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Chapter 1

Preliminary Survey on Γ-semirings

1.1 Γ-semirings

This section is devoted to the preliminary definitions and examples. As a starting

point, it seems appropriate formally to define Γ-semiring.

Definition 1.1.1. Let S and Γ be two additive commutative semigroups. Then S is

called Γ-semiring if there exists a mapping S × Γ × S → S(image to be denoted by

aαb for a, b ∈ S, α ∈ Γ) satisfying the following conditions :

(i) aα(b + c) = aαb + aαc

(ii) (a + b)αc = aαc + bαc

(iii) a(α + β)b = aαb + aβb

(iv) aα(bβc) = (aαb)βc, for all a, b, c ∈ S and for all α, β ∈ Γ.

Let us now consider some examples to bring the above idea of Γ-semiring into


Example 1.1.1. Let S be an additive commutative semigroup of all m × n matrices

over the set of all non-negative integers and let Γ be the additive commutative semi-

group of all n × m matrices over the same set. Then S is a Γ-semiring if aαb denotes

the usual matrix product of a, α, b where a, b ∈ S and α ∈ Γ.

Example 1.1.2. Let A and B be two additive commutative semigroups. Let S be

the additive commutative semigroup of all mappings from A to B and let Γ be the

additive commutative semigroup of all mappings from B to A. Then S is a Γ-semiring

where aαb denotes the usual product of mappings where a, b ∈ S and α ∈ Γ .

Example 1.1.3. Let X and Y be additive abelian semigroups. Let S be the set of

all homomorphisms from X into Y and let Γ be the set of all homomorphisms from Y

into X. Let f hg be the usual composition map for all f, g ∈ S, h ∈ Γ. Let us define

(f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x) for all x ∈ X and define (h + k)(x) = h(x) + k(x) for all

x ∈ X, h, k ∈ Γ. Then S is a Γ-semiring.

Example 1.1.4. Let M = {0, 1} and Γ = {α, β}. Define 0 + 0 = 0, 0 + 1 =

1, 1 + 0 = 0, 1 + 1 = 1 and α + α = β, α + β = β, β + α = β, β + β = β.

Then (M, +) and (Γ, +) are semigroups. Also, let us define the operation as follows:

0α0 = 1, 0α1 = 1, 1α0 = 1, 1α1 = 1, 0β0 = 0, 0β1 = 1, 1β0 = 0, 1β1 = 1. Then

M is a Γ-semiring.

All the above examples provide an impetus for an extensive study of Γ-semirings.

It is obvious that every semiring S is a Γ-semiring where Γ = S and xαy denotes

the product of the elements x, y, α ∈ S. Every Γ-ring is also a Γ-semiring.

Since every semiring S is a Γ-semiring, the main thrust of our work is to extend

different fundamental results of semirings to Γ-semirings.

In this connection, we note the following : According to Barnes[7], a non-empty

set M is called a Γ-ring if the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) M = {a, b, c, ...} and Γ = {α, β, γ, ...} are two abelian groups.

(ii) aαb ∈ M

(iii) aα(b + c) = aαb + aαc; (a + b)αc = aαc + bαc; a(α + β)b = aαb + aβb

(iv) (aαb)βc = aα(bβc)

Many fundamental results in ring theory have been extended to Γ-rings by different

authors such as W.E. Barnes[7], J.Luh[42] and S.Kyuno[36, 37].

Definition 1.1.2. Let S be a Γ-semiring and S 0 be a Γ0 -semiring. A pair of mappings

f1 : S → S 0 and f2 : Γ → Γ0 is said to be a homomorphism from (S, Γ) into (S 0 , Γ0 ) if

(i) f1 (a + b) = f1 (a) + f1 (b) (ii)f1 (aαb) = f1 (a)f2 (α)f1 (b) for all a, b ∈ S and α ∈ Γ.

