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Bahasa Inggris

Member :
1. Bintan Maulana R.R
2. Intan Oktaviani Agustina
3. Ismi Eldriyah
Class : XII IPA 4

The following text is for questions 1 to 5.

There are a lot of discussions as to whether children should be given homewor
k or not.
Some people claim that children to enough work in school already. They also ar
gue that children have hobbies that they want to do after school, such as sport
s or music. A further point they make is that a lot of homework is pointless and
doesn't help the child learn at all.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Parents a
nd teachers argue that it is important to find out whether children can work on
their own without the support from the teacher. They say that the evening is a
good time for children to sit down and think about what they have learned in s
Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to get anything done t
hat needs doing and it makes sense to send home tasks like independent readi
ng or further writing tasks that don't need teacher's support.
On balance, I think that some homework is a good idea but that it should only
given at the weekend when children have more time.
1. How do we compare the second and the fourth paragraph ....
A. Both paragraphs argue that homework is necessary for students
B. Unlike the fourth paragraph, the second paragraph argues that home
work is unnecessary
C. The second paragraph supports that students need homework, but th
e fourth paragraph does not
D. The second paragraph and the fourth paragraph argue that students d
o not need homework
E. The second and the fourth paragraphs do not say anything about the
benefit of homework
2. How many reasons are presented by those who are against homework ....
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
3. Those who are pro homework think that the students can .... in the evening.
A. Prepare for the next lesson
B. Review their lessons
C. Enjoy their pastime
D. Do their hobbies
E. Test themselves
4. "A further point they make is that a lot of homework is pointless and does
n't help the child learn at all." (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word is synonymous with ....
A. Terrible
B. Careless
C. Difficult
D. Unimportant
E. Uninteresting
5. What is the writer's suggestion about homework ....
A. Homework is pointless
B. Homework is badly needed
C. Homework should be given at weekend
D. Student should not be given any homework
E. Student must frequently have homework

The following text is for questions 6 to 8.

Will solar energy ever be a main source of energy for industrial societies? The s
olar energy is cheaper than any fossil fuell because we can get the abundant so
urce of energy from the sun.
In sunny deserts, the sun’s radiation that reaches the ground can be used to pr
oduce electricity for industries and homes. In one of experiment, solar ponds c
an produce hot water to drive generators.
Unfortunately, we can’t power our homes entirely on sunlight. Solar energy ca
n only be exploited in bright light. Its great potential, therefore, is in countries t
hat have clear skies for most of the year. Most houses, however, are not in the
sunniest part of the world. In addition to convert sunlight directly into electricit
y, solar cells are needed. Although they are very cheap to turn, relatively they a
re expensive to buy and many people can’t afford them.
6. Which of the following can produce hot water to drive generators?
A. Solar car
B. Solar cells
C. Solar ponds
D. Solar heating
E. Solar batteries
7. Which of the following statements does not agree with the text?
A. Solar energy can only be harnessed in bright sunlight
B. The solar energy is cheaper than any other fossil fuel
C. Solar energy is non-polluted
D. Solar ponds produce hot water to drive generators
E. The main important device to harness the solar energy is cheap
8. From the text, we know that ....
A. Converting solar energy into electricity is expensive
B. Solar energy generators can be found in most houses
C. It is easy to convert solar energy into electricity
D. The potential source of solar energy can only be found in desert areas
E. Most of people in bright sunny areas use solar energy

The following text is for questions 9 to 11

The internet has been the most outstanding invention in the history of mankin
d. With the internet, out earth has become a global village. Yet, like many othe
r human made technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.
There are plenty of software that can entertain us or help us to communicate
with our beloved ones. In a second, we can chat for hours with a person who is
sitting at the other parts of the world, read our e-mail in our smart phone or lis
ten to our favorite radio broadcasts by streaming it on our table.
With its easy access, the internet also has its disadvantages. one of them is chil
dren may be exposed to violence and explicit contects that only suitable for ad
ults. There are thousands of such inappropriate contents on the internet which
can be easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm children well-being.
Although, the internet can create havoc and destruction, its advantages are mo
re important than its disadvantages.
9. What is one disadvantages of the internet?
A. It exposes children to violence
B. It helps us chat with our beloved ones
C. It helps us communicate from faraway
D. It streams our favorite radio broadcast
E. It sends to our e-mail from our smart phone

10.The main idea of paragraph 2 is ....

