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Clinic Deluxe​ holistic summary by Nathan Morse version 2.

1. Module and tile displays, left of the gameboard:
a. Check the notepad on the board to see which ​service hubs​ to stack ​face down​ by type (use all of each type). Flip the top tile of each face up.
b. Stack the ​treatment rooms​ face up in arbitrary stacks.
c. Stack ​4 ​supply rooms​ per player​ face up.
d. Stack a number of ​special modules​ (​ICU:​ including ​ICU​s)​, per the player count, ​face down​ by type, then flip the top tile of each face up:
1p: 1 each of 2 different, random ​special modules 3p: 2 of each
2p: 1 of each 4p: 3 of each
e. Stack/pile the other things listed on the left side of the board somewhere near there.
2. UUW:​ Agree on a ​utility work scenario​ to play, or use it for handicapping.

3. Each player, choose a player color and do the following:

a. Take a ​player board​ in your color. If a ​beginner​, use the 4×3 side of your board; if an ​expert​, you can use either side of your board.
b. UUW:​ Experts, place the ​holes​ on Floor 0 of your boards, as agreed above.
c. Take ​3 discs​ in your color. Place them as follows:
■ The ​turn order track​ (randomize once they’re all there).
■ The timer (“0”) space of the ​time spent track​.
■ The ​0​ space of the ​popularity track​ (stack them P1 – P4, top – bottom).
d. Take ​$15​. Place it left of the bottom of your board.
e. Take the ​6 action tiles​ in your color.
f. Use the following to ​build your initial clinic​ as detailed below: ​1 ​psych​ service hub​, ​1 ​treatment room​, ​1 ​supply room​, ​1 ​entrance​.
■ Beginners:​ From a set of 1 patient cube of each color, draw a random one, and build your clinic accordingly:
■ Experts:​ Build it as you like according to the ​construction rules​; your ​entrance​ must connect to your ​service hub​.
g. Take ​1 white doctor​ and ​1 car​. Park the car on an available space border on your board.
h. Take the ​+50 Popularity token​ in your color.
i. A:​ Take an ​amenities board​ (has buses on it) and set it near your player board.
j. H:​ Take a ​hospice board​ (green house icon) and set it near your player board. Fill each of the ​4​ spaces with an ​elder​.
4. Lay out 1 more random ​bonus tile​ (​?​ on back) than the number of players, face up.
5. In reverse turn order, draft ​1 bonus tile​, apply its effect. Finally, return all bonus tiles to the box.
6. UD:​ In reverse turn order, draft ​1 easy​, ​1 medium​, and ​1 hard​ urban design card (keep them secret).
7. UD:​ Choose ​1 urban design​ from your 3 cards as your goal, and set the other 2 aside, hidden.
8. Put the following in their respective bags, according to the player count:
patients​ (cubes) doctors ℞:​ ​capsules
1p 2p 3p 4p 1p 2p 3p 4p 1p 2p 3p 4p
red 1 2 4 6 WD:​ violet 1 2 3 4 red 1 1 2 3
orange 3 8 12 16 orange 1 2 3 4 orange 1 2 3 4
yellow 6 12 18 24 yellow 2 3 4 6 yellow 1 3 4 6
white 9 18 26 34 white 3 5 8 10 white 2 4 8 12
9. OB:​ Place the ​obstetrics board​ near the university. Fill the spaces ≤ player count with ​pregnant women​.
10. Main board:
a. OB: ​University: P1 chooses how many ​pregnant women will be in play for Round I. Place them in the rightmost spaces ≤
player count.
b. University: Fill each [​OB: remaining] space ≤ player count with ​1 doctor from the bag, but sort them in the order depicted in the university.
WD: The order is violet→red→orange→yellow→white. There can only be ​1 workaholic there at a time​, so if you draw more than 1, return the
others to the bag after filling the university.
c. University:​ Fill the spaces of rows ≤ player count with ​nurses​.
d. University:​ Fill the spaces of columns ≤ player count with ​orderlies​.
e. University:​ Dump the ​cars​ in the parking lot.
f. Notepad:​ For each row ≤ player count, draw ​1 patient​ and place it in the rightmost space (in the red column).
g. Beneath notepad:​ Place the ​action marker​ (big red cylinder) on ​1​ on the action track.
h. ↻ track:​ Place the ​round marker​ (totally non-round, big red cube) on ​I​ on the ↻ track.
11. +: Place the ​ambulance parking lot near the main board. Fill the spaces ≤ player count with ​ambulances and ​random white/yellow patients
from the supply​ (not the bag).
