Ujian Madrasah TAHUN PELAJARAN 2019/2020: Utama Sangat Rahasia

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Program : IPS

Hari, Tanggal : SELASA, 31 MARET 2020

Waktu : 90 MENIT
I. Choose the best answer to each What can we learn from the dialouge ?
questions from the alternatives given. A. The man is working alone
B. The man is offers help
1. X : Is Puncak Pass resort near here? C. The man’s friend is on the way
Y : Yes, it is. D. The woman is tired
Z : .... it's about 10 kilometers from here. E. The woman does not let the man help her.
X : Oh, really?
A. I agree with you. 5. Man : Oh no, my lap top does not work.
B. I quite agree. Woman : What is the best response to say next
C. I think so too. ?
D. It certainly is. A. That’s fine
B. I do not know about the laptop
2. Man : have you seen our new teacher? C. That’s very kind of you. Thank
Woman : Yes, I have. D. I can manage myself
Man : Do you think she is a good teacher ? E. That is to bad. You can use my laptop
Woman : ...
What is the most appropriate response to 6. My sister ... learned several foreign languages
reply next ? A. Might have
A.Yes, I think so. She explains the lesson B. Should have
clearly C. Woud have
B. I hope so. I want to join her class D. Must have
C. I agree with you. She is a new teacher E. Could have
D. That is not true. I did not say that.
E. Yes, I do. I think she is a new teacher. 7. Penny invited him to a barbeque party on
Monday night.
3. Mother : You know that Tamara always takes He ... come because he was not free on
sleeping pills to solve her problems. Monday
A. Couldn’t
Father : That's wrong. It can be dangerous for B. Wouldn’t
her life if she doesn't change her bad C. Shouldn’t
habit. She should go to a specialist or D. Ought to have
share her problems with someone she E. Should have
The underlined expression expresses .... 8. Jenny did not attend the meeting yesterday.
A. Sympathy She... have forgotten about the meeting
B. Possibility A. should
C. Agreement B. migh
D. Disagreement C. may
E. Uncertainty D. ought to
E. could
4. Man : I will help you clean the room. It is too
large. You will be tired. 9. You have to turn off the light ... you go to school.
Woman : Thanks. My friend has not come yet. A. Before
Iam glad you help me. B. When
C. After B. He wants to ask for Information about
D. Since advertisemet.
E. While C. He wants to stop the placing of an
10. My little brothers were watching television ... I D. He wants to tell the recipient that he doesn’t
was studying at my room. want to place an ad in December 3 issue.
A. When E. He wants to tell the recipient that he wants
B. Until to place an ad in December issue.
C. as
D. While 13. “…in the next issue ....” (par. 1)
E. as soon as What does the underlined word mean?
A. Gossipmonger
11. Can you keep my cat ... I run into the shop ? B. Publishing
A. while C. Big mouth
B. Before D. Chatting
C. after E. Talking
D. as
E. as soon as 14. Who is the sender?
A. Guy William
Text for number 12 to 14 B. Soy Hokk
C. Bagas William
Gardens Oy Hok Guy Williams D. The writer
Po Box 687 Landscape E. Hendra
1103 Lisbon Portugal Design Magazine
November 28, 2011 Ottho Heldringstraat 2 Text for number 15 to 17
1066 AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands Most people agree that some form of family
limitation or spacing is desirable for the good of the
family and society. But individuals and groups–
especially religious groups–differ sharply on the
Dear Mr. Williams,
methods of birth control that they consider moral
Thank you for sending the advertising
and acceptable.
information. We have decided not to place an ad in
Couples that practice birth control do so for
the December issue, but we will consider placing
various reasons. They may want to limit or space
one in the next issue in March.
their children or to have no children at all. Young
We will be in touch. Again thank you for
couples often postpone having children so that
your assistance.
both partners can work full-time. Other couples
Sincerely yours,
space their children so they can give each child as
Soy Hok
much attention as possible. Some women are
Landscape Architect
advised by their doctors to avoid pregnancy for
health reasons. In many countries with rapidly
12. What does the sender want to say in the letter?
growing populations, the government encourages
A. He wants to place an advertisement. couples to limit the size of their families.
Even though birth control has gained in B. I don’t think so. He is patient
acceptance, opposition to the practice is C. I agree with you. He is very friendly
continuous. Some people fear that birth control D. In my opinion, he is patient
encourages sexual relations outside marriage or E. In my view, he is never angry at us
that government might impose birth control. Some
