolic lichen substances in acters at different levels, and their taxonomic
an elution gradient. Data on chromatographic importance has been one of the most controver-
behaviour of lichen substances and additional sial issues in lichen systematics, as discussed by
information are now available on computer numerous authors (e.g., W. L. Culberson 1969,
(Eli x et al. 1988; Mietzsch et al. 1993). The dif- 1986; Hawksworth 1976; Brodo 1978,1986; Rogers
ferent methodologies for the examination of 1989; Lumbsch 1998). Secondary metabolites have
lichen substances are summarized by Culberson been widely used at species and subspecific level,
and Elix (1989) and Huneck and Yoshimura but this cannot be discussed here and the reader
(1995). is referred to the above-cited references for
Almost 750 secondary products have been further information. At generic level, chemical
found in lichenised ascomycetes and further information if often used as a correlating charac-
substances are continuously being found. The ter. Moberg (1977) excluded the genus Phaeo-
lichen substances belong to different substance physcia from Physcia based on absence of
classes (c. Culberson 1969, 1970; C. Culberson atranorin and presence of different conidia. Meta-
et al. 1977; Elix 1996) and are produced via bolic data are also used in Parmeliaceae for
the acetate-polymalonate, mevalonic acid and generic delimitation, as summarized by Elix
shikimic acid pathways (Mosbach 1969). These (1993). Among crustose lichens examples are less
metabolites accumulate on the outside walls of the obvious; with the current trend of defining smaller
mycobiont hyphae. The majority of secondary natural units in crustose groups, however, some
metabolites in lichens is synthethised by the genera are chemically well defined. Rhizoplaca
acetate-polymalonate pathway and belongs to for example, is characterised by placodiolic or
substance groups, such as depsides and depsidones. pseudoplacodiolic acids (Leuckert et al. 1977;
Substances unique to lichens usually belong to McCune 1987), and chemistry played an impor-
these groups, while substances in other groups - tant role in the distinction of subgenera in Per-
or closely related substances - might occur in tusaria by Archer (1993).
other groups of either plants or fungi as well. A list Some metabolic data may have significance
of the most important substance classes of sec- at family level. In the genus Haematomma two
ondary metabolites occurring in lichens is given in groups were recognised based mainly on their dif-
Table 2. ferent ascus type. These groups are now regarded
Morphology and Phylogeny of Ascomycete Lichens 197

as belonging to different families, the Haematom- 1998; Lohtander et al. 1998a,b), photosym-
maceae and Ophioparmaceae (Hafellner 1984; biodemes (Armaleo and Clerc 1991) or chemical
Rogers and Hafellner 1988). Both groups are mor- variation (Groner and LaGreca 1997). The poten-
phologically similar due to the presence of red pig- tial power of small insertions and group I introns
ments in the apothecia, but the structure of the for resolving evolutionary relationships among
quinones present in both families was shown to be genera and species of lichen-forming fungi was
different (Bruun and Lamvik 1971; Huneck et al. recently demonstrated by Stenroos and DePriest
1991), thus supporting the separation of the two (1998b). However, molecular studies in lichenol-
groups. ogy are not restricted to phylogenetic and taxo-
At order level metabolic data are less useful, nomic questions, but address numerous other
but the occurrence of secondary metabolites issues, such as presence and variation of group
nonetheless reveals certain patterns at this level. I introns (DePriest 1993b; Gargas et al. 1995b;
While some orders, such as the Arthoniales, Grube et al. 1996) or genetic diversity and speci-
Lecanorales, or Pertusariales, contain a number ficity of symbiotic cyanobacteria (Miao et al. 1997;
of substances of various classes, others, such as Paulsrud and Lindblad 1998), as well as questions
the Gyalectales, lack any lichen compounds. The of molecular evolution with regard to mutualism
presence of the substance classes among the (Lutzoni and Pagel 1997). A recent workshop on
orders with lichenised fungi differs as well. While progress in molecular studies in lichens (Graz,
depsones are restricted to the Pertusariales, dep- August 1998) demonstrated that molecular
sides or quinones are present in numerous groups. methods will be increasingly used in a variety of
different issues in lichenology.