12. J:​ Place the ​maintenance shop board​ near the main board. Fill the spaces of columns ≤ player count with ​janitors​.
13. ℞: Place the ​pharmacy board near the main board. Draw the ​capsules indicated on the board for Phase ​3​, and sort them into their respective
spaces on the board.
14. P:​ Place the ​pillars board​ near the main board. Pile the ​pillars​ on the pillars board.
15. V:​ Place the ​virus board​ near the main board. Fill the spaces ≤ player count with ​virus​ tiles.
16. STV:​ Place the ​satellite dish board​ near the main board. Stack the ​satellite dish​ tiles​ nearby.
17. 1p:​ Choose a solitaire goal:
○ no white patients left in bag or on any ○ have all 4 colors of doctor still on your ○ threat at least 6 patients in Round VI: 2
board player board red, 2 orange, 2 yellow
○ build 3 buildings that can treat patients ○ have ≥ 3 colors of patients still on your ○ have ≥ 4 ​nurses still on your player
○ have spent ≤ 12 time (net) player board board
○ have 7 doctors still on your player board ○ build a ​service hub on the highest floor ○ have ≥ $200 and ≥ 0 popularity (after
board with which you are playing time penalty)

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Clinic Deluxe​ holistic summary by Nathan Morse version 2.0

General Rules
● Adjacent​ always means ​orthogonally adjacent​, unless specified otherwise.
● Patients range in criticality from white to red (red is critical). Each color difference between the doctor and the patient requires 1 ​nurse​.
● Each ​employee or ​patient (​H: except ​elders​) that enters your clinic or pre-admissions comes with a ​car you ​must park ​either on an ​empty street
(a border at the edge of ground-floor space(s) that have no modules​ (​UUW:​ or ​holes​]​), ​or​ in a ​parking​ space​. If you can’t park it, they don’t come!
● When you need Floor 2, Floor 3,​ ​4F:​ or Floor 4​ just take it and extend your player board with it.
Play​ — The game lasts 6 rounds, and each round plays as follows:
1. Actions​ (You will end up doing this ​3 times​ each round!)
a. Everyone simultaneously: ​Pick an action tile​ you haven’t already used this round; place it face down. Everyone reveals simultaneously.
b. Execute actions​ left to right on the board (if several players picked the same action, go in turn order):
i. Build:​ Build up to ​2 components​, paying the costs indicated on your board on which you build it.
● Support:​ To build a module above ground floor, the same space on the floor below must have a module​ (​P:​ or ​pillar​)​.
● No matches:​ Same-type (​same color​) modules ​cannot be adjacent, not even above/below​!
● No obstructions:​ You cannot build a module in a space whose border has a car on it, or in a space with something in its middle.
● Separate building:​ Once you build a separate building, you can’t build a module that would connect it to another building.
● Service hub​:​ Each floor of each building can have ​only 1 ​service hub​.
● Treatment room​:​ ​Immediately​ after you build it, you can buy an adjacent ​supply room​, which doesn’t count as 1 of your builds.
To be available for use, it must be adjacent to a ​service hub​ on the same floor, as well as a ​supply room​ (above/below OK).
● Supply room​:​ A single ​supply room​ can support several adjacent t​ reatment rooms​.
● Special module​:​ Each player can only build ​1 ​special module​ per turn.
● Operating room​:​ To be available for use, it must be adjacent to a ​service hub​ on the same floor.
● Garden​:​ Must be built in an empty ground-floor space (cars parked around it are OK) or in a space atop a ​garden​.
● Helipad​:​ (5-way ingress/egress) It must be built in the empty space atop a module, but no construction is allowed atop the helipad.
● Entrance​:​ First ​entrance​ must point at a ground-floor ​service hub​; subsequent ​entrances​ can point at any ground-floor module.
● Conveyor​:​ First build must be two orthogonally aligned “stops” (but still only $2); subsequent ones must align with a stop.
● J:​ ​Move ​conveyor​:​ Spend 1 component build. A ​janitor​ in a module with a ​conveyor​ moves it to any module in the same building.
● Parking​:​ Must be built in empty ground-floor space (cars parked around it are OK). When built, you may move cars into it.
● FE:​ ​Extinguisher​:​ Must be built on a module type that cannot directly treat patients. It costs $2 + ​floor​ to build.
● P: ​Pillar​: Must be built in an empty ground-floor space (cars parked around it are OK), or space atop a ​pillar or module. Not only
can you build this as a normal component, but once per round, you may build one in addition to your normal 2 components.
● ICU:​ ​ICU​:​ To be available for use, must be adjacent to a ​service hub​ on the same floor.
