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v Astro, aster - star • T;ksfr"k 'kkL=A

Aster Astronomy
• (Aster - star) n • (Astr - star + nomy - law) n
• A plant with many long narrow petals • The scientific study of the stars and
like star. universe.
• [kxksy 'kkL=A
• (Aster - star + isk) n Astronaut
• A star-shaped sign[*] used in writing • (Astro - star + naut - sailor) n
and printing. • A person trained for traveling in
• (Aster - star + ism) n
v Bell - war
• A cluster of stars.
• rkjks dk lewgA
• (Ante - before + bell - war + um) adj
Asteroid • Before a war.
• (Aster - star + oid - resembles) n
• Any one of the small planets that
resembles a star and go around the • (Bell - war + cose) adj
sun. • Always showing a desire to fight.
• lkSje.My esa lw;Z ds pkjks vksj ?kweus okys NksVs • ;q)fiz; ;k yMkdwA
xzgA • Syn - Aggressive; Warlike; Pugnacious.

Disaster Belligerent
• (Dis - not + aster - star) n • (Bell - war + gere - will for + ent) adj
• An unexpected event, when the stars • Willing to involve in a war.
are not in favour. • ;q)rRijA
• Sy n - C a t a s t ro p h e ; Tra g e dy ; • Syn - Hostile; Unfriendly; Aggressive.
Calamity; Cataclysm.
Astrology • (Co - together + bell - war + ent) n
• (Astr - star + ology - study) n • A n a t i o n t h a t c o o p e ra te s w i t h
• The study of effects of stars on human another in a war.
beings. • lg;q)dkjh jk"VªA

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Postbellum Antecede
• (Post - after + bell - war + um) adj • (Ante - before + cede - to go) v
• After a war. • To go before in rank, order and time.
• ;q) ds i'pkr~ gksus okykA • le; ls iwoZ gksukA
• Syn - Precede.
• (Re - against + bell - war) n Concede
• A person who fights against the • (Con - completely + cede - to go) v
government of their country. • To admit that something is true.
• jktnzksgh] fonzksg djus okykA • Syn - Admit; Confess.
• Ant - Deny; Refuse.
• (Re - against + bell - war + ion) n Exceed
• V i o l e n c e a ga i n s t a n ex i s t i n g • (Ex - out + ceed - to go) v
government. • To go beyond a set limit.
• jktnzksg] fonzksg] cxkorA • lhek ls ckgj tkuk ;k cgqr vf/kd ek=k esa
• Syn - Uprising; Revolt. gksukA
v Cede, ceed, cess - to go • (Inter - between + cede - to go) v
Accede • To speak to somebody to settle a
• (Ac - to + cede - to go) v disagreement.
• To agree to a request; to achieve a • e/;LFk gksuk] chp&cpko djkukA
higher position. • Syn - Intervene.
• lger gksuk ;k mPp in ij tkuk ;k izkIr
djukA Preceed
• (Pre - before + ceede - to go) v
• Syn - Assent.
• To happen before or in front of
Ancestry something.
• (An - ante (before) + cess - to go +
try) n
• (Pro - forward + ceed - to go) v
• All past generations.
• To go forward.
• oa'kkoyh] igys ls py jgh ih<h ;k iwoZt yksxA
• vxzlj gksukA
• Syn - Pedigree.
• Syn - Pioneer.

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• Ant - Recede; Retrocede. Accessory

• (Ac - to + cess - to go + ory) n
Retrocede / Recede
• An extra piece of equipment that can be
• (Retro / re - back + cede - to go) v
added to something else as a decoration.
• To go back.
• vfrfjDr lkeku ftlls fdlh pht esa lEiw.kZrk
• Ant - Proceed; Pioneer. ,oa lqUnjrk vkrh gSA
Secede Process
• (Se - apart + cede - to go) v • (Pro - forward + cess - to go) n
• To go apart and become independent. • A series of things that are done in order
• vyx gksukA to achieve a result.
• fdlh mís'k; dh iwfrZ gsrq fd;s x;s fofo/k dk;ZA
• (Sub - beneath + ceed - to go) v Procession
• To be successful. • (Pro - forward + cess - to go) n
• Ant - Fail. • A number of people who come one
Abscess after the other.
• (Ab - away from + cess - to go) n - Recession
• A swollen area in body, full of a thick • (Re - back + cess - to go + ion) n
yellowish liquid (called pus)
• The backward movement of
• QksMk] ihinkj QksMkA something from a previous position.
Access • ihNs gVuk] igys okyh fLFkfr esa okil tkukA
• (Ac - to + cess - to go) n • Ant - Boom; Upturn.
• A way to go to a place.
• igq¡pus dk jkLrkA
v Cred- belief, belive
• (Cred - belief + it) n
• (Ac - to + cess - to go) adj
• Belief, trust or faith; good reputation.
• That can be reached, entered, used,
• fo'okl] HkjkslkA
seen, etc.
• tgk¡ ljyrk ls igq¡pk tk ldsA Creditable
• Ant - Inaccessible. • (Cred - belief + able) adj
• Worthy of belief or honor.
• iz'kalk ds ;ksX;A

