T-Mu-Md-00009-Sp-V2.0 - AEO Authorisation Model

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T MU MD 00009 SP


AEO Authorisation Model

Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2017

T MU MD 00009 SP
AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

Important message

This document is one of a set of standards developed solely and specifically for use on Transport Assets (as defined in the Asset
Standards Authority Charter). It is not suitable for any other purpose.
The copyright and any other intellectual property in this document will at all times remain the property of the State of New South Wales
(Transport for NSW).
You must not use or adapt this document or rely upon it in any way unless you are providing products or services to a NSW
Government agency and that agency has expressly authorised you in writing to do so. If this document forms part of a contract with, or
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clear, the content of this document is not licensed under any Creative Commons Licence.
This document may contain third party material. The inclusion of third party material is for illustrative purposes only and does not
represent an endorsement by NSW Government of any third party product or service.
If you use this document or rely upon it without authorisation under these terms, the State of New South Wales (including Transport for
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This document may not be current and is uncontrolled when printed or downloaded. Standards may be accessed from the Asset
Standards Authority website at www.asa.transport.nsw.gov.au

© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2017

T MU MD 00009 SP
AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

Standard governance
Owner: Manager Authorisation, Asset Standards Authority
Authoriser: Director Authorisation and Audit, Asset Standards Authority
Approver: Executive Director, Asset Standards Authority on behalf of the ASA Configuration Control

Document history
Version Summary of Changes
1.0 First issue 8 May 2017
2.0 Inclusion of maritime engineering disciplines

For queries regarding this document,

please email the ASA at
or visit www.asa.transport.nsw.gov.au

© State of NSW through Transport for NSW

T MU MD 00009 SP
AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

The Asset Standards Authority (ASA) is a key strategic branch of Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
As the network design and standards authority for NSW Transport Assets, as specified in the
ASA Charter, the ASA identifies, selects, develops, publishes, maintains and controls a suite of
requirements documents on behalf of TfNSW, the asset owner.

The ASA deploys TfNSW requirements for asset and safety assurance by creating and
managing TfNSW's governance models, documents and processes. To achieve this, the ASA
focuses on four primary tasks:

• publishing and managing TfNSW's process and requirements documents including TfNSW
plans, standards, manuals and guides

• deploying TfNSW's Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) framework

• continuously improving TfNSW’s Asset Management Framework

• collaborating with the Transport cluster and industry through open engagement

The AEO framework authorises engineering organisations to supply and provide asset related
products and services to TfNSW. It works to assure the safety, quality and fitness for purpose of
those products and services over the asset's whole-of-life. AEOs are expected to demonstrate
how they have applied the requirements of ASA documents, including TfNSW plans, standards
and guides, when delivering assets and related services for TfNSW.

Compliance with ASA requirements by itself is not sufficient to ensure satisfactory outcomes for
NSW Transport Assets. The ASA expects that professional judgement be used by competent
personnel when using ASA requirements to produce those outcomes.

About this document

A principle function of the ASA is to set, maintain and administer the framework for assessment,
authorisation, surveillance, review and audit of Authorised Engineering Organisations (AEO)
that provide engineering services to TfNSW.

This specification forms part of a suite of documents that describe the management of the AEO

This specification has been issued to include maritime engineering disciplines.

This specification is a second issue.

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T MU MD 00009 SP
AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

Table of contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Application ............................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Reference documents ............................................................................................................................. 7
4. Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................. 8
5. AEO authorisation arrangements ........................................................................................................ 10
5.1. AEO assessment method .................................................................................................................... 11
5.2. AEO surveillance method .................................................................................................................... 13
6. AEO authorisation model ..................................................................................................................... 15
7. AEO authorisation scoping .................................................................................................................. 17
7.1. Specifying scope of authorisation in T MU MD 00009 F1 and T MA MD 00009 F1............................ 19
7.2. Scoping for specialist assurance services ........................................................................................... 20
7.3. Scoping for management assurance ................................................................................................... 20
7.4. Scoping for engineering management services .................................................................................. 21
7.5. Scoping for non-asset specific specialist engineering services ........................................................... 22
7.6. Scale and complexity of authorised services ....................................................................................... 22
7.7. Grouping of cells in the matrix ............................................................................................................. 22
7.8. Arrangements for personnel ................................................................................................................ 23
7.9. AEO organisational boundaries ........................................................................................................... 23
7.10. Customer evidence supporting the selected scope ......................................................................... 24
8. AEO maturity .......................................................................................................................................... 24
8.1. AEO requirements ............................................................................................................................... 25
8.2. AEO maturity rating ............................................................................................................................. 26
9. AEO authorisation assessment process ............................................................................................ 27
9.1. Step one - initial engagement .............................................................................................................. 28
9.2. Step two - scoping and self-assessment ............................................................................................. 29
9.3. Step three - ASA assessment.............................................................................................................. 30
9.4. Step four - follow-on assessment site visits (optional) ........................................................................ 31
9.5. Step five - assessment finalisation ...................................................................................................... 32
10. AEO services supporting TfNSW asset life cycle .............................................................................. 32
10.1. Transport needs analysis, model or plan ......................................................................................... 33
10.2. Operations concept development .................................................................................................... 33
10.3. Maintenance concept development ................................................................................................. 34
10.4. Optioneering .................................................................................................................................... 34
10.5. Business requirements specification or user requirements ............................................................. 34
10.6. Single option development .............................................................................................................. 35
10.7. System requirements specification (SRS) development ................................................................. 35
10.8. Concept or reference design ........................................................................................................... 36

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AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

10.9. Design .............................................................................................................................................. 36

10.10. Material procurement ....................................................................................................................... 37
10.11. Manufacturing or fabrication ............................................................................................................ 37
10.12. Construction or installation .............................................................................................................. 38
10.13. Subsystem integration ..................................................................................................................... 39
10.14. Testing and commissioning ............................................................................................................. 40
10.15. Condition establishment and documentation – maritime ................................................................. 40
10.16. Survey class registration – maritime ................................................................................................ 41
10.17. Survey class compliance – maritime ............................................................................................... 41
10.18. Acceptance services ........................................................................................................................ 41
10.19. Plan asset maintenance .................................................................................................................. 42
10.20. Maintain or upgrade assets ............................................................................................................. 43
10.21. Conduct asset condition surveys ..................................................................................................... 44
10.22. Plan decommissioning or disposal .................................................................................................. 44
10.23. Conduct decommissioning or disposal ............................................................................................ 45
11. Discipline specific specialist engineering services ........................................................................... 45
11.1. Rolling stock..................................................................................................................................... 45
11.2. Signalling and control systems ........................................................................................................ 46
11.3. Communications .............................................................................................................................. 47
11.4. Track engineering ............................................................................................................................ 49
11.5. Civil and related engineering – non-maritime .................................................................................. 52
11.6. Stations and buildings – non-maritime ............................................................................................ 56
11.7. Electrical engineering ...................................................................................................................... 57
11.8. Vessels - maritime ........................................................................................................................... 62
11.9. Civil and related engineering – maritime ......................................................................................... 68
11.10. Buildings and wharves – maritime ................................................................................................... 71
11.11. Environmental – maritime ................................................................................................................ 73
11.12. IT and passenger information and communication – maritime........................................................ 75
12. Non-asset specific engineering services ............................................................................................ 77
12.1. Asset management systems services (must be specified in the notes) .......................................... 77
12.2. Systems engineering and assurance services (must be specified in the notes) ............................. 77
12.3. Engineering management services (must be specified in the notes) .............................................. 79
12.4. Other professional engineering services (must be specified in the notes) ...................................... 80

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T MU MD 00009 SP
AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

1. Introduction
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is collaborating with industry to improve the engineering
governance of TfNSW asset related projects and to employ skilled resources from both
government and industry more effectively. A key initiative is the Authorised Engineering
Organisation (AEO) model. This document provides engineering organisations and other
stakeholders, including the ASA and other TfNSW business units, with details of the AEO model
and authorisation process.

2. Purpose
Details of the AEO model and authorisation process are provided in this document for
engineering organisations and other stakeholders, including the ASA and other TfNSW
business units. This process allows organisations to obtain AEO authorisation by demonstrating
that they have appropriate systems, processes, resources and competencies to deliver and
assure engineering services to the TfNSW transport network.

2.1. Scope
This document covers the AEO authorisation model and process.

2.2. Application
This document applies organisations seeking to provide engineering services to TfNSW as well
as organisations that have gained AEO status.

This document is also designed to inform TfNSW and its agencies of the authorisation

3. Reference documents
The following documents are cited in the text. For dated references, only the cited edition
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.

Australian standards

AS/ISO 55001 Asset management – Management systems – Requirements

AS/NZS ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 Systems and software engineering - System life cycle processes

TfNSW standards

T MA MD 00009 F1 AEO Engineering Services Matrix - Maritime

T MU AM 01002 MA Maintenance Requirements Analysis Manual

T MU AM 01003 ST Development of Technical Maintenance Plans

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AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

T MU AM 06007 GU Guide to Requirements Definition and Analysis

T MU AM 06008 ST Operations Concept Definition

T MU AM 06009 ST Maintenance Concept Definition

T MU AM 06010 GU Business Requirements Specification

T MU MD 00009 ST AEO Authorisation Requirements

T MU MD 00009 F1 AEO Engineering Services Matrix

T MU MD 00009 F2 AEO Self-Assessment Checklist

T MU MD 20001 ST System Safety Standard for New or Altered Assets

TS 10506: 2013 AEO Guide to Verification and Validation

TS 10507: 2013 AEO Guide to Systems Integration

Other reference documents

ASA Charter

Disability Discrimination Act 1992

4. Terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions apply in this document:

AEO Authorised Engineering Organisation

applicant an organisation that has applied to the ASA for consideration for AEO status

ASA Asset Standards Authority

asset life cycle stages for an asset from recognition of need through to disposal and any
residual risks or liability period

assurance is a set of structured and planned activities conducted through the asset life cycle
providing progressive justified confidence that objectives are being achieved and that the asset
is or will be fit for purpose

auditor the ASA representative that performs ongoing surveillance audits of the AEO

authorisation the conferring of authority, by means of an official instruction and supported by

assessment and audit

BCA Building Code of Australia

BRS business requirements specification

CAD computer-aided design

CCTV closed circuit television

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Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

CMAAC TfNSW Configuration Management and Asset Assurance Committee

compliance the state or fact of according with, or meeting, rules, requirements or standards

conformance compliance with a requirement, standard or procedure

corrective action an action imposed by the ASA on an AEO as a result of a nonconformance

to implement improvements to its system, processes or procedures to achieve conformance

CSR combined services route

CT current transformer

DDA Disability Discrimination Act 1992

EMC electromagnetic compatibility

EMF electrical magnetic frequency

EPA NSW Environment Protection Authority

EPCM engineering, procurement, and construction management

HV high voltage

IP internet protocol

IT information technology

LV low voltage

MPLS multiprotocol label switching

noncompliance not having the ability to operate in accordance with the AEO authorisation

nonconformance non-fulfilment of a requirement

OCD operational concept definition

OHW overhead wiring

OHWS overhead wiring structure

PA public address

PV photovoltaic

RAM reliability, availability and maintainability

RAMS reliability, availability, maintainability and safety

review a method to provide assurance by a competent person that an engineering output

complies with relevant standards and specific requirements, is safe and fit for purpose

RTU remote terminal units

SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition system

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Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

SME subject matter expert

SRS system requirements specification

TfNSW Transport for NSW

transport infrastructure infrastructure (including associated vehicles, vessels and rolling stock)
used for or in connection with or to facilitate the movement of persons and freight by road, rail,
sea, air or other mode of transport (including walking and cycling). It includes:

a) railways and railway infrastructure

b) roads and road infrastructure

c) maritime infrastructure and ports

d) transport safety infrastructure

e) systems, works, structures, buildings, plant, machinery and equipment associated with or
incidental to transport infrastructure.

UGOH underground to overhead

ULX underline crossing

UPS uninterruptable power supply

VT voltage transformer

5. AEO authorisation arrangements

The ASA Charter defines ASA authorisation as '… an authorisation issued by the ASA to a legal
entity (which may include a Transport Agency as applicable) which verifies that it has the
relevant systems in place to carry out the class of Asset Lifecycle work specified in the
authorisation, subject to any conditions of the authorisation. The issue of ASA Authorisation
confers the status of 'Authorised Engineering Organisation' or 'AEO' on the entity.'

The AEO model provides the mechanism for determining the AEO scope of authorised services
and matching it with that required by the TfNSW scope of services for a project. See Section 5.1
for details.

The AEO authorisation process consists of an initial assessment for the defined scope of
engineering services and periodic surveillance of the engineering services provided by an AEO
to TfNSW or on behalf of TfNSW and possible scope expansion assessments or re-

Authorisation assessment is a process that determines if a supplier that plans to provide

engineering services that affect TfNSW transport infrastructure, or the integrity of its assets over
the asset life cycle, has the capabilities necessary to deliver and assure those engineering

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T MU MD 00009 SP
AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

services. It also provides assurance that a supplier can perform those services at the necessary
level of maturity.

The initial level of surveillance is based on the risk identified in the assessment. This will be
adjusted depending upon further risks and issues identified as part of service delivery. This
allows the ASA to ensure that surveillance levels remain appropriate to the level of
demonstrated self-assurance by the AEO along with the associated risk. As the assessed risk
level reduces, confidence in the supplier increases and the frequency and depth of surveillance
reduces. See Section 5.2 for more details.

5.1. AEO assessment method

Authorisation assessment evaluates the completeness and maturity of the systems and
processes that support the asset life cycle services. It also determines if a supplier has the
necessary capabilities to repeatedly deliver and assure the authorised scope of engineering
services in accordance with the expectations.

The assessment is conducted by examining evidence against the AEO requirements and
industry best practice as applicable to the proposed scope of authorisation for a defined scope
of works.

