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ING form

*As a noun (skydiving, parachuting, rollerblading, skiing, cycling)

*Certain verbs; admit, appreciate, avoid,
consider, continue, deny, go (action), imagine,
mind, miss, quit, sabe, suggest, practise, prevent. (I`ve considered talking, I`ve avoided saving)
*General preference; Love, like, enjoy, prefer, hate. (i love eating snacks, i like going camping)
*Spend, waste, lose (time, money, etc) (i spend two hours training, she lost all the day training)
*Prepositions to with verbs like: Look forward to,
be used to, in addition to. (Look forward to meeting you)
*Other prepositions. (I was thinking of getting a personal trainer)
*Expressions like; it`s (not) worth, Can`t help, there`s
no point (in), can`t stand, etc. (I can`t stand running)

TO + Infinitive
*Purpose (I came to met you)
*After adjectives describing feelings (I`m glad to see you)
*Too/enough (I don`t have enough money to buy it)
*To tell you, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with (to be honest, you`re ugly)

Infinitive WITHOUT To
*After modal verbs (they might win the race)
*Verbs: Let, Make, See, Hear, and Feel (the coach made me run)
*Had better, Would rather (I would rather take swimming lessons)
*Help (she helped me (to) put on my gear)

gazing (mirando) -- ride (paseo) -- requires (requiere) -- grab (agarrar)

injury (lesión) heights (alturas) -- floating (flotante) -- challenge (reto)
training (formación) – throw (lanzar) -- scored (anotó) -- serve (servir)
catch (captura) -- hurdles (obstáculos) -- javelin (jabalina) -- umpire (árbitro)
beat (vencer) -- gain (ganar(musculo) -- keeps (mantiene) -- lasts (tiene una duración)
main (principal) -- kicked (golpeado) -- pulled (tirado)

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