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LabVIEW" Core 1 Exercises NATIONAL, nicom/training INSTRUMENTS: Other National Instruments Training Courses ‘National Instruments offers several training courses for LabVIEW user. ‘These courses continue the traning you received here and expand ito other seas Visitni .com/tzaining to purchase course materials orsign up for insrgctoe-ted, hands-on courses at locations around the world, National Instruments Certification ‘Earning an NI certification acknowledges yeur expense in working with Ni predicts and technologies, The messurerin! and automation indus ‘your employer, clients. and peers recognize your NI eetification credential ‘asa symbol ofthe skills and knowledge you have gained through experience. Vist ni .com/traintng for mor information about the Neetification program, LabVIEW Resources “This section describes how you ean receive more information regarding LabVIEW. LabVIEW Publications annexe oe LabVIEW Books “Many hooks have been writen about Lab VIEW programming applications. The National Instruments Website contains ist oF all the LabVIEW books and links to places to purchase these books. Visithetp:// /p/1a/'389formore information Additional Information and Resources This appendix contains addtional informatien about National Instruments technical suppeet options and LabVIEW resources National Instruments Technical Support Options Visit the following sections ofthe award-wirning National Instruments |Web site at ni. con for technical support and professional services: + Support—Technical suppor at né cam/support includes the following resouees: — Self-Help Technical Resources—For answers and solutions, Visits com, eupport for software drivers and updates, searchable KnowledgeBase, reduc manuals, step-by-step troubleshooting wizard, thousands of example programs, tuterials, application notes, istroment drivers, and so on. Registered user also receive access othe NI Discussion Forums at ‘ni com/forune. NI Applications Engineers make sure every ‘question submitted online receives ar answer. = Standard Service Program Membership—This program ents, ‘members to ditect access to NI Applications Engineers via phone ‘and email for one-o-one technical sopport, a well as exclusive tsccess to eLearning trtining modules atm‘ -con/ eLearning. Nlotfers complementary membership for full year afer purchase, after which you may renew to contine your benefits For information about other technica. support options in your sea, vist ni .con/ services of contact your local office at + System Integration —Ir you have time constrains, limited in-house {echnical resources, or other project chal enges, National Instruments Alliance Partner members ean help. The NI Alliance Parner joins system integrators, consultants, and hardware vendors to provide comprehensive service and expertise fo customers. The program ensures ‘ualified, specialized assistance for application and system ‘evelopment. To eam more, call your local NI office or visit, icon/a You also can visit the Worldwide Offices section of ni com/niglobal to aceess the branch office Web sites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events Aa Mr tae Notes Notes asta sat a 8, Run the VI and experiment with the vali Frequency is won Figure 42. lasing VI Fant G1 Setthe Waveform Type to Sine Set the Sampling Rate Hz to 10 MSI (megasamples per second) Adjust the Frequency of the Original i the lowest requency, and moving up unl the Fequency reported on the top ‘charts no longer correct. Notice how the Sampled plot bec more distoned as you increase the Frequency of the Original Signal Alter you have passed the Nyquis frequency (3 MHL inthis case), the frequency recorded is no longer eorect. Ths isan example of| 9, ‘Try other values fr the contro using a sine wave 10. Serthe Waveform Type to Square. Moy the controls tsee how shape recovery is affected by the sampling frequency and the Frequency ofthe Signal 11. Stop and close the VI when you are finished End of Exercise A-1 soon Marana hse Using the Resolution VI, determine the ede width of an input signal that varies between 20.8 V using a DAQdevice with resolution of| 16s. Assume that gun is eiciently applied Code Width: Determine the code width of an input signal that varies between 210 V Using & DAQ device with a resolution of bits, The devie input ange Isset10 210 V, Code Width: Ifthe device input range is +1 V. and the resolution is 12 bits, what is the largest input signal you can read without cutting off te input signal? Input Signal Range: Stop and close the VI when you ae fisted. Open inthe \tabVIEW Core 1\ Measurement Fundanentals dicctry. “This VI simulates the acquisition of waveform at a specific sampling frequency. As you adjust the sampling frequency and the frequency of the acquired waveform, you ean observe the Nyquist Theorem in effet. ‘This VI contains the following controls: + Original Signal = Frequency—This input specifies he frequency of the signal ‘being acquired, You can increase or decrease this frequency by turing the knob, = Sampled Waveform—The input allows you to choose between ‘sine wave or a square wave, Use the sine wave input to ‘experiment with the Nyquist Theorem, and the square wave (0 ‘understind how the sampling frecuency affects shape recovery. + Sampled Signat = Sampling Rate (H2)—TRis input speifis the rate at which the DAQ device takes a sample ofthe acquired signal. According to the Nyquist Theorem, this rate should be at least tice the Frequency ofthe sampled signal 2. Rum the VI and experiment with the vals i ea eacs iuion VI Font Panel 'D. Click the Run button to run the VL Leave the default stings for the consol The red plot demonstrates the at demonstrates the output of the ADC. Notize thatthe white plo isa poor representation of the signal. You can see xe code width of 25 V shown ‘on the graph representing only 8 discrete levels input sinewave, The white plot Change the Resolution (ADC). Notice that the signal representation quality increases as you increase the ADC resolution 1 Set the resolution to 3 bits Change the D sce Input Range. [Notice that when the range isto large, tke resolution is nt efficiently divided among te signal range. When the input range i foo small, part ‘ofthe signal is cut of Experiment further with different contol values until you understand the importance ofeach input 1k is important to ensure that the input signal range is as close tothe device Measurement Fundamentals Exercise A-1 Concepts: Measurement Fundamentals Goal Understand how resolution, voltage range, gin and sisi affect a measured signal Description 1. Open in the \LabVIEW Core 1\ Mossurenent Fundanentals directory. “This VI simulates the acquisition of wsne wave and the digitization that ‘occurs with an analog to digital convertor (ADC). This VI contains the following controls and indicators: + Input Signal Voltage—This input specifies the range of the signal ‘being acquired. The default vale of he controls #1. vole. This ‘means tht the range of the signal is? V—voltge between the highest point of the signal andthe lowest point ofthe signal + Resolution (ADC)—This input specifies the resolution of he ADC ‘ofthe data acquisition device used toacquire the signal. The default, value ofthe control is 3 bits, + Device Input Range—This input incorporates the input range of the [ADC and the gain applied o the sign. The default value ofthe contol is 32 Vole. This peak to peak voltage is equivalent to 2 V. Because the input range ofthe ADC is #10 V, this means that there isa gain of 10 applied tothe signal + Code Width—This output calculates the code width using the ‘current values ofthe controls, where Cis code width, D is device input range, and is it of resolution: 69] 5 Adda Release Semaphore VI to the Deposit Handler loop othe right ofthe Sequence structure Adda second Release Semaphore VI the Withdrawal Handler Joop, tothe right of the Sequence strecture. |G. Wire the Release Semaphore Visas shown in Figure 9:9 Adda Release Semaphore Reference VI to the right ofthe While Loops. Wire the Release Semaphore Refereece VI as shown in Figure 9-9. [Notice that the Release Semaphore Reference VI requies only the reference tothe semaphore Save the VL Repeat the step detailed inthe Identify Race Condition section to test the modiiation wo this VI Close the VI when you at finished, End of Exercise 9-3 Remove Race Condition Remove the race condition by protecting theertcal section ofeode using a semaphore. Inthe VI, the ertcal sections of coe are those enclosed by a Sequence structure. |. Save the Bank VIaszank with semaphores. inthe \LabVIEW Core 1\Bank directory. 2. Use semaphores to protect the eitial sections of code, as shown in Figure 99, Figure 8. Bank wi Semaphore Add an Obtain Semaphore Reference VIto the left ofthe Whi Loops. Wire the Obtain Semaphore Reference VI as shown in Figure 9.9 Add an Aequire Semaphore VI tothe Deposit Handler loop, the left of the Sequence stracture. |B Adda second Acquire Semaphore VI (o the Withdrawal Handler Joxp tothe lft of the Sequence structure {D. Wire the Acquire Semaphore VIsas shown in Figure 9.9, Exercise 9-3 Description Concept: Bank VI Eliminate ace condition ina VI. ‘You must identify and fix a problem with the server software in a hank, ‘The hank server hundles requests from many sources and must process the requests quickly. In order to increase its eiceney, the server uses, two parallel loops—one to handle deposits tothe account and another to handle withdrawals. The problem with te sever is that some deposit or ‘withdrawal equests are lost, thereby resultirg in incorrect balances. Identity Race Condition 1. Open Bank. in the \LabvrEW Core 1\Bank directo. Run the VI 3. Perform a deposit, a withdrawl, and a sine familiarize yourself with the program. 4A. Sette Deposit Amount o 20 and the Withdrawal Amount 1 20. 'S. Open the block diagram of the Bank VI while is stil sunning 6. Amange the block diagram ofthe Bank VI so that you ean se it wile ‘operating the user interface, 1. Enable execution highlighting onthe blosk diagram by clicking Highlight Execution, 8, Click the Simultaneous Transactions bation and watch the code as it cexecttes, The hance should increase by 10. [Notice that either the deposit or the withdrawal is fst, eausing the balance to increase by 20 or decrease by 10. 9, Stop the VI ‘You tracked the problem down toa race condition in a section of code handling deposits and withdrawals fra single account. Although you ean see the issue with execution highlighting ensoled, during regular operation, the issue would occu spora Test Challenge 1. Ran the Generate Data VI Run the Read Data VI 3. Modify the value of the Time Delay (ms) contol ‘The Time Delay (ms) contol determines how often the shared variable is ead. What happens if you set the Time Delay to ero? When accessing global data you may read the value more than once before itis updated toa new valve, or you may miss a new vale altogether, depending on the value of the Time Del 4. Stop and close the Vis and the projet when you ate finished, (Create functional global variable to handle he Stop data and use i inthe Generate Data VI and the Read Data VI osha the stop button between the two Vis, End of Exercise 9-2 8. White the value ofthe Stop control tthe Stop shared variable. |B Switch othe Project Explorer window. Select the Stop shared variable and cag itinsie the While Loop of te Read block diagram |. Right-click the Stop shared variable and select Access Made» Write from the shorteut men. |. Wire the Stop contol tothe Stop shure variable 9, Use the shared variable eror clusters to ensure the ard of operations Refer to Figure 98 for assistance wiring this block diagram, Figure ©-8. ead Data lock Diagram vith Shared Varbles 10, Save the VI 11. Close the block: diagram, 12. Save the projet, 2 macr nes cect os coe Es lesion usta ‘Ada vertical pointer side and wenameit ime Delay (m2) 1D. Change the range ofthe slide by entering 200 inthe top value show, |G. Right-click the slide and select Representations {32 from the shorteut menu Adda waveform chart and rename Date char’, |. Change the x-seale and y-seale ranges and labels ofthe chart to the values shown in Figure 9-6 |B. Adda stop button and hide the label (Open the block diagram, ‘Create the Blok diagram shown in Figure 9. Labels are shown to assist you. oes nse aaa Bf Figure 9-7. Read Data lock Diagram wio Shares Variables ‘Read the data fom the Dats shared variable and display it onthe ‘waveform char. Switch tothe Project Explorer window. {Select the Data shared variable and dag inside the While Loop of the Read Data VI block diagram, Wire the output ofthe Data shared variable to the Data Chart indicator. od variable and select Create» GF Right-click the input ofthe Stop sha (Constant from the shortcut menu to steate a False constant Use the Operating tool to chang the constant to Fae if necessary 11, Use the shared variable erorelustrs to ensue the Reet to Figure 95 for assistance wirn rer of operations. his block diagram, | | eggs 13, Close the block dia Read Data VI 1. Open a blank VI 2. Save the Vlas Read Create the am, but leave the front pane! open ‘ont panel shown in Figure 96. 7 fo CAI (6. Create the Block diagram shown in Figue 9-4. No implementation instretions are piven. Labels are shown to assist you Figure 0-4, Generate Data Block Diayram witout Variables 7. Save the VI Write the data generated tothe Data shard variable |B Select the Data shared variable from the Project Explorer window and drag it inside the While Loop of he Generate Data VI block sdigram, |. Righttickthe shared variable and sect Access Mode>Writefrom the shortcut men. 2. Wire the Sin(x output of the Sine Function to the Data shared ‘arable 9. Read the Stop shared variable to stop the While Loop. Switch tothe Project Explorer window: |G Select the Stop shared variable and dag it inside the While Loop of leGenerate block diagam. |B Wire the Stop shared variable to the conditional terminal 10. tnitaize the Stop shared variable. |B Switch tothe Project Explorer window. Select the Stop shared variable and dag itt the left ofthe While Loop of the Generace Data. block diagram. Right-click he Stop shared variable and select Access Modes Write from the shortcut men. 4, Save the library. |B. Rightelick the library and select Save from the shortcut menu Save the library as Global Data. viibin the \ LABVIEW Core 1\Global Data cretory ‘3. Create the Data shred variable. Switch to the Project Explorer window. Right-click Global Data vib and select NewoVariable from the shortcut ment Give the new vail the following reopens = Name: oa8a ~ Variable Type:Single process ~ Data Type: Double Glick OK to close the Shared Variable Popenies dslg box. Generate Data VI 1. Opena blank VI 2, Save the Vias Genezace in he \LabVIEW Core 1\Global Data directory 3, Add «numeric indicator tothe front patel window. 