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Tinkune, Kathmandu

Managing a Successful
Computing Project

Submitted By Submitted To

HND/ ISMT College

Section: Tinkune, Kathmandu

Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

Part 1: ............................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2

1.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Work breakdown structure ....................................................................................................... 3

1.3.1 Requirement Analysis ....................................................................................................... 3

1.3.2 Time analyzing ................................................................................................................. 4

1.3.3 Total budget ..................................................................................................................... 4

1.3.4 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 4

1.3.5 Cost .................................................................................................................................. 5

1.3.6 Company Visit ................................................................................................................. 6

1.3.7 Quality ............................................................................................................................. 7

1.3.8 Communication ................................................................................................................ 8

1.3.9 Risk and Resources........................................................................................................... 8

1.4 Project Management Plan ........................................................................................................ 8

Part 2: ............................................................................................................................................. 11

2.1 Qualitative Research .............................................................................................................. 12

2.2 Quantitative Research ............................................................................................................ 12

2.3 Evaluation of appropriate research methodologies ................................................................. 12

2.4 Questionnaire ........................................................................................................................ 12

2.4.1 Advantages of using questionnaire .................................................................................. 12

2.4.2 Disadvantages of using questionnaire ............................................................................. 13

2.5 Paper Reading ....................................................................................................................... 13

2.5.1 Advantages of Paper-reading .......................................................................................... 13

2.5.2 Disadvantages of Paper-reading ...................................................................................... 13

2.6 Survey ................................................................................................................................... 13

2.6.1 Advantages of survey ..................................................................................................... 13

Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

2.6.2 Disadvantages of survey ................................................................................................. 14

2.7 Interviews .............................................................................................................................. 14

2.7.1 Advantages of Interviews ............................................................................................... 14

2.7.2 Disadvantages of Interviews ........................................................................................... 14

2.8 Evaluation of Project Management Process ........................................................................... 14

2.9 Limitation of project .............................................................................................................. 15

Part 3: ............................................................................................................................................. 16

3.1 Evaluation of research methodologies .................................................................................... 17

3.2 Timeline ................................................................................................................................ 17

3.2.1 Advantages of Timeline .................................................................................................. 17

3.2.2 Disadvantages of Timeline ............................................................................................. 17

3.3 Logbook ................................................................................................................................ 17

3.3.1 Advantage of Logbook ................................................................................................... 18

3.3.2 Disadvantages of Logbook ............................................................................................. 18

3.4 Findings ................................................................................................................................ 18

3.5 Increasing pollution in Kathmandu valley due to improper disposal of Waste material .......... 19

3.6 Implementing AI to solve this problem .................................................................................. 19

3.7 Uses of AI in the company ..................................................................................................... 22

3.7 Graph representation of implementing AI .............................................................................. 23

3.8 Recommendation for research ................................................................................................ 23

3.9 Evaluation of tools and techniques ......................................................................................... 24

3.10 MS WORD.......................................................................................................................... 24

3.10.1 Advantages of MS WORD ........................................................................................... 24

3.11 Evaluation of project outcomes ............................................................................................ 24

Part 4: ............................................................................................................................................. 25

4.1 The project summary ............................................................................................................. 26

4.2 Things need to consider ......................................................................................................... 26

Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

4.3 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................27

References ............................................................................................................................................28

Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

Part 1:
Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario.

Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication,
risk and resources.

Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and stages for

Produce a comprehensive project management plan, milestone schedule and project schedule for
monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

1.1 Introduction
Artificial Intelligence is a technology that already influences how users interact with the internet and
is influenced by it. It is likely that its effect will only continue to grow in the near future. AI has the
ability to dramatically change the way human beings communicate, not only with the digital world,
but also with each other through their jobs and other socio-economic institutions for good or worse.
It is a computer science field which, but developments in machine learning and deep learning are
causing a paradigm shift in nearly every tech industry field. Since, the AI is self-automated, the work
will be faster and more relevant but without AI, the required time is more and performance is slow.
The performance of the project is slower at first and with the help of AI, much more work is done in
a speedy form.

1.2 Objectives
The basic goal of AI is to allow computers to perform such intellectual tasks as decision-making,
problem-solving, perception, understanding,

The objectives of the AI are as listed below:

 To automate things that people either can’t or don’t want to do.

Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

1.3 Work breakdown structure

Small Scale Research

Requirement Analysis Defining Scope

Estimating quality

Time analyzing Total cost required


Budget planning Company visit

Defining risks and resources

Figure: Work Breakdown Structure

1.3.1 Requirement Analysis

Before starting the research, it is important to understand the requirements of it. Without the proper
collection of requirement, the work cannot be started. Since, our research is about implementing AI
in existing system, various companies should be visited. The information that is collected from the
companies need to be placed at a file.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

1.3.2 Time analyzing

Time is precious and priceless for everyone. I will set some of the time frame in order to complete
my task over this project. The main aim of this project is to identify how AI elements can be
implemented on the existing system in order to solve the problem. At the very first. I will fix the
meeting time with the owner of different company.

1.3.3 Total budget

Since, I am going to do the small research project, the amount of budget that I have to spend can be
minimized. Small type of research project needs average amount of budget as there involves limited
resources and costs. Before starting the project, we have to estimate the budget. Otherwise, the
problem may occur while running the project smoothly.

1.3.4 Scope
Defining project scope requires input from the project stakeholders, who together with the project
manager establish the key elements of budget, objectives, quality and timeline. The cost of this
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

project is separated for transportation, communication, meeting and greeting, and also for the food
and other essential stuffs. The time is set for the meeting as I am going to visit the company and meet
the specific person.

The main scope of this project that is highlighted below:

 To test whether implementing the AI elements can contribute the company or not.

 To examine how much the employee get benefited from the AI.

 To know whether the business owner is satisfied or not with the AI.

1.3.5 Cost
Cost determine the quality of project. It is a kind of essential thing that is must for running the project
smoothly and in a proper way. The fist stage for starting the project is to separate the cost that is needed
while running the project.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

S.N Cost Breakdown structure

1. Transportation cost 8,000/-
2. Communication cost 4.000/-
3. Food 7,500/-
4. Stationary 3,000/-
5. Appointment charge 1,000/-
6. Learning material 1,500/-
Total Amount 25,000/-

1.3.6 Company Visit

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide the time between specific
activities. Good time management enables us to work smarter not harder, so that more work can be
completed in little time even if the time is limited or tight. Failing to manage the time properly damages
the effectiveness and cause stress.

S.N Date Time Visited Company

1. 26 Aug, 2019 10:00 AM Command Control Center
2. 27 Aug, 2019 11:00 AM
3. 28 Aug, 2019 12:00 AM
4. 29 Aug, 2019 9:00 AM
5. 30 Aug, 2019 10:00 AM
6. 31st Aug, 2019 1:00 PM
7. 1st Sep, 2019 11:00 AM
8. 2nd Sep, 2019 12:00 AM
9. 3rd Sep, 2019 9:00 AM
10. 4 Sep, 2019 10:00 AM
11. 5 Sep, 2019 1:00 PM
12. 6 Sep, 2019 10:00 AM
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

The above table consists the name of company name. I have also mentioned the date and time of the
company visited.

1.3.7 Quality
When there is the curiosity of learning what the project quality means, it became very essential to learn
the importance to make sense of the quality.

The three processes are:

Plan Quality Management

It identifies the quality standard that must be met and determining the criteria for success/failure.

Perform Quality Assurance

Analyzing quality measurements and determining the success/failure rate of project quality.

Control Quality

Taking the quality measurements and making necessary changes to the project quality plan.

In order to have the quality outcomes, I have examined the basic requirements at the very first
beginning and make sure the short list of requirement is fulfilled and the further step is only selected
to do when the previous step is satisfied. The time and the resources allocated are well managed and
the budget that is separated is well defined. By doing this, I can achieve the targeted goals and the
quality is well managed.

Barsha Pokhrel (HND / Second Semester)
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

1.3.8 Communication
During developing the project, the communication plays the vital role. It is the key of project
management. For a successful project execution, effective communication to all the stakeholder is
necessary. Various projects lead to become fail due to miscommunication and the ineffective

1.3.9 Risk and Resources

There is always a risk while starting the work. It is not obvious that the work that we are handling
will run well and it will give the 100% result. During the time of collecting the resources, I would
have the various risks such as the time that is departed for the specific task cannot fulfill its target
due to unavailable of concerned person. While contacting the specified person through the mail, that
person may not reply on time and that can

1.4 Project Management Plan

Managing a project is not easy task. The resources need to be sufficient and quality of the project should
also be maintained. By managing the project, it adds the structure to the process that are being involved in
the plan. It helps to determine the outcome of the project. By ordering the project management plan, the
chances of achieving the goals improved.