● STV:​ ​Satellite dish​:​ Must be built in the empty space atop a module, but no construction is allowed atop the ​satellite dish​.
ii. Hire
● OB:​ You may skip the next step to admit 1 ​pregnant woman​, park her ambulance, and gain 1 popularity.
● Pay the cost associated with their spaces to hire ​1 doctor (​WD: the workaholic doctor costs 2×, i.e. $8) (​J: or 1 ​janitor​) (​℞: or buy 1
capsule)​ ​and/or​ hire ​either​ ​1 ​nurse​ (from the current round’s column) ​or​ ​1 ​orderly​. Put each new hire on any ​entrance​ or ​helipad​.
● ℞:​ If you bought a capsule, place it in the ​service hub​ of your choice.
iii. Admit Patients: Your queue points (QP) = 1 + the number of ​entrances and ​helipads you have. Appointment queues immediately
advance rightward to fill gaps whenever gaps appear.
● +: You may (for 0 QP) first move 1 patient from the ambulance parking lot to any of your pre-admissions services, and then must
park the ambulance. Afterward, continue to perform your normal Admit Patients action.
● Admitting the rightmost patient in a queue (red column) to your pre-admissions for that service is 1 QP.
● Swapping two things (patients and/or empty space) that are orthogonally adjacent on the notepad is 1 QP.
c. New patients schedule appointments​: Top to bottom, each service gets ​1 new patient drawn from the bag in its rightmost empty space (if
any). If the action marker is on ​3​, continue to ​Move​; otherwise, advance the action marker and do this phase again.
2. V:​ For each service, if total patients for ​all​ players in its pre-admission > 2 × player count, place a ​virus​ left of that service’s row on the notepad.
3. OB:​ The player with the most popularity gets −2 popularity for each ​pregnant woman​ still in the university. Return them to the obstetrics board.
4. Move​ — Agree whether to move simultaneously or in turn order. Move per to the options on the board, advancing your time marker as you do.
a. Z:​ All zombies in your clinic must move before anyone else, to an adjacent module / ground-floor space, which takes no time.
b. Z:​ No one can move into a module or space with a zombie in it.
c. People cannot be left roaming outside.
d. People can walk through modules that are at capacity​ (​UUW:​ but never through public works)​.
e. WD:​ A ​treatment room​ with a workaholic doctor has higher capacity for yellow or white patients (but not both at once): 3 yellow; 4 white.
f. BT:​ An employee in an otherwise empty ​service hub​ can spend ​3 time​ to ​lie down​ in preparation to give blood.
g. BT:​ A ​nurse​ can carry ​blood​ to a ​treatment room​. Carrying does not make the move take more time.
h. BT:​ A ​nurse​ can drop ​blood​ off in a ​treatment room​. Dropping it does not take any time.
i. FE:​ Each time anyone moves or conveys ​into​ a module with an ​extinguisher​, it takes 1 extra time (conveying ​through​ it doesn’t trigger this).
j. (Except for ​outpatient services​) People must enter your clinic through an ​entrance or ​helipad (​E: ​elders can’t use helipad)​; travel from
pre-admissions to an ​entrance or ​helipad is always 0 time (​E: 2 time for ​elders to go to an ​entrance from the hospice)​, but people can also
walk between buildings (1 time per space​; ​E:​ 2 time for e ​ lders​), even if they have no entrance.
k. A: Each doctor, ​nurse​, and ​orderly (other than those just hired) can spend a ​total of ​1 time to move to an ​entrance (not a ​helipad​) to take a
break. Move groups of 1–3 of them to the Dormitory ​or​ Cafeteria; each group takes ​1 time​ to go to its destination (thus 2 time total).
l. Each ​triage​ subtracts 3 (minimum 0) from the time you spent this turn.
m. Z: At the end of ​Move​, anyone in a space with a zombie (unless it is 1 doctor in a ​lab with 1 zombie) is removed from the game: Lay them
near your board, and leave their ​cars​ parked! For each patient that dies this way, −5 popularity.
