UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.
Name of Teacher Candidate Stephanie Escobedo
Lesson Overview
Grade Level 2nd
Estimated Time Needed 45 minutes
The lesson will be an introductory lesson about counting the same collection
of coins and labeling each coin and symbol. The educator will introduce the
lesson by reading a money poem to the class. After reading the poem, the
teacher will ask the class to think about what they will be learning for the
day. The teacher will be working on anchor charts and using colored images
of coins that will be put together by teacher and solved by the class. The
Lesson Description class will demonstrate how to find the value of a collections of coins. In
addition, labeling the amount of a coin or cost with the symbols (cent, dollar,
and decimal). The teacher will have the students work in groups of 4; then,
review what given value each group had. Lastly, the teacher will an
assessment for the students based on determining the value of a collection
of coins. The teacher will close off the lesson by asking the class, what is
something new they learned today.
TEK 2.5 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process
standards to determine the value of coins in order to solve monetary
Content Area Standards
(A) Determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar.
(B) Use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the
value of a collection of coins.
Include any Technology TEKS that your lesson targets. You are not
Technology Standards
required to have these for every lesson.
TSWB to determine the value of each coin and use the cent symbol, dollar
Objectives sign, and the decimal point and counting the collection of coins up to one

 Quarter (Briefly introduced)
 Dime
 Nickel
Terms/Vocabulary  Penny
 Cents
 Dollar
 Decimal
Technology Resources ActiveBoard
Other Resources  Real change of a quarter, nickel, dime, and penny.
 Ziploc bag filled with play coins.
 Black and white image of each coin (quarter, nickel, dime, and
penny) to post on the anchor chart.
 Colored image of each coin (quarter, nickel, dime, and penny).
 Anchor chart.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
 Students math journals.

Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on task
noted in parentheses for each step.
In other words, completely describe Describe how each stage of
Cite specifically what
the flow of the lesson-the content to the lesson will be managed,
resources for this activity
be presented, and the strategies to including role of teacher and
will be used and describe
This template is built on the be used. Include actual words you learners (who is doing what
in detail how they will be
will use and questions you will ask at each point), location
traditional “Madeline students. Consider items such as: (e.g., classroom, computer
Hunter” lesson structure. Note who will be using the
parts of the lesson that might be lab, outside), and any
tool and in what ways. Note
difficult, and how you will know special considerations, such
any safety considerations
whether you can go on; how to as for differentiated
ensure that students completely instruction.
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
Focus/Anticipatory Set The teacher will provide a Before the lesson The poem will be
(motivational hook) poem about money, called begins, the teacher used as a resource
“Money Poem”. After the poem will tell the students and will be first read
is passed out to each student, to grab their math out loud by the
the teacher will have them journal and a pencil. teacher and students.
read along with the teacher The teacher will Then the poem will be
out loud. Once the entire class explain the read by the students,
reads the poem, the teacher expectations and only.
will tell the students to read instructions on where
the poem with their partner the math journal and
and then discuss with each pencil should be
other on what the class thinks (which is sitting
they will learn today (each under their pockets).
partner will take turns reading
the poem). After, the students will
be sitting at the carpet
in their assigned spot
(already sitting next to
their partner). While the
students are reading
and discussing the
poem with each other,
the teacher will walk
around the carpet and
observe the students.
The teacher will ask
probing and eliciting
questions about the
poem; in addition,
making sure the
students are focused
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
and on task.
Content-input The teacher will ask: During the anchor Before the instruction,
(Could include content  “What do you guys chart, the teacher will the educator will pass
outline, presentation, think you will learn call on students to tape down real coins to let
questioning, modeling, today?” (the students images of each coin to the students examine
examples) will respond and keep the students what real money
