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‘Saye This Manual For Future Reference Conserver ce guide aux fins de consultation, wolfcraft owners manual Guide de l’utilisateur MODEL NO. MODELES 4641 / 4646 4641 ET 4646 wolfcraft CAUTION: aplpete DOWEL QUICK CAREFULLY ATTENTION : * assembly piéces et ATTENTIVEMENT assemblage TOUTES LES i 3 : INSTRUCTIONS. © operating « mode d’emploi 7 [warvant: FAILURE To HEED ALL SAFETY AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, [Neo warunuas REGARDING USE OF THIS PRODUCT CAN RESULT IN BODILY JURY. SVERTESENENT_ UE FAT OTGVORER LES ORECTIVES DE SECURITE LES fmerRucTions DUTILIGATION ET LES MISES EN GARDE RELATWVES A PRESENT |eesSucr rout vous wxpoeen ADE GRAVES mL FSSURES CORPORELLES, (GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR POWER TOOLS {KNOW YOUR POWER TOOL, Read the owne's manual carey. Lear ts appicaion and iitations 2 Mion as te spect terial hazard pooulr ft tok ‘2.GROUND ALL TOOLS (UNLESS DOUBLE INSULATED) ‘Fol shoul be eqapped with an approved 3-conductr cord and a areng ‘PGi type pag fo Me proper grounarg ype receptacle, The gwen ‘Scuctr nthe cords the grounding wee. Never connect the green wire fob rial ‘KEEP GUARDS IN PLACE Tn working order, andn proper acustment and alge |AREMOVE ADJUSTING KEVS AND WRENCHES. Form hab of checking to soe that keys and adjusting wrenches are emoved fom tel before turning ton, SIREEP WORK AREA CLEAN ‘Chitred areas and benches invite accidents, Floor must not be sippery ‘dus to wax or sawdust AVOID DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT ‘Dont use power tols in damp or wet locatons or expose them to ran oop werk aren wal ighted, Provide adequate surounding werk spac. ‘TKEEP CHILDREN AWAY. ‘Al vistors shoud be kot safe stance from the work area. aMare WORKEHOP KID PROOF with padocks, master etches, orby removing the starter keys. ‘2.DONTFORCE TOOL. ‘Rondo be ob beter a ater at hore fx which Rwas designed 10.U8E THE RIGHT TOOL ‘ent force tool or tachment to do a job twas net signa to do. {1.WEAR RIGHT APPAREL Do rot wear fsa citing, gloves, ecktes or jowoly (ings, ‘wratratahee) to get caught in moving parts. Nonsio, footwear i Tocommended. Wear protective hai covering to contain fng ha. Rol ong ‘Shoves above the olbow. ‘12 USE SAFETY GOGGLES lead Protection) ‘Wear Safety goggles (ust comply wth ANSI Z87.1) atl Sas. Also, use {Re ce dust ask fcuting operations ust, and ear proctor (plugs or ‘rufs] during extended porous of opraton. $SSECURE WORK ‘Use sampe ora vise to hold work whan practical. Is safer than using your hand, frees both hands to operate toe ‘ADONT OVERREACH Keep proper footing and balance st al mas ‘A SMAINTAIN TOOLS WITH CARE ‘Koop too sharp and clean for best and safest performance, Follow Ifetuctone for brewing wel changing accensorion 18DECONNECT TOOLS Before sevicing, when changing accessories such as blades, bis, cutrs, ae. {17AVOID ACCIDENTAL STARTING ‘Make eure eu in “OFF” postion before shgcing {18USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES ‘Consult the owners manual for recommended accessories. Follow the utane at socompany, the sccesnorae ‘Tha use of INDO ‘accessories may cause hazard, ‘ABNEVER STAND ON TOOL MGhou ijury could ovcur if tie tol ie Spped or # the euting too! fe sccsdentaly contacted. (Do ot tae materiale above or near tha tol auch that it fs naceesary 12 ‘Sand on tha tool reach ther, ‘20,CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. Shere further use of ret, «guard or ther prt that ie damaged should be carefly checked to eneure that € vil operate properly and pecorm ts Intended functor, Check for algnment of moving parts, breakage of parts, ‘hounng\ and any her canes tat may afect ts opertn. A guard (rer part that damaged should be propel repared or replaced DIRECTION OF FEED A. Peed workin blade of cutter agains the crecton of rotaton othe blade ‘or euttor ey NEVER LEAVE TOOL RUNNING UNATTENDED za Tum power