Legend light green A The Extension: ​Amenities purple V The Extension: ​The Virus
black Clinic Deluxe​ base game red + The Extension: ​Ambulance sky blue STV The Extension: ​Satellite TV
blood red BT Clinic Deluxe: ​Blood Transfusion orange UD The Extension: ​Urban Design blue ICU The Extension: ​Intensive Care Unit
bright red FE Clinic Deluxe: ​Fire Extinguishers gray J The Extension: ​Janitors brown UUW The Extension: ​Underground Utility Work
violet WD Clinic Deluxe: ​Workaholic Doctors green ℞ The Extension: ​Pharmacy tapestry OB The Extension: ​Obstetrics
bright green Z Clinic Deluxe: ​Zombies in a Clinic beige H The Extension: ​Hospice magenta 1p The Extension: ​Solitaire Mode
turquoise 4F The Extension: ​4th Floor charcoal P The Extension: ​Pillars

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Clinic Deluxe​ holistic summary by Nathan Morse version 2.0

5. Business
a. Patient Care and Income​ — Keep income below your player board until this phase is done, then move it left of your board.
i. In ​outpatient services​, doctor color does not matter. 1 doctor can treat 1 patient, and you earn $6 regardless of patient color.
ii. In each ​treatment room​, ​operating room​, ​ICU: and ​ICU​, assign a doctor​*†​ to each patient, and a number of ​nurses to each doctor. A
doctor needs 1 ​nurse​ for each color the doctor differs from the patient ​(e.g. red-to-red: 0, red-to-white: 3, orange-to-yellow: 1).​
* ​℞:​ If this is a ​treatment room​ with ​no doctor​ in it, use a ​nurse + capsule combo​ as if it were a doctor the color of the capsule.
​OB:​ Each ​pregnant woman​ requires 1 white doctor ​and​ 1 yellow doctor; ​nurses​ can make up color differences, as usual.
● WD:​ A workaholic needs no ​nurses​, and can treat either 1 red, ≤ 2 orange, ≤ 3 yellow, or ≤ 4 white patients. Then, lay him down.
● E:​ ​Elders​ count as normal patients for all module capacity concerns.
● E:​ An ​elder​ will not accept treatment if ​any​ other patients or ​elders​ (​OB:​ or pregnant women) are in the same ​treatment room​.
● E:​ 1 ​nurse​ is required to treat an ​elder​. A doctor cannot do it; however, it’s OK if a doctor and/or other ​nurses​ are present.
iii. OB:​ Each untreated ​pregnant woman​ gives birth without your help: −2 popularity.
iv. BT: A ​nurse in a ​treatment room with ​blood but ​no doctor can treat 1 patient. Return the ​blood to the supply. Patient improves by 1
level (thus white goes home), and stand the nurse on the patient to remind you to earn income below for successfully treating the patient.
v. For each successfully treated patient:
A. (Skip for ​outpatient services​) Get income based on the patient color: ​ $32 ​ ​ $20 ​ ​ $12 ​ ​ $8 ​ (​E:​ ​ $10 ​)​ (​OB:​ ​ $10 ​)​.
B. If treated in a ​treatment room​, for each adjacent ​garden​: +$2​; ​FE:​ for each adjacent ​extinguisher​: +$3​.​.
C. STV:​ If treated in a patient room with a ​satellite dish​ ​directly​ above it on any floor: +$3.
D. ICU:​ If treated in an ​ICU​, the patient improves 2 levels, and you get paid. If the patient is still not healed, skip the next step.
E. The patient takes a parked ​car​ (​E:​ ​elders​ don’t)​ and leaves the game​ (​OB:​ return the ​new mother​ to the obstetrics board)​.
vi. E:​ Each ​elder​ in your ​hospice​: +$2.
vii. BT:​ Place a ​blood​ by each employee lying alone in a ​service hub​. If there’s not enough, go in turn order.
viii. Z: In each ​treatment room with 2 yellow patients but neither doctors nor ​nurses​, replace the 2 patients with 1 zombie. If there aren’t
enough, first in turn order goes first.
ix. Z:​ 1 doctor in a ​lab​ with 1 zombie can cure the zombie, earning ​$32​. Keep the zombie near your board, and lay the doctor down.
b. Expenses​ — Pay from your ​income​ this turn; then, your savings; then pay 1 popularity per $ you owe; if that hits 0, ignore further expenses.
i. Pay your employees: ​ $4 ​ ​ $3 ​ ​ $2 ​ ​ $1 ​ ​ $1 ​ ​ $1 ​ (​J:​ ​ $1 ​)​.
ii. Each ​module​ and ​garden​ in your clinic costs ​$1​; however, each o ​ rderly​ (​A:​ that is not on break)​ reduces that total by ​$3​ (min. $0).
iii. J: If you have ​any ​conveyor​, pay ​$1+$​F​+$​b​, where ​F is the highest floor in all of your buildings and ​b is the number of buildings that can
treat patients; however, each ​janitor​ reduces that total by ​$3​ (min. $0).
iv. Each ​operating room​ you used costs you an additional ​$2​.
c. Gain Popularity​ — In turn order, you may buy popularity from your ​income​ this turn: ​$3 per 1 popularity​.
d. A: Cafeteria Income​ — Each doctor, each nurse, and each staff there earns you ​$6​.