explain they will be engaged and giving looks like (students
learning about money them the opportunity are still sitting at the
or coins). participate by helping carpet). The educator
 After the students the teacher teach the will use an anchor
have responded, the lesson. In addition, chart to help name
educator will explain students will be sitting and finding the value
the objective for today: at the carpet while the of each coin. After
“we will learn the educator is instructing. using the anchor
value of each coin and After, the students will chart, the teacher will
use the cent symbol, be working with their use colored images of
dollar sign, and partner at the carpet to each coin and tape
counting the collection solve the value of a them over the board
of coins up to one collection of coins. for the students to
dollar.”. solve the value of a
 The educator will pull collection of coins
(students will be
out real coins from her
using their math
pocket (penny, nickel,
dime and quarter).
The educator will have
the students raise
their thumb up if they
have seen the coins
 After the students
respond, the educator
will let the students
pass the coins around
and let them observe
each coin.
 Once the teacher
receives the real coins
back, the educator will
hang an anchor chart
that has bigger
images of each coin,
front and back to show
the students a better
representation of each
 The class and teacher
will discuss (such as
the name, amount,
symbols, front and
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
back of a coin) then
paste the images of
the coins on an
anchor chart together
called, “Our Money
Table”. The value and
written amount will be
written beforehand
however, it will be
covered with
construction paper.
The students will first
have to think about
what they think it is
and then the teacher
will uncover the value
(to see if they were
right or not).
 The educator will ask
and let the students
participate by coming
up to the classroom
and taping the image
of the coin on where
they think it belongs.
 To specify:
(The teacher holding
up the penny image)
“Who can tell me what
coin this is and what’s
the value?” After a
student responds, the
student will come up
in front of the class
and tape the penny on
the anchor chart next
to the penny title and
un-tape the
construction paper
from the value
column, then discuss.
(The teacher holding
up the nickel image)
“Who can tell me what
coin this is and what’s
the value?” After a
student responds, the
student will come up
in front of the class
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
and tape the nickel on
the anchor chart next
to the nickel title and
un-tape the
construction paper
from the value
column, then discuss.
(The teacher holding
up the dime image)
“Who can tell me what
coin this is and what’s
the value?” After a
student responds, the
student will come up
in front of the class
and tape the dime on
the anchor chart next
to the dime title and
un-tape the
construction paper
from the value
column, then discuss.
(The teacher holding
up the quarter image)
“Who can tell me what
coin this is and what’s
the value?” After a
student responds, the
student will come up
in front of the class
and tape the quarter
on the anchor chart
next to the quarter title
and un-tape the
construction paper
from the value
column, then discuss.
“Now I know we
labeled and identify
the value of the
quarter, but we won’t
use this coin further in
our lesson today, it
was just a brief
introduction. But we
will be using the
quarter later in our
other lessons.”
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
 Lastly, the teacher will
discuss the symbols
on the anchor chart
(that shows the
symbol of a decimal,
cent, and dollar). The
teacher will ask:
(Pointing at the cent
sign and making a
connection from the
past coins the class
reviewed over) “who
can tell me what
symbol this is and
what and how is this
symbol used for?”
(The teacher will wait
for a student’s
response). Once the
student’s respond, the
educator will explain
the symbol is a cent
and explain how it’s
used and what is
“cent” is used for.
(Pointing to the
decimal sign) “who
can tell me what this
is? Yes, it is a period
when we are writing
sentences or stories.
But what else is it
used for? There’s
another name for it
when we’re dealing
with math. (The
teacher will wait for
the student’s
response). Once the
students have
answered, the teacher
will explain the
meaning and symbol
of a decimal and
explain the example
from the anchor chart
in how the decimal is
(Pointing to the dollar
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
sign) “Lastly, who can
tell me what symbol
this is and when and
what do we use it for?”
(the educator will wait
for the student’s
response). Then, the
teacher will explain
the meaning and
symbol of the dollar
sign and explain from
anchor chart example.
Anchor chart that will be used:

