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CSE (P) Test Series-2020 Test Code: 200901

Modern History of India, Geography and CA (M1)

Detailed Explanations

General Studies Sectional Test:

Test - 1 (Module-1) Modern History of India, Geography and CA

1. (b) won by persuasion The Moderate leaders

Statement 1 is not correct: The official reason were: Dadabhai Naoroji, W.C Bonnerjee, S. N
given for the decision was that Bengal with a Banerjee, Pherozshah Mehta.
population of 78 million had become to big too 3. (d)
Lord Dalhousie was the Governor-General
Statement 2 is correct: The partition of from 1848 to 1856.
Bengal infuriated people all over India. All
Statement 1 is correct: The Court of Directors
sections of the Congress– the Moderates
of East India Company in London sent an
and the Radicals – opposed it. Large public
educational despatch to the Governor-General
meetings and demonstrations were organised
in India in 1854. Issued by Charles Wood,
and novel methods of mass protest developed.
the President of the Board of Control of the
The struggle that unfolded came to be known
Company, it has come to be known as Wood’s
as the Swadeshi movement, strongest in
Despatch. Outlining the educational policy
Bengal but with echoes elsewhere too – in
that was to be followed in India, it emphasised
deltaic Andhra for instance, it was known as
once again the practical benefits of a system
the Vandemataram Movement.
of European learning, as opposed to Oriental
Statement 3 is not correct: It was decided to knowledge.
annul the partition of Bengal in 1911 mainly
Statement 2 is correct: In 1853, Dalhousie
to curb the menace of revolutionary terrorism.
opened the first telegraphic line from Calcutta
2. (a) to Agra and also introduced the postal service
Extremism or militant nationalism became a in India.
predominant philosophy of Indian national Statement 3 is correct: According to the
movement from 1905 to 1917. Many factors doctrine of lapse, if any Indian ruler dies
contributed to the rise of extremism or without leaving a male heir, his kingdom
militant nationalism. One such factor was would automatically pass over to the British.
the opposition of certain early nationalists Satara, Sambhalpur, Udaipur, Nagpur and
in the strategy and technique adopted by the Jhansi were some states which were annexed
moderates’ expression of faith in the fairness by the Company under this doctrine.
of the British, mendicancy and appealing to the
4. (b)
British government.
Statements 1 and 2 are correct: The Karachi
The extremist leaders were Bal Gangadhar
session, 1931 became memorable for its
Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra Pal,
resolution on Fundamental Rights and the
Aurobindo Ghosh. The moderates were of
National Economic Programme. Even though
the view that their political rights could be
the Congress since inception had fought for the

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economic interests, civil liberties and political developing a new system of education which
rights of the people, this was the first time that deviated prominently and significantly from
the Congress defined what Swaraj would mean the existing British model of education. Swami
for the masses. Dayanand stressed on religious text and
Statement 3 is not correct: In 1938, the Sanskrit grammar but he emphasised on the
Congress appointed a national planning study of English, because it became the state
committee to work out programmes for language. He favored the study of science too.
industrialization and development of rural He also realized that industrialization would
society. Development of Khadi and village lead to the wealth of nation and so he favored
industries was considered integral to industrial training too and wanted Indian young
industrialization of India. man to be sent to Germany for such training.
He also wanted the students to study different
5. (b)
branches of mathematics, geography, geology,
Statement 1 is not correct: Pabna revolt was astronomy, space science and much else.
against the Zamindars and not against the
Statement 4 is correct: Arya Samajis opposed
British government. The unrest was caused by
child marriages and encouraged remarriage
the efforts of the zamindars to enhance rent
of widows. It made rapid progress in Punjab,
beyond legal limits and to prevent the tenants
Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat.
from acquiring occupancy rights under ‘Act X
of 1859’. 7. (d)
Statement 2 is correct: The agrarian leagues The suggestion of Sir John Simon (to convene
kept within the bounds of law, used the legal a conference of the representatives of both
machinery to fight Zamindars, and raised no British India and the Indian states to take a
anti-British demands. final decision on the question of constitutional
reforms for India) was accepted by the British
6. (c)
cabinet (at that time Ramsay MacDonald was
Dayanand Saraswati (l824-1883) founded the British Prime Minister). Subsequently Lord
Arya Samaj in 1875. Irwin, the governor general of India made his
Statement 1 is not correct: It held that the famous declaration, known as the 'Deepavali
Vedas contained all the knowledge imparted to Declaration'(October 31,1929) according to
man by God and essentials of modern science which the objective of British policy was to
could also be traced in them. However, they grant Dominion status to India and a round
were against the supremacy of priestly class table conference would be held in London after
and priesthood. the Simon commission had reported.
Statement 2 is correct: It is opposed to
8. (a)
idolatry, ritual and priesthood, particularly
Statement 1 is correct: Some Indian
to the prevalent caste practices and popular
revolutionaries who were operating from
Hinduism as preached by the Brahmins.
Berlin, and who had links with the Ghadar
Statement 3 is not correct: As educational
leader Ram Chandra in America, continued,
dimension the Arya Samaj is credited with
with German help, to make attempts to organize

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Modern History of India, Geography and CA (M1)

a mutiny among Indian troops stationed abroad. Statement 3 is not correct: She was released
Raja Mahendra Pratap and Barkatullah tried to from Tura Jail on October 14, 1947, after India
enlist with the help of the Amir of Afghanistan became independent.
and even set up a Provisional Government in 11. (b)
Kabul, but these and other attempts failed to
Statement 1 is correct: The Cripps Mission
record any significant success.
was formulated under the stewardship of Sir
Statement 2 is correct: Madam Bhikaji Cama Stafford Cripps, the Lord Privy Seal in the
along with Ajit Singh operated from Paris and Home Government, on 30 March 1942, as
Geneva and brought out the journal Bande a preventive measure to thwart all attempts
mataram. at withdrawal of support to Britain in World
Statement 3 is not correct: It was Shyamji War-II.
KrishnaVerma who in 1905 set up the Indian Statement 2 is correct: The bleakness of the
Home Rule Society and India House and possibility of Allied victory in World War II,
brought out the journal 'The Sociologist' in prompted Gandhi to remark that the Cripps
London. Madan Lal Dhingra in 1909 murdered Mission was like a post-dated cheque upon a
Curzon Wylliee, post which London became falling bank.
too dangerous a place for revolutionaries. Statement 3 is not correct: Five months after
the announcement of the Cripps Mission, on 8
9. (c)
August 1942, the Bombay session of the All
Statement 1 is not correct: Rash Behari Ghosh
India Congress Committee (AICC) passed the
presided Surat session of 1907 in which there
‘Quit India’ resolution and thus triggered off a
was a split in Congress into the Moderates and
movement that surpassed almost all the earlier
‘Gandhian’ movements in terms of widespread
Statement 2 is not correct: Subhash Chandra and popular participation
bose presided in Haripura (1938) and Tripuri
12. (a)
(1939). However, later he resigned and
Rajendra Prasad took over as president. Statements 1 and 2 are correct: Release of
all political prisoners (except those guilty
Statement 3 is correct: In 1926, S. Srinivas
of violence) and withdrawal of emergency
Iyengar presided over Congress session in
ordinances were the conditions included in
Guwahati which is the only session in North
Gandhi-Irwin Pact. Gandhiji was impressed
with Irwin’s sincerity and on behalf of the
10. (a) Indian National Congress agreed to discontinue
Statement 1 is correct: Haipou Jadonang the Civil Disobedience movement.
(cousin of Rani Gaidinliu), who was then Statement 3 is not correct: It did not contain
leading a socio-political movement called any provion related to the reservation of seats
Heraka. After his death, at the age of 16, Rani in legislature.
Gaidinliu took the leadership. 13. (c)
Statement 2 is not correct: She was given the Statement 1 is correct: The Second World
tiitle "Rani" by Jawahar Lal Nehru. War was instrumental in the formation of a

