Mind Map Tesl Teaching Grammar Through Games

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 Games allowing the students to practice and
internalise vocabulary, grammar and
structures extensively
- students are focused on the activity and
Don’t just pick something to
end up absorbing the language
be a “time filler. These
games may entertain the
students, but when you
 Game increases the cooperation and
don’t have much time with
them each day How and Why to Teach competition in the classroom.
- games to add excitement through
Have a clear linguistic outcome for Children Grammar competition / bonding among teacher &
each game.
with Games
 Games are amusing and highly motivating &
I. Game can be a listening game
allow meaningful use of the language in
to allow the students to
repeatedly hear a new
grammatical structure in use
 Games as a tools to encourage their intrinsic
II. Speaking game to allow
motivation. If these games are good then
practise of the grammar once
they will be learning while they are playing.
it has been absorbed through
listening beforehand
 Game helps activate the students’ mental
capacities and stimulate neural networks,
A maximum of students are involved
thus promoting learning and retention by
simultaneously. Avoid a game where
their movements in playing games
only one child is speaking at a time if
- students can stand up, sit down, move
you have 30 students. Choose
various body parts and pass things around
suitable games for many particpants
to each other

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