44, Name the Numerie Indicator Dat. 5. Switch to the block diagram of the VI Exercise 9-2 Goal Scenario Implementation Global Data Project (Create a project containing multiple Vs tha share data using & Single-process shared variable ‘Create a VI that generate a sine wave. Create a second VI that displays the sine wave and allows the user to modify the ime between each acquisition ‘ofthe sine wave data, Use one stop button to top both Vis. ‘Two Vis and 1wo pieces of global data are necessary to implement the VI ‘+ Firs Vi: generate sin, write sine 19 Dats shared variable, read Stop shared variable o stop loop ++ Second VI: read Data shared variable, display on chart, write Stop ‘button to Stop shared variable + Fist shared variable; Stop (Boolean datatype) ‘+ Second shared variable: Data (Numeric datatype) ‘Open an empty project. Save the project as Global. Data. Lvpros inthe \ RSbVIEN Core 1\Global Data decor: 3. Create the Stop shared variable _Rightetiek on My Computer and select New Variable 2. Give the variable he follwing properties. ~ Name: stop = Variable Type: Single-process ~ Daa Type: Boolean Click OK toclose he Shared Variable Properties dialog box. Notice that # new brary is ereated in the Prject Explorer window to old the variable Test 1, Run the VI [G. Name the log fle when prompted. |G Enter vale in the Upper Limit contro that is less than the value in the Lower Limit contol. Does the VI behave as expected? 2, Stop the VI when you are finished 5. Close the VE andthe project, End of Exercise 9-1 i tame canoe “ nen ca 2. Expand the Bundle By Name function 1o to elements, Select T Upper Limit inthe first element and 7 Lower Limit inthe second element a Adda False constant to the outer Case structure |B Wire the case as shown in Figure 9:2 6. [the Upper Limit sequal or greater than the Lower Limit, pass the ‘ales ofthe controls to he temperature cluster, as shown in Figure 9-3, Figure 98. Completed Range Check State—Fase Switch tothe Fale case ofthe interior Case structure Wire the Upper Limit and Lower Limit dat through the case 7. Save the VI. 8. Save the Project. aod ony es 44, Set the Range Check state to ranstion tothe Analysis sate, 1D Inthe Range Check case, wire the Next State enum othe "Next State ouput tunnel Change the Next State enum Analysis 5, Ifthe Upper Limit is less than the Lower Limit, use local variable to ‘write the Upper Limit value tothe Lower Limit control, as shown in Figure 9.2. Figure 82, Completed Range Crck Stato—True > Add a Less? function to the Range Check sate ol Add a Case structure to the right ofthe Less? function Wire the Upper Limit and Lower Limit contol to the ‘Less? function and the Case structure as shown in Figure 9-2, G Rightctck the Lower Limit contol and sleet CreatesLeal ‘Varlable fom the shorteut menu. Move the local variable inside the Tive case ofthe Case structure a Add a Bundle By Name function to-he right of the Case structure Wire the Temperature Data clsterto the input cluster input ofthe Bundle By Name function. 3. Read the upper and lower limit controls in the Range Check sate, instead of the Acquistion state s shonin Figure 9-1 Figure 8-1. Competed Acquistion tate 1D. On the block diagram ofthe Weather Station UI VI, select he ‘Acquisition casein the sate machine Case structure | nse the Acquistion case, change the Next State enum to Range ‘Cheek. 1D. Make a copy ofthe Next State enumby pressing and dragging a copy ouside the While Leop. Move the Upper Limit and Lower Limit numeri controls ouside the While Loop Resize the Bundle by Name function to one element, a shown in igure 9-1 ° Select the Range Check cas in the sate machine Case structure 1D. Move the Upper Limit and Lower Limit numeric cotels and the [Next State enum into the Range Chesk state |B. Insert an item and modify to match Table 9-1 Be careful not ro ald an emp listing Table 8-4, States Erumertes Control tem [ Digital Display ‘Acquisiion| oO Range Check 1 Analysis z Data Log Z “Time Check 4 | Save and close the contol the weather station isnot open, open it by \duble-clcking the listing inthe Projet Explorer window. Open the block diagram. A. Riahttick the state machine Case structure and select Add Case for Every Value from the shortcut menu, Because the enumerated ‘control has a new value, anew case appears in the Case structure. su rans Cogan os anew cm ae sans usta Now State Definitions for Option 2 ‘The following table describes the new state definitions 1 implement. State Description Neat State ‘Acquisition | Acquire data from the | Range Check temperature sensor 00 ‘channel AIO and read front pane! controls Range Check | Read front panel controls | Analysis and set the lower limit equal to the upper limit if ‘upper limitless than the lower init Analysis Determine warning eve. | Data Log ifa warning joveurs, Time Cheek i ho warning occurs Data Log ‘Log the data in a “Time Check {ab-delimited ASCH fle “Time Check | Check whether time is | Aequistion itime bas sreaterthan or equal 9 | elapsed, Time Check if S seconds time has not elapsed Implementation 1. Ithevieather station. 1ypro3 isnotalieady open, open from the -\LebVIEW Core 1\Variables directory. Note 1¢ you do not have a data acquisition device and a DAQ Signal Accessory available, use the files located inthe \LabYZEW Core 2\ No Hardware Required\variables directory. 2. Add the Range Check state the state machine. 2. From the Project Explorer window, open the Weather Station states.ct1 by double-clicking the lting.Thisis he type-defined ‘enumeraied control that defines the sates forthe sate machine. 1D. Rightclick the control and select Bait Items from the shortcut Design Options You have thre diferent design options for odifying this projet. ‘Option Description Benefi/Drawbacks | Inserra Case structure in| Poor desig: the acquisition the Acquistion sate to | sat has another tsk added, reset the controls before a | rather than focusing oaly on Focal variable writes the | aqui values to the cluster. 2 | Hasertanew state in the | Aniity to contol when the state machine that checks | state occurs. thecontrolsandresets them it necessary. 3 | Modify the Determine | Fasy 1o implement because ‘WarmingssubVIto esetthe | functionality is alteady contrls. peataly in place. However, if ‘current functionality is used, ‘oe st of data always i ost wren reseting the lower lim central. ‘This exercise implements Option 2 asa solution ‘State Deseription Next State Data Log | Log the dataina “Time Check tab-delimited ASCH file ‘Time Check [Check whether time is | Acquisition if time has ‘greater than a equal to seconds lapsed, Time Cheek it time has not elapsed ‘Changing the value of the lower temperature limit contol should happen alter the use has entered the value but before the value determines the Warning level. Therefore, make the modifications 10 the Vii the Acquistion or Analysis state, or place a new state between the two, ‘of the Acquisition and Analysis states: Before determining which option to se, ike a closer look at the content Open the teacher Station projec located inthe \LabVIEW Core 1\Wariables directory 1 OpenWoather station |G Review the contents ofthe Acquis om and Analysis state, which correspond to the Acquistion and Aralysis cases of the Case Using Variables Exercise 9-1 Goal Scenario Local Variable VI Use a local variable to write to and read fom a contol ‘You have @ LabVIEW Project that implemerts a temperature weather station. The weather station acquires a temperature every half a second, tnalyzes each temperature to determine i th temperature is (09 high or too low, then alerts the user if there is danger ofa heat stroke or freze. ‘The VI logs the data if a warning occurs. “Two front pane! controls determine the seipinis—the temperature upper limit and the temperature lower limit. However, nothing prevents the user from seting lowe limit that is higher than the upper limit ‘Use a local variable tose the lower Fimitequa tothe upper limi ifthe user sets lower limit that i higher than the upper limit “The Vis in this project have already been written. Your only task ito rodify the Vis 0 that che lower limit is se equal to the upper limit when State Definitions The following table describes the states intestate machine. State | _Deseription __ Nest State ‘Acquisiion | Settime w zero, acquire | Analysis ata fromthe temperature sensor, and read front panel controls ‘Analysis | Determine warning level | Data Log ifa warming ‘occurs, Time Check if no ‘warming occurs Notes 1 soe GOs as nts (Complete the Stop state shown in Figure 85. Test 3 End of Exercise fon sms cope Figue 65. stop Sate 1D. Passa true constant to the conditiorl terminal; the state machine sould op only from this tate, Save the VI when you have finished. ‘Switch to the front pane! window. Run the VI Experiment with the VI to hesue it works as expected. If it does not, compare your block diagram to Figures 8.2 through 8-5, ‘Save and close the VI when you are finished les conan sey heme ane '5. Complete the Process | state shown in Figure B-3 Figure 6-3. Process 1 Sate D. Use a One Button Dialog function 1 simulate the Process I code. |. Wirea raise constant tothe conditional terminal the state machine should not stop when exiting the Process I state 6. Complete te Process 2 state shown in Figure 8-4 Figure 6-4, Process 2Stt8 |B Use a One Button Dialog function tc simulate the Process? cove © Wirea ase constanttothe conditional terminal; the state machine should not slop when esting the Progess 2 sate |G. Wire the enum to the ease selector terminal of the Case structure using & shift register on the While Loop. Right-click the Casestructure and sect Add Case for Every Value {automaticaly ada eae fr each tem in the enum. 2. Copy the enum to se within dhe Case structure, The copy is also linked w the ype-defined enum, Switch wo the Tle case ofthe Case stucture, and wire a Falee constant othe conditional terminal: the sate machine should not sop when exiting the Tle state 2 Inthe fe state, you convert the clustr to an aray so thatthe aay ‘canbe searched for any button clicked. The Search 1D Atray fonction returns the index ofthe bution clicked. Because the Ile Ste does not havea button associated with i this index must be incremented by one, Add an Index Array function tothe idle cas, |B. Add an Array Constant to the Ile ease and move the copy ofthe ‘enum into the ara. |. Expand the Array’to display four toms. Select different state foe ‘each item inthe following order as stown in Figure 8-2. ~ lle = Process 1 = Process 2 = Swp Ikis very imporant thatthe order of he cluster matches te order of the items inthe enumerated constant. [Complete the wiring for the Idle case as shown in Figure 8:2. Select OK to ext the Enum Properties dialog box Relabel the enum contol State Exam. a a Right-click the State Enum and ste AdvancedsCustomize Selec Type Def rom the Control Type pulldown men. ©. Righcelick the Enum and select Representations U32 a Save the control as State Enum. ctl in the \ LabVIEd Core 1\state Machine directory. ‘Close the Control Eitor window. Click Yes when asked i you would lke to replace the contol Switch to the block diagram. qoco Right-click the State Enam and select Change to Constant. The ‘enumerate conto! no longer appears on the Font panel window Inthe following steps, you crete the block diagram shown in Figure 8-2 This block diagram contains four states—Tdle, Process 1, Process 2, and Stop. Figure 82. Ide site 44 Ceate the block diagram shown in Figure 8:2 |B. Place a Case structure inside « While Loop onthe block diagram as shown in Figure 8:2 socom ees aes Change the Boolean text to Run Process 2 |B. Make acopy ofthe Process 1 button, and place the copy within the cluster shell. 1D. Rename the copied button Process 2 Change the Boolean ext onthe copied bution to Run: Peacese 2 Right ctck each button and select Visible temssLabel to hide the labels. |B. Adda stop button to the cluster sel Right-click the Stop buton and seles Visible HemssLabel to hide the label |G. Modify the Boolean text on the bulons using the Text Settings on the tool Suggested tex settings: 24 point bole Application Font |G. Enlarge and arrange the buttons within the luster using the resizing 100 andthe following toolbar butions: Align Objects, Distribute ‘Objects, and Resize Objects |B. Rightlick the border of the cluster and select Autosizing»Size 10 Fit. |B. Rightelick the border of the cluster and select Visible Items»Label thie the label 3. Create the type-defined enum to contol the state machine |B. Ada an enum tothe font pane! window. D. Righclick the enum and select Bit ems. Modify the lis as follows: ems Digital Display Tale 0 Process 1 1 Process 2 2 stop 3 2. Stale Tanstons (Continued) State ‘Action Next State Process | ExecuteProcess2 | Idle State code Siop | Stopthe site | Stop State sachine Implementation Inthe following steps, you will eeate the front panel window shown in Figure 81. ‘State Machine Vi Fen Panel Window 1. Create a new project containing a blank VI Select Empty Project from the Geaing Stated window Select File»Save Project. Name the project state machine. Ivprod inthe \ LabVIEW Core 1\State Machine directory Select File»New VI 1 Swvethe new Vias State Machine. in the \, LabVIEW Core 2\State Machine directory. 2. Create u menu cluster containing buttons or running process 1, rennin process 2, and stopping the VI Place a cluster shell onthe Front pan window: Relabel the cluster Mens | 2. Add a Cancel button tothe cluster stl 'D. Relabel the Cancel button Process 1. Common Design Techniques and Patterns Exercise 8-1 State Machine VI Goal Create a VI 5 implements a state machine using a type-deined enum, Scenario You must design a template fora user inerfice state machine, The state ‘machine must allow the usero activate Process | of Process in any order. The state machine must also allow for expanson, because processes may be added inthe future, Design Inputs and Outputs Table #4. Inputs and Dtpus Type Name Properties ance! Buon Doolean Text Process 1 Cancel Buton| Boolean Text Process 2 ‘Stop Button ‘step = State Transitions Table £2, State Tanstions State | __Action Next State Tile | Polluserinterface | No button clicked: Tale state | forselestion | Process Iclicked: Process: 1 5: Process 2clcked: Process 2 5 Stop clicked: Stop Stace | Process 1 | Execute Process | | Idle State cute lesen? demny Mes anans Notes Notes Smee cect ” aor con 4. Create controls and indicators foreach tem in the subVI D Rightick the Current Temp input and select CreatesControl from the shortcut men, Right-click the Max Temp input anc select CreatesControl from the shortout men. . Righttick the Min Temp input and select CreatesControl from the shorteut men. © Righelick the Warning Text output and select CreatesIndicator fom the shortcut ment |G Right-click the Warning? output andseleet CreatesIndicator from the shortcut menu, ‘Swite tothe fron pane! Enter test values in Current Temp, Max Temp, and Min Temp. Ran the VI ‘After you have finished testing, close the fst VI. You donot nee to save the test VI End of Exercise 7-1 aoe? doo Me sone Ber Eeror inthe constant Confirm that you have completed the Bror case as shown in Figure 7-4, Figure 7-4, Error Case of Determine Warnings Vi 1 an errr enter the VI, the VI ouputs Ero: in Warning Test, and Thue in Warning? and pases the error ou of the VI. If an eror doesnot enter the Vi the VI operates as orginally designed, 10, Save and close the VE Test Use a blank VI to test the subVI 1, Open a blank VI 2. Open the block diagram. 