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specific collective consciousness both in the 15. (b)

RIN as well as among the Madras working Statements 1 and 2 are correct: Vernacular
classes. The most obvious economic impact of Press Act 1878, was designed for better control
war on Madras city was a steep rise in prices of the vernacular press and effectively punish
of commodities. The price of paddy and rice and repress seditious writing.
continued to advance and the rise was more Other provisions of this act were:
marked in the case of paddy. (i) The District Magistrate was empowered to
Statement 2 is not correct: The civilians call upon the printer and publisher of any
vernacular newspaper to enter into a bond
of Madras became involved in the RIN
with Government Undertaking
demonstrations. The reports in the newspapers
(ii) The Magistrate action was final and no
from February 19 onwards were avidly read by
appeal could be made in a court of law.
the civilians in Madras. On 21st, they watched
The Act came to be nicknamed as the
the Madras ratings driving trucks, shouting
Gagging Act and the worst features of this
slogans, marching around the city and chasing act were discrimination between English
all Europeans out of sight. The stimulation of and Vernacular and no right of appeal.
popular involvement began on that day and Statement 3 is not correct: There was strong
general tension mounted in the city. opposition to this and the Act was repealed
Statement 3 is correct: The Communist Party in December 1881 under the regime of Lord
of India was directly involved in the hartal and Rippon.
strikes. M. R. Venkata Raman, Secretary of 16. (b)
Tamil Nadu Committee of CPI, on behalf of Statement 1 is not correct: Wahabi movement
the Communist party, appealed to the leaders was essentially an Islamic revivalist movement
of the Congress to come forward to help and founded by Syed Ahmed of Rai Bareilley
build up the growing unity sentiment amongst whereas Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was an Indian
the masses. educator and politician, and an Islamic reformer
and modernist. Sir Syed in the aftermaths of
14. (b)
1857 rebellion pioneered modern education for
Statement 1 is not correct: Satyashodhak the Muslim community in India by founding
Samaj (Truth seeker's Society) was a social the Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College,
reform society founded by Jyotiba Phule in which later developed into the Aligarh Muslim
1873 and not by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. University.

Statement 2 is correct: He founded the samaj Statement 2 is correct: The Wahabi movement
against upper class domination and for the was a part of the Indian freedom struggle and
in the wake of 1857 revolt, it turned into armed
propagation of caste equality. Phule founded
resistance. The movement posed one of the
the Satyashodhak Samaj with the objectives of
first challenges to British Empire as it offered a
social service and spread of education among
serious threat to British supremacy in India in
women. the 19th century.

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Modern History of India, Geography and CA (M1)

17. (d) 19. (c)

Statement 1 is correct: The number of Statement 1 is correct: E.V. Ramaswamy laid
elected member in the Imperial Legislative the foundation of a dynamic social movement
Council and Provincial Legislative council that has come to be styled as the Self-
were increased. The number of members in Respect Movement. It was not a mere social
the Central Legislative Council was raised reformist movement. It aimed at destroying
from 16 to 60 whereas the number of members
the existing Hindu social order in its totality
in the Provincial Legislative council was not
and creating a new, rational society without
caste, religion and God. So it was considered
Statement 2 is correct: The Act gave the
a socially revolutionary movement which had
Muslims representation disproportionate to
been destroying and creating, i.e., creative
their population. This was done on the excuse
destruction or creation through destruction.
of the political importance of the Muslim
community. Separate representation was also Statement 2 is not correct: It was a non-
given to Presidency Corporations, Universities, Brahmin movement in south India and it was
Chambers of Commerce, and the Land-holders. in favor of popularizing tamil language and
Statement 3 is correct: Satyendra Nath Sinha culture instead of sanskrit which was prevalent
became the first Indian to join the Viceroy's in the society. The objective mentioned in the
Executive council. He was appointed as the question is wrong as it had nothing to do with
Law Member. legislature and jobs.

18. (a) Statement 3 is correct: A large Tamil

population was residing in Malaysia and
In 1787, Lord Cornwallis gave limited criminal
judicial powers to the company's revenue Singapore at that time and the movement had
collectors, who had already served as civil a wide base in dravidian belt and hence it was
magistrates. Most importantly, the collector influential in these countries also.
was divested of judicial and magisterial powers 20. (c)
and entrusted with the duty of administration
Statement 1 is not correct: Dominion status
of revenue. In 1790, the company took over
(and not Self-government) for India was one of
the administration of justice from the Nawab,
the proposals under the August offer.
and Cornwallis introduced a system of circuit
courts with a superior court that met in Calcutta Statements 2 and 4 are correct: Setting up of
and had the power of review over circuit court a Constituent Assembly after the war in which
decisions. However, most of the judges were mainly Indians would decide the Constitution
non-native. Lord Cornwallis had initiated according to their social, economic and
efforts to harmonize different codes existing at political conceptions subject to fulfillment of
that time. By the time of his departure in 1793, the obligation of the government regarding
the harmonized code, known in India as the defence, minority rights, treaties with states
Cornwallis Code, was substantially complete. and All India Services.

