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School of Science, Engineering and Computing

Software Engineering

Name: Miss Disha Waghole

ID Number: K1826267

Project Title: EASY FARMING

Date: 20th September 2019

Supervisor: Professor Nada Philip

This is a student project. Therefore, neither the student nor Kingston University makes any warranty,
express or implied, as to the accuracy of the data or conclusion of the work performed in the project
and will not be held responsible for any consequences arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions

1. Introduction
1.1 Abstract
1.2 Aims & Objectives
1.2.1 Aims
1.2.2 Objectives
1.3 Summary of thesis contribution
1.4 Thesis Outline
2. Literature Survey
3. Contribution
3.1 Existing Sustainability
3.1.1 IOT
3.1.2 IOT in agriculture field
3.1.3 Android
3.1.4 GSM
3.2 Justification on Artifact
3.3 Proposed System Architecture
3.3.1 Arduino
3.3.2 Soil Moisture Sensor
3.3.3 Temperature Sensor
3.3.4 Battery
3.3.5 Bridge Rectifier
3.3.6 Voltage Regulator
3.3.7 Centrifugal Pump
3.3.8 LCD
3.4 Cloud Computing
3.4.1 Cloud Services
3.4.2 Platform as a Service
3.4.3 Software as a Service
3.4.4 Infrastructure as a Service
3.4.5 Public Cloud
3.4.6 Private Cloud
3.5 Design
3.6 Implementation
3.7 Evaluation
4. Conclusion
5. Future Scope
6. References
7. Bibliography
8. Appendix
List of Figures

1.1 Basic Flow of Centrifugal Pump Working

3.1 Use Case Diagram
3.2 Activity Diagram
3.3 Basic Design of System
3.4 Architecture Diagram
Glossary of Terms
It is the system over devices which can collect the data transfer over the network
without human interference.

 Arduino
Single board computers

 Soil moisture sensor

Sensor has an ability to transform the somatic data into electric signal, like
temperature, blood pressure, water level, weather etc.

 Temperature sensor
It is a device with thermocouple which provides an electric signal to measure the

 Centrifugal Pump
Centrifugal Pumps are designed to transfer the fluid like water, petrol etc. They
convert rotational kinetic energy to hydrodynamic energy.

 Android

Android is the operating system developed for mobiles. It is open source; Linux based
software used on smart phone and tablets. Android is now interlinked with TV and
Cars also.
1. Introduction

1.1 Abstract
India is an agriculture based country. Agriculture is something that has been
associated with us for long time. Globally India holds second rank for farm produce.
The population growth has increased over past few years. This has led to increasing
demand of food production leading to shortage of food. In general on an average a
farmer spends a lot of time and energy in visiting the farm fields, just to operate the
This task becomes more difficult when the weather conditions are harsh. There is one
more problem associated with operating the pump and motors that is the fluctuating
power supply and load shedding. Every time travelling to just operate the pump or
motor in the field is not feasible.
Often there is voltage problem or load shedding. The farm fields are also having the
high risk of animals, snakes, etc. Especially when it’s the rainy season the efforts get
doubled as the water lodging comes into picture. In extreme conditions the existing
systems face failure creating problem for farmers. If the farmer has more number of
motors, then it becomes difficult to handle all of them at a time when the electricity is
Failure of any electrical instrument is mainly due voltage oscillations. Phase of
connection also plays a vital role in mutilation of devices. If this happens often in
irrigation kits, this leads to poor crop yield. This is mainly due to improper water
supply to the crops. This ON/OFF delay also causes water wastage and increasing the
water lodging problem due to uneven quantity of water is pumped into fields. This
improper running schedule often leads to wastage of electrical power and sometimes
dry running condition in motors.
Dry running of motor leads to failure of winding and ultimately stoppage of motor.
Due to uneven amount of water supplied in the fields, the soil quality is compromised
leading to erosion and depletion of fertilizers. This is directly related to downfall in
production. When these depleted fertilizers join the water bodies such as lakes and
rivers, they cause water pollution further endangering the environment.
Undiscerning use of resources often leads to mistreatment of ground water affecting
its rejuvenating capability. As these levels experience a downfall there is increase in
suction head often resulting in more power consumption. To tackle this problem this
project has been established.
The main aim for establishment of this project is to deliver the technological benefits
to the farmers, today using the old methods of farming. The two important factors
affecting the farming culture in India are water and electricity. This is our prime
focus in project to control these factors in order to help farmers get an advantage of
technological innovation. Using this project it will able us to control these factors by
implementing a small electrical setup in the centrifugal pump. This circuit will
interconnect with the help of GSM/GPRS module and will use the cloud platform to
communicate further using Software as a Service (SAAS). A meek console will be
designed to access and control purpose with the help of Android or IOS application.
This Android application offers a benefit to the end user to control his/her centrifugal
pump through the far-off location. The location of the farm may be far-off from
farmer home, so just to start a single switch of that pump, he has to travel a distance.
As there is shortage of electricity and common problem of load shedding in India, it
becomes difficult to water the crops. Henceforth our project will help farmers to
operate and control the devices from their homes. And by using artificial intelligence
algorithms we can analyse the data of power consumption of the pump verses the
water pumped from well. This will ultimately help farmers to analyse the need and
also help in managing the water resource.
Most of the farmers do the farming in traditional way due to lack of technical
knowledge. For that purpose few Government Schemes are included by the Indian
Government which is increasing India’s GDP and reducing the manpower.
Due to traditional ways of farming and ups & downs of the market condition the
economic development of the farmer is continuously decreasing. This has led to
move the farmers to city area from village side and change their profession from
farming to other fields. As the India has second the largest population in the world,
so as to provide the food as a daily need for all these people the farming should be
done into more technical way and more people should get involved in this field.
Now a day youth is more attracted towards city areas as farming is the field where
people have to do work with more effort and the process is time consuming. So as to
attract these youth, the Indian government has taken some initiative like introducing
subsidy for farming related business, online helplines which will help to farmers for
their queries related to crop, production, vendors, pesticides etc.
The main problem faced by farmers is the environmental circumstances or weather
conditions like heavy rainfalls, less rainfall, shortage of water, wastage of water etc.
For getting over these circumstances, this smart arrangement has to be engaged in
agriculture field. The arrangement uses a mobile application developed, which is
based on IOT.[7]
It is like the connecting various devices with the help of Internet and Electronic
Sensor. The main difficulties for water & electricity are controlled in this system.
We are proposing a solution which will give farmers real time solutions which will
be helpful for end user to take the decisions related to day to day problems for the
agriculture need. According to the solution provided we can use the
Techniques of irrigation like drip and sprinkler are used by the farmers to save the
water but they have no control over it. In past few years this system is growing
Though Drip or sprinklers are smart way to water the crops there must be
intelligence system to have control over them.
As continuous flow of water is flowing on the roots crop it can affect the quality of
crop. So the easy farming arrangement communicates with centralized unit through
internet and sends necessary data to user’s android phone to take the decisions.
Every time centrifugal pumps are turned ON the constant monitoring of the soil
moisture level is done & when it necessity of soil is fulfilled it is turned OFF
automatically or the message if send to farmer’s android phone to take the decision.



gal Pump Low


Fig 1.1 Basic Flow of Centrifugal Pump Working

1.2 Aims And Objective
1.2.1 Aims:
To study the difficulties occurred in Indian traditional agriculture system with respect
to water and electricity. And develop the system for managing the same. The solution
is based on Android Application which will have control over the system to reduce
the efforts taken by farmers.