53, Place the Determine Warnings subVT on te block diagram ofthe lank VI by selecting the Select VI option on the Functions palette and navigating to the \LabViEN Core 1\Deternine Warnings directory, Lemon? tomy Mor Ate 9, Set the VI to execute if no error occurs, and not execute ian error 2. Surroune the block diagram code with a Case structure as showin Figure 7-3. Leave the Waring Text and Warning? indictors outside ofthe Case structure ‘Figure 7-3. No Error Case of Detunine Warnings VI |G. Wire the error in contro othe case selector terminal |. Contitm that the block diagram is inthe No Brror esse itis not, ‘witch tothe ease containing the code right-lick the Case Structure and select Make this Case No Error from the shortut |G. Wire the error cluster through the Case structure tothe error out indiator as shown in Figure 7-3. Switch othe Error case, |. Wire the error cluster through the cate to the error out tunnel Right-click the Warning? tunel and select Create»Constant from the shorteut men. Use the Operating tool 1 change the constant to Teue. Right-click the Warning Text tunnel and select Create»Constant from the shorteut men ure 7-2. Sample Waring con 6 lk OK when you anise io cls te on Eto window @ tT Dovblecck he sektion oho select existing apc. Pres thecelete>hey Toe he rahi: Then, double ck te rectangle 1 sutoratsly ree Ponder fori n Q th Double cik ie Tet ol to modity fons. Yu can select Small Fonts to choose fons sll than 9 pos in sie @ To select ite Giyphs ab and iter he glyphs bythe keyword waxning. Then dag waning sip oto yourieon 7, Save the VL 8, Swite tothe block diagram. son? owen Mer ape 3. Select a connector ane pattern forthe VI Rightcick the connector pane in ke upper-right comer ofthe ‘window, select Patterns from the shortcut menu, and choose the pattern shown at left. 44. Connect te inputs and outputs the connector as shown in Figure 7-1 [Tcennectons 2 ComenrPane 4. Connector Pane Gonecton for Beternine Warnings VI 1D. Using the wiring tool, click the uppec-efl terminal ofthe connector pane, 1D Click the coresponding front pane control, Current Temp, Notice that the connector pane terminal fils in with a color to match the ‘datatype of the contol connected tit | Click the next terminal inthe connector pane. D. Click the corresponding front panel contol, Max Temp, Continue wiring the connector pane until all controls and indicators are wired, and the Context Help window matches that shown in Figure 7-1 5. Create an icon. {D Right lick the icon and select Edit Icon, The Icon Editor window opens. |B. Use the tools inthe Ieon Editor windew to create an icon. Make the eon as imple or as complex as you want, however, it should he representative ofthe function ofthe VI. Figure 7-2 shows a simple ‘example of an ion for this VL Developing Modular Applications Exercise 7-1 Scenario Design Implementation Determine Warnings VI ‘Create the icon and connector pane for VIs0 that you can use the VL asa subV You have created a VI that determines a waning string based on the inputs given, Create an icon and a connector pane 0 that you can use this VL asa SubVL ‘The subV consis the following inputs and outputs: Table 74. Detarmine Warnings Sut! Inputs and Outpets [ Inputs Outputs [caren Temp Warning Text | | Max Temp Warning? Min Temp Use the standard connector pane (o assure rom for future expansion. Add ‘ror clusters othe VI so tha the code runs there sno erro, bt doesnot run if there i an error 1. Open the Determine Warnings VI in the \ iabVIEd Core 1\Deternine Warnings directory: You crested the Determine Warnings VIin Exercise 4-1 and mosified it in Exercise 46 2. Add an emtor input cluster and an error output cluster othe VI Add an Bevor ‘3D.etl to the font sane Add an Error Out 3D.etl othe front panel sen sop sie a6 sry ses 16, Explore the block diagram ofthe VL To familiarize youself with he VF's fuetionality explore the block iagram using the Context Help window. Double-click the Read Waveform VI 2 Goto the block diagram ofthe Read Waveform VI. Notice that it uses VISA functions to commonieate with the instrument. 17, Close the Vis and the NI Example Finder when you are finished Do not save changes. End of Exercise 6-4 Snes capo os anew coef cae sore many es Use Example Programs 1, Select Help»Find Examples to tart the NI Example Finder 2. Confirm that you are browsing according 0 task 3, Navigate to Hardware Input and OutpatsInstrument Drivers» LabVIEW Plug and Play i the ask structure 4. Double-click National Instruments Instrument Simulator Acquire ‘Single Measurement( to open the example program, This VI reads single measurement from the Insrument Simulator 5, Verify thatthe PWR and RDY LEDs are lt onthe NI Instrument ‘Simulator. This VI ean communicate with the instrument through stil or GPIB, {6 Select she communication type onthe VISA Resource Name conto © fyouare using serial, selet the resource (COM or COM) thatthe serial cable is connected to. 2 Ifyou ae using GPIB, select the dewsim VISA alias. You specified the VISA alias for this GPIB instrument as devsimin Exercise 1-2. 7, Run the VL 8, Explore the block diagram ofthe VI. Dont save changes 9. Close he Vt 10, Return to the NI Example Find. 1 Double-click National Instruments Instrument Simulator Acquire Waveform(Seope).vi to open the next example program This VI reads Single waveform from the Instrument Simulator. 12, Select the same VISA Resource Name ycu selected in step 6 13, Run the VI 14, Choose a different Waveform Function. 15, Run the VI again, Exercise 6-4 Concept: NI Devsim VI Goat Description ason6 sry ses Install an instrument driver and explore the example programs that ‘accompany the instrument dive. Install the instrument driver for the NI Instrument Simulator. After installation, explore the Vis that the instrument driver provides andthe ‘example programs that are added tothe NI Example Finde. Figure 6-6. Instrument Simulator Install Instrument Driver 1. Exit LabVIEW, [Navigate tothe \LabVTEY Core 1\instrument ‘river directory. This folder contains the LabVIEW Plug and Play {instrument drivers forthe Instrument Simulator. 3. Rightlick the zip folder and follow the wizard to extract all the files othe \Natioral inetrunents\ LabVIEW 2010\inste 1b directory. Explore Instrument Driver 1. Stat LabVIEW, 2, Opens blank VI 3. 8 to the block diagram, 44. Navigate tothe National Instruments Instrument Simulator category ofthe Functions palete 5. Explore the palette using the Context Help window to familiarize yourself with the functionality. 5. Set edge to Rising 6. Savethe VI 7. Run the VI Press and release the Digital Trigger button onthe DDAQ Signal Accesscey or turn the Quadrature Encoder knob on the [BNC-2120 counterclockwise then clockwise to begin the acquisition, End of Exercise 6-3 Delete the tsk wire and error wire connecting the DAQmax Timing Vi andthe DAQms Stat Task V Place a DAQms Trigger VILon the block diagram between the DAQms Timing VI and DAQmx Stat Task VL Click the DAQax Trigger VI pull-dewn menu and select Start» Digital Edge Right-click the souree input ofthe DAQms Trigger VI and selec Create»Contral Right-click the edge input of the DAQms Trigger VI and sles Create»Controt ‘Connect the wire as shown in Figure 6-4 = =| 7 | za Fire 6-5, Trigger Al Acquistion I Front Pane are using the DAQ Signal Dev/PFIO are using the BNC Aces to Devi 1D. Press to open the Context Help window. Hover over each ofthe DAQm functions to learn about each function. Read the steps Iisted inthe comment to understand th functionality ofthe example rogram, |B Glick the pulldown menu ofthe DAQms Create Channel VI and notice that its set to Amalog Input»Voltage 6, Setthe default values and settings on the front pane Set Physical Change! 19 Deval Set Minimum Value to 1. Set Maximum Value to +1, |G. Enable autoscalng of the y-axis ofthe waveform graph by’ right-ticking the Waveform Graph and selecting ¥ Seale» ‘AutaScale ¥, 7. Run the VI. The VI should begin acquiring data continuously. Use the Frequency Adjust knob and the Frequency Range switch to change the frequency ofthe function generator on th: DAQ Signal Accessory oF BNC-2120 o change the acquired signal, ‘Add Triggering tothe Example Program 1. Save the Vias cExereises>\LabVIEW Core 1\Triggerea analog Input\trigger AI 2. Modify the block diagram as shown in Figure 6-4 to add wiggcring Functionality. Exercise 6-3 Goal Scenario Implementation FZ Note The UP/DN terminal on the BNC- Using DAQmx Explore a DAQms example program that continuously acquires data, and ‘modify it to wait ona digital tigger. Explore a DAQms example program that coxtinuously aequies a voltage signal on channel analog input I (AI1) ofthe DAQ device. Modify the VI tousea digital trigger. The VI begins measuring when a digital tigger is pressed and released. The VI stops measuring when the user lis the stop baton, External Connections 1. Ifyou are using the DAQ Signal Accessory, connect the sine Function generator to channet AI with a wire 2. Ifyou are using the BNC-2120, connec the Sine/Triangle output om the function generator to channel AI I with aBNC cable, and make sure the ssvteh on the function generatrissetto the sine wave. Also, ensue that there isa wite connecting the UPIDN serw terminal the PFL 1 serew terminal in the Timing 10 section 20 outputs high o low signal indicating the rotation dretion of the Quadrature Encoder knob. When you ote the Quadrature Encoder knob clockwise, the UP/DN terminal outputs high signal. When you rotate the (Quadrature Encoder knob counterclockwise the UP/DN terminal outputs low signal Open and run a DAGmx example 1. In LabVIEW, select Help»Find Exampks to start the NI Example Finder. ‘Confirm that you are browsing acconing to task 3, Navigale to Hardware Input and OutpstsDAQms Analog Measurements»Voltge in the task structure 4, Double-click Cont AcqSGraph Voltage-Int to open the ‘example program. This VI demonstrates how to acquire a continuous mount of data from a DAQ device 5. Explore the block diagram. Goto the block diagram. 9. Stop the loop if an error occurs ori the user turns of the Power switch, 1D. Delete the wire connecting the Power Boolean contro othe ‘conditional terminal Right-click the conditional terminal and sclect Stop If True. Add a Compound Arithmetic functon next the conditional terminal, = Right-ick the Compound Arithmetic function and select ‘Change ModesOR. = Rightclick the lower left input termi ‘Arithmetic function and select Invert, 3 ofthe Compound ~ Wire the Power control othe lover left input terminal ofthe ‘Compound Arithmetic funtion, 2. Add an Unbundle By Name functio 1 the While Loop. | Wire the conditional terminal as shown in Figure 6-3. Close the ile and handle any eros that may have occured Add a Close File function wo the righ ofthe While Loop. Add a Simple Error Handler VI tothe right ofthe Close Function, Finish wiring the block diagram as sown in Figure 6-3 Swe the VL Test the VL © Run the Vi Give the ext file a ame and loca Turn he Power switch to Of after the VI has been unig for afew samples. 2. Navigate tothe text file created and explore it Close the VI and textile when you have finished, End of Exercise 6-2 esa Agog sre Inthe steps below, you modify the block diagram similar to that shown in Figure 6-3, Figure 6-3. Temperature Log W Block Diagram 2, Resize the While Loop to add room forte file MO functions. 3, Create fle or replace an existing file fr the data lo, Add an Open/Create/Reptace File function othe left ofthe ft While Loop. |G Rightclick the operation input of the Open/Create/Replace File funeton, and select Create»Constant Select replace oF ereate inthe enumerated constant that appears. 44. Write the temperature data to cach piece of data, le, adding an End of Line constant 0 |G. Adda Number to Fractional String funtion inside the While Loop. ‘Ada an End of Line constant inside the While Loop. ‘Ade a Coneatenate Strings function inside the While Loop. cog ‘Add a Write o Text File function itside the While Loop. |G. Wire the inputs ofthe Write to Text File function as shown in Figure 6-3, Exercise 6-2 Temperature Log VI Goal Modify a VIto create an ASCII ile using dik streaming. Description ‘You have been given a VI tht pls the cureat temperature andthe average ‘ofthe last three temperatures. Modify the VIto log the curent temperature toan ASCH file Implementation 1. Open the VI you create in Exercise 45. Ifyou have hardware, follow ‘the insrctions inthe Hardware Installed columa, Otherwise, follow ‘the instructions inthe No Hardware Insalled column, Hardware Installed No Hardware Install ‘Open Temperature multiplot.viin | Open Temperature muleiploe.viin the \LabVIEv core 1\ | the «Exercises» \LabVIEN Core 1\ ‘Temperature miltiplee directory No Hardware Sequired\ Temperature maltiplot directory. Select File»Save As and rename the VI Select File»Save As and rename the VI as Temperature inthe as Temperature inthe ‘kxerciges>\LabVIEW Core 1\ ‘SBxereises>\LabVIEW Core 1\ Temperature Log directory. No Hardware Required\tenperature og directory The Writ To Spread! File VI format 2D ary into a pense Fe] tingand wrest sing a le Te sng bs fling format, isc anamow idee sah andapargap sabe Dean Thorne chance. sox ce =CJ-Lh ‘he Number To Fastin Sting finn cmon aay of ere EB] Vabertoan anny of stings tnt leds, '5. Close the VI Do not save changes BZ Note This example stores only three arays in te file. Toinclude more arrays, increase ‘the number of inputs to the Build Array function 6. Open the wave. txt fil sing a word processor, spreadsheet application, or text editor and view is coatens. 12. Open a word processor, spreadsheet epplicaton, or text eto, such as Notepad or WordPad, 2. Open wave. tact. The sine waveform data appear in the Fist column, the random waveform data appear in the second column, and the cosine waveform data appear inthe third column, 7. Exitthe word processor or spreadsheet application and return 10 LabVIEW, End of Exercise 6-1 3. When the Choose fle to write dialog hos appears, save the fle aswenve. txt i the \LaiVIEW Core 1\ spreadsheet Example directory and lick the OK button. Later, you will examine this file. 4. Display and examine the block diagram for this VL e-— ar =" = mo gC Figure 6-2. Spreadsheet Example VI Block Diagram “The Sine Patera VI retums a numeric array of 128 elements containing a sine pater, The constant 900 in the second instanceof the Sine Pain Vi. specifies the pase ofthe sine pater which generates the cosine pattem. ‘The Uniform White Noise VI returns a numeric aay of 128 elements containing a nose pattern ‘The Build Array function builds the following 2D array from the Sine array, noise array, and cosine aay. Sine Array Noise Acray Cosine Array ‘The Transpose 2D Array function rearrangesthe elements ofthe 2D array so-element (4,5] becomes clement (3, £), 1 follows. snc 6 Managing Resources Exercise 6-1 Goal Description Concept: Spreadsheet Example VI fe 2D aray intext file soa spreadsheet application can access the fe 16 explore how o display numeri data in 2 table ‘Complete the following steps to examine VI that saves numeric arays to file in foemat you can access with a spreadsheet, ct Example VI located in the < Jadshect Exanp=directory. The following Figure 6-1. Spreasneet Example I Front Pane 2. Run the VI. “The VI generates a 2D array of 128 rows» 3 columns. The fist column contains data for a sine waveform the second column contains data for 8 noise waveform, andthe third column contains dala for a eoxine waveform, The VI pte each column ina graph and disolay the data in a able ean aay on Notes ions sing oe [Close the Control Faitor window. D. Notice that resizing the type de conto in the Control Editar did not ‘update the size ofthe Type Def Numeric contol onthe VI front panel, Instances of atype def control will only upite when the data type ofthe type definition changes '8. Add ancter instanceof the custom contol tothe from pane! window ‘and disconnect it from the type definition. Choose Select a Control from the Controls palette © Select the Type Def munaric.ctl from the \ LabVIEW Core 1\type Definition directory. Click OK. {Right-click the new contro! and sees Disconneet from Type Def. from the shortcut menu Glick OK. {Right-click the contol agin and notice that you can now change the Representation because the numeric