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Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
The students were able to Miscommunication or Able to expand the Not everyone were able
plan out the program Misunderstanding about activities in the program. to cooperate.
quickly. the program flow.

The students were able to Lack of communication to Able to set the call time Not everyone were able
arrive to the area on time reach the other students earlier. to be there on time.
and complete. who were late.

The students were able to Calculations of the fee will Able to be more careful Not everyone will be able
pay the fee for the be short. and be more strict for to pay in time.
transportation. collecting of the fees.

The students were all Some groups were Able to divide the labor Not everyone can make 4
reliably able to participate noticeably larger than and lessons into equal equal groups.
due to the class being split others. parts.
in 4 groups.
The students were able to A few still didn’t like Able to teach the children Not everyone was able to
understand now how to facing children. about art, the inner deal on it properly.
handle children properly intention of sharing our
during art lessons. talent to other individuals
was a great experience.

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