A. The use of internet can be very fatal
B. Internet has some advantages
C. People should not use internet
D. Internet can make us lazy
E. Internet brings more harm than good
11.From the passage we can assume that, children should be …. By their paren
ts while they are using the internet.
A. Taught
B. Watched
C. Seen
D. Accompanied
E. Observer

The following text is for questions 12 to 15.

Should performance enhancing drugs be accepted in sports?
The issue of using drugs to enhance athlete’s performance is controversial. Tho
se who agree to the use of drugs in enhancing performance say that most top
players in all sports take drugs to train harder and feel no pain during play. The
trainers, sports doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and managers of the bi
g names make sure banned substances are taken at the safest and most efficie
nt levels. The main effect of banning such substances has turned performers an
d their coaches into liars and cheaters.
On the other hand, some still believe that performance enhancing drugs in spo
rt should be banned. Performance enhancing drugs are not only prohibited bec
ause they violate the spirit of sport but because they can damage the health of
I think the idea of allowing them in sports could lead to a situation whereby sp
ortsmen and women are used as human guinea pigs for a constant fl ow of ne
w, unregulated substances.
12. What argument is given by those who disagree with the use of performanc
e enhancing drugs?
A. Athletes health is badly affected
B. Guinea pigs are awfully needed
C. Athletes consume more drugs
D. Athletes obey the rules
E. Athletes perform better
13. According to the proponents of performance enhancing drugs, the effect of
banning them is that performers become ....
A. Losers
B. Winners
C. Cheaters
D. Hooligans
E. Supporters
14. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
A. To persuade readers to agree with the issue
B. To influence readers to oppose the issue
C. To describe performance enhancing drugs
D. To entertain readers with the issue
E. To expose readers with the issue
15. How does the writer feel about the performance enhancing drugs?
A. Neutral
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. Indefinite
E. Pessimistic
The following text is for questions 16 to
Male chauvinism (men's believe in male superiority) extends even into the area
of automobile driving, it seems. They believe that theyare far better drivers tha
n women. Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive and even dan
gerous behind the wheel.
However, statistics prove that women are, in fact, safer drivers than men. For e
xample, insurance rates for women are 20 percent than they are for men. Anot
her proof is that more accidents are caused by male drivers between the ages
of 18 annd 25 than by any other groups. Also the greater percentage of accide
nt involving death is caused by men. Although women are criticized for being t
oo cautious, they are really just being safe drivers.
The reason for women driver's safer habits can perhaps be found in the differi
ng attitudes of sexes toward automobiles as a convenience, like a washing mac
On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an extension of their egos. U
sing it as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive or using it as a status
In all, women are safer drivers because of their attitude. Men can learn to beco
me safe drivers if they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a conve
16. The text is about ....
A. Road accidents
B. Women attitude towards automobile
C. Male superiority in automobile driving
D. A comparison between men and women drivers
E. Statistics about the number of road accidents
17. In term of car accidents, the statistic proves that car accidents caused by ....
A. Men are higher than those of women
B. Men are lower than that of women
C. Men are as high as that of women
D. Women are equal to that of men
E. Women are the same as that of men
18. Which of the following you don’t agree with about men drivers?
A. They are safe and careful drivers
B. They cause more accidents than women
C. They consider themselves to be competent drivers
D. They feel that using a car shows status of symbol
E. They regard automobiles as an extension of their egos
19. We can understand from the text that ....
A. Men always criticize women for their bad driving attitude
B. Women show their egos by aggressive driving
C. The statistic shows women drive the car carelessly
D. Young women drivers get many accident
E. Men underestimate women
20. “Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive, and even dangero
us behind the wheel (paragraph 1)
The underlined word means ....
A. Intent
B. Furious
C. Watchful
D. Careless
E. Indiscipline
The following text is for questions 21 and 22.
There is a lot of research on both humans and animals on the effects of caffein
e, and there is often thought that too much is bad for us. There is no conclusive
evidence to implicate caffeine consumption as being significantly harmful to he
alth, but there still is controversy with this , as there as still some negative effe
cts associated with caffeine consumption. Having some caffeine daily is okay, b
ut using food and exercise strategies listed below will certainly help in reducing
fatigue and avoiding caffeine addiction.
Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant and can have some positive effects on t
he humans body. Caffeine in low dosed is thought to be associated with an imp
rovement in sporting performance, increased alertness and reduction in fatigu
e potentially lifting a person’s mood. Coffee and tea also contain some antioxid
ants which have positive effects on heart health.
However, increased amounts of caffeine lead to dependency due to increased t
olerance and hence the need for greater amount to gain the same stimulatory
benefits. Heavy users who gave to go without can axperience withdrawal symp
toms such as headaches and fatigue. Too much caffeine can produce relentless
ness, nausea and cardiac.
21. What is the writer’s opinion about the text?
A. Consuming too much coffee is not good for our health
B. Caffeine consumption is significantly harmful to health
C. Drinking coffee everyday makes us addicted to it
D. Daily coffee consumption leads to hearth attack
E. Caffeine can stimulate user’s mood and energy
22. “... amounts to gain the same stimulatory benefits.” (paragraph 3) The syno
nym of the underlined word is ....
A. Develop
B. Obtain
C. Improve
D. Collect
E. Enhance

