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5 Key Result Areas

5 Key Result Areas of ISA
■ KRA 1 – Governance and Management • KRA 4 – Support for Student
– Governance • Equity and Access
– Management • Student Services
– Enabling Features • KRA 5 – Relations with the
■ KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Community
Learning • Relevance of Programs
– Setting and Achieving Program
• Networking and Linkages
– Faculty Profile
• Extension and Outreach
– Use of ICT and Learning Resources
■ KRA 3 – Quality of Professional
Exposure, Research & Creative Work
– Professional Exposure
– Research Capability
– Creative Work and/or Innovation
KRA 1 - Governance and Management
A. Criterion: The institution’s governance
arrangements demonstrate probity, integrity,
strategic vision, accountability, awareness and
management of risk, and effective monitoring
of performance.
■ This refers to the systems that reflect the
principles guiding the overall use of authority
and decision-making of the institution’s
governing body.
KRA 1 - Governance and Management

1. Probity
2. Strategic Vision
3. Accountability
4. Awareness and Management of Risk
5. Effective Monitoring of Performance
1. Probity - The governing body demonstrates integrity and objectivity in
the transaction of its business
Presence of the System • Clear Processes and Procedures
There is a system to ensure • Relevant Policies and Guidelines
integrity and objectivity in the • Administrative Manual, Quality Manual and
transaction of its business. other relevant manuals
• Code of Ethics
• Presence of various Councils and Committees
as part of decision-making process
1. Probity - The governing body demonstrates integrity and objectivity in
the transaction of its business
Extent of Implementation • Criteria/Qualifications to become a member of
The organization follows the BOT
institutional processes with • Criteria/Qualifications to be selected as part of
respect to governance Management
because members of the • Profile of BOT and Management
governing body and • Clear procedures/guidelines for selecting the
management were selected members of the BOT and Management.
based on clear guidelines • Evidence of evaluation/screening
and procedures. • Relevant Handbooks or Manuals
1. Probity - The governing body demonstrates integrity and objectivity in
the transaction of its business
Extent of Implementation • Process how BOT guidelines and decisions are
Administrators clearly cascaded to the Administrators
articulate, follow, and • Process how the BOT ensures that guidelines
implement the guidelines set and decisions are properly implemented
by the governing body. • Memo, minutes, reports, operational plans,
Decisions of the governing • Process how decisions are disseminated to the
body are disseminated to the stakeholders (management, faculty, non-
HEI community. teaching staff, students, alumni, etc.)
• Memo, minutes, emails, website, newsletter,
1. Probity - The governing body demonstrates integrity and objectivity in
the transaction of its business
Outcomes • Compliance with regulatory bodies
There is culture of • No complaints
transparency and integrity at • No case filed against the institution
all levels of the HEI, shown by • If ISO Certified, no major non-conformance
the respect for process,
knowledge of guidelines and
protocols, and observance of
communication channels.
Stakeholders are satisfied • Satisfaction survey/Study regarding the
with the transparency, transparency, integrity and objectivity of BOTs
integrity, and objectivity of decisions.
the governing body in
1. Probity - The governing body demonstrates integrity and objectivity in
the transaction of its business
Effectiveness • Awards/Recognitions/Certifications (e.g. for
There is evidence that the Good Governance Awards or Transparency of
HEI keeps the highest levels Transactions, etc.)
of ethical standards in its • Positive reputation of the HEI among
operations. stakeholders
2. Strategic Vision - The strategic plan of the institution, which was
approved and supported by governing body, articulates the HEI vision,
strategy, desired outcomes, and key performance indicators.
Presence of the System • Strategic Plan
The strategic plan is well • Operational Plan/Action Plan
documented and • Process how the Strategic Plan was
disseminated to the disseminated to the stakeholders
organization. • Orientations/Attendance/Proceedings
• Transmittal and Receiving copies
There is a system for • System how the targets in the strategic plan
monitoring and assessing the are monitored and assessed
achievement of goals. • Reports
• Monitoring instruments/templates
2. Strategic Vision - The strategic plan of the institution, which was
approved and supported by governing body, articulates the HEI vision,
strategy, desired outcomes, and key performance indicators.
Extent of Implementation • Process in formulating the strategic plan
There was a process followed • Process in approving the strategic plan
in formulating and approving • Who are involved in the formulation and
the plan, which also allowed approval, and extent of their participation
the participation of • Provide evidence of implementation
There is a clear articulation • Responsible/Accountable Office/Person(s) for
of who are responsible and each activity is indicated in the plan.
accountable for the • Provide evidence of implementation
implementation of particular
parts of the strategic plan.
2. Strategic Vision - The strategic plan of the institution, which was
approved and supported by governing body, articulates the HEI vision,
strategy, desired outcomes, and key performance indicators.
Outcomes • Participation of stakeholders in the
Stakeholders support the formulation of the plan.
strategic plan because they • Participation of stakeholders in the programs,
took part in putting it projects, and activities of the institution
together. • Minutes, accomplishment reports, proceedings
The organization • Level of attainment of the strategic plan
demonstrates robust • Accomplishment vis-à-vis targets
performance according to its • Balance Scorecards
goals and desired outcomes.
2. Strategic Vision - The strategic plan of the institution, which was
approved and supported by governing body, articulates the HEI vision,
strategy, desired outcomes, and key performance indicators.