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• Syn - Admirable; Praise worthy. Credentials

• (Cred - belief + ent + ials) n
• Evidence attesting to one's
• (Cred - belief + it + or - doer) n
achievement , confidence, trust
• A person or firm who lends money. worthiness.
• m/kkj nsus okykA Credible
Accredit • (Cred - belief + ible) adj
• Believable.
• (Ac - to + credit) v
• ftl ij Hkjkslk fd;k tk ldsA
• To b e l i e v e t h a t s o m e b o d y i s
• Syn - Trustworthy; Convincing.
responsible for doing or saying
something. Incredible
• ekU;rk nsukA • (In - not + cred - belief + able) adj
• Not believable.
• vfo'oluh;
• (Ac - to + credit + tion) n
• Syn - Amazing; Astounding
• A certificate of acceptance.
• ekU;rk izkIrA Credulous
• Syn - Authorized. • (Cred - belief + ul + ous) adj
• Apt to believe easily.
Discredit • lgt fo'oklhA
• (Dis - not + cred - belief + it) v • Syn - Quilibility.
• Not believe on somebody; to reject. • Ant - Incredulous.
• fo'okl u djukA
Credo/Creed • (In - not + cred - belief + ul + ous) adj
• (Cred - belief ) n • Not apt to believe easily.
• A set of beliefs. • lgt fo'okl u djus okykA
• /kkfeZd fl)kUrA • Ant - Credulous; Quilibility.

Credence Miscreant
• (Cred - belief + ence) n • (Mis - bad + cred - belief + ant) n

• A story that makes you believe on • A very bad person.

something. • cnek'kA
• fo'okl] izek.k nsus okyh oLrqA • Syn - Villain.

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Recreant Demography
• (Re - back + cred - belief + ant) n • (Demo - people + graphy) n
• Faithless, disloyal. • The study of human populations.
• fo'okl ?kkrdA • tulakf[;dhA
• Syn - Unfaithful, Craven.
v Dem, demo, demi - people • (En - in + dem - people + ic) adj

Demagog/ Demagogue • Peculiar to particular people or

locality, as a disease, species, etc.
• (Dem-people+agog- leader) n
• LFkkuhd] LFkkuh; chekjhA
• Popular leader of the people.
• Syn - Native.
• HkM+dkus okyk usrkA
• Syn - Rabble-rouser. Epidemic
• (Epi - among + dem - people + ic) n
• Rapidly spreading disease among
• (Demi - people + erg - work) n
people in a region.
• A person who is responsible for
• egkekjhA
creating the world.
• fo'odekZA • Syn - Outbreak.

Demigod Epidemiology
• (Demi - people + God) n • (Epi - among + demi - people + ology -
study of) n
• A person who is treated like a God.
• The study of the causes, prevention
Democracy and control of epidemic disease
• (Demo - people + cracy - among people.
government) n • egkekjh dk v/;;uA
• Government run by the people.
• yksdra=] iztkra=A Pandemic
• (Pan - all + dem - people + ic) adj
Democrat • A disease that is prevalent over a very
• (Demo - people + crat - large area, a continent, or the entire
government) n world.
• A member or supporter of the
Democratic Party.
• iztkra= ny dk lnL;A

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v Dict - to speak, speech, Dictionary

• (Dict - word + ion + ary) n
• A book composed of alphabetically
Abdicate listed words.
• (Ab - away + dic - to speak + ate) v
• To formally declare to give up the
power or position. • (Dict - to speak + um) n
• fdlh in dk R;kx djukA • A popular saying.
• Syn - Renounce; Resign. • dgkorA
• Syn - Idiom; Adage; Proverb.
• (Bene - good + dict - to speak + ion) n Edict
• A good saying. • (E - out + dict - to speak) n
• vk'khokZn] 'kqHkdkeuk] eaxydkeukA • An official public order.
• Syn - Blessing. • jkt?kks"k.kk] vkns'kA
• Ant - Malediction. • Syn - Decree.

