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Running head: CASE STUDY 1

Case Study



Case study

Application Applied Behavioral science

Applied Behavioral science can be defined as a science that deals with the application

of multidisciplinary behavioral knowledge and research to help in resolving real-world

problems when it comes to human behavior. Applied Behavioral science encompasses very

many fields; thus, it can be considered a broad field of study. Under Applied Behavioral

science, students ill study law, logic, ethics, psychology and sociology as topics among

others. All these fields are studied in Applied behavioral science and how they influence

human behavior when working together. With Applied behavioral science knowledge, one

can easily understand why individuals or groups of people behave the way they behave as

well as address problems that may impact society, organizations, and businesses in general.

In the case study, the parents and teachers have used Applied behavioral science to try

and understand why Jimmy has difficulty understanding mathematics and reading. They

employed Applied behavioral science in narrowing down the problem since they ruled out

economic issues, cultural, environmental, emotional disorders, mental retardation, and motor,

hearing or visual disabilities of which all fall under different topics within the Applied

behavioral science. Finally, they were able to find out that the problem is due to dyscalculia

and dyslexia. 

The learning disorder dyslexia involves difficulty in reading due to problems that are

related to speech sounds identification and learning their relationship with words and letters

in a process commonly called decoding. Dyslexia is also known as reading disability, and it

affects the areas of the brain which deal with language processing. Jimmy, being one of the

people who have dyslexia, has normal intelligence as well as vision. Most learners who have

dyslexia can succeed with a specialized or tutoring education program on top of emotional

support from both parents and teachers. It should be noted that there is no cure for dyslexia,

but earlier interventions and assessment will lead to the best outcome (Kucian & von Aster,


Dyscalculia, on the other hand, is learning disabilities that are related to mathematics.

It is estimated by experts that about 6 percent of the world population suffer from dyscalculia.

Dyscalculia has a very strong relationship with females, especially those suffering from

Turner syndrome, which is a condition where part or whole of one X-chromosome is missing.

Dyscalculia, like other learning abilities, does not have a cure. The downside of this condition

is that it is mostly diagnosed in children when one has already developed a shaky foundation

(Peterson & Pennington, 2015).  

The main advantage of using at least one of the applied behavioral science methods in

cases such as the one in the case study is that teachers and parents will be able to understand

the learners and guide them as per their weaknesses or disorders. One disadvantage of using

one of the methods of the applied behavioral science is that once the student learns they are

not performing due to a certain disorder, they can take advantage of it and minimize efforts

applied to perform in school. There needs to be a balance between applied behavioral science

use and disclosing of the information to the learners (Davis et al., 2015).


Davis, R., Campbell, R., Hildon, Z., Hobbs, L., & Michie, S. (2015). Theories of behaviour

and behaviour change across the social and behavioural sciences: a scoping review.

Health Psychology Review, 9(3), 323-344.

Kucian, K., & von Aster, M. (2015). Developmental dyscalculia. European Journal of

Pediatrics, 174(1), 1-13.

Peterson, R. L., & Pennington, B. F. (2015). Developmental dyslexia. Annual Review of

Clinical Psychology, 11, 283-307.

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