Effectiveness • Awards and Recognitions

There is evidence that the • Certifications
strategic plan energizes the • Institutional Accreditation
HEI in working towards its
goals and targets.
3. Accountability - The HEI demonstrates its culture of quality and
accountability through processes for regular internal/external audit and
through QA mechanisms of the institution.
Presence of the System • System for Internal Audit (Financial and
There is a system for Systems Audit)
undertaking regular internal/ • System for External Audit (Financial and
external audit of the Systems Audit)
institution. • Frequency of audits
• Internal Audit Manual
There is documentation on • Guidelines on the use of funds
the use of funds as well as a • System for disbursement
system for disbursement and • System for reporting of funds
reporting. • Accounting/Financial Manual and other
relevant manuals
3. Accountability - The HEI demonstrates its culture of quality and
accountability through processes for regular internal/external audit and
through QA mechanisms of the institution.
Extent of Implementation • process how the BOT and Management ensure
The governing body and the implementation and evaluation of QA systems
management ensure the • Office(s) or person(s) in-charge
regular implementation and • Process of reporting evaluation results to the
evaluation of its QA systems. Management and BOT
• Frequency of reporting
• Evaluation Reports
• Status Reports
3. Accountability - The HEI demonstrates its culture of quality and
accountability through processes for regular internal/external audit and
through QA mechanisms of the institution.
Extent of Implementation • Documented actions to address findings
Appropriate action is done to • Compliance reports
address concerns in • Corrective actions
internal/external audit reports. • Catch-up Plan
The governing body ensures • Process of ensuring that funds are used for
that funds, especially those intended purpose(s), terms and conditions
externally sourced, are used for • Process for releasing funds
the intended purposes, made • MOAs, project proposals, financial reports
available in accordance with
specified terms and conditions,
and monitored regularly.
3. Accountability - The HEI demonstrates its culture of quality and
accountability through processes for regular internal/external audit and
through QA mechanisms of the institution.
Outcomes • Unqualified financial audit reports
There is culture of integrity • If ISO Certified, none or few/minor non-
and accountability at all conformances
levels of the HEI, shown by • systems audit reports
the conduct and behavior of
the members of the school
3. Accountability - The HEI demonstrates its culture of quality and
accountability through processes for regular internal/external audit and
through QA mechanisms of the institution.
Effectiveness • Provide data to establish improvement in key
There is evidence of performance indicators (comparison of data)
improvement in key • Accreditation Awards (most number of
performance indicators, as a accredited programs, etc.)
result of regular audits and • Accomplishment Reports
effective QA systems.
4. Awareness and Management of Risk - The HEI is solvent,
financially stable, and sustainable because of appropriate systems and
structures that safeguard its assets.
Presence of the System Systems for:
There are systems and • Financial strategy
structures that implement • Investment Decisions
financial strategy, annual • Annual Operating Plan
operating plans, and • Budgeting Process
budgets, to safeguard the • Accounting/Financial Manuals and other
HEI’s assets. relevant manuals
4. Awareness and Management of Risk - The HEI is solvent,
financially stable, and sustainable because of appropriate systems and
structures that safeguard its assets.
Extent of Implementation • Office(s)/Person(s)/Committee in-charge of
The governing body clearly fiscal management and risk management
identifies persons/teams for • Administrative Manual
effective and efficient fiscal • Job Description/Terms of Reference
management, including risk • Provide evidence of implementation
management (e.g.,
operational, financial,
reputational, legal, and
regulatory risk, among
4. Awareness and Management of Risk - The HEI is solvent,
financially stable, and sustainable because of appropriate systems and
structures that safeguard its assets.
Extent of Implementation • Explain how these processes are implemented
A finance team studies, • Evaluated proposals and/or feasibility studies
manages, and evaluates • Minutes of meeting
major financial investments. • Financial reports - investments
Program offerings and • Feasibility studies for academic degree
institutional projects are programs, especially for newly opened
supported by appropriate programs
feasibility studies. • Feasibility Studies for Income Generating
Projects, infrastructure projects, and other
4. Awareness and Management of Risk - The HEI is solvent,
financially stable, and sustainable because of appropriate systems and
structures that safeguard its assets.
Outcomes • You may cite specific example that the
The HEI has safety nets put institution was able to avoid/minimize the
in place to manage risks and impact of risk because of safety nets in place.
protect assets. • Insurance policies
• Disaster contingency plan
• Trust funds
Effectiveness • Audited Financial Reports
There is evidence that the
HEI is solvent, financially
stable, and sustainable.
5. Effective Monitoring of Performance - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, & relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of the performance of
the HEI against its planned strategies and operational targets.

Presence of the System • System for monitoring and assessing HEI

There are systems and performance vs targets
structures to monitor and • Person(s)/Office(s) in-charge of monitoring
assess the performance of strategic and operational plans
the HEI against its planned • Relevant Manuals
strategies and operational
targets and to enable action
for continuous quality
5. Effective Monitoring of Performance - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, & relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of the performance of
the HEI against its planned strategies and operational targets.
Extent of Implementation • Process and person/office in-charge of
The governing body and the monitoring and assessing:
management ensure the regular • Academic performance
monitoring and assessment of
the following: • Support services
•HEI performance through • Health and safety
internal processes and • Employment policies
external review, including • Relations with external stakeholders
academic performance, • Monitoring Reports
support services, health and • Results of Assessment
safety, employment policies,
and relations with external
stakeholders, among others
5. Effective Monitoring of Performance - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, & relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of the performance of
the HEI against its planned strategies and operational targets.
Extent of Implementation • Process and Office/person in-charge of
The governing body and the monitoring:
management ensure the regular • Land
monitoring and assessment of
the following: • Building
•The strategic management of • Facilities and other non-academic resources
the institution’s land, • Monitoring reports
buildings, facilities, and other
non-academic resources
5. Effective Monitoring of Performance - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, & relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of the performance of
the HEI against its planned strategies and operational targets.

Outcomes • Satisfaction survey on the quality of

Stakeholders are satisfied performance of the HEI.
with the quality and
performance of the HEI.

Programs are kept current • Evidence of participation of BOT in the

and relevant because the approval, performance and monitoring of
governing body is involved in programs
their approval, performance, • Evidence of relevance of programs
and monitoring.
5. Effective Monitoring of Performance - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, & relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of the performance of
the HEI against its planned strategies and operational targets.

Effectiveness • Evidence of improvement in key performance

There is evidence of the indicators
improvement of quality of the • Provide data to support claims of improvement
HEI, as seen in the (e.g. upward trend in enrollment, licensure
improvement in key examination passing percentage, number of
performance indicators, e.g., publications, etc.)
accreditation, passing rates
in licensure examinations,
and stakeholder satisfaction.
KRA 1 - Governance and Management
A. Criterion: The institution’s management of
operations, financial control, and quality
assurance arrangements give the HEI the
opportunity to respond to development and
■ This refers to the overall systems and
processes of the institution.
KRA 1 - Governance and Management

1. Management of Operation
2. Financial Control
3. Quality Assurance Arrangements
1. Management of Operations - Operations are efficient, effective,
and responsive to challenges and changes.
Presence of the System • Clear organizational structure
There are well-documented • Administrative and Academic Manuals and
organizational structures, other relevant manuals and handbooks
systems, and processes that
ensure sound management
of operations of the HEI.
1. Management of Operations - Operations are efficient, effective,
and responsive to challenges and changes.
Extent of Implementation • Process how the BOT and Management
Administrators, in coordination respond to a particular need/developments
with top management, respond • Processes and procedures
to particular needs in a timely • Committee or Council
manner, including those • Minutes of Meetings
related to national policies and • Timelines
international developments in • BOT resolutions
higher education. • Memoranda
Resources are allocated to • Process for allocation of funds
enable the accomplishment of • How Prioritization is done
the institution’s goals, • Work and Financial Plan
especially those that pertain to • Reports
academic performance.
1. Management of Operations - Operations are efficient, effective,
and responsive to challenges and changes.
Outcomes • Targets/activities are accomplished/
Services are delivered in a conducted on schedule
timely and efficient manner. • Evidence that services are provided on time