Malediction Interdict
• (Male - evil, bad + dict - to speak + • (Inter - between + dict - to speak) n
ion) n • Official order from a court that you
not to do something.
• An evil saying to harm someone.
• izfrca/k yxkukA
• Jki] nqoZpuA
• Syn - Disallow.
• Ant - Benediction.
• (Juri - law + dict - proclaim + ion) n
• (Contra - opposite + dict - to speak) v
• The authority and power to
• Opposite saying. administer justice.
Dictate • U;k; djus dk vf/kdkj
• Syn- Arbitration.
• (Dict - to speak + ate) v
• To speak for somebody else to write Predict
down. • (Pre - before + dict - to speak) v
• cksydj fy[kkukA • To say in advance.
• Hkfo"; djukA
• Syn - Forecast.

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Predicate Epidemic
• (Pre - before + dict - to speak + ate) v • (Epi - among + dem - people + ic) n
• To state that something is true. • Rapidly spreading disease among
• n`<+dFkuA people in a region.
• egkekjhA
Syndicate • Syn - Outbreak
• (Syn - same + dic - to speak + ate) n
• Combination of commercial firms; Epigram
committee of delegates. • (Epi - on + gram - to write) n
• O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa dk la?kA • A short and clever poem or saying.
• NksVh dfork ;k pqVdykA
• Syn - Quip; Witticism.
• (Vale - farewell + dict - to speak
+ion) n Epigraph
• Saying farewell. • (Epi - on + graph - writing) n
• fonkbZ Hkk"k.kA • Wo r d s w r i t t e n o n a s t a t u e ,
monument, building, etc.
• f'kykys[kA
• (Vin - force + dic - to speak + ate) v
• To justify by proof (saying truth). Epilogue
• U;k;laxr Bgjkuk] nks"keqDr djukA • (Epi - upon + log - speech) n
• Syn - Justify. • The concluding part of a book; a
speech or poem delivered at the end
v Epo, epi-on, upon, outside of play.
Ephemeral • iqLrd dk ifjf'k"B Hkkx ;k ukVd dk
• (Ep - at + hebe - early manhood) adj
• Lasting for a short time. Epiphyte
• {kf.kdA • (Epi - upon + phyte - plant) n
• Syn - Short-lived. • A plant that grows on the surface of
another plant for support only.
• vf/kikniA
• (Epi - on + center) n
• Situated at the center. Epitaph
• (Epi - on + taph - tomb) n
• Written on a gravestone in memory of

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the person buried there. Cognitive

• lekf/kys[kA • (Cogn - knowledge + itive) adj
• Connected with mental processes of
• (Epi - upon + thet - to put) n
A word or phrase used to Cognoscente
characterize a person or thing. • (Cogn - knowledge + ent) n
• fo'ks"kd] mikf/kA • People having a lot of knowledge
about a particular subject.
• Syn - Connoisseur.
• (Epi - upon + tome - to cut) n
• A person or thing that is a perfect Cognizant
example of something. • (Cogn - knowledge + iz + ant) n
• fdlh pht dk loZJs"B mnkgj.kA
• Knowledge or understanding of
• Syn - Embodiment. something.
Eponym Diagnosis
• (Epo - upon + nym - name) n • (Dia - through + gnos - knowledge +
• The name of a person or thing, on is) n
which the name of a place, an
• The process of learning the nature of
invention, a discovery based.
a disease by examining the
• fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq dk uke ftl ij fdlh symptoms.
vU; pht dk uke j[kk x;k gksA
v Gnos, gnom, cogn - • (Diagnos (is) + ics - science) n
• The science of diagnosis.
Agnosia Geognosy
• (A-without+ gnos - knowledge + ia) n • (Geo - earth + gnos - knowledge) n

• Loss of the ability to recognize things. • The study of the composition and
structure of the earth.
• (A-without+gnos-knowledge+tic) n
• (Gnos - knowledge + is) n
• One who believes that the existence
of God is unknown. • The knowledge of spiritual truths.