The following text is for questions 23 to 25.

Nowadays, the police have been applying the new regulation concerning the u
se of seat belts. In European countries, this regulation has been applied for a lo
ng time. However, this new regulation has become controversial and is an inter
esting topic to discuss. Here are some of the arguments.
The use of seat belts has been proven to reduce the risk of injury or death in an
accident. Seat belt has become standard component in cars. The research sho
ws that most car accident will cause an injury to the head. Frequently, drivers o
r the passengers driving without seat belts die because of this. By wearing the s
eat belts, the injury will not happen since belts restrain our body on the car sea
t when the accident happens.
Unfortunately, many cars, especially the old ones, don't have seat belts. This is
because the traffic conditions in the past were unlike the recent traffic conditio
ns. The designer of old cars didn't consider a seat belt as an important part. Be
sides, the drivers wearing the seat belt will think that they are completely safe,
so they may drive carelessly. They are safe, indeed, but how about safety of ot
The seat belt is only one of the ways to reduce the risk of car accidents. It does
n't mean that we are completely safe In short, our safety depends on ourselves.
23. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Old cars do not use seat belts.
B. The old cars have seat belts for their safety.
C. The drivers wear seat belts may drive carefully.
D. The traffic conditions in the past were similar to the recent.
E. The old cars' designer considered a seat belt as an important part.
24. What is the function of seat belts?
A. To reduce the traffic conditions.
B. To become a standard component in cars.
C. To reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident.
D. To prevent the drivers driving cars carefully.
E. To increase the risk of injury in car accidents.

25. Who considered a seat belt as an unimportant part?

A. Police
B. People
C. Drivers
D. Passengers
E. Old cars designer

The text is for questions 26 to 28.

Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issue
s. People were affected severely with the high fuel price like last year. Obviousl
y they cut their spending. As an example, they had to buy lower quality of rice
or palm oil. There were also fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour,
or canned meat or fish.
Furthermore, the condition of low income family will become even worse beca
use their expenses will increase while their salaries will not. Many companies
will have to trim the number of employees because they are incapable of mana
ging, buying or selling price, standard wages and personal affairs.
Finally, government should not raise fuel price to overcome economic problem
but the solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own potential a
nd utilizing it to enhance productivity to its maximum.

26. The title of the text is ….

A. The price of the secondary commodities
B. The effect of increasing fuel price
C. Condition of low income family
D. The increasing of fuel price
E. The economic problem

27.“Many companies will have to trim the number of employees.”(Paragraph

The underlined word means ….
A. fire
B. cut
C. add
D. reduce
E. border

28. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The government should enhance productivity to solve the economic proble
B. The government should raise fuel price to solve the problem.
C. The government should consider condition of low family income.
D. The government should reduce the number of employees.
E. The government should decrease the standard of wages.