IV. Molecular Investigations

V. Classification
Molecular data provide a powerful tool to study
the different aspects in the biology of organisms, The modern classification which includes the
including population genetics and phylogeny. The lichenised ascomycetes in a system with non-
introduction of molecular methods into lichenol- lichenised fungi, based on mycological characters
ogy has already demonstrated the potential power such as ascus structure and ascoma development,
of molecular techniques (cf. Gargas et al. 1995a; started with Santesson (1952, 1953), although the
Bridge and Hawksworth 1998) in this field as well. main ideas had already been developed by
Specific DNA isolation protocols for lichen fungi Nannfeldt (1932). The systems proposed by Hale
have been developed (Armaleo and Clerc 1995; (1967) and Hale and Culberson (1970) followed
Grube et al. 1995). The introduction of fungal- their concepts. Comprehensive systems were pro-
specific primers (Gargas and Taylor 1992; Gardes posed by Henssen and Jahns (1974) and Poelt
and Bruns 1993; Gargas and DePriest 1996; (1973). In the meantime, numerous changes have
Crespo et al. 1997) has considerably enhanced the been proposed, especially since Hafellner's (1984)
application of molecular techniques in lichenol- critical reevaluation of the variation in ascus struc-
ogy. The majority of the recent molecular studies ture within the Lecanoraceae and Lecideaceae s.
focuses on systematic questions at different taxo- ampl. and the creation of numerous new families
nomic levels (e.g., DePriest 1993a; Gargas and based mainly on ascus types. An overview of his
Taylor 1995; Gargas et al. 1995a; Lutzoni and Vil- revisions is given in Hafellner (1988). From 1982
galys 1995a,b; Tehler 1995b; Wedin and Tibell to 1993, Eriksson, and Eriksson and Hawksworth
1997; Arup and Grube 1998; Crespo and Cubero published an Outline of the Ascomycetes including
1998; Mattsson and Wedin 1998; Stenroos and lichenised fungi (Hawksworth and Eriksson
DePriest 1998a; TheIl 1998; TheIl et al. 1998; Wedin 1994) each year (Eriksson and Hawksworth
et al. 1998; Winka et al. 1998). Their significance 1993). Their classification scheme forms the basis
for the classification at ordinal and family level is of our proposed classification of lichenised
discussed in section V (Classification). Further, ascomycetes. All orders which include lichenised
molecular data were employed to study species members are mentioned and the orders are briefly
concepts in lichenised fungi, with regard to characterised by a standardised description.
derived sterile populations (Kroken and Taylor All families including lichenised species are
198 S. Ott and H.T. Lumbsch