• vKs;oknhA

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Gnostic Prognosis
• (Gnos - knowledge + tic) adj • (Pro - before + gnos - knowledge) n
• Having intellectual or spiritual knowledge. • Medical forecast.
• chekjh ds y{k.kks dk iwoZ KkuA
• (Ig - without + gnos - knowledge) adj Prognostic
• Without knowledge, not educated. • (Pro - before + gnos - knowledge +
tic) n
• Something that tells about future.
• (Ig - without + gnore - knowledge) v
• iwokZuqeku ;k Hkfo";ok.khA
• To refuse to notice or recognize.
• Syn - Forecast; Prediction.
• (Ig - without + gnor - knowledge +
• (Pro - before + gnos - knowledge +
amus) n
tic + ate) v
• A person who does not have much
• To predicate using present indication
as a guide.
• vKkuhA
• iwokZuqeku djukA
Incognito • Syn - To forsee; To foretell; To tell
• (In - without + cogn - knowledge + ito) beforehand.
• In a way that prevents other people
from finding out who you are ; under a • (Pyro - fire + gnos - knowledge + ics) n
false name. • The properties exhibited by a mineral
• Hks"k cnys gq;sA when heated.
• [kfut dks xeZ djus ij fn[kkbZ nsus okys xq.kA
• Syn - Conceal; In disguise.

Pharmacognosy Recognize
• (Pharmaco - drug + gnos - • (Re - again + cogn - knowledge + ize) v
knowledge) n • To know about some thing because
• The science dealing with natural you have seen or heard it before.
drugs of plant, animal, or mineral
• (Tele - distant + gnos - knowledge +
is) n

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• Knowledge of distant happenings Gregarious

obtained by supernatural means. • (Greg - group + ar + ious) adj
• Syn - Clairvoyant; Precognition. • Living in group.
• lewg esa jgus okyk ;k feyulkjA
v Greg - flock, group
• Syn - Sociable; Convivial; Jovial.
¼>qaM½ • Ant - Solitary.
• (Ag - toward + greg - group + ate) n
• (Se - apart + greg - group + ate) v
• Sum total.
• To set apart from others or from the
• dqy feykdjA
main body or group.
Congregate • vyx&vyx lewg cukukA
• (Con-together+greg-group+ate) v
• To gather into a crowd, group, or v Gress, grad - to step, to go
assembly. Aggress
• ,df=r gksuk ;k djukA • (Ag - toward + gress - to step) v
Congregation • To initiate a quarrel by committing
the first act of hostility.
• (Con - together + greg - group +
ation) n • igys vkØe.k djukA
• A group of people that gathered Aggression
• (Ag - toward + gress - to go + ion) n
• lHkkA
• Feelings of anger and hatred that may
Desegregate result in threatening or violent
• (De - remove + se - apart + greg - behavior.
group + ate) v • vkØe.kA
• To end racial segregation.
• iztkfr ds vk/kkj ij foHkktu [kRe djukA
• (Bio - living organisms + de - down
Egregious + grad - to go + able) adj

• (E - out + greg - group + ous) adj • Capable of being decomposed by

microorganisms such as bacteria.
• Extremely bad
• Ant - Non-biodegradable.
• dq[;krA
• Syn - Notorious.

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Degrade Gradual
• (De - down + grade - to go) v • (Grad - to step + ual) adj
• To lower in rank, character, or quality. • Progressing step by step.
• Ekku] in ;k ntkZ ?kVkukA • Øfed] /khjs&/khjsA

Digress Graduate
• (Di - away + gress - to go) v • (Grad - to step + ate) n
• To deviate from the main subject in • A person who has completed a course
writing or speaking. of study.
• eq[; fo"k; ls gVuk] HkVdukA • LukrdA

Downgrade Postgraduate
• (Down + grade - to go) n • (Post - after + graduate) n
• A downward slope, as in a road. • After graduate.

Egress Progress
• (E - out + gress - to go) n • (Pro - forward + gress - to go) v
• The act of leaving a place or going out. • To go forward, gradual improvement.
• fodkl] izxfrA
• (Grad - to step + ation) n Progression
• Any process or change taking place in • (Pro - forward + gress - to step + ion) n
a series of successive steps or stages. • Forward movement.
• vuqØe] mrkj&p<ko] ØeA • Xkfr] vxzxfrA

Grade Regress
• (Grad - to step) n • (Re - back + gress - to go) n
• A stage, step, or position in a series, • The act of going back.
order, or ranking.
• ihNs gVuk] ihNs tkukA
• ntkZ] oxZ] Js.khA
• (Up + grade - to go) v
• (Gradi - to step + ent) n
• To go upward.
• Progressing by walking.
• inksUufr djuk]
• vkxs c<rk gqvkA
• Syn - Promote.