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Statement 3 is correct: Also one of the temperature in this layer increases with
proposals made in the offer was that 'No future increase in height.
Constitution to be adopted without the consent Mesosphere: It lies above stratosphere and
of minorities'. The Congress rejected the extends upto a height of 80 km. In this layer
offer. The muslim League welcomed the Veto temperature starts decreasing with increase in
assurance given to the league and reiterated its altitude.
position that partition was the only solution to
Thermosphere: It is located between 80 and
the deadlock.
400 km above the mesopause. Temperature in
21. (c) this layer starts increasing with height. This
Statement 1 is not correct: Asteroids, Comets layer is also called as Ionosphere.
and Meteoroids all revolve around the Sun.
23. (a)
Statement 2 is correct: Generally, a celestial
Statement 1 is correct: The rotation of Earth
body bigger than 10 m orbiting the Sun is called
around its axis affects the direction of winds.
an Asteroid. However, bodies similar to an
This force is called Coriolis force. The wind
asteroid, but significantly smaller (less than 10
gets deflected to the right direction in the
meter) consisting mostly the debris of comets,
northern hemisphere and to the left in the
or that of asteroids is called as Meteoroid.
southern hemisphere. The deflection is more
Statement 3 is correct: Asteroids are rocky
when the wind velocity is high.
bodies orbiting around the Sun. Comets are
objects composed mostly of ice and dust that Statement 2 is not correct: The Coriolis
grow tails when they approach the sun. All force acts perpendicular to the pressure
comets have a nucleus, which is the hard rock/ gradient force. The pressure gradient force is
ice object. perpendicular to the Isobar. The higher the
pressure gradient force, the more is the velocity
22. (a)
of wind and higher will be the deflection in the
Atmosphere consists of different layers direction of wind.
with varying density and temperature. The
Statement 3 is not correct: The Coriolis force
column of atmosphere is generally divided
is directly proportional to the angle of latitude.
into five different layers depending upon the It is maximum at the poles and absent at the
temperature conditions. equator.
These are: Troposphere, Stratosphere,
24. (d)
Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere.
Statement 1 is not correct: Duncan Passage
Troposphere: It is the lowermost layer of is a strait in the Indian Ocean. It is about 48
atmosphere (average height 13 km). The km wide and it separates Rutland Island to the
temperature in this layer decreases at the rate north, and Little Andaman to the south.
of 1 degree Celsius for every 165m increase Statement 2 is not correct: The Coco channel,
in height. part of the Andaman and Nicobar Ridge and the
Stratosphere: It lies above tropo-pause and Asian continental shelf, separates Myanmar’s
Coco Islands from India’s Andaman Islands.
extends up to the height of 50km. Generally,

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Modern History of India, Geography and CA (M1)

Statement 3 is not correct: St George’s the Manjra are principal tributaries of River
Channel is a sea channel connecting the Irish Godavari and not Mahanadi.
Sea to the north and the Celtic Sea to the Pair 2 is correctly matched: Hiran is the only
southwest. major tributary of Narmada that joins on right
25. (a) bank.
Moving from South to North Bhubaneswar- Pair 3 is not correctly matched: Seonath is the
Raipur-Kolkata-Ranchi. left bank tributary of Mahanadi not Godavari.

29. (b)
Statement 1 is not correct: Extra Tropical
cyclones cover a larger area and can originate
over the land and sea, whereas Tropical
cyclones originate only over the seas and on
reaching land they dissipate.
Statement 2 is correct: The wind velocity
in Tropical cyclones is much higher than that
in Extra Tropical cyclones and thus tropical
cyclones are more destructive.
Statement 3 is correct: The Extra Tropical
26. (a) cyclones move from west to east but Tropical
Nathu La: It is located in the Himalayas at cyclones move from east to west.
the India-China Border in Sikkim. The Pass,
at 4310m above sea level, forms the part of 30. (c)
offshoot of the ancient silk road. The transformation of water vapour into water
Jelep La: This pass located in Eastern is called condensation. After condensation
Himalayas connects Sikkim with Lhasa in the water vapour or moisture in the air takes
Tibet. It passes through Chumbi valley. one of the following forms- Dew, Frost, Fog,
Zoji La: It is located in Zanskar range at an Mist and Clouds. The process of continuous
altitude of 3850 m above sea level, it joins condensation in the free air helps the condensed
Srinagar with Kargil and Leh. particles to grow. When the resistance of
the air fails to hold them against the force of
27. (b)
gravity, they fall on the earth’s surface. So
Chicken’s Neck refers to the Siliguri Corridor, after condensation of water vapour the release
a narrow strip of land, which has several vital of moisture is known as precipitation. Different
installations around it. It is narrow strip of land forms of precipitation are- Rain, Snow, Hail,
connecting Sikkim and West Bengal states of Sleet and Drizzle.
31. (b)
28. (b)
Statement 1 is not correct: International Date
Pair 1 is not correctly matched: The Line also called Date Line, is an imaginary
Penganga, the Indravati, the Pranhita, and line extending between the North Pole and the

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South Pole. It corresponds along most of its inversions. The warm air on top of the cool
length to the 180 degree meridian of longitude air acts as a lid, trapping pollution such as car
but deviates from it at certain places, which emissions and smoke from fireplaces close to
are- Bering Strait, Fiji, Tonga and other islands. the ground. This results in hazy skies and poor
This has been done to prevent confusion of day air quality.
and date in some of the island groups that are Statement 2 is correct: While a temperature
cut through by the meridian. inversion sounds like something that might
Statement 2 is correct: The 180° line make the atmosphere unstable, it actually has
of longitude is approximately where the the opposite effect. Temperature inversions
International Date Line passes. The time at can keep thunderstorms from forming. Most
this longitude is exactly 12 hours from the 0° thunderstorms happen during hot and humid
longitude, irrespective of one travels westward weather at the surface, but they are unable to
or eastward from the Prime Meridian. We strengthen if the tops of the storms are unable
know that time decreases east of the Prime to rise and retain their heat energy. When
Meridian and increases to its west. Hence, for the typical temperatures are applied to the
a person moving east of the Prime Meridian, atmosphere with cooler temperatures at higher
the time would be 12 hours less than the time altitudes, it actually forms an unstable air layer
at 0° longitude. For another person moving that is ideal for the formation of thunderstorms.
westward, the time would be 12 hours more
33. (b)
than the Prime Meridian. For example, a
Statement 1and 3 are correct: Two conditions
person moving eastward on Tuesday will count
necessary for cloud formation are: (i) Air
the day as Wednesday once the International
must be saturated; (ii) there must be presence
Date Line is crossed.
of sufficient quantity of very small particles
32. (d) called as hygroscopic condensation nuclei
The sun’s radiant energy is mostly converted around which liquid droplets/ice crystals can
to heat at the earth’s surface level and that heat be formed when vapor condenses.
tends to warm the air closest to the ground first. Statement 2 is not correct: It is not necessary
The warm air rises and cools as it disperses that dew point must be below 0 degree Celsius.
in the atmosphere. Sometimes, usually on When dew point is below 0 degree Celsius, then
clear nights with calm winds, the surface vapour in the air sublimates into ice crystals
temperature drops rapidly when the sun goes however, when dew point is above 0 degree
down. Since the air doesn’t conduct heat very Celsius, then vapor condenses into liquid droplets.
well, the surface gets cool while some of the
34. (d)
air above remains warm. This is a temperature
inversion. Statement 1 is not correct: Earthquake waves
are basically of two types- Body waves and
Statements 1 and 3 are correct: During the
Surface waves. Body waves are generated due
winter, temperature inversions are stronger
to the release of energy at the focus and move
and more common. This is generally when air
in all directions travelling through the body of
quality suffers most as a result of temperature