of Don leave too unattended unl it comes to complete ‘sep. | DIRECTIVES DE SECURITE GENERALES RELATIVES ‘AUX OUTILS ELECTRIQUES “ASIEN CONNAITRE SON OUTIL ELECTRIQUE - Li atetvement Ie gue de Tublsteur Conatre lee fnctons et ls ies de oul ans que les ragues patently teres, ANETTRE ALA TERRE TOUS LES OUTILS ELECTRIQUES (A MOINS. ‘QUILS NE COMPORTENT UNE DOUBLE ISOLATION) - i outl comport Cer Sonceimertton 83 conducteue appa a une che Beis bochas see mise a tere, l vert et aloe ffl de rise aa tee, Ne amas ‘connec lf ver une bre amen. {NE PAS ENLEVEN LES GARDES = Malini tes gardes en ben Get ben tiger lur poston et eaceurerqUeles sort ben signdes AENLEVER LES CLES DE REGLAGE -PrncreIhabtude de iiss cs te gige sont erevte avant de mete en marche un ol @ecieue [SGARDER L'AIRE DE TRAVAIL PROPRE - Les aes et bance de tat Chto ent ropes na acedonts: Na pac eal sur un anche rend (issart pr del cou de scure de bos. ‘6 REDUIRE LES FACTEURS DE RISQUE - Ne pas utsr des outs tectques ‘Sane des enafots Numes ore 1 Tee exponer ax itepétes, ‘ater aie de raval ben Slr. Assure’ un espace de aa uta 'GARDER LES ENFANTS A DISTANCE - Tous les vsteurs covets ei ‘ane dsiance sécuttare de ae de ve, ‘VERROUILLER LES PORTES DE L'ATELIER - Verouller es pores de ‘eyacior Tale de cadena la lan matresses lr i cl de cémaraae es apparels wactques, NE PAS DEPASSER LA CAPACITE DES OUTILS Les otis donnren ut ‘smear regret ss sor tings pour efectur lea Wave pour eequl on conqus. UTILISER LES OUTILS APPROPRIES - Ne pes utiser les outs ou let ‘n-aceseies pour des travaux pou lesguels sot pos ee canes. PORTER DES VETEMENTS ADEQUATS - Ne pas porter de vtements “stample, de gant, de erovte ni da Djour(bagues, modteracae 2) ‘Peaer se prendfe dane des plces mobles dun out aczue. Le pot dt Ehausvutes anbrpantes eet recomend, Atacher ses cheveix sls son tongs, Ruler lex marci ungues sudesaus des couse. UTIISER DES LUNETTES DE PROTECTION (protection deta tee) ‘zarer en tout eps des nets de protection (cofermes& a rome ANS ‘err Porter égaement un masque ardpoussresrsqle le sc=ge end Fel pousslreux ot des proecleus aurculares (bouche-relies ou casqu tor de poe penongse ution [ASSWJETTIR LES PIECES DE TRAVAIL -Uticr, au beatin des mtchire ‘ou un au pour mainte en pac es laces de raal. Procter airs est pl Sects Suv fle se aie cemeurert ore Baws pews mace Tt NE PAS TENTER D'ATTEINDRE DES OBJETS HORS DE PORTEE - Avo les ceut led in poer ssl ale manta eon dqulore en toutes. {BEN ENTRETENR LES OUTILS - Marten les ums sgases e pros ‘out un eller rendement et pur un fenctorneret sé. Sue le Pucone puri seen ete changement des poe, A8.DEBRANCHER LES OUTILS -Dabrancherles cts avant en fare entree tu don change les accessoires comme ls lames, les oes, es epost {WEVITER UNE MISE EN MARCHE ACCIDENTELLE - Aver de branche ‘oul lectique,sasire ue eruptur ret pas en position de arch, UTLISER LES ACCESSOIRES RECOMMANDES » Conauter e gade ¢ ‘riuilealew poor savor ques accessores uflser Ure les instruction decanter ees rox eporroe Run fea, 'NE PAs SE TENIR DEBOUT SUR LES QUTILS -Basculr un ct eta. Isr toucher asker mot pates caning pat provoquer de aravt Bessues. “8s po ranger du rt su-dessus u ps un out dectrque do sort {ale poser es pecs Su cau! pou elie ce mets VERIFIER U'ETAT DES PIECES - Avant 'bser un ott decraue, ‘arene ou sdces endommagtes covert tre vies atlentveent afi ¢ scurer quel rmpleset a foncon pout laquee ees or et congue ‘20,Veriie ies ptcesmobles sont ble algntes, si des ptce sont bss et outlet ban avert: emesire tu han ne nut au bon fontoanement Feat fet réparer ou replace les gades ou ples endormegées. {1.BIEN DIRIGER LA PIECE DE TRAVAIL - Toujours approche a pice « {rval Gea lame ods dsjoo! Je coupe danse sera contae de rca NE JAMAIS LAISSER UN OUTIL ELECTRIQUE FONCTIONNER SAM 122 SURVEILLANCE - Couper almeratin ete pas sole avant que out ‘ei completeert att ADDITIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR WOLFCRAFT DOWEL