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3B 2019-2020

StratPlan for IPL

AUGUST 20, 2019
Last night you dreamt for a beautiful TM
for your sari-sari store. Your dream was
CREATION & ACQUISITION so vivid that you know the font style,
color and the size of the mark. Next
MODES OF ACQUIRING OWNERSHIP morning, at your breakfast table, you
1. Donation drew the TM with its style, color on a
2. Occupation piece of bond paper.
3. Law
4. Tradition Q: When you are dreaming, did you
5. Prescription acquire the TM?
6. Succession S1: YES, one of the modes of acquiring
7. Intellectual Creation ownership is intellectual creation, therefore,
the moment I dreamt of that and
Q: What is intellectual creation? remembered such mark, and use it as a TM
A: refers to the protection of creations of the for my sari-sari store, it can be considered as
mind, which have both a moral and a my TM.
commercial value. S2: NO, before she acquires such TM, she
must first file an application
Q: RA No. 8293, introduced a particular Q: This morning you drew it, did you
system for TM and patent registration. acquire ownership of such TM at that
What is this system? point?
A: First to file system S1: YES, as long as I’m the one who first
drew it, it can be considered as mine.
Q: What is the difference between first to However, if I did not use such mark and
file system and first to use system? someone else registered it ahead of me, then
that person may considered as the owner.
S2: NO
Whoever is the first Whoever is the first
Q: If she went to IPO this morning, she
to file an to use the
filed an application for registration of
application enjoys trademark is
what she drew, can she do that?
preference to have entitled to
his application registration
Q: No need to use it first on a particular
examined ahead of
product or occasion before she can file an
any identical or
similar marks
S2: NO, because that was has been repealed
RA No. 8293 Trademark Act
by Intellectual Property Code
Let see how the first to file system would Q: So, she filed an application this
play a role of the acquisition of ownership morning, at that point, did she acquire
over a TM ownership over that mark?

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StratPlan for IPL

S2: at that point sir, YES A: NO sir.

Q: Before going to IPO, when she had Q: Did she acquire ownership, at the
nothing except that drawing on the piece breakfast table, over the drawing or TM?
of paper, did she acquire ownership over A: She did not acquire ownership, yet
the TM? Q: Did she acquire anything, at that
S2: NOT YET point, over the TM or anything else?
A: YES, over that drawing or intellectual
Justice: The registration process is a creation
*inaudible* process, it is not as simple as Q: Is that already a TM, at that point?
filing an application and then you get it A: NOT YET
right away. It is not like a driver’s license,
that you file an application for renewal an TRADEMARK
hour before and get the driver’s license. For Q: What is a Trademark?
TM, it would take months for you to A: TRADEMARK means any visible sign
prosecute the application. capable of distinguishing goods and services
of an enterprise and shall include a stamped
PROCESS OF REGISTRATION or marked container goods.
1. Conceptualization
2. Drawing Justice: Note that the definition mentioned
3. Application the words “visible sign” speaks of the 5
4. Processing senses that we have. Particularly, what is
5. Publication important is the sense of sight, it should be a
6. Issuance of Cert of Registration visual sign.

Q: If you acquire ownership at this point, Q: Someone who is visually impaired or

Conceptualization, what is the use of no sense of sight or blind, is he precluded
going through the remainder of the from perceiving a TM?
process? A: NO. Although the definition uses the
S1: For the legal aspect of ownership, since words “visual sign” it is nothing that
registration does not confer ownership, it is prevents the representation of a visual sign
only a prima facie evidence of ownership. In from itself being a TM, so, it can be
conceptualization, there is already perceived by touch as a means of acquiring
ownership but for your ownership be perception of a visual sign, then it qualifies
recognized legally, then such process shall as a TM.
be followed.
Q: When do you acquire ownership over
Q: When your ownership become a TM?
exclusive or absolute? S2: When the TM has been registered.
S1: Upon issuance of Cert of Registration
Q: Do you agree?

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StratPlan for IPL

Q: Is it at the start of registration, which 1. Economic Function - serve as an

upon filing of an application or upon essential means of distinguishing the
issuance of Cert of Registration? products of one manufacturer or dealers
S2: Upon issuance of Cert of Registration from those of the others
2. Source-indicating Function – to
Q: Can we register odor or smell as a indicate the source or origin of the
goods on which it is used
A: No
Q: Can we register sounds or particular 3. Guarantee Function – to guarantee that
pitch as a trademark? the product to which it is affixed comes
A: No up to a certain standard of quality
Q: Can we register shape as a 4. Advertisement Function – through
trademark? advertisement in the broadcast and print
A: No media, the owner of the trademark is able
Q: How about particular color?
to establish a nexus between its
Q: Can we register taste as a trademark? trademarked products and the public in
A: No regions where the owner does not itself
Q: Why all of these are not registrable as manufacture or sell its own products.
A: Because it is not a visible sign, one which Q: What is TRIPS?
is perceive by the sense of sight A: Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights – is a minimum standards
Justice: Shape per se cannot be registered agreement, which allows Members to
as a TM but as a component of a TM it can provide more extensive protection of IP if
be registered, same as color. they so wish.

