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Thematic Review Series Vol.

88, 2014

Respiration 2014;88:353–364 Published online: September 24, 2014

DOI: 10.1159/000367852

Targeting Inhaled Therapy beyond the

Ninell P. Mortensen a Anthony J. Hickey b

Systems and Translational Sciences, and b Technology for Industry and the Environment, Discovery Sciences

Technologies Group, RTI International, Research Triangle Park, N.C., USA

Key Words Introduction

Aerosolization · Drug delivery · Drug release · Dissolution
rate · Inhaled therapy · Systemic delivery The recent US Food and Drug Administration approv-
al of Afrezza [1] will increase the interest in the lung as a
route for systemic administration of drugs. Moreover, it
Abstract should resurrect the enthusiasm for protein and peptide
Pulmonary disease has been the primary target of inhaled delivery that fueled decades of scientific inquiry and led
therapeutics for over 50 years. During that period, increasing to many novel technologies but waned upon the with-
interest has arisen in the use of this route of administration drawal of Exubera (inhaled insulin, Pfizer) in 2007. A
to gain access to the systemic circulation for the treatment number of diseases with symptoms that manifest beyond
of a number of diseases beyond the airways. In order to ef- the airways, including pulmonary hypertension (proxi-
fectively employ this route, the barriers to transport from the mally) and migraine headaches (distally), have been the
lungs following deposition of aerosols must be considered, subject of recent developments [2].
including the nature of the disease (whether proximal, as in In this context, a review of the considerations regard-
pulmonary hypertension, or distal, as in diabetes). Delivery ing the systemic delivery of drugs is timely. There are a
to the systemic circulation begins with the efficiency of aero- number of reasons for selecting the pulmonary route of
sol generation and subsequent deposition in the airways administration for systemically acting agents. These may
and proceeds to the influence of mechanisms of clearance, be divided into pharmaceutical, metabolic and physiolog-
including absorption, metabolism, and mucociliary and cell-
mediated transport, on the residence time of the drugs in the
lungs. The nature of the drug (small or large molecules/low Previous articles in this series: 1. Usmani OS: New developments
or high molecular weight), susceptibility to degradation and in inhaled drugs: within and beyond the lungs. Respiration 2014;88:
1–2. 2. Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Usmani OS: New inhaler devices –
general physicochemical properties play a role in the chem- the good, the bad and the ugly. Respiration 2014;88:3–15. 3. Rubin
istry of its formulation, physics of aerosol delivery and biol- BK, Williams RW: Aerosolized antibiotics for non-cystic fibrosis bron-
ogy of disposition. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel chiectasis. Respiration 2014;88:177–184.

© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel Anthony J. Hickey

0025–7931/14/0885–0353$39.50/0 Technology for Industry and the Environment
Discovery Sciences Technologies Group, RTI International
3040 East Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (USA)
E-Mail ahickey @
physico- Device
Product chemical design
development properties

Aerosol product
performance and
patient technique


Bioavailability uptake
Fig. 1. Chemical, physical and biological
considerations that define the sequence of Mucociliary
events from product development through transport
optimal pharmaceutical aerosol product
performance to achieve the desired bio-
availability and therapeutic effect.