religious groups oppose birth control on moral 19. Woman : Do you think a belt is suitable present
grounds. for Mr. Hasan?
Some religious groups teach that artificial Man : ... but I have prepared a belt for him.
methods of birth control are immoral because they What is the most suitable response to say
separate the two purposes of intercourse in next?
marriage–conjugal love and the procreation of A. No, thanks
children. Although they oppose all artificial birth B. I think so
control, they consider natural family planning C. Yes,I do
acceptable. D. I disagree
E. I like it
15. What does the text discuss about?
A. Family planning. 20. Yudha : Oh, I am tired of typing this article
B. The disagreement with birth control Arya : . . .?
C. Reason to support family limitation Yudha : No, thanks.
D.The two different opinion on birth control A. Could you help me
E.The religious group which disagrees with B. What can I do for you
birth control C. could you do me a favour
D. Do you like me to do it for you
16. The issue of the text is ….
E. Can you do something for me
A. government’s population program
B. family planning programs
21. Ety : . . . , Tony?
C. family limitation
Tony : I’m tired. Please take a glass of water
D. birth control
for me.
E. sex control
A. Is there you can do for me
17. Which of the following reason do not support B. Do you want to help me
birth control? C. Would you help me
A. To limit the family size D. What can I do for you
B. To space the children birth. E. Would you mind helping me
C. To avoid high family budget.
D. To avoid a risk-health pregnancy. 22. Lisa : What about going to seafood
E.To share much attention with the children. restaurant?
Dad : . . . .
18. Man : Do you think that Mr. Udin is What will Lisa’s father say to show that he
patient? doesn’t like sea-food?
Woman : Yes, I think so. He is never angry. A. I’m afraid I like fish
What is the most suitable response to say B. I can’t stand eating sea-food
next? C. I am really fond of eating fish
A. I think he is patient D. I am sure I’ll enjoy it very much
E. Its menu doesn’t offer us many kinds of Working and studying in school is
sea-food challenging. It can be a rewarding experience if
you use some foresight. However you’d better
23. Ary : We have involved ourselves in this think a hundred times before you decide to take a
research for many days. Do you think it part time job.
will be successful? On the negative side, working and still
Rino : . . . . But, I hope so. maintaining a good grade at school is not an easy
A. Certain job. Having less time for school work becomes the
B. I am certain main negative effect. Consequently, many
C. I am convinced students who work part time fail to perform their
D. There is no doubt best both on school work and on examination.
E. I can’t say that for sure Moreover, a part time job can really interfere with
the students’ free time and social life.
24. Nila     : Yes. My mother bought them for me. On the positive side of things, a part time
Andi   : Oh, I see. By the way, would you like job helps students to support day to day living
me to water the flowers? expense. Working can be a valuable part of a
Nila     : No, thanks. You don’t have to. student’s life, if they are on responsibly. Students
can derive a great deal of working, more than just
Nila     : Well. I’m planting a rose now.  money. In most cases, they can acquire a nice
Can you help me get the flower pot over there, doze of discipline and a whole new set of skill and
please? experiences. Another benefit of part time work is
the underlined utterance expresses asking the opportunity to expand the resume.
for ... Working takes a lot of time energy, so
A. information students need to make sure to be able to handle
B. a help both employment and their current commitments.
C. suggestion Finally, if you are considering working part time,
D. something talk to your school counselor to discuss this move.
E. Opinon Simply, explaining your goals to someone else can
help you make decisions and figure out your
25. Azhar : What wrong with your camera, priorities.
Tommy : The lens doesn’t focus well. 26. The text mainly discusses about.…
Azhar :...? A. Working at school
Tommy : No thanks. I can fix it to repairman B. Work experiences
What is the best answer above? C. Going to school
a. Will you bring it into a repairman D. Part time job
b. should I change it E. Getting a job
c. do you need some help
d. have you had it repaired 27. What is the main negative effect of part time
e. would you buy a new one job for students?
A. Increasing their studies and social life
Text for number 26 to 28 B. Having less time for school work
C. Deriving a great deal of working
D. Spending a lot of time for work
E. Expanding the resume 29. The text mainly discusses about ....
A. reasons for printed advertisements