sno longer linked 1 the type definition 9. Close the VI when you are finished. You do not need to save the VI End of Exercise 5-3 D Close the Control Faitor window: 1D. Click Yes when asked if you would Bke to replace the original conta Explore the type defined custom numeri D Rightclick the Type Def Numeric contro! and select Properties from the shortcut menu. Notice that more items ate available, such as Data Entry and Display Format, Click Cancel io exit the Properties dialog box. Right-click the Type Def Numerie contol again. Notice that, [Representation is dimmed on the storeut menu because the type ‘efnition defines the datatype. Also notice that you can choose ‘whether to auto-update with the type definition. Edit te type def contol D. Rightclick the Type Def Numerie control and select Open Type Def. from the shorten emt, . Righ-click the Type Def Numerie contol and select [Representation»DBL. from the shortcut ment inthe Control Editor window, Select FilesSave, Close the Contol Editor window. Select Help»Show Context Help to cpen the Context Help window. ooog Hover your mouse over the Type Def Numerie contol on the VI and notice that it changed from a U32 numerie datatype toa DEL. meric datatype. Right-click the Type Def Numeric control and select Open Type Dee. rom the shortcut mens, Change the physical appearance ofthe numeri contol by resizing itn the Control Editor window. Select File»Save. 4 eons ye Edit the stit type def conto Rightick the Strict Type Def Numeric control and select Open ‘Type Def. fom te shortcut ment, Right-click the numeric contol and select Representation»DBL from the shortcut menu in the Conte Editor window: Select FilesSave Close the Contr Eitor window ‘Slee Help»Show Context Help o open the Context Help window. coog Hover your mouse over the contol on the VI and notice that it ‘changed from a U32 numeri data type toa DBL. numeric datatype. a Right-click the Stit Type Def Numeric contol and sleet Open ‘Type Def. from the shorteut menu {Change the physical appearance of tHe numeric contol by resizing ‘tin the Control Editor window. © Select FilesSave, D. Close the Control Eater window: {Notice that etting the strict type def control updates the size ofthe ‘numeric control on the VI oat pane 5. Create custom control with a type éefisition stats, 1 Addanother numeric eontrolio the Font panel window and rename itastype Def Muneric, |G Right-click the contol and select Advanced»Customize from the shortcut menu to open the Control Eater. |G Select ype Def. from the Control Type pulldown menu, Right-click the mumeric contol and select Representation ‘Unsigned Long from the shortut menu, Select FilesSave. Name the control type Def mtunoric.ct1 inthe \ LabVIRM Core 1\Type Definition directory Exercise 5-3 Goal Concept: Type Definition Explore the differences between a type defnton and strict type definition. Description 1 (Open a blank VI Create eustom contro with a strict type definition status Add a numeric control othe front ane window and rename its Strict Type Def Muneric. F. Right-cick the contol and select AdvancedsCustomize from the shortcut menu to open the Control Editor Select Striet Type Det rom the Control Type pull-down menu, © Rightelick the numeric control and select Representation» Unsigned Long from the shorteut menu, Select FilesSave, Name the control strict type Def ttunsric.ct1 inthe ‘sExercigee>\LabVIEW Core 1\type Definition directory, 2 Close the Control Editor window. Click Yes when asked if you would Lke to replace the orginal contol. Explore the strictly defined custom numeric. ©. Righi-elick the Striet Type Def Numeric control and select Properties from the shorteut menu. Noses that he only options available are Appearance, Documentation, and Key Navigation. All other properties ae defined hy the sre ype definition, F.Click Cancel exit the Propertics dig box. Right-click the Striet Type Def Numerie control again. Notice that, representation is not avalable onthe shortcut men, Also noice that ‘you can open the type definition or dSconneet from the type Sefton. esos try 20, Enter diferent values in Cluster and notice how values entered in (Cluster affect the Modified Cluster and Small Cluster indicators. s this the behavior you expected? 21, Click the Stop botton when you ae done 22, Change the cluster onder of Modified Caster Run the VI. How did the ‘changed order affect the behavior? 28, Close the VI, Do not save changes End of Exercise 5-2 sae tn 16. 1, 18. 19. Wire the Numeric output of the Untundle By Name Function othe input ofthe Increment funetion, This Function adds one to the value ‘of Numer, B_Ada a Not function othe block diagram, Wire the Boolean 1 output ofthe Unbundle By Name function othe ‘input of the Not funtion This function retums the logical opposite ‘ofthe value of Boolean, [Add a Bundle by Name function tothe block diagram. ‘Wire Cluster tothe input cluster inp. oog Resize this function to have two inp terminals, o Select Numeric in the first node and Boolean I in the second node. a label mame i no ertect, use the Operating tool 0 select the |D. Wire the output ofthe Sncrement Function 19 Numer. Wire the output ofthe Not function to Boolean 1. |O Wire the outpu ofthe Bundle By Name function tothe Modified Cluster indicator Ada wait function to provide the processor with time to complete other asks. {D_Add a Wait Und! Next ms Multiple function tothe block diagram, | Rightclck the millisecond multiple terminal of the Wait Uns Next ms Multiple furetion, | Select Create»Constant from the shortcut menu Enter 100 inthe constant. Complete the block diagram and wire the objects a shown in Figure 59, Save the VL Display the front panel, Run the VL im © Inthe Following steps build the block digrem shown in Figure 5-9. Figure 5-9, Cute Expriment Blak Diagram 11. Adda While Loop ftom the Structures atete tothe block disgram. 12. Disassemble Cluster. Adan Unbundle function tothe bck diagram. |G Wire Cluster to the input ofthe Unbndle Function to resize the function automatically 13, Assemble Small Custer. © Adda Bundle function othe block diagram. {© Wire he Bundle function as shown in Figure 5:9. 14, Assemble Modified Cluster. Unbundle by Name functos othe Bock diagram. Wire the Cluster tothe Unbunle by Name funtion, Resize the Unbundle by Name funeion to huve so output terminals . Sotoct Numeric inthe fist noe, und Boolean 1 in the second node Ta label name is not cormst use the Operating tol to seeet the Add an Increment function tothe block diagram. laser paige 10, Verify the cluser order of Cluster, Modified Cluster, and Small Cluster, Right-click the houndary of Cluster and select Reorder Controls Jn Cluster from the shorteut men 2 Confirm the cluster order shown in gure 5-8 2. Click the Confirm button on the oolsa tose the cluster order and exit the cluster onde edit mode. 1D. Righe-click the boundary of Modified Cluster and select Reorder ‘Controls in Cluster from the shortest men | Confirm the cluster orders shown in Figure 5-8. Modified Cluster sould have the same cliste order as Cluster. |B Click the Confirm button on the wothar ose the cluster order and exit the cluster onder edit mode, |B. Right-click the boundary of Small Custer and select Reorder ‘Controls in Cluster from the shorcit men Click the Confirm button on the toolbar to Sethe cluster order and eit the cluster order edit mode 2 Contirm the cluster orders shown in Figure 5.8. Figure 5-8, Custer gers 1. Create acluster named Cluster, containing 8 numeric, to togsle switches, and slide Add a eluster shell wo the eon paneh ‘Add 4 numerie contro othe cluster. a D.Ade two vertical toga switehes tothe cluster. a Rename the Boolean toggle switches to Boolean 1 and |G. Add a horizontal il side to the clus. 8. Create Modified Cluster, containing the same contents as Cluster, but indicators instead of cones Create «copy of Cluster. . Relabel the copy Hodi fied Cluster Right-click the shell of Modified Caster, and select Change to Indicator from the shorteut men. 9. Create Small Cluster, containing a Boolean indicator and numeric indicator. Create a copy of Modified Cluster. Rolabel the copy small. cluster, itch Delete the second toggles Delete the horizontal fil slide indiator. Right-click Small Cluster and select Autosizing»Size to Fit Rolabel the numeric indicator to 624e vatue oecaca Resize the cluster as needed. aren an Exercise 5-2 Concept: Clusters Goal ‘Create clusters onthe front panel window, reorder clusters, and use the luster functions to assemble and disassemble clusters, Description In this exerise follow the instructions o experiment with clusters, luster ‘ote, and cls fnetons. The VI you creat has no practical app buts useful for understanding cluster concepts 1. Opena blank VI. 2. Save the VIas cluster Experiment. vi in the \ LabVIEW Core 1\clusters directory. ‘In the following step, you create a front pans similar to Figure 5-7 Figure §-7. Cluster Experiment VI Front Pane 3, Add stop button to the front pane window. 44 Ada mumerie indicator tothe font pars window 5. Add round LED tothe frat pane 6. Renane the LED Boolean 2 |G. Enter inthe constant to retrieve the second column because the index begins at zero. D Rightclick the subarray cutput of the Index Array function an select Createstndieator. Name the indicator Second Columns 6, Savethe VL 1. Suite tothe front panel 8, Enter values for Rows and Columns. 9, Run the VL 10. Close the VL End of Exercise 5-1 Inthe following steps, you build a block diagram similar to that shown in Figure 5, Figure 66. ArayInvesigaion Par $V lock Diagram 44. Retrieve the third row of data from Array using the Index Array function Add an Index Array function tothe block diagram. |D. Wire Array to the array input ofthe Index Array function, Q Th The Index Array function accepts an n-dimensional array. Afler you wire the input aztay tthe Index Array unctin, he input and output txmial names change © match thedlmension of the aray’‘wied. Therefore, wie the int aay to the Index Array funetion before wiring any eer erminal Right-click the index(row) input of tie Index Array function and seleet Create»Constant from the shortcut menu. |G Enter 2 inthe constant o retrieve the third row, Remember thatthe index begins a ero. . Rightetick the subarray output of te Index Array function and select CreatesTndicator Irom te sort menu: QName the indicator tira Rex 5. Retrieve the second column of data fom the Array sing the Indes Array function. el {Ada another Index Array function tthe block diagram. |B. Wire Array to the array input ofthe Index Array function. © Rightelick he disabled index(col input ofthe Index Array function and select Create»Constant 5. Rightelick the border of the remaining For Loop and select Remove For Loop from the shortcut menu. Your Hoek diagram should resemble Figure 55. Figure 5-5. Atay Investigation Par 2V Block Diagram 6, Savethe VI 7. Switeh to the foot panel 8. Enter values for Rows and Columns. 8. Run the VL Notice thatthe VI behaves the same as the solution for Pat 1, This is beeuse mathematical functions ate polymorphic. Fo example, because the input of the Multiply function isa two-dimensional array. andthe y inpot {Scalar the Multiply function multiplies each element inthe amy by the sear, and outputs an array ofthe same dimension asthe x input Part 3: Implementation “Modify Array Investigation VIso thatthe VI ereates anew aay that ‘contains the contents of the third row, and arother new array that contains the contents ofthe second eoluma, 1, Open array lected inthe \ LabVIEW Core i\anipulating Arrays directory Swethe Vas Array Investigation part 3. Open the block diagram ofthe VI Laser mig Os (6. Multiply each element ofthe aay by HO. {D.Add a Multiply function co the interior For Loop. 2. Wire the indexed input tne! to the xinputof the Multiply function Right-click the y input and sleet Create»Constant from the shortcut ment. Enter 100 in the constant, 7. Roun each element tothe nearest whole number Add a Round To Nearest function tthe sight of the Multiply function. Wire the output of the Mulkiply Function tothe input ofthe Round ‘To Nearest fonction. 8. Crestoa2D aray onthe output ofthe ForLoops toreereate the modified aray. | Wire the output ofthe Round To Nearest function to the outer For Loop. This creates an auto-indexed output tunnel on both For Loops. 9, Wire the output anay tothe Intensity Graph indicator. 10. Switch to he fom pone 11, Save the VL. 12. Enter values for Rows nd Columns 13, Run the VI Part 2: Implementation Modify Part Ito accomplish the same goals without using the nested For Loops 1. Openasray Investigation Part ifitisnotsill open 2, Savethe Vas Array Investigation Part 3. Open the block diagram. 4, Right-click the border ofthe interior For oop, containing the Mutiply function and the Round to Nearest function, and select Remove For Loop. Papa rs a ed Tat te oe me [oan fas oe | 4, Open the block dis Figure 5-4, Ara Investigation Par 1 Vi Block Diagram 5. erate the Array Adda For Loop tothe right ofthe exis Adda second Far Loop inside the fest For Loop, Wire he Array terminal othe interior For Loop border: This creates a autos indexed input tunnel on both Foe Loops sand iyo ‘This exercise is divided into three pars, You are given he scenario for each pa fit. Refer the end of this exercise for detailed implementation instructions for each par Part 1: Iterate, Modity, and Graph Array “Modify the Aray Investigation VIsothat afer the ary is created, the aera is indexed into For Loops where you mulipl each element ofthe array by 10 and coerce each element tothe nearest whole umber. Graph the resulting 2D arayto an intensity graph Part 2: Simplified iterate, Modify, anc Graph Array “Modify the Atray Investigation VI othe soliton from Part | to accomplish the sume goals without using the nested For oops. Part 3: Create Subset Arrays “Modify the Array Investigation VI so that the VI creates anew array’ that ‘contains the contents ofthe third row, and anober new array that contains the contents of the second column, Part 1: Implementation ‘Modify the Array Investigation VI so that after the arayiserested, the aay is indexed into For Loops where you multiply each clement ofthe aay by 100 and coerce each element tothe nearest whole number Graph the resulting 2D aray onan intensity graph 1, Openarray tavestigation. vi locaed in the \ EabVIEY Core 1\Manipulating Arrays directory Save the Vlas array Tnveetigation Part 1.vl. 3, Add an intensity graph tothe from panel ofthe VI and autoscae the X and Y axes, as shown in Figure $-3.Te verify that auoscaling is teniled for the axes, right-click the intensity graph and select X Seale» ‘AutoSeale X and Y Seale» utoScale Vand ensure these items are checked. Relating Data Exercise 5-1 Concept: Manipulating Arrays Goal “Manipulate arrays using various LabVIEW functions. Description You ate given a VI and asked to enhance it for a variety of purposes. For cach part of this exereise, begin with the Arcay Invest loca inthe \LaLVIEH Cove 1\Manipulatiog -xrrays directory. The ron panel of this Vis shown in Figure 5-1 Figure 5-1. Array Investigation Vi Front Panel Figure 5-2 shows the block diagram ofthis VL Figure 5-2. Array Investigation VI Block Diagram trast gong Notes son inna Figure 4-30. False se for When a Wind Waring is Generated ‘5. Save the VI Test 1. Test the following values to be sure your VI works as expected. Table 4-7. Weather Test Values ‘Name Test ‘Test? Test Toit | Tots ‘Tet Curent Temp [20 ” 10 30, 0 20 Max Temp — [25 35 35 5 3 35 Min Temp [15 15 5 1S 8 1s arent Wind | 25 Fy = 3 S Speed Max Wind [30 0 3 » 30 » Speed Waring Text | NoWaming | Heastoke | Frese Heasiote | Freeze and | High Wind Warning — | Warning | and High | eh Wins | Waring Wind Warning Waring Worning? —_| Fase Tne Te Tue Tew “Te 2. Close and save the VI when you ae finished, End of Exercise 4-9 re 427. Tue Cases for When Tempsature and Wind Wamings ‘Are Not Genecatad Figure 4.29, False Cases for When Wind and Temperture Warnings Are Generated are Copan ane ce Ee lueiea yg sue B0—| UEUEEG “ge-p amy Bvoo soe gay ‘A portion ofthis VE us already been built for you. The font panel ofthe VI is shown in Figure 4-25. This ront panel reeves values from the user forthe curren temperature, the maximum temperature, the minimum {emperatue, the current wind speed, and the maximum wind speed and displays to the user the warning string and the warning LED. The Weather Staton project i this course does not use ths VI Figure 4.25. Determine More Warings Front Panel 1, Openthe Determine More inthe \ TSbVIEN Core I\Determine Hore Warnings directory. (Create a block diagram similar to Figure 4-26 2 Open the block diagram. 