ical. Many drugs are not orally bioavailable due to intrin- Lung Physiology
sic physiochemical properties or chemical instability in
the extreme pH conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. Pulmonary drug delivery for remote targeting has re-
Others are subject to metabolism prior to or following ceived less attention than local delivery to treat lung con-
absorption to inactive or toxic metabolites. The disease ditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmo-
itself may present physiological advantages to pulmonary nary disease. Success for examples such as inhaled admin-
delivery due to the proximity of the systemic target: a no- istration of human growth hormone [4–6] and insulin
table example being pulmonary hypertension. [7–13] is a strong motivator for exploring this route of
In general, inhaled products require the combination drug administration. Inhaled drug delivery can be the an-
of a drug formulation in an inhaler device that accurately swer to increase bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs
meters the drug on the inspiratory flow of the patients that have poor absorption and bioavailability in the gas-
resulting in lung deposition and disposition, as shown trointestinal tract when orally administered or are highly
schematically in figure 1. Product development consider- metabolized by the liver. Pulmonary drug delivery by-
ations focus on the formulation development, which de- passes the first metabolism and has the potential for re-
pends on the physicochemical properties of the drug and duced drug metabolism and high bioavailability. How-
the design of the device. The combined elements of the ever, pulmonary drug delivery presents the challenge of
formulation, device and metering system allow for the reaching sufficiently high circulating drug concentra-
product to dispense an accurate dose in appropriate par- tions to achieve therapeutic levels. The biology of the
ticle/droplet sizes for deposition in the airways. Upon de- lungs must be taken into consideration when designing
position, there are three major mechanisms of disposition inhaled therapies, in conjunction with the physicochem-
absorption: mucociliary and macrophage uptake, and ical properties of the aerosolized drug particles, their dis-
cell-mediated transport [3]. Each of these mechanisms position in the lungs and drug bioavailability. The design
may be influenced by a variety of biophysical and bio- and technical details of the different inhalers available for
chemical phenomena that will inhibit or enhance the bio- pulmonary drug delivery are beyond the scope of this re-
availability of the drug and are discussed in greater detail view, but have been extensively described elsewhere [14–
in the following sections. 18].

354 Respiration 2014;88:353–364 Mortensen /Hickey


DOI: 10.1159/000367852


Fig. 2. Schematic (a) and histopathological

section (b) through the airway depicting
ciliated epithelial cells [modified from 75].

Aerosol drug delivery to the lungs generally facilitates Table 1. Pulmonary cells and their function
uptake to the systemic circulation. The optimal region to
target for systemic delivery is the periphery (respiratory Cell Putative function
bronchioles and alveoli) due to the large surface area, the Ciliated columnar Mucus movement
thin epithelial barrier and close proximity to the blood Mucus (goblet) Mucus secretion
and lymphatic fluid. Serous Periciliary fluid
The human lungs divide into two functional regions, Clara (nonciliated Surfactant production,
the conducting airways and the respiratory region. The epithelial) metabolism
Brush Transitional form of ciliated
conducting airways include the nasal cavity and associ- epithelial cells
ated sinuses, the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and Basal Progenitor for ciliated epithelial
bronchioles. The respiratory region is comprised of the and goblet cells
respiratory bronchioles, the alveolar ducts and the alveo- Dendritic cells Antigen-presenting cells
lar sacs. Together the conducting airways and respiratory Neuroendocrine Chemoreceptor, paracrine function
Alveolar type I Alveolar gas exchange
regions account for an estimate 23–32 branchings or gen- Alveolar type II Surfactant secretion, differentiation
erations [15, 16, 19], and all compartments are main- to type I cells
tained at high relative humidity, which affects the drug Alveolar macrophages Pulmonary defense
particle physicochemical properties as the drug particle Mast Immunoregulation
travels though the lung. The role of humidity will be dis-
cussed later. The trachea, bronchi and bronchioles are
collectively called the airways and branch off into the al-
veoli. In an adult, the surface area of these airways is only forming a cellular monolayer in the alveoli (fig. 2) [16].
a few square meters in contrast to the alveolar surface area Two important cell types overall in the lungs are mucus-
of more than 100 m2. producing goblet cells and ciliated cells, which together
form the mucociliary escalator, the ‘housekeeping’ sys-
tem of the upper airways. If the drug particle deposits in
Airways and Cells the airway before reaching the alveolar space, it is likely
to be carried to the trachea by the mucus escalator before
The drug particle traveling to the alveolar space will its drug content is released. The protected viscous mucus
encounter many different cell types (epithelial, ciliated, layer lining epithelial cells is 8 μm thick in the bronchus
goblet, secretory and basal cells), which are adapted to transition through the airways into a 0.07-μm-thick sur-
serve the specialized functions of each compartment (ta- factant layer in the alveoli. The mucus layer is comprised
ble 1) [16]. of inorganic salts, proteins, glycoproteins (mucins), lipids
The major cell type of the airways is the epithelial cell, and water, whereas the surfactant layer contains phos-
which in the bronchi of the upper airways has a columnar pholipids, cholesterol and proteins [19]. The presence
morphology with a height of 58 μm, gradually thinning in and composition of this protective lining of the lungs is
deeper portions of the lungs to a height of 0.1–0.2 μm likely to affect both drug solubility and diffusion towards