1.2.2 Objectives:
 To develop the smart irrigation system which will automatically perform the
function of ON and OFF for centrifugal pump by sensing the soil moisture
level with the IOT techniques.
 To reduce the efforts taken by farmers and increase in the crop production.
 To regulate required quantity of water to avoid the wastage.
 To control the electricity supply to save time and manpower.
 Monitoring the performance of centrifugal pump.
 To develop an android application of these services for smart irrigation.

1.3 Summary of Thesis Contributions

Based on case studies, agriculture utilizes more than 80% accessible freshwater
resources, and this percentage will increase in water consumption because of
population growth and increased in need of food. This gives birth to the need of
managing water utilization, inclusive of methodological, agronomical, and
economical enhancements.
Wastage of water can be organized by taking assistance of the internet and sensor
technology available. This will ensure that the water which is available on the earth
can be utilized in a better way eventually contributing in addition of productivity. The
IOT technology which uses the portable phones and transportable instruments are
used for monitoring and controlling the working of the arrangement. The IOT has the
ability to interrelate and converse with the instruments that are mounted in various
areas of meadow. IOT set-up has the ability to intellect the data which is available of
the various sensors mounted in the arrangement and can transmit this data using
There will be a processing unit which will receive the data from sensor and after
processing, it will display on user’s device.
Android application is uninterruptedly gathering the data from an allocated IP address
by enticing that data into the set-up or arrangement so as to have enhanced outputs.
The mud dampness levels are constantly monitored with the help of the sensors
mounted which is further connected to relays and then to arduino microcontroller
which will predict the further plan of action.
1.4 Thesis Outline
For providing the intelligent water schedule to the system, optimization is done
which could ensure the plants health and nutritious values. Looking at the condition
of today’s ordinary farmer, the main factor to be considered is cost effectiveness.
Both the things can be achieved simultaneously.
The system is designed according to linear optimization technique. There is theory
behind optimization which should be understood before building the model. The
amount of water used is never the less nor excess. It is just distributed uniformly as
per the need.
Every plant/crops have some specific requirement, some need more water, and some
can survive with less water also. This can be analysed and then the distribution can be
done in productive way.
The main focus of this should avoid excessive water wastage which will be harmful
for crop as well as soil also.
At least some amount of water will be saved per day that can be used for other things
like animals or other plants growth.
In farming the most important thing is to get data of fruitfulness of mud and dampness
of mud. Hereafter analysis of these two things farmers prepare for sowing the seeds.
The system developed is GSM based which has sensors for measuring moisture,
temperature and humidity information which will be real time. Which then will be
transferred to the remote monitoring system to get the desired outputs like low power
consumption, less costing, no hazard to nature, soil nutrients maintenance etc.
In short the data is sensed by the sensor, which will be then processed by the micro
controller and the data will be transferred over GSM.
This information will be finally displayed to the famer’s Android phone where he can
analyse and monitor the data for taking further decisions. The major advantage for
this proposed system is it will give the real time data analysis by using several
algorithms; here we will take areal tie example to check the capability of the system.
Initially farmer will register through the android application and install all required
hardware in to the farm, what we required is a water level sensor, moisture sensor and
pH sensor which are integrated with the microcontroller. When we start working the
system we will get the real time data from installed sensors to the controller,
controller will be able to communicate through the data communication module like
GSM or wireless communication module which we have to integrate with the cloud
server. Cloud server is the server which will use as a heart of the system. Cloud server
will get all the real time data from all the controllers connected to the server from
different farmers and at different locations all over the world and stored in to the
clustered database. Here various database clustering algorithms are available on
internet to store the data in the structured format. By studding all the respective
algorithms from internet we have designed our own database algorithm to store this
huge data coming from the controller by a respective farmer id. The major task with
this coming data is to store it with structured manner, because these data is used in
future to analyse the real time situation of the farm condition and by using these data
the system automatically gives the suggestions to farmer on several things.
An android application is designed to manage all these real time suggestions at one
platform for the farmer.
An android application is designed in such a manner that farmer can get the
notification on current farm condition as well as he can control several things from
remote location. The mechanism of these project is very simple and effective from
farmer prospective he just have to maintain the data flow or data collection which is
maintained by different sensors and a microcontroller. As we define all the data is
stored in cloud environment. All these collected data is stored in different training
sets. We can define a training set a same group of data which we store in a single
training set. For example if we collect the data for water level sensor which will
defines the water source level for the farm, we collect these water level for each day
from each available source and stored it in to cloud database to give real time
suggestion on water level, let’s take an example for available water level and usability
for these information to the end user. Water levels in the water source will be vary
according to the climate change and as per monsoon situation in that area. So in
summer the water source is not that much available than the rainy season and in
winter the average water is available so we have define a system which will give real
time suggestion according to the last few years available water in the water source.
2. Literature Review
Abundant examinations are done to enhance the enactment of agricultural field.

In [1] they have considered the problem of controlling soil moisture evolution using a
wireless GSM network. Continuously checking of moisture level with sensors is not possible
as it will increase the cost of project. In this system they have used the microcontroller and
soil sensor which provides us the position of mud on the LCD also controls and helps in
operation of the pump ON and OFF via relay.

In [2], reduction in water surplus is the prime agenda of this easy farming arrangement. In
this type of arrangement the focus in on the use of mobile dampness sensors and temperature
sensors together in order to get better statistics. Further the gathered information is
transmitted to the internet application that monitors the water level using microcontroller.
This has the photovoltaic panels and duplex communication link for data monitoring and
scheduling. This system saves up to 90% of the water wastage.

