4rth Quiz

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Dalwangan National High School

4th Quarter Exam

Grade 10 TLE Agri Crop

Name: _______________________________ Score: _________

Grade/Section: _______________________ Date: __________

A. Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. Weed growth in the rice field cannot be controlled by
a. herbicides.
b. insecticides.
c. flooding.
d. hand-weeding.
2. Weeds, if not controlled, can reduce the rice production to as high as:
a. 10 - 30 percent.
b. 20 - 38 percent.
c. 24 - 48 percent.
d. 30 - 50 percent.
3. Echinochloa crusgali or bayakibok is a weed belonging to the type called
a. grasses.
b. sedges.
c. broadleaved weeds.
d. narrow leaved weeds.
4. In irrigated fields, weeds can be controlled with less cost through:
a. flooding.
b. herbicides.
c. hand pulling.
d. mechanical weeder.
5. When preparing liquid herbicides, remember to.
a. pour herbicides before the water.
b. pour herbicides and water at the same time.
c. never pour herbicide ahead of water.
d. pour water ahead of herbicide.
B. Weeds identification: Give at least 5 different weeds- Scientific names with Common names.

B. Briefly answer the following questions.

1. Why do you measure the required amount of herbicide with great care before mixing with water?

2. How does a weed affect the profitability during weed competition?

3. How does water control the weeds in an irrigated field?

Test II
Answer the following questions to find out how much you have learned.
1. Which of the following methods is not appropriate to control golden apple snail?
a. Cultural
b. Chemical
c. Biological
d. Use of resistant varieties.
2. Which of the following insect pests is considered as the most serious rice pest because it attacks the
plant from seedling stage to maturity?
a. Rice stemborer
b. Rice bugs
c. Planthoppers
d. Maggots
3. When handling and using insecticides always remember to
a. follow recommended dosage.
b. never wear face mask.
c. store pesticides and keep out of reach of children.
d. smoke while spraying insecticides.
4. What is the recommended dosage of most insecticides to be mixed up into 16 liters of water?
a. 7-10 tbsp/16 liters water
b. 10-11 tbsp/16 liters water
c. 8-12 tbsp/16 liters water
d. 10-13 tbsp/16 liters water
5. Which of the following methods is done by promoting the existence of natural enemies to control
rice pest and diseases?
a. Biological
b. Cultural
c. Chemical
d. Physical
Test II B. Provide the following information
1. Weeds classifications.

2. Methods of weed control.

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