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Modern History of India, Geography and CA (M1)

the earth. Hence, the name body waves. The receive no or very little rainfall during the
body waves interact with the surface rocks and winters. Thus, Western Himalayas receive
generate new set of waves called surface waves. more rainfall during winter than the eastern
These waves move along the surface. There are Himalayas.
two types of body waves. They are called P and Statement 3 is correct: The height of
S-waves. the mountains from the plains in Western
Statement 2 is not correct: An important Himalayas rises in a number of stages. Further,
fact about S-waves is that they can travel only the high mountain ranges are at a long distance
through solid materials. This characteristic of from the plains. In contrast, Eastern Himalayas
the S-waves is quite important. It has helped rise abruptly from the plains. As a result,
scientists to understand the structure of the the peaks are not far away from the plains
interior of the earth. Reflection causes waves to (Example: Kanchenjunga).
rebound whereas refraction makes waves move
in different directions. 37. (b)
Statement 1 not correct: Western Ghats
35. (d)
are almost perpendicular to the south-west
Tropical cyclones originate and intensify over
monsoons coming from the Arabian Sea
warm tropical oceans. The conditions favorable
but Eastern Ghats is almost parallel to the
for the formation and intensification of tropical
monsoons coming from the Bay of Bengal.
cyclones are:
Statements 2 is correct: While the Western
• Large sea surface with temperature higher
Ghats are almost continuous, the Eastern Ghats
than 27 degree Celsius;
are broken and uneven.
• Presence of Coriolis force;
Statements 3 is correct: Western Ghats
• Small variations in the vertical wind speed;
are locally known by different names such
• A pre existing weak low pressure area or low
as Sahyadri in Maharashtra, Nilgiri hills in
level cyclonic circulation;
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and Anaimalai hills
• Upper divergence above the sea level system. and Cardamom hills in Kerala.
36. (c)
38. (d)
Himalayas are also divided in terms of Eastern
Factors influencing temperature are: Latitude,
and Western Himalayas.
altitude, continentality, ocean currents and
Statement 1 is not correct: The North South winds, slope, shelter and aspect, natural
extension of Western Himalayas is around 400 vegetation and soil.
KM consisting of three parallel ranges. These
three ranges appear to merge in the East. The 39. (d)
North South extension of Eastern Himalayas is Factors that influence the mechanism of south-
around 150 Km. west monsoons:
Statement 2 is correct: During rainfall the 1. Intense heating of Tibetan plateau during
Western Himalayas receive rainfall due to the summer months.
Western Disturbances. The Eastern Himalayas

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2. Permanent high pressure cell in the 42. (b)

South Indian Ocean (east to north-east of Members of this quadrilateral arrangement,
Madagascar in summer). QUAD – the United States, India, Australia,
3. Subtropical Jet Stream (STJ). and Japan – are a group of democratic countries
4. Tropical Easterly Jet (African Easterly Jet). advocating a free and open Indo-Pacific region
5. Inter Tropical Convergence Zone. for shared peace and prosperity. The idea of
the QUAD could be originally attributed to
40. (b) Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It got
Options 1 and 4 are correct: Afforestation operationalized in 2007, but failed to gain any
and limiting the practice of shifting cultivation traction as then-Australian Prime Minister
are the measures which can be taken for soil Kevin Rudd backed out on the grounds of
conservation. antagonizing China even as India too remained
Option 2 is not correct: Crop rotation is reticent.
effective measure for soil conservation. It
43. (c)
should be encouraged.
Statement 1 is correct: The OIC’s mission
Option 3 is not correct: Use of chemical
statement bills it as the collective voice of the
fertilizers is not an appropriate measrue for
Muslim world that works to protect the interests
soil conservation as it decreases soil’s natural
of the Muslim world. It was established by 24
productivity with time.
member states in 1969. Today, with 57 member
41. (a) states from four continents, the OIC is the
Statement 1 is correct: Ministry of Health second-largest intergovernmental organisation
and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has established in the world after the United Nations, with a
the network of 18 Population Research Centres collective population reaching over 1.8 billion.
(PRCs) spread over 17 major States/UTs, with Statement 2 is correct: In this, majority
the mandate to provide, inter alia, critical of the member states are Muslim-majority
research based inputs related to the Health countries, while others have significant
and Family Welfare programs and policies at Muslim populations, including several African
the national and state levels. The PRCs are and South American countries such as Guyana
autonomous in nature and administratively and Suriname.
under the control of their host University/
44. (d)
Statement 1 is not correct: Siachen glacier,
Statement 2 is not correct: An overall
located in the eastern Karakoram Range is one
outlay of Rs. 2381.84 crore for the scheme
of the five largest glaciers in the Karakoram,
will be spent during the Fourteenth Finance
situated at an average altitude of 18,000 ft
Commission period 2017-18 to 2019-20 and
above sea level. At 78 km long, it is the longest
would be funded 100% by Central Government
glacier in the Karakoram and second longest in
Budgetary support.
the world’s non-polar areas.

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Source Channel
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Statement 2 is correct: The Nubra River is Statement 3 is not correct: It is an initiative

a river in the Nubra Valley of Ladakh. It is by UpCurve Business Services Private
a tributary of the Shyok River (a part of the Limited, a company registered under Ministry
Indus River system) and originates from the of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of
Siachen Glacier. India.
Statement 3 is correct: Operation Meghdoot,
48. (d)
was in support of the Indian Army and
Statement 1 is not correct: The target groups
paramilitary forces in Northern Ladakh, to
secure control of the heights predominating the include: Socio-economically backward and
Siachin glacier, also referred to as the world’s educationally disadvantaged groups of rural/
third pole and potentially a dangerous flash urban population. Main target includes non-
point on the disputed Northern borders. literate, neo-literates, person education upto
8th standard, school dropouts, in the age group
45. (a)
of 15-35 years. Priority given to women, SC,
Mt Etna in Sicily (Italy), locally called
ST, OBC and Minorities in rural areas and
“Mongibello”, is Europe’s largest and most
urban slums.
active volcano. Its frequent eruptions are often
Statement 2 is not correct: Jan Shikshan
accompanied by large lava flows, but rarely
Sansthans (formerly known as Shramik
pose danger to inhabited areas. Etna is one of
the volcanoes with the longest historic records Vidyapeeth) are institutions which provide
of eruptions, going back more than 2000 years. vocational skills to non-literate, neo-literates
as well as school dropouts by identifying
46. (b)
skills that have a market in the region of their
The Financial Literacy Week is an initiative of establishment. The Scheme of Jan Shikshan
RBI to promote awareness on key topics every Sansthan has been transferred from Ministry
year through a focused campaign. Financial
of Human Resource Development to Ministry
Literacy Week 2019 was observed from June
of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in
3-7 on the theme of “Farmers” and how they
benefit by being a part of the formal banking
system. 49. (b)

47. (a) Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has

launched a Fiscal Performance Index (FPI) to
Statements 1 and 2 are correct: ‘UdChalo’
assess the budget at state and central levels.
is a travel portal, that caters for the personal
According to the CII, the Index incorporates
travel of the military and paramilitary forces
personnel by aggregating defence fares and qualitative assessments of revenue expenditure,
getting exclusive discounts. The Army’s capital expenditure, revenues, fiscal prudence
Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre (PRC) has and the level of public debt to arrive at a more
joined hands with UdChalo with an aim to holistic picture of fiscal performance than the
empower the disabled military veterans. fiscal deficit to GDP ratio.