13. Use Figures 4-26 through 4-30 to assis ou in building the block. diagram code. 4. You we the following block diagram obpts inthis exercise: Case sac Empty String constant Space constant 2 qual? fonction. F Concatenate Strings Feneton. fa sna ogra oo ave esse ease amma 2 ‘The modified fowchar shown in Figure 4-2 determines the High Wind ‘Warning in addition tothe warnings already determined Figure 4.26, Determine More Waning Vi Flowcnart Vi Architecture ‘There ae many ways to write this VI Tn thisexerise, you use Case ‘rctures to determine what string to pass, and the Concatenate Strings function to merge strings together. aor opemtga Flowchart ‘The flovichart shown in Figure 4-23 is used forthe Determine Warnings VI ‘This VI doos not ake wind data. Modify this flowchart 1o determine the High Wind Waming os wel. \ LABVIEW Core 1\Daternine Warnings Chal Lange directory. [you need assistance, open the solution VI. Te solution i located inthe \ZabViEN Core l\Exercise 4-8 diectory End of Exercise 4-8 econ rntgs Exercise 4-8 Self-Study: Determine Warnings VI (Challenge) Goal ‘Modify an existing VI to use the Formula Ned or a Case structure to make 1 software decision, Scenario In the Determine Warnings V1 from Exercise function to passa string based on a decision. Revise this block diagram t0| use Case structures to complete the same purpose. Design Inputs and Outputs Table 4-5. Determine Warnings Viinputs and Outputs ‘Type Name Properties Numeric Controt | current temp | Double-precision, - floating-point Numeric Controt | Max Temp Double-precision, Aoating-point Numeric Control | win temp Double-precision, floating-point String Indicator | warning Text | Four potential values: Heatstroke Warning, No Warning, Freeze ‘Waring, or Upper LimiteLower Limit ‘Round LED warning? = Test A Caution Do nor ron tis VI cont running this VI could result in an endless lop. 1. Display the fet panel 2. Entera positive number inthe Number contr 3. Runthe VL 44. Enter a negative number in the Number contol ously, Under certain circumstances, continuously 5. Run the VL If Number is positive, the VI executes the Tre ease and returns the square root of Number If Number isnegative the VI executes the False case, retns -99998, and displays a dialog box with the mesuge Ezror-.-Megative umber. 6. Close the VI End of Exercise 4-7 mon penis Right-click the numeric constant ard select Representations DBL. Enter -99999 in the numeric constant ‘Wire the numeric constant to te right edge of the Case structure, Wire the new tunnel to the Square Root Value indicator cece ‘Add a One Button Dialog function t the False case. Tis function displays a dialog hox that comains a message you specify o Righiclick the message input of the One Button Dialog Function and select Create»Constant from the shortcut ment, G Bmtersrror...megative mumber inthe constant 2. Finish wiring the False case as shown in Figure 4-20, 6, If Number is greater than or equal to 0, ealculae the square rot of the ‘umber. Select the True case ofthe Case srt, Place a Square Root function inthe True ease. This function returns io the square root of Number 2. Wire the funetion as shown in Figure 4-21. Figure 4-21. Teve Case of Sware Rot VI 7. Save the VIas square Root vi in the cixercises>\LabVIEHt Core 1\Square Root directory. Implementation (Open blank VI and build he front panel shown in Figure 4-19. Paes Figure 4-19. Square Root Font Pane! ‘Adda numeric control othe front pand window. Name the numeric contol tunber. {Ad «numeric indicator othe fron pane window ©. Rename the numeric indicator square Root Value id the block diagram show i Figure 4-20. o Figure 4-20, Square Root VI 3leck Diagram Determine whether Numbers greater than cr equal 7210, Because you ‘cannot cae the square rot of @ negative number Add a Greater or Equal to 0? function othe right of the Number contol. Tis function tums Prue if Number is greater than oF equal 100, |G Wire Number tothe input ofthe Greater or Equal wo 0° function tNumber is less than O, display a dialog box that informs the user ofthe Ada the Case structure tothe block diagram. ick the deerement or increment huson to select the False case. Ada numeric constant tothe Pals case Exercise 4-7 Self-Study: Square Root VI Goal (Create a VI that uses a Case structure to make a software decision Scenario Create a VI that calculates the square rot ofa number thease enters I the numbers negative, display the follow ng message to the user: Error. .tlegative Munber Design Inputs and Outputs Table 4-4. Inputs and Dutpus ‘Tye Name [ Properties TInpu Manber Double precision, floating point: default value of 25) ating ‘Output ‘Square Root Value Double preci point Flowchart Figure 4-18, Square Root I owchart em gone Test 1. Switeh tothe front pane ofthe VI 2. Resize the Warning Test indicator to length o secommodate the new string [3 ‘Test the VL by entering values from Table 43 for Current Temp, ‘Max Temp, and Min Temp, and running the V1 foreach st of data. “Tule 4-3 shows the expected Warning Tex and Watning? Boolean ‘value for each set of dala Table 43, Testing Valves for Determine Warings Vi Current Temp | Max Temp | Min Temp Warning Text Warning? 30 30 10 |Hesestroke Warning | True a 30 10 | Mo Warning False 0 30 10 | Freeze warning ‘Tie 25 20 30 | Upper Limie < tower | True Line 4, Save and close the VL End of Exercise 4-6 ane moans 8 5. IfMin Temp is less than Max Temp, execute the code that determines the warning string and indicator. While the True case is visible right-click the border ofthe Case structure, and select Make This Case False from the shorteut menu. ‘When you create a Case structure around existing code, the code is sutomatealy placed inthe True ease (6. If Min Temp is greater than Max Temp, rete a custom string for the Warning Text indicalor and set the Warning? indicator to Prue, as shown in Figure 417, ee Figure 417, Determine Warnings Block Diagram Select the True case Right-click the string ouput tunnel Select Create»Constant Enterpper binit < Lower Lainie inthe constant Righielick the Warning? ouypu tunnel ccocaog Select Create-Constant, Use the Operating tool to change the constant to a Prue constant 1. Save the VL soe gon 2. Creat space onthe Hock diagram oa he Case soc ‘The Max Temp and Min Temp contol and ihe Waring Text and ‘Warnng? inca soul be oui ft new Cesc, teeaue to cseo te Cae snctreus tee inet snd cons 2 Selet the Min Temp and Max Teap conto termi @ te Toseleetmore han on tem pres th key wl you sls the tems. |G. While the terminals are stil selected, use the lft artow key onthe keyboard to move the controls tothe et, @ Ww Press and bot te Adda Greater? function othe boot divgram @ Wire the Min Temp outpt to the x iput of the Greater? fection Wire the Max Temp output othe input ofthe Greater? Function. o [Adda Case structure around the block diagram code, except forthe ‘clude terminals, a ‘Wire the output of the Greater function wo the case selector ofthe Case structure, ‘The criginal block diagram forthe Determice Warnings VI appears in Figure 4-15. This VI must have a Case structure added o execute the code if the maximum temperature is greater thin or equal t the mnimam temperature. Otherwise the code wll not execute. Instead, anew string is ‘generated and the Warning? indicator is set True. Figure 415, Detemie Warring: Vi Black Diagram Implementation ‘Complete the following steps to modify the Mock diagram similar to that shown in Figure 4-16. This VI is part ofthe temperature weather sation project. igure 4-16. Determine Warnings Vi Black Diagram 1, Open the Determine Wamings VI in the <2xexeiaea>\ LADVIEN Core 1\Deterine iarnings directory, You created the Determine Warnings VI in Exercise 41 Open the block diagram. Exercise 4-6 Scenario es oem Determine Warnings VI Modify VI tose a Case tracts to make software decision, ‘You created VI where a user inputs a temperature, a maximum ‘temperature, and a minimum temperature. A warning string generates ‘depending on the relationship of the given iputs. However, a situation ‘bd occur that causes the VI 10 work inconecty. The wer could enter & ‘maximum temperature thats fess than the minimum remperatre, Modify the VI to generate a diferent string to alert the user tothe enor: Upper Limit < Lower Limit, Set the Warning” indicator to True to indicate the err “Modify the owchart created forthe original Determine Warnings VI as shown in Figure 4-14. a oo Ganon one 5H g| Nowe Sr alse - wen tar Figure 414, Moat Determne Warnings Rowchart sen igen Test 1, Run the VI. Use the tos inthe seule legend andthe graph palette to examin the data. a it generates. (Change the Power switch tothe OFT postion 1 sop the VI 3. Close the VI when you are finished, End of Exercise 4-5 Inthe following steps, modify the front panel similar tothe one shown in Figure 413, hee oe Figure 4-18, Temperature Mutt Vi Front Panel 4. Open the front panel 5. Show both pls inthe plo legend ofthe waveform chart © Use the Positioning tol to resize the plot legend to two objects ‘sing the top middle resizing node © Rename the op plot Running ave Rename the bottom plot Curent. Temp Change the plot type of Current Temp Use the Operating Wolo select te plot inthe plot legend and choose the plas you wan 1 isthe same asthe order of the items Q Tw Theonderof the pots listed nthe pot ‘ed ote Bundle faction on the bce diagram 6, ‘Show the see legend and graph palette ofthe waveform char. Right-click the Temperature History waveform chart and select Visible Items»Seale Legend from tke shortet menu, Right-click the Temperature History waveform chart und select Visible ItemseGraplh Palette from the shortcut mon Seve the VL Inthe following steps, you modify the bloc diagram so that it resembles Figure 4-12. Modity the block diagram first then madi te font panel ra a engenaeioy Figure 412, Temperature Mutipt Vi Block Diagram 2. Open the block diagram. 3. Pass the current temperature and the average temperature tothe “Temperature History chant terminal. [Delete the wire connecting the Dita function othe Temperature History char terminal D.Adé a Bundle function between the Divide Function and the “Temperature History chan indiatoe. I necessary enlarge the While Loop to make space, 2. Wire the ouput ofthe Divide Funetioe to the top input ofthe Bundle function. Wire the Temperature output of the Thermometer subVI inside the While Loop to the botiom input ofthe Bundle Function. The ‘Temperature outputs the curenterrperature. Wire the ouput ofthe Bundle function othe Temperature History chart indicator. Implementation ane ag 0 ag a Gas Figure 4-11. Avrane Tempratr i Block Diagram 1. Open the Average Temperature VI youcreated in Exercise 44. you have hardware, follow te instructions inthe Hardware Installed column, Otherwise, follow the insrctions in the No Hardware Installed colom, Hardware Installed [No Hardware Installed ‘Open Average Temperature VIin the ‘efxerciges>\LabVIEW Core 2\ Average Tenperature directory. ‘Open Average Temperature VI inthe ‘cExerciges> \LabVIEW Core 1\ No Hardvere Requized\average Temperature directory. ‘Seleot Flle»Save As and rename the VI ‘Temperature in the \LAabVIEN Core 1), ‘Temperature Muitiplet directory. ‘Select FilesSave As and rename the VI Temperature Yultiplot vi inthe ‘key while you click the Thermometer VI and drag itoutside the While Loop to create copy of the UbVI. ‘The Thermometer VI retuns one temperature measurement from the temperature sensor and initializes the lft shift registers before the loop starts. 2 Place a Compound Arithmetic function onthe block diagram. ~ Configare this function to return the sum of the eurent temperature andthe four previous temperature readings ~ Use the Positioning tol to resize-he Compound Arithmetic function 1 have five eft terminals D Place a Divide function on the block diagram. This function returns the average ofthe last five temperatur: readings. |B. Wire the functions together as shown in Figure 49, Implementation 1. ‘Test the VI Ifyou have hardware, follow the instructions in the Hardvare Installed colima, Otherwise, follow te instructions in the No Hardware Installed column. Hardware Installed [No Hardware Installed ‘Open the Temperature Monitor Vin the ‘eBxercises® \LabVIEW Core 1\ Average Tenperature directory ‘Open Temperature Monitor (Demo) Vin the \LabvIEW core 1\ No Hardware 2equired\average ‘renperacure directory. Select FilesSave As and selec Copy> ‘Substitute copy for original. Click Continue and name the Viaverage ‘ inthe ata Figure 8 Auto Mach VI Block Dagram 10. Generate a random number integer between 0 and 1000. a Add» Random Number (0-1) function to the block diagram, ‘The Random Number (0-1) function generates a random number between O and I > Adda Multiply function othe block diagram. The Multiply function molipies the random number by the y input to produce ‘random number between O and y Q Wirethe oipot ofthe Random Number function tothe xinput of the ‘Maliply Function. |B. Rightelick they input ofthe Mukiply function, select Create» ‘Constant from the shortcut menu, ener 1900, and press the - key o create a numeric consant i Add a Round To Nearest function tthe block diagram. This function rounds the random number tn the nearest integer 2 Wire the output ofthe Multiply function tothe input ofthe Roun ‘To Nearest function. O. Wire the output of the Round To Nearest function to the Current ‘Number indicator. Set the Maximum value to .000 and select Coeree from the Response to value outside limits pull-down menu, Sette Increment value 102 and select Coeree to Nearest from the Response to value outside limits pull-down menu. 1D. Select he Display Format tab, Select Floating Point and change Precision Type ftom Signifiant ‘igs to Digits of precision, Enter o in the Digits textbox and click the OK button 66, Create the Curent Number ourput Add numeric indicator to the from panel window. 1D. Label the indicator current. Mamber. 2. Sette digits of precision fr the Current Number output 00, . Righ-click the Current Number indicator and select Display Format frm the shortcut men. The Display Format page ofthe [Numeric Properties dialog box appears Select Floating Point and change Precision Type wo Digits of precision, {Enter 0 inthe Digits text box and click the OK baton. 8. Create the # of iterations ouput Place a numeric indicator onthe front panel Label the indicator # of Lterations 9. Setthe representation for he # of iterations output to along integer. 