mentioned and relevant literature is given. B. Arthoniales

An overview of the orders arranged into supraor-
dinal taxa is presented by Eriksson and Winka Ascomata apothecial or hysterothecial; ascoma
(1997). development ascohymenial, hemiangiocarpous or
Recent years have seen a remarkable increase gymnocarpous; exciple absent or annular, zeorine,
in interest in molecular data for systematic or lecideine; hamathecium with paraphysoids,
purposes in the systematics of the Ascomycota. weakly or non-amyloid; ascus bitunicate, fissituni-
Particular attention has been paid to the small cate, amyloid or non-amyloid; ascospores hyaline
subunit of the ribosomal DNA. This trend has, or brown, transversely septate to muriform; pycni-
with some delay, also appeared in lichenology, as dia with conidiophores of type I, II, III, IV (Vobis
discussed above. Thus, some differences to the 1980); conidia bacilliform, filiform or ovoid; thallus
system proposed by Eriksson and Hawksworth crustose, placodioid, foliose or fruticose, photo-
(1993) resulting from current studies are briefly biont a green alga or absent; chemistry: aliphatic
discussed. Another systematic arrangement was acids, chromones, dibenzofuranes, naphthopranes,
presented by Tehler (1996), whose treatment was orcinol depsides, f3-orcinol depsides, f3-orcinol
also based on Eriksson and Hawksworth (1993). depsidones, quinones, terpenes and xanthones.
Poorly known families, such as the Moriolaceae Most taxa lichenised.
(Bachmann 1926), are not further treated here.
Families: Arthoniaceae, Chrysotrichaceae, Roccel-
laceae (incl. Opegraphaceae) (Henssen and Jahns
1974; Barr 1987; Tehler 1990, 1995a; Henssen and
A. Agyriales
Thor 1994; Letrouit-Galinou et al. 1994; Grube
1998; Myllys et al. 1998).
Ascomata apothecial; ascoma development asco-
hymenial, hemiangiocarpous or gymnocarpous; The Arthoniales represent a group of ascomycetes
exciple cupulate or annular, zeorine, lecideine or with bitunicate asci and ascohymenial ascoma
biatorine; hamathecium with true paraphyses development. This shows that the classification of
replacing paraphysoids, weakly or non-amyloid; Ascohymeniales and Ascoloculares by Nannfeldt
ascus unitunicate, Trapelia-type, Schaereria-type (1932) and the distinction on the basis of ascus
or similar forms; ascospores hyaline, non- to trans- structure by Luttrell (1951, 1973) is not congruent.
versely septate; pycnidia with conidiophores of In our opinion the Loculoascomycetes should be
type II, V, VII (Vobis 1980), conidia bacilliform, restricted to those ascomycetes which have both
filiform; thallus crustose, placodioid or squamu- ascolocular as coma development and bitunicate
lose, primary photobiont a green alga or absent; asci. However, bitunicate asci also occur in the
chemistry: benzyl esters and derivatives, orcinol probably para phyletic group of ascohymenial
depsides and f3-orcinol depsidones. Most taxa fungi (cf. Tehler in Hawksworth 1994, p. 416). The
lichenised. term Zwischengruppe was used by Henssen and
Jahns (1974) and Henssen and Thor (1994) to cir-
Families: Agyriaceae s.l. (incl. Rimulariaceae,
cumscribe this phenomenon. We prefer to inter-
Trapeliaceae), Anamylopsoraceae, Elixiaceae
pret the Arthoniales as bitunicate members of
Schaereriaceae (Hertel 1970; Hafellner 1984;
the ascohymenial fungi, in the same way that the
Hertel and Rambold 1990; Rambold and Triebel
Pyrenulales and Verrucariales are considered
1990; Lumbsch et al. 1995b, 2000; Lunke et al.
ascohymenial pyrenomycetes with bitunicate asci
(Parguey-Leduc and Janex-Favre 1981), thus not
This order has hitherto been recognised as a sub- being extraordinary.
order Agyriineae in the Lecanorales. It differs
from that order, however, in having non-
lecanoralean asci, which open by eversion C. Dothideales s. lat.