The authorisation assessment process outcomes are as follows:

• approved scope of authorisation

• organisational maturity profile

• conditions, weaknesses, improvement suggestions together with corrective actions in

relation to the granted maturity level that are to be addressed to confirm and retain the

• AEO risk profile, or confidence level of an AEO based on the maturity ratings and identified

The approved scope of authorisation is represented in the supplier's engineering services matrix
which lists a range of transport related engineering disciplines, services and activities the
supplier is authorised to deliver and assure. See Section 6 for details.

The scope identification and verification is done during the assessment through verification of
the applicant's record of relevant experience and the suitability of the relevant organisational
processes and practices.

The scope of authorisation can be expanded through the scope expansion assessment.

The authorisation of the supplier also includes consideration of the maturity of the organisational
systems and tools that are used to deliver and assure engineering services. The AEO maturity
assessment model used by the ASA is based upon recognised industry frameworks and

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AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

The assessment is conducted in the following two phases:

• Pre-qualification phase when the applicant undertakes guided self-assessment that

supports definition and clarification of the scope of authorisation and compliance to the
AEO requirements.

• Detailed assessment phase when the ASA assesses the maturity of organisational
systems and processes through the evaluation of compliance to the relevant AEO
requirements (this is optional for scope expansion assessments or re-assessments). It also
verifies evidence of relevant experience of successful delivery, assurance and verification
using the deployed processes and systems in accordance with the expected relevant
industry practices.

If an AEO has an identified weakness and relevant open actions and performs work for TfNSW,
then there can be a need to mitigate the associated risks by advising the relevant TfNSW
project team the AEO is engaged with.

When an AEO undergoes a significant material change it shall inform the ASA as soon as
possible as a re-assessment can be required. This will be determined by the ASA in
collaboration with the AEO. Material changes can include, but are not necessarily limited to,
changes to the following:

• AEO ownership

• scope and type of engineering services offered

• AEO organisation, including roles, responsibilities and reporting lines

• AEO engineering plans, processes and procedures

5.1.1. AEO authorisation consultants

An external consultant can be used to assist an applicant in setting up their systems and
processes or assisting in working through the AEO authorisation self-assessment process.
However, such a consultant cannot be the key or the only communication point between the
ASA and the AEO.

It is expected that the AEO establishes a long-term direct engagement with the ASA 'in the spirit
of AEO' and to ensure mutually beneficial collaboration and knowledge transfer on AEO related
matters to support industry growth and the AEO model benefits realisation.

A member of the AEO management team shall be appointed as an AEO representative to act
as a direct contact with the ASA. This role cannot be substituted by the third party consultant.

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AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

5.2. AEO surveillance method

AEO status is maintained through participation in the ongoing surveillance activities including
audits and reviews of the engineering outputs of an AEO.

Surveillance activities aim to maintain ASA awareness and confidence in relation to the ongoing
AEO performance, scope of authorisation and level of maturity.

During this phase the ASA continues monitoring the AEO systems, processes, procedures,
tools and deliverables.

The surveillance regimen is based on the following:

• residual risk identified in the original assessment including level of maturity rating and
identified weaknesses

• service delivery risks that depend on the nature and level of the AEO involvement with
TfNSW works (complex high risk works, or low profile low risk projects)

• AEO performance including issues of a systemic nature identified through other sources
during AEO engagements with TfNSW

The surveillance phase aims to ensure that an AEO remains compliant against its assessed
level of capability within the authorised scope and to understand the impacts of major changes
or incidents on an organisation's authorisation.

The following are key inputs to the surveillance process:

• agreed actions and risks arising from the assessment

• feedback on the AEO received from ongoing projects

The surveillance is aligned with AEO involvement in TfNSW works and its performance. While
surveillance is an independent ASA program, it relies on communication from the AEO and the
involved TfNSW agency to provide early warning of factors or incidents that can impact on an
AEO’s authorisation. Surveillance activities can also be informed through the outcomes of the
relevant TfNSW service delivery activities such as project or program monitoring and control
events, judgement of significance events and other assurance activities.

The surveillance activities program is based upon the following:

• scheduled surveillance based on the maturity level of the AEO

• AEO diligence in managing agreed actions from assessment and surveillance audit
findings and the type of findings

• risk factors such as project or contract technical risk and the AEO's maturity ratings and
identified weaknesses

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AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

• notification by TfNSW of AEO performance issues indicating systemic issues with an AEO

• incidents such as project delivery or AEO organisational changes that represent a systemic
issue impacting on an AEO's ability to deliver asset life cycle services

Surveillance is performed through the following:

• collection and review of information about AEO engagements and performance on the
TfNSW projects

• monitoring the progress of actions arising from nominated ASA assessment and
surveillance audit activities

• targeted AEO audits triggered by AEO non-performance or at the request of TfNSW

• ASA AEO technical reviews if required

• regular periodic AEO surveillance audits of the AEO performance within the existing scope
of authorisation

The initial frequency of surveillance audits is based on the level of risk associated with the
AEO's maturity assessed during the authorisation phase and the results of ad hoc audits
triggered by incidents, risk or nonconformance raised by a TfNSW stakeholder.

The output of these ongoing surveillance activities impacts on the consequent frequency, depth
and focus of subsequent surveillance activities.

The outcomes of surveillance of an AEO can include the following:

• modification or removal of authorisation partially (scope reduction) or fully

• imposition of conditions on an authorisation

• requirement for action plans from the AEO to address identified nonconformance

5.2.1. Serious nonconformance action or incident

In the event of a serious incident or nonconformance that raises a concern, the ASA can
conduct an extraordinary audit of an AEO's engineering management and assurance
arrangements focusing on areas that can be the root cause of the incident or nonconformance.
The ASA consults with the AEO and affected TfNSW stakeholders on the audit findings to
determine the appropriate actions. Actions can include the following:

• imposition of requirements for corrective actions with prescribed implementation timescales

• imposition of requirements for immediate corrective action

• withdrawal of selected engineering service areas or disciplines from the AEO status

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Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

• withdrawal of the entire AEO authorisation pending successful completion of appropriate

corrective actions

• withdrawal of the entire AEO authorisation on a permanent basis

5.2.2. Withdrawal of authorisation

AEO authorisation can be either partially or completely withdrawn under the following

1. serious nonconformance affecting potential safety or integrity of TfNSW assets

2. serious incident affecting TfNSW staff, contractor, passenger or general public safety

3. repeatable (systemic) AEO (sub-standard performance) non-performance leading to

additional costs to TfNSW or affecting the TfNSW transport network capability

4. AEO non-performance in managing agreed actions from assessment and surveillance


5. at the voluntary request of the AEO due to withdrawal of engineering services or

organisational change

Conditions one and two would normally be reported to the ASA by means of existing TfNSW
contracting arrangements with the AEO.

6. AEO authorisation model

Section 7 to Section 8 define AEO model elements that are used for the following:

• defining the scope of AEO authorisation

• supporting the assessment process by providing tailored baseline of expected

organisational capabilities

• demonstrating the assessment outcome and level of compliance

The AEO model elements are as follows:

1. engineering services matrix representing the scope of authorisation

2. AEO requirements that represent expected organisational practices as suitable for the
scope of authorisation

3. capability maturity ratings definition that represents the level of compliance to the model

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Issued date: 29 August 2017

The AEO model allows for assessing and representing organisational engineering service
delivery and assurance capability through the following:

• authorised organisational engineering services scope

• organisational processes, systems and practices maturity rating against standard

organisational engineering management capability attributes detailed in the AEO

The scope of authorised engineering services outlines the range of engineering services an
AEO is recognised to be able to provide in relation to the TfNSW Transport Assets supporting
the TfNSW asset life cycle. It is represented using T MU MD 00009 F1 AEO Engineering
Services Matrix or T MA MD 00009 F1 AEO Engineering Services Matrix - Maritime, each a two
dimensional representation of engineering services. The vertical columns are based on the
TfNSW asset life cycle model phases to ensure consistent coverage and ease of alignment of
engineering activities an AEO may offer with the TfNSW asset life cycle model. The horizontal
rows are engineering disciplines and sub-disciplines that require distinctly different skills,
systems, tools and processes.

When an organisation applies for AEO status it shall define the scope of engineering services it
intends to deliver to TfNSW or on behalf of TfNSW using T MU MD 00009 F1 or
T MA MD 00009 F1.

There is also a set of AEO requirements that represent recognised industry best practice that
needs to be in place as suitable to the scope of authorisation. These requirements are grouped
into eleven generic engineering management capabilities that are used to assess and quantify
organisational maturity within the selected scope of engineering services. These requirements
are provided in T MU MD 00009 ST AEO Authorisation Requirements.

Section 7 to Section 8 provide further details of these two AEO model elements.

Figure 1 represents an overview of the AEO authorisation model.

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Issued date: 29 August 2017

Figure 1 - AEO authorisation model

7. AEO authorisation scoping

T MU MD 00009 F1 or T MA MD 00009 F1 shall be used for scoping of the applicant
organisation’s engineering services to create the individual AEO's engineering services matrix
which is published on the ASA website.

T MU MD 00009 F1 or T MA MD 00009 F1 are also used by TfNSW to define project

engineering services capability for projects.

Bidding AEOs use their own matrix to demonstrate their combined AEO authorisation coverage
against the project needs.

Section 7.1 to Section 7.10 elaborate on rules for authorisation scoping identification and

Figure 2 shows T MU MD 00009 F1 elements.

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AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

Asset life cycle activities

Discipline or specialist engineering service

Non-asset specific engineering service or


Figure 2 - T MU MD 00009 F1 elements

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AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

The information in T MU MD 00009 F1 and T MA MD 00009 F1 is arranged as follows:

• specialist asset-specific engineering disciplines in horizontal rows related to engineering

areas that share common or related principles, practices, systems, processes and skills
that make this engineering discipline or area distinctly different from other engineering
disciplines in terms of the following:

o output provided

o standards, requirements to be complied with

o resources including systems and methodologies used

o specialist engineering sub-disciplines used to further define and clarify the specific
service an organisation can provide at the lowest level allowed by the AEO model

• engineering services related to the TfNSW asset life cycle activities in vertical columns that
an AEO may offer which has direct reference to the systems engineering life cycle
processes defined by AS/NZS ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 Systems and software engineering -
System life cycle processes

• non-asset specific services provided as a specialist services directly to TfNSW or in

relation to other service providers for or on behalf of TfNSW

The current list of specialist engineering disciplines covers heavy rail and light rail services
including rolling stock, signalling and control systems, communications, track engineering, civil
and related engineering, buildings and stations, and electrical engineering.

7.1. Specifying scope of authorisation in T MU MD 00009 F1

and T MA MD 00009 F1
Authorisation can be granted for a range of the engineering disciplines and activities over the
full asset life cycle. These can be as follows:

1. services specific to a particular AEO asset life cycle activity for a specialist engineering

2. a variety of engineering management services

3. non-asset-specific specialist engineering services (for example, systems engineering or

competency management) which are not necessarily life cycle specific

More details and definitions for life cycle activities and disciplines are contained in Section 10 to
Section 12.

An organisation is recognised by default to be fully capable of managing, delivering and

assuring (including necessary specialist and management assurance) the entire scope of its
own authorised services including providing specialist cross-discipline and life cycle activities of

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AEO Authorisation Model
Version 2.0
Issued date: 29 August 2017

integration and interfacing and systems safety assurance integration across the entire scope of

The authorised service provision and assurance including specialist assurance is accomplished
using the organisation's own processes, tools and competency capabilities.

The scope of authorisation is specified by marking the relevant cell with an X in the matrix.

Placing an X in a cell indicates an entity is capable of producing or delivering and self-assuring

(specialist assurance and management assurance as appropriate) the selected life cycle activity
for the corresponding specialist engineering sub-discipline, or for the specified engineering
management, or non-asset specific specialist engineering service.

The notes section at the bottom of the matrix should be used to specify details of the selection
as suitable. For example, the added elaboration text to the marked cell with X 'Design' activity
could be 'independent design review only'. The notes section of the matrix is also used to clarify
and record any conditions or limitations to the authorised capability.

Section 10 to Section 11.8 explains the various elements of the engineering service matrix to
assist in the completion of the matrix.

7.2. Scoping for specialist assurance services

An organisation's business model may be to provide a service of independent specialist
technical assurance for specific engineering services or products (such as, inspections,
verification, certification, evaluation, assessments, testing, design reviews, installation quality
assurance inspections, fabrication quality assurance inspections and so on) to TfNSW, or on
behalf of TfNSW to the third parties.

The authorisation option for the specialist assurance only service is only available for disciplines
or activities where this is an existing recognised industry practice. Expected processes, tools
and competency capabilities for the technical assurance only authorisation are assessed.

The selection in the service matrix is made by marking the relevant cell with an X and also by
making a relevant comment (for example, independent specialist assurance only) in the notes
section of the matrix.

7.3. Scoping for management assurance

Management assurance ensures that required processes are followed and all necessary
arrangements are in place and executed.

Management assurance as an internal AEO organisational capability that supports authorised

service delivery does not require a dedicated entry in the services matrix. It is explained in
T MU MD 00009 ST AEO Authorisation Requirements and is assessed as being in place
appropriate to the scope of authorisation.

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Management assurance as an external service offering is considered to be part of engineering

management service. It is scoped in the matrix using the engineering management services
section. Section 7.4 and Section 12.3 contains further details.

7.4. Scoping for engineering management services

An entity can be recognised to be able to provide a range of engineering management services
directly to TfNSW or to other service providers of or on behalf of TfNSW.

For example, an engineering management services offering may include management of

systems engineering, multi-discipline engineering management, managing engineering systems
or solution integration and delivery, managing systems safety program including systems safety
integration management and so on.

Multi-service, multi-discipline engineering management service providers are often able to

provide most or all of the whole-of-life asset management covering both the full project delivery
life cycle and ongoing asset management through to decommissioning.

