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Sandip University

School of Engineering and Technology, NASHIK


Couse- Environmental Engineering-I[YCE604] A.Y-2019-20

Class- TE Civil Sem-VI

Date of Assignment: 16/3/2020

Home Assignment No:4 [CIA-I]

Q.1 Write Short note on

a) Plain Chlorination
b) Post Chlorination
c) Super Chlorination
d) Pre Chlorination
Q.2 State and Explain method of Disinfection [All Methods]
Q.3 State and Explain Fluoridation and Defluoridation.Why it is essential?
Q.4 Chlorine usage in the treatment of 30,000 cubic meter per day is 9 kg/day.The
residual after 11 min contact is 0.25 mg/l. Calculate the dosage in miligrams per
litre and chlorine demand of the water.
Q.5 Explain the following terms:
i) Chlorination
ii) Water Softening
Q.6 Discuss various requirements of good disinfectant. Mention methods of
disinfectant and factors affecting disinfection.
Q.7 Give the comparison of Lime Soda and Zeolite processes of softening water
Q.8 Chlorine usage in the treatment of 20,000 cubic meters per day is 8 kg/day. The
residual after 10 min contact is 0.20 mg/l. Calculate the dosage in miligrams per
litre and chlorine demand of the water.
Q.9 Define Break point Chlorination with neat sketch and Explain how it is determined?
Q.10 Chlorine usage in the treatment of 25,000 cubic meter per day is 9 kg/day.The
residual after 10 min contact is 0.25 mg/l. Calculate the dosage in miligrams per
litre and chlorine demand of the water.

Date of Submission-15/4/2020

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