Barsha Pokhrel (HND / Second Semester)
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

being defined. I have assured that the work is previously defined before it starts. This create the base
for the starting of project. By creating this, I am able to manage the integration.

I have described various phases in the form of Gantt chart. I have defined the each and every step
that I have performed which helps to make my work in structural way. The overall project ends
following up this step. The deadline is being set for the completion of the task in a proper order. The
total time that is needed is 30 days. I have divided each of the task within 30 days. The more
description of managing the project is described below:

Figure 1 Project Management Plan

In the above figure 1, the mild stone phases ends on three phases. For the mild stone 1, the analysis
of requirements is done that last for the one day. The requirements for the research method are
questionnaire, survey, and interviews. After the analysis phase is completed, this is time to do
planning. For the planning purpose, 3 days are utilized. The starting of the project is running
smoothly and proper planning need to be done for this. I have break the mild stone into three parts
and this has result ordering the data in structural way. In planning, how the data collection method is
performed and when to start it is done. In this way, the mild stone 1 ends.

For the completion of mild stone 2, firstly paper reading is done through which the essential information
of AI is done. The secondary sources help us to know what it actually means and what are their benefits.
The more information can be gained with the help secondary sources like paper reading. The paper
reading phase last for the 2 days. After the completion of paper reading, now it is the time for the
company visit. This lasts for 12 days. After analyzing the company, the essential facts and

Barsha Pokhrel (HND / Second Semester)
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

figures of the company can be enlisted. It is obvious that while exploring the company, we get a
chance to meet the experts. So for analyzing and gathering the information from meeting, I estimated
the time of 2 days. Here, the ideas can be taken how to do the task and how can be it completed.

For the completion of mild stone 3, meeting with the supervisor is done for two days so that the
evaluation of the information can be done collected from the experts with the help of supervisor.
After all this, collection of data need to be done. This lasts for the three days. The collection of data
is must for the successful of the project. After the successful collecting the data now the processing
of data need to be done. This lasts for the two days. After the processing of data, this is time to
finalize the report. This lasts for the three days. In this way, the 3 mile stone is completed.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

Part 2:
Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate
for meeting project aims and objectives.

Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research methods applied.

Critically evaluates the project management process and appropriate research methodologies applied.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

2.1 Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of the
reasons, opinions, and motivations behind it. This also offers insights into the issue and leads to the
creation of ideas or theories for future quantitative research. For the qualitative research, I have met
three-four IT person. It is also used to reveal trends in thinking and opinions, and to dive deeper into
the issue. I have collected the data through the interviews, and observation.

2.2 Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is used to quantify the problem by generating numerical data or data which can be
converted into usable statistics. It is used to measure attitudes, beliefs, habits, and other identified
variables and to generalize findings from a larger population of samples. It is the method for collecting
quantitative data are much more formal than methods for collecting quality data. I have collected the
quantitative data through survey like online survey, mobile survey, and systematic observations

2.3 Evaluation of appropriate research methodologies

The tools and techniques that I have used for the data methodology are as follows:

2.4 Questionnaire
During the project time, I have used the questionnaire methodology because it is kind of both
qualitative and quantitative research. I have prepared the questionnaire and give a time of five
minutes to each of the candidate. They can fill the true answer to it. The questions that I have
supplied is of sequential order and in a structured format.

2.4.1 Advantages of using questionnaire

 This helps me to gain the real and fact data.

 The data can be collected scientifically.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

2.4.2 Disadvantages of using questionnaire

 All the questions need to be in proper order.

2.5 Paper Reading

We don’t have all sorts of knowledge. Thus, we need the secondary sources to understand the true
meaning of the related topic. According to the scenario, the AI importance and their implementation
procedure need to be explained. But before, I should have the sharp knowledge of the AI. For this, I
have studied about the AI and the areas where AI is being used and what are the further
recommendation in the utilization of AI for solving the certain kind of problems. Through this, I
have got various knowledge about the AI and thus help me to understand better about the AI.

2.5.1 Advantages of Paper-reading

 More information can be gained.

2.5.2 Disadvantages of Paper-reading

 It is bulky in size to carry around.

 

2.6 Survey
A survey is characterized as a research method used to gather data from a predefined group of
respondents in order to gain information and insights on different topics of interest.