Circuses Should Not Use Animals

Animals should not be used in circus. The environment where they perform an
d their living conditions are usually inappropriate. Tigers, for example which na
turally live in wilderness, must perform tricks on a narrow stage and spend thei
r lifetime in a small cage.
Besides, the living conditions of the circus animals are poor. They live in a cram
ped condition most of the time. They actually need more space to roam. They
also do not have freedom to live with their own kind.

We should ban the use of animals in circus and their confinement there.

29. Why does the writer consider circus inappropriate place to live for animals?
A. It resembles the animal's natural habitat.
B. It is the place where the animals are tortured.
C. It is the place to get public amusement.
D. It provides animals bad food.
E. It costs animals ill condition.

30. According to the text, ... .

A. Tigers are the most suitable animals to perform tricks.
B. Tigers are the smartest animals.
C. The highlight of the circus is on the animals.
D. The animals are the main performers in the circus.
E. Animals receive ill treatment in a circus.

31. "They live in a cramped condition most of their time (Paragraph 3).
The underlined word is closest in meaning to.
A. clean and neat
B. dirty and messy
C. poor and spacious
D. small and crowded
E. large and quiet

The following text is for questions 32 to 36.

Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateb
oarders to skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energeti
c and adventurous pastime.

Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skater
s speeding up and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old la
dies can be knocked down as they struggle home carrying their cat food from s
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increas
es fitness, improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Alt
hough it appears to be a solo sport, when groups practice together and compet
e to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes.
If they are actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break l
aws for fun.
Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 3
60s and Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs
so that streets are safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have s
paces where they can race, chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.

32. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard?

A. In the main roads and foot paths.
B. In front of the supermarket.
C. In front of their home.
D. In the suburbs.
E. In the park.

33. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. There is no safe place for skateboarders.
B. Kids seek an excitement in skate.
C. The goodness of skateboarding.
D. The skateboarding is a serious sport.
E. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding.

34. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ….

A. to invite the local teenagers to skate in a park built specifically for skaters.
B. to convince the readers that they need a safe place for skaters to skate.
C. to provoke youngsters into the local government policy.
D. to promote the writer’s business of skateboarding class.
E. to inform parents about the goodness of skateboarding.

35. What must we do to let the skaters play?

A. Join with them anywhere.
B. Give them space in the park.
C. Let them play in the main roads.
D. Let them play in the local street.
E. Build a skate park in the suburbs.

36. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s free from restrictions. (Pa
ragraph 5) .The synonym of the underlined word is ….
A. Approval
B. Allowance
C. Improvement
D. Prevention
E. Limitation
Teks Explanation 37 to 40
Recycling is a collection, processing, and reuse of materials that would otherwi
se be thrown away. Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, fro
m old newspapers to plastic spoons, can be recycled. The recycling process recl
aims the original material and uses it in new products.
In general, using recycled materials to make new products costs less and requir
es less energy than using new materials. Recycling can also reduce pollution, ei
ther by reducing the demand for high-pollution alternatives or by minimizing t
he amount of pollution produced during the manufacturing process.
Paper products that can be recycled include cardboard containers, wrapping p
aper, and office paper. The most commonly recycled paper product is newsprin
t. In newspaper recycling, old newspapers are collected and searched for conta
minants such as plastic bags and aluminum foil. The paper goes to a processing
plant where it is mixed with hot water and turned into pulp in a machine that
works much like a big kitchen blender. The pulp is screened and filtered to rem
ove smaller contaminants. The pulp then goes to a large vat where the ink sepa
rates from the paper fibers and fl oats to the surface. The ink is skimmed off, dr
ied and reused as ink or burned as boiler fuel. The cleaned pulp is mixed with n
ew wood fibers to be made into paper again.
Experts estimate the average office worker generates about 5 kg of wastepape
r per month. Every ton of paper that is recycled saves about 1.4 cu m (about 50
cu ft) of landfill space. One ton of recycled paper saves 17 pulpwood trees (tre
es used to produce paper).
37. The following things can be recycled, EXCEPT….
A. Precious metals
B. Broken glass
C. Old newspapers
D. Plastic spoons
E. Fresh vegetables and fruits

38. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of recycling?