(Bellemere and Letrouit-Galinou 1987; Lumbsch
1997b) and weakly amyloid hymenial gel. The Ascomata pseudothecial; as coma development
order is similar to the Leotiales, but differs in ascolocularous; with or without pseudoperidium;
having thicker asci. Recent molecular studies hamathecium with pseudoparaphyses or interascal
(Lumbsch et al. 2000) support the recognition as pseudoparenchyma, weakly or non-amyloid; ascus
a separate order. bitunicate, fissitunicate; ascospores hyaline or
Morphology and Phylogeny of Ascomycete Lichens 199

brown, non- to transversely septate or muriform; or cyanobacteria; chemistry: no lichen substances.

pycnidia with conidiophores of different types, All taxa lichenised.
also hyphomycetous anamorphs known, conidio-
ph ores and conidia of different types; thallus Family: Gyalectaceae (Henssen and Jahns 1974;
crustose, photobiont a green alga, cyanobacteria or Henssen 1976).
absent; chemistry: no lichen substances. Most taxa
non-lichenised. The ascoma development of the Gyalectales and
Ostropales is very similar and might suggest a
Families with lichenised taxa: Arthopyreniaceae, close relationship. However, the two orders can be
Dacampiaceae, Pyrenotrichaceae, Xanthopyreni- distinguished by their different asci and the amy-
aceae (Luttrell 1951, 1973; Janex-Favre 1970; von loidity of the hymenial gelatine. The differences
Arx and Muller 1975; Eriksson 1981; Barr 1987; in ascus type and hymenial characters indicate
Harris 1995; Henssen 1995b; Berbee 1996). that the similarity in as coma ontogeny is due to
convergence. The presence or absence of lateral
The Dothideales as accepted here are clearly a paraphyses, which is often mentioned, cannot be
collective and heterogeneous group. We have fol- regarded as important in distinguishing the
lowed the broad concepts of von Arx and Muller Gyalectales and Ostropales, since this character
(1975) and Eriksson and Hawksworth (1993) varies within the Ostropales (e.g., within the
rather than those of Luttrell (1951) and Barr Thelotremataceae, ct. Hale 1980).
(1987), who divided the order into several groups,
simply because only very few lichenised taxa are
involved and we are not familiar with this large E. Icmadophilales ad into
group of mostly non-lichenised ascomycetes.
Furthermore, Henssen (1987) suggested that the Ascomata apothecial; ascoma development asco-
hamathecial structure, which was used as an impor- hymenial, gymnocarpous or hemiangiocarpous;
tant character for the acceptance of orders among exciple annular, biatorine; hamathecium with true
the Loculoascomycetes, may vary within some paraphyses replacing paraphysoids, weakly or
groups of these fungi. We therefore follow a more non-amyloid; ascus unitunicate, helotial, amyloid
conservative view here for practical reasons only. or only outer ascus wall faintly amyloid;
However, recent preliminary molecular data ascospores hyaline, non- to transversely septate;
suggest that at least two major clades, i.e., the Doth- pycnidia of lichenised members with conidio-
ideales sensu stricto and the Pleosporales, can phores of type VI (Vobis 1980), conidia of various
be distinguished among the ascolocularous fungi shape; thallus crustose, squamulose or foliose,
(Berbee 1996). The Xanthopyreniaceae are only photobiont a green alga or absent; chemistry:
provisionally kept separate from Arthopyreni- orcinol depsides and j3-orcinol depsides and 13-
aceae following Harris (1995) and the Mycopo- orcinol depsidones. Most taxa lichenised.
raceae are interpreted as non-lichenised following
Lumbsch (1999). Families with lichenised taxa: Icmadophilaceae,
Siphulaceae (Honegger 1983; Gierl and Kalb 1993;
Rambold et al. 1993; Eriksson and Hawksworth
D. Gyalectales 1996; Stenroos and DePriest 1998a).