Stakeholders are satisfied • Satisfaction survey on the delivery of services

with the delivery of services and responsive operations
and efficient, responsive
The HEI has responsive, • Cite examples of innovative programs and how
innovative programs that it contributed to the development of the
contribute to its development institution and respond to national and local
and respond to national and needs.
local needs.
1. Management of Operations - Operations are efficient, effective,
and responsive to challenges and changes.
Effectiveness • Sustainability of Operations
There is evidence that • Awards and Recognitions
effective and efficient
operations and responsive
programs contribute to the
attainment of the VMG of the
2. Financial Control - The HEI is solvent, financially stable, and
sustainable because of prudent financial control, according to the
systems and structures approved by the governing body.
Presence of the System • System for financial management
There are well-documented • System for management of physical resources
systems and processes that • Accounting/Financial and other relevant
reflect sound management manuals
of financial and physical • Relevant Manuals
resources. • Office/person in-charge
2. Financial Control - The HEI is solvent, financially stable, and
sustainable because of prudent financial control, according to the
systems and structures approved by the governing body.
Extent of Implementation • Process how policies on financial control were
Administrators at all levels communicated to the administrators
are aware of the systems and • Orientation activities, meetings, etc.
processes for financial • Memoranda
control, implement them
within their sphere of
influence, and abide by the
checks and regulations.
2. Financial Control - The HEI is solvent, financially stable, and
sustainable because of prudent financial control, according to the
systems and structures approved by the governing body.
Extent of Implementation • Mechanism for checks and balances
There are adequate checks • Budget hearing process
and balances in the • Person/office in-charge
allocation of resources. • Committee or Council
• Evidence of implementation
Administrators with proper • Provide qualifications / relevant experiences of
expertise oversee the the person in-charge of management of
management of financial financial resources
resources. • Evidence of implementation
Stakeholders understand • Process how these policies, systems, and
and support these policies, procedures are communicated to stakeholders
systems, and procedures. • Compliance of stakeholders
2. Financial Control - The HEI is solvent, financially stable, and
sustainable because of prudent financial control, according to the
systems and structures approved by the governing body.
Outcomes • Audited Financial Reports
The HEI is financially stable
and sustainable.
The HEI is able to fund key • Operational plans with corresponding budget
development plans that allocation.
improve the quality of • Report on Budget allocation vs Actual
education and support Utilization
services at the HEI.
2. Financial Control - The HEI is solvent, financially stable, and
sustainable because of prudent financial control, according to the
systems and structures approved by the governing body.
Effectiveness • Accomplishment reports (targets vis-à-vis
There is evidence that the accomplishment)
HEI meets its targets
because of prudent financial
3. Quality Assurance Arrangements - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, and relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of its operations.
Presence of the System • QA systems and mechanisms
There are QA mechanisms in • Processes and Guidelines
place with systems, • Office(s)/person(s) in-charge
structures, and metrics to • QA Manuals or relevant manuals
assess the operations of the
3. Quality Assurance Arrangements - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, and relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of its operations.
Extent of Implementation • Process and frequency of
The management conducts monitoring/assessment
regular monitoring and • Human resource
assessment of operations, • Faculty evaluation
including management of the • Learning resources
following: human resources, • Support and student services
faculty evaluation, learning • Equipment and facilities
resources, support and • Evidence of implementation such as
student services, equipment assessment reports, evaluations, etc.
and facilities, etc.
3. Quality Assurance Arrangements - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, and relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of its operations.
Extent of Implementation • Frequency of evaluation and planning sessions
There are regular evaluation by office/unit
and planning sessions by • Minutes, proceedings, plan, reports
The HEI gets feedback from • Process for soliciting feedback from
stakeholders and clients that stakeholders
they serve. • Frequency
• How feedbacks are considered and
• Evidence of implementation
3. Quality Assurance Arrangements - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, and relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of its operations.
Outcomes • evidence of continuous quality improvement
There is continuous quality (e.g. revisions in procedures or processes,
improvement (CQI) in the reduction of steps, reduction in the turnaround
operations and management time, etc.)
of the HEI
Academic and support • Provide evidence that academic and support
programs are kept current programs are current and relevant.
and relevant because of the
CQI initiatives.
3. Quality Assurance Arrangements - The HEI is reputable,
sustainable, and relevant because of continuous quality improvement
resulting from regular monitoring and assessment of its operations.
Effectiveness • Evidence of improvement of outcomes (e.g.
There is evidence of improvement in performance in licensure
continuous improvement in examination, number and levels of accredited
the operations (e.g. financial programs, enrollment data, completion rate of
and operational students, etc.)
sustainability, effective • Provide data
management of academic
offices) because of the QA
KRA 1 - Governance and Management
A. Criterion: The institution has enabling features
that help improve the operations, quality, and
development such as:
■ the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) for more efficient and
effective management; and
■ viable, sustainable, and appropriate
Resource Generation Strategies to support
its development plans.
KRA 1 - Governance and Management

1. Use of Information and Communications
Technology in Management
2. Resource Generation Strategies
3. Other Enabling Features (Optional)
1. Use of ICT in Management - The institution’s use of ICT to
manage its operations and academic affairs contributes to the
effectiveness of its operations and programs. (Separate from ICT for
Presence of the System • Describe each ICT used for Management.
The HEI has ICT system(s) to These include:
manage its operations, such • HR Information System
as—but not limited to— • Accounting System
accounting, human • Enrollment System
resources (HR), and student • Library Information System
information systems.
1. Use of ICT in Management - The institution’s use of ICT to
manage its operations and academic affairs contributes to the
effectiveness of its operations and programs. (Separate from ICT for
Extent of Implementation • Evidence of trainings conducted specifically on
Staff, faculty, and ICT for Management (not ICT for teaching and
administrators are proficient learning)
in ICT, with the HEI providing
training and/or support.
There is a responsive link • ICT System links administrative and academic
between ICT systems of offices.
administrative and academic • Provide examples
offices to ensure optimal
communication and use of
1. Use of ICT in Management - The institution’s use of ICT to
manage its operations and academic affairs contributes to the
effectiveness of its operations and programs. (Separate from ICT for
Outcomes • Evidence of improved efficiency of ICT for
The HEI’s management management such as:
information system (MIS) • enrollment process
enables more efficient • Releasing of records
management of student and • Releasing of grades
faculty records, planning for • Tracking of students
and implementation of • Provide data
academic programs, budget,
1. Use of ICT in Management - The institution’s use of ICT to
manage its operations and academic affairs contributes to the
effectiveness of its operations and programs. (Separate from ICT for
Effectiveness • Accomplishment of targets relevant to ICT for
There is evidence that use of Management.
ICT helps the HEI meet its • Improved efficiency, increase in number of
targets pertinent to relevant clients served, effectiveness, etc.
key performance indicators.
2. Resource Generation - The HEI’s development plans are effective
and sustainable because they are supported by viable and appropriate
resource generation strategies.

Presence of the System • Mechanisms for IGP

There are mechanisms for • Relevant Manuals
the institution to actively • Office/Unit/Person in-charge
appraise potential sources of
new resources to support its
development plans.
2. Resource Generation - The HEI’s development plans are effective
and sustainable because they are supported by viable and appropriate
resource generation strategies.

Extent of Implementation • Provide information how IGPs generate income

The institution generates • Feasibility Studies/Project proposals
resources to supplement its • Financial Reports
tuition income through • Income Statements
sustainable initiatives.
The HEI avails of resources • Provide list of linkages related to financial
through its links with grants and other resources and the
government and non- corresponding amount.
government agencies in the • Scholarships (in monetary terms)
Philippines and overseas.
2. Resource Generation - The HEI’s development plans are effective
and sustainable because they are supported by viable and appropriate
resource generation strategies.

Extent of Implementation • Process of monitoring IGPs

The monitoring and • Monitoring Reports
evaluation of resource • Financial Reports
generation activities enable
the HEI to enhance further
2. Resource Generation - The HEI’s development plans are effective
and sustainable because they are supported by viable and appropriate
resource generation strategies.

Outcomes • How was the income from IGP used and did it
The resource generation help the institution or stakeholders.
strategies enable the HEI to • Provide data (project and amount)
implement development
plans that contribute to the
growth of the organization
and the communities it
2. Resource Generation - The HEI’s development plans are effective
and sustainable because they are supported by viable and appropriate
resource generation strategies.

Outcomes • Accomplishment reports

Funds and other resources • Terminal Reports
derived from specific projects • Acceptance report from funding agency
produce the outcomes
specified by the funder.
2. Resource Generation - The HEI’s development plans are effective
and sustainable because they are supported by viable and appropriate
resource generation strategies.