The Automated Wireless Watering System (AWWS) [3] is specially developed for gardening
purpose. The disadvantage of traditional gardening methods are overcome through this
system. Also the traditional wiring mess in the garden can be avoided. This system is
controlled by the mobile and PC.
Automatic Wireless Watering System has Level Convertor, GSM, and micro controller,
Moisture Sensor, Rain Sensor and the Motor Driver: IC L293D.
This System is a displays the status of work to the user. There are 2 modes of operation i.e.
automatic and manual modes. This system gives the log files also.
In [4], the system is developed with respect to the 2 main factors of farming that are soil
fertility and soil moisture level. The device measures the fertility level according to the
potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen present in soil then according to that the crop will be
decided. After this the system measures the moisture level of soil by using microcontroller.
Then the DRIP irrigation system through wireless communication is implanted. This system
saves the wastage of water, avoid excessive moisture in soil, and measure the fertility
This [5] system is designed mainly for modern agriculture. The green houses are developed
so as to maintain the temperature and humidity. The temperature varies according to place
and season; this can be controlled by green house. Green house with small land size are easy
to maintain but when it comes to large size land, it becomes very difficult to control water
supply. This system is GSM based which gives the report through Keil software to android
mobile and gives the appropriate result to farmers. This is like automatic micro controller
based system. This smart irrigation saves water, increase the productivity and increases soil
Now a day Internet of Things (IOT) plays an important role in many fields. IOT is mainly
used the things automation like smart home, smart vehicle, smart irrigation etc. Now this can
be introduced in agriculture field for smarter system and automated system. This can
achieved by using micro controller, wireless sensor networks, embedded system, GSM
models, software’s, networking, android applications, RFID, arduino etc.
This automated system can be cost effective, affordable with minimum maintenance. It can
increase the crop production, quality of crops, less power consumption and less wastage. [6]
In [9] the paper by Shaanxi Sheng the effective system of irrigation is explained.
Concept of this irrigation system is based on two inputs and two outputs. These two inputs
will be of moisture sensor and level sensor. Outputs will be pumping motor and solenoid
valve. The most important part of this smart system is level sensors and moisture sensors can
work simultaneously. Level sensors basically measure the water level which will send the
input to system and system can define the task. It is very convenient to avoid wastage of
water as well as dry running of water. Dampness sensors have the ability to determine the
water level in mud and help in understanding the requirement of water to harvest. This will
help to increase the quality of crop, fertility of soil as well as avoids wastage of water. The
most important thing achieved by this sensor is, it will save the effort of farmer. It will also
save the time and consumes the low power.
As this system is Arduino based, it is the most accurate method to determine quantity of
dampness in mud. Mainly the system is designed for greenhouse plants and crops. It is
reliable, efficient and precise ways of doing farming. It can avoid the errors made by human
with great accuracy. This can surely reduce the manpower and maximize the profit from
The traditional way of manually starting and shutting down of the pump is easily avoided and
automatically the ON and OFF operations are performed with less efforts.
LCD display is used for monitoring the values sensed by sensors. Microcontroller with relay
can perform the operation setting the levels.
For example, the moisture level in the soil is measured by moisture sensor, if it’s less that the
desired line of allowance; the user can spontaneously switch ON the pump which is operated
by using the Arduino. After staring of pump, the water will be sprinkled and the moisture
level will increase, when it will reach to desired level, user will switch OFF the pump. So the
entire system works smartly and accuracy with desired result.

In [10], the system developed is based on wireless sensor networks and problems faced by it.
The focus of the system is on increasing the life of WNSs, so as increase the energy source of
sensors and batteries which will increase the performance of system.
As energy is the vital part of system, without energy the system will collapse and cannot give
the desired output. After completion of the system, it is expected that this will last long for
years. Efforts have been taken to increase energy efficient system with networking protocols.
WNS is deeply studied to convert the renewable energy source into the electricity. These
energy sources are conventional, readily available and non-lasting like solar energy, wind
energy etc. As the current sources of energy does not provide the continuous supply to WNS
which will be not reliable for the farmers.
Main most powerful energy available till date is solar energy, which is readily available
naturally. The amount of energy produced is in huge amount and every one can use it without
any restriction. Only disadvantage with this energy is weather condition when there will be
less sun light.
Secondly, the mechanical vibrations are produced by the movements of objects.
Energy conservation is main focus of system. The networking protocols are designed to
deliver the data from sensors to the systems.
A major aspect of pre-contemplate, a detailed writing study. The writing review shows an
outline as: A lot of study has been done in the turf of agriculture. A majority of them are
focusing on sensors parameters and programmed exchanging systems of pumps dependent on
signals sent by the sensors. The writing survey demonstrates that, with immense use of
cellular networks, programmed water system frameworks have been connected through
remote innovation at the homestead territory joining GSM innovation with cell phone through
a versatile system.
The innovation is one of the components which frontier the execution of some portions of the
automatic water system framework in evolving countries. Water shortage is one of the serious
issues confronting real urban communities of the world and wastage amid transmission has
been distinguished as a noteworthy offender, this is one of the inspirations for this
examination, to convey figuring systems in making a boundary to wastage so as to not just
give increasingly monetary benefits and vitality sparing, yet in addition help nature and water
cycle which thusly guarantees that some water is spared for the future.
This exhibited the exploration in inserting a control framework into a programmed water
siphon controller using various advances in its plan, improvement, and usage. SMS or GSM
Remote Pump Controller is a gadget which can control and screen electric engines,
horticulture pump or submersible siphon sets through cell phone. When GSM put together
siphon controller to change with respect to ON and OFF pump sets or any electric engine
with wireless from remote area. This SMS or GSM pump engine controller causes the
rancher to deal with agrarian pump sets effectively.
Rancher can set up to three calendars for naturally killing on and the pump. It additionally
causes the ranchers to spare life from snake chomp in evening time, spares water, time and
power. One SIM Card is required for its task. This GSM Pump Controller is perfect with a
pump like single stage, three stages or submersible pump. Five clients can work the pump
from their mobile phone. Three timetables can be set to On/Off the pump consequently
regular schedule. Only a miss call to work from any enlisted cell phone. It works from any
part of the world. Agro-mate Telemetric Electronic Device reins the engine pump through
cell phone for all intents and purposes from any area.
One can kill ON or OFF the water engine pumps by simply giving missed call from their cell
phone. Maintain a strategic distance from outing to engine pump to work, so one spares
power, time and water. Water engine pumps can be controlled from any areas by utilizing
Agro-mate. The project GSM BASED PUMP AUTOMATION has been created to work a
pump utilizing GSM gadgets, for example, cell phones.
This undertaking is explicitly intended to work on remotely found submersible pumps and
engines for advantage of farmers, horticulture individuals and businesses where remote pump
and engine control is required. This undertaking is structured with cutting edge small scale
controller innovation and quality procedure. One verification technique is likewise there to
such an extent that proprietor has extreme capacity to control its utilization by different
clients. In the event that proprietor enables different clients to ON/OFF the pump at that point
no one but it very well may be worked by a specific client.
One rundown of verified clients will be taken care of with the end goal that if proprietor
confirms a client to work the pump module won't illuminate the proprietor any longer to
validate the enrolled client. This confirmation is required for averting the abuse of the

