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A d v i ce . Id e a s .

I n sp i ra t i on

Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 37 3 April 2020

Useful Links Editorial

I am pleased to announce that I am a
Newsletter back issues Welcome to the thirty seventh issue brand ambassador for the following
of my newsletter Anita’s Garden for gardening businesses:
Instagram  Awapuni Nurseries
I hope you have all had a good week.
Twitter  Bulbs Direct
Plant nursery
Linkedin  Egmont Seeds
In light of the lockdown to restrict
Pinterest Covid-19, I am unable to continue  Italian Seeds Pronto (the NZ
running my plant nursery, even a con- distributor of Franchi Seeds)
tactless service due to the govern-
ment’s stay home policy. I am also Contributions
Contact me unable to courier plants as courier I welcome all contributions to the
services are for essential supplies only newsletter, including:
 Feedback
during lockdown.
 Newsletter input  Feedback
I will be keeping a close eye on the
(tips, recipes, gar-
government’s Covid-19 notifications  Requests for articles
den photos etc)
and will advise when I will be re-
 To be added to my opening my nursery to the public.  Suggestions
mailing list Cut flowers from Anita’s Garden  Input (tips, recipes, photos of your garden etc)
I am looking for someone or an entity
to supply cut flowers to on a regular Please email me at anitakun-
basis. If you or someone you know and I will incorpo-
may be interested, please contact me rate them into future newsletters
Inside this issue: at
Mailing list
Social media
If you haven’t already subscribed to
Po t t eri n g ar o u n d 2 I am currently developing my social my newsletter, you can do so by email-
Anita’s Garden media accounts (see useful links, left), ing me at
especially Twitter and Pinterest. and writing “subscribe” in the subject
Please feel free to use these links to field.
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 source my resources.
for the week Advantages include receiving the
Blog newsletter direct to your inbox every
week and being the first to know about
Tips for growing dutch 2 Please don’t forget that I maintain an specials in the plant nursery.
iris active blog on my website. Due to its
brevity, I’m not able to cover every- I hope you have enjoyed this week’s
thing in this newsletter so feel free to column. Stay home and stay safe.
How to grow broad 3 peruse my blog posts to inform your- Have a great weekend.
beans self about all things gardening related
Anita Kundu

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Here is a selection of photos from
around Anita’s Garden for you to

Yellow and Red guavas from our

Tamarillos from our two trees fruit trees. These trees are planted
Butternuts from a self-seeded grown from seed two years ago. It in large containers. Guavas are
plant which popped up amongst is wonderful having fresh fruit and very easy to grow and a wonderful
my melons. It is ironic, because veg from the garden during lock- fruit. A good reason to grow gua-
not one of the butternut seedlings down. The produce in the super- vas is because they cannot be pur-
that I actually planted produced market is horrifically expensive at chased in the supermarket or green
any fruit this year! This is in this time. We have enough lettuce grocers (at least not that I have
stark contrast to last year, when on hand to pick whenever we want. seen). Yellow guavas are sweeter
we harvested a whopping 25 Big I am especially happy with how than their red counterparts, but I
Chief butternuts and a further 25 my Quattro Stagioni Mesclun from find them a bit more difficult to
regular butternut pumpkins. Franchi Seeds has done this year. grow.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Plant onions 3. Plant brassicas
You can start planting onions now. 5. Plant garlic
Plant brassicas now—cabbage,
I just planted some brown onions cauliflower, broccoli, brussel Although garlic is traditionally
and will be planting red onions in sprouts and kohlrabi. Make sure planted on the shortest day of the
the next few weeks you give them a wide berth as they year (21st June), it can be planted
take up quite a bit of space anytime from April until July. I
2. Plant lettuce
just planted all of ours in the hope
4. Plant leeks
Plant more lettuce to ensure a con- that it can do most of its growing
tinuous supply over autumn and Plant leek seedlings. Make sure before rust inevitably hits it in
winter. I highly recommend Quat- that you enrich the ground with spring. Also, planting early may
tro Stagioni from Franchi Seeds. compost and sheep pellets prior to yield bigger bulbs!