2.6.1 Advantages of survey

 It can be developed in less time.

 It is capable of collecting data from a large number of respondents.

 It is cost-effective but cost depends on survey mode.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

2.6.2 Disadvantages of survey

 Respondents may not feel encouraged to provide accurate, and honest answers.

 Respondents may not feel comfortable providing answers that present themselves in a
unfavorable manner.

2.7 Interviews
Interviews is one of the important research methodology through which the essential data and
information can be collected. I have also conducted the interviews with the respected person of IT
company about the AI and the application of AI. I could get much more information about it and the
realistic data can be collected. The more information can be gain with the help of interviews.

2.7.1 Advantages of Interviews

 This allows more detailed question to be asked.

 They usually achieve a high response rate.

2.7.2 Disadvantages of Interviews

 It is expensive method.

 The quality of data you receive will depend on the ability of the interviewer.

2.8 Evaluation of Project Management Process

I have done the small scale research. Before starting any kind of project, the proper planning is need
to be done. The mile stone need to be broke. The project that I have being working on has its own
importance and the work are properly managed and each work is break down for the specific
purpose. The time selection is perfect and the content like analysis requirement, planning, evaluation
of the reviews, meeting with the supervisor, data collection, data processing, etc. are done. The
planning is on structured way with the help of this project management process. I have visited 12
companies and collect the essential information from there.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

2.9 Limitation of project

Limitation of the project mainly are of cost and time. while conducting the research, the estimated
time cannot be fulfilled. The distinguished time is gone wasted. The person to whom we have to
meet urgent, they were unavailable and doesn’t respond at all. Due to this, delay occur in the project
and much more work is done in wrong way.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

Part 3:
Analyze research and data using appropriate tools and techniques.

Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to draw valid
and meaningful conclusion.

Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity to support
and justify recommendations.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

3.1 Evaluation of research methodologies

There are different tools and techniques that are implemented for the betterment of the project. I am here,
to research about the AI application. I have visited several companies for gaining the knowledge of AI. I
also got a know about the application of AI. How they can be utilized and what are their basic pillars. In
Nepal, there is not much number of companies which are aware about the AI elements. Now, I am going
to explain about the tools and techniques that I have used for the analyzing the research.

3.2 Timeline
The timeline is composed of various planning content and time duration. The deadline is set over
there and the work need to be completed at any cost within that time. The time is separated for each
of the task and the complicated one is given the more priority. I have illustrated the timeline that
include the phases like requirement analysis, planning, duration of company visit, data collection,
data processing, finalizing report, etc. Each of the phase is well defined and work breaking down
time is in perfect order. With the help of using the timeline, the work is managed well and organized.
The full detail planning of the project is presented over there. The proper guidelines is provided up to
you. This can be the useful tool for the analyzing the project.

3.2.1 Advantages of Timeline

 It reminds which task need to be done at what time.

 It is easy to understand and simple.

3.2.2 Disadvantages of Timeline

 Take more time to build up since it has to be prepared with full focus and concerned.

 It can be changed time and time since its depend upon human decisions.

3.3 Logbook
It is also another important tool that contained the detail information about the company visit and the
meeting of supervisor and each of the detail performed by the investigation of project. With the help
of logbook, the detailed description of the project can be taken. This can be saved as per the future
references. The reflection of the data can be seen in the logbook.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

3.3.1 Advantage of Logbook

 This allows the researcher to list every stage of findings.

 The quality of the work can be maintained.

3.3.2 Disadvantages of Logbook

 It is time-consuming.

 It is difficult to manage.

3.4 Findings
Here, I have done lots of research and visited lots of company in order to gain the knowledge of how
the AI can be implemented for making the life easier and runs it in more advanced way. They have
given the idea how the AI implementation can lead for the better settlement of the problem.