A. It costs much money for the process of recycling
B. It costs less to make new products
C. It requires less energy
D. It can reduce pollution
E. It reduces the demand for high-pollution alternatives
39. What is the third step of recycling paper products?
A. Collect and search for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminium foil
B. Mix the paper with hot water in a blender which turns it into pulp
C. Screen and filter the pulp to remove smaller contaminants
D. Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibres
E. Mix the pulp with new wood fibres to be made into paper again

40. We can make use of the ink after being separated from the paper fibres by
doing the followings, EXCEPT….
A. Skim it off
B. Dry it
C. Reuse as ink
D. Burn as boiler fuel
E. Mix it with the pulp
Teks Explanation 41 to 44
Human body is made up of countless millions of cells. Food is needed to built u
p new cells and replace the worn out cells. However, the food that we take mu
st be changed into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places wh
ere they are needed. This process is called digestion.
The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken
up into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted b
y glands in the mouth. Saliva contains digestive juice which moisten the food, s
o it can be swallowed easily.
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into t
he stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the
stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the tim
e the muscular walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the foo
d onwards.
In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These are soon absorbed by the vill
i (microscopic branch projections from the intestine walls) and passed into the
41. What is the text about?
A. The digestive system
B. The digestive juice
C. The method of the digestive system
D. The process of intestine work
E. The food substances

42. How can we swallow the food easily?

A. The food changes into acids absorbed by the villi.
B. The food must be digested first through the process.
C. The food is directly swallowed through esophagus into the stomach.
D. The food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach.
E. The food we take must be changed into substances carried in the blood to th
e places.

43. From the text above, we imply that ….

A. a good process of digestive system will help our body becoming healthier.
B. no one concerned with the process of digestive system for their health.
C. the digestive system is needed if we are eating the food instantly.
D. every body must conduct the processes of digestive system well.
E. the better we digest the food we eat, the healthier we will be.

44. “Human body is made up of countless millions of cells.” (Paragraph 1) The

phrase “made up” means ….
A. produced
B. managed
C. arranged
D. completed
E. constructed
Teks Explanation 45 to 50
Acid rain is rain that is highly acidic because of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, a
nd other air pollutants dissolved in it. Normal rain is slightly acidic, with a pH of
6. Acid rain may have a pH value as low as 2.8.
Acid rain can severely damage both plant and animal life. Certain lakes, for exa
mple, have lost all fish and plant life because of acid rain.
Acid rain comes from sulfur in coal and oil. When they burn, they make sulfur d
ioxide (SO2 ). Most sulfur leaves factory chimneys as the gaseous sulfur dioxide
(SO2 ) and most nitrogen are also emitted as one of the nitrogen oxides (NO or
NO2 ), both of which are gasses. The gasses may be dry deposited–absorbed di
rectly by the land, by lakes or by the surface vegetation. If they are in the atmo
sphere for anytime, the gasses will oxidize (gain an oxygen atom) and go into s
olution as acids. Sulphuric acid (H2 SO4 ) and the nitrogen oxides will become n
itric acid (HNO3 ). The acids usually dissolve in cloud droplets and may travel gr
eat distances before being precipitated as acid rain.
Catalysts such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and ammonium help promote the
formation of acids in clouds. More ammonium (NH4 ) can be formed when so
me of the acids are partially neutralized by airborne ammonia (NH3 ). Acidifica
tion increases with the number of active hydrogen (H+) ions dissolved in acid.
Hydrocarbons emitted by, for example, car exhausts will react in sunlight with
nitrogen oxides to produce ozone. Although it is invaluable in the atmosphere,
low-level ozone causes respiratory problems and also hastens the formation of
acid rain. When acid rain falls on the ground it dissolves and liberates heavy m
etals and aluminum (Al). When it is washed into lakes, aluminum irritates the o
uter surfaces of many fish. As acid rain falls or drains into the lake the pH of th
e lake falls. Forests suffer the effect of acid rain through damage to leaves, thro
ugh the loss of vital nutrients, and through the increased amounts of toxic met
als liberated by acid, which damage roots and soil microorganisms.
45. What is the text mainly about?
A. The definition of acid rain
B. The process of acid rain
C. The effect of acid rain
D. Acid rain
E. Rain