Tips for growing dutch iris

it is not necessary to pre-chill  After flowering, let the foli-
In last week’s column, I covered
dutch iris bulbs age die down completely
growing freesias. This week, I
before you lift the bulbs.
thought I would provide some tips
 Opt for firm, healthy bulbs. Otherwise you can just
for growing dutch iris. Bulbs Di-
If you order from a reputa- leave them in the ground to
rect have a fantastic range. It’s
ble mail order company such re-flower the following sea-
not too late to get your order in but
as Bulbs Direct, you will be son. Every couple of years
don’t leave it any longer or you
guaranteed strong bulbs it’s a good idea to lift and
may miss out on popular varieties.
divide the bulbs as they can
Here are some of my top tips:  Sprinkle a little bulb food in become a bit cramped.
the ground prior to planting. When this happens, they
 Unlike tulips and hyacinth, don’t flower as well.

How to grow broad beans

In winter, we always grow broad 9. Broad beans need to be pol-
beans. They are very easy to grow. linated in order to form
With some creativity, they can be fruit. This normally hap-
used in many different ways. pens in spring. Plant some
flowers nearby to attract
Growing broad beans from bees.
10. Secure your plants to their
Broad beans are incredibly easy to stakes as they grow. Spring
grow from seed. If you are a new can be quite windy and the
gardener or have run out of time plants can very easily break
sowed in late summer and au-
and it has gotten too cold for them
tumn. They can be planted out- 11. Did you know that if you
to germinate, you may want to
side right up until June. If you pick them while they are
start from plants rather than seed.
prefer, seeds can be sown directly immature, you can eat the
Awapuni stock a really good range
where you want them to grow, but entire pod? They are deli-
of seedlings and deliver direct to
I prefer to raise seedlings in pun- cious steamed. Or you can
your door, which is convenient.
nets for transplanting later. leave them on the plant to
Here is some advice for starting develop broad beans inside
2. Seeds are large and usually
broad beans from seed. Simply the pods, as most gardeners
germinate easily. If you
sprinkle the seeds in a punnet traditionally do.
prefer, you can purchase
filled with some seed raising mix
seedlings for planting in 12. If you have surplus, broad
and cover lightly. Always look for
your garden.
a seed raising mix that is fine in beans freeze very well. The
texture. Water regularly, as  Broad beans usually grow usual practice is to blanch
plants tend to dry out easily in the very tall and are not really them beforehand.
heat of autumn, which can still be suitable for growing in con-
quite warm. I usually plant six 13. At the end of the season,
tainers. allow one plant to go to seed
seeds per punnet. When they are
large enough, they can be planted so you can save seeds for the
 Prepare the ground well
into the garden. following season.
beforehand, mixing in lots of
compost, Ideas for using
Recommended varieties sheep pellets broad beans
Egmont Seeds have a fantastic and general
garden ferti- “They are very easy to Broad beans can
range of broad beans. This winter,
lizer. grow. With some be used in many
I am doing a growing trial and
creativity, they can be used ways. Here are
have planted the following varie-
 When trans- in many different ways” some ideas to get
planting you started.
 Exhibition Long Pod seedlings,
take special  Boiled or
 Coles Prolific care to avoid damaging the steamed
 Hughey Crimson  Dips
 Stake seedlings at the time
 Imperial Green of planting, to avoid damag-  Pesto
ing the roots later on.
 Lucifer—a new variety  Falafel
which Egmont Seeds will  Water plants regularly.
probably add to their new  Salads
They need it, especially as
catalogue, to be released temperatures in early au-  Fritters
later this year tumn can still be quite
warm.  Soup
I will report back on how these
varieties perform in our garden in 8. For best results, liquid feed  Pasta
spring. plants weekly with a soluble
plant food or tonic such as Have a great weekend
Tips for growing broad beans
 Broad beans should be Happy gardening!

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