28. “Moreover, a part time job can really interfere B. strong views on printed advertisements
with.…” (par. 2) C. advertisements considered as junk mails
The underlined word has the closest meaning D. advertisements as an important source of
to.… information
A. Bring E. whether printed advertisement are
B. Cause important or not
C. Disturb
D. Result in 30. Why do some people agree that
E. Influence advertisements should be printed?
A. It is easier to find advertisement in
Text for number 29 to 31 newspapers.
B. It can influence people to buy the things
Should we have printed advertisements? advertised.
C. It can give information about what is on
There are many reasons for people to sale.
answer this question. Many people have strong D. It might cost a lot of money.
views and feel that ads are nothing more than E. It is an uninteresting issue.
useless junk mail, while other people feel it is an
important source of information. 31. “Ads also influence people to buy….
Here are some reasons why we should have ” (par. 3)
advertisements in newspapers and magazines. The underlined word is similar to ….
One reason is ads give us information about what A. Let
is available. Looking at ads we can find out what is B. Have
on sale and what is new in the market. This is an C. Make
easy way of shopping. Another reason is that D. Affect
advertisements promote business. When E. Improve
shopkeepers compete against each other, they try
to sell their goods as cheap as possible to attract
buyers by offering discounts. In this case, buyers Text for number for 32 to 34
get the beneficial effects of this competition. They
save their money. 2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses
On the other hand, some people argue that the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days
ads should not be put in newspapers and prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It
magazines. Firstly, ads cost the shopkeepers a lot imagines the world coming to an end in 2012.
of money to print onto the paper. Besides, some 2012 film brings off a series of wonders.
people don’t like finding junk mails in their letter The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when
boxes. People may also find that ads are not very Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los
interesting. Ads also influence people to buy items Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all
they don’t need and can’t really afford. Ads use up around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake.
a lot of space. A lot of effort has to be made to The preposterous flying sequence is equally
make the ads eye catching. thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark,
when an equipment malfunction almost threatens
the entire mission.
Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not
filmed or edited with the requisite clarity. In 2012 The novel Frederica is full of surprises.
film, Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly When Frederica brings her younger siblings to
what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich's London determined to source a brilliant marriage
2012 deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack for her beautiful sister, she seeks out their distant
supplies his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy cousin the Marquis of Alverstoke, a lovely,
has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's cocky. competent, and refreshingly straightforward man.
Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the Frederica makes such a strong impression that to
tormented president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief his own amazement, the Marques agrees to help
scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a launch them all into society.
stock role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the This novel is a regency romance. There
piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the was a playful, light-hearted feel to this book that,
scenery as a bug-eyed radio prophet trying to warn along with the engaging characters, totally
his listeners about Armageddon. charmed me.
All in one, 2012's cinematography, At the beginning, the hero was a cynic, and
production design and visual effects are awards- the heroine was bit too controlling of her family
worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents (though always with the best of intentions). When
American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert, who being together, though, they brought out the best
provides a rousing anthem over the end credits. in each other. As they spent time together, they fell
in love almost without realizing it.
32. What does the text review?
A. 2012 film A large number of characters were introduced at
B. Mayan film the beginning, but their relationships to each other
