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Rename this file as tg3_e1_yourlastname. Open Microsoft Excel and perform the required
operations below and save it as tg3_e1_yourlastname in your drive X together with your word
file. Copy your answers from your MS Excel to your word file and email both of your files to not later than Monday, March 2, 2020.
1. A local TV network wants to run an informal survey of individuals who exit from a local
voting station to ascertain early results on a proposal to raise funds to move the city-
owned historical museum to a new location. How might the network sample voters
approximate random sampling?
2. Given a normal distribution with μ = 50 and σ = 50, if you select a sample of n = 100,
what is the probability that is
a. Less than 47??
b. Between 47 and 49.5?
c. Above 51.1?
d. There is a 35% chance that is above what value?
3. The amount of time a bank teller spends with each customer has a population mean, μ =
3.10 minutes and a standard deviation, σ = 0.40 minute. If you select a random sample
of 16 customers,
a. What is the probability that the mean time spent per customer is at least 3 minutes?
b. There is an 85% chance that the sample mean is less than how many minutes?
c. What assumption must you make in order to solve (a) and (b)?
d. If you select a random sample of 64 customers, there is an 85% chance that the
sample mean is less than how many minutes?

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