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Sandip University

School of Engineering and Technology, NASHIK


Couse- Environmental Engineering-I[YCE604] A.Y-2019-20

Class- TE Civil Sem-VI

Date of Assignment: 17 /3/2020

Home Assignment No:5 [CIA-I]

Q.1 Explain sources and effects of Noise Pollution [8M]

Q.2 Explain different types of Sound Control Techniques. [7M]
Q.3 Define Air Pollution. Write down any two effects of air pollution. [2M]
Q.4 Define: i)Fumigation ii)Dispersion [2M]
Q.5 Define Stack Height and write down formula to calculate Stack Height? [2M]
Q.6 Explain Plume Behavior with neat sketches. [8M]
Q.7 Determine effective stack height using following data: [8M]
1) Physical stack is 200m tall with 1m inside diameter
2) Wind velocity id 3.5 m/s, air temperature is 150oC &Barometric Pressure 1000
3) Stack gas velocity is 10m/s and stack gas temp. is 150oC.
Q.8 Determine effective stack height using following data: [8M]
1) Physical stack is 180m tall with 1m inside diameter
2) Wind velocity id 4.00 m/s, air temperature is 160oC &Barometric Pressure
1000 milibars.
3) Stack gas velocity is 9.5m/s and stack gas temp. is 180oC.
Q.9 Explain the effect of Lapse rate, inversion and Mixing depth on the Plume
Behavior with neat sketches. [10 M]
Q.10 Explain Wind Rose Diagram. [7M]

Date of Submission- 20/4/2020

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