For example, there exists an engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM)
arrangement that is a special form of contracting for some projects within the infrastructure,
transport, mining, resources and energy industries. In an EPCM arrangement, the client selects
a contractor who provides management services for the whole project on behalf of the client.
The EPCM contractor coordinates all design, procurement and construction work and ensures
that the whole project is completed as required and in time.

The EPCM contractor may or may not undertake actual site work. It depends on the contractor's
specialist engineering capabilities that are scoped separately in the engineering services matrix.

Engineering management as a service offering directly to TfNSW, or to other service providers

or on behalf of TfNSW, is scoped by selecting the engineering management in the matrix. It is
assessed as a service for compliance to AEO requirements as appropriate and in the same way
as it has been done for other services.

Note: There is no need to select the engineering services management section in the
matrix to demonstrate the ability for an organisation to manage its own authorised
specialist asset or non-asset specific services scope including engaging
subcontractors within its own scope of authorised specialist disciplines to support its
business. This is the default assessed and recognised to be an inherent capability that
is detailed in T MU MD 00009 ST. Any restrictions, weaknesses in relation to this
capability are documented in the matrix notes section in relation to the impacted scope
of authorisation.

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7.5. Scoping for non-asset specific specialist engineering

An organisation can be recognised to be able to provide a range of non-asset specific specialist
services directly to TfNSW, or to other service providers or on behalf of TfNSW.

These are not internal organisational capabilities supporting its operations, but services it can
deliver externally as specialist services – although the name of those services can be identical
to the internal organisational capabilities listed in the AEO requirements document.

For example, there can be a service offering to provide a specialised non-asset specific
requirements management engineering, verification and validation, human factors integration,
configuration management, or systems integration service (process, tools, personnel or
management) to other organisations for some project or program.

Scoping is documented by placing an X in the relevant cell of the non-asset specific engineering
services section of the services matrix and also adding mandatory notes as guided in this
specification. The selection indicates that an organisation is capable of delivering and self-
assuring (including necessary specialist assurance and management assurance - as
appropriate) the selected non-asset specific specialist engineering service.

Conditions and limitations for those capabilities shall be outlined in the notes section of the

The service offering of only managing non-asset specific services (for example managing
service integration or managing systems safety assurance) that do not require specialist
qualifications, tools and systems that are necessary to deliver the service are scoped in the
engineering management section of the services matrix (with appropriate notes). See Section
7.4 for details.

More details on these services are provided in Section 11.8.

7.6. Scale and complexity of authorised services

The AEO model does not provide explicit rules or categorisation in relation to the scale or
complexity of services an organisation is recognised to be able to deliver within its authorised

The notes section of the matrix can be used to provide relevant comments based on the
assessment findings.

7.7. Grouping of cells in the matrix

There are no prescribed links or interdependencies between the different cells within the matrix.
Each cell represents its own unique scope defined in the AEO model. Typical authorisation
scope pattern or grouping of certain services capabilities in accordance with the industry

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practice may be discussed during assessment. However, the model does not prescribe any
formal rules in this regard.

Grouping of various service capabilities in the organisational matrix for the purpose of matching
the requirements for a particular work package or project delivery outcome is a project or
contract matter and not defined in the AEO model.

7.8. Arrangements for personnel

A commercial or financial model of personnel employment or engagement is not relevant as
long as the organisational competency management system, tools and processes meet the
AEO requirements and deliver the outcome.

There may be no in-house competent personnel available for some positions all the time or at
the time of assessment to cover the entire scope of authorisation. This is acceptable if an
organisation can demonstrate through documentation and proven delivery history that it meets
all competency management AEO requirements and can demonstrate its capability to
successfully mobilise-demobilise and manage its services delivery teams using its own
competency management system and necessary core permanent in-house personnel. It is
unlikely that an organisation will be able to demonstrate compliance with the AEO competency
management requirements without having any skilled core specialist personnel in-house.
However, the AEO model does not explicitly prohibit this arrangement.

In such a scenario evidence of the organisational ability to manage the local Australian and
NSW domain knowledge capability is important.

Note: Employment agencies are not authorised as AEOs.

7.9. AEO organisational boundaries

The term organisation within the AEO framework means an entity that has a coherent process
that it operates within as well as a coherent set of business goals, shared or common
engineering services or product offered.

This can be a business entity with its own registered business name, own Australian Business
Number or overseas equivalent, a subsidiary of a larger organisation, an entire multinational
organisation, a distinct organisational unit or department within a larger organisation or an
alliance consisting of more than one organisation. The legal details of the grouping are not
relevant to the AEO model as long as the authorised entity boundaries can be clearly identified
and processes, systems and tools ownership, integration and adherence can be demonstrated.

The agreed AEO authorisation boundaries are decided at the time of authorisation.

A change of organisational or business structures triggers the re-evaluation of an AEO to

determine the potential impact on the AEO status in terms of the authorised scope, recognised
maturity level and authorisation boundaries.

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7.10. Customer evidence supporting the selected scope

An applicant for initial AEO status or an existing AEO seeking to change the scope of
authorisation shall provide the ASA with the proposed scope of engineering services using
T MU MD 00009 F1 or T MA MD 00009 F1.

The applicant shall demonstrate its most relevant experience in the successful delivery and
assurance of the selected activities within the proposed scope life cycle activity for the specialist
sub-discipline or non-asset specific service. The following evidence should be meaningful and
specific for each selected activity:

• the project name and brief meaningful description of the relevant successfully delivered
and assured service

• the most suitable evidence supporting the service referred to in the preceding bullet point
which could be work product examples (reports and design examples), signed plans,
acceptance certificates and so on - that would clearly demonstrate to the relevant ASA
SME what work has been done, assured and successfully accepted

• evidence of appropriate engineering processes and practices deployment as it is expected

for the selected scope

Only a few of the most relevant evidences are to be demonstrated for each AEO requirement
and discipline applied for. Necessary detailed guidance in relation for any particular scope or
discipline will be provided by the ASA.

8. AEO maturity
An applicant shall demonstrate justified confidence in their own systems and processes to
deliver and assure effective asset life cycle services in compliance with the prescribed AEO
requirements as applicable.

These requirements are specified in T MU MD 00009 ST and represent the list of necessary
organisational practices that are assessed against recognised industry best practice as relevant
to the authorisation and allow for quantifying organisational maturity for the selected
engineering services. The same AEO model is used during the surveillance period to monitor
AEO performance.

The assessed maturity is an indication of the level of risk associated with the delivery processes
of an organisation. More highly integrated and elaborate organisational systems and tools will
result in a higher rating indicating a greater likelihood that an organisation will repeatedly
produce consistent outcomes for its customers. The minimum acceptable maturity rating reflects
the acceptable level of risk in permitting the organisation to participate in the procurement

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Organisations are not expected to develop bespoke processes for AEO assessment or
specifically for TfNSW projects except for necessary alignments of processes with the TfNSW
Configuration Management and Asset Assurance Committee (CMAAC) processes if an AEO
plans to interface with TfNSW and deliver directly to TfNSW. Organisations are required to
demonstrate how their existing processes deliver and assure asset life cycle services to the
required level of quality.

Where processes or practices, or both are not sufficiently mature, organisations are encouraged
to improve their existing processes and systems using the recognised industry best practice and
as suitable for the business.

The maturity assessment is done by verifying the most relevant evidence of compliance to
industry best practice for AEO requirements of an organisation’s documented systems and
deployed or executed practices for a particular scope as applicable.

Evidence of documented systems includes project plans, organisational policies, processes,

procedures and templates which demonstrate the capability to address the requirements.

Evidence of deployed systems includes records of implementation of processes or plans

relevant reports, other records and evidence of actual delivery of engineering services in
accordance with documented systems and processes.

8.1. AEO requirements

ASA requirements for AEOs, as specified in T MU 00009 ST, represent statements of expected
activities to be in place in accordance with the expected relevant industry practice as
appropriate to the scope of authorisation.

Adherence to these requirements is examined during the authorisation assessment and

expressed through the following:

• final ratings

• list of identified weaknesses (if any) in relation to the assigned rating

AEO requirements are grouped into 11 engineering management capabilities as follows:

1. engineering management process and planning (two AEO requirements)

2. requirements management (one AEO requirement)

3. service or solution engineering (seven AEO requirements)

4. assurance, verification and validation (nine AEO requirements)

5. configuration management (one AEO requirement)

6. competency management (eight AEO requirements)

7. stakeholder management (one AEO requirement)

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8. resources management (one AEO requirement)

9. supplier management (one AEO requirement)

10. performance measurement and evaluation (one AEO requirement)

11. continual improvement management (one AEO requirement)

The detailed list of requirements, including supporting guidance specific to the discipline and the
life cycle phase, references to other relevant standards and examples of typical evidence to
assist the applicant to self-assess are provided in T MU MD 00009 ST.

The ASA provides self-assessment tools and forms and guides applicants in relation to the AEO
requirements applicability and compliance evaluation.

The engineering management capabilities addressed in items one to nine in the preceding list
represent capabilities that are always applicable; however the extent of applicability and typical
evidence will differ depending on the scope of authorisation and other limitations. For example,
some specific design AEO requirements may not be applicable for a construction company or a
consultancy that provides a niche non-asset specific engineering service.

If a particular capability consists of only one AEO requirement – this requirement is always
applicable and assessed. For example, the configuration management requirement is always
applicable although the method of fulfilment depends on the scope of authorisation and the
nature of the AEO scope. The configuration management scope can vary from the very complex
configuration and change management processes aligned with the CMAAC process to the
simple basic work product or document control.

Performance measurement and evaluation capability (ten) and continual improvement

management capability (eleven) are optional and demonstrate compliance to the maturity level
four and five. Section 8.2 provides further details of maturity ratings.

For each applicable AEO requirement the applicant shall provide evidence of both documented
and deployed aspects of applicant systems.

8.2. AEO maturity rating

The AEO maturity rating quantifies the level of confidence that the ASA has that an AEO will
consistently and reliably deliver and assure authorised engineering services.

Maturity ratings range from zero to five as shown in Table 1. A rating of zero or one
demonstrates that the relevant AEO requirement is not implemented at all or documented or
deployed unpredictably and inconsistently with poor control and is reactive. A rating of five
demonstrates evidence of effective and efficient fulfilment of the requirement with full control
backed up with continuous measured optimisation and improvement.

Level four and level five can only be achieved in addition to full compliance to maturity rating

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Table 1 - Maturity ratings

Rating level Rating level description

0 The organisation does not currently have or meet the requirement or
1 The requirement or capability is created or deployed unpredictably with poor
control and is reactive.
2 The requirement or capability is created or deployed on a case-by-case
(project or service) basis and is often reactive.
3 The requirement or capability is created or deployed at the organisational level
and is tailored for projects or services accordingly.
4 The requirement or capability is created or deployed at the organisational level
and is actively measured and controlled within the organisation (only used at
organisational or organisational unit level).
5 The requirement or capability is created or deployed at the organisational level
and continuously improved based on quantitative measurements (only used at
organisational or organisational unit level).

The rating impacts the frequency of surveillance audits. An organisation that demonstrates a
high level of maturity and compliance will have a less frequent surveillance period than an
organisation that demonstrates a low level of maturity.

Note: A minimum maturity rating of two is required for AEO authorisation to be


9. AEO authorisation assessment process

AEO assessment applications can be made for the following:

• new applications from organisations seeking AEO status

• renewal applications after withdrawal of AEO status

• scope expansion applications from AEOs to add service areas and disciplines

An organisation can apply to be assessed outside the normal procurement cycle. In this case
the organisation will not have a current contract or will have a contract issued prior to the roll out
of the AEO model. The scope of assessment will depend on the organisational business goals.
The scope will be clarified during the preparation for assessment and verified during the actual

An organisation can also be required to apply for or complete an AEO authorisation assessment
or undertake an AEO scope expansion for a particular project as part of a tendering process
should the complexity and nature of the tender require it. In this case, the scope and the
timeline for the authorisation assessment will be defined by the project needs.

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The AEO assessment consists of five steps:

1. initial engagement

2. scoping and self-assessment

3. ASA assessment

4. follow-on assessment phase (optional)

5. assessment finalisation

Successful completion of steps one and two result in the organisation being granted
pre-qualified organisation status.

Successful completion of steps three or four can result in the ASA issuing a letter of intent to
recommend AEO authorisation. This option is available to support the procurement timeline if

Further information about steps one to five is provided in Section 9.1 to Section 9.5.

After successful completion of the assessment the ASA issues the following to the AEO:

• AEO letter of authorisation

• authorised services matrix

• authorisation certificate

• final authorisation assessment report including the following:

o organisational strengths and weaknesses identified during the assessment

o authorisation conditions including required actions issued to an applicant

9.1. Step one - initial engagement

An organisation seeking AEO status or scope expansion initiates the assessment process by
contacting the ASA through the contacts available on the ASA website.

The ASA assigns a facilitator to guide the applicant through the assessment process.

The facilitator provides the applicant with forms to collect the necessary information about the
applicant and arranges an initial meeting for new organisations. At the initial meeting the AEO
process is explained in detail and documents and tools are provided to the applicant.

At this stage a determination is made for new applicants, in consultation with relevant ASA
SMEs if required, whether an applicant needs to become an AEO. This determination is based
on the applicant profile and other information related to the nature of the applicant's business
and services provided.

Where existing AEOs require authorisation scope expansion or re-assessment the process
commences with a meeting with an ASA facilitator who explains the process as applicable.

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9.2. Step two - scoping and self-assessment

The applicant completes the engineering services matrix using T MU MD 00009 F1 or
T MA MD 00009 F1 and relevant self-assessment documents provided by the ASA.

The timeline depends on the defined scope of authorisation, applicant needs and the ASA
service priority and can be driven by procurement.