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50. (c) • The Act recognised trade unions as legal

Statement 1 is not correct: BrahMos is a associations.
supersonic cruise missile being developed • It laid down conditions for registration and
by BrahMos Aerospace, a joint venture regulation of trade union activities.
between Defence Research and Development
• It secured immunity, both civil and
Organisation (DRDO) of India and NPO
criminal, for trade unions from prosecution
Mashinostroeyenia (NPOM) of Russia. The
for legitimate activities, but put some
missile can be launched against ships and
restrictions on their political activities.
land-based targets. The missile is named after
two rivers, the Brahmaputra in India and the 53. (c)
Moskva in Russia. Statements 1 is not correct: Pahariyas’
Statement 2 is not correct: BrahMos is Rebellion by the martial Pahariyas (1778; Raj
powered by a two-stage propulsion system. Mahal Hills) was against the British expansion
Initial acceleration is provided by a solid- on their lands.
propellant booster and supersonic cruise speed
Statements 2 is correct: Chuar Uprisings by
is provided by a liquid-fuelled ram-jet system.
the Chuar aboriginal tribesmen (1776) was
The air-breathing ramjet propulsion is more
against rise in demands and economic privation
fuel-efficient in comparison with conventional
rocket propulsion. It provides the BrahMos by the British.
with a longer range over similar missiles Statements 3 is correct: Kol Uprisings by the
powered by rocket propulsion. Kols of Chottanagpur led by Buddho Bhagat
Statement 3 is correct: The missile has a “fire (1831) was against the expansion of British
and forget” principle of operation. It means rule on their lands and transfer of their lands to
the missile guidance does not require further outsiders; the revolt was suppressed.
guidance after the launch and still hit the target
54. (a)
without the launcher being in line-of-sight of
Statement 1 is correct: Tilak’s demands
the target.
included swarajya, formation of linguistic
51. (b)
states and education in the vernacular.
The concept of Swadeshi Samaj was presented
Statement 2 is not correct: The Besant League
by Rabindra Nath Tagore. He believed that in
was confined to Bombay, Madras and certain
India, society is the provider of welfares not the
pockets of the U. P. and Bihar and made little
kingdoms or empires. This belief in the primacy
headway outside these areas.
of the society and restriction of the functions of
the state is consistent with Tagore’s faith in the 55. (b)
worth and ability of the individual. First world war — 1914-1918
52. (b) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre – 1919
Following are the features of the Trade Union Lucknow session of Congress - 1916
Act, 1926: Khilafat movement - 1919-24

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56. (b) Statement 3 is correct: He used the method

Statement 1 not correct: In 1914, Ghadar of passive resistance or civil disobedience and
Movement was influenced by arrest of Lala har formed the Passive Resistance Association.
Dayal not Rash Behari Bose.
59. (c)
Statement 2 is correct: Ghadar Movement
was also influenced by Komgata Maru Incident Rowlatt Act was aimed at severly curtailing the
as it hurt the sentiments of overseas Indians. civil liberties in the name of curbing terrorist

Statement 3 is correct: The most important violence. It was treated as an insult by whole
development that made the Ghadra Revolution of political India, especially as it came at the
imminent was the outbreak of world war I. end of the war when substantial constitutional
Statement 4 is not correct: Bal Gangadhar concessions were expected. Mahatama Gandhi
Tilak was ready to assume leadership of Home stepped in and suggested launch of satyagraha
rule movement not Ghadar Movement after his sabha as constitutional protests have failed.
release in June 1914.
60. (a)
57. (d) Statement 1 is correct: All India Harijans
Factors which led to growth of militant Sevak Sangh founded by Mahatama Gandhi in
nationalism included;
1923 started numerous schools for the Harijan
• Self-confidence, self-reliance (atma shakti) including residential vocational schools.
and self-respect increased among youth.
Statement 2 is correct: The first upper caste
• Increase in awareness because of education
temple to openly welcome Dalits was the
and increase in rate of unemployment as
Laxminarayan Temple in Wardha.
there were no enough jobs for the educated
Indians. Statement 3 is not correct: Ramosi revolt was
• Reaction to increasing westernisation. of Ramosi tribe in western Ghats who raised

• Dissatisfaction with the achievements of against British rule and plundered the country
moderates as petitions and memorials were around Satara.
not making any big change. 61. (c)
58. (c) Statement 1 is correct: He repealed the
Statement 1 is correct: He filed petitions controversial Arms Act which was passed
and sent memorials to the South African during the tenure of Lord Lyton.
Legislature, the Colonial Secretary and
Statement 2 is not correct: Lord Lyton
British Parliament on behalf of Indians facing
introduced a law which reduced the maximum
discrimination in South Africa.
age of civil services exam from 21 to 19.
Statement 2 is not correct: He set up Natal
Congress and started a paper called Indian Statement 3 is correct: Local self-government
Opinion. India House was an informal Indian act was passed which established panchayat
nationalist organization set up in London by and municipal boards. He is known as father of
Shyamji Krishna Varma. self-governance in India.