Ascomata apothecial (± perithecioid in early stages While in earlier systems (Poelt 1973; Henssen and
of development); ascoma development ascohy- Jahns 1974) the Icmadophilaceae were placed in
menial, hemiangiocarpous; exciple cupulate, the Lecanorales, they were subsequently regarded
zeorine or biatorine; hamathecium with true as members of the Leotiales, due to their ascus
paraphyses growing into a cavity, weakly or non- type (Chadefaud 1960; Honegger 1983). However,
amyloid; with or without lateral paraphyses; recent 18S rDNA data suggest that Icmadophila
ascus unitunicate, thin-walled, amyloid; ascospores ericetorum might not belong here and that simi-
hyaline, non- to transversely septate to muriform; larities in ascus structure may be explained as con-
pycnidia with conidiophores of type I (Vobis 1980), vergence (Eriksson and Hawksworth 1996). This
conidia bacilliform to ovoid; thallus crustose or fil- assumption is confirmed by Stenroos and DePriest
amentous; photobiont a green alga (Trentepohlia) (1998a).
200 s. Ott and H.T. Lumbsch

F. Lecanorales s. lat. (incl. Caliciales, Lichinales, 1995a; Lutzoni and Brodo 1995; Staiger and Kalb
Peltigerales, Teloschistales) 1995;Thell et al.1995;Lumbsch 1997a,b;Wedin and
Tibell 1997; Doring and Lumbsch 1998; Mattsson
Ascomata apothecial; ascoma development asco- and Wedin 1998; Stenroos and DePriest 1998a;
hymenial, hemiangiocarpous or gymnocarpous; Wedin et al.1998).
exciple cupulate or annular, zeorine, lecanorine,
lecideine or biatorine; hamathecium with true The Lecanorales is the largest order among
paraphyses, amyloid; ascus lecanoralean (= unitu- lichenised ascomycetes and is probably poly-
nicate, apically thickened), amyloid, or proto- phyletic, an assumption which is supported by
tunicate; ascospores hyaline or brown, non- to molecular data (Stenroos and DePriest 1998a).
transversely septate to muriform; pycnidia with In our delimitation more than 50 families are
conidiophores of different types, conidia of included in the Lecanorales. The circumscription
various shape; thallus of different growth forms; of this order varies between authors. While
photobiont a green alga or/and cyanobacteria; Hafellner (1994) has a rather broad concept of this
chemistry: aliphatic acids, benzyl ester, chromones, order and includes the Pertusariales as well as the
depsides, depsidones, dibenzofuranes, diphenyl Peltigerales and Teloschistales (but excludes the
ether, pulvinic acid derivatives, quinones, steroids, Lichinales), Eriksson and Hawksworth (1993)
terpenes, and xanthones. Most taxa lichenised. have a more restricted concept of the Lecanorales.
Families: Acarosporaceae, Arctomiaceae, Bacidi- On the basis of differences in ascus structure and
aceae, Baeomycetaceae, Biatorellaceae, Briganti- ascoma development they excluded the Lichi-
aeaceae, Caliciaceae, Calycidiaceae, Catillariaceae, nales, Peltigerales, Pertusariales and Teloschistales
Cladiaceae, Cladoniaceae, Coccocarpiaceae, as separate orders. We have followed a middle
Collemataceae, Coniocybaceae, Crocyniaceae, course in this matter for practical reasons. The Per-
Ectolechiaceae, Fuscideaceae, Gloeoheppiaceae, tusariales are well separated from the Lecanorales
Gypsoplacaceae, Haematommaceae, Heppiaceae, in ascus structure and ascoma development and
Heterodeaceae, Hymeneliaceae (incl. Eigler- no intermediates are known to us. Further,
aceae), Lecanoraceae (incl. Candelariaceae), molecular data support a distinction of this
Lecideaceae, Letrouitiaceae, Lichinaceae, group. Therefore we have accepted this group
Lobariaceae, Loxosporaceae, Megalosporaceae, as a distinct order. The Lichinales, Peltigerales
Micareaceae, Miltideaceae, Mycoblastaceae, and Teloschistales are included here in the
Nephromataceae, Ophioparmaceae, Pannari- Lecanorales, since intermediate families occur
aceae, Parmeliaceae s. lat. (incl. Alectoriaceae, which cannot be related to one or the other group
Anziaceae, Hypogymniaceae, Usneaceae), Peltig- at present.
eraceae, Peltulaceae, Phlyctidaceae, Physciaceae, The Peltulaceae are somewhat intermediate
Pilocarpaceae, Placynthiaceae, Porpidiaceae, between the Lecanorales and Lichinales, since
Psoraceae, Ramalinaceae, Rhizocarpaceae, Sphae- the ascus in this group is lecanoralean, but the
rophoraceae, Stereocaulaceae, Teloschistaceae, ontogeny of the fruiting bodies is similar to that
Umbilicariaceae, Vezdaeaceae (Hakulinen 1954; of the Lichinaceae. Furthermore, Pyrenopsis, a
Henssen 1963, 1965, 1969a,b, 1970, 1979, 1994, member of the Lichinaceae, and related taxa have
1995a; Jahns 1970; Schmidt 1970; Poelt 1973; Keuck unitunicate asci, rather than the prototunicate asci
1977,1979; Filson 1978; Hafellner et al. 1979; Poelt typical of Lichinaceae. The Pannariaceae might
and Hafellner 1980; Bellemere and Letrouit- belong either to the Lecanorales or Peltigerales,
Galinou 1981; Hafellner and Bellemere 1981 a,b,c; and the Placynthiaceae seem to be somewhat
Henssen et al. 1981; Ahti 1982; Krog 1982; Honeg- isolated in the Peltigerineae. Moreover, analysis
ger 1983; Sipman 1983; Hafellner 1984, 1995;Tibell of 18S rDNA showed that the Peltigerineae clus-
1984, 1987; Timdal 1984, 1990, 1992; Hertel and tered with the Lecanorales s.str. (Eriksson and
Rambold 1995; Eriksson and Hawksworth 1986, Strand 1995). Therefore, we prefer to accept the
1996; Vezda 1986; Henssen and Dobelmann 1987; Peltigerineae as a suborder in the Lecanorales
Rogers and Hafellner 1988; Rambold 1989; Hafell- rather than as an independent order. Regarding
ner and Casares-Porcel 1992; Karnefelt and Thell Teloschistales, the Fuscideaceae show features
1992; Elix 1993; Gierl and Kalb 1993; Rambold et characteristic of this order, but might also belong
al.1993, 1994;Wedin 1993; Jorgensen 1994; Liicking to Lecanorales s.str. Since the circumscription of
et al. 1994; Eriksson and Strand 1995; Gargas and the group is still in flux, we are recognizing the
Taylor 1995; Gargas et al. 1995a; Lumbsch et al. group as a suborder for the time being. Molecular
Morphology and Phylogeny of Ascomycete Lichens 201