Targeting Inhaled Therapy beyond the Respiration 2014;88:353–364 355

Lungs DOI: 10.1159/000367852
a target or a depot. Macrophages are frequently the host
Mycobacterium cells for infectious microorganisms and co-opting their
phagocytic nature to deliver antibiotics allows for lower
dose and more potent therapy [24, 25]. Figure 3 illustrates
the sequence of events that allows two exemplary intra-
pH Ȟ gondii
cellular infectious microorganisms to enter the macro-
– H2O2 phage and then turn off the lysosomal antimicrobial pro-

+ O2 O2 cesses and ultimately disconnect the vesicle from normal
intracellular trafficking.
SOD Pulmonary blood and lymphatic circulation are also

Lysosomal O2 essential features of the lungs and require consideration in
enzymes GL
respiratory drug delivery. In a normal healthy person, it is
LAM estimated that the pulmonary blood volume is approxi-
mately 10% of the total blood volume of the body, with
20–25% being arterial blood volume [26–28]. This pres-
ents the opportunity for rapidly achieving a high drug
Fig. 3. Disposition of intracellular infectious microorganisms (My-
cobacterium tuberculosis and Toxoplasma gondii) in alveolar mac-
concentration in the bloodstream, but also the challenge
rophages of avoiding unintended metabolism and clearance of a
drug. The entire cardiovascular output passes through the
lungs, resulting in a high pulmonary blood flow, and the
metabolic capacity of the lung should not be ignored [29].
the epithelium, and the interaction between drugs and
cell surfaces and receptors. Inhaled particles deposited on
ciliated epithelial regions of the lungs will embed in the Transport and Metabolism
mucus layer, where they are transported by the ciliated
cells into the esophagus, and the material is expectorated Other biological obstacles in the fate of inhaled drug
and/or swallowed. The kinetics of particle deposition, as particles when they have reached the alveolar space are
a function of their interaction with these features of the drug metabolism, efflux transporters (such as P-glyco-
lungs, are an important consideration for bioavailability. protein prominent in type I cells), protein binding and
Mucociliary clearance rates in the absence of unique cell cellular permeability [19]. All metabolic enzymes found
binding phenomena are considered to be in the 12- to 24- in the liver are also present in the lung, but at a lower
hour range [20]. level. For example cytochrome P450 is 5–20 times lower in
Uptake by alveolar macrophages in the periphery of the lung compared to the liver [30–34]. General meta-
the lungs is also a challenge to retaining drug particles in bolic enzyme and transporter pathways are illustrated in
the lungs for sufficient time to release their contents un- figure 4.
impeded. Approximately 90% of alveolar macrophages
are located at or near the spatial junctions between alveo- Transporters
lar epithelial cells [21], and the air interface of each of the Other protein transporters such as breast cancer resis-
approximately 500 million alveoli is patrolled by 12–14 tance protein, multidrug resistance-associated protein
alveolar macrophages, which phagocytose any insoluble and lung resistance protein are found in the lungs and are
particle that deposits in this location [22]. Delivery of responsible for the efflux transport of many drugs, which
drugs to the lungs can either be designed to avoid phago- leads to lower absorption and bioavailability than expect-
cytic cells or to take advantage of the phagocytic nature ed [19]. All the listed biological functions are likely to dif-
of the macrophages. The benefits that accrue from each fer between the various compartments of the lungs and
of these strategies are important to the action of the drug. need to be considered when designing inhaled therapies.
Avoiding macrophage uptake is important for drugs Many aspects of pulmonary drug metabolism are not well
which may be subject to degradation by the enzymes in understood at present. Also, as a combined entity, all the
these cells, which are designed to eliminate both endog- above biological functions will influence the rate and ex-
enous and exogenous substances of biological origin [23]. tent of drug absorption and retention in the lungs, which
Conversely, it may be desirable to target macrophages as determine the bioavailability of the drug. Where under-