6. Administration
a. Advance the ​round marker​ on the ↻ track.
b. Reset the ​action marker​ to ​1​.
c. V: ​Pre-Admissions: For each service with a ​virus​, each patient in that service’s notepad row, players’ pre-admissions, or a ​treatment room
by that ​service hub​ worsens ​twice​. Each patient that dies, −5 popularity, and a car goes away. Return the ​virus​ from notepad to virus board.
d. Appointments:​ Return the patient in the rightmost space (marked with an ​✕​) of each row to the patient bag.
e. +:​ ​Ambulance Parking Lot:​ Fill the spaces ≤ player count with ​ambulances​ and ​random white/yellow patients from the supply​ (not bag).
f. University​/Dormitory​:​ Each doctor at the university​ (​A:​ or dormitory)​ levels up per the chart there.
g. OB:​ ​University:​ P1 chooses how many ​pregnant women​ will be in play for next round. Place them in the rightmost spaces ≤ player count.
h. University: Draw 1 doctor for each [​OB: remaining] empty space ≤ player count, then sort the doctors as depicted there. ​WD: The order is
violet→red→orange→yellow→white. There can only be ​1 workaholic there at a time​; if you draw > 1, return the others to the bag.
i. University:​ Remove the round’s unhired ​nurses​.
j. Clinic: ​Lab​:​ Each doctor in a ​lab​ levels up​ (​Z:​ twice, if it’s standing)​, giving you 1 popularity.​ ​Z:​ Each doctor lying in a ​lab​ stands up.
k. A:​ ​Cafeteria:​ Each doctor at the cafeteria stays the same level.
l. Clinic:​ Each doctor in any other location levels down.​ ​WD:​ Each workaholic doctor lying down leaves the game (remember his ​car​).
m. A:​ ​Dormitory:​ Groups of 1–3 doctors can move from the dormitory to entrance arrows, spending ​1 time per group​.
n. A:​ ​Cafeteria:​ All doctors, nurses, and staff return from the cafeteria to entrance arrows in groups of 1–3, spending ​1 time per group​.
o. Clinic / Pre-Admissions: Each patient (​ICU: not in an ​ICU​) (​BT: without a ​nurse standing on it) (​Z: that is not a zombie) worsens (ones
already red die, −5 popularity, and a car goes away).
p. BT:​ ​Treatment room​:​ Take all ​nurses​ off patients, and stand them beside the patients in the ​treatment room​.
q. ℞: ​Pharmacy: Remove remaining capsules from the game. Draw capsules from the capsule bag per the pharmacy board and player count,
and pile them in their price spaces.
r. New tiles:​ For each ​special module​ and ​service hub​ stack without a face-up tile, flip the top tile face up.
s. Reset turn order: Least popular goes first, most popular goes last. ​Tiebreaker: First to the space is more popular, and thus goes later. If turn
order didn’t change from the prior round, make the last player first, shifting everyone else 1 later in turn order.
Game End​ — Score popularity per the lower-right corner of the board, i.e. for the following (​f​ = floor number; ground floor ​f​ = 0):
● Employees:​ ​ +5 ​ ​ +4 ​ ​ +3 ​ ​ +2 ​ ​ +1 ​. ● UD: If you have modules (​P: and/or ​pillars​) in at least all of the
● Buildings:​ +8 for each additional building able to treat patients. positions on your Urban Design card, gain the positive popularity;
● Treatment rooms​: +2×​f for each patient room adjacent to both a otherwise, the negative.
service hub​ on the same floor and a ​supply room​. ● Z:​ Each zombie in your clinic: +9.
● Patients​ (including pre-admissions)​:​ ​ −8 ​ ​ −6 ​ ​ −4 ​ ​ −2 ​. ● 1p:​ If you achieved your goal, rank yourself per your score:
● E:​ Each ​elder​ still in hospice dies: −5. 0–20 21–20 31–40 41–50 51–60 61–70 71–80 81–∞
● Time Spent:​ −1 for each 3 time (as indicated on time spent track). orderly nurse intern resident fellow surgeon attending CEO
Revision Log
1.1 Small cleanup.
2.0 Corrected ​prosperity​ to ​popularity.​ Added solitaire ranking (moved legend to accommodate it). Corrected time spent penalty. Corrected scoring sequence. Added stagnant turn order shakeup.

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