data will surely help to distinguish natural groups Teloschistineae and Umbilicarineae has to be
among the Lecanorales much better than it restudied. However, molecular data suggest that
has been possible so far. the Umbilicarineae should be separated at ordinal
Some families with prototunicate asci (e.g., level (DePriest et al. 1997; Stenroos and DePriest
Caliciaceae, Sphaerophoraceae) were formerly 1998a). We accept the Lichineae and Peltigerineae
placed in the Caliciales, which was defined mainly as suborders as discussed above. The Acaro-
by the presence of a mazaedium and passive sporineae seem to be a heterogeneous assemblage
spore dispersal. Most taxa have more or less whose members do not have many characters in
stalked ascomata. While Poelt (1973), following common. Examinations of the ascus structure and
Zahlbruckner (1926), regarded the order as "very ascoma ontogeny are urgently needed, as well as
uniform", Henssen and Jahns (1974) only tenta- more molecular data of other taxa and genes.
tively placed the non-lichenised, unitunicate It was proposed to divide the core group of the
Mycocaliciaceae here. Tibell (1984, in Hawksworth Lecanorales into two suborders, the Cladoniineae
1994, p. 393), as did von Hahnel (1919), believed and Lecanorineae, based on different staining abil-
the Caliciales to be a polyphyletic group that ities of the ascal tholus with iodine (e.g., Rambold
includes different lineages of lichenised fungi and TriebeI1992). However, we are not aware of
which have lost active spore dispersal, and sug- any other correlating characters. A new classifica-
gested that most families in this order should be tion of the Lecanorineae should be postponed
placed incertae sedis. Tehler (1996) in contrast, until careful studies have been carried out to
placed the Caliciales and Lichinales (which we determine whether any partition is necessary.
included in Lecanorales) as sister groups to the Since some anatomical characters are difficult
unitunicate and bitunicate ascomycetes. In the case to interpret, molecular data might prove helpful
of Caliciales and Lichinales, we cannot see any sup- in this case as well. Interestingly, the character
porting characters other than the prototunicate used by Rambold and Triebel (1992) and
asci to suggest any close relationship of the two Hafellner (1994) to distinguish Cladoniineae and
groups. However, it seems obvious to us that the Lecanorineae is questioned by Hafellner (1994,
prototunicate asci of Lichinales (or Lichinineae) p. 317) himself. He refers to Sporopodium, which is
are secondary and must be interpreted in connec- tentatively placed in the Cladoniineae because it
tion with the degradation of asci and spores in this produces campylidia, although its ascus type does
group (Henssen and Jahns 1974). Moreover, some not fit in this suborder. These strange types of coni-
members of this group have unitunicate asci. Mol- diomata, however, were shown by Lucking et al.
ecular data support that the prototunicate asci in (1994) to be weak taxonomic characters, since they
some Caliciales are also secondary and that the occur in different groups of tropical lichens.
group is polyphyletic (Gargas et al. 1995a; Wedin Further, Printz en (1995) regarded Biatora, a genus
and Tibell1997; Wedin et al. 1998). Consequently, of the Lecanorineae s.str., as closely related to
the lichen-forming families are here placed within Micarea, a genus with an ascus type typical for
the Lecanorales in which the taxa cluster in the "Cladoniineae". Recent molecular studies confirm
phylogenetic hypothesis inferred from rDNA data. that the Cladoniineae do not form a monophyletic
Other fungi formerly placed in the Caliciales, such group (Stenroos and DePriest 1998a; Wedin et al.
as the Sphinctrinaceae, do not belong here. The 1998). A strict distinction of Cladoniineae and
Baeomycetaceae are tentatively placed in the Lecanorineae would produce unnatural groups,
Lecanorales and may belong to a separate order or and leave a large number of genera and families not
represent a cladoniiform offshot of the Pertusari- placed in either of both suborders.
ales. Further molecular data are necessary to
decide this question.
Rambold and Triebel (1992) proposed a G. Ostropales (incl. Graphidales)
new sub ordinal classification of the Lecanorales
which was largely adopted by Hafellner et al. Ascomata apothecial or hysterothecial (± perithe-
(1993). They distinguish the Acarosporineae, cioid in early stages of development); ascoma
Agyriineae,Cladoniineae,Lecanorineae, Lichineae development ascohymenial, hemiangiocarpous;
(separate order in Hafellner et al. 1993), Peltiger- exciple cupulate, biatorine, lecideine or zeorine;
ineae, Pertusariincae, Teloschistineae and Umbili- hamathecium with true paraphyses, non-amyloid,
carineae. We treat the Pertusariineae as a separate with or without lateral paraphyses; ascus unituni-
order, as discussed above. The distinction of the cate, non-amyloid; ascospores hyaline or brown,
202 S. Ott and H.T. Lumbsch

