Project Report On Smartphone Brand Preference Among Students

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Submitted by:

Priyanka Kumari -19202290

Sonali Soumya – 19202301

Raj Kumar Yadav – 19202315

Guided by:

Senior Prof. Rabi Narayan Subudhi

Faculty- Quantitative Area


We hereby declare that the project entitled “SMARTPHONE BRAND

PREFERENCE AMONG STUDENTS” submitted in the partial fulfilment of
the course requirement for QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUE- II to PROF. RABI
University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751024 is our original work and has not been
copied from any other sources.

Group members

Priyanka Kumari (19202290)

Sonali Soumya (19202301)

Raj Kumar Yadav (19202315)


This report has been made with the cooperation of many people whom we wish
to express our gratitude and appreciation. We are very graceful to the people
who supported us to transform the report in the materialistic form.
We are very much thankful to Prof. Rabi Narayan Subudhi, faculty-
Quantitative Area, KIIT School of Management for his gratitude during our
project and giving us full co-operation and also valuable information and
guidance, without which it would not be possible for us to complete the project.
We would also like to thank the librarians and other staff members of KIIT
School of Management for providing us the required books in this field and our
friends who were always there to help each and every requirement.

Group members
Priyanka Kumari (19202290)
Sonali Soumya (19202301)

Raj Kumar Yadav (19202315)

Table of Content

Sn. Particulars Page No.


1 Declaration 2
2 Acknowledgement 3
3 Abstract 5
4 Literature Review 6
5 Introduction 7
6 Statement of Problem 8
7 Objective of Study 8
8 Sources of Data 8
9 Questionnaire Design 9
10 Sample Design 9
11 Data Analysis 9
12 Limitation of survey 9
13 Findings & Analysis 10-16
14 Conclusion 16
15 Questionnaire Used for Survey 17
16 References 17


Brand preferences are studied to know the profile and understand loyal students.
It is the indicator of the strength of a brand in the minds of students. Brand

preference represents which brands are preferred under assumptions of price,

battery durability, camera resolution, build quality and so on. In recent times
smart phone plays a very vital role among the users to meet the student’s
requirements and needs by operating their desired smart phone. A total of 69
completed copies of questionnaires are taken for analysis. The results suggest
that, brand name variable have statistically significant relationships with student
preferences variable. The findings of the study indicated negative correlations
among the variables i.e. gender, age, income level, willing to pay advertisement,
purpose of usage and on have significant impact on the overall preferences of
the students.

Not only Smartphone fulfils the task of calling and receiving calls but also serve
various need of users like internet and social connectivity, multimedia, selfie,
health traits measurement, video calling etc. A large number of variables affect
the preference of Smartphone brand among students. Present study is conducted
to identify underlying factors which play lead role in preference of smart phone
brand among the students. Study is conducted in the KSOM, KIIT University.
The report is based on primary data which has collected from respondent
through questionnaire. For analysis of data, Excel is used.

Literature Review

Smartphones are made the young generation to be so occupied with the new
type of technology. In the 21st century it is seen as an important part of life
because of its advanced features. It also mentions the sample size, the
demography of the respondent, the validity and the reliability of this study. The
study of the population was chosen to be from different students, and the sample
size was 70 students. The questionnaire was given to all program students

(MBA & BBA) of KSOM. The following steps were taken to conduct this
research study: First, was deciding on the topic and area of interest and since
brands in the Smartphone industry was a common area of interest, it was
chosen. Second was establishing the information research string. Smartphone
had made the change of style of interaction between human beings. Later the
questionnaire was designed to study and relate the data with multiple regression
analysis. After that, the primary data obtained from the questionnaire was
gathered and analysed using the data. Finally, the conclusion was drawn from
multiple regression analysis.


Ongoing generation can be called as smart phone generation as they all love to
make themselves busy with their smart phone maximum the time. It has become
a very necessary instrument in their life. So before choosing their smart phone,
they spent considerable amount of time for selecting smart phone. There are
many factors to consider and brand is one of them.
Smart Phone is a technology correspondence media. It's not a one-way
communication like pager. Cellular communication works like the radio set
which is ordinarily utilized. Smart phone is in actually an own private radio

transmitter and receiver, fundamentally the same as the walkie-talkie utilized by

Police and Security Personnel.
The primary uses of Smart Phone is for calling but in the present time smart
phone has become part of our basic needs. We use smart phone from morning at
the time of wake up till sleeping at night. It has secondary purposes such as for
internet, entertainment (music, videos, games and so on) and so on. Nowadays,
it is acting as the wallet for the users because maximum number of users are
using for banking purposes and for buying day to day requirement. Smart phone
has become integral part of all the human beings.
As per a recent survey, about 65% of Indian students prefer buying smart phone
by online and it's about 40 million smart phones have been in use early this year
in India. It also found that smart phone users in India greatly prefer mobile
devices that operate on the Android operating system, which highlights the
Indian students’ desire for a platform that is open and available across multiple
brands and prices.

