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Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, Vol. XXXVI, No.

3, 2014
DOI: 10.2478/sgem-2014-0029





Department of Geotechnics and Roads, Faculty of Civil Engineering,

Silesian University of Technology, al. Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland,

Abstract: The paper gives a short description of unstable behaviour of saturated sand under undrained monotonic loading. Constitu-
tive model Nor Sand capable to describe static liquefaction is presented. The model is based on critical state soil mechanics and as-
sumes associated flow rule. Hardening law incorporates the state parameter proposed earlier by Been and Jefferies. Results of nu-
merical simulations of undrained element tests have been presented and discussed.

Key words: static liquefaction, Nor Sand, element test simulation

1. INTRODUCTION nate from the works of Castro [1] and Castro and
Poulos [7], a review article by Ishihara [12] as well as
more recent papers by Yamamuro and Lade [28], [32],
Youd et al. [34] give the definition of liquefaction [33], Świdziński [27], Sawicki and Świdziński [20].
after Marcuson [19] as “The act or process of trans- Theoretical works aim at formulating elasto-plastic
forming any substance into a liquid”. In cohesionless constitutive equations capable of describing the be-
soils, the transformation from a solid state to a lique- haviour of granular materials in undrained conditions.
fied state is a consequence of increased pore pressure Constitutive models exhibiting this feature are of dif-
and reduced effective stress. Liquefaction occurs ferent origins (arbitrarily classified):
when the total stress remains constant and the pore – elasto-plastic models based on Critical State Soil
pressure increases such that the normal effective stress Mechanics assumptions and the works of the
becomes zero. It also occurs when the pore pressure group of researchers from Cambridge (Cam-clay
remains constant and the total stress decreases such models), e.g., [1], [14], [15], [20];
that the normal effective stress becomes zero. – Lade’s model with a double plastic potential
Liquefaction may be of static or dynamic nature ([17]);
according to specific loading paths. It may occur in – generalized plasticity models ([21], [22], [35],
the following situations: [36]);
(a) when the hydraulic gradient of an upward current – incremental octo-linear model ([9]);
in saturated soil or an upward gas current equal- – incrementally non-linear model ([8]);
izes the gravity forces (“boiling sands”), – hypoplasticity models (e.g., [16], [28]).
(b) contacts between sand grains are lost due to soil In the above works if liquefaction is to be simu-
vibrations (earthquakes) for saturated loose or lated within the framework of elasto-plasticity two
even medium dense sands, conditions must be met:
(c) rapid deviatoric loading is applied to a saturated (1) a model must reproduce hardening/softening of
very loose sand (“quicksands”). soil, and
In the past decades liquefaction of soils has been (2) the flow rule must be non-associated.
extensively studied both experimentally and theoreti- More recently Jefferies and Been [15] showed that
cally. Experimental works on static liquefaction origi- unstable behaviour of sands can be modelled within

the framework of critical state mechanics of soils with sample the relationship between total stress, effective
the classical assumption of normality in elasto-plastic stress and pore-water pressure u is given by Ter-
formulation. The aim of the paper is to show that zaghi’s principle
static liquefaction can be predicted by the model Nor
σ =σ′+u . (1)
Sand proposed by Jefferies [14] without having re-
course to the non-associated flow rule. The model In the above formula, the excess of pore-water pres-
assumptions and formulation are given in the follow- sure as well as compressive stresses are positive.
ing sections of the article. Results of numerical simu- Test results are usually represented by the invari-
lations of element tests in undrained triaxial condi- ants of stress and strain, which in axi-symmetric con-
tions that confirm the ability to modelling the static ditions take the form:
liquefaction are presented. 1 1
• mean stress p′ = (σ 1′ + σ 2′ + σ 3′ ) = (σ 1′ + 2σ 3′ ) ,
3 3
′ ′
• deviatoric stress q = σ 1 − σ 3 ,
2. TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS • volumetric strain ε v = ε1 + ε 2 + ε 3 = ε1 + 2ε 3 ,
• shear strain ε s = (ε 1 − ε 3 ) .
Most frequently used device for testing soils is 3
conventional triaxial apparatus with a cylindrical soil In undrained conditions εv = 0, so εs = ε1.
specimen. Stress and strain conditions are assumed to Conventional triaxial compression can be repre-
be axi-symmetrical. During testing the radial stress σ 3′ sented by a straight total stress path with a slope
remains constant and is exerted on the sample by η = q/p′ = 3 in the stress invariant space (Fig. 2). In
means of the confining pressure in the cell. The only undrained conditions increasing pore-water pressure
stress component that changes is the axial stress σ 1′ . bends an effective stress path towards failure condi-
The increase and decrease of vertical pressure are tion (critical stress line).
caused by the moving piston (Fig. 1).
q C Mtc
σ1'= σ3'+q
πd2 effective stress path
A= 4 σ3'
total stress path