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v Loqu, locu - to speak,
• (Blandi - smooth + loqu - to speak +
talk, say ent) adj
• Flattering.
• pkiywlhA
• (Allo-other, different+loqu-talk+y) n
• Syn - Persuade; Blandish; Coax.
• Speaking to someone else.
Altiloquent Breviloquent
• (Brev-brief+loqu-to speak+ent) adj
• (Alt - height + loqu - talk + ent) n
• Concise speaking.
• Speaking pompously.
• la{ksi esa cksyukA
• (Ambi - two + loqu - talk + ent) n
• (Caco - bad + loqu - to speak + y) n
• Somebody who speaks with doubt;
somebody who speaks two languages. • Harsh sound.
• ddZ'k vkoktA
• (Ambi - both + loqu - to speak) n Circumloquy
• (Circum - round + loqu - to speak + y) n
• Doubtful or ambiguous language.
• Excessive language to evade a
Anteloquy question.
• (Ante - before + loqu - to speak) n
• A preface or first place to turn when
• (Col - together + loqu - to speak + ial) adj
• Ordinary conversation.
• izLrkouk] HkwfedkA
• Syn - Preamble; Prelude. Colloquialism
• (Col-together+loqu-to speak+ism) n
• Informal words or phrase.
• (Anti - opposite + loqu - to speak + ist) n
• Somebody who contradicts. Colloquy
• (Col - together + loq - to speak + y) n
• Talking together; conversation.
• (Anti - opposite + loqu - to speak) n
• Contradiction. Doctiloquent
• (Docti - doctor / expert + loqu - to
speak + ent) adj

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• Speaking such as an expert. Magniloquent

• (Magni - magnify + loqu - to speak +
ent) adj
• (Dulci - dulce + loqu - to speak + y) n
• Speaking in a lofty or grandiose style;
• Speaking in a sweet manner.
• (E (ex) - out + loqu-speak out+ence) n
• (Mani - manual + loqu - to speak +
• Expressing with fluency, force.] ism) n
• okdiVqrkA • Speaking by using signs with hands
• Syn - Oratory; Rhetoric. and fingers.

Gaudiloquent • gkFkks ds b'kkjs ls ckrs djukA

• (Gaudi - garish + loqu - to speak + Melliloquent

ent) adj • (Mel - honey + loqu - to speak + ent)
• Speaking with joy or happiness. adj.
• Speaking with sweetly and
• (Gramma - logogram + loqu - to
speak) n Obloquy
• A sign or symbol representing a word. • (Ob - opposite + loqu - to speak + uy) n
eg. '&' for and.
• Slander, evil speaking.
Ineloquent Omniloquent
• (In - not + e - out + loqu - to speak) adj
• (Omni - all + loqu - to speak + ent) adj
• Not fluent.
• Speak about everything.
Loquacious Pauciloquence
• (Loqu - to speak + acious) adj • (Pauci - small amount + loqu - to
• extremely talkative. speak + ence) n
• Syn - Garrulous; Voluble ; Strident. • Speaking by using fewest words.
• Ant - Taciturn; Reticent.
Inaniloquent • (Pector - chest + loqu - to speak + y) n
• (Inani - stupid, silly + loqu - to speak • Resonance heard through the chest
+ ent) adj wall.
• Speaking foolishly, not fluent.

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Sanctiloquent Illusion
• (Sancti - to make something holy + • (Il - at + lus - to play + ion) n
loqu - to speak + ent) adj • A false or misleading optical image.
• Speaking on sacred or holy things. • HkzeA
• Syn - Delusion.
v Lud, lus - to play
• (Inter - between + lude - to play) n
• (Al - near + lude - to play) v
• Any episode, period, performance,
• To mention something in an indirect
etc. that takes place between two
• fdlh ckr dh vksj ladsr djukA
• ukVdks ds vadks ds chp dk vfHku; ;k
Collude e/;kodk'kA
• (Col - together + lude - to play) v
• To act together secretly for a
• (Post - after + lude - to play) n
fraudulent purpose.
• A concluding piece of music.
• /kks[kk&/k³h ds dke esa layXu gksukA
• (Pro - before + lus - to play + ion) n
• (De - away + lude - to play) v
• An introductory essay or article.
• To mislead the mind or judgment.
• 'kq# dk fucU/kA
• /kks[kk nsuk] tkucq>dj cgdkukA
• Syn - Deceive. v Port - to carry
Disillusion Comportment
• (Dis - away + illusion) v • (Com - together + port - to carry +
• To free from illusion. ent) n

• xyr Qgeh nwj djukA • Behavior; manner of carrying or

conducting of oneself.
Elude • O;ogkj] crkZoA
• (E - out + lude - to play) v
• To escape from or avoid cleverly.
• (De - away + port - to carry) v
• pkykdh ls cp tkukA
• To remove, as an alien or criminal,
from a country by force.

