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Focus Lesson Assessment Resources

Research Lesson 7: Research report Send Country

Information Information
You will be researching a neighbouring country of Australia to complete an report to report
information report about. your teacher
Visit the website and choose one of the Kiddle
countries to complete your report.

1. Choose a neighbouring country.

2. Research:
 Location (where it is)
 Climate
 Vegetation (what plants grow there)
 Who lives there
 Language/s spoken
 Tourism (what do tourists like to visit when in this country?)
 Other interesting facts
3. Record facts onto the Country Information report
This information can be presented in many different ways: poster, PowerPoint,
Popplet, Book Creator, etc. Choose a way to present this information so you can
share it with your teacher. Reflection
To complete this research project, students will complete a Venn diagram to
compare and contrast our way of life to the country we researched.

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