transversely septate or muriform; pycnidia with peridium; hamathecium with paraphysoids, non-
conidiophores of different types; conidia of various or weakly amyloid; ascus bitunicate; ascospores
shape, filiform; thallus crustose; photobiont a green more or less hyaline, transversely septate to muri-
alga or absent; chemistry: orcinol depsides, 13- form; pycnidia not known in lichenised taxa;
orcinol depsidones, quinones, terpenes and xan- thallus crustose, photobiont a green alga or absent;
thones. chemistry: orcinol depsides, f3-orcinol depsides, 13-
orcinol depsidones and pulvinic acid derivatives.
Families with lichenised taxa: Gomphillaceae,
Most taxa non-lichenised.
Graphidaceae, Stictidaceae, Solorinellaceae,
Thelotremataceae (Santesson 1952; Gilenstam Family with lichenised taxa: Arthrorhaphidaceae
1969; Sherwood 1977, 1987; Hale 1980, 1981; (Bellemere 1967; Poelt and Hafellner 1976; Barr
Hafellner 1984; Vezda 1987; Vezda and Poelt 1990; 1987; Obermayer 1994; Hafellner and Obermayer
Winka et a!. 1998). 1995).
Sherwood (1977) proposed to maintain a According to Obermayer (1994), the Arthro-
distinction between the Graphidales with mostly rhaphidaceae show similarities to the Lahmiales
lichenised members and the Ostropales, which and may belong there; alternatively, the Lahmiales
includes mostly non-lichenised fungi, based on and Patellariales might be synonymous. The whole
different spore septation types. The fundamental group is poorly known and needs critical exami-
difference between the different spore septa- nation.
tion types was questioned by Lumbsch et al.
(1997). Recent molecular data (Winka et a1. 1998)
support a close relationship of the two groups and I. Pertusariales
hence the Graphidales are here included in the
Ostropales. Ascomata apothecial; ascoma development asco-
The family concept in this order is rather hymenial, hemiangiocarpous; exciple cupulate,
obscure and needs restudying. The Graphidaceae zeorine; hamathecium with paraphysoids, amyloid,
and Thelotremataceae are generally distinguished hemiamyloid or non-amyloid; ascus unitunicate,
by their fruiting bodies being hysterothecia in the Megaspora or Pertusaria type; ascospores hyaline,
former and apothecia in the latter. Some authors thick-walled, non- to transversely septate; pycnidia
distinguish both families based on presence with conidiophores of type III, IV (Vobis 1980),
or absence of periphysoids (Sherwood 1977) or conidia bacilliform, filiform; thallus crustose or
slight differences in the ascomatal development squamulose, photobiont a green alga; chemistry:
(Henssen and Jahns 1974). However, overlaps aliphatic acids, depsides, depsidones, depsones, and
occur in all cases and it may be necessary to unite xanthones. All taxa lichenised.
these two families. The Stictidaceae are said to
Families: Megasporaceae, Pertusariaceae (inc!.
have typically long-filiform ascospores, while the
Ochrolechiaceae sensu Harris 1990) (Letrouit-
Odontotremataceae - a family with non-lichenised
Galinou 1960; Henssen 1976; Honegger 1982a;
fungi - is assumed to differ in having ovoid spores
Lumbsch et a!. 1994, 1995a).
(Sherwood 1987). However, some of the genera
with lichenised taxa currently placed in the Sticti- This order was included in the Lecanorales (as
daceae have ovoid spores (e.g., Absconditella). The Pertusariineae) by Henssen and Jahns (1974) and
placement of the Gomphillaceae in the Ostropales Hafellner et a!. (1993). We follow Eriksson and
is tentative, since, according to Hafellner (1984), Hawksworth (1993) here, since the group is well
the asci in this family are bitunicate. If this is separated from the Lecanorales by the ascoma
indeed the case, the family should be separated as development and the different ascus type and no
an independent order. The relation of Gyalectales intermediate families exist. Moreover, molecular
and Ostropales is discussed under the former. data support such a treatment (DePriest et al.
1997; Stenroos and DePriest 1998a). The group
contains two families. While the Megasporaceae
H. Patellariales is monotypic, the Pertusariaceae includes four
genera. The core group of this family, the genus
Ascomata apothecial or hysterothecial; ascoma Pertusaria, shows a remarkable variability in sec-
development ascolocular; with a well-developed ondary metabolites. The formerly associated
Morphology and Phylogeny of Ascomycete Lichens 203