Example 1.1.5. Let S be the set of all 2 × 3 matrices and Γ be the set of all 3 × 2

matrices over the ring of integers. Then S is a Γ-semiring. Define f : S → S

and g : Γ → Γ by f (A2×3 ) = 2A2×3 ; g(B3×2 ) = 21 B3×2 . Then f (A2×3 + B2×3 ) =

2(A2×3 + B2×3 ) = 2A2×3 + 2B2×3 = f (A2×3 ) + f (B2×3 ) and f (A2×3 B3×2 C2×3 ) =

2(A2×3 B3×2 C2×3 ) = 2(A2×3 ) 21 (B3×2 )2(C2×3 ) = f (A2×3 )g(B3×2 )f (C2×3 ). Hence (f, g)

is a homomorphism from (S, Γ) to (S, Γ).

Definition 1.1.3. Let S be a Γ-semiring. A pair of relations (ρ, σ) where ρ ⊂ S × S

and ρ ⊂ Γ × Γ is called a congruence of (S, Γ) if

(i) ρ is an equivalence relation on S.

(ii) σ is an equivalence relation on Γ.

(iii) (a, b) ∈ ρ and (α, β) ∈ σ imply that (aαc, bβc) ∈ ρ and (cαa, cβb) ∈ ρ ∀c ∈ S.

If in the above relation σ = {(α, α); α ∈ Γ}, then the relation ρ is called a congruence

on the Γ-semiring S.

1.2 Sub Γ-semirings and Ideals

In this section, we define sub Γ-semirings and ideals of Γ-semirings. We also

discuss some characterizations of ideals of Γ-semirings and state without proof a few

results on ideals of Γ-semirings.

Definition 1.2.1. Let S be a Γ-semiring. A pair (A, P ) of non empty subsets, where

A ⊂ S, P ⊂ Γ is called a sub Γ-semiring of the Γ-semiring S if AP A ⊂ A.

If P = Γ, then instead of writting (A, P ) is a sub Γ-semiring, we will write A is a

sub Γ-semiring of the Γ-semiring S.

  

 a b 


Example 1.2.1. Let M =   ; a, b, c, d, e, f ∈ Z and let
  c d  

   

 e f
 

   
 a b   a1 b 1
    
 x y z
 
   x y z

 
Γ=   ; x, y, z, u, v, w ∈ Z . Let 
  
 c d     c1 d 1

 u v w
 
   u v w  
e f e1 f1
be the usual
 matrixmultiplication.  Then S is a Γ-semiring.
 a b 

 
   

x y 0 

 
 
 

Let A =  c d  ; a, b, c, d ∈ Z and let P =   ; x, y, u, v ∈ Z .
  
u v 0

   
 
 

 
 0 0
 

Then it can be shown that (A, P ) is a sub Γ-semiring.

Definition 1.2.2. Let S be a Γ-semiring. A pair (A, P ) of non empty subsets where

A ⊂ S, P ⊂ Γ is called a left Γ-ideal of the Γ-semiring S if SP A ⊂ A. If P = Γ, then

A is called a left ideal of the Γ-semiring S. Similarly we can define right Γ-ideal and

right ideal of the Γ-semiring S. If (A, P ) is both a left Γ-ideal and a right Γ-ideal of

S, then we say that (A, P ) is a Γ-ideal of S. If P = Γ, then A is called an ideal of the

Γ-semring S i.e. A non empty subset A of a Γ-semiring S is called a left(right) ideal

of S if A is a subsemigroup of (S, +) and xγa ∈ A(aγx ∈ A) for all a ∈ A, γ ∈ Γ and

x ∈ S. If A is both a left ideal and a right ideal of S, then A is called an ideal of S. It

is easy to see that every left ideal, right ideal and ideal of S are sub Γ-semirings of S.

Theorem 1.2.2. Let S be a Γ-semiring. If (A, P ) and (B, Q) are two Γ-ideals of S,

then (A ∩ B, P ∩ Q) is a Γ-ideal of S if P ∩ Q 6= φ.

