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S.K. Reshmi et al.

Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

Table 4 3.3. Bioactive constituents

Starch digestibility and glycemic index of uncooked and cooked noodles sup­
plemented with pomelo fruit segments. The bioactive constituents in cooked and uncooked noodles are
Pomelo fruit TS (%) RS (%) DS (%) HI pGI (%) tabulated in Table 3. The content of total and reducing sugar varied from
segments (%) (%) 2.37 to 6.48g/100 g and 1.60 to 2.90g/100 g in uncooked noodles. In
Uncooked cooked noodles, there was ~ 35% and 10% loss in total and reducing
0 61.94 � 4.25 � 57.69 � 41.57 62.53 � 1.13d sugar compared to uncooked noodles. Cooking of noodles has reduced
1.39c 0.97d 0.69a � further the total and reducing sugar content (due to leaching) thus
a making the product more suitable for diabetic population. The phenolic
Fresh 63.02 � 7.00 � 56.02 � 36.02 59.48 � 1.20e
1.07b 1.22b 1.11b � content ranged from 72.00 to 95.00 mg GAE/100 g and 56.81 to 66.82
1.10e mg GAE/100 g for uncooked and cooked noodles respectively. The fla­
Dry b 65.21 � 8.89 � 56.32 � 33.70 58.21 � 0.91e vonoids and carotenoids ranged from 28.33 to 48.42 mg CE/100 g and
1.24a 1.16a 0.89b � 59.47 to 225.05 μg/100 g for uncooked noodles. In case of cooked
noodles there was a reduction in flavonoids and carotenoids content
0 57.90 � 0.98 � 56.92 � 1.05b 52.80 68.69 � ranging from 10.24 to 27.40 mg CE/100 g and 40.12 to 180.53 μg/100
1.09d 1.30f � 1.37a g. The bioactive constituents naturally act against many diseases such as
0.97a cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiac diseases (Yadav &
Fresh a 59.45 � 3.47 � 55.98 � 0.92b 48.31 66.23 �
Gupta, 2015). Hence it is recommended to use these as an ingredients for
0.82c 1.09e � 1.03b
1.25b value added foods (Asif, Rooney, Ali, & Riaz, 2013). The above result
Dry b 60.13 � 5.54 � 54.59 � 0.80 44.37 64.06 � indicate that bioactive compounds increased with the increase in the
0.74c 0.98c b � 0.99c concentration of pomelo fruit segment. Cooking of noodles in excess
1.17c water has led to the degradation of bioactives (~30% loss) in the cooked
TS- Total starch; RS- Resistance starch; DS- Digestible starch; HI-Hydrolysis water. Hence, to prevent the loss of constituents during cooking process
index; pGI- Predicted Glycemic index; Values are means � standard deviation it may be preferable to cook the noodles with sufficient water.
(n ¼ 4); Values for a particular column followed by different letters differ Naringin is one of flavonoid (40 , 5, 7-trihydroxyflavone 7-rhamno­
significantly (p < 0.05). glucoside) found in different parts of citrus fruits. It acts beneficially in
-30%. reducing the risk of oxidative stress, cancer, inflammation, cardiovas­
-5%. cular diseases and diabetes in liable populations (Adebiyi, Olubunmi, &
Peter, 2015). Naringin is known to reduces the postprandial glycemic
pomelo segments in noodles, which may be due to the astringe nature of response by inhibiting the carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzyme which
the fruit. The noodles prepared below 7.5% were better with bitterness complements for the management of diabetes (Priscilla, Roy, Suresh,
to the acceptable range. The overall qualities in formulated noodles Kumar, & Thirumurugan, 2014). Hence, naringin content in cooked and
ranged from 8.0-6.0 in which fresh segments supplemented noodles has uncooked noodles was evaluated. The presence of naringin content in
scored better than dry segment supplementation. The sensory attributes uncooked noodles ranged from 2.19 to 5.12 mg/100 g (fresh segments)
were mainly influenced by the cooking loss of the noodles (Heo, Lee, and 4.68 to 13.60 mg/100 g (dry segments) while it was 0.96 to 2.77
Shim, Yoo, & Lee, 2013). Maximum cooking loss causes turbidity in mg/100 g (fresh segments) and 2.46 to 6.49 mg/100 g (dry segments)
cooking water; thereby decreases cooking tolerance and mouth feel respectively in cooked noodles. The retention of naringin was to a
(Ahmed, Qazi, & Jamal, 2015). Finally, it can be concluded that the 30% greater extent with only ~ 5% loss in uncooked noodles whereas in
(fresh) and 5% (dry) were sensorial acceptable because it has retained cooked noodles ~50% loss was observed (Fig. 2a and b). The percentage
the basic characteristics of fruit and above the mentioned concentration loss was calculated considering the naringin content present in fresh and
the astringe nature of the fruit make the product unpalatable. dry pomelo segments taken for product development (Fig. 2a and b).
El-Nawawi (1995) had reported that extraction of grapefruit peel in hot
water leaches more naringin at 88–90 � C for 5 min. Similarly, cooking of

Fig. 3. Starch hydrolysis in noodles supplemented with fresh/dry pomelo fruit segments.

S.K. Reshmi et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22 (2020) 100213

noodles in boiling water had leached the naringin content in higher rate. Biotechnology (grant numbers: BT/PR5994/FNS/20/563/2012), Govt.
Hence minimum cooking time with sufficient amount of water may help of India, New Delhi, India for their financial support.
in preventing the loss of naringin to certain extent.
3.4. Starch hydrolysis and glycemic index
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