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• ns'k fudkyk nsukA • Syn - Movable

• Syn - Exile; Banish; Expatriate. • Ant - Unportable.

Deportment Portage
• (De - away + port - to carry + ment) n • (Port - to carry + age) n
• One's way of standing and walking in a • The act of transporting or carrying.
formal situation. • HkkjokguA
• vkpj.k] O;ogkjA
• Syn - Conduct; Behave; Demeanour.
• (Port - to carry + er - doer) n
Disport • A person employed to carry baggage.
• (Dis - apart + port - to carry) v • dqyhA
• To enjoy yourself by doing something
active. Portfolio
• ØhMk fogkj djukA • (Port - to carry + folio - leaf, sheet ) n
• A flat case carrying documents or
• Syn - Amusement; Play; Sport.
drawings; the investments that are
Export owned by a person or organization.
• (Ex - out + port - to carry) v
• To sell and send goods to another
• (Re - back + port - to carry) n
• A friendly relationship in which
• fu;kZrA people understand each other very
• Ant - Import. well.
• ?kfu"Brk] lkSgknZ] esy&tksyA
• Syn - Fellowship; Rapprochment.
• (Im - in + port - to carry) v
• The act of bringing a product or Report
service into one country from • (Re - back + port - to carry) v
another. • To carry back and repeat information
• vk;krA of something seen, done, etc.
• Ant - Export. • lwpuk nsukA

Portable Support
• (Port - to carry + able) adj • (Sub - under + port - to carry) v
• Easily carried or moved. • To carry or bear the weight of,

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especially from below. Disrupt

• lg;ksxA • (Dis - apart + rupt - to break) v
• To break apart the normal operation
of an activity or process.
• (Trans - across + port - to carry) n
• Syn - Disturb; Interfere; Obstruct;
• Carry or move from one place to
• ifjoguA Erupt
• (E - out + rupt - to break) v
v Rupt - to break, burst • To break out suddenly; to start
happening suddenly and violently.
• foLQksV gksuk] rsth ls ckgj fudyukA
• (Ab - off + rupt - to break) adj
• Syn - Break out; Explode; Flare up;
• Break off suddenly. Burst forth.
• vpkudA
• Syn - Unexpected; Brusque; Curt.
• (In - not + corrupt) adj
• Ant - Gradual.
• Not corrupt.
Bankrupt • Syn - Honest; Honourable;
• (Bank + rupt - to break) adj Trustworthy; Virtuous.
• Declared legally unable to repay one's • Ant - Venal.
• Syn - Insolvent; Failed; Ruined;
Destitute. • (Inter - between + rupt - to break) v

• Ant - Solvent; Teeming with. • To break the continuity of something.

• chp esa jksdukA
• Syn - Cut in; Barge in; Break in;
• (Cor - with + rupt - to break) adj Suspend; Obstruct; Impede.
• With broken morals; willing to act
dishonestly. Irrupt
• Hkz"VrA • (Ir - into + rupt - to break) v

• Syn-Unscrupulous; Unethical; Venal • To enter forcefully and suddenly.

• Ant -Honest; Ethical; Pure. • tcjnLrh vUnj ?kql tkukA

• Syn - Break into.