The facilitator guides the applicant in the following ways:

• responding to applicant customer queries in relation to the self-assessment questionnaires,

AEO model requirements and scoping rules

• connecting the applicant with various ASA SME groups via email and telephone or with
meetings at the ASA in exceptional cases

• assisting the applicant enrolling in relevant ASA educational and information sessions
where the applicant needs education or guidance in relation to particular AEO
requirements or documents

The ASA provides a variety of supporting materials including guides, FAQs and videos. There
are also regular information and education sessions held by various ASA SME groups where
relevant AEO requirements and expectations are explained in detail.

After completing the applicant self-assessment the applicant shall submit its responses.

ASA self-assessment questionnaires contain guidance on typical evidence of requirement

fulfilment. The volume of evidence shall be limited. Only the most relevant evidence with
sufficient explanation to demonstrate the relevance to a particular AEO requirement or applied
scope of services needs be supplied. An excess of evidence can be considered as
demonstrated lack of applicant understanding of the AEO requirements.

At this stage the ASA facilitator accepts the self-assessment responses and examines the
information for relevance and completeness involving relevant ASA SMEs. All scope-related
issues and any issues related to completeness of responses and relevance of listed evidence
are resolved through facilitation between the applicant and the ASA. The ASA facilitator
involves the ASA SMEs as required. Face-to-face meetings at the ASA premises are possible
only in exceptional cases.

When the self-assessment pre-validation is completed to the satisfaction of the ASA the
applicant is requested to submit supporting evidence organised in a way that provides clear
traceability between the relevant responses in self-assessment tools and evidence. Once the
submission is accepted and validated the applicant is considered to have been qualified for
assessment for the entire scope or for the applied scope expansion.

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9.3. Step three - ASA assessment

The facilitator plans and manages the ASA assessment of the applicant's submissions in
accordance with organisational and applicant priorities and facilitates resources availability to
ensure the following:

• alignment and concurrency of assessment activities and information flow from an ASA

• applicant availability to respond for queries

• other necessary resourcing and logistic arrangements for all participants

The ASA SMEs perform desktop assessments individually or in groups as appropriate.

Necessary interactions with the applicant (phone conference, applicant visiting the ASA, site
visit as an exception) are facilitated by the lead assessor (ASA authorisation facilitator).

The intent is to ensure consistency and alignment of the assessment process through close
collaboration between ASA systems SMEs, assessing systems and processes maturity and the
ASA specialist SMEs, verifying suitability of documentation and evidence of deployment of
those systems, in accordance with industry best practice for the delivery and self-assurance of
engineering services for specific engineering discipline.

The facilitator manages and monitors the assessment progress in accordance with the plan and
manages communication with the applicant including requests for clarification raised by SMEs.

The duration of this stage depends on the scope of assessment; however, it should typically
take less than two weeks.

This stage is designed to achieve the following outcomes:

• evaluation of applicant engineering management processes maturity

• verification of applicant engineering services scope

An organisation's process maturity evaluation is done by verifying the correctness and suitability
of the applicant responses and evidence as follows:

• against ASA requirements

• against scale of maturity defined in the AEO model

• for adherence of those to the acceptable TfNSW and the industry expectation or practice
for that requirement implementation as suitable for the applied scope of engineering

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This is done by checking the following:

• relevant process framework documentation (organisational processes, project plans,

procedures, tools, records and other supporting evidence)

• evidence of process deployment for disciplines or services within the scope of authorisation
(relevant deliverables and processes tailoring to the specific discipline)

The assessment output provides the following:

• detailed and aggregated maturity ratings that reflect the required relevant practices
maturity within the scope of authorisation

• final scope of authorisation that would only include services where the demonstrated
maturity of relevant processes and practices (AEO requirements) is above the minimum
acceptable level (level two)

• records of identified weaknesses in relation to the assigned maturity

The ASA assessment is not an assessment of the applicant's personnel involved in the
assessment unless the assessed capability depends on a particular person's expertise. In this
case it will be a condition of authorisation that the person is available and that the organisation
shall undertake an agreed reasonable action or effort to document the process or capability.

An organisation’s engineering services scope of authorisation is verified by checking the

relevant evidence of experience within the applied scope.

Note: There is a provision to authorise a service capability without direct past

experience in the activity based on related transferable experience and also on the
maturity of relevant processes. It is up to the relevant ASA SME to accept this option
on case-by-case basis.

Note: The ASA assessment does not include detailed technical review of the work
products for compliance to all applicable ASA engineering standards as it is limited to
verification that a suitable process was applied and the presented outcome was
successfully delivered or accepted by the client.

9.4. Step four - follow-on assessment site visits (optional)

This stage is only required where the off-site assessment phase results in the need for further
clarification, submission of additional evidence or there is a need to share with the applicant the
preliminary ASA conclusions before the assessment finalisation, for instance if significant risks
are identified.

This can be done as face-to-face individual or group assessment interviews at the applicant's
site if required. The efficiency in conducting the assessment shall be taken into account.

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9.5. Step five - assessment finalisation

The facilitator prepares a draft summary report including details of the assessment team, scope
and method of assessment and findings which are circulated to relevant ASA assessment team

A post-assessment internal ASA review is conducted. This review requires the assessment
team to undertake a final joint overview of the applicant's submission and the assessment
outcomes. Following this the assessment team shares opinions and concerns, discusses risks
and issues and identifies new concerns or risks including those that can arise as a significant
area of concern. This can result in raising additional areas of concern, conditions of
authorisation or a decision not to recommend AEO authorisation.

During this stage, the lessons learned and process improvement suggestions shall be
discussed and documented. The review is organised as required and can be conducted by
telephone, email or meetings. A post-assessment report is created by the facilitator to capture
the outcome of the review.

After the assessment report is reviewed internally within the ASA, the applicant is consulted to
obtain their commitment and timeline to close actions.

Where the assessment identifies partial or full noncompliance against some AEO authorisation
requirements this does not necessarily lead to refusal but can result in the imposition of
conditions on the AEO status. The imposition of conditions occurs if the ASA concludes that
identified noncompliance findings are not significant enough to refuse authorisation and agrees
to accept the applicant's commitment to eliminate the noncompliance within a reasonable
period. The facilitator will discuss, agree and record any actions the applicant needs to perform
to achieve compliance.

After the assessment is finalised internally and reviewed with the customer the authorisation
pack including AEO letter of authorisation, AEO certificate, signed and approved AEO
assessment summary report and signed engineering services matrix is issued.

The ASA publishes the new or updated AEO engineering services matrix on ASA website.

10. AEO services supporting TfNSW asset life cycle

The scope of AEO authorisation includes the full range of engineering services that provide
input into the TfNSW asset life cycle that is aligned with AS/ISO 55001 Asset management –
Management systems – Requirements.

Authorisation can be applied for and granted for an authorised entity for engineering services
that are represented in the AEO engineering services matrix.

T MU MD 00009 F1 and T MA MD 00009 F1 are used for scoping of AEO authorised services.

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Section 10 provides information on services described in each column of the matrices which are
aligned with the TfNSW asset life cycle.

10.1. Transport needs analysis, model or plan

This life cycle activity covers engineering support to transport modelling and analysis performed
to identify existing transport network constraints, future transport growth needs.

AEOs may provide the service of performing a needs analysis, model demand and potential
services or plan for TfNSW assets.

This engineering service would normally be undertaken by TfNSW; however an AEO can be
requested to perform some or the entire analysis for their particular discipline as a technical
advisor to TfNSW.

This activity is where stakeholders are consulted and managed; the needs are defined and
tested. This TfNSW asset life cycle element is utilised to define the strategy and specific
requirements in a business context. Activities may include high level strategic modelling and

The AEO defines the extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.2. Operations concept development

This life cycle activity covers engineering support to translate transport demand and business
needs into operations concepts that will support these needs. This will examine options and
perform engineering and other trade-off analysis.

AEOs may provide the service of developing an operations concept for the proposed services in
support of the TfNSW asset life cycle plan phase.

This engineering service would normally be undertaken by TfNSW however an AEO can be
requested as a technical advisor to provide input for some or the entire concept for their
particular discipline.

This activity is a strategic guide to how the need and demand will be achieved over the life cycle
of the asset. The operations concept development (OCD) is required in order to understand how
assets will be operated to achieve the service.

For additional information regarding the OCD see T MU AM 06008 ST Operations Concept
Definition and T MU AM 06010 GU Business Requirements Specification.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

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10.3. Maintenance concept development

This life cycle activity covers engineering support to determine how transport demand needs
and operational concept will influence how the network assets can be maintained most

AEOs may provide the service of developing a maintenance concept for assets in support of the
TfNSW asset life cycle Plan phase.

The maintenance concept development as a whole would normally be undertaken by TfNSW

however an AEO can be requested as a technical advisor to provide input for some or the entire
concept for their particular discipline.

The maintenance concept development (MCD) defines how the assets are going to be
maintained and supported over the life of the system in a cost effective manner. The MCD is an
input into the subsequent design process and can be combined into one document with the

For additional information regarding the MCD see T MU AM 06009 ST Maintenance Concept

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.4. Optioneering
This life cycle activity covers engineering support in performing optioneering and trade-off
studies for various infrastructure options to support the business case.

AEOs may provide the service of developing an options assessment of multiple possible
solutions in support of the TfNSW asset life cycle plan phase.

The optioneering element includes the options intended to support the concepts within the
business case. The optioneering in this phase will include the no asset option and other high
level trade-offs and options to be considered in the project justification business case. Any
options should include that assets are fit for purpose for its intended use including whole-of-life

This is not the low level design solution optioneering that takes place in the design phase of the
life cycle.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.5. Business requirements specification or user

This life cycle activity covers engineering support in developing the business requirements or
user requirements.

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AEOs may provide the service of developing business or user requirements in support of the
TfNSW asset life cycle plan phase.

This service would normally be undertaken by TfNSW however an AEO can be requested to
provide input as a technical advisor for some or the entire business or user requirements for
their particular discipline.

The business requirements specification (BRS) is a document in which the business opportunity
or problem space is defined. A BRS documents the business goals, business needs, and
business capabilities and also references the customer requirements that should be achieved
by the project or program. The BRS precedes the development of the system requirements
specification (SRS) and is a subset of the total requirements needed to characterise the
solution. A BRS is prepared before a final business case, which outlines why the project is
being developed or changed.

For additional information see T MU AM 06010 GU.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.6. Single option development

This life cycle activity covers engineering development of the preferred option.

AEOs may provide a service developing a single preferred option as an output from the options
analysis, to be considered in the project justification final business case.

Single option development would normally be undertaken by TfNSW as part of the TfNSW
asset life cycle plan phase however an AEO can be requested to provide input for some of the
development of the option for assets.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.7. System requirements specification (SRS) development

This life cycle activity covers engineering development of the system requirements including
tracing to business requirements.

AEOs may provide a service developing system requirements as the responsible party for
assets in support of the plan phase of the asset life cycle.

The system requirements development would normally be undertaken by TfNSW however an

AEO can be requested to provide input for some of the system requirements for their particular
discipline as a technical advisor.

The SRS, alternatively referred to as the system requirements document, is a description of the
solution of what the system should do, in terms of the system’s functions, interactions and
interfaces with its operational environment. It communicates the stakeholder requirements to
the industry supply chain who will specify and build the system.

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For additional information regarding the SRS see T MU AM 06007 GU Guide to Requirements
Definition and Analysis.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.8. Concept or reference design

This life cycle activity covers engineering development of the reference design (P90 cost
estimate) to sufficient detail to go out to tender for detailed design and construction

AEOs may provide the concept or reference design for assets in support of the plan phase of
the asset life cycle.

The concept or reference design traces to the SRS and identifies the design in sufficient detail
to go to tender for the detailed design and construction.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.9. Design
AEOs may provide the design for assets as part of the acquire phase of the asset life cycle.

The design ensures that requirements are traced and allocated to subsystems and translated
into a physical design solution.

The service may include preliminary design (engineering design to 70% completion) or detailed
design (engineering design to 100%) to approved for construction (AFC) including production of
material procurement specifications and final acceptance of design prior to construction.

Some examples of considerations during design include, but are not limited to the following:

• safety

• interfaces

• whole-of-life cost

• reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM)

• electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

• human factors

• constructability

• design assurance

• design management

• sustainability and environmental

• supportability

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• security

• resilience

• test requirements

• maintenance and testability provisions

• design life

• decommissioning and disposal of assets (see description elsewhere in matrix)

Design AEOs will be required to have capability to provide design support during construction,
inspection, test and commissioning stages.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.10. Material procurement

AEOs can be requested to provide a service to select and procure physical resources or
materials including equipment or equipment elements related to engineering services within
their scope of authorisation.

A contracted AEO provides this service on behalf of TfNSW and is accountable for assuring the
selection and delivery of supply as well as verifying and validating it in accordance with TfNSW
requirements and expectations. Such expectations include, but are not limited to the following:

• the product is fit for purpose for its intended use (including whole-of-life and reliability,
availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) considerations where necessary)

• stakeholder requirements are used to inform the decision on the supplier

• the delivery of the physical resources or materials is coordinated with the end user and an
appropriate handover is conducted

Verifying and validating the supply can include activities such as checking the test certificates,
inspection of materials compliance to design and assembly and acceptance testing.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.11. Manufacturing or fabrication

AEOs may provide services of fabricating or manufacturing in relation to the assembly or
assurance of configuration items.

This can be at the component, module, assembly, and subsystem or system level and can be at
site or at the original equipment manufacturer's premises prior to transport to site.

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These types of services include, but are not limited to:

• rolling stock vehicle manufacturers

• track component manufacturers

• points and crossings manufacturers

• signalling equipment manufacturers

• civil and structural component manufacturers

• electrical traction supply equipment manufacturers

• telecommunications equipment manufactures

In some cases, fabricating or manufacturing services can be performed by the same company
providing on-site construction services.