The paper by Ria Sood, Manjit Kaur, Hemant Lenka (June 2013), mainly focuses over the
necessity of controlling water levels for irrigation in agriculture. The study in this paper
articulates that different crops need diverse quantities of water. An automatic water level
controlling system can help in providing appropriate water to the crops resulting in reduction
in less water depletion. By using a Hall Effect sensor it is possible to measure the water
flowing rate. G1/2 Hall effect sensor can be combined to use with a turbine rotor, which
acquires its rotations through the rate of flowing water.[11]
Sanam Pudasaini, Anuj Pathak, Sukirti Dhakal, Milan Paudel (September 2014) proposed a p
paper which shows a similar automated water level controlling system but through SMS
notifications. To keep the system working even during power cuts, SMS notifications was
introduced. Both SMS system as well as automated level controlling system work
simultaneously. Microcontroller contains a program written through Arduino program
environment. Controller is operated through battery power supply. Users are notified through
SMS in case of empty water level as well as power cuts. Single sensor units are placed inside
the tanks, which takes time to time measurements of water levels and enables automatic
motor controlling. The system in all reduces the need of filling tanks everyday as well as
notifies overflow conditions.[12]

Asaad Ahmed Mohammedahmed Eltaieb, Zhang Jian Min, proposed an Automatic Water
Level Control System, This paper illustrates an enhanced way of interfacing by a
combination of software and hardware for development of automated water level controlling
system. Advanced sensing innovations are used for detection of the water levels. Relay and
Arduino are used for controlling the motor. Various junctions of the beaker are connected by
several varieties of wires. The level of water is acquired as soon as the water gets in contact
of the wire. LCD display screen display the water level simultaneously. The motor is turned
ON and OFF through the relay. Through utilization of GSM networks, an embedded system
can be formed for fulfilling the purpose of controlling and monitoring a remotely located
water pump. The communication in between the system and the user is formed through SMS.
The decision of what operation is to be performed is purely taken on the basis of what SMS is
sent. SMS sent is first put in storage and polled. The necessary control signals are then
produced for sending to the designed hardware. [13]

Sadolkar Nilesh Shamrao [14] proposed the irrigation system which is mainly focusing the
green house and modern farming methods. They have also used the raspberry pi and android
systems. As the weather changes time to time it is difficult to predict the need of water and
take the decisions for it. This system can measure the things very accurately for taking the
right decision.
If the area covered by green house is in large acres, it becomes very complicated to measure
the sensed values for even distribution of water for getting the same quality of crops.
The sensed value will be displayed on LCD display which can be connected to android
application also. There will be android software which is having GPRS system which will
control the irrigation system. Automation of system is depending on sensed values of
humidity, moisture and temperature sensed by sensors.
They also have used the PH sensor, which can detect the contents of soil. This sensor is also
working continuously to measure the harmful content as well as beneficial content for soil.
These can also be sent via SMS to farmer, so that he can add the fertilizers accordingly. This
will helpful to increase the nutritional value of crop and fertility of soil can also be increased.
This is beneficial for farmer to get these reading on phone without visiting the farms. As
sometimes the farm could be too far from the farmer’s residence, it can be in remote area, the
roads are not well maintained in village side. So travelling all the time just to switch ON and
OFF the pump is really a hectic job. So this can save the time spend by the farmer in doing
these things manually.
The researcher YULE [15] has introduced some technique of the farming about 3 decades
ago i.e. in 1999. They have used GPS system for mapping the field. This technique revolves
around the study of increasing the efficiency of farming in New Zealand. As the people are
only doing the traditional farming and not using any technology and no machinery.
Software is proposed to control and manage the database related to crop production,
harvesting, yield mapping etc.
Use of Satellite based technique is also introduced in the system. Using local base station we
can get the data related to farm area for study. Training people and giving the technical
education to farmer is really important according to this theory. By this training the attitude
of the farmers to do traditional farming can be changed and this will be smarter way to
increase the efficiency of this field.
Precision farming totally depends on the study of database which is collected through the
sensors, satellite and other technical devices used for farming.
3. Contribution
3.1 Existing Suitability

3.1.1 IOT:
Few days back Internet of things was the newest technique and still unknown to
the ordinary people but now it has emerged in almost every field to make life
From Home appliances to public infrastructure, in every field it has become
It includes Health Sector, Agriculture, Smart Home, Smart TV, Smart Phone,
Transport, Defence etc. IOT system is assembled with the wireless sensor
networks, physical devices, Micro controller, GSM, arduino etc.
IOT system consists of different sensors, controllers, physical connections, input
and output devices which can fetch the valuable information from the source then
process it and give the meaningful results to the user. This result can be used to
make the smart choice for user of the device. IOT can keep track of business data.
It will help for customer satisfaction. It can give the desired reports of the business
which will make the evaluation of business easy. Most importantly it saves the
time and energy. By saving more any it can increase the profit of company.

3.1.2 IOT in Agriculture Field:

As most of the nation’s GDP is depends on agriculture field, it is more important to

develop this field to improve the economic condition of the nation.

If IOT will be part of the agriculture industry there will be

o Production of crop will be increased to great extent.

o Quality of crop improved, this can give the cost benefits to the farmer.
o Farmers have to do many physical activities throughout the phase of crop
production, this can be reduced.
o Reducing the Manpower.
o Increase in Nation’s GDP
o IOT in agriculture field leads to the smart and intelligent farms.

This technology can analyse many things for farmers like type of crops, fertilizers,
soil type, water storage, required water, harvesting, temperature, humidity and any
more. IOT can suggest farmers that which crop can be taken with respect to weather
conditions, water storage, soil type and the location. The farmer can get many updates
about the field as well as the market conditions using IOT. IOT can be a combination
of hardware and software to analyse the data stored and processed by the sensors and
micro controllers.[8]

Examples of IOT Applications in Agriculture field:

1. Green House management :

Mostly green house is used for small quantity of vegetables, plants or crops. As
the maintenance cost goes too high for green house. After investing such large
amount, if this system fails due to any mistakes like excess or less water or
unusual weather conditions, it will be a huge loss it farmers.

IOT acts as a smart way to deal with. Using this technique we can control and
manage the things and automated the system for avoiding the future loss.

2. Crop Management

Crops management consists of the database containing the information related to

crop and techniques used for it. There will be a training set which will store the
previous experiences of the farm and gives result accordingly. They can also
suggest crop according to market condition with the help of internet.

3. Cattle Monitoring & Management

Cattle are the most important part for agriculture field. Cattle management with
IOT can keep the records of cattle right from their birth to their sell or death.

It can track their daily activities, production, work, feeding times, cleaning times.
Their vaccination and dues can also be notified by IOT.

4. Water Management

Water management is most time consuming part of the agriculture. Many things
are depend on water management. Wrong water management can lead loss of the
things like soil nutrients, quality of crop, and energy losses.

In existing irrigation system wireless sensor set-ups help to determine the soil
condition. Advancement in this field has been done at very small level. They just
capture the things and give manual data results. There is no use of Artificial
Intelligence, Algorithms, machine learning.