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62. (c) 64. (d)

Statement 1 is correct: Mahatama Gandhi got Option 1 is correct: Charter Act 1813 directed
the Kaiser-i-Hind in 1915. the company to sanction one lakh rupees
Statement 2 is not correct: Lord Hardinge annually for promoting knowledge of Modern
awarded Gandhi ji with title of Kaiser-i-Hind Sciences.
for his ambulance corps in Zulu War and Boer Option 2 is correct: Lord Macaulay’s Famous
War not in World War I. Minute concluded that limited government
resources were to be devoted to teaching of
Statement 3 is correct: Mahatama Gandhi
western sciences.
returned this title in protest against Jaliawala
Bagh massacre. The reason was stated in his Option 3 is correct: In 1854, Charles Wood
letter addressed to Lord Chelmsfod in 1920. prepared a despatch on an educational system
He was very saddened by the Jallianwala Bagh in India also known as Magna Carta of English
education in India.
65. (b)
63. (b)
Statement 1 is not correct: Extremists wanted
Reasons for rise of extremism during Swadesi
to take the movement outside Bengal but
Movement were many such as:
Moderates opposed it.
Statement 1 is correct: Emergence of trained
Statement 2 is correct: There was a great
leadership in form of Bal Gangadhar Tilak,
deal of public debate and disagreement among
Lala Lajpat Rai and Aurbindo Ghosh etc.
moderates and the radicals in the year 1905-07,
Statement 2 is correct: Reactionary policies even when they were working together against
of Curzon such as passing of Calcutta the portioning of Bengal. The radicals wanted
Corporation Act, Universities Act, Official to extend the swadeshi and boycott movement
Secrets Act, partition of Bengal. from Bengal to rest of the country. The
Statement 3 is not correct: The defeat of the moderates wanted to confine the boycott part
Italian army by Ethiopians (1896), the Boer of the movement to Bengal and were totally
wars (1899- 1902) where the British faced opposed to its extension. Matters nearly got
reverses and Japan’s victory over Russia (1905) worst at the Calcutta Congress in 1906 over
demolished myths of European invincibility. the question of its presidentship. The split was
Defeat of Russian Empire in Crimean War was avoided by choosing Dadabhai Nairoji, who
reason for rise of militant activities during 1857 was respected by all the nationalists as a great
freedom struggle and not during the Swadeshi patriot. However, In Surat Session (1907),
Movement. extremists wanted Lala Lajpat Rai or Tilak as a
President candidate of congress and Moderates
Statement 4 is correct: Recognition of true
supported Dr. Rashbihari Ghosh to be the
nature of British rule and their repressive
President. Lala Lajpat Rai stepped down and
policy. The Natu brothers were deported
Dr. Rashbihari Ghosh became the President.
without trial and Tilak and others, imprisoned
The British Government immediately
on charges of sedition.
launched a massive attack on the extremists

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and Extremist newspapers were suppressed. Seva Sadan: It was founded by a Parsi
Lokmanya Tilak, their main leader, was sent to Reformer Behramji Malabari in 1885. The
Mandalay jail for six years. Organisation specialised in taking care of those
66. (a) women who were exploited and then discarded
by society.
Natal Indian Ambulance Corps: Gandhi
encouraged the recruitment of Indian soldiers 68. (a)
for service in South Africa with his organization
Statement 1 is economic cause: Complete
of the Indian Ambulance Corps despite his
destruction of traditional handicraft industry
sympathies for the Boer cause. The objective
as Indian Artisans and handicraftsmen lost the
of Gandhi’s service to the British Crown in
patronage by Princes and Nobility.
the Anglo- Boer War was to force the British
to recognize Indians as equal citizens of the Statement 2 is economic cause: Heavy
British Empire. taxation under new revenue settlements was
Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association: also one of economic causes for revolt of 1857.
It was founded by Gandhiji in 1918. It was Statement 3 is economic cause: British
perhaps the largest single trade union of the imposed a policy of one-way free trade on
time. India after 1813
All India Khilafat Committee: Initially the Statement 4 is not an economic cause: Issue
Khilafat movement had two broad trends: of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield
a moderate trend headed by the Bombay rifle in 1857 is religious cause for the revolt
merchants and a radical trend led by the of 1857.
younger Muslim leaders, like Muhammad Ali,
Shaukat Ali, Maulana Azad and the ulema. 69. (c)
The former group preferred to proceed through The Lex Loci Act gave the Christian converts
the familiar constitutional path of sending a the right to inherit their ancestral properties.
delegation to the viceroy or ensuring Muslim The act, the Hindus widely believed, would
representation in the Paris Peace Conference. open floodgates to Christian conversion. Option
The latter group on the other hand, wanted a (a) is related to Vernacular Press Act 1878,
mass agitation against the British on the basis was directed against vernacular newspapers.
of unity with the Hindus.
Option (b) is related Ilbert Bill Proposed to
67. (b) give Indian district magistrates and sessions
Bharat Dharma Mahamandala: An all judges the power to try European offenders.
India Organisation of the orthodox educated
70. (c)
Hindus. It stood for a defence of Orthodox
Statement 1 is correct: Aim of the Swarajist
Hinduism against teachings of Arya samajist,
was to derail the Constitution by obstructing
the theosophist, and the RamKrishna Mission.
the functioning of the Council from within it.
Deoband School: It was organised by orthodox
The Swarajists are driven to concentrating all
section among muslim ulema as a revivalist
their energy on breaking Gandhiji’s hold on
the Congress.

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Statement 2 is correct: The no-changers, surface increases by the loss of water to ice or
whose effective head was Gandhiji, argued evaporation, or decreased by the input of fresh
for the continuation of the full programme waters, such as from the rivers.
of boycott and non-cooperation, effective Statement 2 is correct: Salinity at depth is
working of the constructive programme and very much fixed, because there is no way that
quiet preparations for the resumption of the water is lost, or the salt is ‘added.’ There is a
suspended civil disobedience. marked difference in the salinity between the
71. (c) surface zones and the deep zones of the oceans.
The lower salinity water rests above the higher
Statements 1 and 2 are correct: Tropical
salinity dense water. Salinity, generally,
Deciduous are the monsoon forests found in
increases with depth and there is a distinct zone
the large part of India, northern Australia and
called the halocline, where salinity increases
in central America. These regions experience
seasonal changes. Trees shed their leaves in the
dry season to conserve water. The hardwood 74. (b)
trees found in these forests are sal, teak, neem The pattern of the movement of the planetary
and shisham. Hardwood trees are extremely winds is called the general circulation of the
useful for making furniture, transport and atmosphere. The pattern of planetary winds
constructional materials. largely depends on:
72. (b) (i) latitudinal variation of atmospheric
Statement 1 is correct: Movement of water heating.
caused by meteorological effects are called (ii) emergence of pressure belts.
surges. These are not regular like tides. (iii) the migration of belts following apparent
Statement 2 is correct: As a wave approaches path of the sun.
the beach, it slows down. This is due to the (iv) the distribution of continents and oceans
friction occurring between the dynamic water (v) the rotation of earth.
and the sea floor. When the depth of water is
75. (d)
less than half the movements of ocean water
wavelength of the wave, the wave breaks. The Larsen Ice Shelf is a long ice shelf
in the northwest part of the Weddell Sea,
Statement 3 is not correct: The boundary
extending along the east coast of the Antarctic
region, from where there is a rapid decrease of
Peninsula from Cape Longing to the area just
temperature, is called the thermocline. About
southward of Hearst Island. It is surrounded by
90 per cent of the total volume of water is
Bellinghaushen Sea from the other side.
found below the thermocline in the deep ocean.
In this zone, temperatures approach 0° C. 76. (c)
Mediterranean Climatic Biome: Entirely
73. (b)
confined to the western portion of continental
Statement 1 is not correct: Salinity changes
masses, between 30° and 45° north and
with depth, but the way it changes depends
south of the equator. The basic cause of this
upon the location of the sea. Salinity at the