PRO KIT 4. ALWAYS USE EYE PROTECTION ‘Te eperton of any pow tol can resin foreign abject being thrown Into the eye, which can reat in severe aye damage. Avaye wear safety ‘ogglee complying win ANSI 287-1 before commencing power tol peraton, 2. KEEP TOOL CLEAN ‘Afar avery ut, clan eedust off the Dowel Quik jan 3. WARNING: Always tum “OFF” the dil and disconnect the power cord when italing the dl bit andr adjusting the depth stops. DIRECTIVES DE SECURITE SUPPLEMENTAIRES RELATIVES AU DOWEL QUICK DE WOLFCRAFT 4, TOUJOURS UTILISER DES LUNETTES DE. PROTECTION Loreguun ou lectique et an fonction, dew dare peuvent Ore projets otcauser de gravee Deasures aux yur. Toujours porter dow lunetes de protection corformes a a norma ANSI 287.1 avant de metre ‘en marche un ol acteue, 2. MAINTENIR LES OUTILS PROPRES Enlever i clr de bois du gabart Cowl GUck wt dea prceuse apres ‘chaque utsation. BLATTENTION : Tevjouwe metre la percouse hore ciraut ot ‘rancher l cordon ¢almentaten avant de poser un fort ou une bute dd profondeur INTRODUCTION The woleraft Dowel Quick is designed for creating professional Joints in many types of wood. can be used for a varety of purposes, Inching comers, tives and °T* The walferaft Dowel Guick can be sed wth al popu is INTRODUCTION Le Dowel Quick de Wella permet de faire dee joints professionnels ‘avec pusiours types de_bols. pert de fare des ents en coin, & Le Dowel Quick de Wolleratt put {re uBleé avec tous lee mosbles courant de percause jones, UNPACKING AND OPERATION -— DEBALLAGE ET MISE EN GARDE--- CHECKING CONTENTS WOLFCRAFTDOWEL VERIFICATIONDES © WOLFCRAFT DOWEL Before begining work, sparste al! PRO KIT WARNING: PIECES PRO KIT ATTENTION: the parts from the packaging ‘and "check each one ‘agaist the parts listen page 8 to be Site al pars are there. The 4040, Dent Quick Kit alo includes 3 brad point il bits: 1", 116", 378 3 Gopth stop cols for di bit sizas, and 20 each 14", 516", 9/8" dow ‘Yours read and understart al he Instuetions of your Dowel Quick a6 ‘well 9s your dil owner's manual before attempting t2 operate tis Product ‘Ava ae Yt, srt a Pidces de Tembalage et saseucer quiron manque aucune en viant Id iste des pisces & a page 6. La ‘rousee Dovel Quick 4648 comrend Ageloment 3 foreta & tte de demant de 1/4p0, 118 po ot 1 po, 8 bubs rofonders et 20 goujns chacun ‘Aras ultoes fe Dowel sk, rw at comprende toutes les instructions ‘ui Sy rapportent de, mime. que ‘eles du guide de utisateur de percouse om Sneha ‘COMMENT SELECTIONNER: HOW TO SELECT -_ o Epaasour dela Dimension PROPER DOWEL SIZE ae DIMENSION APPROPRIEE Planche du goujon The folowing chat wl hop you BI" sre" bles PR OPR EE je 689/16 po too sit tn pepe wae evel fous See8rer aT Saathemsseare vous pemetde Sa tiniepo Apo vor epi om finesse Spe HELPFUL HINTS ‘SUGGESTIONS UTILES 1. Ferenrararowbows maybe 4 Aaye_ue the depth sop 10 1. Pout prc dta, Taj ular ure bile de feceayteronte rater" tanas aw cpt of ate peu "ave ndcmesre’ ie plod purse quit papesieeteems perme ena ote pes tem cmnere, So Fe a crn ape edge of the matching board. _dril the holes too deep, percer des trous plus profonds profonds. Be sure to markthe boards inthe 5. 2. wwact way covered by the Use nly 14", 5/16" or 318" erit Maka some practic joints. on 3, scrap Lumber before using Dowel (Quick for the frst me on good ‘wood — Do not glue until you have fnithed eh of the. dont operations and you are certain thatallthe workpieces ft together ence Hutcer que dow forte de 14, 5/16 et “88 po atm. dévter endommager'ia bague de la perceuse, eter im perceuse a besoin pour erlave ia scure do bots du ou at fort 6. No pas collar ls goujons avant aver efectb tous lee Sten ‘Casserbiage ote sere assure ‘ue toutes lee pdces somber Pataterent 2 Sasmurer de marquer tee Planches eractement comme I fet inqu dana las netrtons 3. Avant dutisar f» Dowel Quick ‘sur do bonnes pices co bol, ‘evercer & fare des joints avec

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