Machine-Learning Algorithms have been implemented in order to get the result

from previous data set. But there are only predicted data results, they are not fully

So these drawbacks can surely overcome through Internet of Things. It will be

more automated system for faster and reliable service.

Along with these Arduino, Micro controller, Arduino hardware measures the
physical conditions.

Real time data is fetched by the sensors which will be processed with the previous
training sets and get desired output for making the system more intelligent.
In the smart irrigation system using IOT the algorithms are developed which will
help to make the make training set of results, analyse the real time data to get the
control over system.

More advancement in future can be done by producing the data analysis graph and
report for further study of farming.

3.1.3 Android:
Android is the operating system developed for mobiles. It is open source, Linux
based software used on smart phone and tablets. Android is now interlinked with
TV and Cars also.
The latest version of android is Android 10 launched on 3 September 2019.
Android is associated with Google play store where the applications, which are
open source, are available and can be downloaded by the people for free and some
are paid also. Now a day these applications are really helpful for expanding the
business. For Example online shopping applications like Amazon is useful for
business expansion as well as for people it can give the things with fewer efforts.
The key features of android are Near Field Communication, Alternate Keyboard,
Wireless Application Download, Widgets etc.
Android is increasing by uploading more third party application which can be
downloaded by the users. Developers of the application can upload their
application to Google play store with APK file and licence.
Mostly Android devices are battery powered and designed so as to consume the
less power and less memory.
Android devices are incorporated with hardware platform ARM. There are any
other optional hardware used like camera, GPS, Gaming Sensors, pressure sensors
and touchscreen.
 IOT with Android: IOT with android simply means interlinking between
smart devices with internet. Those devices are with sensors and internet
that can process the data gives appropriate result which will be useful for
 This has been used as a software as a service which is growing rapidly. It
gives opportunity to the developers to design the newest technology which
will be user friendly and smart. They work hard to give the smart solution
with IOT, in almost every gadget that is used by the people. The have
almost controlled every small thing like Toaster, fan, AC, Switches, TV to
big machineries which are used in industry.
 As it is open source, everyone can customize it and use the source code.
 As of now many versions of androids are introduced in market which is
the updated version of previous one. Though the embedded system
developments have dome with android, they are not applicable to IOT.

The components used for data transmission are XMPP and MQTT. These are also
open source and android based.

1.1.1 GSM:
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. It is developed by
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute). The first generation
network was only analogue cellular network. This was replaced by second
generation 2G network with Digital Cellular Networks which was widely used by
Mobiles and Tablets. Subsequently 3G was introduces and then 4G which follows
LTE Advance Standards.
GSM is divided into 4 sections
 Base Station Subsystem(BSS)
The cellular network means phones are connected through cells. There are
5 diverse dimensions of cell that are macro, micro, pico. Femto and
umbrella. The network covered by each size of cell is different.
 Network and Switching Subsystem(NSS)
NSS are circuit switched core network which are used for GSM based
services like Calls, SMS, Data Calls. This gives the access to WAP, MMS
and internet services.
 GPRS Core Network

GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Services which is mainly used for
packet based mobile internet connection.
This allows 2G, 3G mobile networks to transfer the IP packets over
Mobility management, session management and transfer of IP is done by
the GPRS network.
 Operations Support System(OSS)
These systems are used by telecom provider for managing the network.
Their function is to accomplish network inventory, service provisioning,
network configuration, and fault management.
BSS and OSS together support the end to end telecommunication services.
The functions provided by OSS are:
1. Network Management System
2. Service Delivery
3. Service Fulfilment
4. Service Assurance
5. Customer Care

Subscriber Identity Module (SIM):

SIM is like a smart card which owns the identity of user/subscriber and its information like
phone book. There are many operators in market that can be switched by user. SIM makes
easy to change the devices just by replacing the card to new device.
It has the unique number called IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity).
For security purpose there are two passwords PIN (Personal Identification Number) and PUC
(Personal Unblocking Code).

1.1.2 Arduino

Arduino is kind of a design board which consists of microprocessors and microcontrollers.

This board is open source for the community to design and develop the single board which
can be a set of input & output pins.
They are assembled in kits that are easy to design which makes interfacing to boards and
Arduino have the feature of USB (Universal Serial Bus). Microcontroller used in the kit can
be programmed by C or C++ language. This provides an easy and low cost method to make
the environment for smart devices.

1.2 Justification of Artifact

The land used by the farmers is in very large percentage which is very hard to be maintained
by and reaching to every part of it for monitoring. The water can go into uneven amounts in
each part of the land. This may result into the bad crop cultivation.
Easy Farming system can automate this into a good irrigation system. The system consist of
a centrifugal pump which can be connected to the drip-irrigation or sprinkler one according to
soil, moisture, humidity and crop type.
Due to evaporation and environmental factors, the moisture levels changes continuously.
This can be managed by continuously by checking of moisture level and taking decisions
dynamically. The main focus is to meet the objective of energy efficiency of system.
By using GSM network this can be achieved easily. It can monitor the soil moisture level
continuously to get the desired output. It can get the statistical output from the system for
analysis and taking further decisions.
By using the sensors, it can be known whether soil is having sufficient amount of water or
not. If there is low moisture then the motor will automatically turn On and if there is
sufficient moisture it will be switched off by the using relay.

1.3 Proposed System Architecture

There are lot of research already done to make the agriculture system more efficient
through technology. Similar research is being done through this project with some
new and advanced mechanism to make it more efficient and reliable source of
income for the farmers, because in India around 60% people are farmers. A system is
being proposed which will drive everything through IoT techniques. The IoT
methods can use the combination of hardware and software and android application.
With the help of such methods, more better and user friendly system can be provided
to the farmers
1.3.1 Arduino

In developing countries, for promoting importance of basic computer education, a

series of single board computers are developed which are Arduino .
Many updated versions of this system are released up till now. The latest version is
Arduino 4 model B.
It gives easy access to the learner of computer language to learn languages like
Python. It is lows cost, compact device that can be connected to other devices like
computer, TV etc. It has external memory and USB ports for taking inputs. It is to
install and operate for new users.
It is now widely used for learning programming languages, hardware parts,
automation systems and industrial projects also.
The main feature is, it is open source and very cheap with GPIO i.e. General Purpose
Input Output Pins which can be controlled by device over IOT.

1.3.2 Soil Moisture Sensors:

Sensors are the devices that convert physical content into the electric signal, like
temperature, blood pressure, water level, weather etc.

In soil moisture sensor, the content of soil is converted from analog to digital
signal which is then sent to processor.

The physical factor used here is copper electrode, which can sense the moisture of
soil. There will be two probes which will allow the current to pass through soil
which will give the resistance value. This value can measure the moisture level.
When the quantity of water is more, electricity will be more, resistance will be
less and moisture level will be more. For the less water, electricity flow will be
less means resistance will be more so moisture level sensed will be low.
The outputs from sensors will be in Analog mode then it will be converted to
digital mode so it will be easy to give result to user. The phenomenon behind this
is dielectric permittivity of water.
The moisture value changes according to the evaporation, species of crop, and
type of soil.