Proof. Suppose P ∩ Q 6= φ. Let α ∈ P ∩ Q, a ∈ A and b ∈ B. Then aαb ∈ A

and aαb ∈ B. Hence A ∩ B 6= φ. Let x ∈ A ∩ B, α ∈ P ∩ Q. Then for any

m ∈ M, mαx ∈ A and mαx ∈ B. Hence mαx ∈ A ∩ B and so (A ∩ B, P ∩ Q) is a

left Γ-ideal of S. Similarly we can show that (A ∩ B, P ∩ Q) is a right Γ-ideal of S.

Hence (A ∩ B, P ∩ Q) is a Γ-ideal of S.

Theorem 1.2.3. Let S be a Γ-semiring and (A, P ), (B, Q) be two Γ-ideals of S. Then

(A ∪ B, P ∩ Q) is a Γ-ideal of S if P ∩ Q 6= φ.

Let A and B be two non empty subsets of a Γ-semiring S and N be the set of all

natural numbers. Let A + B = {a + b |a ∈ A and b ∈ B}. Let AΓB denote the set of
all finite sums of the form ai γi bi where ai ∈ A, γi ∈ Γ, bi ∈ B and let NA denote
the set of all finite sums of the form ni ai where ni ∈ N and ai ∈ B.

Definition 1.2.3. Let S be a Γ-semiring. By a quasi-ideal Q, we mean a sub semi-

group Q of (S, +) such that SΓQ ∩ QΓS ⊆ Q. It is clear that every left ideal and

right ideal of a Γ-semiring S is a quasi-ideal of S. Moreover each quasi-ideal of S is a

sub Γ-semiring S. In fact, QΓQ ⊆ SΓQ ∩ QΓS ⊆ Q.

Let X be a non empty subset of a Γ-semiring S. By the term left ideal (X)l (resp. right

ideal (X)r , ideal (X)i , quasi-ideal (X)q of S generated by X, we mean the smallest left

ideal (resp. right ideal, ideal, quasi-ideal) of S containing X, that is the intersection

of all left ideals (resp. right ideals, ideals, quasi-ideals) of S containing X.

Theorem 1.2.4. Let S be a Γ-semiring and X be a non empty subset of S. Then

(i) (X)l = NX + SΓX

(ii)(X)r = NX + XΓS

(iii) (X)i = NX + SΓX + XΓS + SΓXΓS

(iv) (X)q = NX + (SΓX ∩ XΓS)

Definition 1.2.4. Let S be a Γ-semiring. An element a ∈ S is called a left iden-

tity(respectively right identity) of S if x = aγx(respectively x = xγa) for all x ∈ S

and γ ∈ Γ. If a is both a left and right identity, then a is called an identity of S.

Corollary 1.2.5. Let S be a Γ-semiring with an identity and X be a non empty subset

of S. Then

(i) (X)l = SΓX

(ii) (X)r = XΓS

(iii) (X)i = SΓXΓS

(iv) (X)q = SΓX ∩ XΓS.

Theorem 1.2.6. The intersection of a left ideal L and a right ideal R of a Γ-semiring

S is a quasi ideal of S.

Definition 1.2.5. An element a of a Γ-semiring S is regular if there exist x ∈ S and

α, β ∈ Γ such that a = aαxβa. A Γ-semiring S is regular if every element in S is


Theorem 1.2.7. Every quasi-ideal of a regular Γ-semiring S can be written in the

form Q = R ∩ L for some right ideal R and left ideal L of S.

Theorem 1.2.8. Let S be a Γ-semiring. If S is regular, then RΓL = R ∩ L for all

right ideal R and left ideal L of S. The converse is true if S has an identity.