σ3' 1
p, p’

Fig. 2. Stress path in conventional triaxial compression

Fig. 1. Scheme of a sample in a triaxial apparatus

One of the major advantages of the triaxial appara- The critical state was defined by Roscoe et al.
tus is the control provided over drainage from the sam- ([23]) as the state in which soil continues to deform at
ple. When no drainage is required (i.e., in undrained constant stress and constant void ratio. Jefferies and
tests), solid end caps are used at the top and the bot- Been [15] point out that not only the volume of soil
tom of a sample. When drainage is required, the end element is constant but also there is no tendency to
caps are provided with porous plates and drainage change this state. The term critical state was firstly
channels. It is also possible to monitor pore-water introduced by Casagrande in 1936 with reference to
pressures during a test. In drained conditions a sample a critical void ratio. Next, Castro [4] conducted tri-
is free to change its volume without pore-water pres- axial tests on loose samples which resulted in well-
sure generation and total stresses σ are equal to effec- defined steady state at the end of the tests. Castro
tive stresses σ'. In undrained conditions the volume of termed the relationship between the critical void ratio
a sample remains unchanged and for fully saturated and the mean stress a steady state line.
Prediction of static liquefaction by Nor Sand constitutive model 77

deviatoric stress q

deviatoric stress q


li n


l ur
f ai
C u

effective mean stress p’ axial strain ε1

pore-water pressure u

axial strain ε1

Fig. 3. Static liquefaction

Poulos [23] gave the formal definition of the stress is not observed. Instead, a point of inflection on
steady state line: The steady state of deformation for the stress path is observed.
any mass of particles is that state in which the mass is Curve B represents undrained behaviour of initially
continuously deforming at constant volume, constant loose (dilative) sand. In these cases stress paths exhibit
normal effective stress, constant shear stress and con- local peak of deviatoric stress accompanied by the in-
stant velocity. crease of pore-water pressure and a drop of the effec-
Despite the discussion whether the critical state tive mean stress. Then, after a small drop of deviatoric
and steady state lines are the same [1], [4], [23], [26], stress, abrupt turn of the stress path towards increase of
Been et al. [2] found that for practical purposes their the strength occurs. The pore-water pressure drops at
equivalence could be assumed. the same time (effective mean stress rises). The mini-
Undrained shearing is carried out in triaxial appara- mum value of the deviatoric stress corresponds to the
tus usually after isotropic consolidation. Typical behav- so called phase transformation [12], [28], [29]. Under
iour of sand in triaxial undrained compression is given in the phase transformation transition from contractancy
Fig. 3. Conclusions that follow from this figure are also to dilatancy takes place (PT line in Fig. 3). This kind
applicable to description of the undrained behaviour of behaviour is called limited liquefaction. The state of
during shearing after anisotropic consolidation. stress corresponding to the local minimum of deviatoric
During shearing in drained conditions the volume stress is called the quasi-steady state [2].
of the sample varies depending on its initial state. Curve C in Fig. 3 represents static liquefaction. It
Loose sand decreases its volume whereas dense sand occurs in basically undrained shearing of contractive
contracts a little at the onset of shearing and then di- (loose) sands. During monotonic loading pore-water
lates. Thus, sand can be contractive or dilative. As pressure increases and the effective mean stress drops.
Świdziński points out in [27], the terms loose and The stress path passes the peak deviatoric value (peak
dense are not quite adequate since behaviour of sand strength) and then goes down. Both deviatoric and
depends not only on the initial void ratio but also on effective mean stress eventually reach residual values
the effective mean pressure. Thus, terms contractive during constantly increasing deformation.
or dilative are more appropriate.
Depending on the initial state of sand three types
of undrained behaviour are observed (Fig. 3). Dense 4. CRITICAL STATES
sand (initially in the dilative state – curve A) exhibits AND NORMAL COMPRESSION LOCI
constant growth of the deviatoric stress (the strength
increases) under monotonic loading. It is accompanied
by the initial growth of pore-water pressure followed In the early formulations of elasto-plastic descrip-
by subsequent drop. Local minimum of the deviatoric tion of soil behaviour Mohr–Coulomb criterion was