1.3.3 Temperature sensor :- 

It is a device with thermocouple which provides an electric signal to measure the
temperature. Two different metals are used in thermocouple for generating the
electric voltage which will be directly proportional to temperature value.
Temperature sensors can be made of semiconductors, RTDs, Thermocouples,
Thermistors, and Infrared etc.
Thermocouple consisting two different metals are referred as HOT JUNCTION
There will be voltage created between these two factors which will be indicating
the temperature value.
1.3.4 Battery
Battery is the combination of one or many electrochemical cells. If it is in the
form of electric supply there will be 2 terminals cathode and anode. Cathode is
positive and anode is negative. The electrons flow from negative terminal to
positive terminal through the external electric circuit.
There are two types of batteries primary and secondary battery.
Primary is like disposable battery which can be used one time only. Secondary
batteries are rechargeable which can be charged again and again and used for
longer and multiple times. Wireless sensor networks are based on battery and
energy efficiency of it.
The battery life affects the performance of wireless sensor network.

1.3.5 Bridge Rectifier

The function of bridge rectifier is converting the Alternating Current to Direct

Current (AC to DC).
Bridge rectifiers are commonly used for providing DC to the devices.
Depending upon the function of device, the type of rectifier is selected. They are
mainly classified into 2 types: single phase and three phase rectifier.
Depending upon the load requirement, the rectifier is selected.

1.3.6 Voltage Regulators:

Due to electricity schedule and fluctuating electricity the system or devices used
can be damaged. So the voltage regulators are used to regulate this flow of
IC 7805 is used here for voltage regulation. It generates the fixed output in any
condition. It will have control over the power and protect the device from
damaging due to voltage fluctuations.

1.3.7 Centrifugal Pump

Centrifugal Pumps are designed to transfer the fluid like water, petrol etc. They
convert rotational kinetic energy to hydrodynamic energy. The water goes into the
pump which then flows towards the diffusor with the help of rotating axis.
The revolving impeller creates the energy which is directly proportional to the
liquid flowing. The working of the centrifugal pump is defined by converting the
electric energy into kinetic energy. The main working of the centrifugal pump is
to manage the speed of the impeller.
The efficiency of the centrifugal pump is maintained by the speed of the impeller
because it is proportional to the velocity of the edge. As it defines the efficiency it
directly affects the farmer because the electricity is the major consent in the rural
areas and affects the day to day activity of the farmer hence how efficient the
pump, the better productivity the farmer can achieve in his field. Several sensors
can be used to monitor the efficiency of the centrifugal pump. In traditional
irrigation system also these pumps are highly used as these are very easy to use.
But some difficulties faced by the farmers related to pump are solved in Easy
Farming system. Automation of centrifugal pump to ON and OFF the pump from
different location can be done in this system. This can be done with help of micro
controllers and sensors and android application from farmers mobile phone.

1.3.8 LCD
Liquid crystal Display are the display panels which used liquid crystals.
These are flat panels unlike CRTs and they are compact in size.
They are used in almost every display devices, from calculators to laptops TV etc.
In smart irrigation system LCD will display the processed data to farmer. It is like
user interface for them.

1.4 Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is most advance thing in the recent research which can be used to
store the data. Cloud computing is nothing but a storage method which is being used
as a server and processing this server to store the data in cloud environment. This
environment needs to be setup as per the project requirement and customisation can
be made in to it so it can define cloud as most flexible structure. First let’s
understand what is the difference in a dedicated server and a cloud server? So let’s
take an example for software which has been deployed in both the environment i.e. in
dedicated server environment and cloud server environment to test the application.
Now suppose 10 lac users are using both the system and the system is running very
smoothly without any issues of slow response or redundancy or any other error for
accessing the functionality of the application but when there is increase in the number
of users to test the application in both the environment i.e. in cloud server and
dedicated server, it is found that the system is not working pretty much properly
because the hardware resources which are designed is only for 10 lac users and if
there is increase in the number of users the system will not work that properly. So
for maintaining the efficiency of the system a decision is taken of upgrading the
system hardware for both the environments, so the ram is increased and required
hardware configuration. In Dedicated server it needs to replace the hardware
components physically i.e. it has to be replaced by physical ram, physical
motherboard and other required hardware respectively but in cloud server it just
requires to upgrade the hardware only by virtual means no need to go for physical
hardware upgrades, this defines the user friendliness for the cloud server. The cloud
servers are having some inbuilt functionality which can maintain the server load
balancing which simply means that if the number of users are increased in the server,
cloud automatically increase the resources according to the user requirement. So in
the cloud server it can be defined that the system failure is very low because system
automatically maintains the compatibility for user requirements. So from this
experiment it can be said that the cloud server is more reliable and efficient than
dedicated server in terms of user handling. Also it can be said that the cloud server is
more economical for users because in initial stages it can go with minimum
configuration and as users increased in the system the cloud will auto upgrade the
system as per the requirement and maintain the billing accordingly.
The cloud is deveined in two different Types of clouds
1. How user is accessing the cloud services? i.e. paid or free
2. What kind of services users are using?

1.4.1 Cloud services

In cloud computing, three cloud services are defined:
a. Platform as a Service
b. Software as a Service
c. Infrastructure as a Service

1.4.2 Platform as a Service

As stated above, that the cloud is a hosting environment where different services can be
offered to the users with in the cloud environment. Platform as a Service is a nondependent
service which can execute its program by its own without any third party support and so the
Platform as a Service will not take help from any other resource available in the environment.
So it can be stated, for an example of Platform as a Service is Operating system, if it defines
the working of operating system then it can observe that all the programs in the operating
system are self-executable and cannot take any help from outside or third party services for
execution. If this kind of system is deployed in the cloud environment and given access for
users to use it then it then it will be defined as Platform as a Service.

1.4.3 Software as A Service

Software as a Service is a service which will run with the help of other resources and it is
dependent on the cloud platform to execute its program. Every software developed in any
language comes under software as a service and user will access this service through the
cloud environment. This project comes under the software as service criteria. And it is
dependent on a lot of external resources. Every software which is installed on cloud platform
is a representative of software as a service. As discussed earlier this service can be defined
into public and private clouds. If a user get access through a paid solution then it can define
this as private cloud service and if the service can be accessible free of cost then it will come
under public cloud service. For example if we orders pizza through online food delivery
application developed by pizza service provider, this online food delivery application is
accessible through any user free of cost. i.e. it will offer its service without taking any
charges then it can be said that this system will come under Software as a service under
public domain.