I have examined how the AI can have solved the problem and done research on that scenario. Today,
the Kathmandu city is being polluted. The air pollution is of higher rate. Due to improper disposal of
the waste material, lots of people are suffering from that. Most of the air-borne diseases are in
spreading form. The waste material management task is the must in the current situation. So, the
project name begins with ‘door-to-door waste management’ can be launched with the help of
Artificial Intelligence. Let us assume that the ‘door-to-door waste management’ is implemented with
the support of AI and now the environment of Kathmandu valley is much better. In this project, I will
explain about the how was the condition before implementing this technique and how the required
problem is solved. The further description are as given below:
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

3.5 Increasing pollution in Kathmandu valley due to improper disposal of Waste material
There is obvious that the waste is in increasing order in the Kathmandu valley. The number of
population is in increasing level. Along with
the increment of population, the waste
material also increases. But the proper
disposal of it cannot be done due to the poor
management of disposal of waste material.
The Bagmati River is being polluted with the
waste material. The people live around the
Bagmati side throw their waste materials into
the river. This is very disgusting but this is
real. Due to this the Air and water pollution of
Kathmandu City is increasing day by day.
For this, the Bagmati cleanliness program is launched most of the time. But, the waste material that
is being collected from that river cannot be properly managed and thus, it cannot be disposed in the
right order.

The Kathmandu should be need and clean. The waste material that is being out from each of the
house need to be managed well. For this purpose, the project named ‘Door-to-Door Waste
Management’ can be operated. In this, the advanced technology is being used. The proper planning is
done with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Further more detailed is given below:

3.6 Implementing AI to solve this problem

The aim of this project completion is to make ‘Kathmandu Smart Valley’. For the waste
management, the RFID that stands for Radio Frequency Identification CHIPS are used. This is a new
project. RFID refers to a technology whereby digital data encoded in RFID tags or smart labels are
captured by a reader through radio waves. It is similar to the barcoding in that data from a tag or
label are captured by a device that stores the data in a database. The CHIP is fitted into the house,
colleges, Schools, Apartment, etc. The waste materials are collected through it. The command
control center is established for evaluating the activities. In the command control center, the GIS
mapping of house, banks, schools, colleges, etc. is done in which the houses were shown in blue icon
in the monitor. Like this:
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

Every morning, the waste collector reach to the houses for the collection of waste material till then
the houses were shown in the blue icon as shown above. As soon as the waste collector collects the
waste and contact RFID Reader to RFID CHIP. Then, eventually the houses that were shown in blue
icon converts into the green icon. That indicates the waste materials are collected from that specified
place. At the same time, the message to the phone of the particular house is sent saying that the waste
material is collected from the house. This is how the owner can gain information that the waste
material is collected from his/her house. This makes the collection of waste material easy and more
reliable. The picture describes more about the processes.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

The blue icon house is converted into the green icon house that means the waste material are
collected from these houses.

The RFID Reader is contacted to the RFID CHIP. After this, messages is sent to the owner informing
the waste material is collected from their house.

Along with RFID project, ‘the semi-underground bin’ also can be included in the ‘Door-to-Door
Waste Management Scenario’. In the semi-underground bin the bin level sensor are fitted.

Bin level sensor

When the waste materials in the bin are filled up to 80-90%, an automatic message and alert should
be shown in the command control center.
The alert message should also be shown in
mobile of head person of that center. Then,
after receiving the alert message, the head
of that center empty that bins. The waste
materials are now sent to the transfer
station that looks like:
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

Through this method, we can collect the

waste material to transfer station and from
the transfer station to the electricity
manufacture house. The waste material that
is collected from each of the house is carried
to the electricity manufacture house so to
invent the electricity.

In this way, the Kathmandu can be pollution free. Here, we can gain knowledge that with the help of
useless household material the electricity can be generated that is so useful for the living. This
lighten up various house of the Kathmandu Valley. In this way, with the help of the AI, the waste
material can be properly managed and this cannot ruined the environment. The problem of managing
waste material is solved with the help of AI.

3.7 Uses of AI in the company

Figure 2 Use of AI in company

Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

Mostly the AI is used in the company for the automation purpose that is shown in the graph above
i.e. 65% and the error deduction is about 20 % and the future prediction is for 15%. In this way, the
uses of AI are finalized.

3.7 Graph representation of implementing AI

Figure 3 Graphical Representation of implementing AI

During the research period, I found that only 25 % of the companies aware of AI and their
implementation whereas 75 % of the companies were unaware of the AI. This is a kind of huge
differences. AI should be used more wisely for the better outcome.

3.8 Recommendation for research

I would like recommend better work on group than doing individual investigation. The proper
planning of the research need to be done for the better outcome. Research is always a creative work.
The requirement analysis must be done in the proper order. The appointment should be set at the
very beginning. These can be the recommendation for the research. some of the recommendation for
research are as:

 Better to work on group

 More information of company need to be gather before doing the field visit.