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Rupture Describe
• (Rupt - break or burst + ure) v • (De - down + scrib - to write) v
• To break or burst suddenly. • To say what somebody, something is
• eS=h iw.kZ lEcU/kks esa foPNsn] vyxkoA like.
• Syn - Fracture; Crack; Breach; Split. • o.kZu djuk] c;ku djukA
• Syn - Narrate.
v Scrib, script - to write
Adscript • (In - not + de - down + scrib - to write
• (Ad - addition + script - to write) n + able) adj
• Written in addition. • Not able to be described.
• vfrfjDr fy[kk gqvkA • ftldk o.kZu u fd;k tk ldsA

Ascribe Inscribe
• (As - toward + scrib - to write) v • (In - on + scrib - to write) v
• To consider that something is caused • To write or cut words, your name, etc.
by a particular thing or person. onto something.
• ftØ djuk] mYys[k djukA • fdlh oLrq ij uke bR;kfn [kksn dj fy[kukA
• Syn - Attribute; Impute.
Circumscribe • (Manu - hand + script - to write) n
• (Circum - around + scrib - to write) v • A book or other document written by
• To draw a line around. hand, or on a typewriter.
• pkjks rjQ ykbu f[kapukA • gLrfyf[kr iqLrd] i= nLrkostA
• Syn - Restrict; Confine.
Conscription • (Non - not + de - down + script - to
• (Con - together + script - to write + write) adj
ion) n • Difficult to describe or classify due to
• Compulsory enrollment of persons lack of character or form.
into the armed forces. • Syn - Dull.
• ns'k dh lsok gsrq QkSt esa vfuok;Z HkrhZA
• Syn - Draft.
• (Over - excess + subscribe) v
• To subscribe for in excess of what is

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available or required. • Syn - Scrawl.

Postscript Scribe
• (Post - after + script - to write) n • (Scrib - to write) n
• An extra message that you add at the • A person who made copies of written
end of a letter after your signature. documents before printing was
• gLrk{kj gksus ds ckn fy[kk x;k lUns'k i=A invented.
• Syn - Addendum. • izfrfyfi fy[kus okykA
• Syn - penman.
• (Pre - before + scrib - to write) v Script
• Literally, “to write beforehand,” to lay • (Script - to write) n
down as a rule or guide. • Handwriting, as distinguished from
• izdYiuk] fof/k] vkns'kA printing.
• Syn - Stipulate. • gLrfyfiA
• 'krZ j[kuk] vuqcU/kA
Proscribe • (Script-to write+orium-a place for) n
• (Pro - in front of + scrib - to write) v • A writing room, especially in a
• To say officially that something is monastery.
• Syn - Prohibit; Disallow. Scripture
• vf/kdkfjd :i ls jksd yxkukA • (Script - to write + ure) n
• A passage from the Bible.
• (Re - again + script - to write) n Scriptwriter
• Something that is rewritten; rewriting • (Script + writer) n
decree issued by a ruler. • A writer who prepares scripts for
• nqckjk fy[kukA movies, radio, television, etc.
• dFkk&ys[kdA
• (Scrib - to write + ble) v Subscribe
• To write something quickly and • (Sub - below + scrib - to write) v
carelessly, especially because you do • To sign one's name at the end of a
not have much time. document.
• tYnh fy[kuk vFkok ykijokgh ls fy[kukA • gLrk{kj djukA

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Subscript v Spect - to look

• (Sub - below + script - to write) n
• Written below. Aspect
• v/kksfyf[krA • (As - towards + spect - to look) n
• To look something or the way in
Superscript which something appears to the
• (Super - above + script - to write) adj mind or eyes.
• Written above. • n`f"Vdks.kA
• fdlh oLrq ds Åij vafdr 'kCnA
Transcribe • (Avi - bird + spic - to see + ious) adj
• (Trans - change + scrib - to write) v • one who takes signs from the flight of
• To write or type a copy of spoken birds.
material, as dictation, lectures, court • 'kqHk] vPNkA
proceedings, etc. • Syn - Favourable; Fortune.
• fdlh vU; Hkk"kk esa vuqokn djukA
Transcript • (In - not + auspicious) adj
• (Trans - change + script - to write) n • Unfavorable.
• A written copy of spoken material. • v'kqHkA
• izfrfyfiA
Typescript • (Circum - around + spect - to look) adj
• (Type + script - to write) n • To look around carefully
• A type written copy of something. • Syn - Cautious
• lrdZA
• (Un - not + scribe - to write) v Conspicuous
• To remove your email address from • (Con-together/completely+spic-to
an Internet mailing list. see+ous) adj
• Completely remarkable, easily
• (Un - not + script - to write + ed) adj
• lqLi"V ;k mRd`"VA
• Not written or prepared in detail in
• Syn - Eminent.
• Ant - Inconspicuous.
• Ant - Scripted.

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Inconspicuous • vk'kk djuk ;k HkkohA

• (In-not+conspicuous) adj • Syn - Possible; Expected.
• Not easily noticeable.
Inspect • (Pro - forward + spect - to look + us) n
• (In-into+spect-to look) v • A document describing a proposed
• To examine closely. enterprise.