1.4.4 Infrastructure as a Service

Infrastructure as a service is a service which will execute with the least priority in the cloud
environment. The major use of Infrastructure as a service is for third party integration.
Infrastructure as a service is the system which executes itself with the help of any other
service installed in the cloud and it is dependent on that system fully without that system’s
instruction the Infrastructure as a service will not able to execute. For example the SMS
system which is integrated with the banking system. When a person makes any kind of
transaction in banking system then system generated SMS shoots to his/her registered mobile
number. This kind of SMS system can be said as a part of Infrastructure as a service.

1.4.5 Public cloud

While using the cloud service under above mentioned three categories i.e Platform as a
service, Software as a Service and Infrastructure as a service. This service is the open source
system which are easily available for end users to access. As seen in the example for a food
delivery application which is accessible for any end user to get the food delivery by placing
the order online. So this system only requires the online user account which is free of cost
and created by any user.

1.4.6 Private cloud

Private cloud is the system where user has to create or get a paid service to access the
services provided by the cloud infrastructure. For example if we want to use any paid
software where it has to create a user account after making the successful payment at it. This
service is available for any user but the only condition is the user has to use the paid service.
Also the access to the service is restricted according to the packages selected by the end user
in the system.
For example Microsoft is providing the paid service to access the MS office software’s
through the paid services. So user has to go to the Microsoft website, make the respective
payment for which service he/she wants to purchase and then the user receives a key which
he/she can use for further accessing the system. So in the private cloud services most of the
services are dependent on the key base access in the system and the paid amount is also not
for life time use. Many companies who are providing the cloud services they are giving it
through a subscription basis.

1.5 Design

Moisture Sensor

Water level
Micro Sensor
system Temperature Sensor

Data Collection

Data Clustering

Data API

Analytics API

Real Time Messaging

Fig 3.1 Use Case Diagram

User Registration
Electric Circuit Cloud Server Android Application

Data Collection by Water Level Sensor

Moisture Sensor

Aggregated Output

Fig. 3.2 Activity Diagram

A system is being designed which is going to give a smart solution to the farmer’s problems,
because in India most of the population is working as a farming professional and all the
proposed system is being developed to help them by a technological solution. This system is
a combination of electronics and cloud services and android application. One by one
discussion of the significance and usability of the application will be done. To start with lets
understand the general overview of the system. The System is divided into three major parts:
a. Electronics circuit
b. Cloud Server
c. Android application

a. Electronics Circuit
Electronics circuit is built of various electronics components such as microcontroller,
different types of sensors and a communication device. In the system it can be defined
that the microcontroller is heart of the system and each and every component in the
electronics circuit is connected to the microcontroller. Microcontroller will access all
the data from different sensors and responsible to transfer the data to the cloud server
through the communication device. In microcontroller various ports are used to
establish the connection in between the sensors and between the controllers. In
microcontroller we have defined several ports like P0, P1, P2, P3 etc. while preparing
the circuit diagram we have to make the connections to these ports and these ports are
used to make the communication by sing a threshold value. These threshold values are
predefined in the source codes which have been developed in the controller. All these
source code will check the minimum and maximum limit of the threshold value and
gives the alert and data accordingly. When the controller receives the data from any
sensor it will stores it in temporary EPROM and after that controller will transmit the
data through the communication device. The communication device is the pair of
transmitter and receiver which is connected to the internet through the GSM or
through the wireless communication sensors. An application programming interface
(API) is designed at the cloud server end which will send and receives the data from
the controller to the cloud server clustered database.
b. Cloud Server
Cloud server is the server which will run as an interface or mediator for the
electronics circuit and the android application. The Cloud server has been designed is
a customised solution developed for the communication or an interface which is
developed in Java platform and run in the server as Software as a Service module.
This cloud server is a combination of the software program developed to provide the
data connections to the electronics circuit and the android application. We are using
the some algorithms on the cloud server which are based on Artificial Intelligence and
gave the real time solutions to the end users for his problems. The first algorithm
defined is a clustering algorithm which is used to store the data dynamically in to the
database which has been specially designed for this purpose only. Prime focus is on
managing the data into different training sets according to the receiving data and
stored in to the clustered training sets, for example if the data is received for the soil
moisture sensor in the defined time interval then it will store this data in to dataset for
the moisture sensor training set with the farmer id as the parent id.
The application which is been developed is having a large number of farmers as end
users so we have to maintain the training set according to farmer as a parent id, which
means that under a farmer training set there are several sub training sets; such as
values sensed by soil moisture sensors, water level sensor data, temperature sensor
data, climate data etc. All these data are clustered and gives real time aggregate values
to end users through android application on his request. So we can define that the
users will get the real time values for his farm to make the decision on crop, soil,
water management and real time weather conditions. This will help him to manage his
day to day activities with updated knowledge about his farm and farming conditions
with the help of smart technology. In future it will also integrate the past commercial
values for selected product and define the aggregate value for the selected product.

c. Android application
Nowadays most of the users are using android based phones for their day to day
activities hence it has been decided that develop an android application for this
project. In the initial phase user will register or create an account through the android
application with the basic information such as personal details, farm details and geo
location. Once it collects all this information user will set up the link or connect the
android application to the cloud interface from where he can get the information about
the sensors which he implanted in his farm and the sensors are connected to the cloud
servers. When the user login into the system through android application he will get
the system dashboard which shows the ON and OFF button to control the centrifugal
pump. The second thing which comes under the dashboard is real time data analysis
for various sensors.
The developed application is an open interface where user can customize his priorities
according to his requirements. Thus it can be defined that the actual working of the
entire system with an example. Assume that farmer A is having fully functional
electronic circuit which consists of soil moisture sensor, water level sensors, and
temperature sensors. All these sensors are connected to a micro controller and micro
controller having a communication device such as GSM or wireless communication
device and all the data are going to and fro from controller to cloud server. Now A has
installed our android application and processed with all requirements to communicate
with the server. When a farmer is going to select a crop for his farm, the system
automatically gives the notification or suggestion for selection of crop based on the
current soil, water and weather conditions in that location.
The easy farming arrangement is designed to get the maximum benefit with lesser
efforts to the end users.
There will be temperature sensors, soil moisture sensors which will be connected to
Arduino which is firstly connected to power supply for electricity, and centrifugal
pump will be connected to it. There will be GSM module which will be connected to
Android phone to which we will get the processed result can we can do further
commands to system.

Temperature Sensor Soil Moisture Sensor

Power GSM Module
Supply Centrifugal Pump
Fig 3.3 Basic design of system

1.6 Implementation
Hardware Requirement:
1. Relay Driver
2. Arduino
3. Power Unit
4. GSM 300
5. Centrifugal Pump

Software Requirement
1. Android Studio
2. Arduino IDE

Hardware parts are arranged according to the functioning of system. Soil moisture sensor and
temperature sensors are activated continuously to measure the moisture and temperature and
then forwards that data to application using relay. The GUI shows ON and OFF buttons to the
user which can be controlled easily.
The system has a switch used to turn off the water supply if there is failure of system. Other
components like moisture sensor demonstrate the threshold price also the level of water in the
soil can be detected.
Microcontroller acts as in interlink between the wireless communication and other nodes
present in the system.