viewed as a yield surface. Normality rule is applied in εv = 0 , (3a)

this case which means that a plastic strain increment
vector is directed normal to the yield surface. In such ε = 0 . (3b)
a case dilation angle is equal to friction angle which Based on the concept of the critical void ratio
implies large dilatancy. This dilatancy is many times Critical State Soil Mechanics has been formulated. It
greater than what is measured in real soils. assumes that at the onset of critical state shear strain εs
It has been well recognized that stress ratios at occurs without any further changes in mean effective
failure ( q f /p′f or τ f /σ f′ ) form a line called Mohr– stress p′ nor deviatoric stress q nor void ratio e.
Coulomb failure criterion. At the beginning the Mohr– Critical state locus can be approximated by a line
Coulomb criterion was viewed as a yield surface. with the equations
Such treatment did not take into account the fact that ec = Γ − λ ln pc′ , (4a)
normal (or isotropic) compression also produces
irrecoverable (plastic) strains. Drucker et al. [10]
qc = Mpc′ , (4b)
recognized that the Mohr–Coulomb criterion was not
a yield surface and a yield surface must intersect the where the subscript c denotes critical state, M, Γ, λ are
normal compression line (NCL). material constants (Fig. 5).
On the other hand, Casagrande [4], using shear Although there are numerous experimental results
box tests, found that loose sands contracted and dense showing that critical states do not undergo such sim-
sands expanded their volume eventually reaching ple description like (4a), for most practical engineer-
approximately the same void ratio at large strains ing problems the description of CSL given by (4a) is
when sheared under the same normal stress. Ca- sufficient as long as the mean effective stress does not
sagrande termed this void ratio as the critical state exceed 500 kPa.
void ratio. Critical void ratio distinguishes the mode Equation (4b) assumes the critical stress ratio M is
of behaviour soil exhibits. Sand looser than corre- constant. In fact it is not true, and M has to be treated
sponding critical density is in contractive state as a function of the Lode angle θ which takes into
whereas sand denser than critical density is in dilative account the influence of the intermediate principal
state. The relationship between the critical void ratio stress. Frequently used Mohr–Coulomb and Matsu-
and the mean effective pressure is called the critical state oka–Nakai failure criteria use triaxial compression
locus (CSL) and is presented in Fig. 4. Contractive state conditions as the basis for evaluation of M(θ). In such
is distinguished from dilative state by means of the a case M(θ ) depends on Mtc determined in triaxial
state parameter compression. In (4b) M is equivalent to Mtc. Critical
ψ = e − ec . (2) stress ratio and critical friction angle are related by the
well known relationship
ntr 6 sin φc′
Cr ac
ti M tc = . (5)
iti c ve 3 − sin φc′
a lS sta
void ratio e

ec ta t te s
e ψ> Early critical state models Cam clay and Granta
Lo 0
cu Gravel assumed that both critical state locus (CSL)
dil ψ=e-ec sC
and normal compression locus (NCL) are parallel
a ti
sta straight lines (Fig. 5). N, Γ and λ are intrinsic soil
tes parameters. The parameters Ν and Γ are associated
0 with the stress p′ = 1 kPa by convention.
mean effective stress p’ Nevertheless, Cam clay and Granta Gravel are not
able to reproduce dilation and yielding of real sands.
Fig. 4. Critical state locus According to Jefferies and Been [15], this inability
arises from the assumption that a yield surface inter-
Roscoe et al. [24] defined critical state as the state sects the critical state line.
in which soil continues to deform at constant volume Ishihara et al. [12] proposed the existence of in-
and constant stresses. This state can be described by finity of normal compression loci (NCL) in e – p′
two conditions: dilatancy changes disappear and this plane. Normal compression lines may not be parallel
is permanent state. These conditions can be expressed to the critical state line neither be straight (Fig. 6).
mathematically as From the possible infinity number of NCLs only one
Prediction of static liquefaction by Nor Sand constitutive model 79