Coccotremataceae differ in ascoma development Familiy: Trichotheliaceae (Janex-Favre 1970;

(Henssen 1976) and are probably closely related Aptroot and Sipman 1993a; Hafellner and Kalb
to pyrenocarpous lichens rather than to the Per- 1995; Harris 1995).
tusariales; they are therefore treated here as incer- This order was recently separated from the
tae sedis. Pyrenulales on the basis of different ascal,
hamathecial and peridial structure (Hafellner and
Kalb 1995). It is a rather small group containing
J. Pyrenulales four or five genera with a distribution centre from
the tropics to the oceanic extra tropics. Members
Ascomata perithecial; ascoma development asco- of this order grow on different substrata, but are
hymenial, peridium pigmented or not; hamathe- especially common on bark, leaves and acidic
cium with true paraphyses, weakly or non-amyloid; rock. The generic distinction in the Trichotheli-
ascus bitunicate, non-amyloid; ascospores hyaline aceae is disputed and three concepts currently
or brown, transversely septate to muriform, with or exist, which all differ considerably (McCarthy
without internal wall thickenings; pycnidia with 1993,1995; Hafellner and Kalb 1995; Harris 1995;
different conidiophore types; conidia of different McCarthy and Malcolm 1997).
shape; thallus crustose; photobiont a cyanobacte-
ria, green alga or absent; chemistry: quinones
and xanthones. Lichenised and non-lichenised L. Verrucariales
members present.
Families: Monoblastiaceae, Pyrenulaceae, The- Ascomata perithecial; ascoma development asco-
lenellaceae (inc\. Aspidotheliaceae), Trypetheli- hymenial; peridium pigmented or not; hamathe-
aceae (Janex-Favre 1970; Eriksson 1981; Parguey- cium with periphyses, paraphyses mostly absent,
Leduc and lanex-Favre 1981; Harris 1986, 1989, non-amyloid; ascus bitunicate, non-amyloid;
1995; Aptroot 1991a,b; Hafellner and Kalb 1995). ascospores hyaline or brown, non- to transversely
septate or muriform; thallus crustose, filamentous,
Since we have little experience with this group of placodioid, squamulose or foliose, photobiont
mainly tropical and subtropical pyrenocarpous belonging to different groups or absent; chemistry:
crustose lichens, we have largely followed the con- no lichen substances known. Most taxa lichenised.
cepts of Eriksson and Hawksworth (1993). Harris
Family with lichenised taxa: Verrucariaceae (Dop-
(1995) and others have proposed to include the
pelbaur 1960; lanex-Favre 1970; Henssen 1976,
Pyrenulales in the Melanommatales. This order
1995a; Parguey-Leduc and lanex-Favre 1981).
was included in Dothideales by Eriksson and
Hawksworth (1993). If the Melanommatales have This order is a very uniform group of lichenised
an ascolocular as coma development, as a member and lichenicolous fungi. While the distinction of
of the Dothideales should have, they cannot be the group from other orders of pyrenomycetes
regarded as closely related to Pyre nul ales, which does not seem to be controversial, the acceptance
is characterized by ascohymenial development of monophyletic entities within the Verrucariales
(Parguey-Leduc and lanex-Favre 1981). is difficult and most genera are artificially

K. Trichotheliales
M. Incertae sedis
Ascomata perithecial; ascoma development
ascohymenial; peridium encrusted with certain The following families cannot be included in one
pigments; hamathecium with true paraphyses of the previously mentioned orders and are there-
and periphyses, non-amyloid; ascus unitunicate, fore placed incertae sedis. They cannot be dis-
non-amyloid, with external chitinoid ring struc- cussed further here; the reader is referred to the
ture, rarely reduced; ascospores hyaline, trans- cited literature.
versely septate to muriform; thallus crustose, Coccotremataceae, Protothelenellaceae, Strigu-
photobiont a green alga (Trentepohliales); chem- laceae, Thrombiaceae (Santesson 1952; Poelt 1973;
istry: only quinones known. All known taxa Henssen 1976; Mayrhofer and Poelt 1985; Printzen
lichenised. and Rambold 1995).
204 S. Ott and H.T. Lumbsch

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