Not every manufacturer can or needs to become an AEO. As an indicator, only those that
demonstrate an established capability to provide assurance including technical assurance
through a structured assurance argument that the product they produce complies with the
TfNSW asset management policy and requirements need to be an AEO. This assurance should
demonstrate RAMS, where necessary, and whole-of-life considerations for the associated
TfNSW assets.

Where an AEO provides a sub-system or assembly that has a safety critical function, either in
hardware or software, they need to assure the integrity of those functions through design.

It is possible for an AEO to provide assurance including technical assurance to other, non-AEO
manufacturers or fabricators if it holds the appropriate scope of authorisation. In this case the
AEO takes full accountability for the non-AEO manufacturer's product assurance including
technical assurance. In doing so the AEO will utilise its own authorised manufacturing
knowledge and skills to review the non-AEO manufacturing process and to impose any
additional steps as necessary (for example, deploying additional qualified staff, extra testing
activities, sample checking or review) to satisfy itself and TfNSW that the non-AEO product will
meet TfNSW requirements in full.

NOTE it is the contracting organisations responsibility to determine whether any such

arrangements are acceptable.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.12. Construction or installation

This life cycle activity covers construction or installation of assets on site, once they have been
shipped from the supplier or factory.

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AEOs may provide the service of the construction and installation service for assets on behalf of
TfNSW under a contract.

The construction and installation element ensures that assets are delivered against an agreed

Some examples of activities during construction and installation include, but are not limited to
the following:

• site management

• stage works

• construction management

• community relations

• resources management

• quality control

• safety and risk management

• environmental management

• working in the operating environment(situational awareness and impact of processes)

• interface management

• mechanical plant and equipment management

• contractor management

• change management

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.13. Subsystem integration

Once individual systems or subsystems have been constructed or installed on site, commenced
connection or integration of these systems for testing.

AEOs may provide subsystem integration of assets in support of the acquire phase of the
TfNSW asset life cycle.

The subsystem integration is done in order to bring the various subsystems together in a
controlled manner and includes the specification of integration tests with input from the

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Some examples of activities during system integration include, but are not limited to the

• identifying and managing interface hazards and risks during integration

• establishing and maintaining a systems interface or integration management plan or


• identifying, implementing and using systems interface or integration tools as required

For additional information regarding systems integration see TS 10507: 2103 AEO Guide to
Systems Integration.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.14. Testing and commissioning

Testing and commissioning is the verification, validation and commissioning into operation of
design as delivered during the construction and installation phase.

AEOs may provide testing and commissioning of assets in support of the Acquire phase of the
TfNSW asset life cycle.

Testing and commissioning demonstrates that the requirements that have been identified and
defined that satisfy and are traceable to original user needs (demand analysis) defined at the
very beginning of the system life cycle.

Some examples of items during testing and commissioning include, but are not limited to the

• testing and commissioning strategy or plans

• inspection and test schedules

• inspection and test processes

• inspection and test reports

• test equipment calibration certificates

For additional information regarding systems integration see TS 10506: 2013 AEO Guide to
Verification and Validation.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.15. Condition establishment and documentation – maritime

This life cycle activity covers the identification and documentation of the initial condition of
maritime assets. These services include inspection, assessment, measurement and
interpretation of the resultant data and preparing of appropriate documentation.

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AEOs may provide the service of quantifying and documenting conditions of the asset at the
beginning of the contract.

10.16. Survey class registration – maritime

This life cycle activity covers the body of work required to identify and confirm the asset survey
class and applicable regulatory framework.

AEOs may provide the service of physical inspection and documentation verification necessary
for the asset survey class registration.

10.17. Survey class compliance – maritime

This life cycle activity covers the service of regular, typically annual third party inspections to
verify the ongoing compliance with regulatory requirements for the survey class.

10.18. Acceptance services

The acceptance services are carried out to ensure the formal acceptance on behalf of the
owner of the asset that is being delivered during construction and installation into an operational
environment. These services will involve the asset deliverer, maintainer, operator and asset

AEOs may provide acceptance services of assets in support of the Acquire phase of the TfNSW
asset life cycle.

Some examples of items to consider during acceptance service include, but are not limited to
the following:

• records of commissioning

• training of maintainers and operators

• provision of spares(for defect period and ongoing life time operations)

• work as executed drawings, design drawings and data

• operating and maintenance manuals

• physical and functional data

• asset register updates

• acceptance certificates

• operational reediness report

• physical configuration audits

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For additional information regarding systems integration see T MU AM 01005 ST Asset

Handover Requirements.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the Notes section.

10.19. Plan asset maintenance

This life cycle activity covers engineering input into establishing the capability to perform
maintenance and upgrading activities.

AEOs may provide the plan asset maintenance service in support of the operate maintain phase
of the TfNSW asset life cycle.

Some examples of activities during plan asset maintenance include, but are not limited to the

• maintenance requirements analysis

• development of technical maintenance plans( service schedules)

• reliability centred maintenance (RCM)

• failure mode, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA)

• asset reliability analysis

• logistic support analysis

• failure reporting, analysis and corrective action system (FRACAS)

• asset maintenance activity plans (routine preventive and corrective) including but not
limited to the following activities:

o any activity risk

o special tools or equipment required

o personal protective equipment (PPE)

o measurements

o settings,

o skill or competency types and numbers

o reference documentation

o OEM manuals

o training manuals

o activity triggers such as periods or conditions for inspection

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o spares

o consumable items

For additional information regarding maintenance requirements analysis see

T MU AM 01002 MA Maintenance Requirements Analysis Manual and T MU AM 01003 ST
Development of Technical Maintenance Plans.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.20. Maintain or upgrade assets

This life cycle activity covers engineering input in carrying out asset maintenance or upgrades
throughout the operational lifetime.

AEOs may provide the service of maintaining or upgrading the assets in support of the operate
and maintain phase of the TfNSW asset life cycle.

Maintain or upgrade is the performance of the maintenance and upgrading activities in

accordance with the plan.

Some examples of activities during plan asset maintenance include, but are not limited to the

• plan and schedule maintenance (including access to assets)

• manage maintenance resource capability and competency

• preventive maintenance

• corrective maintenance

• risk identification and management

• defect and failure management(including analysis and reporting)

• manage asset information (see description elsewhere in matrix)

• performance reporting

• logistics management

• obsolescence management

• manage regulatory compliance (that is, environmental, heritage, workplace health and
safety and so on)

• maintenance process monitoring and audit

• plan, manage, build, deliver and accept into service asset upgrades

• decommissioning and disposal of assets

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

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10.21. Conduct asset condition surveys

This life cycle activity covers engineering input into conducting asset condition surveys.

AEOs may provide the service of conducting asset condition surveys for assets in support of the
operate and maintain phase of the TfNSW asset life cycle.

Asset condition surveys are generally of the following type:

• defect or hazard inspections to determine if maintenance, corrective or other remedial

works are required

• detailed asset condition inspection to determine overall condition, determine remaining life
and enable future maintenance and upgrade strategy and planning

The AEO will be required to define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.22. Plan decommissioning or disposal

This life cycle activity covers engineering input into planning the decommissioning and disposal
of life-expired assets.

AEOs may provide the service of planning the sale, decommissioning or disposal for assets in
support of the dispose phase of the TfNSW asset life cycle.

Disposal is not just the decision to no longer use an asset; only at the time when the asset is
removed from the asset register and all accountability for the asset ceases will the asset be
considered as disposed. An asset may be decommissioned but still remain as an asset on the
asset register.

Planning the decommissioning or disposal of assets should initially be considered as a design

attribute in the acquisition phase of the life cycle and will also need to be considered during the
operations and maintenance phase, in particular the following should be considered as a
representative list:

• selection of materials and the design solution

• design life(time to disposal)

• maintenance required to keep a safe condition during decommissioning or pending


• community considerations

• environmental considerations

• heritage considerations

• retention of record associated with the management of the asset(critical when disposing
through sale or vesting)

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• disposal of related spares and spares holdings

• possible reuse

• manage asset configuration data as a result of decommissioning or disposal

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

10.23. Conduct decommissioning or disposal

This life cycle activity covers engineering input into decommissioning and disposal.

AEOs may provide the service of decommissioning or disposing of assets in support of the
dispose phase of the TfNSW asset life cycle.

Decommissioning or disposal of assets should be conducted in accordance with the plan as

previously described in the matrix.

The AEO should define the exact extent of their service offering in the notes section.

11. Discipline specific specialist engineering

Section 11.1 to Section 11.12.5 represents the detailed descriptions of the asset-specific
specialist engineering disciplines that are aligned with the TfNSW asset life cycle and reflect the
structure of T MU MD 00009 F1 and T MA MD 00009 F1.

11.1. Rolling stock

Section 11.1.1 to Section 11.1.9 cover the various services related to rolling stock engineering.

11.1.1. Locomotives
Services related to locomotives.

11.1.2. Freight vehicles

Services related to freight rolling stock.

11.1.3. Heavy commuter electric multiple units or diesel multiple units

Services related to heavy rail passenger rolling stock.

11.1.4. Rail bound infrastructure maintenance vehicles

Services related to track machines.

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11.1.5. Road rail vehicles

Services related to road rail vehicles

11.1.6. Trolleys and trailers

Services related to trolleys/trailers.

11.1.7. Light rail vehicles

Services related to light rail rolling stock.

11.1.8. Other rail vehicles (must be specified in notes)

Services related to other rolling stock (light rail maintenance vehicles and so on).

11.1.9. Rolling stock subsystems (must be specified in notes)

Products and services related to group of interconnected and interactive parts that performs a
task as a component of a larger rolling stock system.

If the scope of AEO applicant services offering includes the defined in the AEO matrix
disciplines (Signalling Control Systems, Communications, other) and spans onto the on-board
systems or services, or to interfacing with the rolling stock subsystems or services, then scoping
for such authorisation is made by selecting in the matrix the relevant life cycle activity in both –
this section, and also in the relevant discipline. Notes should be used to elaborate.

11.2. Signalling and control systems

Section 11.2.1 to Section 11.2.3 cover the various services related to signalling and control

11.2.1. Supervisory and control systems

Services related to railway signalling control and associated rail traffic management systems.

11.2.2. Interlocking systems

Services related to railway signalling interlocking systems (mechanical or relay or computer

11.2.3. Trackside systems (including cabling)

Services related to railway trackside signalling equipment (signals, point machines, train
detection, ATP, ATO etc.)

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11.3. Communications
Section 11.3.1 to Section 11.3.11 cover the various services related to communications

11.3.1. Cables and routes, optical fibre and other

Services related to route construction (combined services route (CSR), underline crossings
(ULX), pits and so on), optical fibre and other cabling placement and termination, copper
cabling, building cabling.

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability include
design, installation and commissioning, and operation of communications cable routes.
Specifically this related to placement of telecommunications cabling, optical fibre and copper,
cable termination, station and building information technology (IT), and communications cabling.

11.3.2. Applications and systems – telephony (VOIP and analogue)

Services related to telecommunications telephony, analogue, VOIP, emergency telephones.

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability include
design, installation and commissioning, and operation of telecommunications telephony

11.3.3. Applications and systems – passenger information systems

Services related to station and rolling stock applications related to customer (passenger)
information systems, on station and rolling stock public address systems, and help points.

Services related to design, installation and commissioning, and operation of communications

applications in buildings, stations and rolling stock related to customer (passenger) information
systems, help points and public address systems.

11.3.4. Applications and systems – alarm and CCTV surveillance

Services related to CCTV surveillance systems, Help Points, alarm and security systems.

Services related to design, installation, and commissioning and operation of CCTV surveillance
systems, alarm and security systems either local systems or network wide.

11.3.5. Applications and systems – condition monitoring and wayside

Services related to wayside and condition monitoring systems, telemetry and other.

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Services related specifically to design, installation and commissioning and operation of wayside
and condition monitoring systems, telemetry and other associated with trackside heavy and light
rail systems.

11.3.6. Networks wired - packet switched (IP, MPLS)

Services related to network packet switched systems internet protocol (IP), multiprotocol label
switching (MPLS) and other.

Services related to design, installation and commissioning, and operation of local and wide area
network packet switched systems (IP, MPLS and other).

11.3.7. Networks wired - circuit switched (SDH, DWDM and other)

Services related to circuit switched network systems, synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH),
dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM), asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), international
subscriber dialling network (ISDN) and other.

Services related to design, installation and commissioning, and operation of circuit switched
network systems, SDH, DWDM, ATM, ISDN and other.

11.3.8. Networks wireless - packet switched (WiFi, WiMax , 4G, LTE

and other)
Services related to packet switched wireless systems, WiFi, third generation mobile phone
system (3G) (data), fourth generation mobile network (4G) and long-term evolution network

Services related to design, installation and commissioning, and operation of packet switched
wireless systems, WiFi, 3G (data), 4G, LTE and other.

11.3.9. Networks wireless - circuit switched radio systems

Services related to circuit switched wireless systems, global system for mobile communications
(GSM), global system for mobile communications – railway (GSM-R), second generation mobile
phone system (2G), 3G (voice), mobile private mobile radio (PMR) and trunked radio systems.

Services related to design, installation and commissioning, and operation of circuit switched
wireless systems, GSM, GSM-R, 2G, 3G (voice), mobile radio systems, PMR, terrestrial trunked
radio (TETRA), Association of Public Safety Communication Officials (US) (APCO25) and other
radio systems.

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11.3.10. Telecommunications power systems and facilities

Services related to telecommunications power systems, battery, ac, uninterruptable power
supply (UPS), fuel cells, earthing and bonding, telecommunications equipment housing, fit-out,
racks, equipment rooms, environmental systems.