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type of climate is the shifting of the wind material by the dual action of wind abrasion
belts. Clear skies and high temperatures; hot, by dust and sand, and deflation which is the
dry summers and cool, wet winters. Mean removal of loose material by wind turbulence.
annual precipitation ranges from 35 – 90 cm.
79. (c)
Mediterranean Sea has the greatest extent of
this type of ‘winter rain climate’. The best Types of Earthquakes:
developed form of this climatic type is found 1. The most common are the tectonic
in central Chile. Other Mediterranean regions earthquakes. These are generated due to
include: California (around San Francisco), sliding of rocks along a fault plane.
the south-western tip of Africa (around Cape 2. A special class of tectonic earthquake
Town), southern Australia, and south-west is sometimes recognised as Volcanic
Australia (Swanland). The Mediterranean lands earthquake.
are also known as the world’s orchard lands.
3. In the areas of intense mining activity,
A wide range of citrus fruits such as oranges,
sometimes the roofs of underground mines
lemons, limes, citrons and grapefruit are
collapse causing minor tremors.
grown. They are, in short xerophytic [drought
4. Ground Shaking may also occur due
tolerant], a word used to describe the drought-
resistant plants in an environment deficient in to the explosion of chemical or nuclear
moisture. Many local winds, some hot, others devices. Such tremors are called explosion
cold are common around the Mediterranean earthquakes.
Sea. 5. The earthquakes that occur in the areas of
large reservoirs are referred to as reservoir
77. (d)
induced earthquakes.
Five basic factors that control the formation of
The following are the immediate hazardous
soils are:
effects of earthquake:
(i) parent material; (ii) topography; (iii)
1. Ground shaking
climate;(iv) biological activity; (v) time.
2. Avalanches
In fact, soil forming factors act in union and
affect the action of one another. 3. Tsunami
4. Land and mud slides etc.
78. (b)
Statement 1 is correct: Barchans are crescent 80. (c)
shaped sand dunes that occur identical or in The water at the ocean surface is moved
groups. primarily by winds that blow in certain patterns
Statement 2 is not correct: Inselberg are because of the Earth’s spin and the Coriolis
residual hills raising above the ground which Effect. Gyres flow clockwise in Northern
are typical features of many desert and arid Hemisphere oceans and counterclockwise in
landscapes because of wind erosion. Southern Hemisphere oceans because of the
Statement 3 is not correct: A yardang is a Coriolis Effect. Planetary winds pull ocean
streamlined protuberance carved from bedrock waters pole wards and Westwards and warm
or any consolidated or semiconsolidated the eastern cost of the continent. Difference in

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temperature of poles and equator region results Explosion of a star caused by gravitational
in flow of currents. Warm water is lighter and collapse resulting in increased luminosity of
raise up where as cold water is denser and star as much as 20 magnitudes and most of
heavy hence sinks down. Salinity decides water the times leaving behind a dense core is called
density, and hence the upwards and downward supernova.
movement of water. Moon’s gravitational
83. (a)
pull has no impact on ocean currents. Land
constantly obstructs and diverts the currents. Pair 1 is correctly matched: The Mohorovicic
Discontinuity, or “Moho,” is the boundary
81. (a)
between the crust and the mantle.
The course of a river is generally divided into
Pair 2 is not correctly matched: The
three stages which are: The Upper or Mountain
Gutenberg discontinuity marks the boundary
Course (the stage of youth); The Middle or
between the lower mantle and outer core. It is
Valley Course (the stage of maturity), The
located about 2900 km below the Earth surface.
Lower or Plain Course (old-age stage of river).
Each of these three stages of river is associated Pair 3 is not correctly matched: Conrad
with certain outstanding features. Some of discontinuity is a boundary within the
these features associated with different stages Earth’s continental crust that can be detected
can be listed as under: seismically at about 10–12 km depth, although
exploratory deep drilling has failed to locate it.
1. The Upper or Mountain Course has features
such as: River Capture, Rapids, Cataracts The boundary separates the crust into a lower,
and Waterfalls. basic layer and an upper, granitic layer.

2. The Middle or Valley Course has features 84. (a)

such as: Meanders, River cliffs and slip-off Statement 1 is correct: It is propounded
slopes and Interlocking spurs. that mid oceanic ridges are situated on the
3. The lower or Plain Course has features such rising thermal convection currents coming up
as: Flood Plains Ox-bow lakes and Delta. from the mentle. The oceanic crust moves in
82. (c) opposite direction from the mid-oceanic ridges
and thus there is continuous upwelling of new
Nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen,
molten materials along the mid-oceanic ridges.
helium and other ionized gases. It can be dark
nebula, emission nebula and reflection nebula. Statement 2 is not correct: The sea floor
A cigar-shaped matter having thicker middle spreads along the mid-oceanic ridges. The
portion and thinner ends ejected from primitive expanding crusts are destroyed along the
sun by the gravitation force of the intruding oceanic trenches.
star was named filament by James Jeans. 85. (a)
Small celestial particles detached from Statement 1 is correct: Almost all of the
photosun due to massive gravitational pull weather phenomena like rainfall, fog, dew etc.
exerted by a giant intruding star are called occur in troposphere.

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Statement 2 is correct: The height of Option (c) is not correct: Narmada river lies
troposphere increases from poles towards the to the north of Satpura range.
equator. Its average height is 16 km over the Option (d) is not correct: Western Ghats run
equator and 6 km over the poles. form south of the Tapi valley till the southern
Statement 3 is not correct: Height of tip of Indian Peninsula.
troposphere increases during summer and
89. (b)
decreases during winter.
Following rivers of India cut Tropic of Cancer
86. (d) -Sabarmati, Mahi, Kali, Betwa, Chambal,
Statement 1 is correct: Commercial planes Damodar.
fly in lower layer of stratosphere to avoid
turbulence and bad weather.
Statement 2 is correct: Temperature decreases
with increasing height in mesosphere. At
uppermost limit of mesosphere temperature
becomes 80 degree Celsius.
Statement 3 is correct: Thermosphere extends
between 80-400 km. This layer helps in radio
transmission. In fact, radio waves transmitted
from the earth are reflected back to the earth
by this layer. 90. (a)
87. (b) Only Damodar and Tapi rivers flow through
Statement 1 is not correct: The earth receives rift valley. The Damodar occupies the eastern
most of its energy from the sun through margins of the Chotanagpur Plateau where it
shortwave solar radiations. flows through a rift valley and finally joins the
Hugli. The major river systems of the Peninsular
Statement 2 is correct: The earth radiates
drainage are – the Mahanadi the Godavari,
energy received from sun, out of its surface
the Krishna and the Kaveri. Peninsular rivers
into the atmosphere through longwave.
are characterised by fixed course, absence of
Statement 3 is not correct: The amount of
meanders and non- perennial flow of water.
scattering of radiation is inversely proportional
The Narmada and the Tapi which flow through
to fourth power of its wavelength.
the rift valley are, however, exceptions.
88. (a)
91. (c)
Option (a) is correct: Their average elevation
Statement 1 is not correct: Spice bomb,
is 900–1600 metres and are higher in Southern which stands for Smart, Precise Impact, Cost-
region. Effective, comes equipped with a family of
Option (b) is not correct: Anaimudi is highest weapons used for air-to-ground operations.
peak in Western ghats. India has been using SPICE-2000 bombs