is correct for a given arrangement of particles and stress ratio M. Instead, Nor Sand yield surface incor-
a void ratio. porates pi′ and Mi which correspond to the image
state. The image state refers to the condition where
q L
CS dilatancy vanishes temporarily ( εv = 0 ) and soil be-
M haviour converts from contractive to dilative. This is
qc the peak point of the logarithmic spiral known from
the yield surface of Cam clay.
Yield surface is given by the equation resembling
Cam clay surface with Mi and pi′ instead of critical
p’f p’ values of M and pc′
⎛ p′ ⎞
η = M i ⎜⎜1 − ln ⎟ (6)
⎝ pi′ ⎟⎠

ec CSL where η = q/p′.

Stress-dilatancy relationship is assumed after Cam
clay model
p’c p’
e D p = Mi −η (7)
where D p is the plastic dilatancy
λ L εvp
Dp = (8)
ec CS εsp
p’=1.0kPa p’c ln p’ and Mi = qi / pi′ evolves with strain rather than being
a material property.
Fig. 5. Critical State Locus and Normal Compression Locus Stress ratio at image state Mi is related to the state
in Cam clay parameter according to formula proposed by Li et al.
⎛ ψ ⎞
N CL M i = M ⎜⎜1 − i ⎟⎟ (9)
⎝ M tc ⎠
infinite number where M is assumed as the average of critical stress
of NCL ratios for Mohr–Coulomb and Matsuoka–Nakai con-


ln p’ M = 0.5( M MC + M MN ) , (10)
Fig. 6. Critical State Locus and Normal Compression Loci
3 3
according to Ishihara et al. ([12]) M MC = , (11)
⎛ 6 ⎞
cosθ ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ − 3 sin θ
⎝ M tc ⎠
27 − 3M MN
3 − M MN 3
+ 8 / 9M MN sin θ (3 / 4 − sin 2 θ )
Nor Sand [14], [15] assumes a yield surface and
stress-dilatancy relationship known from Cam clay 27 − 3M tc2
but decouples hardening from CSL which gives the = . (12)
3 − M tc2 + 2 M tc3
model capability to reproduce real sand behaviour. 9
Decoupling consists in using similar equation for the State parameter at the image point
yield surface as for Cam clay but not using in it the
mean stress at the critical state pc′ nor the critical ψ i = e − ec.i (13)

can be considered as the measure of the divergence of state coincide. The yield surface stops changing its
the current state from the critical state. Soil is in the configuration at (d).
critical state when ψi = 0. The limit on the hardening (expansion of the yield
Dilatancy D p is connected to the state parameter surface) is given with respect to the current stress by
ψ. It has been found in laboratory tests that extreme
value of dilatancy is linearly proportional to the state ⎛ pi′ ⎞ ⎛ χ ψ ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = exp⎜⎜ − tc i ⎟⎟ . (15)
parameter. In Nor Sand the relationship between the ⎝ p′ ⎠ max ⎝ M tc ⎠
minimum dilatancy and the state parameter in the
image state is given by Equation (15) defines a planar cap within the yield
surface presented in Fig. 7.
Dmin = χψ i (14) The hardening law is given by
where χ is a model property determined in laboratory dpi′ M ⎛ p′ ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ χ tcψ i ⎞ pi′ ⎤
= H i ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎢exp⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ − ⎥ dε s (16)
tests. When determined in triaxial compression it is pi′ M tc ⎝ pi′ ⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎝ M tc ⎠ p′ ⎥⎦
denoted as χtc.
In order to limit dilation non-associated flow rule where H is a model parameter that has to be calibrated
is applied in constitutive models. Conventional critical according to experimental data.
state models (e.g., Cam clay) derive the formulation of In Nor Sand well-known isotropic elastic relation-
a yield surface from the assumption of normality (asso- ships are assumed
ciated flow rule). Nor Sand controls dilatancy through
the value of the mean stress at the image point pi. Evo- K 1+ e
= , (17a)
lution of the yield surface (its expansion and contrac- p′ κ
tion) for a dense sand is illustrated in Fig. 7. It is the
G 1 + e 3(1 − 2ν )
general evolution of the yield surface during the pure Ir = = , (17b)
p′ κ 2(1 + ν )
shearing ( p′ = const.) in drained triaxial conditions.
The initial configuration of the yield surface for dense where ν is Poisson’s ratio and κ is the gradient of
sand is represented by the curve (a). Shear stress in- unloading/reloading line in e–ln p′ space.
creases and the yield surface expands until stress ratio Typical values of parameters for sands are given
reaches the image state ( pi′ = p′) at the configuration after Jefferies and Been [15]:
(b). During this stage volumetric strain decreases due Γ = 0.9–1.4,
to normality (void ratio decreases). Since the state λ = 0.01–0.07,
parameter at the image point ψi < 0 expansion of the Mtc = 1.2–1.5,
yield surface continues ( pi′ increases), but now ac- H = 50–500,
companied by increasing volume. Expansion of the χtc = 2.5–4.5,
yield surface stops when the internal cap is reached (c). Ir = 100–600,
Dilatancy continues until the image state and critical ν = 0.1–0.3.