Services related to design, installation and commissioning, and operation of

telecommunications power systems, battery, ac, UPS, fuel cells, earthing and bonding,
telecommunications equipment rooms, cubicles fit-out, racks, and associated environmental

11.3.11. Network and application management systems (must be

specified in notes)
Services related to communications network management, applications network management
and integrated network management systems hardware and software.

Services related to design, installation and commissioning, and operation of network and
information management systems and IT and communications security systems. This sub
discipline relates to any management system associated with communications and IT sub
disciplines. It is not just confined to telecommunications network management systems. Any
system that is not electrical (including electrical supervisory control and data acquisition system
(SCADA)), rail signalling related, or a subsystem of a building management system can be
assumed to be within this communications sub discipline.

Notes should be used to elaborate.

11.4. Track engineering

Section 11.4.1 to Section 11.4.4 cover the various services related to track engineering.

11.4.1. Wheel and rail interface

Services related to services that require comprehensive understanding of the dynamic
interaction between rails and wheels considering defects, metallurgical behaviour, wheel
steerage, lubrication and rail grinding.

11.4.2. Geometry and alignment

Services related to assessment of existing track geometry, design of track alignment for plain
line and special trackwork, and issues related to transit space design & investigations.

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Typically, this coves the following capabilities:

• inspection and assessment of existing track geometry; determination of defect categories

• horizontal and vertical alignment design of plain line and special trackwork, including
junctions associated with:

o resignalling projects

o overhead wiring (OHW) renewal projects

o bridge renewals

o turnout renewals

• integrated survey grid (ISG) to map grid of Australia (MGA) alignment conversions

• transit space or clearance investigations associated with the following:

o the introduction of new rolling stock

o track realignment through tunnels

o designing the location of new infrastructure in restricted locations such as tunnels

o platform interface issues

11.4.3. Components and structures

Services that require knowledge and comprehension of design selection, materials behaviour
and performance capability of track componentry.

11.4.4. Railway surveying

Services related to railway surveying, that is a specialist sub-branch of engineering surveying,
primarily involved in defining and managing spatial information related to the horizontal and
vertical alignment of a railway track, and the relationship of this alignment to adjacent track
alignments and adjacent civil structures (for example, platforms and overhead wiring structures).

Railway surveying encompasses a broad range of surveying activities from general engineering
and cadastral, to high precision control and monitoring surveys, and to specialised railway
surveying. Railway surveying is focused on providing and managing the spatial information
required for the design and maintenance of rail infrastructure. Some examples of these tasks
include, but are not limited to, surveys for: survey control, track control, track design and
realignment, engineering works for track reconstruction, track monitoring, bridges (over and
under) and tunnels including direct-fix, platform interface issues, track drainage and OHW

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Table 2 describes typical capabilities for different life cycle activities for track and engineering
survey. Note that any other, not listed here activities are not expected to be used for this sub-

Table 2 - Typical capabilities for different life cycle activities for track and engineering

Phase Activity Specific for track and engineering survey

Feasibility Optioneering Using survey data and models to determine
optimal transport routes
Concept Single option Focussing on a specific route using more detailed
development information
Concept Concept or reference Refining design of chosen route to a higher
design degree
Design Preliminary design Completing initial horizontal and vertical alignment
Design Detailed design to AFC Refinement of preliminary design
Manufacture Manufacturing or Assurance only. An example is the checking of
fabrication bridge girder components at the place of
manufacture before delivery of site to ensure
conformance to design
Construction Install Supervise or provide information (marks) for
or construction or installation
installation Provide support for a turnout or bridge installation
or track reconditioning
Integrate, Subsystem integration Ensure integration of installed components (for
test or example, track structure)
Integrate, Acceptance services Providing work as executed (WAX), as built or as
test or constructed information or drawings
Asset Maintain or upgrade An activity involved with asset maintenance (major
maintenance assets periodic maintenance (MPM) or routine
maintenance (RM))
Asset Conduct asset condition Examples are monitoring surveys and WTSA
maintenance surveys (welded track stability analysis)
Asset Manage asset Updating asset configuration information using
maintenance configuration survey and other information, for example detailed
site survey (DSS)
Disposal Conduct Undertake survey work associated with
decommissioning or decommissioning
Disposal Update asset Updating asset configuration information using
configuration data survey and other information, for example, DSS

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11.5. Civil and related engineering – non-maritime

The civil discipline scope of services covers civil structures that are associated with providing for
the passage of rail, road and pedestrian traffic in the rail corridor. This includes railway bridges
(underbridges), road bridges (overbridges), foot bridges, retaining walls (including platform
walls), tunnels, overhead wiring structures, combined service routes, track drainage,
embankments and cuttings and maintenance access roads. Civil structures are generally
closely associated with the rail tracks.

The civil discipline scope doesn't include services in relation to building structures such as
station buildings, workshop buildings, at grade and multistorey carparks, electrical substations
and section huts. The civil discipline doesn't include civil works associated with these structures
such as drainage. These structures and associated works are covered by the Stations and
Buildings discipline section.

11.5.1. Engineering surveying

Services related to survey services (such as 'Dial Before You Dig' (DBYD), set-out, cadastral,
geodetic, topographic, remote sensing or LIDAR, geospatial) as inputs to design, prior to or post
construction, during maintenance and during decommissioning of civil assets including detailed
site survey and services search.

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability include the

• detail surveys, including preparation of detailed survey drawings

• hydrological surveys for catchment evaluation,

• detailed site surveys of buried and visible services

• setting-out surveys for construction works (bridges, earthworks, overhead wiring structures
(OHWS), drainage, roadworks, and so on)

• monitoring surveys for both ground and structure movement

• work-as-executed, as-built or post construction surveys

11.5.2. Geotechnical
Services related to geotechnical investigations, surveys and assessments as inputs to design,
as well as support prior or post construction, during maintenance and during decommissioning
of civil assets.

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Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability include the

• geotechnical ground investigations including boreholes, test pits, geophysical surveys, soil
and rock sampling, in-situ testing and laboratory testing (soil and rock), geological mapping

• geotechnical inspections and assessments

• preparation of geotechnical investigation reports as inputs to design or condition

assessment of geotechnical and civil assets

• providing services related to geotechnical instrumentation, monitoring and interpretations

11.5.3. Combined services route

Services related to civil aspects of all combined services routes to accommodate signalling,
telecommunications or HV or low voltage (LV) power cables and other services such as water

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability include the

• services route selection

• design and construction of trenching, pits and ULXs

• monitoring during and after construction

11.5.4. Tunnelling
Services related to road, rail and pedestrian tunnels and associated civil works.

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability related to
aspects of bored and driven tunnels and associated station caverns include the following:

• input to ground investigation planning

• route selection including horizontal and vertical alignments

• fire and life safety, and ventilation study

• durability studies

• concept design

• detailed design

• construction, construction surveillance

• preparation of maintenance plans

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• inspections and engineering assessment of existing underground facilities

• remedial works design and construction

Note: Cut and cover tunnels are covered by 'civil – bridges and structures'

11.5.5. Bridges and structures

Services related to road, rail and pedestrian bridges and railway structures (such as OHWS,
masts, gantries, viaducts, retaining walls).

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability related to
aspects of bridges and structures rail infrastructure include the following:

• input to survey and geotechnical investigations

• durability studies

• concept design and documentation

• detailed design and documentation

• construction, construction surveillance

• preparation of maintenance plans

• inspections and engineering assessment of existing structures

• remedial works design and construction

11.5.6. Earthworks
Services related to earthworks (railway embankments, railway related formation, railway

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability related to
design and construction of railway embankments, cuttings, and track formation include the

• input to survey and geotechnical investigations

• concept design and documentation

• detailed design and documentation

• construction, construction surveillance

• ground improvement and stabilisation works

• preparation of technical maintenance plans

• inspection and engineering assessment of existing earthworks

• remedial works design and construction

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11.5.7. Roads and pavements

Services related to service access roads and car parks (staff and commuter).

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability include the

• services related to all aspects of roads and pavements associated with rail infrastructure

• input to survey and geotechnical investigations

• concept design and documentation

• detailed design and documentation

• construction, construction surveillance

• preparation of technical maintenance plans

• inspection and engineering assessment of existing roads and pavements

• remedial works design and construction

11.5.8. Drainage and hydrology

Services related to track drainage systems, including flood assessment and control.

Some of the typical services an AEO would be providing if applying this capability include the

• services related to all aspects of drainage and hydrology associated with rail infrastructure
including, track drainage systems, transverse drainage, scour protection, onsite detention,
pollutant trap devices and dams

• input to survey and geotechnical investigations

• flood studies, catchment area analysis, average recurrence interval estimation, flood level

• concept design and documentation

• detailed design and documentation

• construction, construction surveillance

• preparation of technical maintenance plans

• inspection and engineering assessment of existing drainage systems

• remedial works design and construction

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11.6. Stations and buildings – non-maritime

Section 11.6.1 to Section 11.6.4 cover the services related to buildings and stations

11.6.1. Buildings architecture

Services related to the architecture capability, including initiating, developing, integrating and
co-ordinating physical solutions to satisfy functional requirements in spatial, formal, material,
structural, services and operational elements of buildings and their environment, associated
with all relevant disciplines and sub-disciplines and interfaces.

11.6.2. Buildings structure (note specific areas of specialisation if

appropriate in notes)
Services related to analysis and development of building structures to counteract prevailing
forces thru substructure and superstructures, with possible specialties, for example, in concrete,
steel, masonry, timber, façade engineering, fixings and so on.

Note: This area is distinct from civil engineering which deals, in the main, with
non-building assets. Civil assets are of the general types listed in that section,
although it is recognised that some skills will be common. Specific areas of
specialisation should be mentioned in either case.

11.6.3. Buildings services (must be specified in notes)

Services related to building services. Examples include: mechanical, electrical, lighting,
hydraulic, buildings communications, lifts, escalators, moving walkways, building management
systems and heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC).

Notes should be used to elaborate.

11.6.4. Specialist buildings expertise (must be specified in notes)

Services related to specialist buildings expertise. Examples include site master planning, urban
design, landscape architecture, buildings heritage, Building Code of Australia (BCA) certifier,
building acoustics and vibration, buildings sustainability engineer, buildings fire engineer, public
address (PA), closed circuit television (CCTV), ticketing, security systems, signage, information
systems and the like. Note that only building work discipline specific specialties should be listed
here. Where the specialty also relates to disciplines other than building works it should be
placed in the 'non-discipline specific' section, with specific notes as to what disciplines it relates

Notes should be used to elaborate.

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11.7. Electrical engineering

Section 11.7.1 to Section 11.7.10 cover the various services related to electrical engineering.

11.7.1. High voltage aerial feeders

Services related to HV aerial lines (11kV, 33kV, 66kV & 132kV) that form part of the RailCorp
Distribution System. Note that the operator and maintainer, Sydney Trains, is a Network
Operator in NSW.

Services related to external party HV aerial lines that interface with TfNSW assets are also

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• services related to HV aerial lines, including the following:

o feeder route

o conductors and line fittings

o support structures and foundations

o insulation and electrical requirements, including clearances, lightning performance,

electrical magnetic frequency (EMF) and electrical safety

o underground to overhead (UGOH) transitions

• provision of subject matter (SME) assurance for standards and configuration compliance to
TfNSW requirements associated with the external party assets

11.7.2. High voltage cables

Services related to HV11kV, 33kV & 66kV) that form part of the RailCorp Distribution System,
and traction power supply cables. Note that the operator and maintainer, Sydney Trains, is a
Network Operator in NSW.

Services related to external party HV cables that interface with TfNSW assets are also covered.

• AEO services related to this capability include the following services related to insulated
HV and traction power supply cables, including the following:

o cable route

o cables and cable accessories

o cable enclosure and support arrangements

o insulation and electrical requirements, including cable screen bonding, lightning, EMF
and electrical safety

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o UGOH transitions

• SME assurance for standards and configuration compliance to TfNSW requirements

associated with the external party assets

11.7.3. Traction substations and sectioning huts

Services related to tractions substations and sectioning huts.

Traction substations are generally located within the rail corridor and contain equipment to
convert 66kV or 33kV ac supply to 1500V dc for the traction network.

Sectioning huts provide sectioning and paralleling of the 1500V OHW system. Both locations
have 1500V dc switchgear and isolating links, auxiliary equipment services and equipment.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• 1500V dc traction substations – configurations of indoor switchgear and HV outdoor yards

• 1500V dc sectioning huts

• 33kV & 66kV switching stations (non-traction location)

• cable route within the location

• ventilation design

• oil filled equipment oil bunding and containment

• AS2067 requirements

• auxiliary ac supply systems and auxiliary dc systems (battery)

• fire and life safety

• wayside energy storage system (WESS)

• harmonic filters (66kV, 33kV, 11kV)

• greenfield sites and brownfield sites

11.7.4. Distribution substations

Services related to distribution substations.

Distribution substations are locations usually at 11kV containing 11kV switchgear. They vary
from simple padmount locations to dedicated switch room on stations, maintenance centres and
include pole top substations.

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AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• 11kV padmount locations

• 11kV switch rooms and transformer rooms (usually located on stations, maintenance
centres and so on)

• 11kV pole-mounted locations

• 11kV substations on stations, maintenance centres and so on

• cable route within the location

• auxiliary ac supply systems and auxiliary dc systems (battery)

• fire and life safety

• greenfield sites and brownfield sites

11.7.5. High voltage protection systems

Services related to HV protection systems.

HV protection systems refer to the protection scheme and associated equipment (relays,
voltage transformer (VT),current transformer (CT) and so on) that provide protection to HV
electrical equipment installed in traction substations, HV switching stations, distribution

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• calculating CT and VT sizes

• modifying switchgear schematic diagrams

• HV protection coordination studies and recommending protection relay settings

• 66kV, 33kV, 11kV switchboards, transformers, feeder protection

11.7.6. Low voltage power systems and low voltage protection

Services related to LV power systems and LV protection.