46. The acid of normal rain is .… then the acid rain

A. Higher
B. Lower
C. Denser
D. Severer
E. The same

47. What is the result of the burning of the coal and oil?
A. Ammonium
B. Nitric acid
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Sulfur dioxide
E. Airborne ammonia

48. The sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides will …. in the air.
A. Be absorbed directly by the vegetation
B. Dissolved in the lake water and land
C. Emit another sulfur gas
D. Radiate an oxygen atom
E. Gain an oxygen atom

49. Which of the following is not true about acid rain?

A. It contains lower pH than the normal rain
B. It has higher pH than the normal rain
C. It can damage animal and plant life
D. It contains dangerous gasses
E. It endangers water life

50. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To report the acid rain in general
B. To explain the process of acid rain
C. To persuade the reader to prevent acid rain
D. To discuss the danger of acid rain in the air
E. To present two different opinions on acid rain process

51. I………to the school alone yesterday

A. walk
B. walked
C. walks
D. walking
E. walker

52. we……in this restaurant 2 days ago

A. ate
B. eaten
C. eating
D. eat
E. eater

53. I……in this sofa with him

A. sleeping
B. sleep
C. slept
D. sleped
E. sleeper

54. We…… each other 2 years ago

A. love
B. be loving
C. are love
D. loved
E. lover

55. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday

A. cuted
B. cuting
C. cut
D. be cutted
E. cutter
56. …he read novel last night?
A. do
B. did
C. done
D. are
E. is

57. We….. to aceh two weeks ago

A. gone
B. come
C. went
D. go
E. goes

58. They……. this musc two hours ago

A. listened
B. listen
C. listening
D. be listen
E. listener

59. Anita……me in this market yesterday

A. meeting
B. meets
C. met
D. meet
E. be meet

60. Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago

A. cooking
B. cooked
C. cooks
D. cook
E. cooker

61. I….. this floor yesterday

A. swept
B. sweep
C. sweeps
D. sweeped
E. sweeper

62. My brother…….this novel yesterday

A. reading
B. reads
C. read
D. readed
E. reader

63. We……to the collage yesterday

A. walking
B. walk
C. walked
D. be walking
E. walker

64. My lil bro……..a new motorcycle yesterday

A. has
B. have
C. having
D. had
E. rude

65. I ….. sad when my bestfriend left me yesterday

A. am sad
B. were
C. was
D. did
E. does

66. I …… in this office 2 years ago

A. working
B. worked
C. work
D. be working
E. worker
67. I …… my wallet in this market two months ago
A. loose
B. losed
C. lose
D. lossing
E. loser

68. My brother…….a letter for me

A. write
B. wrote
C. writing
D. was writting
E. writer

69. My students …… hard last night

A. study
B. studied
C. was study
D. studying
E. studi

70. When I ……. it is raining 5 minutes ago

A. got up
B. getting up
C. gets up
D. get up
E. get
71. They …… about this project in this restaurant yesterday
A. talking
B. talked
C. talk
D. talks
E. talker

72. I ……. an elephant last night

A. draw
B. drew
C. drawn
D. drawing
E. drawer

73. My teacher …….. me about this mathematic last year

A. taught
B. teaching
C. teaches
D. teach
E. teacher

74. I …… a cake to your house last night

A. bring
B. brought
C. brings
D. bringing
E. bringer

75. Julio ……. an active student last year

A. were
B. was
C. is
D. are
E. have

76.  Kiki : I wish I had a certificate of deposit.

Indah : Why?
Kiki : The interest rate is high now
From the dialogue we can conclude that Kiki ...
A. has no interest to open an account in a bank
B. has a certificate of deposit
C. enjoys the high interest paid by the bank
D. doesn't have money kept in bank
E. is going to deposit his money in the bank

