Wadida's Weekend Routine: Section A

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(10 marks)

Study the picture and notes below and use the information to complete the text given.

- sweep the floor - rake the leaves

- mop the floor - water the plants

- helps her mother Weekend Routine - take the rubbish out
to cook

- set the table - make the bed

- clear the table

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.

This is Wadida. She is a very kind and hardworking girl. She is also very

helpful. Every weekend, she helps her mother ( 1 ) _________________________ in the

kitchen. She also helps to ( 2 )______________________________________ and mop the

floor. When the food is ready, she likes to ( 3 ) ___________________________ and after

everyone has finish eating she ( 4 ) __________________________________. In the evening

she enjoys ( 5 ) _____________________________________ .

( 10 marks )

(15 marks)
B (i)
Study the notice below and answer the following questions in the space provided.

Venue : SK Sungai Pusu school field

Time : 8 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Date : 14 March 2020
Attire : Sports attire

Equip yourself with precious knowledge about a variety of sports you can take part in. In this
class, you will learn:

1. the rules of the game.

2. the equipment needed.

3. the steps to play

Don’t miss out the live demonstration from our experience teachers and coaches.

List the three things that you will learn from the meeting.

i. ____________________________________________________________________

ii. ____________________________________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________________________________

( 3 marks )

B (ii)

To : Kamal@gmail.com.my Date : 18 February 2020
From : Pablo@gmail.com.my Time : 10.00 a.m.

Hi Kamal,
My name is Pablo and I’m ten years old. I’m from Brazil. I have a sister and two
brothers. Have you got any sisters and brothers?

I love sports. My favourite is football. I play football at the field near my house. My
brothers and I play football twice a week. What’s your favourite sports? How often
do you play? Please write back soon.

Bye for now,


Write an email to your new friend and share what sports you like. Answer the questions
asked in the email above. Write between 50 to 80 words.

From : Date :
To: Time :

Hi _____________________,

How ____________________________? I hope __________________________________.

Thank you for your email. I am also __________________________________________. (age)

I live in ________________________________________________. (where do you live)

I have _____________________________________________________________. (siblings)

My favourite sport is ___________________________________________. I play

_________________________________ at _________________________________. (where).

I play _______________________________________________________ (how many times)

I hope to learn more about you and your country.

Bye for now,


( 12 marks )

(25 marks)
Fill in the blanks with the words given in the pictures. Then, rewrite them in the
Isi tempat kosong dengan perkataan-perkataan yang telah diberikan di setiap gambar.
Kemudian, tulis semula di dalam perenggan-perenggan.

Last , Ali and his

___________ went to a nearby
for a . His beloved _____________,
Puan Mirafilzah, the food and
other things.

weekend – family – beach – picnic – mother – prepared

They arrived at the beach at 9:00 a.m.

Their mother the things and put
them on the mat. After that, they ________
with a ball happily. Their father __________
in the __________. They
themselves at the beach.

unpacked – played – swam – sea – enjoyed

Before they the beach,

they collected all the rubbish and _________
the place. Their mother threw the rubbish
into the dustbin. They went _________ in the
___________. They _____________ to
come and have a picnic ______________.

left – cleared – home – evening – wanted – again
Last weekend, Ali and his family _______________________







































[ 25 marks ]



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