Ask & Report: Nurse's Questions To Check The Patient's Complaint/condition

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Nurse’s questions to check the patient’s complaint/condition

1. What’s your problem?
2. How are you feeling today?
3. What makes you call me?
4. What’s your chief complaint?
5. What’s troubling you?
6. What’s the matter with you?
7. What seems to be bothering you?

Patient’s expressions about symptoms and physical problems

1. I have + (a part of the body + ache) 4. I feel + kinds of physical problems
a toothache dizzy
a headache slick
a stomachache fever
a backache cold and clammy
2. I have + (a sore + part of the body) unwell
a sore throat in bad shape
a sore foot 5. I suffer from + kinds of certain illness
a sore arm cancer
a sore knee constipation
3. I have/get + kinds of physical problems
6. I sprained my .........
the measles
the flu
a cold
a bad cough
a fever


Patient : Excuse me, Nurse. I’ve got a dull ache

in my lower back.
Nurse : Yes ma’am? what’s the problem? A dull
Could you show me the location of
your pain?
Patient : Here, in my lower back.
Description of “ache, pain, hurt, injured, throb, and itch”

ache (v): merasa sakit ringan tapi berlangsung  Did you hurt yourself?
terus menerus. injured (adj): terluka, luka, menyebabkan luka
Examples: Examples:
 I’m aching all over. He injured his knee when playing hockey.
 Her eyes ache from lack of sleep. She injured herself during training.
ache (n): rasa sakit
Examples: throb (v): terasa sakit berdenyut-denyut
 Mom, I’ve got a stomachache. Examples:
 Muscular aches and pains can be soothed His head throbbed painfully.
by a relaxing massage. My feet were throbbing after the long walk
pain (n): suatu rasa yang dialami tubuh akibat
suatu penyakit atau luka atau tindakan tertentu.
throb (n): sakit yang berdenyut
 She was clearly in a lot of pain.
My headache faded to a dull throbbing
 He felt a sharp pain in his knee.

painful (adj): terasa sakit sore (adj): sakit, perih (bias karena infeksi atau
Examples: gerakan yang berlebihan)
 Is your back still painful?
I have a sore throat.
 My ankle is still too painful to walk on.
His feet were sore after the long walk.
hurt (v): menyebabkan terasa sakit secara fisik,
terluka. itch (v): gatal
Examples: Examples:
 He hurt his back. I itch all over.
Does the rash itch?

Translate into communicative English using the words given below!

1. (pain) Saya merasakan sakit sekali di lutut saya. ____________________________________
2. (hurt) Pergelangan kaki saya nyeri. _________________________________________
3. (sore) Tenggorokan saya sakit. _________________________________________
4. (itch) Punggung saya terasa gatal. __________________________________________
5. (injured) Jari tangan saya terluka. __________________________________________

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