Effectiveness • Provide evidence (e.g. improved qualifications

There is evidence that the of faculty members because of scholarships,
HEI’s resource generation infrastructure projects from income,
initiatives support procurement of state-of-the-art equipment,
development plans that etc.)
contribute to the attainment
of targets for relevant key
performance indicators.
KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning
A. Criterion 1: Program Approval and
■ The institution has a system for approving
and implementing programs
KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning

Setting and Achieving Program Standards

1. Program Approval
2. Setting of Objectives and Learning Outcomes
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of
Programs and Academic Support
4. Matching of Abilities and Aptitudes
1. Program Approval - The program approval process ensures that
programs are aligned to the HEI’s VMG, is supported by adequate
resources, and responds to needs of its publics.
Presence of the System • Process for the approval of new academic
The process of approving programs?
academic programs • Who initiates? Top down, bottom up, both?
considers: 1) the HEI’s VMG, • What are the considerations in opening new
2) its resources, 3) the academic degree programs
development needs of the • Who are involved in the development and
region/ country; and 4) its approval?
ability to ensure that • Feasibility study
students can achieve the • Academic Manuals
intended outcomes. • Quality Manuals
• Work Instruction
1. Program Approval - The program approval process ensures that
programs are aligned to the HEI’s VMG, is supported by adequate
resources, and responds to needs of its publics.
Extent of Implementation • Process of soliciting feedbacks from internal
The process considers inputs and external stakeholders
from the faculty, students, • How are the inputs considered? Provide
administrators, the governing examples of comments and suggestions
body, and external incorporated in the proposed program.
stakeholders, to make the • Evidence of implementation
program relevant.
The process of approval of • How was the process of approval disseminated
academic programs is clear to the stakeholders
to stakeholders. • Orientations, Meetings, etc.
1. Program Approval - The program approval process ensures that
programs are aligned to the HEI’s VMG, is supported by adequate
resources, and responds to needs of its publics.
Outcomes • Satisfaction survey on the transparent
Stakeholders are satisfied program approval process
with the transparent
processes of program
The HEI’s programs are • Provide evidence of relevance (e.g. for newly
relevant, sustainable and offered programs - employability of graduates,
responsive to the needs of alignment of degrees with the actual work of
the community it serves. graduates, enrollment data, etc.)
1. Program Approval - The program approval process ensures that
programs are aligned to the HEI’s VMG, is supported by adequate
resources, and responds to needs of its publics.
Effectiveness • Establish relationship between the offering of
There is evidence that the new academic programs with the mission,
programs help the HEI attain vision and goals of the institution.
its strategic vision and goals.
2. Setting of Objectives and Learning Outcomes - Academic
programs have clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes, which
contribute to the attributes and competencies of the HEI’s ideal
Presence of the System • Process of setting objectives and learning
There is a process for setting the outcomes (including institutional
objectives and learning outcomes or graduate attributes)
outcomes of a program and • Other considerations in setting objectives
ensuring that they are aligned and learning outcomes (VMG, CHED, etc.)
with the VMGO, meet the subject- • Industry inputs?
specific outcomes and standards • Alignment with international agreements
promulgated by CHED, and and accords?
maintain comparability of
standards with other providers of
equivalent level programs.
2. Setting of Objectives and Learning Outcomes - Academic
programs have clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes, which
contribute to the attributes and competencies of the HEI’s ideal
Presence of the System • Articulation of how the attributes/desired
There is a clear articulation competencies are developed.
of how the program • Curriculum maps.
develops the • Syllabi
competencies of its ideal
2. Setting of Objectives and Learning Outcomes - Academic
programs have clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes, which
contribute to the attributes and competencies of the HEI’s ideal
Extent of Implementation • Process of consultation
Objectives and learning • Who were involved?
outcomes considered inputs • Provide example of inputs that were considered
from potential employers, and implemented (e.g. proficiency in English,
faculty members, students, use of ICT, or competency on the use of a
and other stakeholders, particular equipment or a software, etc.)
when applicable. • Evidence of implementation
2. Setting of Objectives and Learning Outcomes - Academic
programs have clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes, which
contribute to the attributes and competencies of the HEI’s ideal
Extent of Implementation • Process how the faculty members are able to
Faculty members translate translate the objectives and learning outcomes
these objectives and in the courses.
learning outcomes in their • Course syllabi
courses. • Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning
• Assessment mechanisms
2. Setting of Objectives and Learning Outcomes - Academic
programs have clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes, which
contribute to the attributes and competencies of the HEI’s ideal
Outcomes • Feedback from students and graduates
The program’s clearly defined • Study
objectives and learning
outcomes help students find
focus in their professional
and personal development.
2. Setting of Objectives and Learning Outcomes - Academic
programs have clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes, which
contribute to the attributes and competencies of the HEI’s ideal
Effectiveness • Feedback from employees
There is evidence that the • Study
HEI’s programs contribute to • Awards and Recognitions of students
the attributes and
competencies of the HEI’s
ideal graduates.
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of Programs and
Academic Support - The effective delivery of academic and non-
academic programs contributes to student performance as well as the
reputation of the HEI.
Presence of the System • System to ensure program delivery
There is a system to ensure • Academic support
the effective delivery of • Access to equipment, facilities and learning
programs. resources
This includes academic • Oversight of faculty and student
support to students; access performance
to equipment, facilities, and • Academic Manual or any related manuals
learning resources; oversight
of faculty and student
performance; among others.
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of Programs and
Academic Support - The effective delivery of academic and non-
academic programs contributes to student performance as well as the
reputation of the HEI.
Extent of Implementation • Mechanism for student assessment and
Well-trained faculty members feedbacking
facilitate student learning • Mechanisms for faculty evaluation
and give regular assessment • Evidence of implementation
and feedback; students,
peers, and supervisors
regularly evaluate faculty
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of Programs and
Academic Support - The effective delivery of academic and non-
academic programs contributes to student performance as well as the
reputation of the HEI.
Extent of Implementation • Mechanisms to ensure availability of learning
Students are able to access resources and facilities to students
learning resources, • Administrative support provided to students
appropriate facilities, and • Evidence of implementation
administrative support, all of
which contributes to the
creation of a proper learning
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of Programs and
Academic Support - The effective delivery of academic and non-
academic programs contributes to student performance as well as the
reputation of the HEI.
Extent of Implementation • Mechanism for the evaluation of validity and
Student assessments are reliability of assessment tools, etc.
valid, reliable, secure and • Item analysis
externally verified; students • External validation
get regular and appropriate • Review
feedback. • Evidence of implementation
Clear, measurable indicators • Assessment tools with measurable indicators
are used to see if goals are • Use of rubrics
met and to assess and • Evidence of implementation
improve the programs.
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of Programs and
Academic Support - The effective delivery of academic and non-
academic programs contributes to student performance as well as the
reputation of the HEI.
Extent of Implementation • Mechanisms for upgrading equipment,
Faculty members and facilities, laboratories and other learning
program managers regularly resources
look into the upgrade of • Frequency of updating
equipment, facilities, and • Evidence of implementation
learning resources, when
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of Programs and
Academic Support - The effective delivery of academic and non-
academic programs contributes to student performance as well as the
reputation of the HEI.
Outcomes • Completion rate
Students develop within their • Study
programs due to a good
learning environment where
they are given timely and
effective feedback, academic
support; and access to
equipment, facilities, and
learning resources.
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of Programs and
Academic Support - The effective delivery of academic and non-
academic programs contributes to student performance as well as the
reputation of the HEI.
Outcomes • Performance in the licensure examinations
Graduates of the HEI achieve • Employability of Graduates
good licensure passing rates • Tracer Study
(when applicable), are easily • Contribution of graduates in their respective
employed, and/or have industries and communities
impact on the communities
they serve.
3. Mechanisms for Effective Delivery of Programs and
Academic Support - The effective delivery of academic and non-
academic programs contributes to student performance as well as the
reputation of the HEI.
Effectiveness • Awards and Recognitions
There is evidence that the • COE/COD
effective delivery of programs • Autonomous/Deregulated
and academic support
contributes to the
performance and reputation
of the HEI.
4. Matching of Abilities and Aptitudes - Students perform well
because there is a matching of their abilities and aptitudes with the
demands of the programs, and because there are support systems that
enhance their performance.
Presence of the System • Admission policy
There are policies and • Mechanism for matching student capabilities
processes that ensure the and aptitudes with the requirements of the
matching of student abilities program
and aptitudes with the
demands of the programs.
4. Matching of Abilities and Aptitudes - Students perform well
because there is a matching of their abilities and aptitudes with the
demands of the programs, and because there are support systems that
enhance their performance.
Extent of Implementation • Office/Person/Committee in-charge
There is an office or a
committee responsible for
the implementation of these
policies and processes.
Offices ensure that support • Mechanisms to ensure that support services
services are accessible and are accessible to students
that students avail of the • Evidence of implementation
services to improve their
4. Matching of Abilities and Aptitudes - Students perform well
because there is a matching of their abilities and aptitudes with the
demands of the programs, and because there are support systems that
enhance their performance.
Outcomes • Retention rate
Students generally perform • Completion rate
well and achieve the
intended outcomes of these
4. Matching of Abilities and Aptitudes - Students perform well
because there is a matching of their abilities and aptitudes with the
demands of the programs, and because there are support systems that
enhance their performance.
Effectiveness • Awards and recognition of students
There is evidence that the
effective delivery of programs
contributes to the
performance and reputation
of the HEI.
KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning
A. Criterion 2: Program Monitoring and Review
■ Monitoring and Review
1. Program Monitoring and Review - Periodic program monitoring
and review ensure the effectiveness of its programs, e.g., the programs
are relevant, sustainable, delivered well.