356 Respiration 2014;88:353–364 Mortensen /Hickey


DOI: 10.1159/000367852
Glucuronic acid

Phase I OH SH Phase II
Drug Drug Drug
Functionalization Conjugation
+ – –

Cytochrome P450s Glucuronosyltransferases
Monooxygenases Sulfotransferases
Dehydrogenases Acetyltransferases MDR1 (P-glycoprotein)
Oxidases Methyltransferases
Fig. 4. General metabolic pathways and the Esterases Glutathione S-transferases
role of efflux transporters. Courtesy of
Matt Redinbo, University of North Caro- Excretion
lina at Chapel Hill.

Table 2. Phase I metabolic enzymes and their appearance in the lungs [abstracted from 76]

Enzymes mRNA Protein Location

phase I CYPs

1A1 +++ (smokers) +++ (smokers) Bronchial epithelial cells, capillary endothelium, alveolar epithelium
1A2 +/– +/– Peripheral tissue
1B1 ++ +/– Alveolar macrophage epithelial cells, bronchial epithelial cells
2A6 ++ +/– Bronchial mucosa, epithelial cells
2A13 + ? Bronchial mucosa, alveolar epithelium
2B6/7 +++ +++ Clara cells, bronchial and peripheral tissue, epithelial cells
2C8/18 + +/– Serous cells of bronchial glands, bronchial and peripheral tissue
2D6 +/– +/– Bronchial mucosa
2E1 +++ +++ Bronchial, bronchiolar and alveolar epithelium, endothelial cells
2F1 +++ ? Alveolar macrophage epithelial cells, endothelial cells
2J2 + ++ Bronchial and vascular smooth muscle cell, vascular endothelium, alveolar
2S1 + + Epithelial cells
3A4/5 +++ ++ Bronchial, bronchiolar and alveolar epithelium, alveolar endothelium,
alveolar macrophages
3A43 + ? ?
4B1 + ? Bronchoalveolar macrophages
EHs ++ ++ Bronchial epithelial cells
FMOs ++ + ?

standing the pulmonary drug metabolism comes in, is Metabolism

that the feasible amount of material delivered to the lungs Lung metabolism for small natural peptides can be
is about 100–150 mg per dose [35], which is in contrast to very significant unless they are chemically engineered to
the gastrointestinal tract, where several grams can be eas- inhibit peptidases. Besides the phase I enzymes discussed
ily administered. Thus, in the presence of a lower level of above, phase II enzymes such as uridine glucuronosyl-
metabolic enzymes, efflux transporters can still have a transferase, sulfotransferase, glutathione S-transferase
significant impact on pulmonary drug delivery compared and peptidase activity have also been reported [36–40].
to the gastrointestinal tract. Somers et al. [34] compared the catalytic activity of both

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Lungs DOI: 10.1159/000367852
Table 3. Phase II metabolic enzymes and
their appearance in the lungs [abstracted Enzymes phase II mRNA Protein Location
from 76]
UGT +/– +/– Lung tissue
A1 ++ + Bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium
A2 ++ + Bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium
M1 ++ + Lung tissue
M2 ++ + Epithelium of the terminal airways
M3 ++ + Ciliated airway epithelium and smooth muscle
P1 ++ + Bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium
NAT + + Bronchial epithelial cells, alveolar lining cells
1A1 + + Bronchial epithelial cells
2B1b + + Bronchial epithelial cells

UGT = Uridine glucuronosyltransferase; GST = glutathione S-transferase; NAT = N-

acetyltransferase; SULT = sulfotransferase.

