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Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C, D, or E!

1- Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct, … the rainforests are being
A. consequently
B. therefore
C. since
D. so
E. as

2- … logging provides jobs and profits, the government is reluctant to control it.
A. Consequently
B. Thanks to
C. Due to
D. Since
E. So

3- Hemp can be used to make paper, … it could reduce the need for logging.
A. so
B. thus
C. due to
D. because
E. therefore

4- Cotton was grown throughout history … its versatility; it can be used to make
many different things.
A. for
B. since
C. due to
D. because
E. as a result

5- Hemp is related to the marijuana plant; …, it is illegal in many countries.

A. so
B. due to
C. owing to
D. because
E. as a result

6- Hemp cannot be used to produce marijuana, … its low THC content.

A. as
B. since
C. because
D. because of
E. consequently

7- Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or tobacco. …, some people believe it
should be legalized.
A. As
B. So
C. Due to
D. Because
E. Therefore

8- … Canada has legalized hemp farming, we can expect to see pulp and paper
produced from hemp very soon.
A. Consequently
B. Therefore
C. Due to
D. So
E. As

9- Janice got home late. She missed her TV program.

Use the cause or effect transition to relate those sentence!
A. So
B. Due to
C. Because
D. Therefore
E. Consequently

10 - Alvin missed the bus. He woke up late.

Use the cause or effect transition to relate those sentence!
A. Since
B. Due to
C. Because
D. Therefore
E. Consequently

11 - My brother does not sleep very well.The neighborhood is noisy.

Use the cause or effect transition to relate those sentence!
A. Consequently
B. Because of
C. Therefore
D. Due to
E. Since

12 - Drunkennes is … by too much alcohol

A. so
B. due to
C. caused
D. because
E. because of

13 - “He got to work really, really late ‘cos he missed his train”.
Which cause and effect word is ‘cos short for?
A. as
B. since
C. due to

D. because
E. owing to

14 - Water is formed ... two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine.
A. consequently
B. as a result
C. therefore
D. when
E. thus

15 - … the electricity went out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer
A. Consequently
B. Therefore
C. Due to
D. So
E. As

16 - … the cat was frightened, he arched his back and fluffed his tail.
A. Due to
B. Because
C. Owing to
D. As a result
E. Because of

17 - A tornado blew the roof off the house, … the family had to find another place
to live.
A. as
B. thus
C. due to
D. as a result
E. because of

18 - The meal we ordered was cheaper than expected, … we ordered dessert.

A. as
B. so
C. since
D. because
E. owing to

19 - The moon has gravitational pull, … the oceans have tides.

A. for
B. due to
C. owing to
D. because
E. consequently

20 - Keith lost his job due … cutbacks in the department.

A. at
B. by
C. so
D. to
E. for

21 - I love living in Australia … the weather.
A. because of
B. as long as
C. because
D. since
E. as

22 - The increase in the number of cars on the road has resulted … more and more
traffic jams.
A. in
B. to
C. at
D. for
E. here

23 - “He got to work really, really late ‘cos he missed his train”.
Which cause and effect word is ‘cos short for?
A. As
B. Since
C. Due to
D. Because
E. Consequently

24 - Keith lost his job due … cutbacks in the department.

A. for
B. to
C. by
D. at
E. as

25 - The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been … global warming.
A. put to
B. put up with
C. set down to
D. put down to
E. to put down

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