Standard 5c

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low IDEA, sero student a ste: oaromo2 Page __of [Soave Goal Avea:__Reading Domain: _Academi Current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Results ofthe initial or most recent evaluation and results on district-wide assessments relevant to this goal; performance in comparison to general education peers and standards) (GHB tock the FAST test and inthe beginning of Sth grade she was able to read 109 CWPM and she grew to a 111 (CWPM by the Winter of 2010-2020. Her comprehension aRead war 3 513, MAP testing: INNS has taken the reading MAP test tice this year, She stated in the fallwith a reading RIT score of 200, Her expected growth by the end of the year was 207. and NIH Scored a 207 inthe Winter. This seore places her Proficient for the Winter of 2079-2020. Her MAP lexle range in the Winter was 705-055 ‘When given the SRI test atthe beginning of the yeat and at the end of trimester 2, she fel from 725 to 3 682. 5th grade students are expected to read betveen 800-1090 by the end of the year. (MIMI tock the ISASP test in the Spring of 2010 in dth grade and her reading score was 2 401 which placed her inthe Dist percentile HEIN et atuays consistent in what she brings to class. MINI would often forget to bring all of her materials to reading class and wait time getting everything together. Baseline (Describe individual's current performance in measurable terms using the same measurement as measurable annual goal and progress monitoring procedures.) Currently, given ath grade reading passage, MINI reads 111 correctwords per minute Measurable Annual Goal: conditions (when and howthe individual will perform); Behavier (what the individual vill do); and criterion (acceptable level of performance) By the next anual review, SUNN will read a Sth grade passage with 160 corect words per minute for3 out of 4 data points. Progress Monitoring procedures (State howprogress toward meeting this goal ill be measured, howtten progress will be measured, andthe decision maling rule that will be used in considering instructional changes.) Every other week, Sth grade reading passage giventendine analysis Instructional changes willbe considered when the trendline (based on atleast seven data poins) does not project meeting the annual goal Position(s}responsibletor services: 1, __ Special Education Teacher 2. ‘See attached graph D Date Printed: 0402/2020 Copies: Sehool, AEA. Parents) uly 1.2010 Impeller iowaides om/IDEAL/ we

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