1 Righttick the #of iterations indir, G_Slect Representations132 fom the shoneut menu sor gangs Implementation Complete the following steps to build the fent panel shown in Figure 4-5. Figure 45. Auto Watch ViFront Pane 1, Open a blank VI. 2. Save the Vias Auto in the Gxereisas>\ LABVIRN Core 1\auto Match directory. ‘3. Crete the Namber to Match input A. Add a numeric contro othe front panel window: Gl Label the control umber to Maen. 4. Sethe default value forthe Number to Nach control. Set ihe Number to Match conto 05. |B Rightetick the Number to Mateh ccntol and select Data Operations» Make Current Value Default. 5, Setthe properties forthe Number to Match contro so that the data range Js from 00 1000, he inerement value is 1, and the digits of precision #80, |G Right-click dhe Number to Match conto! and select Data Entry from the shortcut menu, The Data Enty page ofthe Numeric, Properties dialog box appears 2. Disable the Use Default Limits checkhox. | Ser the Minimum value o 0 and selest Coeree from the Response to value outside limits pull-down mena. Flowchart sory 0 "ano — Shae oe) Re ogtecee ae Figure 4-4. Auto Match lowchart, Exercise 4-2 Auto Match VI Use a While Loop and an iteration terminal and pas data through a tunnel Scenario (Create a VI that continuously generates random numbers between 0 and 1000 until it generates a rurmber that matchesa number selected by the usr. Determine how many random numbers the VI generated before the ‘matching number. Table 42, Inputs and utpus Type Name Properties Input Nanber co Maren | Double-precision, Aoating- point between O and 1€00, coerce to nearest whole umber, default value = 50 Oupat [current wunber | Double-precision, Aeating-point Ouiput—[#of reerations | Ineper soe aoe Wire the No Warning string constant tothe y input ofthe ‘Not Equal? funeton. Wire the outpat of the Not Equal? funtion to the Warning? indicat. 15, Document the code usin the following suggestions onthe front pane. |. Create tip strips for each control andindieator stating the purpose ‘and units ofthe object. To acess tip stip, right-click an object, and Select Description and 2. Document the VI Properties, giving general description of the VI, alist of inputs and outputs, your am a the date the VI was created. To access the VI Properties dialog bo, select File» VI Properties. 2 Document the block diagram algorithm with fee label. 16, Save the VI Test 1, Test the VI by entering a value for Current Temp, Max Temp, and ‘Min Temp, and running the VI for each st. “Table 41 shows the expected Waring Tet string and ‘Warning? Boolean value foreach set of input values. Table 4-1. Testing Valves for Determine Warnings Vi Current Temp [ Max Temp | MinTemp | WarningText | Warning? 30 30 10 Tre 25 30 10 Fake 10 30 10 Tre “What happens if you input 8 Max Temp value that is less than the Min “Temp? What would you expect to happea? You Tea to handle issues like this one in Exercise 4-6. 2. Save and close the VL End of Exercise 4-1 Laser oot 8 f& [D. Ada a string constant tothe block diagram tothe upp lef ofthe Select function. © Enter eatseroke warning inthe string constant A Wire the Heatstroke Warning string to thet inpt ofthe Select function. |B. Hold down the key and click and drag the Heatstroke ‘Warning string constant othe lowe! left ofthe Select function to create a copy ofthe constant 1D. Enternio Warning in the second sing constant Wire the No Warning string to the input of the Select funetion. Ifthe Current Temp is equal to o ess than the Min Temp, generate Freeze Marning string, olherwise use the string generated in te IL. 2. Create a copy ofthe Seleet function nd place it wo the right of the Less Or Equal? function. {D. Wire the outpt of the Less Or Equal? function othe s input ofthe Select function. Create acopy ofthe string constant and place it tothe upper let of the Select funtion, Emer Freeze warning in the string constant Wire the Freeze Warming string othe input of the Selec function. O. Wire the output of the previous Selec: function tothe Fiat of the now Selec function Display the generated text 2. Wire the outpu of the second Select function tothe Warning Text indicator. ‘Generate the output tothe Waring? Booean inicator by determining ifthe value of Warning Text is equal fo Mo Warning. Add a Not Equal? fonction tothe lef ofthe Washing? Boolean indicator |. Wire the output ofthe second Select function tothe x input of the Not Equal? funetion, ne igo 0 ‘Complete the following instructions to crete a block diagram similar to Figure 43. Figure 4-3. Determine Warnings VI Block Diagram 9, Compare current Temp and Max Texp. Add « Greater Or Equal? function othe block diagram. |. Wire the Current Temp conto to hex input of the Greater Or Equal? funetion |. Wire the Man Temp control tothe yinput of the Greater Or Equal? function. 10, Compare Curent Temp and in Texp. Addl Less Or Equal? function wo the block diagram. Wire the Current Temp contol othe xinputof the Less Or Equal? funtion |G Wire the Min Temp contol tothe yinpu of the Less Or Equal? function. 11 the Curent Temp is equal to or greater than the Max Temp, generate aueatatroke Warning sirng, otherwise generale ano Warning string. Adda Select function to he block diagram tothe right ofthe Greater (Or Equal? function. |G. Wire the outpar of the Greater Or Equal? function tothe input of the Select function, rae 8 8 (Create @ numeric control forthe maximum temperature Hold down the key and click and drag the Current Temp, ume conto 1p creates copy ofthe contol 2. Change the label ex ofthe now numeric contol to wax ‘Temp. Create @ numeric control forthe minimum temperatre Hold down the key and click and drag the Max Temp rhumerie conto 0 creates copy ofthe contol Change the label text ofthe new numeric contol to wim Temp. Creat a string indicator forthe warning ex Add string indicator to the front pane! window Chang te label txt of the sing indicstorto Warning ex (Create a Round LED or other Boolean indicator forthe warning Boolean, Add a Round LED 1o the front panel window. ©. Change the label text ofthe Boolean indicator to Warning? ‘Switch to the block digram, Tip_If you do not want to view terminals as icons on te block diagram, select Tools» Options, then select Block Diagram from the Category lt. Remove the checkmark ‘rom the Place front panel terminals as ieons ites. soe tng Implementation ‘Complete the following steps to create a front pane similar to Figure 4-2. ‘The user enters the current temperature, maximum temperature, nd ‘minima temperature, Then the Font panel display the warning string and ‘the warming Boolean LED. This Vis par of te temperature weather station project studied throughout the course. 1, Open a blank VI and ereate the following from panel Figure 4-2. Oetrmine Warnings VI Fron Panel 2 Save the new VI Select FilesSave, © Save the Vias petermine Warnings. in the \ EARVIEY Core 1\Determine Warnings directory. 3. Create a numeric conto fr the current temperature Add a numeric control 1 the font panel window. O. Change the label ofthe numeric contol to current. Temp, |B Right-click the control, select Representation, and confirm that the representation type is set to double precision. @ to TisswbvT old be wed for Fabre, Kelvin oray er tenperaue see tonal inpas ue he ame sn, Tents nse Wadd see uns tote bes i . | ih oe jie {| Ls eat | i Implementing a VI Exercise 4-1 Determine Warnings VI ‘You must ereate a portion ofa larger project. The lead developer gives you the inputs ofthe VI. the algorithm, and the expected outputs. Create and Goal ‘Create and document a simple VL Scenario ‘documenta VI based on the given design, Design Inputs and Outputs Type Name Properties Numeric control | Carrent Tene | Double-precision, a floating-point Numericconiol | Max Temp Dauble precision Aoating-point Numeric contol (im Teme Double-precision, foatng-point ‘Taree potential values: Heatstroke Waring, No Warning, and Freeze Waning Round LED indicator | Warning? eon 3 rasa an Opp Notes usin anette Notes Display the Debug Exercise (Main) VI block diagram by clicking it AA green glyph appears on the subVIiconon the Debug Exercise (Main) VI block diagram, indicating that the subVI is running, {Display the Debug Exercise (Sub) V: block diagram by clicking i Click the Step Out button tice to finish sngle-stepping through the ‘subVI block diagram, The Debug Exercise (Main) Viblock diagram |B Click the Step Out buton to stop single-stepring 11, Use a probe to check imermediate values on a wire as a VI rus. From he Tok te. st he Pae alo 2] i. {D. Use the Probe tool wo click any wire. The Probe Watch Window appears. “The Probe Watch Window displays al probes in ll Viscurrently in memory. This window sors the probes in the order you crete them And ist he probes under the VI they belong to Single-sep through the VI again. The Probe Watch Window Aispays data passed along the wie 12, Place breakpoints on the block diagram (> pause execution at that location, |B. Use the Breakpoint too! w click nodes or wits. Place a breakpoint ‘on the block diagram to pause execution uf all nodes on the Block diagram execute, Click the Run button to run the VI. When you reach breakpoint during execution, the VI pauses andthe Pause button on the toolbar appears te. Ww |G Click the Continue button to continue running tothe next, breakpoint or until the VI finishes urning. A. Use the Breakpoint ool to click the Weakpoins you set and remove them. 15. Click the Highlight Execution bution to ssale execution highlighting 14, Select FllesCtoseo cose te VI and allapen windows End of Exercise 3-2 ean oa {D. Click the Help button to display a topic in the LabVIEW Help that, series the error in detail and icles step-by-step instructions for comecting the eror. Click the Show Error bution or double-click the err description 10 highlight the aca onthe block diagram that contains the erro, 1D. Use the Eror list window to fix each error. Select FilesSave to sve the VI. Display the ont panel hy licking itor by selecting Window»Show Front Panel, (Click the Run button Select WindowsShow Block Diagram io display the block diagram. Animate the flow of data through the bleck diagram. D.Click the Highlight Execution button on the toolbar to enable execution highlighting, Click the Step Into bution to start single-sepping. Execution highlighting Shows the flow of data en the Block diagram from ‘ne node to another using bubbles tht move along the wires "Nodes blink to indicate they ae ready 1 execute. Click he Step Over button after eachnode to step through the entre block diagram, Each time you click the Step Over button the ‘current node executes and pauses atthe next node | Data appear onthe front panel as you step through the VI The VI ‘generates «random number and muhiplesit by 10.0. The subVI ‘adds 100 0 an calculates the square rot of the result, |G. When blinking border surrounds theentire block diagram, click the ‘Step Out button to sop single-stepping through the Debug Exereise (Main) VI Single-step through the VI and its subVL Click the Step Into bution o start single-stepping, | When the Debug Exercise (Su) VI blinks, click the Step Into ‘utton. Notice the Run buton onthe subVI enone Dna te 2. Display and examine the block diagram of Debug Exercise (Main) VI Select Window»Show Block Diagram to display the block diagram shown in Figure 3-2. aniontber mea Resi Figure 3-2. Debug Exercise (Maly) Block Diagram ~The Random Number (0-1) function produces random number between Dand 1 = The Multiply function moliplies the random aumber by 10.0. The numeric constants the number multiplied with the random number ~The Debug Exercise (Sub) VI, located inthe \ LabVIEW Core 1\pebugging\Supporting Files rectory, adds 100.0 and calculates the square root ofthe value 3. Cleanup the messy section ofthe block diagram to make the Block iagram more readable Click and drag your mouse cursortoseletthe Debug Exercise (Sub) Vand the function, constant, and inceator tothe right of the VI Click the Clean Up Seleetion butonon the toolbar, 4, Find and fix each error |B Click the broken Rum button to display the Error list window, which list all the errors Select an error description inthe Ero ist window. The Details ‘ection describes the eror and in sore cases recommends how to correct the err eee as Dos Exercise 3-2 Concept: Debugging Goal Use the debugging tots built into LabVIEW, Description ‘Complete the following steps to load a broken VI and correct the eros. Use single-stepping and execution highlighting to step through the VI 1. Open and examine the Debug Exercise (Main) VL Select FilesOpen, Open Debug Exercise (Hain) vi inthe \ LabVIEW Core 1\Debugging directory “The front panel showin in Figure 3-1 appears. ogee =a Be oops Seer Te Teo feouiee Le 8-1. Debug Exercise (Main Front Pane a |G Notice dhe Run button on the toolbar appears broken indicating that the VI is broken and cannot run, sen erty tgp 2. Place your mouse cursor over the Simulated frequency conto {D.Notice that the to! tp that appears matches the text youtyped inthe Tip field of the Description and Tip dialog box. D Click the Stop bution, LabVIEW Help 6, Use the LabVIEW Help to learn more information about the Filter Express VI 1. Select WindowsShow Block Diagram i open the block diagram ofthe Express Filter Vi Right-click the Filter Express VI and seloet Help from the shortcut, ‘menu. Thisopens the LabVIEW Helptopic for the Filter Express VI BB wee Tosco the LabVIEW Hep fortis, you can aio slat te Detaled Help Takin he Conte Help window while th Fie Expres VI ected orci he Question ma inthe Conon Help window: D.Explore the topic. For example, what isthe purpose of the Cato Frequency (Hz) dialog box opion? Close the LabVIEW Help window. 