Proof. Let S be a regular Γ-semiring. Let R be a right ideal and L be a left ideal

of S. So RΓL ⊆ RΓS ∩ SΓL ⊆ R ∩ L. Next, let a ∈ R ∩ L. Since S is regular,

there exist x ∈ S and α, β ∈ Γ such that a = aαxβa. Since a ∈ L, xβa ∈ L. So

a = aαxβa ∈ RΓL. Conversely, let us assume RΓL = R ∩ L for all right ideal R

and left ideal L of S. Let x ∈ S and γ be a fixed element in Γ. Then xγS 1 is a right

ideal and S 1 γx is a left ideal of S. By assumption, (xγS 1 )Γ(S 1 γx) = xγS 1 ∩ S 1 γa. So

x ∈ (xγS 1 )Γ(S 1 γx). Then x = ai αi bi for some ai ∈ xγS 1 , bi ∈ S 1 γx and αi ∈ Γ.


Since S has an identity, for each i, we have ai = xγsi and bi = ti γx for some ti , si ∈ S.
Then x = ai αi bi = (xγsi )αi (ti γx) = xγ(si αi ti )γx = xγ( si αi ti )γx. Hence

x is regular.

Theorem 1.2.9. Let S be a Γ-semiring and a ∈ S. If a is regular, then (a)r Γ(a)l =

(a)r ∩ (a)l . The converse is true if S has an identity.

Proof. Let us assume a is regular. We have (a)r Γ(a)l ⊆ ((a)r ΓS) ∩ (SΓ(a)l ) ⊆

(a)r ∩ (a)l . Let x ∈ (a)r ∩ (a)l . Then x ∈ (a)r and x ∈ (a)l . Since x ∈ (a)l , x = a or

x = sγa for some γ ∈ Γ and s ∈ S.

Case (i): x = a. Then x is regular. Thus x = xαyβx for some y ∈ S and α, β ∈ Γ.

So x = xαyβx = aα(yβa) ∈ (a)r Γ(a)l .

Case (ii): x = sγa. Since a is regular, there exist y ∈ S and α, β ∈ Γ such that a =

aαyβa. So x = sγa = sγ(aαyβa) = (sγa)αyβa = xα(yβa) ∈ (a)r Γ(a)l . Therefore,

(a)r Γ(a)l = (a)r ∩ (a)l . Conversely, let us assume (a)r Γ(a)l = (a)r ∩ (a)l . Then
a ∈ (a)r Γ(a)l and a ∈ (aΓS)Γ(SΓa) ⊆ aΓSΓa. Also a = aαi si βi a for some si ∈ S
and αi , βi ∈ Γ. Since S has an identity 1, a = aαi si βi a = aγ1αi si βi 1γa =
aγ( 1αi si βi 1)γa for a fixed element γ ∈ Γ. Hence a is regular.

Corollary 1.2.10. Let S be a Γ-semiring. Then every quasi-ideal Q of S can be

written in the form Q = R ∩ L = RΓL for some right ideal R and left ideal L of S.

Definition 1.2.6. A non empty subset B of a Γ-semiring S is called a bi-ideal of S if

B is a sub Γ-semiring of S and BΓSΓB ⊆ B.

Theorem 1.2.11. Every quasi-ideal of a Γ-semiring S is a bi-ideal of S.

Proof. Let Q be a quasi-ideal of S. Then Q is a sub Γ-semiring of S and QΓSΓQ ⊆

QΓS ∩ SΓQ ⊆ Q. Hence Q is a bi-ideal of S.

Theorem 1.2.12. Let S be a regular Γ-semiring. Then the set of bi-ideals of S

coincides with the set of quasi-ideals of S.

Proof. By theorem 1.2.11, every quasi-ideal of S is a bi-ideal of S. Now, we show that

a bi-ideal of S is a quasi-ideal of S. Let B be a bi-ideal of S. Let a ∈ BΓS ∩ SΓB.

Since S is regular, there exist x ∈ S and α, β ∈ Γ such that a = aαxβa. So a ∈

aΓSΓa ⊆ (BΓS)ΓSΓ(SΓB) ⊆ BΓSΓB ⊆ B. Hence B is a quasi-ideal of S.

Definition 1.2.7. A Γ-semiring S is called a duo Γ-semiring if every one sided(right

or left) ideal of S is an ideal of S.

