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WORDS support.

1. Goods and services: are goods, objects and activities that seek to meet the
needs of people. These are the result of a production process by economic

2. Production costs: costs that involves holding a project, team or company

running. They may come from different areas, whether the purchase of
inputs or raw materials, payment of energy consumption, wages of workers
or equipment maintenance.

3. Production times: Time needed to perform one or more operations. It

consists times: waiting, preparation, operation and transfer.

4. Quality: property or set of properties inherent in something, you can judge

their value.

5. Kaizen powerful tool for change and improvement. Its main use is actively
integrating all workers of an organization in continuous improvement
processes, processes of gradual and orderly implementation.

WORDS support.

1. Quantity: A number of units.

2. Efficiency: Ability You have someone or something to achieve a certain

3. Effectiveness: CapacityfromachievetheeffectwhatI knowyou wantorI


4. Productivity: Relation between what is produced and the means employed,

such as labor, materials, energy.

5. Process capacity: Degree of fitness has a process to comply with the

technical specifications desired.

6. Lean Manufacturing: It is a continuous and systematic process of identifying

and eliminating non-value added activities in a process, but if they involve
cost and effort.

7. Line balancing: The main objective of a balancing line corresponds to

equalize working times in all seasons of the process. Establish a balanced
production line requires a judicious achievement data, theoretical
application, movement of resources and even economic investments.

8. Poka-Yoke: Conceptually in quality assurance, inspection ideal is not to

delegate control of the operation to someone outside the operator thereof

9. Aggregate planning: process to determine in advance a strategy that would

meet the requirements (demand) of the system, while optimizing the
resources therein; whose development it is carried out in the short and
medium term.

10. Production indicators: The existence of performance indicators in a

production system is vital for the implementation of production processes,
as they allow the execution cycle of continuous improvement, in addition to
functioning as feasibility process parameters.

11. Results: Effect name formed from the participle of the verb be and this in
turn comes from the Latin proves (jump back, bounce, be returned, etc.). In
short when we speak of result it is not merely an effect or consequence of

12. PHVA: Acronyms of the cycle or formula PHVA form an acronym composed
of the initial words plan, do Check and Act.

13. Innovation: A process that allows you to modify or develop new products
and services that are perceived and accepted by its users, who pay for the
value it represents for them. Innovation often more than a new product,
opens a new category in the market.

14. Customers: The word customer has its roots in the Latin term cliens
expressing the quality of the person who relies on another to seek their help.
The client is the one who directly or indirectly uses the product or service

15. Teamwork: Work tool in order to optimize the performance of tasks.

Basically teamwork is to perform an action among a group of people.

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