Presence of the System • Mechanism for program monitoring

There is a system to ensure • Curriculum review
regular program monitoring • Review of Syllabi
and review of programs, • Review of performance such as licensure
which aims to keep programs examination, employability, completion rate,
current; improve teaching enrollment, etc.
and learning; and ensure
that programs contribute to
student performance and
achievement of the HEI’s
1. Program Monitoring and Review - Periodic program monitoring
and review ensure the effectiveness of its programs, e.g., the programs
are relevant, sustainable, delivered well.

Extent of Implementation • Office or person responsible for monitoring

There is/are office(s) or
committee(s) responsible for
regular program monitoring
and review.
The results are disseminated • Evidence of monitoring
to the proper groups and • Evidence that the results of monitoring are
these are used for utilized for improvement
improvement and planning.
1. Program Monitoring and Review - Periodic program monitoring
and review ensure the effectiveness of its programs, e.g., the programs
are relevant, sustainable, delivered well.
Outcomes • Evidence that programs are current and
Programs remain current and relevant
valid in the light of
developments in the field.
Programs are sustainable • Evidence that programs are sustainable (e.g.
because of an effective link steady increase of student enrolment)
between planning and
resource allocation.
There is evidence of • Study
improved teaching and • Provide evidence of improvement
learning and coherent modes
of program delivery.
1. Program Monitoring and Review - Periodic program monitoring
and review ensure the effectiveness of its programs, e.g., the programs
are relevant, sustainable, delivered well.
Outcomes • Employability of graduates
Graduates of the HEI are easily • Licensure examination
employed, set up businesses,
and/or have impact on the
communities they serve.
For programs with
licensure/certification exams,
the average passing rate over
the past five years demonstrate
the level of student
1. Program Monitoring and Review - Periodic program monitoring
and review ensure the effectiveness of its programs, e.g., the programs
are relevant, sustainable, delivered well.
Effectiveness • Program Accreditation
There is evidence that • Awards and Recognitions (PRC top performing
regular monitoring and schools)
review contributes to the
impact of the programs as
well as the performance and
reputation of the HEI.
KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning
A. Criterion 3: Action to Strengthen Programs
■ Action to Strengthen Program
1. Action to Strengthen Program - The institution’s programs are
continuously improved through effective actions that address weakness,
build on strengths, and enhance student and faculty performance.
Presence of the System • Mechanism to strengthen programs
There are mechanisms for • Benchmarking
developing proper action to • Faculty Development
strengthen programs and • Faculty Exchange
disseminating good practice
throughout the institution to
achieve the goals of the HEI.
1. Action to Strengthen Program - The institution’s programs are
continuously improved through effective actions that address weakness,
build on strengths, and enhance student and faculty performance.
Extent of Implementation • How the result of monitoring and evaluation
The administration uses the was acted upon.
results of self-evaluation and • Evidence of implementation
program monitoring and
review to plan and
implement actions to
strengthen the programs.
1. Action to Strengthen Program - The institution’s programs are
continuously improved through effective actions that address weakness,
build on strengths, and enhance student and faculty performance.
Extent of Implementation • Consultation process
The feedback from faculty, • How feedbacks were considered and
students, employers, and implemented
other stakeholders is • Evidence of implementation
evaluated and acted upon.
Weaknesses in student and • Intervention programs
faculty performance are • Faculty development
identified and acted upon. • Evidence of implementation
1. Action to Strengthen Program - The institution’s programs are
continuously improved through effective actions that address weakness,
build on strengths, and enhance student and faculty performance.
Outcomes • Feedback from students
Programs develop graduates • Feedback from employees
who demonstrate qualities
and competencies that are
consistent with the HEI’s
ideal graduate.
Programs generate outputs • Impact made by alumni in their respective
that have impact on society. industries and communities
• Provide evidence
1. Action to Strengthen Program - The institution’s programs are
continuously improved through effective actions that address weakness,
build on strengths, and enhance student and faculty performance.
Effectiveness • Evidence of improvement in the performance
There is evidence that of academic degree programs
continuous quality
improvement of programs
brings the institution closer
to achieving program goals
and targets.
KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning
A. Criterion: The institution achieves its quality of
teaching and learning due in large part to its
faculty roster with their appropriate expertise
and competence.
■ This refers to systems and processes of
hiring, retaining, and developing faculty with
the appropriate expertise and competence.
KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning

1. System for Faculty Selection, Retention,
Evaluation, and Promotion
2. Teaching Expertise and Competence
1. Faculty Selection, Retention, Evaluation, and Promotion -
The human resource management system for faculty and the academic
promotion system enable the HEI to push its quality of teaching and
Presence of the System • Mechanism for selecting, hiring, maintaining
There are clear procedures and promoting faculty
for faculty human resource • Faculty Manual
(HR) and academic • Relevant manuals
1. Faculty Selection, Retention, Evaluation, and Promotion -
The human resource management system for faculty and the academic
promotion system enable the HEI to push its quality of teaching and
Extent of Implementation • Office(s)/Person(s) in-charge
There is/are office(s) that
takes care of the
management systems for
The HR and academic • Evidence of dissemination of policies for HR
promotion processes for and academic promotion
faculty are clearly
documented and
1. Faculty Selection, Retention, Evaluation, and Promotion -
The human resource management system for faculty and the academic
promotion system enable the HEI to push its quality of teaching and
Extent of Implementation • Feedbacking mechanism
There are regular feedback • Provide evidence of implementation
mechanisms that help faculty
improve their performance.
1. Faculty Selection, Retention, Evaluation, and Promotion -
The human resource management system for faculty and the academic
promotion system enable the HEI to push its quality of teaching and
Outcomes • Faculty qualifications and teaching loads
Faculty members teach
subjects related to their
degrees, professional
qualifications, or experience.
Student performance has • Study – improvement of student performance
improved because of the because of improved faculty qualifications
quality of faculty.
1. Faculty Selection, Retention, Evaluation, and Promotion -
The human resource management system for faculty and the academic
promotion system enable the HEI to push its quality of teaching and
Effectiveness • Results of faculty evaluation
There is evidence of high • Feedback for students and alumni
quality of teaching
(student/peer evaluation of
faculty) and learning
(competency assessment)
because of a strong faculty
2. Teaching Expertise and Competence - Faculty competence
enables students to be mentored to their full potential and produces
outputs that create impact in society.
Presence of the System • Faculty Development Program
The HEI has • How training needs are identified
mechanisms/programs for • Process of Selection
faculty development,
specifically to enhance
teaching expertise and
2. Teaching Expertise and Competence - Faculty competence
enables students to be mentored to their full potential and produces
outputs that create impact in society.
Extent of Implementation • Process for dissemination of FDP to faculty
These mechanisms and members and staff
processes are documented • Provide evidence of implementation
and disseminated to the
There is a person/office in • Office/Person in-charge of FDP
charge of these mechanisms
and processes for developing
teaching expertise and
2. Teaching Expertise and Competence - Faculty competence
enables students to be mentored to their full potential and produces
outputs that create impact in society.
Extent of Implementation • Faculty evaluation
There are regular feedback, • Process for feedbacking
monitoring and review • Evidence of implemntation
mechanisms to help faculty
2. Teaching Expertise and Competence - Faculty competence
enables students to be mentored to their full potential and produces
outputs that create impact in society.
Outcomes • Study
Faculty members demonstrate • Analysis of faculty evaluation results (showing
improved expertise and improvement)
teaching competencies as a
result of these programs or
similar mechanisms.
Other faculty outputs in • Faculty output
instructional materials, • Instructional materials
research, professional • Researches, etc.
practice, and/or outreach help
the HEI create impact and
attain its goals.
2. Teaching Expertise and Competence - Faculty competence
enables students to be mentored to their full potential and produces
outputs that create impact in society.
Outcomes • Participation in conferences
Most faculty members are up • Membership in professional organizations
to date with developments in
their academic field and
demonstrate mastery of
content and methods
Faculty members employ • Provide example of innovative strategies an
innovative strategies to how it facilitated learning and development of
facilitate learning and to higher order thinking skills
ensure that students’ higher
order thinking skills are
2. Teaching Expertise and Competence - Faculty competence
enables students to be mentored to their full potential and produces
outputs that create impact in society.
Outcomes • Study which attributes the performance of
Students demonstrate good students with the quality of faculty members
performance as a result of
their teaching-learning
2. Teaching Expertise and Competence - Faculty competence
enables students to be mentored to their full potential and produces
outputs that create impact in society.
Effectiveness • Feedback from industry
There is evidence that the • Performance of students
quality of delivery of courses • Awards and Recognitions of Students
brings the institution closer to
developing the desired
competencies for its ideal
KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning
A. Criterion: Student learning and performance
are enhanced with the effective use of learning
resources, such as library resources,
laboratories, and information and
communications technology
■ This refers to the structures that allow faculty
and students to effectively use HEI’s learning
KRA 2 – Quality of Teaching and Learning

Use of ICT and Learning Resources

1. Use of ICT
2. Library Resources
3. Laboratories, Equipment, and Facilities
Use of ICT and Learning Resources
Presence • Mechanism to ensure that ICT resources are
The HEI has a system to available to all students
ensure that ICT resources • Mechanism for monitoring and assessment of
are properly allocated, ICT resources
effectively used, and • Relevant Manuals
regularly monitored and
Use of ICT and Learning Resources
Extent of Implementation • Person/office in-charge
There is an office in charge of the
ICT resources and matters related
to their use, operation and
The HEI, through this office, • Mechanism for troubleshooting and
ensures that there is a reasonable technical support
level of service quality to users
(e.g., connectivity, speed).
There is training for faculty, • Evidence of trainings participated by
students, and staff to ensure that faculty, students and staff on the proper
the ICT resources for learning are use of ICT resources for learning
used properly and effectively.
Use of ICT and Learning Resources
Outcomes • Study how the use of ICT has helped enhance
The quality of student and the performance of faculty and students
faculty performance is
enhanced through the use of
Graduates acquire ICT and • Feedback from employers and Host Training
higher order thinking Establishments
competencies, consistent • Study
with the HEI goals.
Use of ICT and Learning Resources
Effectiveness • Feedback from employers and Host Training
There is evidence that the Establishments
effective use of ICT brings
the institution closer to
developing the desired
competencies for its ideal
KRA 3 – Quality of Professional Exposure, Research
and Creative Work
Criterion: Students develop relevant
competencies through programs that allow
students to practice their learned competencies,
such as programs for entrepreneurship,
practicum, internship, and on-the-job training
Professional Exposure - Students practice competencies in real
settings through the institution’s overall strategy for the professional
exposure of its students.
Presence of the System • Mechanism for professional exposure
The institution has programs of the institution.
mechanisms to ensure that • Mechanism to ensure that students gain the
professional exposure necessary experience.
programs 1) enable students • Assistance/resources are provided to students
to gain experience in a • How does the industry linkages help in the
workplace; 2) have adequate implementation of professional exposure
resources; 3) make use of programs
active industry linkages. • OJT Manuals
Professional Exposure
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge of the
An office/person oversees implementation of the program
professional exposure • Who identifies industry partners
programs, as described above; • Who is in-charge of soliciting feedbacks
facilitates feedback from from industry partners on the performance
partner companies to students; of students.
and takes care of industry • Evidence of implementation
Professional exposure programs • Process of assessing the professional
are assessed to ensure that exposure program
competencies are relevant to • Provide evidence of implementation (e.g.
national needs and priorities assessment reports)
and global competitiveness.
Professional Exposure
Outcomes • Study how the professional exposure
The professional exposure program helped the graduates in their
programs give better current work.
opportunities for graduates to • Provide data – graduates who were
practice their profession or be absorbed by the company where they had
employed in the relevant their professional exposure program.
industry or profession. • Feedback from employers
Professional Exposure
Effectiveness • Study on the competencies developed by
There is evidence that the graduates because of the professional
professional exposure programs exposure program
develop student competencies • Feedback from employers
that bring the HEI closer to
meeting its desired
competencies for its ideal
KRA 3 – Quality of Professional Exposure, Research
and Creative Work
Criterion: The institution’s research community
produces relevant research and other advanced
scholarly activity
Research Capability
Presence of the System • How the research agenda was set
The HEI has a strategy and • System for managing, developing, applying and
corresponding systems to 1) assessing research
set research agenda; 2) • Mechanism on how to improve research
manage, develop, apply, and productivity of faculty and students.
assess research, and 3)
continuously improve
research capability of faculty
and students.
Research Capability
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge of the research
An office/person oversees the program
research strategy, systems and • Committees or Councils
programs, as described above; • Coordinators
oversees its
outcomes/publications; helps
manage resources; and assists
in research linkages. .
Information on research • Process how the research program is
program mechanisms and disseminated to faculty and staff.
grants is disseminated regularly • Evidence of implementation
to faculty and staff.
Research Capability
Extent of Implementation • Number and percentage of full-time faculty
An active research community, involved in research
composed of faculty, staff, and • Number of students involved in research
students, regularly publish and • Paper presentations
present papers in conferences. • Publications in refereed journals
Research Capability
Outcomes • Number and percentage of full-time faculty
Faculty members have with publications in refereed journals
publications/ patents/ policy • Number and percentage of full-time faculty
papers that contribute to new with patents
knowledge in the discipline
and/or to national/regional
Students and faculty have • Publications of faculty and students
research competencies.
Research exposure gives better • Evidence that graduates are more
opportunities for graduates to employable because of research
be employed in the relevant competencies
industry. • Tracer studies
Research Capability
Effectiveness • Research awards and recognitions
There is evidence that faculty • Publication in ISI or Scopus indexed
and student research outputs journals
bring the HEI closer to meeting
its institutional goals.
KRA 3 – Quality of Professional Exposure, Research
and Creative Work
Criterion: The institution produces creative work
and/or innovation in the arts and humanities,
science and technology, social sciences, and/or
management science.
▪ Creative work includes but is not limited to literature,
artwork, music, dance, drama, productions and,
▪ Innovation refers to a new method, idea, device, or
product, which is replicable and applicable as a
solution to a particular need.
Creative Work and/or Innovation
Presence of the Presence • Program for Creative Works and/or Innovation
The HEI has a system to 1) • System to manage, develop and assess
manage, develop, and creative works and/or Innovation.
assess creative work and/or • Support for patenting of innovations.
innovation, and 2) provide an
environment for faculty and
students, which is conducive
to creativity and innovation
Creative Work and/or Innovation
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge
An office/person oversees the • Innovation & Technology Support Office
systems and resources for (ITSO) - patenting
creative work and/or innovation.
Administrators, faculty, and • Provide evidence of implementation (e.g.
students regularly look for ways hosting of programs, exhibits, competitions,
to create an environment for etc.)
creative work and/or innovation.
Faculty members have the • Qualifications, trainings, experience of
competencies to guide students faculty members
in their creative work and • Output of faculty members
Creative Work and/or Innovation
Outcomes • Awards and recognitions of faculty and
Faculty members and students students (reputable award giving bodies)
have recognitions for their • Innovations conducted by students and
creative work and/or innovation, faculty members that were utilized by
which contribute to socio- stakeholders. (e.g. mobile application,
cultural awareness and computer program, technology, etc.)
national/regional development.
The HEI is a venue for discourse • Evidence that the institution has initiated
of issues that are highlighted by activities that provide venues for discourse
the creative work and/or on creative works and/or innovation
Creative Work and/or Innovation
Effectiveness • Awards and Recognitions of students and
There is evidence that faculty faculty for creative works and/or
and student creative work and Innovations from reputable institutions
innovation bring the HEI closer
to meeting its institutional
KRA 4 – Support for Students