Statement of the problem

A lot of brands of Smart phones are available in the market. But the students
prefer a particular brand of Mobile phone. In the modern business world, due to
the development of science and technology, many new brands have introduced
in the market in every month, every three to six months.

Objectives of the study

The important objectives of preparing the report are:


 To study the importance of branding and its influence on student


 To study the awareness and attitude of students towards Smart Phone.

 To study the factors influencing the brand preference of Smart phones.

Sources of Data

The data for analysis were collected from both primary and secondary sources.

Primary Data collected from the Questionnaire with the respondents as our
main source of data collection (primary data).

Secondary Data collected from Book, Journal and various Internet sites such as, Wikipedia, and so on.

Questionnaire Design

The questionnaire is design to translate information needed into set of specific

question. In this research information regarding brand identity, brand equity,
price willing to pay, quality of smart phone needed and so on into simple
questions to obtain respondents view on the preference of the smart phone
brand. The questionnaire consists of basic information of student’s, single
response question, multiple response questions, Likert scaling is used.

Sample Design

The sample to investigate in order to reach our purpose are the students of
KSOM and convenience sampling has been used. Convenience sampling helps
us to find our respondents easily so that to carry out the research will be easy
and result will be as per expected. 69 samples have been collected to prepare
this report.

Data analysis

Excel has been used to analyse the data. Coding, editing and data cleaning will
also be carried out using SPSS and Excel. Different statistical analysis
technique such as: Percentage analysis presenting in charts and tables, and
multiple regression analysis has been computed.

Limitations of the survey

This survey has various limitations, Like any other survey:
1. Limited Time
2. As the study is on behavioural aspect as informational aspect may be ignored
3. The study is limited at KSOM campus.
4. The study is conducted in a very small area and on a small sample size, the
results of the study cannot be generalized for another area of society or country.
5. Not able to use SPSS

Findings and Analysis

Frequency of Gender Distribution

50% 41%
Male Female

Fig. 1

The figure shows that the percentages of male user is more i.e. 59% whereas the
female user is less i.e. 41%.

Pie-Chart distribution of Smart Phone Users

Fig. 2

From the above pie-chart, it is clearly showing that the more numbers of users
are using Xiaomi Redmi & Poco brand i.e. 33%, followed by Samsung i.e. 33%
and very less % are hold by others brand which are available market.

Frequency Distribution of purpose of using Smart Phone

70% 61%
30% 22%
20% 10%
10% 4% 3%
et s
rn Sm lli b ov
te nm a a
In l& ai
ai rt he
Em te ft
En llo

Fig. 3

From the sample size of 69, 61% of the students uses their smart phone for the
surfing of the internet which includes social media where as 22% uses for
Calling purpose, 10% for Entertainment, 4% for Email & Sms purpose and only
3% are the students out of 69 uses for all these purposes.

Willing to Pay

Fig. 4

As per willing to pay for the smartphone, maximum number of students wanted
to spend Rs. 10,000-20,000 i.e. 55% for a smartphone as it shows maximum
students want mid-range smart phone and very less number of students wanted
to spend more than 40,000 i.e. 6%.

From Where the students get to know about the smart phones

Fig. 5

From the survey, we find out that majority of students prefer Internet i.e. 72% to
have information about the brand which they are going to buy and use followed
by TV i.e. 20% students see the TV ads to prefer the smartphone brand whereas
only 1% each by Newspaper and Magazine to make the purchase decision of the
brand they are going to use.

Multiple Regression Analysis (Taken 7 independent variables)

Y (Smart Phone) =-0.24+0.05Gender+0.45Age-0.20Income-
The Regression Equation is
0.012Duration+0.43Pupose of Usage+1.10Willing to pay-0.35Advertisement

Fig. 6

In this study, there are seven independent variables. They are Gender, Age,
Income, Duration, Purpose of usage, willing to Pay and Advertisement which
are considered to influence the brand preference of Smart Phone. Before
analysing the data using multiple regressions, it is appropriate to test the
presence of Multi-collinearity among the independent variables. It indicated that
the maximum correlation coefficient that represent less likely to find multi-
collinearity among the independent variable. (Cannot be calculated because of
not working of SPSS).