phase I and II enzymes in isolated human lung parenchy- Physical and Biological Barriers
mal and hepatocyte cells using liquid chromatography-
tandem mass spectrometry and found that some evidence Physical properties of a particle, such as particle size,
for substantial sulfation and deesterification capacity in aerodynamic particle size distribution, mass median
lung parenchymal cells. Transcript profiling of xenobiot- aerodynamic diameter (da), mass distribution, shape and
ic-metabolizing enzymes encoding genes of nontumoral electrostatic charge, play an important role where the
and tumoral lung tissue from patients with non-small drug particles deposit in the lung. Also, the pharmacoki-
lung cancer also showed the activity of several phase I and netic properties of drug release, which are influenced by
II enzymes, and, furthermore, stressed the differences in solubility and dissolution rate, from particles and drug
pulmonary metabolism caused by disease [40]. Tables 2 half-life are important factors to take into consideration
and 3 illustrate the metabolic enzymes which may be for achieving a therapeutic concentration.
found in the lungs. Pulmonary delivery of nanomedicine has to be de-
The location of enzymes within the airways and in sub- signed to deliver the aerosolized drug particle to the in-
cellular organelles may also play a role in disposition tended area of the lung; the deposition is primarily based
since the route that the drug takes from the lungs will have on particle size. Particle deposition occurs by inertial im-
both a spatial and temporal probability of passing through paction, sedimentation, diffusion, interception and by
regions of high metabolic activity. Certain cells are known electrostatic precipitation [15, 16, 41]. When the particle
to be highly metabolic, such as Clara cells in the airways. has sufficient momentum to follow its initial trajectory
Type II alveolar epithelial cells express enzymes required despite changes in the airstream, inertial impaction oc-
for metabolism, such as cytochrome P450, but type I cells curs, and the particle collides with the airway wall, often
are thought to have little capacity for metabolism. En- at or near a bifurcation in the lungs. Gravity also influ-
zymes are distributed in many subcellular compartments ences the particle route in the airways and in a time-de-
but not uniformly, as shown in table 4. pendent manner causes sedimentation. Particles small
General biochemical principles apply to the transport enough to be subject to random motions are subject to
of molecules through or between cells, as illustrated in diffusion. Impaction and sedimentation are the domi-
figure 5. Molecular and peptide absorbance kinetics in the nant mechanisms of deposition of therapeutic aerosols.
pulmonary space can also be significantly influenced by The equivalent aerodynamic (da) and volume diame-
naturally occurring glycosylation [7]. A study of α1- ters of a particle are the most appropriate descriptors for
antitrypsin showed a fourfold lower tmax if the molecule aerosolized drug particles. The former is particularly im-
was naturally glycosylated compared to nonglycosylated portant as lung deposition relates to particle aerodynam-
molecules [7]. ic behavior. For inhalation therapy, the optimal da for a
particle is approximately 1–5 μm [42]. Particles larger