Theorem 1.2.13. Let S be a duo Γ-semiring. If S is regular, then Q1 ΓQ2 = Q1 ∩ Q2

for any two quasi-ideals Q1 and Q2 of S. The converse is true if S has an identity.

Proof. Suppose S is a regular duo Γ-semiring. Let Q1 and Q2 be quasi-ideals of S. By

theorem 1.2.7, Q1 and Q2 can be written in the form Q1 = R1 ∩ L1 and Q2 = R2 ∩ L2

for some suitable right ideals R1 , R2 and suitable left ideals L1 , L2 of S. Since S is a

duo-Γ-semiring, R1 , R2 , L1 and L2 are ideals of S. Then Q1 and Q2 are ideals of S.

By theorem 1.2.8, we have Q1 ΓQ2 = Q1 ∩ Q2 .

Conversely, let us assume Q1 ΓQ2 = Q1 ∩ Q2 for any two quasi-ideals Q1 and Q2 of

S. Let x ∈ S and γ be a fixed element in Γ. Then xγS 1 ∩ S 1 γx is a quasi-ideal of

S. By assumption, (xγS 1 ∩ S 1 γx)Γ(xγS 1 ∩ S 1 γx) = xγS 1 ∩ S 1 γx. So x ∈ (xγS 1 ∩

S 1 γx)Γ(xγS 1 ∩ S 1 γx). Then x = ai αi bi for some ai , bi ∈ xγS 1 ∩ S 1 γx and αi ∈ Γ.


Since S has an identity, for each i, we have ai = xγsi and bi = ti γx for some ti , si ∈ S.
Then x = ai γi bi = (xγsi )αi (ti γx) = xγ(si αi ti )γx = xγ( si αi ti )γx. Hence x

is regular.

Definition 1.2.8. An element a in a Γ-semiring S is called a duo element if the

principal right ideal (a)r and the principal left ideal (a)l of S generated by a are


Theorem 1.2.14. Let S be a Γ-semiring. Then S is a duo Γ-semiring if and only if

every element of A is a duo element.

Proof. If S is a duo Γ-semiring, then evidently every element of S is duo.

Conversely let us assume that every element of S is duo. Let R be an arbitrary right

ideal of S. Let x ∈ S, γ ∈ Γ and a ∈ R. Then xγa ∈ (a)l = (a)r ⊆ R. Hence R is a

left ideal of S. Similarly we can show that any left ideal of S is a right ideal of S.

Definition 1.2.9. A proper ideal P of a Γ-semiring S is said to be prime if for any

two ideals H and K of S, HΓK ⊆ P implies that either H ⊂ P or K ⊆ P .

Definition 1.2.10. A Γ-semiring S is said to be commutative if aαb = bαa for all

a, b ∈ S and for all α ∈ Γ.

Definition 1.2.11. Let S be a Γ-semiring. A proper ideal P of S is said to be

semiprime if for any ideal A of S, AΓA ⊆ P implies that A ⊆ P .

Obviously a prime ideal of S is also a semiprime ideal.

Example 1.2.15. Let S be a semiring with the multiplicative identity 1. Then S is

a Γ-semiring where Γ = S and aαb denotes the product of the elements a, α, b ∈ S.

Now any semiprime ideal of the semiring S is a semiprime ideal of the Γ-semiring S.

Theorem 1.2.16. Let S be a Γ-semiring. Then for an ideal Q of S, the following

conditions are equivalent:

(i) Q is semiprime

(ii) If a ∈ S such that aΓSΓa ⊆ Q, then a ∈ Q

(iii) ≺ a  Γ ≺ a ⊆ Q, a ∈ S implies that a ∈ Q

(iv) If U is a right ideal of S such that U ΓU ⊆ Q, then U ⊆ Q

(v) If V is a left ideal of S such that V ΓV ⊆ Q, then V ⊆ Q.

Definition 1.2.12. Let P be a proper ideal of a Γ-semiring S. Then the prime radical

of P is defined as the intersection of all prime ideals of S containing P and is denoted

by r(P ).