Typically this refers to LV systems or supplies for tunnels, stations, workshops and shore
supplies within a train maintenance centre. TfNSW has all facets of low voltage installations.
This discipline also includes photovoltaic (PV) arrays and associated systems.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• 240V lights and power to substation, switching stations, sectioning huts, stations, signalling
systems, maintenance facilities and so on

• fire and life safety (tunnels, hazardous areas and so on)

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• external low voltage supplies into the rail corridor

• IT systems


• shore supplies used in train maintenance facilities

• PV arrays

• greenfield sites and brownfield sites

11.7.7. Earthing, bonding, electrolysis and lightning protection

Services related to the following:

• earthing systems for distribution and traction substations and electrical installations

• DC bonding to protect against electric shock and isolation to mitigate corrosion due to

• lightning protection systems to protect assets against lightning strikes

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• for earthing system design, as minimum, provision of the following:

o site investigation including services search data

o hazard identification along with risk assessment

o soil resistivity measurement and modelling

o AC fault level calculation and its distribution

o design targets that is permissible step and touch voltages

o earth potential rise (EPR) calculation and identification of transferred voltages

• For dc bonding and electrolysis mitigation, as minimum, provision of the following:

o site investigation to document existing dc bonding and isolation arrangement

o hazard identification along with risk assessment

o determination of dc bonding and electrolysis mitigation strategy

o dc fault current calculations

• For lightning protection, as minimum, provision of the following:

o site investigation

o hazard identification along with risk assessment

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o determination of lightning protection level

o lightning risk assessment

11.7.8. Electrical control systems (SCADA) (must be specified in the

Services related to the electrical control systems (SCADA) that are used to monitor and control
the electrical network.

The master station connects to remote terminal units (RTU) over a communication network.
RTUs interface to substation equipment and intelligent electronic devices as well as tunnel
pumps and spark gaps.

The system is separate from any signalling control system.

For work on SCADA communications external to the RTU, it would be expected that appropriate
authorisation is selected in the communications discipline in the engineering services matrix.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• RTUs

• marshalling terminals

• cabinets and their internal arrangements

• input/output (I/O) schedules

• interfaces (with field equipment, communications, master station)

• ancillary equipment (power supplies, lighting, cabling)

Work on the master station is only performed by the supplier and Sydney Trains, so it is
expected that AEOs rarely request this.

11.7.9. Overhead wiring

Services related to OHW and covers dc, and possibly ac, railway traction overhead wiring for
heavy rail, rapid transit and light rail excluding support structures.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• conductor systems (auto-tensioned, fixed anchored, fixed or retractable overhead

conductor rail) and associated fittings

• conductor support and registration arrangements, including location of support structures

• switching and feeding arrangements

• insulation and electrical requirements, including clearances, lightning, electrical safety, and
structure bonding

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11.7.10. Electrical network planning and modelling

Services related to mathematical modelling of the HV and 1500V dc networks, to simulate
power flow and predict network performance under defined operational scenarios.

It also covers provision of network planning and modelling functions (system capacity, load flow
studies and system interconnectivity)

Note: AEO authorisations for this service capability are not issued till further notice.
Currently this work is restricted to the Engineering & Systems Integrity unit within
Sydney Trains. Special permission will be required from the TfNSW to undertake AEO
authorisation for this discipline.

11.8. Vessels - maritime

Section 11.8.1 to Section 11.8.16 cover the various services related to maritime infrastructure
and fleet.

11.8.1. Naval architecture

Provision of services related to vessel design and configuration with reference to operational
requirements and survey or class requirements.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of new vessels

• design and certification of configuration changes on existing vessels

• provision of SMEs advice on condition and configuration issues

• provision of certification for 'fit for service' to operating changes

11.8.2. Navigation, information systems and electronics

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of vessel
navigation and information systems and electronics.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design, installation and maintenance of navigation systems (for example, radar, forward
looking infrared (FLIR), compass and so on)

• design of operational information systems (for example, engine management displays,

vessel condition displays and so on)

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• management of system integrations and interface points (for example, propulsion and
engine management systems, multiple displays and so on)

• retrofitting of new technology into existing vessels or supplement existing systems in


11.8.3. Control systems

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of vessel
control systems for propulsion and steering systems.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of vessel control systems and redundancy systems

• working with engine manufacturers to ensure compatibility

• installation into vessel in cooperation with engine manufacturers

• maintenance, fault finding and resolving operational issues on functionality

• design and retrofitting new systems to existing vessels as upgrades or at re-engining

11.8.4. Main and auxiliary engines

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of vessel
main and auxiliary engines and interfaces.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• working with naval architects to design a suitable propulsion system for the type of service
and nature of operational waterway

• working with vessel builders to install engines to new vessels

• working with technical superintendents or shore managers to maintain or trouble shoot


• retrofitting redesigned propulsion systems to existing vessels

• working with technical superintendents to achieve survey or class requirements

11.8.5. Propulsion systems

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of vessel
mechanical and electrical propulsion systems and interfaces, including shafts, bearings,
gearboxes, propellers, thrusters, rudder and steering systems and so on.

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AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• working with naval architects to design a suitable propulsion system for the type of service
and nature of operational waterway

• working with vessel builders to install propulsion system to new vessels

• working with technical superintendent or shore manager to maintain or trouble shoot

propulsion system

• retrofitting redesigned propulsion systems to existing vessels

• working with technical superintendent to achieve survey or class requirements

11.8.6. Vessel electrical systems

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of vessel
electrical systems including lighting, shore power connection and supply services to system

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• electrical engineering design of power supply and systems for operation of all vessel
electrical services and components

• electrical installation and testing of wiring and components and successful operation of
connected components

• resolution of shore power connection issues

• testing and repair of wiring and systems

• analysis of load problems and earthing problems with resolution design

• retrofitting new or updated systems and wiring looms into older assets

11.8.7. Vessel hull plate and structural integrity

Provision of services for the identification of hull plate and structural integrity and remedial
services within class/survey requirements.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• identification of hull plate condition (corrosion, porosity) in alloy and steel vessels

• working with surveyors to identify corrective and remedial works

• cut, removal, fabrication, shaping and replacement of plate sections in compliance with
class or regulatory requirements for welding qualifications and skills and approved welding

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11.8.8. Vessel safety systems

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of vessel
safety systems including fire suppression systems.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) specified fire safety and
suppression systems for vessels

• installation and commissioning of these services

• testing and certification services at required survey intervals

• updating or retrofitting new systems into existing vessels

11.8.9. Corrosion control engineering (cathodic and impressed

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of corrosion
control systems including analytics on existing system potentials on vessels.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• establishing electrolysis threats to vessel design and design suppression system

• supervision of the initial application of suppression components

• testing vessels for electrical potentials at regular intervals and advise on level suitability or
remedial actions required

11.8.10. Dry docking (dock master)

Provision of services for the assessment of hull design, integrity and stability and the
preparation of docking plans to the execution of a vessel docking and return to service.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• assessment of vessels for suitability for docking and slipping

• working with naval architects to develop and understand a suitable docking plan for the

• preparing vessels for docking and slipping to achieve correct condition, stability and pitch

• managing docking teams to achieve a safe, stabilised vessel fully withdrawn from the water

• shore up and verification of stability and safety of vessels out of water and suitability to
conduct maintenance works

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• preparation if vessels for floatation

• management of docking teams to refloat vessels and check vessel integrity at dockside
before releasing vessels for service

11.8.11. Diving and submarine services

Provision of professional diving services with technical capability to undertake maintenance
work under water at the direction of a technical superintendent or similar and provide evidence
and feedback for assurance.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• discussions so as to understand underwater issues of vessel with technical


• preparation of dive plans to achieve required works

• provision of advice to asset owners of likely risks to asset, environment or people resulting
from specialist dive works

• conduct of dive works and provision of detailed written or photographic reports on findings
and results

• capability to conduct required mechanical and repair works and ability to interpret and
resolve discovered issues during works

11.8.12. Protective coatings

Provision of services for the specification, application and maintenance of marine protective
coatings including paints and skins.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• specification of suitable paint or coating systems to protect surfaces from the elements or

• application of coating systems to specification (for example, painting, adhesive application

and so on)

• provision of maintenance specifications for coating systems

11.8.13. Environmental systems

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of
environmental systems to meet regulatory requirements.

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AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• analysis operational and design environmental systems to remediate environmental

impacts and maintain NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) regulatory
requirements such as first flush, trade waste treatment, liquid handling, dust and noise
control systems

• construction and installation of environmental systems

• provision of monitoring and development of remedial action for environmental systems

• provision of maintenance and operational support for environmental systems

• provision of reporting and assurance for EPA and insurers

11.8.14. Liquid handling systems

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of liquid
handling systems to meet regulatory requirements.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of EPA compliance, overwater, liquid handling systems with double containment
capability and compliant bunding, valving and flow control systems

• fabrication and installation of liquid handling systems with certification

• maintenance and operational support of liquid handling systems including fault-finding,

pressure testing and regulatory periodic certification of systems

• provision of risk analysis and option identification for operation

11.8.15. Transition point

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of transition
point infrastructure including gangways to the satisfaction of regulatory and Disability
Discrimination Act (DDA) requirements.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• risk analysis and resolution design for safe access to vessels, including gangways, ladders
and other systems

• fabrication, testing and certification of systems including load testing and stress testing

• interpretation of DDA requirements and development of access capability

• ongoing maintenance and training for operators

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11.8.16. Passenger facilities and amenities

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of vessel
control systems for propulsion and steering systems.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• analysis of structure and design resolution for required seating, restrooms and other
passenger amenities to meet regulatory, DDA and climatic requirements to current
Australian standards

• fabrication or supply and fitting of suitable components

• provision of advice and support on care, maintenance and damage replacement of


11.9. Civil and related engineering – maritime

Section 11.9.1 to Section 11.9.9 cover the various services related to maritime infrastructure
and fleet.

11.9.1. Geotechnical
Provision of professional services for geotechnical assessment and determination for input into
design and maintenance projects.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• site assessment of waterside infrastructure locations and report on condition and

requirements for development works or remediation works

• advice on issues that could impact structural integrity or compromise EPA requirements

• working with civil engineers to resolve waterside infrastructure issues and facilitate

11.9.2. Earthworks
Provision of professional earthwork services in proximity to sensitive environmental zones and

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• conduct of heavy earthworks in proximity to waterways with full environmental compliance

• conduct of drilling and on-shore pile works

• movement of heavy equipment and disposal of material over water, where local land
access is restricted

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11.9.3. Hydrographic services

Provision of hydrographic services for input into planning and maintenance projects in and
around wharves, shipyards and waterways.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• measurement of the seafloor around wharves, vessel fairways and fixed assets

• provide descriptions of conditions and make predictions about seabed issues that may
impact assets or services

• conduct of environmental impact studies on seabed and marine life associated with
operational activities

• development of dredging plans and monitoring of dredging projects

11.9.4. Hardstands
Provision of services for the design, construction and maintenance of hardstand areas.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• provision of assessments on types of works to be conducted on hardstands and their load


• design suitable resolution to conduct waterside works and accommodate services and their
access in hardstand

• provision of assessments of load limitations and certify capacity

11.9.5. Moorings and anchored floating structures

Provision of services for the design, construction and maintenance of moorings and anchored
floating structures.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• assessment of load requirements and local waterway conditions and design suitable
mooring equipment

• assessment of existing mooring equipment for durability and suitability

• supply of evidence and drawings to satisfy regulators and insurers

• design bespoke floating structures to meet operational outcomes (for example, navigational
assistance, support of temporary services and so on)

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11.9.6. Corrosion control (cathodic and impressed current)

Provision of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of corrosion
control systems including analytics on existing systems on non-vessel assets including piles,
sea walls and dry docks.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• establishing electrolysis threats to submerged fixed assets design and design suppression

• supervision of the initial application of suppression components

• testing structures for electrical potentials at regular intervals and provide advice on level
suitability or remedial actions required

• meeting environmental and regulatory requirements for impressed current systems

11.9.7. Dredging (maintenance and capital)

Provision of professional services for the dredging of seabed areas and disposal of overburden
to meet environmental regulatory provisions.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• working in conjunction with hydrographic surveyors and civil engineers to develop

environmentally compliant dredging programs

• conduct of underwater works to remove sand, silt and identified overburden

• disposal of removed material to meet environmental regulations

• survey and provision of evidence of dredging completion in accordance with initial plans

11.9.8. Drainage and hydrology

Provision of services for the determination of issues around hydrology and drainage on
waterside work areas.

AEO services related to this capability includes designing and maintaining systems designs for
water run-off prevention from shore side into waterways.

11.9.9. Structures
Provision of civil engineering services for the design, construction and maintenance of land
based and fixed structures in the maritime environment.

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AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of non-vessel assets to achieve specified functions (for example, dry docks,
slipways, sea walls, wharves, jetties and so on)

• provision of certification for the fit for purpose use of existing structures and loads that are
operationally imposed on them

• provision of computer-aided design (CAD) services for as-built and as-is drawings as
records for service locations and in structure issues

• assessment of structures for suitability and capability and provision of assurance to

regulators and insurers

11.10. Buildings and wharves – maritime

Section 11.10.1 to Section 11.10.6 cover the various services related to maritime buildings and

11.10.1. Wharf and jetty structures

Provision of civil engineering services for the design, construction and maintenance of wharves
and jetty structures.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of non-vessel assets to achieve specified functions (for example, dry docks,
slipways, sea walls, wharves, jetties and so on)

• provision of certification for the fit for purpose use of existing structures and loads that are
operationally imposed on them

• provision of CAD services for as-built and as-is drawings as records for service locations
and structure issues

• assessment of structures for suitability and capability and provision of assurance to

regulators and insurers

11.10.2. Pontoons and floating structures

Provision of civil engineering services for the design, construction and maintenance pontoons
and floating structures (non vessel).

