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SORIANO, Perceline Aizle V.

BSN II-D March 28, 2020

Some believed life begins at implantation or when the fertilized egg or blastocyst attaches itself in the

uterine lining. However, pregnancy officially starts only at that time. Life begins when the sperm cell unites

with the egg cell and undergoes to a process called fertilization and thereafter, a potential human being is

formed. Life is God’s blessing. Is contraception really unethical because it violates God’s words “be fruitful and

multiply”? It depends on the method used. Ethically speaking, contraception should prevent implantation. A

condom, spermicidal or an IUD would be fine as it prevents sperm from reaching the egg cell and thus, not

killing a potential human being or rather, the egg will not be fertilized. It will be unethical if the method

prevents the fertilized egg from being implanted and eventually kills it, for example by using plan B morning-

after pills. On the other hand, some couples are not lucky enough to reproduce due to infertility and because of

modern science, a number solutions are invented. However, issues are arising with Assisted Reproductive

Technology due to ethical dilemmas. In-vitro fertilization whereby eggs are fertilized by sperm cells in a test

tube is unethical since these potential human beings are thrown out due to undesirable health conditions found

in screening. Also, the people involved knew the possible consequences, there’s a chance all fertilized eggs may

not survive in just one attempt. Same ethical dilemma goes with Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer since no one is

also certain that all of them may succeed. It would only be unethical, if one of them did not reach success.

Every fertilized egg is a human being, they uphold dignity and every right of humans. The Gamete

Intrafallopian Tube is also wrong since 10 fertilized eggs must be sacrificed to achieve one successful

pregnancy. Upon understanding, it is actually devastating thinking fellow humans are able to create strategies

that are no longer humane. Humans have also invented genetics screening, testing and counselling and I would

support it but only for a number of reasons. One, it reduces the possibility of the child to have deadly diseases

like cancer. Two, the family will acquire in-depth knowledge of potential risks or the actual problem itself.

Three, early interventions will be implemented. However, if they will terminate the child due to existing

conditions, that will be wrong. Abortion can be ethical depending on the intention and circumstance. An

induced abortion or willingness to commit is a sin. However, abortion can be ethical if the mother had a

miscarriage or the baby is pronounced to be dead in the womb. It can be ethically done if it puts the life of the
mother in danger. I will not support any genetic advancements if they will kill the living healthy baby and

therefore, violating the Natural Law – the right to life.

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