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Bellevue Hospital



Bellevue Hospital

Bellevue Hospital and Its Current Services

Bellevue Hospital is a non-profit making organization that is locally owned. It offers a

range of services whose aim is better healthcare of the community. To begin with, the hospital

offers a range of ambulatory services on-site. They provide patients with high quality and

convenient care in outpatient and private setting. Most patients do not like receiving medication

through oral, injection, or infusion, but prefer the use of IV. Bellevue Hospital also offers aquatic

therapy, which provides patients with a chance to receive therapeutic services with low impact. It

has been proven that pain is typically minimized or eliminated in aquatic therapy since the body

is supported by water, which in turn offloads the weight directed at joints.

Additionally, the hospital provides cardiac rehabilitation services for clients who have

already undergone surgery and are recovering. This program seeks to speed up the recovery of

the patients and also minimize the chances of it re-occurring in the future. Patients learn how to

improve physical fitness and exercise through this program (Stiehl, 2017). Also, the hospital

offers specialized education for diabetic patients to help them create and maintain a healthy

lifestyle through topics such as monitoring, education, medication, exercise, and diet. Bellevue

Hospital, also using advanced technology, offers diagnostic imaging convenient services that fit

various needs of a whole family.

Moreover, it provides family health services through different appointments, and they

often accept new patients. Their rehabilitation team can complete services that are related to

work for families so that they improve their safety and health, productivity, minimize injuries,

and reduce costs. Besides, the hospital gives full lactation services, and they support the rights of

the baby to breastfeed.


Ways the Organization’s Mission, Vision, and Goals Serve Its Stakeholders

The mission statement helps the stakeholders by taking care of the patients. Bellevue

works to prevent illness, treat the injured, and heal the sick among its stakeholders

(William, N. R., & Joan, R. (2015). In addition, through their mission, they protect their trust so

that it can be a progressive and quality healthcare facility. Using its vision statement, the hospital

ensures that its stakeholders have the necessary resources which could help them attain high

health levels throughout life. In addition, they can benefit from the hospital through its courage,

integrity, compassion, and respect for their confidentiality and individuality. Bellevue hospital is

also progressive in its provision and anticipation of future health services. Finally, the hospital is

reliable and always available to serve the community whenever they need it.

The Current Target Market of Bellevue Hospital

The target market for this hospital currently is substance use disorder patients. To reach

them, the hospital has formed a task force that would help it find ways in which it can achieve

this group. People in this group usually start using drugs for a desire to experiment with them;

then, they go on to consume them occasionally, and finally, they end up using them intensively

and sometimes developing a substance use disorder. This progression is complex and is only

partially known. The process depends on the interactions between the substance, the user, and

the environment. Treatment of this disorder varies depending on the substance and

circumstances. The specific treatment depends on the drug consumed, but usually consists of

advice and sometimes requires the use of other substances. The support of the family and the

support groups helps to maintain the person's commitment to interrupting consumption. Since the

sharing of needles is a frequent cause of HIV infection, programs to reduce their incidence are

carried out. Its objective is to reduce the infections due to the use of drugs in which they cannot

stop using them. Therefore, consumers are given sterile needles and syringes so that they do not

reuse those of other users. This strategy helps reduce the transmission and costs to society of

HIV infection and hepatitis.



William, N. R., & Joan, R. (2015). The history of the Bellevue Hospital chest service (1903–

2015). Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 12(10). Retrieved from

Stiehl, C. (2017, January 10). The Most Bizarre & Inspiring Stories from America's Oldest

Public Hospital & Psych Ward. Retrieved from


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