Criterion 1: Recruitment, Admission, & Academic
The institution is effective in recruiting, admitting,
supporting, and graduating students, including
those from indigenous groups, the handicapped,
low-level income groups, foreign students, and
other special groups
1. Recruitment, Admission, & Academic Support
Presence of the System • Admission policy
The HEI has a clear and • Matching of student capabilities with demands
transparent admission and of the program
placement system that • Retention policy
matches student capabilities • Recruitment program
and aptitudes to their • Student handbook
There is an academic • Academic support that address special
support system that learning needs of students
addresses special learning • Programs to address adjustment issues and
needs, adjustment issues, use of learning resources such as orientation
use of learning resources, activities.
1. Recruitment, Admission, & Academic Support
Presence of the Students • Policy on the recruitment and support for
There are clear policies and special groups (PWDs, IPs, Foreign Students)
operational guidelines on the • Evidence of policy
recruitment of and support
for special student groups
(Please see above).
There are programs that • Orientation for foreign students
provide foreign students with • Support for foreign students
effective orientation to the • Evidence of system
institution and the country,
and which allow them
academic progression and
integration with the
1. Recruitment, Admission, & Academic Support
Extent of Implementation • Office(s)/person(s) in-charge
There are office(s)/person(s) in • Admission
charge of overseeing: • Recruitment
1) admission processes, • Selection of students
including the recruitment and
selection of students based on
clear policies and operational
2) academic support processes, • Types of academic support provided to
including overall performance, students, especially to those who are
counseling, academic struggling in their academic requirements
advisement, faculty consultation, • Mechanism for tracking students
student tracking, etc. • Evidence of implementation
1. Recruitment, Admission, & Academic Support
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge of providing
There are office(s)/person(s) in assistance to foreign students
charge of overseeing:
3) assistance to foreign students.
The institution encourages • mechanism on the recruitment of students
applications from special groups from special groups.
(e.g., financially disadvantaged, • Evidence of implementation
tribal groups, physically
challenged) and ensures that
they are given fair consideration.
1. Recruitment, Admission, & Academic Support
Outcomes • Satisfaction survey on the diverse learning
Students are generally satisfied environment, and academic support.
with the diverse learning
environment, and academic
Students are able to complete • Completion rate of students
their programs.
Students gain exposure to • Diversity of student population
diverse traditions and • Evidence of student exposure to diverse
perspectives. traditions and perspectives
1. Recruitment, Admission, & Academic Support
Effectiveness • Programs, projects, and activities that
There is evidence that there are promote multi-cultural interaction….
opportunities for promoting • Feedback from students
multi-cultural interaction and
global perspective, and brings
the HEI closer to achieving its
KRA 4 – Support for Students


Criterion 2: Student Scholarship
The institution provides educational opportunities
for the most able and deserving students with
support from student scholarship.
2. Student Scholarship
Presence of the System • Policy on Student Scholarship
The HEI has clear guidelines • Recruitment
and mechanisms for • Selection
awarding student • Support and Tracking of scholars
scholarships, including • Fund-raising
recruitment, selection, • Relevant Handbook, brochures, leaflets, etc.
support and tracking of
scholars, fund-raising, and
proper documentation.
2. Student Scholarship
Presence of the System • Evidence that scholars are selected based on
Deserving students are the eligibility criteria and procedures.
selected based on eligibility • Processed applications
criteria and procedures for
the award of scholarships
and study grants.
Scholars gain maximum • Support provided to scholars in order to
benefit due to guidance maintain their scholarship
provided by the institution, • Evidence of implementant
and complete their studies
successfully within the
prescribed period.
2. Student Scholarship
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge of the scholarship
There is an office/person in program and monitoring the performance of
charge of overseeing scholars
scholarships and the
scholars’ performance.
2. Student Scholarship
Outcomes • Tracer study for scholars
Scholars are employed,
achieving the aims of the
scholarship program.
2. Student Scholarship
Effectiveness • Evidence of diversity of student population
There is evidence that
scholars increase the
diversity of reach of the HEI,
and bring it closer to meeting
its institutional goals.
KRA 4 – Support for Students

Criterion: The institution has programs for
student services, to support the non-academic
needs of the students.
▪ This refers to structures and processes for
delivering non-academic services for students.
KRA 4 – Support for Students

Student Services
1. Non-Academic Support
2. Placement Support
1. Non-Academic Support - Students improve performance because
they have sufficient non-academic support, which help them overcome
concerns that may be affecting their ability to study.
Presence • Various student services
The HEI has clear structures • health and wellbeing
for a range of student • guidance and counseling
services, including health • management of discipline, support for
and wellbeing, guidance and student activities,
counseling, management of
discipline, support for
student activities, among
1. Non-Academic Support - Students improve performance because
they have sufficient non-academic support, which help them overcome
concerns that may be affecting their ability to study.
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in charge
There are office(s)/person(s)
in charge of overseeing
student services.
Special programs help • Evidence of implementation of special
enhance student programs (e.g. leadership trainings, values
development. formation, etc.)
Students participate in • Satisfaction survey
assessment of student • assessment
1. Non-Academic Support - Students improve performance because
they have sufficient non-academic support, which help them overcome
concerns that may be affecting their ability to study.