• fujh{k.k djukA • Ldwy] dkWyst vkfn dh foojf.kdkA

Inspector Spectacle
• (In - on + spect - to look + or - doer) n • (Spect - to look + cle) n

• One who examines closely. • Looking large and impressive.

• fujh{kd] i;Zos{kdA • izHkko'kkyh n`';A

• Syn - Extravaganza.
• (Intro - inwards + spect - to look) v Spectacles
• To look inwards, to examine one's • (Spect - to look + acles) n
thoughts, emotions. • A pair of glasses.
• vkRefujh{k.kA
Perspective • (Spect - to look + at + or - doer) n
• (Per - through + spect - to see + ive) n • One who observes without taking part.
• See through; way of thinking; point • n'kZd ;k ns[kus okykA
of view. • Syn - Observers; Viewer; Audience;
• lanHkZ] ifjis{;A Listeners.

Prospect Suspect
• (Pro - forward + spect - to look) n • (Sub - under + spect - to see) v
• Looking forward. • To have doubts; under watch.
• laHkkouk] ifjn`';A • 'kd djukA
• Syn - Anticipation; Outlook; View.
v Voc, vok - to call
• (Pro - forward + spect - to look + ive) adj Advocate
• Expected, likely to occur. • (Ad - to + voc - to call) v

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• To speak or write in favour of Univocal

something. • (Uni - one + voc - to call) adj
• fdlh ds i{k esa cksyuk ;k fy[kukA
• Not ambiguous, clear.
• Syn - Exponent; Proponent.
• (E-out+vok-to call) v
• (Con - together + voc - to call) n
• To bring out feelings, memories.
• A meeting or assembly.
• lHkk Invoke
• Syn - Assemblage; Gathering. • (In-on+vok-to call) v
• To appeal for support.
• lgk;rk ds fy, izkFkZuk djukA
• (Con - together + voke - to call) v
• To call together for a meeting. Provoke
• lHkk ds fy;s ,d txg bdVBk gksukA • (Pro - forth + voke - to call) v
• Syn - Convene. • To excite somebody's feelings.
• Hk³dkukA
• Syn - Goad.
• (De - remove + voc - to call) v
• Ant - Soothe.
• To devoice.
• Syn - Voiceless. Revoke
• (Re - back + voke - to call) v
• To take back or cancel, as a licence,
• (Voc - to call) v
• To make sound; utter.
• jn~n djukA
• Ckksyuk ;k cM+cM+kukA
• (Voc - word + abulary) n
• (Equi - equal + voc - to call) adj
• List of words.
• Having equal meaning for both sides.
• 'kCndks'kA
• Syn - Ambiguous.
• Ant - Unequivocal; Univocal. Vocal
• (Voc - voice) adj
• Produced by voice; outspoken.
• (Un-not+equi-equal+voc-to call) adj
• daB laxhr] ls lEcfU/krA
• Clear, not ambiguous.
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Vocalist • ,d O;fDr ls nwljs O;fDr dks ftEesnkjh nsukA

• (Voc - voice) n
• A singer.
• (E - out + volv - roll) v
• xk;dA
• To develop gradually.
Vocation • Øfed fodklA
• (Voc - to call + ation) n
• A call or strong inclination to enter a
• (In - in + volv - roll) v
certain profession or career.
• To include; to engage.
• O;olk; ;k is'kk ;k #fpA
• (Re - again + volv - turn) v
• (Vok - to call + fer - to carry + ous) adj
• To turn around on an axis.
• Making a loud outcry; noisy.
• ph[kuk] tksj ls fpYykukA • viuh v{k ij ?kqeukA

• Syn - Strident; Discordant. Revolver

• (Re - again + volv - turn) n
v Volv, volu - roll, turn
• A handgun with a revolving cylinder.
• (Circum-around+volu-turn+tion) n
• (Volu - turn + ble) adj
• The act of turning or winding around
an axis. • Speaking rapidly; speak very much.
• v{k ds lkis{k ?kqeukA • ckrquhA

• Syn - Rotation. • Syn - Garrulous; Loquacious;

• (Con - together + volv - turn) v Volute
• Twisted together. • (Volu - turn + te) n
• vkil esa xqaFkk gksukA • Spiral or twisted form.
• lfiZy ;k ispnkjA
• (De - down + volv - roll) v
• To transfer from one person to

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