7. Close the Expres Filter VI when you finish, Do not save changes. End of Exercise 3-1 a tase Matson an ube ‘Anchor the Context Help window so that you can move your mouse ‘without the contents ofthe window changing. Toe Context Help window should show information about the Simulate Signal Express VI |G Move your mouseover the Simulate Signal Express VI |G Toanchor the context help window, select the Leck button inthe lower left corner ofthe window. @ tw Ate conten ofthe window change tefoe you lak the window, vid passing eurmouse over oe jects nthe wa othe Context lp window, Move te window tert the object of meres 1 ew Cones lp for ate |G Move your mouse over another objet. Notice the contents ofthe window do not change while the Lock button is selected. |G Deselect the Lack button o resume normal operation ofthe window Modify the Description and Tip associated with the Simulated frequency contralto change the content shown inthe Context Help window. Select Window»Show Front Panel 0 open the front panel of the VL “Move your mouse over the Simulated frequency coat ao Read the contents of the Context Help window. Right-click the Simulated frequency contol Select Description and Tip from the shortcut menu, coo Replace the text inthe "Simulated frequency” Deseription box withthe ext: This 2 the deseription of the control. C Replace the text inthe "Simulated frequency” lexi This is the tip for the control. ip box with the lick the OK bation. ‘Move your mouse over the Simulated frequency contr. co [Notice thatthe contents of the Context Help window changed t0 ‘match te ext you typed inthe Deseiption field ofthe Description and Tip dialog box. © Ron the Vi sor faa oa Enter express in the Enter keyword) field to find Vis that contain Express Vs |. Double-lick the Express result that appears inthe Double-click keywords) fel . Thiskeywordisassoeated with manyexample Vis as demonstrated by the number of Vis returmed. You can selet any one ofthese VIs and read the description in the Lnformation text box. |. Doubte-tick Express Filter 10 open it Context Help Window 3. Use the Context Help window co learn about the Express Vis used in the Express Filter VI Open the block diagram by selecting WindowsShow Block Diagram, |B. Open the Context Help window by selecting Help»Show Context Help, |. Move the Contest Help window toa convenient area where the window does not hide part ofthe block diagram. Place your mouse cursor over the Simaate Signal Express VI. The ‘Context Help window content changes show information about the object that your mouse is over. Move your mouse over another Expres VI. Node the Context Help ‘window content changes correspondirg othe location ofthe mouse |B. Move your mouse over one ofthe Tore Measurements Express VI Examine the configuration details inthe Context Help window. This ives you the information about how the Express VI is configured, © Double-click the Tone Measurements Express VI to opea the configuration dialog box. Notice that-he selections inthe «configuration dialog box match the information inthe Context Help ‘window. |D. Glick the OK bution to close the configuration dilog box. Troubleshooting and Debugging Vis Exercise 3-1 Concept: Using Help Goal ‘Become familiar with using the Context Help window, the LabVIEW Hep, tnd the NI Example Findet. Description This exercise consists ofa series of tasks designed to help you become familie with the LabVIEW Help tools. NI Example Finder 1. You have a DAQ device in your computer, and you wantto learn how (0 communicate wit it using LabVIEW. Use the NI Example Finder to finda Vi that communicates with a DAQ devi Open LabVIEW _Sclost Helps Find Examples to open the NI Example Finder Confirm tat he Task option i selected on the Browse tah DDovbleclick the Hardware Inpat and Output folder Select DAQm» Analog Measurements»Voltage ooaoca Select Aeq®Graph Voltage-Int Clk. Notice thata description of the VI is povided in he Information ex box so tha You can verity ‘hat this VI meets your needs 1 Double-lick Aeq&Graph Voltage-Int CIk.v 0 open the VI Chose the VI after you finish exploreg it ‘You want to learn more abou using Express VIs tite signals. Use the NI Example Finder to Find an appropriate VL The NI Example Finder should stil be open from the previous step not, open the NI Example Finder. Click the Seareh tab in the NI Example Finder sso 2 soa ase Notes eso? pg ane Notes i met ren oa ave ce ee Test 1. Switch to the front panel window ofthe I Set the graph properties to beable to view the sine wave, © Right-cick the waveform graph and select X SealerAutoseale X10 disable autoscaling, |G Righttck the waveform graph and sleet Visible ems» X Scrollbar to enable the X scale. {2 Use the labeling too to change the las number on the X Seale of the waveform graph © 1 3. Save the VL 4. Runthe Vi |G Click the Rum button on the fron par! tool. ‘The graph indicator should display’ a sine wave and the Average Value indicator should display «umber around zero. If the VI doesnot run as expected, review the implementation steps. 5, Close he VI. End of Exercise 2-5 sor? App |B. Glick the mouse button to star the wie Place the mouse cursor over the Sigma input ofthe Statistics Express VI and click the mouse button to end the wire 12, Wire the data the graph indicator 1 Place the mouse cursor over the data output wire ofthe DAQ Assistant (or te Sine ousp ofthe Simulate Signal Express VI) at the location where the cursor chanzes to the Wiring tol [D. Click the mouse bution to star the wie Place the mouse cursor over the Waveform Graph indicator and click the mouse button to end the wi 13, Wire the Arithmetie Mean output of the Statsties Express VIt0 the Average Value numeric indicator Place the mouse cunor over the Arithmetic Mean cutput of the Slatisties Express VI at the location where the cursor changes to the Wiring oo. {D. Click the mouse button to star the we. 1D. Place the mouse cursor over the Average Value numeric indicator and click the mouse buon end the wire 14, Wite the data output othe Signals inputof the Write Measurement File Express VI 1 Place the mouse cursor over the data outpt wire ofthe DAQ ‘Assistant or the Sine output ofthe Simulate Signal Express VI) atthe location where the cursor chanzes to the Wiring tol Click the mouse baton to star the wie F. Place the mouse cursor over the Signals input ofthe Write “Measurement File Express VI and click the mouse bution tend the BZ Wate Future exercises do not detail the directions for wiring between objects. 15, Save the VI 19. Determine the average value ofthe data acquired by using the Statistics Express VL the Function plete is not already open, select View»Functions Palette from the LabVIEW menu [© Collapse the Input palewe by selecting Express onthe Functions pale. 1D Select the Signal Analysis pale 1D. Select the Statisties Express VI and ald the Statistics Express Ito the block diagram tothe right ofthe DAQ Assistant. Wit forthe Sais Express VI disdog box 1 pen {2 Enable the Arithmetie mean checktox. 1 Gck the OK buon, 10. Log the generated sine data toa LabVIEW Measurement Fie Sele Express onthe Functions pate Select he Output category Select Write to Measurement File. a |Add the Write to Measurement Fil Express VI othe block diagram below the Statistics Express VI | Wait forthe Write to Measurement File Express VI dialog box to open, Leave all settings as default, D Glick the O button, Bots For execs donot el he restos fer ting pce fons or foe spake as spacer can bee rau gal aed tans fictots and consi 1H Wie the dat from the DAQ Assistant (or Simulate Signal Express VI) to the Statistics Express VL Place the mouse cursor over the daa ousput of the DAQ Assistant (the Sine ouspu of the Simulate Signal Express VI atthe location ‘where the cursor changes tothe Wiring too soe? mono VEN 18. Acquire sine wave for 0.1 seconds. Ifyou have hardware installed, follow the instructions inthe Hardware Installed columa to acquire the data using the DAQ Assistant If you do nt have hardware insalled, follow the instructions inthe No Hardware Installed column to simulate the acquis tion using the Simulate Signal Express VI Hardware Installed [No Hardware Installed 1. Onthe Functions plete, selet the 1. On the Functions palette, sleet the Express category Express caezory 2. Select Input from the Express category. | 2. Select Input from the Express category 3, Seleetthe DAQ Assistant from the Input | 3. Selec Simulate Signal from the Input category category. 4 Place the DAQ Assistant on the Block | 4. Place the Simulate Signal Express VI on| iagram. the block aigram, ‘5, Wait forthe DAQ Assistant dialog box | 5, Walt for the Simulate Signal dialog box vo open toopen, 6, Select Acquire Signals»Analog Input» | 6. Select Sine for the signal type Voltage forthe measurement type, 7, Select ail (analog input channel 1 for | 7. Set the signa frequency 0 100. the physical channel ‘8 Click the Finish buon. ‘8 To the Timing section, set the Samples per second (Hz) t0 1000, 9, Inthe Timing Settings section, select | 9. Inthe Timing section, deselect 1N Samples as the Acquisition Mode. Automatic for the Number of samples. 10, In the Timing Seuings section enter 100. | 10. tn the Timing section, set the Number in Samples To Read. cof samples to 100. 11, Bnter 2000 in Rate (Hz). 11, Select the Simulate acquisition timing selection 12, Clik the OK button, 12, Click the OK button. g Tip Reading 100 samples a tc of 1,000 He retrieves 0.1 seconds worth of data. 1D Select the Numeric Indicators category from within the Express category 2 Select the Numeric Indicator. |. Place the indicator on the font pane Enter average value in the late of the numeric indicator. Tn the following steps, you build a block diagram similar tothe one i Figure 2-10, Figure 210, Acquire, Analyze, and Present Block Diagram 77. Open the block diagram of the VI Select Window»Show Block Diagram, FZ Nlote The terminals coresponding o the new front panel window objects appear on the block diagram, Inthe folow Swe the Vias Simple ARP. vi, Select FilesSave. Navigate wo the Name the VI sim 8 Click OK. steps, you wil build a front panel window similar tothe one in Figure 2-9, Figure 2-9, Acquire, Analy and Present Font Pane Window Adda wavelorm graph to the fron panel window to dsplay'the acquired ata, 1 ViewsControls Ir the Controls plete isnot already open se Palette from the LabVIEW mens, On the Controls pate, select the Express ca Select the Graph Indicators category fom within the Express Sclet the Waveform Graph Add the graph tothe front panel window Aad « numeri indicator tothe front panel window to display the average vale Collapse the Graph Indicators categeny by selecting Express onthe Controls plete sno? Atv 0 Sigs ooo HE : ee0n9eses0009 pecesccen — Figure 28. Connection ore BNC-2120 2 Open LabVIEW, 3. Opens blank VI. Implementation ason? apy Prepare your hardware to generate a sine wave, Ifyou ae no using hardware, skip o step 2. Find the DAQ Signal Accessory or BNC-2120 and visually confirm that itis connected tothe DAQ devie in your computer. Using a wire of BNC cable, connect ne Analog In Channel | to the ‘Sine Function Generator, % shown is Figure 2-7 or Figure 2-8 Sette Frequency Range (Selection) switch andthe Frequency Adjust kool to their lowest levels. “waa 2 Be OM l= f 2 = i 3 } i e ott Font E 999 nD a) Ube Sen NRE | Figure 2-7. Connection forthe DAD Sigal Accessory Program Architecture—Quiz Answers 1 Acquire: Use the DAQ Assistant to aequre the sine wave from the data scquisition device. Analyze: Use the Statistics Express VIo determine the average value ‘ofthe sine wave. Because this signal is eclical, you could also use the Cycle Average option in the Amplitude and Level Measurements [Express VI to determine the average vale of the sine wave. Present: Use the Write to Measurement File Express VI log the data tnd use the Waveform Graph to display the data on the front pane ‘window. lemon? en a 3, Present: Citcle the Express Vis andor indicators that ae best suited to \, LABVIEW Core 1\Dataflow directory BB tate ttyouar opening he exe rom win LabVIEW, let ATFs fom the Fes or ype op down men, 2, Follow the instructions given. This simulstion demonstrates dataflow. End of Exercise 2-4 9, Wire the Number of Measurements ternina othe count terminal of the For Loop using the Wiring 100 |G. Move the cursor othe Number of Measurements terminal 2 |B. Move the cursor tothe right ofthe te-minal, stopping when the ‘cursor changes toa wiring spool, as shown atl Click to star the wite 1D. Move the cursor tothe count (N) ferrinal of the For Loop, a ©. Glick the coun terminal to end the wie. a 10. Click the Run burton to run the VL “The time required to excout this VI is equivalent to Number of| “Measurements times Delay (See), When the VI s finished executing the daa is displayed on the Temperature Graph. 11. Try moving other objects, deleting wires and rewiring them, and wiring ‘objects and wires together until you are comforable with using these took. 12, Selet File»Close o close the VI and click the Don't save ~ A button. You do not need to save the VI End of Exercise 2-3 seo? rogue 5. Change the value ofthe pointer on the horizontal pointer slide using the Operating tool |. Move the cursor to the pointer on the slide, th 2. When the cursor changes to the Operating tool icon, shown at eh, ress the mouse button and dag tothe value you wat Sethe value 1 2 6. Try changing the value of objects, resizirg objects, and renaming ‘objects until you ee comfortable with using these tools Figure 2-5 shows an example ofthe block diagram as it appears after your ‘modifications, You move the Number of Measurements terminal and wire ‘the terminal wo the count terminal oF the For -009. Figure 2-5. Using Temperature V Block Diagram 7. Open the block digrain. |S. Move the Number of Measurements tenninal using the Positioning 100. Move the cursor tothe Number of Measurements ternal {B_ Move the cursor the terminal unl he cursor changes oan aro & asshown ate |. Click and drag the terminal othe nev location as show in| Figure 2, 2. Expand the waveform graph horizontally using the Positioning too. Move the cursor othe lft edge of the Waveform Graph, Move the cursor tothe middle lft revizing node ntl the cursor changes toa double arrow, as shown in Figure 2-4 a oor = as Figure 2-4, Resize Wavelomn Graph rag the repositioning point until he yu want faveform Graph isthe si 3. Rename the numeric controltoxusbar of Measurements using the Labeling Tool Move the cursor tothe txt Double click the word ux a Fer the text amber of Mes a ‘Complete the etry by clicking the Enter Text button on the tool, ‘orclicking outside the contol Tange the value of the Number of Measurements contol 1020 using the Labeling too Move the cursor tothe interior ofthe numeric contr When the eursor changes tothe click the mouse button. being tool icon, as shown ate, Ener the text 20, Complete the entry by pressing the ey on the numeric ‘eypad, clicking the Enter Text baton on the toolbar, or clicking ‘outside the conto Exercise 2-3 Goal Description Concept: Selecting a Tool Become familiar wit uiomati tool selection in LabVIEW. Du block diagram, These asks g this exercise, you complete kin apatally built front pane and 1. Open Open LabVIEW Select FilesOpen. Navigate to the <2x © Select vei Temp vi and elick OK. Figun sample of the front pare sit appeats after your modifications. You increase te sizeof the waveform graph, rename numeric conto, change the value ofthe nuinerie contol, nd move the pointer onthe horizontal pointer slide, fame a Par Figure 23. Using TempectureVI Font Perel leo? Aa ne |G. Hover your mouseover the first result in the Paete section, Random Number (0-1), This gives vou tree options = Drop—allows you to place this fanction immediately on the block diagram = Find—locstes the function in the fanetons plete = Help—which rings up the help opie fr this aneton “Tey clicking each ofthese options 6, Practice accessing similar function. Pace an Ad function onthe Book agra. Right-click the Add function and nace that a Numeric palo is available, 'D. Praetce placing functions from the Numeric palete on the block sfiagram. End of Exercise 2-2 sno? Avago Exercise 2-2 Goal Description Concept: Navigating Palettes [Leam to find eontols and functions 1. Open a blank Vi and see window: w»Controls Palette onthe front panel 2. Explore the Contos palette. D. Glick the Search buton. DD Type string control 1 Click a search result and drag it tothe font panel window to place the object. 3. Open the block diagram and seleet ViewsFunetions Palette, 4. Explore the Functions palete D. Phace the DAQ Assistant VI in the Favorites Category. = Loca the DAQ Assistant VI = On the Measurement /O»NI-DAQmnx subpalete, right-click the DAQ Assistant VIand select Add Ttem to Favorites from the shortcut men. ~ Notice thatthe Favorites category on the Functions palete now contains the DAQ Assistant VI 5. Practice using the global search feature Type Random inthe Search arin theuppe right hand comer of the block diagram, Bate Te hota search automat os for matches nthe LabVIEW Help and Pena ax ou ae ppg you pet cEale wl ao sen folio atl ‘lado your ey eran? tpang ne |G Foreach input, compare the given outputs tothe outputs iste in ‘Table 2-1. Ifthe VI works correctly hey should match, Tavle2-1. Testing Vales for Seconds Breakdown Input Output O seconds O hours, Ominues. 