C. Doomsday film were clear and I was able to quickly sort them into
D. Cinematography all out. The pacing was very good, and the world-
E. Awards-worthy film building was excellent. The author skillfully wove a
lot of details about the time period into the story
33. How is the film according to the reviewer? (helped along in part by a young boy interested in
A. Bright the newest technologies of the day).
B. Boring Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is my
C. Fast paced second favorite historical romance, but Frederica is
D. Frightening now my second favorite. If you like Pride and
E. Awards-worthy Prejudice, I’d highly recommended that you give
this book a try.
34. “2012 is … end-of-days prophecies …. (Source:
” (Par. 1) http://genrerevierws.blogspot.com)
“Prophecies” is synonymous with ….
A. Clarification 35. What is the relationship between Frederica
B. Expectation and the Marquis of Alverstoke?
C. Dedication A. Distant cousins
D. Prediction B. Mother and son
E. Education C. Aunt and nephew
D. Niece and nephew
Text for number for 35 to 36 E. cousins
36. “…I’d highly recommend that you give this A. Understanding
book a try.” (The last paragraph). B. Wrong assumption
The similar meaning of the underlined word is C. Bad experience
…… D. Funnies experience
A. tell E. Misunderstanding
B. criticize
C. suggest 38. What is the synonym of the word “ terrible “
D. evaluate ( in paragraph 2)
E. determine A. Horrible
B. Shy
Text for number for 37 to 38 D.happy
Text for number for 39 to 40
Taking the wrong assumption? This is very
abashed. Actually I was so embarrassed about this An old woman came into her doctor’s office and
incident. I thing many people will laugh when they confessed to an embarrasing problem. “ I do that
know it. all the time, doctor Johnson,but they’re
One day my brother and I were watching soundless,and they have no odor. In fact,since I
television at home. Suddenly there were many have been here, I did it no less than twenty times.
people brought many chairs from my neighbor’s What can I do? “ “ Here’s a prescription, Mrs.
house and I saw it. At that moment I was afraid Harris. Take these pills three times a day for seven
and I said to my father about this incident. My days and come back and see me in a week.”
father run and said, Thief... thief...thief...catch them Next week an upset Mrs.Harris marched into Dr.
!” but suddenly he stopped. In fact the people not Johnson’s office. “ Doctor, I do not know what was
thieves because one of them is my uncle. My in those pills. But the problem is worse! Iam doing
father said to me, “ Oh... no Hen, He is your uncle. it just as much, but now it smells terrible! What do
It is terrible.” you have to say for yourself?”. “ Calm
After that my father chatted with my uncle. I was down,Mrs.harris,” said the doctor soothingly. “ Now
so embarrassed to them. I was not brave to go out. that we have fixed your sinuses,we’ll work on your
Then my father talked to me. I just laughed and hearing!!
was afraid. My mother laughed after listening this
story and she told me, “That is funny,Henny,” 39. What is the text about?
When I meet my uncle, I feel shy to him A. An embarrassing problem
because I always remember this incident. I hope B. Medical Problem
my uncle forget it and I will not be shy anymore. C. A young woman goes to hospital
This experience was so funny in my life. I take D. Meeting the doctor
the wrong assumption about someone whom I E. An old woman came into her doctor’s
called as a thief. May be because of night, I could
not see clearly. I always remember it nd I do not 40. What is Mrs. Harri’s problem after seeing the
forget it. I think this experience can be a lesson for doctor.
me. A. She meets the doctor next week
B. She can not swallow the pills
37. What is the text talking about ?
C. She had problem with her hearing
D. She had problem with her sinus
E. Her odor is terrible

II. Answer to the following questions after

reading the song below !

Way Back into Love

(By Hugh Grant feat. Drew Barrymore)

I have been living with a shadow overhead,

I have been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,
I have been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past,
I just can not seem to move on
I have been hiding all my hopes and dreams away,
Just in case I ever need ‘ em again someday,
I have been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
( chorus)
All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can not make it thourgh without a way back into
Ooo hoooww
1. What is the theme of the song?
2. What is the purpose of the song?
3. from the first verse, we know that the speaker ...
4. “I have been living with a shadow overhead”
This line uses ...
5. What is the message of the song?

- Good Luck -

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