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since 2015 on French-developed fighter jets, to pay multiple kinds of transport charges,
Mirage-2000. The Spice-2000 bombs have including metro services and toll tax, across
been acquired from Israel which is one of the the country. Dubbed as ‘One Nation One
main weapon and ammunition supplier of the Card’, the inter-operable transport card would
Air Force. allow the holders to pay for their bus travel,
Statement 2 is not correct: These sophisticated toll taxes, parking charges, retail shopping and
bombs are difficult to detect on radars. Due to even withdraw money.
their small size, they can be used from standoff Statement 2 is not correct: It is indigenously
range to destroy targets. Also, heavy cloud developed.
cover or bad weather has little effect on their Statement 3 is not correct: Ministry of
outcome. Housing & Urban Affairs brought to the fore
Statement 3 is correct: Spice bomb has a the National Common Mobility Card (NCMC)
standoff range of 60 kilometres. to enable seamless travel by different metros
and other transport systems across the country
92. (a)
besides retail shopping and purchases.
Statement 1 is correct: To curb growing
menace of air pollution through the vehicles 94. (c)
emission, the Government of India has decided SCO is a Eurasian political, economic, and
to leapfrog from the exiting BS – IV norms to military organisation. The SCO’s main goals
the BS- VI, thereby skipping the BS – V norms, are as follows: strengthening mutual trust
and to implement the BS – VI norms with effect and neighbourliness among the member
from 1st April 2020. The major difference states; promoting their effective cooperation
between the existing BS-IV and forthcoming in politics, trade, the economy, research,
BS-VI norms is the presence of sulphur in the technology and culture, as well as in education,
fuel. While the BS-IV fuels contain 50 parts energy, transport, tourism, environmental
per million (ppm) sulphur, the BS-VI grade protection, and other areas; making joint efforts
fuel only has 10 ppm sulphur content. to maintain and ensure peace, security and
Statement 2 is not correct: While the stability in the region; and moving towards the
application of a stricter emission norm may establishment of a democratic, fair and rational
sound good, especially amidst the mounting new international political and economic order.
concerns over the ever-rising pollution levels Currently, SCO has 8 Member States - China,
in the country, there’s a lot more to it than just Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan,
that. It takes years for automakers to develop a Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan; 4 Observer
new kind of an engine or to tweak around with States - Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and
the current ones used in their vehicles. Mongolia and 6 Dialogue Partners - Azerbaijan,
93. (a) Armenia, Cambodia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri
Statement 1 is correct: India has launched
the indigenously developed National Common 95. (d)
Mobility Card (NCMC) to enable people The Kimberley Process is a joint initiative

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involving Government, international diamond provide generic drugs, which are available at
industry and civil society to stem the flow of lesser prices but are equivalent in quality and
Conflict Diamonds. Conflict Diamonds means efficacy as expensive branded drugs.
rough diamonds used by rebel movements Statement 2 is correct: It was launched by the
or their allies to finance conflict aimed at Department of Pharmaceuticals in November
undermining legitimate governments. India 2008 under the name Jan Aushadi Campaign.
is one of the founder members of Kimberley Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI) is the
Process Certification Scheme and is the Chair implementation agency for PMBJP.
of Kimberley Process for the year 2019 with Statement 3 is correct: State Governments
Russian Federation as Vice Chair. or any organization / reputed NGOs / Trusts
96. (b) / Private hospitals / Charitable institutions /
Statement 1 is not correct: NASA’s OSIRIS- Doctors / Unemployed pharmacist/ individual
REx will be the first U.S. mission to bring entrepreneurs are eligible to apply for new Jan
an asteroid sample to Earth. The spacecraft Aushadhi stores. The applicants shall have
is currently orbiting asteroid Bennu and will to employ one B Pharma / D Pharma degree
spend two years mapping it before collecting a holder as Pharmacist in their proposed store.
sample and returning to Earth. It is the first U.S. 98. (d)
attempt to gather asteroid samples for return to The armies of India and Myanmar carried
Earth, something only Japan has accomplished out a three-week-long coordinated operation
so far. It consists of only orbiter and not lander. in their respective border areas, targeting
Statement 2 is correct: The spacecraft is on a several militant groups operating in Manipur,
seven-year journey to study the asteroid Bennu Nagaland and Assam. The first phase of
that runs between the orbits of Earth and of “Operation Sunrise” was conducted earlier in
Mars. Osiris-Rex aims to collect at least 60g 2018 along the Indo-Myanmar border, during
of dust and gravel. The spacecraft won’t land, which a number of camps of north-east-based
but rather use a 10-foot (3-metre) mechanical militant groups were busted.
arm in 2020 to momentarily touch down and Myanmar is one of the strategic neighbours
vacuum up particles. The sample container of India and shares a 1,640-km border with a
would break loose and head toward Earth in number of north-eastern states, including the
2021. militancy-hit Nagaland and Manipur.
97. (c) 99. (b)
Statement 1 is not correct: Pradhan Mantri Bt cotton remains the only GM crop allowed to
Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) is be cultivated in the country. Developed by US
a campaign launched by the Department of giant Bayer-Monsanto, it involves insertion of
Pharmaceuticals to provide quality medicines two genes viz ‘Cry1Ab’ and ‘Cry2Bc’ from
at affordable prices to the masses (not only BPL the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis into
population). PMBJP stores have been set up to cotton seeds. This modification codes the plant

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to produce protein toxic to Heliothis bollworm Statement 2 is correct: In 2015, India made
(pink bollworm) thus making it resistant to a Bonn Challenge commitment to place into
their attack. The commercial release of this restoration 13 million hectares (Mha) of
hybrid was sanctioned by the government in degraded land by 2020 and an additional 8
2002. Mha by 2030. India’s Nationally Determined
Contributions (NDCs) have also pledged
to sequester 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2
Statement 1 is correct: The Bonn Challenge
equivalent additionally by 2030 through
is a global effort to bring 150 million hectares
enhanced tree cover.
of the world’s deforested and degraded land
under restoration by 2020, and 350 million
hectares by 2030.

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