358 Respiration 2014;88:353–364 Mortensen /Hickey


DOI: 10.1159/000367852
Table 4. Distribution of enzymes in subcellular compartments and ratio of the drag force of the particle to that of a sphere of
their function [modified from 76] equivalent volume. Consequently, the drag force will be
greater on a nonspherical particle with high surface
Localization Phase Enzyme Reaction
roughness when compared to a spherical particle, and, as
Cytosol I Estarase Hydrolysis a result, da is smaller than anticipated. Creating porous
I Epoxide hydrolase Hydrolysis particles that have a similar mass of a drug in a larger vol-
I Azo and nitro reduction Hydrolysis ume also increases the drag with respect to a solid particle
I Carbonyl reduction Hydrolysis of the same da [43]. Therefore, particle shape and density
I Disulfide reduction Reduction
I Sulfoxide reduction Reduction can be used to manipulate the aerodynamic properties of
I Quinone reduction Reduction aerosols.
I Alcohol dehydrogenase Reduction The da of a drug particle can be altered when entering
I Aldehyde oxidase Reduction the high relative humidity environment in the airways,
I Diamine oxidase Oxidation and thereby drug deposition can also be altered [30].
II Sulfate conjugation
II Glutathione conjugation Rarely does removal of water occur, more frequently the
II Acylation cause is particle acquisition, which is a function of the
II Methylation initial diameter, so a particle <1 μm may increase fivefold
Microsomes I Estarase Hydrolysis in contrast to the two- to threefold increase for a particle
I Epoxide hydrolase Hydrolysis >2 μm [44].
I Azo and nitro reduction Hydrolysis The physicochemical properties of the molecule in-
I Carbonyl reduction Hydrolysis tended for delivery also play a critical role in the formula-
I Quinone reduction Reduction tion of inhalation therapy. Crossing the airway epithelial
I Reductive dehalogenation Reduction
I Prostaglandin H synthase Reduction barrier is naturally essential for the drug to enter the
I Flavin-monooxygenases Reduction blood stream, and parameters such as molecular weight,
I Cytochrome P450 Reduction lipophilicity (log P), solubility, pKa, protein binding, po-
II Glucuronide conjugation lar surface area and charge plays into that [19]. In gen-
II Glutathione conjugation eral, lipophilic molecules cross the airway epithelium by
II Amino acid conjugation
II Methylation passive transport and hydrophilic molecules via extracel-
lular pathways. However, molecules are delivered as par-
Lysosomes I Estarase Hydrolysis ticles, and particles with low dissolution rate that reach
I Peptidase Hydrolysis
the alveolar space, past the mucociliary escalator, en-
Mitochondria I Alcohol dehydrogenase Reduction counter the many alveolar macrophages and are phago-
I Xanthine oxidase Reduction
cytized or absorbed into the pulmonary circulation [30].
II Amino acid conjugation
II Acylation Particle surface properties, however, are of greater inter-
est than dissolution rate in respect to disposition. Other
Blood I Estarase Hydrolysis
I Peptidase Hydrolysis
physicochemical properties to take into account are van
I Carbonyl reduction Hydrolysis der Waals forces, hydrostatic interaction, mechanical in-
II Methylation terlocking, and electrostatic and capillary forces, which
Microflora I Azo and nitro reduction Hydrolysis
are important contributors to particle interactions in the
lung, which influence aggregation, and particle-particle
and particle-cell interactions. In pulmonary drug deliv-
ery, achieving the intended da and avoiding aggregation
are essential for successful therapeutic results.
than 5 μm usually experience inertial impaction early in As mentioned above, the human airway is coated with
the airways and are deposited in the oral cavity and phar- a protecting surfactant layer, the protein content and
ynx. Particles that are smaller than 0.5 μm are subject to composition of which varies between lung compart-
Brownian motion and settle very slowly, and they are of- ments. As soon as they interact with protein-rich envi-
ten exhaled before settling occurs. Also influencing the ronment, particles acquire a surface protein coating or
aerodynamic behavior of drug particles is the shape fac- corona. The corona is dynamic following the Vroman ef-
tor, which is dependent on particle shape, surface rough- fect, which describes how the more abundant proteins
ness and surface area. The shape factor is defined by the will initially form a looser associated corona, to be re-

Targeting Inhaled Therapy beyond the Respiration 2014;88:353–364 359

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External Membrane Internal


Return of original
Carrier cy
Bin Conformational
din change


Bin Conformational
din change
g ADP + PI

Translocation ATP

Paracellular diffusion

Fig. 5. Mechanisms of drug transport
across the pulmonary epithelium.

placed with less abundant proteins with higher binding solutions [53]. Regardless of the primary particle size of
affinity to the surface [45, 46]. The protein corona com- the formulation (micro- or nano-sized), the particles de-
position and dynamics have been reported to be influ- livered in these states from these devices are necessarily
enced by particle size, surface chemistry and charge [47– in micron sizes due to their intrinsic physicochemical
50]. The protein composition might play an important properties and underlying forces of interaction. Thus, mi-
role in both macrophage uptake and transport across the cron-sized aerosolized droplets may contain many
epithelial barrier. nanoparticles that dry to form aggregates, and dry pow-
ders are dispersed as micro-agglomerated nanoparticles.
Thus, conventional aerosol deposition phenomena oc-
Fate of Microparticles and Nanoparticles cur, which for the size range of interest, 1–5 μm, for lung
delivery is dominated by inertial impaction and sedimen-
It is important to note that lung deposition occurs tation, as discussed earlier. It is of interest, from both safe-
most effectively for microparticles usually in the 1- to ty and efficacy standpoints, to consider the extent and
5-μm size range [51, 52]. The recent interest in nanopar- rate of deaggregation of nanoparticle agglomerates since
ticle delivery poses some important questions consider- this will influence a variety of elements of disposition
ing aerosol properties. Aerosol particles or droplets are from dissolution rate to route of elimination or access to
delivered as dry powders alone (via dry powder inhalers), the target site for therapy or off-target site for toxicity
or aqueous (nebulizers or soft mist inhalers) or nonaque- [54]. A micro-agglomerated nanoparticle construct may
ous (pressurized metered dose inhalers) suspensions or exhibit low density, in which case it may have two poten-