Theorem 1.2.17. Let S be a Γ-semiring and P be a proper ideal of S. If x ∈ r(P ),

then (xγ)n−1 x ∈ P for all γ ∈ Γ and for some positive integer n ((xγ)0 x = x).

Theorem 1.2.18. For a commutative Γ-semiring S, r(Q) = {s ∈ S; (sγ)n−1 s ∈ Q

for some positive integer n and for all γ ∈ Γ} where Q is a proper ideal of S.

Theorem 1.2.19. For any proper ideal Q of a Γ-semiring S, r(Q) is the smallest

semiprime ideal containing Q.

Theorem 1.2.20. A proper ideal Q of a Γ-semiring S is semiprime if and only if

r(Q) = Q.

Theorem 1.2.21. If P and Q are proper ideals of a Γ-semiring S, then

(i) P ⊆ Q implies that r(P ) ⊆ r(Q)

(ii) r(r(P )) = r(P )

(iii) r(P + Q) = r(r(P ) + r(Q))

Proof. We omit the proof as it is a matter of routine verification.

Theorem 1.2.22. If P and Q are proper ideals of a commutative Γ-semiring S, then

r(P ΓQ) = r(P ∩ Q) = r(P ) ∩ r(Q).

Definition 1.2.13. A proper ideal I of a Γ-semiring S is said to be irreducible if for

ideals H and K of S, I = H ∩ K implies that I = H or I = K.

Definition 1.2.14. A proper ideal I of a Γ-semiring S is said to be strongly irreducible

if for ideals H and K of S, H ∩ K ⊆ I implies that H ⊆ I or K ⊆ I.

Clearly, a strongly irreducible ideal is irreducible and a prime ideal is strongly


The following theorem gives a sufficient condition for a semiprime ideal to be a

prime ideal in a Γ-semiring.

Theorem 1.2.23. A proper ideal I of a Γ-semiring S is prime if and only if it is

semiprime and strongly irreducible.

Theorem 1.2.24. Let a be a non-zero element of a Γ-semiring S and let I be a proper

ideal of S not containing a. Then there exists an irreducible ideal H of S containing

I and not containing a.

Theorem 1.2.25. Any proper ideal I of a Γ-semiring S is the intersection of all

irreducible ideals containing it.

Definition 1.2.15. A Γ-semiring S is said to be regular if for all a ∈ S, a ∈ aΓSΓa

where aΓSΓa denotes the finite sum of elements of the form aαsαa for all α, β ∈

Γ, s ∈ S.

Definition 1.2.16. An ideal P of a Γ-semiring S is idempotent if P ΓP = P .

Theorem 1.2.26. A Γ-semiring S is regular if and only if AΓB = A ∩ B for all right

ideals A and for all left ideals B of S.

Theorem 1.2.27. A commutative Γ-semiring S is regular if and only if every ideal

of S is idempotent.

Theorem 1.2.28. A commutative Γ-semiring S is regular if and only if every proper

ideal of S is semiprime.

Theorem 1.2.29. A commutative Γ-semiring S is regular if and only if for every

proper ideal Q of S, r(Q) = Q.

Theorem 1.2.30. A commutative Γ-semiring S is regular if and only if every irre-

ducible ideal of S is prime.

Theorem 1.2.31. In a commutative regular Γ-semiring S, any proper ideal P is the

intersection of all prime ideals of S containing it.

1.3 Commutative Idempotent Γ-semirings

In this section we introduce commutative idempotent Γ-semirings, Γ-band, rect-

angular Γ-band, central elements, clifford Γ-semirings and semilattice in Γ-semirings.

We also discuss some results on commutative idempotent Γ-semirings.

Definition 1.3.1. Let S be a Γ-semiring. An element e ∈ S is said to be an idempo-

tent in S if there exists an α ∈ Γ such that e = eαe. In this case we say that e is an

α-idempotent. If every element of S is an idempotent, then S is called an idempotent


Definition 1.3.2. Let S be a Γ-semiring and a, b ∈ S, α ∈ Γ. If aαb = bαa, then we

say that a,b are α-commutative. S is called commutative if aαb = bαa for a, b ∈ S

and for all α ∈ Γ.