image point at critical state

q d

limiting location of the internal cap NCL

(maximum expansion of the yield surface) c

image condition NCL

a state path
b projection of CSL on
e-p' plane


Fig. 7. Evolution of the yield surface

Prediction of static liquefaction by Nor Sand constitutive model 81




deviatioric stress q, kPa
To show the ability of Nor Sand to simulate the 40
static liquefaction a set of parameters has been
assumed and the element tests performed. Parame-

ters determining CSL in e–ln p space are: Γ = 1.2, 20

λ = 0.01. 10

Critical friction ratio in triaxial compression is 0

Mtc = 1.2 which corresponds to effective critical fric- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

effective mean stress p', kPa
tion angle φc′ = 30°. Plastic hardening modulus for
loading H = 200. Coefficient relating maximum di- b) 80

latancy to the state parameter χtc = 3.5 which is 70

a typical average value for sands according to Jefferies 60
and Been [15]. Elastic shear rigidity Ir = 300 and
Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3.
deviatoric stress q, kPa

Simulations of triaxial compression have been car- 40 ψ=0.01

ried out with the assumption that the tests start from 30

the initial effective mean stress p0′ = 100 kPa (pres- 20

sure of water in a triaxial apparatus cell). A set of 10

various sand densities has been considered. Loose ψ=0.068
sand, initially in the contractive state, is represented 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
by three initial values of the state parameter ψ0 = axial strain ε1, %
0.068; 0.035; 0.01. These values correspond to the 120
values of void ratio e0 = 1.222; 1.189; 1.164. Dense
sand, initially in dilative state, is represented by the 100 ψ=0.068
excess pore pressure u, kPa

initial values of the state parameter ψ0 = –0.01; –0.02 ψ=0.035

which correspond to e0 = 1.144; 1.134. 80

Results of the numerical simulations of undrained 60


triaxial compression are presented in Fig. 8. Figure 8a ψ=‐0.02

shows stress paths for sands with different initial pa- 40

rameters. The model predicts unstable behaviour for

all assumed initial states. Three simulations have ex- 20

hibited partial liquefaction whereas for two full static

liquefaction has been achieved. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
axial strain ε1, %
Figure 8b presents stress-strain curves corre-
sponding to stress paths. One curve (ψ0 = 0.068) ex- d) 1.24

hibits complete loss of strength. Another curve (ψ0 = 1.22


0.035) ends up at the residual state (qres = 4 kPa). Both

curves go through the peak deviatoric stresses fol- 1.2
lowed by rapid strain softening. Three other curves
void ratio e

which represent limited liquefaction show the increase ψ=0.01
of strength (hardening) after the temporary drop of 1.16
shearing resistance. 1.14
Generation of pore-water pressure is shown in Fig. ψ=‐0.02
8c. In cases showing limited liquefaction pore-water 1.12

pressure rises and then drops more or less rapidly 1.1

heading towards negative values (suction). In 0.1 1 10
effective mean stress p', kPa
100 1000

undrained tests volume is constant so the void ratio is

also constant (Fig. 8d). Changes of the effective mean Fig. 8. Results of numerical simulations
stress are coupled with changes of pore-water pres- of undrained triaxial compression

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