360 Respiration 2014;88:353–364 Mortensen /Hickey   

DOI: 10.1159/000367852
tially desirable properties: the first being its small aerody-
namic particle size in relation to its geometric size, which 1.E+00

is predicted by Stokes’ law [55]. In principle, the longer 1.E–01

Clearance (1/min)
nanoparticles which remain aggregated are more likely to 4.4 kDa
9.5 kDa
behave as microparticles with respect to clearance mech- 1.E–02
38.9 kDa
anisms. However, their low density may mean that their 1.E–03
71.2 kDa
geometric size is too large for macrophage uptake [43]. In
addition, their large surface area may increase the disso- 1.E–04
21.2 kDa
lution rate for soluble particles [55]. In turn, this will have 1.E–05
an effect on the pharmacokinetics of drug appearance in 1E+01 1E+02 1E+03 1E+04 1E+05 1E+06
the systemic circulation. Due to lower solubility or for Molecular weight (Da)
other reasons, such as the presence of a hydrophobic ad-
ditive, particles exhibit retarded dissolution and will re-
Fig. 6. Clearance as a function of molecular weight for fluorescent
tain their primary particle structure for a defined time. dextrans. The solid line depicts the mean and the dotted lines the
Assuming that deagglomeration occurs within the time range for data derived from a number of species including man
frame of mucociliary clearance, intact nanoparticles will [modified from 65, 77, 78]. The data points represent data points
interact differently with mucus and may be retained lon- for which permeability across small airway epithelial cells in cul-
ger than microparticles by penetrating the mucus matrix ture demonstrated equivalence to in vivo data.
to the epithelial surface [56]. Those particles that deposit
in the periphery of the lungs will not be constrained by
mucociliary clearance rates. Depending on deagglomera-
tion rates and the intermediate size of fragments of the cent-labeled dextrans [61, 62] or other polymers [63].
original particles, uptake by both alveolar and airway Clearance has been shown to be linearly and reciprocally
macrophages and dendritic cells is possible, resulting in related to molecular weight regardless of the species [64,
the first contact with the primary elements of the immune 65]. Figure 6 illustrates the phenomenon as observed in a
system in the lungs [57]. The immune response to this cell culture model using human small airway epithelial
exposure may dictate the safety of the proposed therapy. cells onto which aerosols were sampled from an inertial
Certain nanoparticles may also pass directly through the impactor to achieve appropriate particle size [66].
epithelium, which has both safety and efficacy implica-
tions for systemic exposure depending on the time the
particles take to disperse into the molecular state [58, 59]. Therapeutic Examples
The most prominent nanoparticles delivered have
been macromolecules which are either proteins or nucle- A wide range of molecules have been considered for
ic acids. Since their hydrodynamic radius is of nanometer delivery to the lungs to treat a variety of systemic diseases.
size, these are definitively in the category of nanoparti- Interest in the lungs as a route of systemic administration
cles. The importance of the molecular weight of these existed at the onset of the biotechnology product revolu-
molecules has received considerable attention [60]. In tion, which began in earnest in the late 1980s. In particu-
general, clearance rates from the lung decrease with in- lar biological molecules that could not be delivered by the
creasing molecular weight. It has been suggested that for oral route and that would otherwise be injected were con-
all practical purposes with some exceptions for function- sidered potential candidates [67, 68]. The most promi-
alized proteins, which may utilize active clearance path- nent of these candidates were insulin for the treatment of
ways, the molecular weight range suitable for systemic diabetes and leuprolide acetate to treat prostate cancer
delivery through the lungs is 5–20 kDa [7]. Delivery of [11, 69]. Insulin posed some unique challenges in that it
proteins and peptides may be hindered by the instability is required daily and with some discretion by the patient
of the drug in the presence of lung lining fluid, containing to control circulating glucose levels, but in other respects
peptidases and other macromolecules (glycoprotein, gly- the patient may be healthy. The requirement for exquisite
colipid), by which they are degraded or to which they dose control to titrate efficacy safely resulted in the devel-
bind, respectively. opment of formulations and devices (mostly dry powder
Historically, the influence of molecular weight on the inhalers) that propelled pharmaceutical aerosol science
transport of macromolecules was studied using fluores- into the 21st century. Leuprolide acetate, a nonapeptide