77. I know you're having financial problems. But you keep it to your self. I wish
you .... to me about it now.
A. talk
B. talked
C. had talked
D. didn't talk
E. had not talked

78.  I wish someone answered my call. It's been ringing for about five minutes.
The underlined sentence means ....
A. someone will answer the phone
B. someone had answered my call
C. the phone has stopped ringing
D. nobody answers the phone
E. I would answer the phone

79.  I wish ... now to watch our play.

A. he is here
B. he has been here
C. he were here
D. he will be here
E. he be here

80.  I wish you ..... to stay at home because I'm sure you would have enjoyed th
e concert very much.
A. didn't have
B. hadn't had
C. hadn't
D. don't have
E. haven't had

81. . Did she take the medicine last night?

No, ....
A. I wish she would
B. I wish she had
C. I wish she did
D. I wish she could
E. she wishes she didn't

82. Hadi : What's your opinion about global economy?

Tito : Well, I think there will be many foreigners coming to Indonesia and
foreign products will be easy to find in our country. But I wish they were not
From the dialogue above we may conclude that ...
A. Tito doesn't agree with global economy
B. There won't be many tourists visiting Indonesia
C. Tito like buying local products
D. Foreign product are cheaper
E. Foreign product are expensive

83. “Tita are you going to see the dentist this afternoon?”
"I wish I didn't have to."
A. she doesn't have to
B. she needs to go
C she is not going this afternoon
D. she ls willing to go
E. she has gone

84. I wish we were living in a world with no war or dispite between countries.
The sentence means .......
A. we are living in a peaceful world
B. we were living in a peaceful world
C. we are not living in a peaceful world
D. we have been living in peaceful world but we didn't realize it
E. we plan to live in a peaceful world

85. Tini: Why are you so sad, Wati?.

Wati: Well, my business went bankrupt.
Tini: I wish you ..... disappointed with your failure.
A. are not
B. were not
C. haven't been
D. won't be
E. can't be

86. Mario gets his house……..

A.    Renovate      C.    Renovating E. Been renovate

B.    Renovates     D.    Renovated

87. My mother …….. me to help her finishing her cooking.

A.    Allow        C.    Allowed E. Alloweded
B.    Allows      D.    Allowing

88. My brother lets his car  ………

A.    Borrow           C.    Borrowed E. Had borrows

B.    Borrowing    D.    Borrows

89.  My mother ………   to accompany my little sister to the swimming pool

A.    Has me       C.    Had me E. Has have

B.    Have me     D.    Have had me

90. Dina  ……..  wait for her in front of bookstore for three hours.

A.    Makes me    C.    Making me E. Made make

B.    Make me     D.    Made me

91. Mr. Joe   ……. his employees to finish all annual reports in the end of this

A.    Have     C.    Has E. Have has

B.    Had      D.    Have had

92.  My grandfather has his wide land……

A.    Sell               C. Sold E. Sold out

B.    Selling         D. Sells

93. The director ……. his employees to get long leave at the end of the year.

A.    Allows       C. Allowing E. Been allow

B.    Allow        D. Allowed

94. My parents …..   me to decide what to do in the future.

A.    Help      C. Helping E. Has help

B.    Helps     D. Has helped

95. My aunt  ………  me to drive her new car two days ago

A.    Permit      C. Permitted E. Have permit

B.    Permits      D. Permitting
96. I don't understand English at all therefore I have the article....
A. translates
B. translated
C. translate
D. to be translated
E. translating

97. "My mother always has the flowers ....."

A. watering
B. watered
C. to be watered
D. to water
E. waters

98. The teacher had students who didn't bring their identification cards ....the
auditorium where the exam were held.
A. left
B. leave
C. to leave
D. leaving
E. leaves

99. I spilled some ink on my coat, so I must ..... at the laundry immediately.
A. clean it
B. have cleaned it
C. have to clean it
D. have it to be cleaned
E. have it cleaned

100. Ayu : "Do you fix your own car?"

Boni : "No, I .... at the garage"
A. have to fix it
B. have fix it
C. have it to be fixed
D. have it fixed
E. have it to fix 

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