Further enhancement can be done for the large area of land for even supply of water and
wastage of water. Also by using machine learning algorithms the necessities of the crop
according to its type can be detected. This will decrease the unnecessary manpower and effort
taken by them.
From all this study and implementation one can conclude that the system can be implanted
with energy efficient sensors. This system is tested against the agricultural water

Agriculture Centrifugal
Land Pump



Fig 3.4 Architecture Diagram

The designed architecture of the system continuously keeps track on level of the water in
tank. It is tracked by internet. Android mobile can be used to control the operations. This can
be done from the remote locations too. It is not necessary to be present near system. So this
time consuming job can be automated through internet.
The sensors are always active and check the sensed levels continuously; these sensed values
can be seen anytime. If the value of sensors goes below average it is automatically notified to
the farmer on his/her mobile. Then he/she can take the decision to switch ON the centrifugal
To process the raw data material and convert it into the valuable information is the main
feature of IOT which is really useful in many applications.
Arduino board and micro controllers are the important hardware parts which act as a mediator
between sensor and android.

1.7 Evaluation
The smart water irrigation system is designed as per the linear optimization technique. This
provides intelligent, scheduled and on time delivery of water to the plants. Excess watering to
plant doesn’t mean better quality crops. Need of water to each plant varies according to type
of crop.
Using linear optimization technique, enough amount of water is provided to the crops. The
system makes information more transparent to the user by providing all the information.
Principle of optimization theory is doesn’t lowers the productivity of crops as the water
consumption is less. Sufficient amount of water is delivered to crops with reduction in
unnecessary loss of water.

1. Saves water – It saves water approximately 30 to 50% or more than that as
compared to conventional methods of irrigation.

2. Improves growth - Even water supply applied over a longer amount of time
provide ideal growing conditions. Drip irrigation extends watering times for
plants, and prevents mud erosion and keeps the nutrient as it is. Also, because
the continuously flowing, water penetrates deeply into the mud to get well down
into the roots of harvest.

3. Discourages weeds - Water is delivered according to the need.

4. Saves time – It doesn’t require Setting and moving sprinklers. A timer delay as
per environment can be set to the system for automatic watering system.

5. Helps control fungal diseases: Fungal diseases can occur through unnecessary
dampness in mud and continuous wetness in mud texture. This can be avoided
through mud dampness sensor.

6. Adaptable – System can be easily port as per the need of harvest and type of
harvest. With many new fields of application and various advantages of the
system has made it one of the main option available to the farmers.

7. Availability: The arrangement is readily available for longer time and if the
arrangement fails their components will be also easily available for replacement.

8. Security: It takes care of the losses to environment as well as human and


9. User friendly: The system can be easily accessible by any new user. Easy to
learn and hassle free operations.

10. Performance: Performance of this system is depends on the components used

and their connections for smooth process of operations, we are using most
reliable components are used to increase the performance.
11. Reliability: The arrangement is totally reliable and one can depend on it for
taking right decisions.

The increasing development in this area of research may bring about more consumer
efficient system.

Water wastage the major problem is well solved by the system.

The changing weather conditions and global warming problems prevailing
throughout the world can be overcome only through this system. The easy farming
arrangement will be every farmer’s choice in upcoming years.

4. Conclusion
The easy farming technology is the need of today’s agriculture field. As agriculture performs
a vital part for developing nation’s GDP in addition to it can feed the rapidly growing
population, the traditional ways of farming must be changed now. The smart irrigation
system is solution for many of the problems faced by farmers. Its can analyse the data, store it
and process it for the better results.

Main concern about water wastage and uniform distribution of water is solved by using this
system. As the system will be software based the effort of the farmers will be reduced and
younger generation will be attracted towards farming. This will be really helpful for the
farmers, new generations, and for the nation too.

The system is android based so it is cost effective as well as user friendly also.
By using IOT, the system will become more efficient, smarter and precise.
In the next few years this system can definitely be improved and it will be more accurate, cost
effective and with the advance technology.

5. Future Scope
For the future work some systems can be developed like the farming equipment automation.
Solar energy can be introduced to get the benefit of conventional energy source with
minimum cost.
Prediction of weather conditions, temperature, rainfalls, animal intruding can be detected at
early stages so as to avoid the production loss.
Future system can provide online helpline and tutorials for the farming for using advance
technology in farming.
With the upcoming years, the system will be made more efficient and the operations will be
made which can have less human interference which will also results in great quality and
more quantity production.
Systems can be made more compact, easily available, easy to install and lightweight for ease
of use.
There can be a system which will also monitor the whole system of a single farmer which
includes farming and farming related business like Dried flower business, Fertilizers, organic
farms, Mushroom farming, fish farming, poultry etc.
This can store the database of these things like an inventory system and process the data to
give profitable results.

Crops and soil’s health and their need can be monitored automatically.

To increase the productivity multi cropping methods will be implemented as the farmers will
be getting the suggestion about type of crop, period of crop according to the season, soil type,
temperature and location with the help of intelligence system.

Prediction and analysis of crop cycle, animals, fertilizers, and pesticides can be detected in
advance to avoid delay in chain.

After cultivation information like harvesting, warehouse management, processing and

cleaning, transportation, labour management can be determined real time with the android
phone this is called as agriculture grading.

Feature farming will be based on FAAS i.e. Farming as a Service which will bring
advancement in high profitable yielding.
Empowering the farmer’s livelihoods, smart equipment’s will be introduced which will host a
great opportunity in farming business.
Future advancement in the technology will make the more intelligent system and
automatically increasing the nation’s GDP.
Easy farming can be extent to measure the worker’s performance rate, their security while
working and daily updates. This can also keep update of health, injuries, illness rate,
absentee, insurance, damages to property for better outcome from agriculture.
Automatic robots can be created for basic operations. Sensors can be improved for accuracy
purpose. Low cost for maintaining the farm. This will be a great revolution in Indian farming.

2. References
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8. Appendix

Irrigation is the system developed for watering the agriculture farms. The natural source of
water for farm is rain, as rain water cannot be available throughout the year, this artificial
system is designed.

Tradition Irrigation System:

Irrigation system is used since long time. Traditionally the farmers were just storing the water
into the water storages arranged in farm. Then that water can be used throughout the year
through centrifugal pump. This was the manual process which was utilizing excess of water,
money, energy and manpower.

Modern Irrigation System:

As time passes, the farmers changed this system step by step. They have started using
different machinery, technique. Also they have introduced some types of irrigation like drip
irrigation, sprinkler etc.
Though many things changed up till now, economical condition of Indian farmer getting
worst day by day.

Smart Irrigation System:

To avoid the above situation, smart irrigation system can make the great revolution for Indian
farmers. These can happen with the help of modern technology with science. This can be a
combination of Biotechnology, Information Technology and Electronics.

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