0 seconds ‘0 seconds O hours, minute, 0 seconds "3600 seconds hour O minutes, 0 seconds 3665 seconds T hour, Tint, 5 seconds End of Exercise 2-1 sso? Apap ve ‘To verify that you identi all tems corral, see Figures 2-1 and 2-2. Figure 2-1. Front Pare! tems Ee) igre 22, Blok Dagrm heme ‘5. Test the VI sing the vals given in Table 2-1, 2 Enter the input value inthe Total Time fn Seconds contr Click the Rum but. Navigating LabVIEW Exercise 2-1 Goal Description Concept: Exploring a VI Iventity the pans of an existing VI You received VI from an employee that takes the seconds unt a plane arrives alan airport and converts the time into a combination of hhoutsiminutesseconds, You rst evaluate this VI to se fit works as expected and can display the remaining time until the plane ative 1. Open seconds inthe czxer: abs sxplering A VI directory 2 On the front panel, identify the following items: Contr © Indicator Run button Icon ooo Connector Pane “To view the front panel and block disgram atthe same time, select Window Tile Up and Down or WindowsTile Left and Right. 4, Onthe block diagram, identify the Following items o Como! Indicator Constant ocoa Free Label oe Sag pr ae Notes [==] Coe) Figure 1-8. Communication with te GPIB instrument Enter exsumevouracs: 0c? in Send String and click the Query button. The NI Instrument Simulator eturns a simulated voltage Click the Query buton again to rtum a different valve. Click the Exit button when done. 5. Seta VISA alias of deveim forthe NI Instrument Simulator so you can use the alias instead of having to remembor the primary address. | While metrument 0s selected in MAX, select the VISA, Properties ia. |. Emer daveimin the VISA Alias on My System ld. You use this alas later inthe course. 6, Select FilesExit to exit MAX, 11. Click Yes when prompted to save the instrument End of Exercise 1-2 on nme Cogn os Lanne con oer son) Seep pr ae ‘Launch MAX by either double-clicking the ican on the desktop or by selecting Tools» Measurement & Automation Explorer in LabVIEW. 3. View the settings for the GPIB interface, |B Expand the Devices and Interfaces section o display the installed intertaces. Ia GPIB interface is listed, the NI-AS8.2 software is correctly loaded onthe computer Select the GPIB interface. [2 Examine but do not change the settings forthe GPIB interface 4. Communicate with the GPIB instrument |B. Make sure the GPIB interface is sil selected inthe Devices and Interfaces section. {D.Click the Scan for Instruments buon onthe toolbar 1D. Expand the GPIB interface that is selected in the Devices and Interfaces section. One instrument nemed Znetzumes 0 appears. 1 Glick mnstrument 0 to display infermation about iin the right pane of MAX. Notice the NI Instrument Simulator has a GPIB Primary address (PAD) |D Click the Communicate with Instrument bution on the toolbar ‘An interactive window appears, You can use itt query. write, and read from that instrument. Enver +200 in Send String and clic the Query button ‘The instrument returns is make and model number in String Received as shown in Figure 18. Youcan use this window to debug. instrument problems of verify that specific commands work as described inthe instrument documentation, (asor? iy tp eam Click Next 2 Giick Update |B Glick Back to return and configure the Serial settings. Select Change Serial Settings and click Next, |G Matc the serials setings tothe settings shown in Figure 1-7. in nme pein 17. Nl instrument Simulzor Ward Settings Click Next (lick Update Click OK, coco Power off the NI Instrument Simulator using the power switch onthe front ofthe uni a Set the configuration switch on the rar panel 1o NORM. o Power onthe NHostrument Simulator using the power switeh onthe front ofthe uni (D. Verify that both the PWR and RDY LEDS are it sno som pra oun Exercise 1-2 Concept: GPIB Configuration with MAX i=" Goal mulaor and use MAX to examine terface senings, detect insrumests, and communicate with an Lear to configure the NI Instrument the GPIB Des 1. Configure the NI instrument Simulator Power off the NI Instrument Simulator Set the coatiguation switch onthe rear panel CEG, shown in Figure 1-6 7 Figure 1-6. nsrument Simulator ©. Poweron the NTasrument Simulatorusing the power swite on the front ofthe unit Verify thatthe PWR LED is it and the RDY LED is lashing a Launch the NLstrument Simulsior Wizard from Start» Programs-National Instruments»Iastrument Simulator Wirard Click Next, Click Next. Select GPIB Interface snd cick Next. Select Change GPUB Settings and clck Newt Select Single Instrument Mode and click Next. ‘Set GPIB Primary Address to 3 ccocooa Set GPIB Secondary Address to 0 {eisai 0 Right-click the Seales section and seect Create New from the shortcut men Select NEDAQmn Seale. Click Next Select Linear Name the sale Temperature lick Fi coaoaa ‘Change the Scaling Parameter Slopeto 100. Enter Ce1ssus inthe Sealed bon, co (Click the Save button on th tootbar‘o save the sale. You use this scale in ater exercises (Close MAX by selecting FilexExit End of Exercise 1-1 Figure 1-4, Digital VO Ure Direction you have ardware installed, lick the Counter HO tab to Find Instrument Drivers directs you to drop dow the Tools menu, select the Instrumentation item, and finally select the Find Instrument Drivers psi. ‘This ion denotes ati, which alerts you to advisory information. ‘This icon denotes a note, which alerts you to important information This ion denotes a caution, which advises you of precautions to take 10 avoid injury, data loss o system crash, ‘This ion indicates that an exercise requires plug-in GPIB interface oF DAQ device Bold text denotes items that you must select or click i the software, such as ‘menu items and dialog box options. Bold textalso denotes section of dialog boxes and hardware labels Tali text denotes variables, emphasis, a ross-reference, ofan introduction ‘okey concept, Iie ex also denotes text tat sa placeholder fr a word ‘or value that you must supply. ‘Teatinthis font denotes text or characters that you ener from the keyboard, sections of code, programming examples, and syntax examples. This font also is used fr the proper names of disk drives paths, directories, programs, subprograms, subroutines, devie names, functions, operations, variables, Slenames, and extensions Bold text i this font denotes the messages and responses that the computer automatically prints to the sereen. This font aso emphasizes lines of code ‘that are diferent from the ether examples. E. Course Goals ‘This course prepares you to do the following + Understand front panels lock diagrams, icons, and connector panes + Use the programming structures and dats types that exist in LabVIEW ‘+ Use various editing and debugeing techniques + Create and save Vis so you can use them 3s subVIS + Display and log data + Create applications that use plug-in DAQ devices + Create applications that use serial port and GPIB insteuments This course does nor describe the following: + Bvery builtin VI unetion, or object reer the LabVIEW Help for more information about LabVIEW features not described inthis course + Analog-o-igital (A/D) theory + Operation ofthe serial port, + Operation ofthe GPIB bus + Developing an instrument diver + Developing a complete application for any student in the class refer to the NI Example Finder, avaiable by selecting Help» Find Examples, for example Vis you can use and incorporate into Vis you create © ttm Cg . eth coe woe NU Insteument Simulator Wizard installed from the NI Instrument Simulator software CD D. LabVIEW Core I course CD, which isis the following folders: Directory Description Foldet for saving Vis created during the course and for completing cerain couse exercises; also Includes subVIs necessary for some exerises and ip file (Xx Instrument Containing the LabVIEW instrument driver for the NU nsrument Simulator Solutions Contains the solutions i all the course exercises D. Installing the Course Software Complete the following steps to install the course software. 1, Insert the course CD in your computer. Tae LabVIEW Core 1 Course Setup dialog box appears 2 Click Install the course materials, 3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete installation ad setup, Exercise files are located in the \LabVIEW Core 1\ folder BB Wate Folder namesinangletrakes,sshas Exercises, referers nthe rot directory of your computer C. What You Need to Get Started Suggested Reading Course Materials “The suggested reading materials ensure thatall stents have a minimum knowledge of key theories und concepts related tothe LabVIEW Core 1 course To get the mos out o his couse, complet al the suggested reading ‘materi “To access each ofthe following suggested reading materials refer to ‘AL .com/ nto and enter the Info Code thal coresponds to cach topic: LabVIEW Core I- The Software Develorment Method (nfo Code: softer) D Invroduetion to Data Acquisition (Info Code: DxQ) GPIB Instrument Control Tutorial (nfo Code: 6Pz8) Serial Communication Overview (Info Code: Serial) Before you begin this course, ensure you hae all he following items: Windows XP or installed on your computer |G. Malifunetion DAQ device configured a: Dev: using Measurement & ‘Automation Explorer (MAX) DAG Signal Accessory or BNC-2120, wires, and cable © GPIB merce NI Instrument Simulator and power suply {2 LabVIEW Full or Professional Developrent System 2011 of ater 2 DAQMS9.35 or later OF Ne##8.228.1 or liter © NIVISA 5.1 or lace A serial cable 2 AGPIB cable B. Course Description ‘The LabVIEW Core J course teaches you programming concepts, techniques, features, Vis, and funetions you ean use 0 create test and measurement data acquisition, instrument conto, datalogging ‘measurement analysis, and report generator applications. This course assumes that you are familiar with Windows and that you have experience Writing algorithms inthe form of flowchart or block diagrams. The course and exercise manuals ate divided ino lessor, described as follows, Inthe course manual, each lesson consists othe following ‘+ Am introduction that describes the purpose ofthe lesson and what you will learn + A description of the topics in the lesson ‘+A summary quiz that tests and reinforces important concepts and skills taught in the lesson Inthe exercise manual, each lesson consists af the following + Asetof exereises to reinforce those topes ‘+ Some lessons include optional and challenge exercise sections or set of additional exereises to complete ime permits BZ Note Forcourse and exercise manual updates and corrections, refer toni .con/into and enter he Info Cade core Several exercises use one ofthe following National Instruments hardware products: + A plug-in multifunction data aquisition (DAQ) device connected 10 ‘4 DAQ Signal Accessory or BNC-2120 ccntaning temperature sensor, function generator, and LEDs + A GPIB interface connected to an NI Insiumeat Simulator If you do not have this hardware, you still ean complete dhe exercises. Alternate instuctions are provided for completing the exercises without hardware. Exereises that explicitly require hardware ate indicated with Aan ico, shown at left You also can substitute ther hardware fr those previously mentioned, For example, you can use a GPIB instrument place ofthe NI Instrument Simulator, or ancther National Instruments DAQ device connected to signal source, scat funetion generator Student Guide “Thank you for purchasing the LabVIEW Core I course kt. You can begin developing un application soon after you complete the exercises in this ‘munual, This exereise manual andthe accompanying course man and software are used in the three-day hands-on LabVIEW Core I course. ‘You can apply the full purchase ofthis cours kit toward the corresponding course repitation fe if you register within 90 days of purchasing the kit Visitni con /training for online couse schedules, syllabi taining centers, and lass registration ation ‘The LabVIEW Core I cours is par of series of courses designed to build your proficieney with LabVIEW and help yu prepare forthe NI Certified [LabVIEW Associate Developer exam. The following illustration shows the ‘urses that re part ofthe LabVIEW taining series. Referto ni. com/ trading for mote information sboat NI Certification | ‘anvieW Gare “anviEW Core ‘Managing Stare Sees a Terma] | mepattee — ra vine a ENR Late oct to eee Lesson Relating Data Exercise 5-1 Concept: Manipulating Arays Exercise 52 Concept: Closers Exercise $3 Concept Type Definition Lesson 6 ‘Managing Resources Exercise 6-1 Concept: Spreadsheet Example VI Exercise 62 Temperature Log VI Exercise 6-3 Using DAQMA. Exercise 64 Concept: NI Devsini VI Lesson 7 Developing Modular Applications Exercise 7-1. Determine Warnings VI Lesson 8 Common Design Techniques and Patterns Exercise 1 State Machine VI : Lesson 9 Using Variables Exercise 9-1 Local Variable VI soso Exercise 9.2 Global Data Project : Exercise 9-3 Concept: Bank VI : Appendix A Measurement Fundamentals Exercise A-l. Concepts: Measurement Fundamentals. Appendix B Additional Information and Resources ot os 67 ell mA #1 94 9.40 9.17 Contents ‘Student Guide ‘A. Ni Centiication, B, Course Deseription ©. What You Need to Get Staned 1D. Installing the Course Software E, Course Goals. F. Course Conventions Lesson 1 Setting Up Your Hardware [Exercise I-l Concept: Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), Exercise 1-2 Concept: GPIB Configuration with MAX. Lesson 2 Navigating LabVIEW Exercise 2-1 Concept: Exploring a VL Exercise 22 Concept: Navigating Palewes.. Exercise 23 Concept: Selecting a Too! Exercise 24 Concept: Dataflow Exercise 25 Simple AAP VL Lesson 3 Troubleshooting and Debugging Vis Exerese 3-1 Concept Using Help - Exercise 32 Concept: Debugging. Lesson 4 Implementing a VI Exercise 4-1 Determine Warnings VI Exercise 42 Auto Match VI Exereise 43 Concept: While Loops versus For Loops Exercise 44 Average Temperature VI - Exercise 45 Temperature Multplot VI - Exercise 445 Determine Warnings VI Exervise 4.7 Self-Study: Square Root VI Exercie 48 Self Study: Determine Wamings VI (Challenge) Exercite 49 Self-Study: Determine More Warnings VI. 41 48 15 418 432 4:36 438 Worldwide etnies Senora Pras nrmaton Words Oat Volta cop/nigisbal ace te barchalce Nese, hich roid 0-4 ont ifr. spent te ata nstmens Grate Hearts SIO Na) Mopac Expresinay Ashi Teas H759.350 USA Te 126830100 erat nisin be Ai fon Resp, To me Na eet LabVIEW™ Core 1 Exercises Course Software Version 2011 ‘August 2011 Edition Part Number 3252916-01 copra (2 on9-2011 tan roars Cpr, Migs sen nr cosh ss pbicaon may at eee anid any tm, crn or ean nh rater, steng wn rat eet stn. ans, nung wtp arn coset torrets Cora, ‘eo! srumant peste secu popany ot chars and kur st te same Maar pec ‘Spree anata inactropry as Where stray be eo eed ver teal gi ‘Ae, you ay tare oy era mae at ou ray erode Soraaer ine ws cary ape Nowa ora rast, For emporns vain US] Ores es, CU, MOS, Snga nt STLsom eae enya spans wo Fora Isms ote conon nd extant ne Seco tgnte-ehn he Costner soon. Ares. Tsproau nates otal vas ley hace Stared se iw. aoche.004) Capi 189 The ete ature Frazee lees ste. "GU Capo 5-200 nora user ches arto sn aur A sss HORS, NCSA HFS rent ona Fora) Sate ay ad Us Capo a8, 98 700,20, 200 Bas a ss he nary tos. is seve 6 Cori © 204-206 Mute Won ard Sis Sota. ABR Roses ‘Seay The soa nde Sin sear ep Rogue Wave Stare ein Osa, apn 185700 Cuong se. Tia cop 29-200 Bors Fm Tense {DE on tuna cam hea ners prop, a ge ae agent Inari arpeson rater ma ineomter st cones Mansa Ves erect al tesa Peo Programa ere ee net rm Me erat sae toapewy pas oer ership wat Rao tes toe Foros ong ttre etna pods te spp es: Melates cur stu fhepacence excl en yas mei re tna ntumens xt Noera capac

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