Targeting Inhaled Therapy beyond the Respiration 2014;88:353–364 361

Lungs DOI: 10.1159/000367852
leuteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analog, was de- inhalers. These dosage forms more readily accommodate
veloped for the delivery in a pressurized metered dose the required doses and stability of biotechnology prod-
inhaler, and as it is a relatively small peptide without sec- ucts. After depositing in the lungs, particles must first dis-
ondary or tertiary structure, it did not pose such a sig- solve, and, during this period, they are being transported
nificant formulation and stability challenge. While this on the mucociliary escalator or in macrophages depend-
product was published widely in the early 1990s, it did ing on their site of deposition and the time taken to com-
not proceed to the commercialization stage. A number of pletely convert to the molecular drug. Once dissolved, the
other proteins and peptides, including calcitonin, para- drug will have to pass through lung lining fluid where en-
thyroid hormone and growth hormone, were studied [5, zyme (e.g. protease) action or binding (protein or lipid)
70], but none of them were commercialized. may hinder penetration to the epithelium. Transport
The ability to deliver small molecular weight mole- through or around epithelial cells may result in metabo-
cules rapidly through the lungs to relieve symptoms as- lism or transporter effects that may influence the availabil-
sociated with central nervous system diseases may be ity of the drug in the circulation. Assuming that these po-
traced back in modern times to a pressurized metered tential barriers can be circumvented through judicious se-
dose inhaler for ergotamine used to treat migraine head- lection (or design) of molecules, the pulmonary route
aches in the 1960s (3M Pharmaceuticals, St. Paul, Minn., offers great potential for drugs that would otherwise be
USA) [2]. This is apparently an effective strategy since poorly bioavailable (due to their solubility or degradation
dihydroergotamine is now under development for the in gastrointestinal fluids), toxic (due to large doses) or
same purpose (Levadex; Allergan, Irvine, Calif., USA) subject to first pass metabolism. Moreover, the pulmonary
[71]. Other agents that act in the CNS have been explored route may be considered a topical application of drugs,
more recently, including those to treat agitation in schizo- which does not require the invasive techniques with req-
phrenia (Loxapine; Alexza, Mountain View, Calif., USA) uisite oversight and training employed for parenteral drug
[72] and drugs used for pain relief [73]. administration. It may be concluded that with appropriate
With systemic drug delivery becoming conceptually pharmaceutical, biological and disease state consider-
more popular, it is not surprising that targeting a proxi- ations, aerosol delivery of drugs to the lungs for systemic
mal site of the airways is considered. Pulmonary hyper- action may yet meet its full potential.
tension is a difficult disease to treat since its localization
makes systemic therapy problematic. The idea of access-
ing the target site by direct drug delivery to the lungs is Acknowledgments
very attractive. Inhaled prostenoids have been pursued
Dr. Hickey is supported in part by the National Institute of Al-
for this purpose [74].
lergy and Infectious Diseases (grant No. R01AI091882) and is
principal investigator for the National Institutes of Health Nano-
material Registry. This Registry has been funded with federal funds
Conclusion from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengi-
neering and the following partners: the National Institute of Envi-
ronmental and Health Sciences, and the National Cancer Institute,
The ongoing success of aerosol therapy for the treat-
National Institutes of Health and the US Department of Health
ment of pulmonary diseases has established a strong foun- and Human Services (contract No. HHSN268201000022C).
dation for science and technology, from which to consid-
er further applications to systemic disease, which have ei-
ther proximal, e.g. in the case of pulmonary hypertension, References 1 FDA: FDA approves Afrezza to treat diabetes.
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