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• architectural services for the design of commuter and service wharves

• fabrication of floating and restraint (piles) components

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• amendments to project installation due to unforeseen climatic or environmental conditions

• maintenance services for structural components including pontoon

11.10.3. Electrical and liquid handling services

Provision of services for electrical and liquid handling services over water (on wharves, jetties
and waterside infrastructure).

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of services to meet operational requirements in compliance with environmental

regulatory requirements

• maintenance of electrical and liquid handling services with minimised impacts to vessel

• conduct of inspections and reporting to meet regulatory requirements

• certification of fit for purpose for insurance and regulatory requirements

• updating or retrofitting systems or components to maintain industry best practice

11.10.4. Diving and submarine services

Provision of professional diving services with technical capability to undertake maintenance
work under water at the direction of a civil engineer or similar and provide evidence and
feedback for assurance.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• discussions so as to understand underwater issues of structures and seabed with facilities


• preparation of dive plans to achieve required works

• provision of advice to asset owners of likely risks to assets, environment or people resulting
from specialist dive works

• conduct of dive works and provision of detailed written or photographic reports on findings
and results

• capability to conduct required mechanical and repair works and ability to interpret and
resolve discovered issues during works

11.10.5. Piling
Provision of piling services for the installation, maintenance and removal of timber, plastic and
steel piles at the direction of a civil engineer.

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AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• assessment of condition and integrity of piles and structural components (for example,
head stocks, corbel blocks, beams and so on)

• establishing anchoring requirements and embedment depths as well as correct piling


• extracting, replacing and driving piles to embedment depths specified by civil engineers

• operate within EPA requirements for seabed impacts and noise requirements

• re-establish connecting components and certify structure as fit for purpose

11.10.6. Fendering and navigational aids

Provision of services for the design, manufacture and maintenance of fendering systems and
navigational aids.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• assessment of impact loads for fendering requirements and design suitable resolutions

• certification of installed weight of vessel fendering for stability purposes

• meeting environmental requirements around navigational aids installation

• meeting regulatory requirements for navigational aids installation

• meeting or exceed ingress protection rating for components in a maritime environment

11.11. Environmental – maritime

Section 11.11.1 to Section 11.11.5 cover the various services related to environmental maritime
infrastructure and fleet.

11.11.1. Bunkering (fuel)

Provision of services for the design, installation and maintenance of shore based fuelling
facilities and delivery systems over water to vessels.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• assessment and design of fuel storage and delivery systems to meet operational
requirements in full compliance with environmental and Australian standards for fuel

• installation and certification of system components

• provision of inspections and certifications for regulatory compliance at regular intervals

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• pressure testing systems at regular intervals

• provision of on-call service support and system maintenance

11.11.2. Liquid handling (lubricants and contaminated liquids)

Provision of services for the design, installation and maintenance of shore based liquid handling
facilities and delivery systems over water to vessels.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• assessment and design of liquid storage and delivery systems to meet operational
requirements in full compliance with environmental and Australian standards for over water
liquid handling facilities

• installation and certification of system components

• provision of inspections and certification for regulatory compliance at regular intervals

• pressure testing systems at regular intervals

• provision of on-call service support and system maintenance

11.11.3. Water contamination prevention

Provision of design and installation services for water contamination prevention equipment such
as spill booms and anti-spill kits.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• assessment of operations and specification of equipment and systems required to meet

environmental compliance

• supply and installation of equipment

• maintenance and certification of equipment

• provision of end user training

11.11.4. Trade waste systems and treatment

Provision of services for the design, installation and maintenance of trade waste handling
systems to meet regulations.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of trade waste handling facilities to ensure environmental compliance of shipyard


• equipment installation and commissioning

• equipment maintenance

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• provision of end user training

• conduct of testing of outputs and volumes for the regulatory reporting

• provision of full system assurance and failure prevention

11.11.5. Noise, dust and light control

Provision of analysis and prevention development of pollution control systems and measures.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• measurement and recording of outputs at specified times

• provision of recommendations to remediate out of compliance emissions

• provision of reporting for regulatory inspections

• working with special projects to monitor and intervene, when required, if breaches are

11.12. IT and passenger information and communication –

Section 11.12.1 to Section 11.12.5 cover the various services related to maritime IT and
passenger information and communication infrastructure.

11.12.1. Passenger information systems

Provision of services for the design, installation and maintenance of passenger information
systems compatible with TfNSW requirements.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• working with TfNSW to install and maintain recommended systems

• provision of 24/7 on-call support for systems

• ensuring TfNSW supplied systems meet ingress protection ratings for marine environments

• resolving conflict issues with interfacing systems

11.12.2. Communication systems

Provision of services for the design, installation and maintenance of communication systems for
operation across fleet and fixed assets.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• working with TfNSW to install and maintain recommended systems

• provision of 24/7 on-call support for systems

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• ensuring TfNSW supplied systems meet ingress protection ratings for a marine

• resolving conflict issues with interfacing systems

11.12.3. Security and fire systems

Provision of services for the design, installation and maintenance of security and fire systems to
meet regulations and appropriate back-to-base response.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design and installation of systems to maintain safety compliance to regulations and


• provision of 24/7 at-call support for system

• ensuring supplied systems meet ingress protection ratings for marine environment

• resolving conflict issues with interfacing systems

11.12.4. Data capture and management

Provision of services for the development of data rules and the capture of asset data to
customer requirements and suitable for use with the operating enterprise asset management
(EAM) system.

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• developing data rules for assets and maintenance processes

• designing processes for where, how and when to capture data and by whom

• developing systems for archiving and retrieving data easily including working with
regulators and maintenance practitioners

• preparing and assisting with the transition of data between platforms

11.12.5. Enterprise asset management system design and management

Provision of services for the development and management of EAM systems and data

AEO services related to this capability include the following:

• design of enterprise management system architecture to suit maintenance operations

• facilitating training for data entry and data recovery requirements

• provision of system support and disaster recover options

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12. Non-asset specific engineering services

Services related to non-asset specific engineering services provided as a specialist services
directly to TfNSW or in relation to other service providers or on behalf of TfNSW.

Relevant entries are selected in the matrix in accordance with the definitions provided in Section
12.1 to Section 12.3.

12.1. Asset management systems services (must be

specified in the notes)
Services related to development, implementation, maintenance and assessment of asset
management systems at strategic, planning and asset life cycle activities level.

12.2. Systems engineering and assurance services (must be

specified in the notes)
Services related to all or selected systems engineering and assurance services provided as
specialist services to or on behalf of TfNSW.

Specialist engineering service providers or consultancy AEOs provide specialist services at

specific asset life cycle stages.

These are often in the concept stage, for example, modelling, requirements analysis and BCA

They may also provide whole-of-life cycle services, such as establishing and managing systems
for configuration management, asset management, safety management and quality

These specialist services could be non-asset specific or have some specialisation in relation to
a particular discipline or asset life cycle stage.

Place an X in the systems engineering and assurance services section of the matrix and in the
notes section use the codes listed in Section 12.2.1 to Section 12.2.10.

12.2.1. Systems engineering (all services)

Specialist services related to all systems engineering sub-disciplines on large multi-discipline
projects or asset management contracts (specific to a systems engineering management role).

Enter the code AS1 to indicate this service.

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12.2.2. Systems assurance including safety engineering and

Specialist services in systems assurance which include integrated safety assurance, RAM
assurance, quality assurance and audit services.

Specialist services in system safety assurance and management in line with

T MU MD 20001 ST.

Enter the code AS2 to indicate this service.

12.2.3. Systems integration services

Specialist services in systems integration, whose activities generally start at factory integration
and continue through to integration of the tested system.

This is a specialist service that is normally led by a particular discipline depending on the nature
of the project works.

Enter the code AS3 to indicate this service.

12.2.4. System modelling and analysis services

Specialist services in modelling, simulation and associated analysis of the results, generally to
support development of novel and complex designs with high risk factors (for example, transport
models, signal headways, finite element modelling (FEM), structural models, fire and so on).

Enter the code AS4 to indicate this service.

12.2.5. Requirements management engineering

Specialist services in requirements management, including requirements engineering and
ongoing capture of verification and validation evidence into a requirements management tool to
demonstrate progressive compliance.

Enter the code AS5 to indicate this service.

12.2.6. Interface management

Specialist services in interface management, including specifying interface requirements,
identifying and managing interface owners, developing interface test specifications and designs.

Enter the code AS6 to indicate this service.

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12.2.7. Human factors integration service

Specialist services in human factors integration, in line with ASA human factors standards,
initiated at the feasibility stage and focussed at the concept and design stages, but that could
also be required at later stages if changes are made to the design that impact the user.

Enter the code AS7 to indicate this service.

12.2.8. Verification and validation

Specialist services in verification and validation, including management of evidence gathered
from various verification and validation techniques (design reviews, modelling, prototyping,
simulation, survey, audit, inspection and testing).

Enter the code AS8 to indicate this service.

12.2.9. RAM management

Specialist services in RAM management which include RAM engineering (as part of the design)
or RAM assurance (checking designs produced by others for RAM).

Enter the code AS9 to indicate this service.

12.2.10. Independent safety assessment service

Specialist services in independent safety assessment (ISA), where required for projects
assessed as having a significant safety change (high risk, high novelty or high complexity).

Enter the code AS10 to indicate this service.

12.3. Engineering management services (must be specified

in the notes)
Services related to engineering management as a service offering directly to TfNSW or to other
service providers or on behalf of TfNSW.

Services may include management of systems engineering, multi-discipline engineering

management, managing engineering systems or solution integration and delivery, managing
systems safety program including systems safety integration management of solutions or
services from other suppliers or deliverers.

Multi-service non-asset specific, multi-discipline asset specific engineering management service

providers are often able to provide most or all of the whole-of-life asset management covering
both the full project delivery life cycle and ongoing asset management through to

See section 7.4 for more details.

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12.4. Other professional engineering services (must be

specified in the notes)
Specialist services as described in Section 12.4.1 to Section 12.4.9.

Place an X in the other professional engineering services section of the matrix and in the notes
section use the codes listed in Section 12.4.1 to Section 12.4.9.

12.4.1. Engineering competency management

Specialist services in establishing, developing, implementing, maintaining, improving or
delivering competency management.

Enter the code S1 to indicate this service.

12.4.2. Configuration management

Configuration management as a specialist service.

Enter the code S2 to indicate this service.

12.4.3. Sustainability and environmental engineering-related services

Specialist services in sustainability, environmental investigations or mitigation, for input usually
to the concept and design stages but could also have input during construction, maintenance or
decommissioning. Details of specialist services to be specified in the notes section.

Enter the code S3 to indicate this service.

12.4.4. Integrated logistics

Specialist engineering services related to integrated logistics of assets and systems delivered to
TfNSW (this is often an additional service offered by the asset supplier - for example, rolling
stock suppliers).

Enter the code S4 to indicate this service.

12.4.5. Fire and life safety (infrastructure or vehicles)

Specialist services related to fire and life safety (infrastructure or vehicles).

Enter the code S5 to indicate this service.

12.4.6. Disability Discrimination Act compliance services

(infrastructure or vehicles)
Specialist services related to compliance with the DDA.

Enter the code S6 to indicate this service.

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12.4.7. Electromagnetic compatibility - related services

Specialist services in EMC, usually during concept and design stages, but could provide EMC
support throughout the asset or system life cycle, including testing and maintenance (including,
earth, bonding and electrolysis as well as radio frequency (RF) interference).

Enter the code S7 to indicate this service.

12.4.8. Acoustic or noise engineering

Specialist services in noise and vibration engineering and control and abatement, generally to
support design development, but also to conduct measurements during construction, operation
and ongoing maintenance phases of the assets as listed Table 3.

Table 3 - Acoustic or noise and vibration engineering detail guide

Sub-discipline Code Description

Wheel-rail noise NV1 Noise and vibration arising from the interaction between the rail
and vibration (N and the wheels of any class of rolling stock.
and V)
Rolling stock NV2 Noise and vibration issues associated with rolling stock, including
design noise wheel and bogie design, body panel vibration, traction supply,
and vibration and air-conditioning units.
Track design NV3 Vibration issues related to track design characteristics, including
noise and N and V mitigation products, and bridge airborne and structure-
vibration radiated noise and tunnel ground-borne noise and vibration.
Specialist NV4 Structural vibration effects including vibration-induced damage to
vibration or buildings, tunnels and other structures.
Construction NV5 Measurement, assessment, management and mitigation of noise
noise generated by construction and maintenance activities, especially
Environmental NV6 Measurement, assessment and mitigation of environmental noise
impact and vibration effects due to new or modified infrastructure,
assessment and operational practices, or rolling stock.
Environmental NV7 Measurement and data management programs for noise and
monitoring vibration associated with rail operations, including noise
programs mapping, noise management strategies and prioritisation, and
audits of plant and equipment.
Other NV8 Measurement, assessment, management and mitigation of noise
transportation generated by other transportation sources. This includes aircraft,
noise road vehicles and ferries.
Industrial noise NV9 Measurement, assessment, management and mitigation of noise
generated by industrial sources. This includes industrial noise
associated with stabling yards, substations, railway stations, and
production plants.

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Sub-discipline Code Description

Building NV10 Building acoustic design issues, including sound insulation
acoustics properties of the building envelope, and reverberation
characteristics of rooms
Electro- NV11 Acoustic design for electro-mechanical systems such as public
acoustics address systems.
Work health and NV12 Measurement and assessment of occupational noise exposure
safety for employees.
Psychoacoustics NV13 Assessment of human response to noise and vibration, including
human factors related to safety, comfort, annoyance, sleep
disturbance, and health effects.
Other related NV14 Only to be used if unable to locate a suitable choice from the
disciplines listing above.

Enter the codes Table 3 to indicate services.

12.4.9. Other specialist engineering services

Other engineering services not explicitly identified and categorised at this stage in the scoping

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