To test the effects of these variables on the decision to prefer which Smart
phone device, the study used the multiple regression analysis. The table above
shows the multiple regression result between seven independent variables and
preference of Smart phone brand at KSOM. It does not indicate that all the
seven independent variables i.e. Gender, Age, Income, Duration, Purpose of
usage, willing to Pay and Advertisement combined significantly influence the
student’s preference of Smart phone brand. The leading factor is willing to pay
followed by Age & Purpose of Usage.

The adjusted R2 is 0.197 indicates 19.7 percent of variances in student brand

preferences can be predicted by these seven variables used in for this analysis.
Accordingly, there are other many variables that influence brand preference of
students represented by the remaining 80.3 percent. The majority of the
variance in brand preference cannot be predicted by these seven variables
included in this study.

Multiple Regression Analysis (Taken 5 independent variables)

The regression Equation isY (Smart Phone) = 3.27-o.076Appearance-0.05Price-0.04Function &
Feature+0.69Quality+0.58Brand Image-1.132Service

Fig. 7

In this, there are six independent variables, they are Appearance, Price,
Function & Feature, Quality, Brand Image, and Service which are considered to
influence the brand preference of Smart Phone users.

In this also, it does not indicate that all the six independent variables i.e.
Appearance, Price, Function & Feature, Quality, Brand Image, and Service
combined significantly influence the student’s preference of Smart phone brand.
The leading factor in this is Quality followed by Brand Image.

The adjusted R2 is 0.068 indicates 6.8 percent of variances in student brand

preferences can be predicted by these five variables used in for this analysis
which is very less and accurate result cannot be predicted. Accordingly, there
are other many variables that influence brand preference of students represented
by the remaining 93.4 percent. The majority of the variance in brand preference
cannot be predicted by these five variables included in this study.

Multiple Regression Analysis (Taken all independent variables

used in the research)
Y (Smart Phone) = -0.40+0.35Gender-0.13Age-0.01Income-
The regression Equation is
0.06Duration+0.40Pupose of Usage+1.52Willing to pay-0.36Advertisement
+0.19Appearance-0.24Price-0.28Function & Feature+0.68Quality+0.71Brand Image-

Fig. 8

In this, there are thirteen independent variables, they are Gender, Age, Income,
Duration, Purpose of usage, willing to Pay, Advertisement, Appearance, Price,
Function & Feature, Quality, Brand Image, and Service which are considered to
influence the brand preference of Smart Phone users.

In this also, it indicates that all the thirteen independent variables i.e. Gender,
Age, Income, Duration, Purpose of usage, willing to Pay, Advertisement
Appearance, Price, Function & Feature, Quality, Brand Image, and Service
combined significantly influence the student’s preference of Smart phone brand.
The leading factor in this is Quality followed by Brand Image.

The adjusted R2 is 0.2868 indicates 28.68 percent of variances in student brand

preferences can be predicted by these thirteen variables used in for this analysis

which is very more than the above two analysis and accurate result can be
predicted than the above analysis. Accordingly, there are other many variables
that influence brand preference of students represented by the remaining 71.32
percent. The majority of the variance in brand preference cannot be predicted by
these thirteen variables included in this study.

By comparing these three analysis, we came to the point that if we take seven or
five independent variable then the accurate brand preferences cannot be
predicted but if we take all the independent variables at one time then its
somehow provides the accurate results as how much these independent variable
influences the brand preference of the smart phone among the students of

The purpose of this study is to analyse students brand preferences towards smart
phone of KIIT School of Management by finding the factors which influence
them to purchase smart phone. The result in this study shows that brand name,
price, Quality, Income Level, willing to pay, Features and so on have the
influence on consumer’s brand preferences.

Questionnaires used for Survey

i) Name
ii) Age Group
iii) Occupation
iv) Education Level
v) Income Level (Per Month)
vi) Which Smart Phone are you using.
vii) Why do you like the brand you are using? (Please indicate the
importance of below factor when you choose the brand, 1- very
Important, 2- Important, 3- Neutral, 4-Less Important, 5-Less

viii) How long you are using the smartphone.

ix) What are the main purpose of using smart phone?
x) Do you prefer smartphone to be?
xi) what would you be willing to pay for a smart phone?
xii) Where did you often see the smartphone advertisement?


Thank You

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