 Time and budget should be well managed.

 The requirements of project need to be analyzed and made ready at a time.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

3.9 Evaluation of tools and techniques

I have used various tools and techniques that could support for the successful completion of this
project. The evaluation of them are as listed below:

3.10 MS WORD
The questionnaire for the research purpose are prepared from the MS WORD. The logbook that
contains the information of each step that I followed in the project is also prepared using the MS

3.10.1 Advantages of MS WORD

It is a great tool because typing is easier than ever, it is easy to fix errors by simply hitting the backspace
or deleting button. This helps me to prepare the questionnaire and logbook quickly and in more reliable
way. This can give me the option of inserting the shapes that is needed while making the questionnaire.
The filling of data is so easy. While making the question, the various option to transfer it into the
advanced way is given such as shapes like arrow, rectangle and much more option. While making
logbook the table can be inserted and filling up the data and information to it is so easy and relevant.

3.11 Evaluation of project outcomes

After the completion of this project, the outcome of the project is totally satisfying. The fact data and
information are collected. Researching about the AI is very beneficial for me. The creative side of mine is
also increased. Along with this, I got a chance to meet with various AI specialists and experts. From
them, I can gain knowledge about what are the application of the AI and how the system can be well
managed and existing problem can be solved. Some of the project outcomes are as follows:

 Proper interaction with the experts is possible

 Proper utilization of time is done.

 The outcome of the project is satisfiable.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

Part 4:
Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning and

Evaluate the value of project management process and use of quality research to meet stated
objectives and support own learning and performance.

Critically evaluates and reflects on the project outcomes, the decision-making process and changes
or developments of the initial project management plan to support justification of recommendations
and learning during the project
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

4.1 The project summary

I have started by project through making the plans and schedule for the implementation of it in a
systematic way. I have divided my work in the three part of mile stone and then start for the
implementation. I have visited 12 companies and meet the manager of that particular company. I feel
like the book is not enough for the students. In order to develop the creative side of them, the field
visit can be the important factor. In some of the company, the owners of that company delayed the
session that hamper the time and I have to wait more time simply to meet with him. I have learned
more about the AI and gain some knowledge of how it can be implemented for solving the problems.
I think for the completion of the project in a successful manner, one should have dedication to that
and discipline is the most important factor to main the stability.

I have learned more about the AI through this research project and have some idea on how the AI can
be implemented for solving the critical problem. AI is used in different manner. This helps the
human to reduce their effort and increase the productivity. The work can be completed in no time.
Technology is growing day by day and this can address the issue of the various people. I have
learned that working in a group is very beneficial. We can meet our target in appropriate time
evaluated. I got a chance to meet with the various experts in the AI field and they share me about
their experience related to the AI. The quality of the research can be maintained through the regular
updates and proper evaluation of tools and techniques. I have completed by project research through
the help of proper evaluation of time, questionnaire review, logbook evaluated, graph representation,
etc. In this way, I have completed my research in the relevant and profitable way.

4.2 Things need to consider

The project is based on ‘Implementing AI in the existing system’. I have done a lot of research about
AI and how this can be implemented to solve the problem. During the time of research, I found that
following things can be done for the betterment of the project research which I have implemented:

 Better to collect the information of the company instead of direct visit to the company.

 The work need to be divided according to the number of group member.

 The budget and the time that is allocated for the project need to be followed strictly.

 The urgent change of the plan should be minimized and preplanned can be adopted.

 Ask the relevant questions to the experts and gather the real fact information and data.

 Analyze the answer of the experts and try to implement in the real field.

 Experiment the AI expert opinion.

 Always think out of box.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

4.3 Conclusion
I have completed by research firstly establishing aims and objectives of the AI. The objectives and
the timeframes are outlined based on the scenario. I have also done planning of the project through
establishing the milestone and try to complete that on the time. The allocated time are utilized
properly. I have basically take a scenario of the ‘door-to-door waste management with the AI’. I
have meet up with the various companies that can help to gain the information of AI and give me
more knowledge about how the AI can actually be implemented. The project plan is successful with
the relevant outcome. I have visited many companies and finally I can conclude this research with
the successful outcome that means I can actually have implemented the AI for solving the problem
of waste management. This all things, are explained in the research that is presented above.
Managing a Successful Computing Project 2019

[1] adherone. (2016, sep 19). projectsmar. Retrieved from

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