Q: Difference between tradename, service Q: What is national treatment?

mark and service name? A: Forbids discrimination between a
Member’s own nationals and the nationals
Sec. 121.1 "Mark" means any visible sign
of other Members (Filipino v. Non-Filipino)
capable of distinguishing the goods
Q: What is Most-favored-nation-
(trademark) or services (service mark) of
an enterprise and shall include a stamped
A: Forbids discrimination between the
or marked container of goods
nationals of other Members (Non-Filipino v.
Sec. 121.3. "Trade name" means the name
or designation identifying or
NOTE: You cannot file an application for
distinguishing an enterprise
registration in World Intellectual Property
Justice: Tradename is not registrable
unless it is part of a Trademark. Q: A descriptive mark, is it registrable?
General rule: NO
Functions and objectives of a TM Sec. 123.1. A mark cannot be registered if
it: (j) Consists exclusively of signs or of
indications that may serve in trade to

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StratPlan for IPL

designate the kind, quality, quantity, Geographical indications are indications

intended purpose, value, geographical which identify a good as originating in the
origin, time or production of the goods or territory of a Member, or a region or locality
rendering of the services, or other in that territory, where a given quality,
characteristics of the goods or services; reputation or other characteristic of the
XPN: if it acquired secondary meaning goods is essentially attributable to its
geographical origin. (not registrable)
Q: What is secondary meaning?
A: A word or phrase originally incapable of In case of Baguio oil, it was registered
exclusive appropriation with reference to an because it acquired secondary meaning
article of the market, because geographically even prior to its registration.
or otherwise deceptive, might nevertheless
have been used so long and so exclusively Arbitrary or Fanciful mark is a word or
by one producer with reference to his article picture that is in the common linguistic use
that, in that trade and to that branch of the but which, when used in connection with
purchasing public, the word or phrase has certain goods or services, neither suggests
come to mean that the article was his nor describes any quality or characteristic of
product. those particular goods or services.
(registrable) e.g Google
Q: How about generic marks?
General Rule: NO Suggestive mark is a word, picture or other
Sec. 123.1. A mark cannot be registered if symbol that suggests, but does not directly
it: (h) Consists exclusively of signs that describe, something about the goods or
are generic for the goods or services that services in connection with which it is used
they seek to identify; as a mark. (registrable)
XPN: the applicant must submit a disclaimer
to that generic word Q: Are you familiar with spoofs, or shirt
with representation of starbucks logo and
When a generic term is made part of an it has a name “starbuko”, are those
otherwise registrable mark, it must be registrable as TM?
disclaimed before the composite mark may A: NO. Look at the purpose of the TM, it is
be registered. The basic purpose of to distinguished one product from another.
disclaimers is to make of record that a In this case, it was not intended to
significant element of a composite mark is distinguish a product from another.
not being exclusively appropriated by itself
apart from the composite. Q: Can a name of a person, his signature
After filing the application for trademark or his portrait use as a TM?
registration, the IPO will communicate with A: YES
the applicant and tell him what are the
objectionable features of his trademark Q: What are the conditions before it is
application. Most often than not, he will be allowed to be registered?
required to disclaim the right to exclusively A: There must be a written consent from that
use generic terms which form part of his person
Q: What kind of consent? Consent to use
or consent to register?

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StratPlan for IPL

A: Both, consent to use is not enough to

secure your ownership over that TM, hence,
you need to register it.

Q: How about national symbols?

Sec 123.1. A mark cannot be registered if
it: (a) Consists of immoral, deceptive or
scandalous matter, or matter which may
disparage or falsely suggest a connection
with persons, living or dead, institutions,
beliefs, or national symbols, or bring
into contempt or disrepute;


NOTE: In case of Internationally well-

known brand, whether or not it is registered
here in the Philippines, it acquires
protection and cannot be used in the
Philippines for the SAME goods or services.
However, if it is registered here in the
Philippines then it can be protected not just
for the same goods or services but for all
other goods or services even if unrelated.


You acquire benefit of priority at the time

you file an application for registration.

The right of priority means that, on the basis

of a regular application for an IP right filed
by a given applicant in one of the member
countries, the same applicant may, apply for
protection in all other member countries.
These later applications will then be
regarded as if they have been filed on the
same day as the earliest application. Hence,
these later applications enjoy a priority
status with respect to all applications
relating to the same IP filed after the date of
the first application.

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