(These images will be used

and taped to the anchor chart)

 After labeling and

finding the value of
each coin, the teacher
will rearrange the
images of the colored
coins into two
problems. The teacher
will tape three dimes
in a row on top of the
active board and label
the problem 1. For the
second problem, the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
teacher will tape three
nickels on top of the
active board and label
the problem 2. The
teacher will then tell
the students: “I want
this half of the room to
solve the total coins in
problem 1 and want
this other half of the
room to find out the
total coins in problem
2. You will be working
with your partner to
solve the total
collection of coins and
you can also use your
math journal to help
you solve, if you like”.
 “Before I let you begin
here’s how I would
solve the problem”
(the teacher will tape
three pennies on top
of the activeboard).
The teacher will model
and think out loud to
let the students know
what the teacher is
thinking when solving.
In addition, to show
the students how she
will count and write
the answer (the
teacher will use a
white board to solve
and show her
 “Any questions before
you start? (The
teacher will wait 30
seconds). Alright
friends, you may begin
working with your
partner. When you are
done raise your thumb
up, so I can know
who’s ready”.
Guided Practice After working with the class, While the educator is Each group will have
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
(identify students who the teacher will explain to the instructing, modeling one Ziploc bag that
failed to master lesson class: and explaining, the will contain different
objectives.)  “The next thing we are students will be sitting value collection of
going to do is, I am at the carpet then they coins for the students
going to pair you with will sit around the to solve.
3 or 4 friends (groups classroom with their
of 4 and 4). Each group to perform a
group will receive a money activity. During
baggie that you and the money activity, the
your friends will need teacher will hang up an
to solve. In order for anchor chart (how
you to solve the value much money do I The students will be
of collection of coins have?) then walk using their math
you will need to use around the classroom journal to help solve
your math journal to and ask students and draw the coins.
help you. Remember questions about the After the class is
when you guys were money and make sure finished, the teacher
solving the nickels and others are focused and will use an anchor
dimes with your on task. After the class chart to record the
partners? You’re is finished, the students coins and value that
going to the exact will return back to the some groups had.
same thing, but this carpet and discuss as a
time you have class about the total
physical money you value of a collection of
can actually count. coins.
After you guys have
solved the value, I
want each of you to
draw your coins and
label the value of
coins with the total on
the side. I do not want
you playing with coins
or throwing them. If I
see you playing with
them I will give you a
worksheet instead of
counting the real coins
with your partner.
When you are done,
place the bag of coins
in this plastic bag. I
highly recommend you
write everything on
your math journal
because you will be
putting up your baggie
up and I will be calling
on groups and
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
recording their given
problem on an anchor
chart. The only groups
I will be calling on are
the ones who have
been following
directions and doing
what they’re supposed
to do”. The teacher
will ask questions on
what they’re supposed
to do and not
supposed to do.
 “To make sure, does
anyone have any
questions about what
we’re supposed to
 Then, the teacher will
explain the next
“Where I will stand is
where you and your
group will be sitting. If
you are finished
before the entire class
is done let me know
by raising your hands
and I will bring you
another bag of coins.
Please listen to your
name and come have
a seat where I stand”.
The teacher will assign the
students into groups and
dismiss the students by
choosing the ones who are
sitting correctly and following
directions. After, the students
are dismissed the teacher will
pass out the Ziploc baggie that
contains the play money for
the students to solve.
 After the students are
done with the group
activity, the teacher
will use another
anchor chart (How
much money do I
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
have?) and draw the
coins while recording
the total value
collection of coins
from each group and
After the group activity and
recording the answers on the
anchor chart, the educator will
explain the next instructions:
 “The next thing I want
you guys to do is, I will
be giving you this
handout and you’re
going to answer all
three problems. You
are going to count the
coins and write the
amount in the box.”
 The teacher will model
The students will be
a different example
sitting at their desk to
and explain the
complete the
expectations and Students will be using
independent worksheet
instructions while “offices” to cover their
as their assessment.
working area while working on
While the students are
Independent Practice independently. The their worksheet:
working independently
(reteaching and teacher will tell the “Pennies, Nickels,
the teacher will walk
enrichment) class to grab an office and Dimes” which will
around and make sure
once they are be used as an
the students are focus
dismissed. Also, the assessment for each
and on task. Also, the
teacher will tell the student.
teacher will only read
students to get a book
the directions, if
out and read once
they are done with the
worksheet and wait for
further instruction.
 The educator will
choose students who
are sitting quietly and
following directions.
The teacher will say:
“You may get an office
and go sit at your desk
 The teacher will then
pass out the
Closure  “What is one thing you The students will be Sitting at the carpet
learned today?” (the sitting at the carpet only.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
teacher will wait for a
student’s response
and discuss as their
while the teacher is
 “Good job class, now
asking a question as
go ahead and place
ending of the lesson.
your book bags on
your desk and return
back to the carpet
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accomodations
The teacher may need to assess the student’s ability to do the work with
guidance, as the student may not have the ability to complete the task
Special Education Students
independently. In addition, while instructing at the carpet the teacher will have
the students sit in the front and second row for better focus.
The educator will re-read the problem during the independent practice and help
when the English Language Learner has a question about instructions or
English Language Learners
questions. In addition, the teacher will pair these students during the guided
practice (think-pair-share).
During the content input and guided practice, the students will be able to
Gifted and Talented challenge themselves by determining and finding the value of coins in dollar
form, as well (not just cent form).
Potential Challenges/Plan B
If students aren’t following directions during the guided practice activity (such as flipping the coins or playing with
them), the teacher will provide a worksheet instead of participating with the group. In addition, when students are
done with their guided practice activity the teacher will provide another bag of coins for the students to count.
Also, when students are done with their assessment, the student may sit quietly or grab a book and read until the
entire class in finished.

The assessment will take place during the independent practice, the students will be working on a
worksheet (Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes) that contains problems in counting a collection of coins and
writing the amount next to the coins. The assessment will let me know if the students can identify the value
of a coin, count the coins, and complete the problem. If the students do not solve the answer correctly or
complete the problem, the teacher will create another lesson with a different instruction by helping the
students learn how to skip count and count on.

Notes and Credits

There are many lesson plan ideas available, from other teachers, curriculum guides, and online. You are free to use
whatever information you find to inspire your lesson planning, provided:
1. You properly cite your sources;
2. You fit the information into this required lesson format, meaning you will need to add additional information to
complete the lesson; and
3. You modify the lesson to fit your objectives and student needs (You will almost never teach any lesson as is
– even those found in your teacher’s guides. You will always know best what the individual learners in your
classroom will respond to.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

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