Outcomes • Evidence of enhancement of student

Student performance is performance because of intervention
enhanced through non- • e.g. Improvement in the performance of a
academic support that helps student with social problem because of the
students adjust and focus. intervention by the Guidance Counselor.
1. Non-Academic Support - Students improve performance because
they have sufficient non-academic support, which help them overcome
concerns that may be affecting their ability to study.

Effectiveness • Awards and recognitions for non-academic

The outcomes on student competitions
performance help the HEI to
achieve targets in desired
student competencies.
2. Placement Support - Students are able to plan for their
career/future through career orientation and job placement programs.
Presence • Structures for placement services
The HEI has clear structures • Presence of Manuals
for placement services,
supported by extensive
industry linkages.
2. Placement Support - Students are able to plan for their
career/future through career orientation and job placement programs.
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge of placement
There are office(s)/person(s) in
charge of overseeing
placement services.
The office/person runs • Activities such as
programs that expose students • Career orientation
to a wide range of options in • Jobs fair
planning for the future. • Linkages with industry – Employment
The office/person maintains • Evidence of linkages with employers
links with employers to • MOA
facilitate placement
2. Placement Support - Students are able to plan for their
career/future through career orientation and job placement programs.
Outcomes • Graduates employed because of placement
The HEI’s placement support • Provide data of graduates employed because
improves employment rates of placement services
of graduates.
Effectiveness • Employability of graduates
There is evidence that • Tracer study
improved employment rates
help the HEI to achieve
targets in desired student
KRA 5 – Relations with the Community

Criterion: The institution offers programs that
take into consideration the social, cultural,
economic, and/or developmental needs of the
country at local, regional, and/or national levels.
▪ This section refers to the structures and
processes that promote local/regional/
national development and global
1. Relevance of Programs - The institution contributes to the
achievement of local/ regional/ national priorities (e.g., poverty alleviation,
environmental management, health) through academic and extension
Presence • Process for ensuring relevance of academic
The HEI has processes to programs
ensure relevance of its • Process for ensuring relevance of extension
academic and extension and outreach programs.
programs, including dialogue • Inputs from industry partners to make
with professional, industry, academic degree programs relevant
and other external groups, • Inputs from community partners on the
e.g., government and non- programs and activities for extension that are
government organizations, appropriate to the needs of the community.
socio-civic and religious • Manuals, guidelines, etc.
1. Relevance of Programs - The institution contributes to the
achievement of local/ regional/ national priorities (e.g., poverty alleviation,
environmental management, health) through academic and extension
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge of ensuring academic
Specific offices/persons are programs and extension programs are relevant
responsible for the
implementation of these

The institution constantly Evidence of revisions in the curriculum,

responds to changing incorporation of topics, or use of a particular
patterns and requirements of instrument, were implemented as a result of
employment as well as to the consultation with industry partners
needs of the community. Needs assessment for the adopted community
1. Relevance of Programs - The institution contributes to the
achievement of local/ regional/ national priorities (e.g., poverty alleviation,
environmental management, health) through academic and extension
Outcomes Professional Institution
The nature of the academic and • Professional Competencies
extension programs reflect the • Extension activities based on competencies
HEI type: of students and faculty
Professional Institution – College
Professional Competencies • Creative Work and/or Innovation
College – Creative Work and/or • Utilization of innovation by the Community
Innovation University
University – Research • Research
• Research-based extension
1. Relevance of Programs - The institution contributes to the
achievement of local/ regional/ national priorities (e.g., poverty alleviation,
environmental management, health) through academic and extension
Effectiveness • Tracer study
There is evidence that • Feedback from industry partners
improved employment rates
and impact on communities
help the HEI to achieve
targets in desired student
KRA 5 – Relations with the Community


Criterion: The institution is valued as a partner by
other higher education institutions; professional,
government, and non-government organizations;
and industry, within the Philippines and/or
▪ This section refers to structures and processes
that promote and support partnership with
other institutions.
2. Networking and Linkages - The institution’s partner institutions
and consortium arrangements contribute to the achievement of its mission
and the success of its programs.
Presence • Strategy and mechanism
The HEI has a strategy and • Criteria for selecting a partner
clear mechanisms for forging • Number of partnerships
and maintaining linkages • Nature of partnerships
and networks that promote • Relevant manuals
programs in research/
training/ exposure/
extension, etc.
2. Networking and Linkages - The institution’s partner institutions
and consortium arrangements contribute to the achievement of its mission
and the success of its programs.
Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge of Networking and
There is an office/person in Linkages
charge of overseeing the
mechanisms for networks
and linkages.
Departments participate • Provide evidence of participation in activities
actively in the activities with with partner institutions
partner institutions. • Reports
2. Networking and Linkages - The institution’s partner institutions
and consortium arrangements contribute to the achievement of its mission
and the success of its programs.
Outcomes • Benefits derived by the institution from the
The institution benefits from partnerships
its partnerships, such as
acquisition of expertise and
possible funding
In particular, Universities and • Benefits derived by faculty and students from
Professional Institutions the partnerships.
benefit from research,
further faculty and student
training, and/or program
2. Networking and Linkages - The institution’s partner institutions
and consortium arrangements contribute to the achievement of its mission
and the success of its programs.
Effectiveness Examples
There is evidence that • Research publications in refereed journals as a
networks and linkages help result of partnerships
the HEI to achieve its • Improvement of faculty competence as a result
institutional goals. of trainings with partner institutions
KRA 5 – Relations with the Community

Criterion: The institution is valued by its local
community as a provider of extension programs
that are responsive to the needs of the
community for people empowerment and self-
▪ This refers to structures and processes that
promote extension programs, which are
relevant to the needs of the community
3. Extension and Outreach Programs - The institution contributes
to local/ regional/ national development through its extension programs

Presence • Comprehensive plan

The HEI has a • Extension agenda
comprehensive plan and • Extension framework
clear mechanisms for its • Extension manual
extension programs that
3. Extension and Outreach Programs - The institution contributes
to local/ regional/ national development through its extension programs

Extent of Implementation • Office/person in-charge of Extension programs

There is an office/person in
charge of overseeing the
mechanisms and support for
its extension programs.
Faculty and students • Evidence of participation of faculty and
participate actively in the students in extension activities
extension activities, including
service-learning courses .
3. Extension and Outreach Programs - The institution contributes
to local/ regional/ national development through its extension programs

Extent of Implementation • How extension is integrated in instruction

The HEI aligns its extension • Nature of Extension and Outreach Program is
program with its instruction aligned with its type.
and other academic activities • Professional Institution
according to its type: • application of skills and competencies
•Professional Institution - •College
application of skills and • use of creativity and innovation
competencies •University
•College – use of creativity • use of research results
and innovation
•University – use of research
3. Extension and Outreach Programs - The institution contributes
to local/ regional/ national development through its extension programs

Outcomes • Impact of extension and outreach activities to

The institution contributes to local/regional/national development
local/regional/national • Impact studies
Effectiveness • Relationship of the outcomes of extension
There is evidence that programs with the achievement of the
community extension institution’s vision, mission, goals, core values,
programs help the HEI to etc.
achieve its institutional goals

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