Definition 1.3.3. Let S be a commutative idempotent Γ-semiring and a, b ∈ S. Let

us define a ≤ b if and only if aαb = a, when aαa = a, α ∈ Γ − − − (∗).

Lemma 1.3.1. The relation ‘≤’ is a partial order on S.

Proof. We first show that the definition is well defined. Suppose aαa = a and aα1 a =

a and let aαb = a. Then aα1 b = (aαa)α1 b = aα(aα1 b) = aα(bα1 a) = (aαb)α1 a =

aα1 a = a.

(i) Since a is idempotent, we have aαa = a for some α ∈ Γ. Hence a ≤ a. Thus ‘≤’

is reflexive.

(ii) Let a ≤ b and b ≤ a. Then aαb = a and bβa = b, where aαa = a and bβb = b.

Now, a = aαb = aα(bβb) = (aαb)βb = aβb = bβa = b. Hence ‘≤’ is antisymmetric.

(iii) Let a ≤ b and b ≤ c. Then aαb = a and bβc = b, where aαa = a and bβb = b.

Then aαb = aα(bβb) = (aαb)βb = aβb. Now aαc = (aαb)αc = (aβb)αc = bβ(aαc) =

bβ(cαa) = (bβc)αa = bαa = aαb = a. Hence a ≤ c. Thus ‘≤’ is transitive.

Hence we find that ‘≤’ is a relation of partial order in a commutative idempotent

Γ-semiring S.

Definition 1.3.4. Let S be a Γ-semiring. A non empty subset T of S is said to be a

Γ-band in the Γ-semiring S if T satisfies the following conditions:

(i) Every element of T is idempotent.

(ii) If e is an α-idempotent and f is a β-idempotent, then eαf is a β-idempotent and

eβf is an α-idempotent.

Definition 1.3.5. A Γ-semiring S is called a rectangular Γ-band if aαbβa = a for all

a, b ∈ S and α, β ∈ Γ.

Definition 1.3.6. Two elements a and b of a Γ-semiring S are said to commute with

each other if aαb = bαa for all α ∈ Γ. An element of a Γ-semiring S which commutes

with every element of S, is called a central element of S.

Definition 1.3.7. A regular Γ-semiring with the central idempotents is called clifford


Theorem 1.3.2. Let T be a Γ-band in a Γ-semiring S such that eαf = f βe for any

α-idempotent e and β-idempotent f of T. Then T is a semilattice with respect to the

relation ‘≤’ defined by (∗).

Proof. It can be shown easily that the relation ‘≤’ defined by (∗) is reflexive and

antisymmetric. Let e be an α-idempotent, f be a β-idempotent and g be a γ-

idempotent of T such that e ≤ f and f ≤ g. Then eαf = e and f βg = f . From

the assumption e = eαf is a β-idempotent and f = f βg is a γ-idempotent. Then

eαg = eαf αg = f βeαg ( since eαf = f βe ) = f βgγe ( since eαg = gγe ) = f γe

(since f βg = f ) = eαf ( since f is a γ-idempotent and e is an α-idempotent ) = e.

This shows that ‘≤’ is a partial order on T. Let e be an α-idempotent and f be a

β-idempotent of T. Then eαf = f βe is both α-idempotent and β-idempotent. Now

(eαf )βe = eα(eαf ) = (eαe)αf = eαf and (eαf )βf = eα(f βf ) = eαf . Hence eαf ≤

e, f . Let g be a γ-idempotent of T such that g ≤ e and g ≤ f . Then gγe = g and

gγf = g. Since T is a Γ-band in the Γ-semiring S, we find that g is also α-idempotent

and β-idempotent. Further gγ(eαf ) = (gγe)αf = gαf = f βg = gγf = g. Hence

g ≤ eαf . This shows that eαf is the greatest lower bound of e, f in T. Consequently

T is a semilattice.


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