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Sandip University

School of Engineering and Technology, NASHIK


Couse- Environmental Engineering-I[YCE604] A.Y-2019-20

Class- TE Civil Sem-VI

Date of Assignment: 16/03/2020

Home Assignment No:3 [CIA-I]

Q.1 Define Coagulation and write down factors affecting coagulation.

Q.2 What is slow sand filter; explain its working with diagram.
Q.3 Explain Coagulation Process
Q.4 Define Filtration and enlist its types.
Q.5 Explain the methods of coagulant feeding.
Q.6 Enlist the common coagulant & Explain Alum & Ferric Chloride as a Coagulant
Q.7 Explain theory of Coagulation
Q.8 What is Rapid sand gravity filter; explain its working with diagram.
Q.9 What is slow sand gravity filter; explain its working with diagram.
Q.10 Explain different operational troubles occur in Rapid Sand Gravity Filter
Q.11 Explain Backwashing Process of Rapid Sand Filter.
Q.12 Determine the quantity of alum required in order to treat 20 million litres of water
per day at a treatment plant where 11 ppm of alum dose is required. Also
determine the amount of carbon dioxide gas which will be released per litres of
water treated
Q.13 Design six slow sand filter beds from the following data:
Population to be served= 75,000 persons
Per Capita Demand = 140 lit/day
Rate of Filtration = 185 litres/hr./sq.m
Length of each bed = Twice the breadth
Assume Maximum demand as 1.8 times the average daily demand. Also assume
that one unit out of six will be kept as stand-by.
Q.14 Differentiate between Rapid Sand Filter & Slow Sand Filter
Q.15 Explain the pressure filter with diagram.

Date of Submission-01/4/2020

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